■— - « mumsmßrnxtT — AT — _ MfUStl ■miiUM n« «*• to mUM u4 w>»ul|liM «•' IMhMlia which MafKiSc nabrr •liMrfkwh will k Lrkgd -till UwfcwH *>Mll»n Tirf — Umt MMMhrtMO|M«ink>ctair4tna- W n ■ ■ i ii "—'**- "» nkr n imiii ' it-KX «o fce «M.tai a> at»r»tre of ■»>'"•» Wwk tack omr taarrtioa H«nK —Wi i|»i ■! laiirt'-- "T " MMlnkjonUilw ■ *«.)»>.• Umt. Owhi orchiairof Hilt knmt mat be ta this ate mot blri tkM flooA VHA * IN ADTAMCF. MmitUktlMOSnil VII *.C» tealClM IUI MXltr. FEIDAY,JANUARY 3, 1902. Doutlesa there are aspirant* who think it is a long time be tween Cabinet appoinments. Ift is no violation of confi ddence to say that Col. Watter aon's editorial utterances are not popular at the White llouse. Yes, there is inorc than one man who is willing to monop olize the hero business. There is a disposition in Bome quarters to change Book er Washington's name to Office Broker Washington. Notwithstanding the many outside pointers, Secretary Long still seems to he short on resignations. The red lights may l»e less numerous in New York, but the halos arc not yet visible to the naked eye. : _ Mr. Brooke Adam?, of Mass., in a speech before the Amari can Economic Association, in Washington, predicted future trouble for us on account of the decrease of the purchasing power of Europe Ohio wishes South Carolina to distinctly understand that it has no license to monopolize Senatorial scrapping. , The British government also run* to commissions. It has appointed one to look into the eo\l supply of the empire. The treasury of a Missionary Society has gone to dicker with the Bulgarian brigands for Miss Stone's release. Sup pose they should take a notion to kidnap him, too? Eloping is dangerous in Ala bama, where a father shot a maii who went to elope with his daughter, as well as a friend who was with him. The coat of living in Wash ington having materially in creased, the undertakers of the city have increased the coat of dying by raising the prices for use of hearses and carriages at funerals. W : . J An exchange uses half a col man to ask ir merit in the pub lic service is always rewarded. Certainly . brother, if it can produoc enough "pull." Come again! always glad to give in formation* lowa mustn't get giddy and torn ap her nose at sister States because die has so many good things in the official line two ■Maibera of the Cabinet, ' the Opeakeisliip of the houae. and the chairmanship of the Sen ate committee on Appropria- ► •• New York's uew municipal gorerment has taken cliarge, but visitors to the city do not find it ran on Sunday—school ideas, and those hunting for goldbricks can still find them. The Washington Post says there will be no more Cabinet Changes for some time, but it said something similar iu3t be fore the recent announcement of changes. It is just barely possibie that the Post doesn't know. Senator Mason would better not be too precipitate in as sisting those wiio are fighting reforms in the carrying of eec ond-cla-s mail. It is likely to be more dangerous than profit able. The death of Senator Sewell, of New Jersey, on Friday leaves a va cancy in the Senatorial represent ation from that State and aired/ there is speculation as to' who will be his successor. It is believed here that the Governor will appoint a Senator pro tern to occupy Senator Sewell's seat until the legisla'ute shall have elected his successor. Congressmen John Gardiner and Henry C. Loudenslager are both spoken of as probabilities. Minister Wu Ting Fang has filed with the Secretary of State a protest against the re enactment of the Chi nese exclusion act and his letter will doubtless be fowarded to Con gress and referred to the Committee on foreign relations. There is evej■ reason to assume that the b;ll will l>e promptly re-enated, the only changes likely l»emg of »uch admin istraive details as would make it more effective, but Mr. Wu is him-, self held in