SLOO A TEAS. VOL. 111. CONDITION SERIOUS. —■—- nCjUCII # 9M Wlw# jNOCHJ ■•eft Vvx. STIPTOIS ME YHT ALAKIIM. A Lm| Ml Antow Day F*r tfw WrwHirt Mi Mis WM* at the MriicrilMrSkkSw. Orotoa. . Special.—'tkeocdor* Bnneavilt, Jr.. Ik* MI of PlMdn) Roosevelt. M fctUily sick, bat K Is too Mrtr to My what the ekucM an tor kto Mtmr- This «U the «UW- Ment Imm4 by Mr. Gwcfl & Cortei )M. neNtorj of tka Fl ■!!■!. at 9 o'clock Mnlir alfti. Ml was Made . after a careful examination by Dr. Ilmilr Lambeet tka family Hiri daa of President Roosevelt, who arrlv *4 kere from New York at I o'clock, riflrti ■! tid Mvs. Huim Mil ipnt * losg. xunoM dty. la tka isffrmary awaiting tk* crista of tke dlaaaae which tkia moral ng appeared to have taken aack a streng koM of tkelr son. Tke chaags for tke wore* In tke boy'a eon dittos dsrisg tk* aight kad akowed R artf wbea tk* tegalar morning exami nation was undo by Dr. Sbuttuck ard Dr. Warns. Secretary Corteiyou. wko la tke oaly meana of communication srttk tk* alek room, mad* tke an aouaccment of tk* patient * actions condition. although k* said vaea It wss not alamiag. "Hla tempcrntnre I* kicker.- Mid Mr. Cortelyos. "and kla rwplratloa Is weaker tkaa Sunday. hut I kia poise is batter." He also Mid there was ao Immediate , change. only tke aktaral progress of J tk* dieense. He snnonnced tkat tke disease bad spread sad Involved kotk Inn fa. Tkia sadden sad unfavorable turn warned tke PneMm tkat tke most skillful medical treatment waa ne~e*- aary. sad so k* called to tke kid of Dr. Bh attack and Dr. Warren kia toa ily physician. Dr. Alexander Limbert. of New York, an eminent prartlcioner t aad a man well nequalnted wKh the 1 *oy"» physique Y Groton. Mux-Tk* , ccadltloa kof ' Tkeordorw Rooaere». Jr.. at I.M Tacaday moralng wan appnreatly very eerious. For half aa boar tk* rcice of the boy calling far] water coald be heard on the streets, i Nothing coald he obtained from lha • bouse. b«t it is believed the patient to' •aliroux. T* Day English Railroad*. New York. Sporlal.—The Incorpora tion of the Groat Britain Railway De nloymat Corporation, nt Trenton. M. ! J-.' Is announced .and accordiag to n j director of the company who will he [ V>otad la the Journal aad American. ' will build nad purchase electric liars la Eaglaad. la those places where tk* transit facilities are Inadequate to tie demand and tk* equipment behind the age. According to the same paper, the charter of the company rails for oa.y fIOO.OOO. hat this Is merely nominal As a matter of fxcl. $3,100,000 hars keca subscribed already by citixens of New York. Philadelphia. Baltimoro aad Richmond. The Priace Ceilag. Berlia, By Cable.—Priace Henry of of Prussia, came with Emperor Wil liam from Pwtedam Monday morniag. The Priace win remain quietly at ike SekloM natil Tuesday ereaiag. when " Hla Majesty will give a dinner la honor - of Priace Hoary aad hla suite. There win he no speeches Made. Thia will he the Emperor's farewell to his brother. Emperor William aad the Priace will have a private Interview before the diaaer. The Prince will go oa hoard the Kroa Prima Wllhelm Saturday af teraooa. Emperor William aad Priace Henry inpniaa concern at the news of the nla ess of President Roosevelt's aoa. aad received from the Genaaa ambassador at Waahiagtoa re-ssaunng replies to their mrseigea of lagulry. J -T rr- Flixhugh Lee la Chicago- Chicago. Special.—General Pltsbagh Lee lectured here Msaday eight at tke Aadltorlnm. under the auspices of the National Onion, a patriotic fraternal orgaaixaliow. There was a large attend ance aad the welcope accorded Qua. tot WM la the aatnro of aa avnti*. H'.x subject was -Psacw aad War ia tke Vaßed States aad Cuba." Stasis a ni'toa. Detroit. Bpsrfnl —Vice PlMlfit Frank C. Andrews, at the City Ssviags Bank, which been la the bands of , State Bsak Commissioner George L Ksltxe. since Monday morning, wus ai reeted Into la Ike afternoon aad ar raigned at > M o'clock at eight oa the ckarge of "wilfully, fraadaleatly aad kaowiagty" eecurlng from the haak without eecuiity aad without tke kaowledg* of the other directors, a nam exceediag »1.000.000. He was re laaeed oa hall aad his examtou tloa was setter February M. to n tifcr f nl With tke Suaftirs Car * ytaaaflr* Company. Of BbMdag lta, *MI. Mst the Xertoa * RaUrosi fpr 1.0G6 boa cars SVtMtfSn Works of this elty. The orders for wnUtag atMh.jd*cad by the Norfolk * NORTH STATE NEWS. i tys.eee Hn la WasMagtaa. II C. Wsxhiactoa. SpedaL—A bad H la raging here M this dispatch la kslng written, hat Is wsdwe control. It orig inated m the AUsiOle Coast Lin* warw hoaee. which WM deatroyed. It eon lalned a large amocat of freight- Fol low iag are loseti: Atlaatic Coaat Llm wnrpheam aad coateata. tU.M; E. Pe terson. wkolcaalo grocery. $30,000, W. C. Dudley, kar. 11,000; Mrs. C. K. Gal lagher. building. 11.00#. Dr. D. T. Tay loe. building. UN: Mrs. E 8. Hoyt. building. «gOW. 11 Sosmaa Furniture Company, daauge to stock, 91000. Quite a nan:her of merchant* aad other* were damaged by removal of atoek. etc. Tke cause of the Are ia Mid to have been a defective Sua ia the Atlantic Coast Line olT.cs. At eee time the whole of Mala street, tke h"i'M«i portion of the ton a seemed to he doomed, hut by keroic i work ea tke pert of tke tie ooMpeay ■ aad dtixeus tke tro is aow under coa troL Tkia ia tke aeooad time within a year oar town kaa bate vlaited hr a big Sia. Ckarge la Coavict syst«ax Ra'elgh. t Special. >—The Director* cf tke State'e Prison, whoa session closed Friday, not alone attended to routine i huaiacss. but made aa important ar raccement for the State's Priaoa. The company will manufarinr* pasts and overalls la the penitentiary, aad the prisaa aathoritiea are to be under aa extra expense beyond maiatalnlag tk* prisoners, guarding the peaiien- Uvy. aad provldiag a general overseer who Is to see tkat tke convict do tke work as contracted. For this the State ia to receive 0!% rents a day for each coavlct at work The dlrectora are to furnish at least 1M hands, and upwards to WO. In tfcese are |to be inclndfd the one-legge-1 and j otherwise disiblrd convicts who xrv ' ao: aha to 6o hard work. ' It la estimated by a member of ihe I >"»vd tkat tke cast to maintain each ratv'ft la IS centn per day. and (he d.fferencr between thia and the con tract witk the Atlanta Arm gcea to the proSi a-coaat. Tke work is to begin oa Marrk first. All farm work ksa abandoned, ex cept work ca the upljida at Caledonia, "here there ire aoxe 4.100 arret of tkat the State still aolds. Waatsa RaNraod SlateeviUe. Special.—The rltlsesa of. North lrrdell are arousing tkessaelves { In behalf of a railroad for that sn i tics, la ss latertstiag letter which ap ! pears ia todiy'a Landmark is' set fortk | the Snducea»n:s for such a road. lh» | proS:s fkat woild accrue from ibe Use ) aad what s factor It would prove :n de veloping the natural resources of thst sect lea. which. It is a well known tit Is poesibly capable of greater develop ment than aay part of the county. It la the best watered snd timbered par*, of t-e cojnl.y. la tke article referred | ta It to shovn that on the severs! '■ streams tbc different water powers can i readily be U re'.oped srveral thousaad j horse power. Some of these power* sre I already partially developed. Uls the mort iaaerem:Me part of tke county, because of the extremely bad condition of the public roads. They are very mcrh la earaest about a road aad de monstrate tkat. owing to the topogra pby of the country along certain sng gceted Hues, a road can he huilt nt much leas than tke usual coat of rail toad kulldlog- They saturally prefer that t*je road be kuilt from Ststesville via Bethany. Turaersbsrg or Oils and Wlllismsburr. aad connect with the moot accessible point on Ibe road be lt, era Wlaston-Salem and Wilkesboro It not thia route, then they will try to get It from Ccoleaiee. The citisens pro pose to have mass meetings at aa early a date sx possible'to formulate pl»> for scvompKihing the end desired, sn-! in this they ask tke hearty e:vopera tion of all who wish to see this rich section developed. Mysterious Murder Wear MocksvSle- Smltk Grove, wis Moekswlllr. (Spe cinL>—Will Kelly WM found dead near the well of Mrs. Hunt, widow of Dr. Hawt. In Ysdkia county Friday son lag. He ksd beea shot through the hesd aad twice through the shoulders. Threw Is damaging testimony sgslast Mrs. Hwat nad |er brother. Will ■■ Martia. Msrtia na«* fed with officers ir pur suiL A Roberts boy WM captured car rying Mania's clothes. Mrs. Hunt \sd her lovely dauckter, MIM Daisy, sre stroagly guarded. Kelly WM killed some distaae* *rom the house ssd dragged to a well. The tnckr of a mMm aad womaa were found nroead tke body. Kelly was a nephew of Mrs. Hut aad was courting (ha oaly daughter of the wealthy widow. Miss Daisy float Is prostrated afeoat her lover being killed. Trackers Ask Better Rates Wllmlsgtoa. Special.