such high regard that the Secretary of Stittviii doubtless fee. 30, 1901. bespeak for hi in a hearing by the Perhaps never before have Christ- Committee, mas festivities in the White House The State IXrpartm nt has recciv reached the informal and almost e ,j a communication from United uproarious stage that they attained States Minister Wilson, at Santiago this year. After the noonday lun- J c Chili, in which be says that the cheon the President and h:s family Argenttne-C&ili controversy n-ay went to the h.use of Commander i>e regarded as settled for the time Cowles where, with their young j |>eing if uot f.;r all lime. I)r. Gar cousin, the Rosevelt children enjoy cia Mero i, the Argentine Minister ed agreat Christmas tree laden with j„ Washington, says that his coun inany gifts. The Preident atid his ( f y | jas made ma erial conces*io: s oldest son accompanied by two Chili in order to preserve peace gentleman who were alaying- at hnt hc+ei r-ves thatter* —better to the White llouse then went f;r a concede-certain rights than to pre long ride but all returned in time cipitate what must have bten a pro to. dress for dinner at seven o clock, longed and bloody struggle. m A'liong the guests were Senator 'Hie President, following the ex and Mrs. Lodge and theirson. Miss am p| c 0 f his predecessors, lus al Carew, Captain Davis, Mr. and Mrs. ri . a jj set aside a tract of laud for Adams and t. ommander and Mrs, forest-reserve purjHMes. This re- Cowles. , serve is located along the botinda- (Sen. Chaffee seems inclined to think that the Filipinos re semble American Indians in one respect the only good ones are dead ones. The Nebraska men who had a ftock broker arrested charg ed with "maintaining and oper ating gambling devices" is on the right track, although the courts may not decide in his f.i- Tor. WASHINGTON LETTER (From our iriular Correspondent ) After dinner the party entered the big East room and the Presi dent ordered the attending Orchres tra to play Hie Virginia Retl. He chose Mrs. Cowries as his partner and they lead the dance. Mi Rose velt chasseed. ' balanced all" s'de stepped and cut pigeon wing# until the ladies almost had hysterics and the youngsters howled with merri ment The Orchrestra then started to play "Whistling Rufus" and im mediately the President started a cakewalk insisting that all join in.. His buck and wing steps would have done credit to a Washington professional cake-walker but young Lodge out stepped him and appre ciating that fact Mr. RoseVelt made him lead. Referring to the man's performance one of the dus ky attendants at the White Hou e said " Dat da young Mr. Lodge is su'tinly de bestest cake-walker I done see but law, ypu ought to see de Presiden*.- He su'tinly make dem other white folks pick up dey Ceet" The day o'ter Christmas Mrs Rosevelt and Doctor Rixcy and the children, with the exception ofj Miss Alice, went down t-.c river on the Dolphin. Theodore Rosevelt. Jr. h3«l a new gun and was count ing on a great slaughter of canvas backs but so far none have be n received at the White Ilonse. The President is giving a serial of small dinners tphis particular friends but he has given out that lie will sec no.on? on luiisne?s unless it is ofrtt l au>«t pressing natrue. «. The advent pf Governor Shaw into the Cabinet-cucVe j» anticipa- ted with a good liNft* of pleasuru. Mr. Gage has heen in mourning since the death of his wife which has, of course precluded entertain- ing. The families of Secretary Hay and Secretary Long are also in mourning so that the list of houae extending formal hospitality- has been consiikraUy j)arrowed down. Governor Shaw is wealthy and his wife is said to be socially ambitious, so that it 4s e* peeled that he will take a large house -nd that his entertainments will be fre- (juent and elaborate. Senator Oepev must feel himself •—•"v THE ENTERPRISR, WILLtAHSTOK, K. G., FRIDAY. JANUARY 