- The executive eommittre of tke Eastern Carolina Fruit and Truck Growers' Associates met here and had a conference with Traffic Maasgw T. M. Emerscs. ot 'he Canst Use The rcaolt of It appear* tc have beea entirety satisfactory. Jadg lag from laterv.ew* with several of the prominent members who are si the meeting. The committee to sot sskiag for better rates, those ia effect being entirely sstisfactory. bat It wsats s tester service aad will ao doubt receive It this sassoa. The *t raw berry more xeat will b* about April Mb aad the crop !e expected to reach 400.000 bas kets. There to said to be a vary Mate rial IscrcsM ia the berry acreage tkia ■ a Ottny Tres n« Uad"-r Boads. Rutherford torn. Special.—H. H*ster. H. U Cower. C. D. WlUtle, G. W. Ril- Baa sad C F. Geer, at tke cSerry f-»e eoacsra, wba bare beea ea trUi tor tic psst two days chart?! with tar;a; anei ths mails tor Iraod-lent parp--srs wwr* boend la a bond of >I.M» rich for Mr appearance St the next term o» (be Federal Court TV:« aakes 11 of tke ckerry three men who bar* keen bound over, aad there gre yet Otksr »rrx«U to be made. Trmo t9 Our*elvt», Our A'elylibmrm, Our Country and Our Go 4. WILLIAMSTON, N.C., FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 14,1002. THE SAMPSON SIDE) fate leuhytits ti He Thrct- CaraaciFifkL OBJECTS TO scmrs STATEMENT That Tbe Latter Was la Fall Co— -mm* Wbew tbe Spealeb FUrt Wae I Paatnj i Wabiagtoa. Special.—R> & Theall. rvprearatlag Staytoa. Campbell * TheaJ. cMM for Bur Admiral Sa»P aoa. kin lied Ik* fallowing brlsf with j n—lifT Roosevelt. protesting agAlnat Ik* ilalm art. W ia Admiral Schler'a m il tbat kt ns ia suprema com maad dwtag the battle o« Santiago: ~Xo argument will W eubmltted M to tbe frintMiH opinion of lbs pr*- aldiac mnabu of tbe court upon tho l»mlua of coaiiaanJ at ftullaio. We naiatidlr applied for aa oppurtualiy to preeeat evidence upon this point t« the coarL. and oar request wa» as often 11fan d. aad wa are confident that »a attempt to *n adverse Judg meat where a hfsrlng baa been denial la aa plaia a elolatloa of aimple good faith that has no chance of receiving roar approval. We were ready then and are a:ill ready to produce much erideace which SM not offered before the coart oa thia question. We arc pre pared te ahow la it the statement that the New Tork. at tbe beginning of the battle mu oat o t a'ght of each aad every ship of . ■qaadroa hat one" la Inaccurate. -We are read? to ahow that under tbe aavy legalatloaa and the judicial Interpretation* thereof. Rear Admiral Sampeoa was during the battle In roasmaad of etery single vessel In tbe Aa-rricao line. There I* abnndaace of leatimoay available to show that from the heglaaaiag of the battle every Asaericae to«*I at Santiago vu in sight of tbe New York. Then; la eri deace at hand, both record and parol, ta show that whenever the command er-in-cblef left the blockading line In j front of Saatlaga. he hoisted the signal dlsrefsud movements of commander la-thief.' proceeded to that pilot whore asdtr the regulations bis Immediate rommand of the squadron cease 1 an 1 tbea s'gaalled to the aext In rank to take command; aad that oa the morn lac af Jaiy J. *«te commander-in-chief had glvea lastractiosa to hare ready far hotftlnf the signal directing Com modore Schley to assume command, aad that tbls signal was to be holated when, ondcr tbe ragvlatioiia. the ap reaprlate movement arrived; that that ns'k atgcal had rot been ho'sted wh?p tbe euemy endeavored Ki escape front the harbor. . . -From the Oregon, too. there la available evldei-e to rbow that when the Irst shot was fired the quarter- j Blaster of It" Or ™>n. t.Mg the glace. could, from the po«i:ian of that vtaeeL near the centre of the HUP, r«id the New York's baitlff (hen IJy "All this eviden-.j was rcsdv to l>e presented ta the roar? of Inquiry and was not admitted before the court, bo ranse It refused to go Into the question of command. Rear Admiral Eampnon j has sever objected, and does not now] object, to any Inquiry to determine the | qae*tl-» cf command. Iln has, bow | •ear. claimed that be waa In rommand at the battle. Aa com mander-ln-ch! of be has aaadc his recommendations con- ] evening the promotions. He baa been rerogaltrd by ibe Executive and Ju dicial Departments of tbe Government ! as being the accuracy of hla re porta Is questioned he be at least permitted to hoar the evidence la opposition, and to permit hla brother officers to come forward with the testimony they are ready to give in hlabehalf . I were Is forth r an abundance of •Vldeare available to e'abllah the fact I that what the applicant now ralla 'tbe complete aad total failure of the prear raaced srtir cf battle.' waa due wholly to hla owa dlaobed'enc- of the orders af tbe eamatander-in-chlef. Tbeae or ders wore to clone In and to hold the eaemy at tbe harbor's mouth. Cbn*- aiodere Schley eo understood fhe or- He holft-d that eery floral. Yot. wbea he saw the enemy approaching tbat part of tf« ||ae guarded bv hi* own veeael }, f Joopcl. j( e witaUrcW frcr» the Ifciiti* fumatlsa. ielt a boio la t.:e lite interfered with tbe Texas, wh -h would have atoppel the iai and carted her to back, thereby giving to tbe eaemy the double opportunity of which they availed themselves —to es cape through the interval he had made. "We have no desire to prolong this controversy. We oaly aak that before there shall be a Hading adverse to Ad miral Sampaoa. either by the President tbe roarls or the Navy Department, tbat b * be glvea the opportunity which bps been garea to admiral Schley, to irwtat such evidence aa may make both sides of the matter clear." Tbe President will conilder the brief ta connection with Admiral Schley's appeal aad tha Navy Departments rami" eat. His darlaion In the Schley case will aot he made public until al tar hla return from Charleston. Twa Killed la Fire. Hertoa, Kaa.. Special.—Fire In the Lis car wot ha of tbe Rock Island Rail road Friday afternoon caused the death af two psieons aad the d eat ruction of a of a million dollars worth of property. Tbe dead are: P. H. Mc-Keon, prasliWat ot tbe board of education, aad W. H. Davis, tbe oldeat employs of the car works. • * Descra Hsnged. Waahlagton. Special.—Two soldiers war* undoubtedly banged In tbe Pbll tpptaes Friday, la tbe execution of acn taares Imposed by military eoramis alnas by which tljey w®rs '"tried and coavtded of deserting to tbe enemy. Their tisma ware Edmund A. IX.- boaa aad Lee Russell. aad both were muki ta Ousspany E. of the Ninth Cavalry, a aegro regiment While their aoxpany waa operating against Ore In aaigeala la the prorince of A'.bay, la Aaguet last the two men deserted PRESIDENT VISITS IKS SICK SON fir*. Roosevelt ilkkiMiUt-IMrU Lxpvslitoa AtMliwl Gioton. Uui. Special.—Mra. Boo— rail u4 maid rMLcMd her* ]«t ili« 10 o'clock baturuay. At Us school Mrs. Hooeevali was milved by President Peabcdy and a few ■*» menu later «w at her boy's bedside. Subsequently an attempt was made to obtain from Mrs. Roosevelt a state ment tor publication tecardlai the Mlacsa ot young Theouorw. bat, thiough President Pembody. she de clined to depart from tbe course ap proved by President Roosevelt. Ac cording to this plan, all necessary In formation concerning the lad's condi tion will be transmuted to President Roosevelt, who will determine what news shall be made public. It was learned late this sftcrnooa that young Theodora Vas a little batter today than yesterday. Ills temperature this morning was ICS, but during the af ternoon it dropped to lOi. 'the pres ence of Mrs. Kooeeralt. hid a bene ficial effect upon the lad. aai ha has brightened considerably since her coming- President Roosevvll and Secretary Cortelyou left Washington tor Orotoo. Mass.. Saturday night at 1!: M on a special car attached la -be regular train on the Pennsylvania. Just befo;j leaving the President received a tele gram saying that his son Theodore bad slept all tbe evening and that his condition appeared quite favorable. The train left Washington II minutes late. It Is due to Jersey City at 6:52 a. ra. A special trala will ba In waiting In New York to taka the | President to Boston. Late Saturday evening the Preal dent determined to disregard the ra- I quest of his son's physician