3 .1902. a roy mocb married man, as be has been through three wedding ceremonies. According to the French law. there must be a civil marriage apart from the religious ceremony and accordingly the Sen ator and his bride drore to the United State Consulate on Friday and wtre civilly married,the license having been signed by President Roosevelt h'msdf. On Saturday morning the happy couple were married at tea o'clock at the church of Notre Dame, M ss Palmer being a Roman Catholic, and at eleven o'clock tl*ey were again married at the Episcopal c.urch out of respect to the Senator's religious convic tions ries of Idaho an-l Montana and will aggregiate over one million acres. It will be knowu a. the KoOntenai forest reseivx Mr. Roosevelt also, it wi I be remembered; made an earnest recommendation to Con gres to set apart a very lanje area in the Southern States to be known as the Appala hian forest "reserve. Representative Francis C. New lands cf Nevada gave a dinner at the new Williards'on the evening after Christmas to about fifty mem bers of Congress and at which Sec retary of Agri culture Wil on Was the guest of honor. Ihe affair was ■lanifestly in the interest of irriga tion legislation for -the Western States and it is said to have made many friends. Mr. Wilson who is known to be in close touch with the views of the President on this subject, made the address of the evening. He devoted hiniselt to a refutation of the idea that the irriga tion of the Western lan is wou'd add to the competition of the Eas tern farmers. He even argued that Eastern farmers would l>e benciat cd l>y the movement. He said that fci La 1 seen aflht ta'ik d with many Keprcseu tallies fr, in 'he Vast and that he had nia3e many conyyts Mr. said that the friends of the movement had ft rru>! jiupor tant champion in the person cf Kb presentative Cannon who, as Chair man of the House Committee on appropriations, would tvirld great influence. He said that Mr. Can non was in tavor of 4 bill which wou'.d provide for thi starting pf the aci"*' work of irrigating the arid lands. k mm Loyalty to one's tow n is n*»*s sarv to its success. |f one doesn't like the place he lives in let him go elsewhere. That's his privilege. But the man who is eternally croaking, the chronic kicker ought to be banished forever. He is a nui- Wjnsfon journal. 1 St«s ttaCutf art Ms iff tte GaM Laxative Bromc Quinine Tablets euro a cold in one day. No Core uo I*ay. price ij ctal*. _ 7 _as Mexican wm "o®/ IM rf bwt, mm " ,■" !»■■>— Hood and Beratcb-to bor llustanf rmnmmnrju. -S - % ■ * • £ Xtoad under a harrow - * ruffers no more than the faithful horse that i» tortnred with Spavin*, Swinney, Harness Sores, Sprains, etc. Most home owners know this I and apply the kind of Fymjtathy that heals, kuowu > fur and wide as * t Mexican Mustang 1 Liniment.' x T* " , New fails—not even in the most aggravated cases. . Curw caked wider in cows qaickcr than any known ranedy. ,Hardly a disease |iccaliar to rniucic, skin or joints that cannot be cured by it K *• thn U remedy on tho market for 111 A. Hfjraii»a»dHkin bunp& Mustang McOfFPIK'S T ISTKLKM CIUI. CfRK will cure chills Ac all malaria troulile*. OJ money rrluri'lcil Junnb. ■*' Even the press agents of the theatrical stars are taking ad vantage of Aliniral Sehley's great |>opuiarity 10 quote ap proving words from liiin for their particular stars. Con gress being neither deaf nor blind must understand the sit uation. A POINTER FOR IIVENTCRS j If yoo wish your patent biranra-prop erlrand promptlr done tend it, to S\V I IT" & CO., PATENT LAWYERS, opposite I*. S. l'ateut Office. Washington. 