and to go to his boy's bedside. It was stated that the President felt that his prea ence would be a comfort to Mrs. Roosevelt and that aa the critical pe riod covers the next threw daya he ahould lie near Ms son. It is also stated that the trip to Massachusetts h takens on the President's own In itiative and Is not due in any alarm ing news which has reached him con cerning his son's condition. There is absolutely no change In the condition of Theodore Roosevelt. Jr.. tonight say the physicians In at tendance, and there are no new de velopments In connection with the boy's Illness and the closing of the Oroton school. It is stated that the President has no plans for returning to Washington his future movements depending upon the condition of his con. Advices received early this evening at the White House, say that Theo dore. Jr.. Is doln? well. He Is Buffer ing from a trcachcroua form of pneu monia. but Is n«t considered In Im mediate danrer. Owing to the rocjneet of tbe phvsl rlans, the President ha. abandoned his trip to Charleston. ■ Saturday a Bi( l>ay lor Cclarab'a. Columbia. (Special.)— Columbia has bad to aisvmti|i> within her borders In tile last few weeks the Methodist conference, the Southern Educational association, the Cood Reads conven tion, and now cornea the Young Men's Christian Association convention lart, but by no means least. A few of the delegates came In Friday night, but most arrive Saturday. Saturday the prcsldenta of the col lege V. M. C. A.'e were in conference with the college secretary, Mr. Wll- SOD. That night supper was served by the lailips siisl'lary. Prof. E. 8. D' oiler, p. eil cut of the last conven tion, called the convention to order, and It will be In sesalon until Tues dav night. Mr. C. U Oaten, of Atlanta, one of the most experienced and capable socretarles of the International com mittee and formerly State secretary of Alabama will be here asisting la the convention,, . . Mr. L A. Coulter, of Richmond. Is ntate secretary of Virginia He came especially to address tbe mammoth men's meeting In the new Columbia theatre at 4 p. m. Sunday afternoon. His th*me was "Chains that Bind." and was heard by almost every man In Columbia. Atlanta Has a Population of 135.735- Atlanta. Specjpl.—According to the city directory published by Thomas J. Maloney. the advance sheets of which have Just been Issued from the preys. Atlanta, Including Its Imuie > .in- .v[Jolty, has a population of 135.735. Atlanta and all subnrbs Included has a population of 145.340. which Is an increase of more than 5.000 with in a year. Atlanta's financial growth, aa told by the records of the clearing house. Is shown in tbe following tabla. which covers a period of nine years past: 1*95 65.518,154.71 im C 1*97 72.005,161.52 I'M 71.964.509.03 1*93 M.0"»«.397.11 1900 96.375.251.22 1901... .. 111.755.849 98 Telegraphic Sparks. Aghevllls (Special)—A large textile mill Is to be established Jnst be!ow Asheville on the French Broad river. At a meeting here todsy tbe new com pany was formally organlied and oper ations arc expected to begin at an earl? date. Both cotton and Woolen goods will be manufactured. The new plant will be located near the W. T. Wi-ever Power Company. Washington. Special.—Rear Admiral and Mrs. Schley arrived in Washington today from their Southern trip and went at once to their apartments In the Richmond. The severe cold frsm which the admiral baa been suffering has been greatly Improved. Pittsburg. Special.—Mrs. Soffel. who aided In the escape of the Biddies and was shot (sliring the battle which re sulted In their capture and death, shows considerable Improvement today. She is suffering more from mental dis tress thih from the wound, and It rmv be a week or more before she can he removed from the Butler Hospital to the Pittsburg Jail. Her husband. ex- Warden Ssffel, has retained conns-1 tor bor defense, but ssys be does ait went to see her, or hsve aay commuui eatien with her is tha tutors. I 810 CONFLAGRATIONS] I Uss ia Pattersoi, N. J. , is St LmU Kills II Fecpfe. | EIGBT PUBLIC WILDINGS, FIVE Churches, Four Banks, Fin* CM Howes, Sevea Office Buildings, ' Two Telegraph Office*, 36 Stores aatf Two Newspaper* i Patereoa, N. J., Special.