1> C. They have no livw»tUfiel dirnt. Write Ihcui fur their confidential letter J a pos tal card will brinx it. ami it in \y l« worth money to vou. See their wlicrtiMinrnt eluewhcre in this ps|>er. England's period of mourn ing over the queen will expire, this month, but its in uiriiiug over the war iu South Africa seems likely to hutt indefin itely. Mi Duffif 's Little Blue Livrr the bcit knowii fur rtrndijution \ indigestion. |o not uripe. *5 cenls. It i* usually three times and out, but Soiuitor Depew had to go through three ceremonies to get into the married state. A WORTHY SUCCESSOR. "SMtlfciig lit lliiir Tk Sis. All I Victors have tried to cure CATARRH by llic im of piinlm, inhalers ami drugs in pasU form Their pomkn iln nji thf mncnous meriil»rancs causing them t«» crack open an blccil. The power ful aciils used in the inhalers have entire ly eaten away the sinie memhunes th.it their maker* have aimed t> cure, while |iMei aad ointment's cannot reach the di >•««. An old an experienced practitioner who has for many yenrs mad* 4 closa study ami specially of the treatment of CATARRH, has at List perfected a Treat ment which w hen faithfully used, not on lv relieves at once. but permanently cures CATARRH, hv removing the cause. vtoj»- pinj; tlic discharges ansl curiny* all in flammation. It is the only remedy known to science that artuailv reaches the afflct c«l parts. This wonderful remedy is known •1s "SNVFFL.KS the I'.L ARAXTL'.KD CATARRH ct'RK" and is solil at the extreme!*- low »rice of One IKllar. each packajic con thimtug ard external me.liciae rufficWnt fcr a full m»iuL > tr>-nmrnt ami (tmthibj! nfvesSat+ ti ?j.s n rfect "INVFFI.W is Ihc only pertVt CATVS* it «.!'((«• erf j and is now anignutd is (he only stk , a 1:4 positive ;unr for that ajiKnyiui! autl iiit*jiwin fll (|Uk-k!v and permanent ly and it also wonderfully quick |o re lieve HAY FKVKR Of COLD in Um HKAQ. catarrh when Bn;ltct«l often )eal« to Consumption—"wtfnjo" mill save you if you use it at once. It is no onli im- remedy. but a complete treatment wfcWi WfßHti'riy guaranteed t > care CA TARRH iu any ion* «t jf mpl ac conlliK to thr directions *h'> li amount •«iy well jnckiuv. lK>n't delay but send lor it at one* * ot * writ* IWljmtWww to your condition, an.l voj "* r '" w *' vt «grrul *"ivice from the discjmw of this n»roev|y retarding your case coa fd jyU biyeiiii the tvgufar price of '•JNtrFI.KS" Gt.UiNAXtkU Catarrh cirk," Sent prepaid to «ny address in the Cnited Mates or Caaaua oa receipt of Onf lK>llar. Address Dept. C 491. EDWIN B [GILES & CO., >331 Market St., Philadel phia. Thatever the opinfon may be of the assertion of Dr. Oli ver lypudeil Holmes, that eyery roan is three u>eu, |t must be conceded that many s■ • Legal Advertisements. Sheriff's Sale I •hall aril fut cash Itrfute the Court Houw door in Williamson on Monday the 6th day of January l yoj the following; property, situated in tlx town of Hamilton, to wit One lot kuown a« the Jot|u Hooker livery atable tot. begitiing at the corner of the A. K Hooker tot on Liberty street. theme along uid street 59 12 feet to W. K. :iaWtone comer, thence along naid OUd »t«mr and W. W. Purvis line 172 feet to J W Shcrr«d line, thence along J. W. Sherrod line to A K H »»ker line 5? »-a fe**t. thence along Mid II • »ker line to the 1»-giriing ,c mtainingonei 4 of an acre more of less. one other lot in Hamilton heginftng on South street opposite J W Sherrod'» stable* at Mary Crofton's back corner on taid street, thence along South street in an easterly direction M feet, thence a pareltell line with Mary Crufton's lisck line to the County road, thence -hi f**' l««rlt Mwry t'rnftm Wt Hwe thence along wid Crof ton's line to the begin uing' containing of an acre more or less, it SHug the escrM of the homestead of A. K Hooker. To satisfy an execution in my hand* for collection returnable to Spring Tetm, tyuj of the SupctiorCourt of Martiu Couuty in favor of John I. HookcK, assignee, an I against A. K Hooker. J C. CRAW Ft »RD. Sheriff This sth day of Dec. r*>i. Martiu Co Executrix Notice, stlavitijf qualified a* K\eutrix of Jno.O. Nity id dice i« hcrtbv Riven to all ptr*in* owing tall deceased to aettle same. and. • ho* having claim* Mid drtvaird to prearnt thmi to" the undcr«ig*r 1 on or before IHV i ith. tifoi, or thi* notice will l*E plead In hat of their rwwry. Thia Dec.nth. igoi. SI'SAN A S vi. SIN KY. Kaecutrix. COT'NTY STAKMKNT ' A (I'mler Sec 713 of the Coda of North Carolina ) r. W C M iiining RjgUtfr Deed* of Martii| Count* . North Carolina, do hereby certify tha the following ii t true statement of the indivfcl ual account of each member qf the l'oard o Commi«aiottc(s, of Martin County, f ruin th* f|rat Monday in December tyoo to th« fttat U mday in December 1901, via: Joaeph B CoAtld served 13 day* as Commie s4oner. worked 10 1 1 day* on county hndgea traveled 134 mile* and received for *3me 155.50 J a me* I ltn>wa *rrvrd 13 days as Cemmissioa er. worked 4 i-idayson county brides, traveled l*' mile* and received f v» 00 compensation. Oliver K Cowing served i« days as Commia *4. met. worked J days on county tj/idfes, travel, ed 16* miles and received {35 40 compensation. Witness my hand and official seal tSKAI.) at office in Williaraston.N C.this joth day of November , A. D.1901. W. C MANNING, Rrfitlc? of Deeds, Kx-OAcio Clerk to Board Martin Coantv [ Ssprriur Court J R. F. llvm-in ami wife Bertha S ITymaa vs. J L. Harielt, Guythcr Kartell, William H. HarreH. Walter Harrell and John Harrell. To ). U Harrell: The defendant. I*. Harrell. will take aotice that a motion wilt be made before the Clerk of the Superior Court of Martin Cauuty on Monday February jnl, ij», to receive a judgement in favor of the above named plaintiffs and against the above-named defendants.and for the issu a:ice of an Execution thereupon. That the aaid judgement «n« duly docketed in the Superior Court of said county on the .ml day of September iKit «ud it for the immint of Forty (V'llara and wt- A'.t-i the MHl'defendant will further take notice ttiat he iViVqulred at lh» time sod pU.T above mcnli-ned, ami anawer or deniur «o ihe aaid notice,o[ the iiUinid wiUapply to the omrt Ivr i!.e Kjjjf.demanded. Thisauth Dec. 1411, J A Honas, Clerk SuperioroS*(( CamTrssioner's Sale of Real Estate. Br virtue of a jutSfftnent of tfce Superior cojrt of Martin eouuty 1 wit! on thr 3rd day of Febru »*F «l| for qih a* t*>C Court Houic door ia U'iUiama4on.the reversionary iutcraat |n acer lain tract of land ia Williamson, Martin Co , lUAOWB a* the H. S. Mayo tracts Maria Majro be tas entitled to a Wcr tfcf Alto a tract of land about 1-5 acre adjoining the dower tnCt MM lands formerly helongiuc lo II S Mayo. kHcrna 111 the CMfHi|i4iiKr report laving oS tUSaotter and deed to H V M.yo wjl! fully a|>" pear. ' ' ALU*. SfMrrtj. torn. "» *ay Jf" 9®>. 4» Kadol Dyspepsia Cart —I—1» wtmt yu Mi Everything comes to those who wait—if they wait long enough. The friif) of Neely is COUNTY STATEMENT u B." FOR THE YEAR ENDING DEC. 2.1001. 1900 Dennis R\ an* witness feet March Court 1901 Jno. Purvis •• •• •• •• >• Prank Everett Jease Chance Jno. Wallace Andrew Teel Augustus Teel Karsissic Clark Gussie Cherry C. J. Bern bridge Uc. Little W. Ann Little D. S.Powell Sandy Coffield Jordan Williams Henry Bell Riley Spruill M. L. Nicholson W. W. Harper constable " Harmon Gurkin J.P. Viney Sykes witness Martha Boon " Geo. Roberson " Prank Griffin - Slade,Jones & Co. " Anderson &Co " " " N, S. Peel & Co. supplies to poor A. L- Mizell services as officer grand jury R. J. Nelson " •• Coroner inquest R. J. Nonnon W. H. Harrel) " " County Physician A. H. Griffin " •• keeper County Home J. R. Roberson lumber and repairs on bridge J. S. Mobley supplies to poor S. R. Biggs medicine for poor house and jail Stanley Legget repairs on Mobley's Mill bridge J. R. Ward Board for jury murder case J. M. Sitterson " t " " " •• J. C. Crawford Seerifif and jail fees M. W. Ballard repairing bridge O. K. Cowing i day Conr. and 14 ins. @SO J. B. Coflwld " " " 18 " " and 1 day bridge* w. c. Manning serving as clerk per bill on file Jane Hassell supplies and attention to poor Stalling* Bros supplies to poor J. R. Ballard repairs on bridge B. H. Roberson " " " and lnmber l>r. B. L. Long services on Sanitary committee J. E. Suiithwick " " " " Slade, Jones ft Co. Supplies to poor J. B. Avers " " " N. S. Peel & Co. " •' " W. 11. Wilson " " ___ " Geo. W. Griffin " " " J. S. Mobley " " " S. L. Godard A " " " Slade, A. & Co. " " " Fanny Slade J. G. lUrnbiil A. 11. Griffin Services as keeper county home WaHaee supplies to |>oor Harrell Printing House J. P. J>ockets I'd wards & Hroughtim Record books R. J. Nelson coroners inquest \V. H,« Ilarrell service as County Physician S. R. liijjxs medicine for ]>oor house J. C. Crawford jail fees J. A. Hobbs C. S. C. bill on file O. K. Cowing 1 day Com. 2.00 and 14 ms. @SO J. B. Coffieid 1 day Com. a.OO and 18 ms. ©sc W. C. Manning services as clerk per bill on file S. W, Mizell supplies to poor June 1901. J. D. Bowen services at County home "The Enterprise" printing N. S. Peel & Co. supplies to poor Slade, Anderson & Co. to jail,Co.home,poor 1, " Jones & Cos • '' " J. A. Hobbs record books J. C. Crawford jail fees and conveying patient to hospital S. R. Biggs medicine for jail and county home Dr. W. H. Harrell services as County Supt. of Health S. L,. Wallace supplies to poqr lJr. R. J. Nelson services as coroner at inquest O K. Cowing supplies to poor Jane Hassell " " " j. B. Coffield sen-ices 1 day Com. 1 day committee, 36 ms. J. Z. B'Own " 4 " " 120 " • O. K. Cowing " 1 "" 14" W. C. Manning " as clerk per bill on file . July 1901 ✓ .* Slade, Anderson & Co supplies to poor and jail " " " County Home V H. K. Harrell " *' poor Z. M. Johnson conveying prisoner to jail Mc. G. Wynn supplies to poor J. S. Mobley " " •• J. T. Baruliill taking tax list Cross Roads Township J. R. Ballard " " " Poplar Point 44 Kphriam Peel Griffin " Z.M.Whitehurst " " " Goose Nest " M. P. Smith coffin for pauper J. C. Crawford jail fees and conveying patient to hospital J. R. Ro!>erson repairs and material on bridge J. A. Hobbs clerk fees J. B Avers supplies to poor S. R. Biggs " " " Slade,J ifc Co *' " " * \V. H. Harrell services as county physician The Enterprise publishing insolvent list and notice Keith & Godwin supplies to poor Geo. R. Dixon repairs on court house roof G. M. Brrras taking tax list Jamesville township j. L). ices as keep*r county home ' ; N. S. Peel & Co. supplies td poof' H- W- Stubbs services in 4 eases Co. vs. J. A, Teel 1. Z. Brown 1 day Com. 1 day bridges and 30 ms. ©sc W. C, Manning serv ices as Clk to Bd Co Commissioners W. H. Robertson for cow and calf for Co. home Frank Griffin supplies to poor F. S. Johnson takiug tax list Hamilton township S. L" Ross " •' " Robersonville " W.T.Crawford " " " Williamston " L. L. Robcrson" " " Williams " JL. Holliday '« •« " Bear Glass •• Jane Ha*sell supplies to poor August 1901 Stalling* Bros, supplies to poor W. M. Wilson S- R. U'ggs Med. for jail and serving on committee §. t,. MippHes tip poor -j -•' yK- 1 — I. W. Coltraiif " P t' j. P. Bowcn services as keeper Couuty hon»» Slade, Anderson & Co. supplies to poor ," County home " " poor «« f« 351 N. S. Peel &Co 352 Slade, Jones & Co. 353 I)r. W. H. Harrell services as County physician 354 J. C. Crawford jail fees 355 J. A. Hobbs dockets and stationery 350 ;•» • ? • .ti TV • '' i: -y Bocolpti. «• M " Coroner'* Jury " March court 1901 «« M 11 •• M U •• •» Coroner's jury supples to poor Jail « •• .. c ount y Home May 1901 County Home Jail poor i,. nr.. f a 70 a 90 ,-4M 5 -60S 16 96 5 75 17 00 51 Pi IJSP 7 75 3! a P " 55 36 58 5500 1 50 700 4 00 3000 27 00 1800 3000 a 00 33 35 a 07 10 50 9 5o 1 00 »4 5° 10 00 la 00 1000 a 50 35«> 0 8\ if li 10000 33 oo 400 3 «° , J ou il ?oSj •2 01 *3 jo l7 o« *4 3® >OOO *6 40 4 95

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