—A groat Ore •wept through Paterson on Sundty and in Its dtsoltti wake are tho em bers and aahes of property valued .in preliminary estimate at fIO.OOO.Mft It burned Us way through the business section of tho city and claimed as Its own a majority of the finer structures devoted to commercial, civic, educv | ilonal and religious use. as well as scores of houses. There waa small tribute of Ufa and Injury to the con flagration but hundreds were left homeless and thousands without em ployment. A relief movement for the taie of those unsheltered and unpro tided for haa been organized and John rtenehcllffe said tonight thai Palerson would be able to care for her own I without appealing to tbe >arlty of other communities and States. The great manufacturing plants of the place are safe and the community, tcmporo rlly dazed by the calamity, already commenced tbe work of re-organlxa tlon and restoration. The fire caiue at midnight and was checked only titer a desperate flEht. Every city aod town within reach of Paterson sent firemen and apparatus to the relief of tho threatened city, and It took the united efforts of them all to win tbe battle. A partial list of the properties destroyed follows: Public Buildings: City hsll. public | library, old city hall, police station. | No. 1 engine house, patrol stables, high . school and school. I Churches: First Baptist. Seeonl Presbyterian. Park Avenue Baptist, St. Mark's Episcopal and St. Joseph's Ro man Catholic. Banks: Klrst National. Second Na tional. (partially): Paterson National. SISk City Trust, Hamilton Trust, and Paterson Trust. Club Houses: Young Men's Christian Association. Knights of Columbus. Progress Club. Ht. Joseph's ll»tl aal Hamilton Club. Office Buildings: Romalnc buiid'ng. Katz building. Marshall ft Ball; Cohan building. Old Town Clock. Old Kinua building and Stevsnson bulldlnjr. Telegraph Companies: Western I'nlon and Postal Telegraph. Theatres: The Garden. Newspapers: The Evening News and Sunday Chronicle. Stores: Quackenbush's dry good*: Boston Store, dry goods; Olobe Stoic, dry goods: National Clothing Com pany: Kent's ilritg store; KlnseiU's drug store; Muzzy'e hardware and fien eral merchandise; Marshall ft Bail, clothiers; John Norwood. palals; Oberg's grocery; Wertendykc's grorery, P. H. ft W. O. Shields, groceries; "The Paterson." dry goods: Jordan's piano store: Sauten ft Company, pianos: Ked erer ft McNatr. shoes; 7-endlcrs con fectionary: Pappin's tea store; Bagow skl's millinery; Brohal ft Mailer, shoes; C. E. B»aeh. automobiles; More ham ft Son, clothier*: Paterson Gas ft Electric Company; Skye'a drug store and Mackintosh's drug store. An estimate from a general Inspec tion of the ruins of the residence dis trict places the number of people left without shelter at 1.000. A rc-csiimate. wben order succeeds confusion, may al tar those figures. St. Units. Special.—An early Sun day morning fire, which destroyed the Empire Hotel, a large three story lodging bouse at 2,700 and 2.70".' Olive street, oceuplcd by m»n exclusively, caused the death of 11 persons- ten men and one woman—and danger ously Injured eight others. Ten or more had narrow escapes from death In the fire, snd numbers were more or less Injured by being frost bitten Twenty thousand dollars It Is thought will cover the damage to buildings and contents which were totslly de stroyed. The dead sre: Morris Yall. senator member of the Ann of Yall. Clark and Coven manufacturers of fine cut /glass, formerly of Chicago, burned to a crisp; John C. Lueders, father of Deputy City Marshal Lueders. skul! fractured In Jumping from third story window; Geo. Thompson, switchman terminal yards, burned to death. Mexico City. Bpeclal.-Tbe Federal government has voted 120,000 In aid of the victims of the earthquake at Chll pancllgo. and the city government of this capital will send aid. Big Fire at Elberton, a*. Elberton. Ga. Special—Fire on Sunday destroyed nearly all of the business section of this place, doing damage which Is estimated at SIOO.- 000. Tfcie fire at one Ume threatened the entire city. Among the firms burn ed out are StlUwell and Govern. W. 11. Corley, T. J. Hulmes. E. B. Tate aod Sons, two stores; the Tate block, livery stables of R. E. Hudglns and M. H. Maxwell, their stock being turned loose and not yet recaptured: T. W. Campbell. J. R. Mattox. Taber and Alraand. S. O. Hawes. M. E. Max well. Jos. Cohen, the T. M. Swift block and the new plant of tbe South ern Bell Telephone Company. Admiral Swnrsoa Orovrs Worn, Washington, Special.—Alarming ru mors were afloat here Saturday to the effect that Admirai Sampson had taken a serious turn for the worse within tie iaet twenty-four Sampson residence and of the nav-.t physicians, developed that there has been no decided change In AdmJrAl Sampson's condition, but that a steady retrogression Is in progress wtkici. •» common to his dlsseis. IN CONGRESS. DltiiM Map «l Oar NidattlUw ■Maker*. HOUSE. Thirty-eighth Day—BaprsssntatlYe Norlands, of Nevada. of tt way* and means committee, who was the author of the recolntlon annexing Hawaii, in troduced a joint resolution lirltlnf the republic ot Cube to become • pert of the United Stale*, first as a Territory aad then aa a State of the United Mate*, to be railed the State of Cwba. also authorizing a 55 per cent, reduc tion of duty on the present crop ot Cuban sugar. In cons deration ot Cuba's (ranting preferential rates to the Uni ted State*. The resolutions confine the 25 per cent, reduction of -Attic* to the period prior to January 1. I*l The provision of annexation la as follow*: -That I* the meantime the rep«bllr of Cab* I* invited to beeoaae * P*rt of the United States of America and her people to become eltlseas of th* United States with the assurance that Cuba will be entitled at fir*t to a territorial form of government under the consti tution and lava vt the United State* with a Delegate In Congrdm to repre sent her people, and that ultimate atatehood will be granted when. In the Judgment of the Congress. It I* advis able to admit Cuba. Including such other West India Islands belonging to the Tutted States ** atay be deemed sdviaable. as a single Stne In the I'nion to be called the Stafe of Cuba" Thirty ninth D*y—The day waa de voted to a further hearing of Oov. Taft's Philippine report. At «:3S p. m. it adjourccd. j Fortieth nay—'The** was but little Intersst In the House proceedings. The business under consideration waa of a ruiely routine nature. The House ad journed to Monday. Forty-first Hay—General debate In the Hoiuk on the oleomargarino bill have derided to offer nn amendment to make the ltKcent tax on oleomargarine In Imitation of butter "of any shade of yellow." The amendment la deslgne.l to meet the charge of the opponents to the bill that without this amendment the language of the bill might be con strued to absolutely prohibit the sale of oleomargarine. Ttc speakers were: Haugen anil Thotrvts. of Iowa: Shalleubcrger. of Nebraska; Dahl. of Wisconsin; Gaines, of Tennessee, end Isab. ot Virginia. f:>r the bill, and Messrs. Feelny. of Il linois; Slayden. of Texss; Mondell. Ot Wyoming; Berkley, of Georgia, aad Woolen, of Texas. In opposition. The House adopted the conference repcrt on the urgent deficiency bill and It was again sent to ennfweac*. SENATE Thirty-eighth Day— Throughout the day'a session the Senate had under con sideration the urgent deficiency sppro priatlon kill and Just before adjourn ment passed it. substantially In the shape In which It was reported to th* Senate by the committee. During the early part of th* sesslo* the caae of Judge Arthur H. Noyles. of the District Court of Aisska. and Alex ander McKentle and others, which was brought to the Senate by Mr. Tillman a day or two ago. was discussed. Mr. McCumter. of North Dakota, de livered an elaborate speech In defense of Judge Noyles and Mr. McKenxie. He paid a high personal tribute to both men, characterising them as men of fine character, eminent ability and sterling latergrity. incapable of doing the things with which they had been charged. In the C3urs» of hi* argument he became Involved In a colloquy with Mr. Tliimsn. The South Carolina Sen ator had Intimated that he would de liver a speech on the Noyes case, but it the conclusion of Mr. McCumber's speech, he contented himself practical ly by putting Into The Congressional fleeced the decision of the Circuit Court ot Appcais of San Francisco In the cases of contempt sgalnst Noye* and McK»nxle. In a brief speech Mr. Stewart review ed the case, taking rtrong ground against Judge Noyes aad bis actions In Alaska. During Mr. McCumber's remarks he ti ferred to what, to his mind, was sp iralling corruption In Alaska. Mr. Tillman, of South Carolina, in terruped to Inquire whether Mr Mc- I'umber did net think he, owed It to the Senate to give It all the facts con cerning the "damnable corruption" of certain Cnlted States Courta, to which he had referred. Mr. M'Cumber replied that he had not accused the members of the San Francisco Circuit Court of Appeals of anything worse than prejudice and olas The conclusion of the co&H, a* ssid. Wfti' bssed lor the mast part upon evidence the Senator from South Carolina iMr. Tillman) would sot give the loss: credence to. He asserted that Mr Tillman had cast serious asper tiens upon a man as honorable as he was—a man whom the South Carolina Senator might meet outside the cham ber. and th«re. if he saw fit. call tb-J vile names he had applied to him. Mr. Tillman disclaimed any Intention to reflect Improperly upon anybody, h!? remarks, he being directed at the Department of Justly, practi cally. for not doing its duty in piomp. !y investigating and acting upon tb'.a case, scandal as had developed in this rase whoever we;» the guilty partioa. He insisted that either the ludees of the Circuit Court of Appeals of San Francisco were guilty of some infamy, or the party was. He felt it his duty as he had eome respect for the Judiciary of the United Stales, to defend Judg»* who had been arraigned sa seriously and to see that their side of the con troversy should gej Into The Record. Mr. Tillman said that he appeared In the role of a defender of I'nited States courta when he was on recced as ha v ing made manv scathing criticisms of the Federal Judiciary, but. he remarX ed, facetiously, that he would not be doing his duty by his clients, the thre«' Judges of the San Francisco Circuit Court of Appcais. whom he bad gutter, into hot water, if he d'.d at 3 tnp : at i«ast to cod Ihe water a little. Th- Soirth Carolina Senator, sayiog iu2t the debate lal been precipitated by the reading by him o£ a clipping from « hew/paper, read a dispatch prtalsd in a New York newspaper charging Bee Daniels, whax the Sanate bad con firmed as raited States marshal of Art son*, with bslag entirely usworthy to hold that office. Mr TQlm|n «ade some scathing comment* Upon the Judiciary committee for passing such t Domination favorably. He supp >jed. h raid, that Senators from th* from SBSLB Corns S Cim NO. 21.' which DuMi MM BOW ««dl (eel called upon to crttMaa War for Urtio dariag this new* pa pec cllppls*. tat fee lid It simply "to hold op the mirror la order that tb« other side might aeo themselves as others sav them. * TWrtr-nlath Day—Th# Eeaal* was In teaslo* bat M mlaotes. Tba dlaeaa tkm cf th« Philippine tarUl mspiei thd time. Korlltlh Day—While the Philippine tariff hill was takes up early ij tt fiajr. the aessloa wu notably quiet. Mr. Turner, uf Washington. delivered a carefully-prepared IfeKb apoa th» ■eaeral Philippine question. and h*.i, not coadaded when the bill wu laid ■side UT the day. He discussed par ticularly the leal and coaatltntlnwiil 40»st4)DS favoured Is the (sTr=xc3t and control of the Phiiipp'co ago by the raited Stale*. After a kr.«l explanation and the adpollon of Ml? aiinr-r anicndosvnts l!u appro priation hUI was fias»-d" early in ths session. Daring the consideration of the pes voa appropriation bill. Mr. PlVciard. a North Carolina. offered .aa anaend- Biat. prorldltf that a ma who bad served In the OiNent? any. bet subscqaen'ly served in It? Pnion array, f.bould hare a pensionable tti tus. A po nt q* e-d r a-aisst the »m"nlmrDi by Mr. Galling*? was sv»- 'alned. Forty-first I>ij tie early *e*s v »n o! the Penaie. tb» Philip pine taiiff bill nndtr '-ossidi'i bn. Mr. Tajnvr. of Washinstca, -on-!u£'d * hla s??ech bfrjn last iMits .. li->. de voted his aiptai-ni s« ;D tl ? p t-v o a day. l>j a discission of 1S« a.i 1 eonstltuttorti phaik-s of the Philippine question. bold'ng la tb? main. that > the Filipinos had establish -1 as Inde pendent government id tee prior to the fall Cf Manila, th: t'niled Sta'ei. nade- the prlwlfl s :f Interna, tlonal law had no right to the ia-oa-la Vienna. Special.—Capt. Crosaman started oa Thursday from I.lm for Vienna, a dlataace of 1M miles, walk lac «a ths surface of ths River Dan ube oa shoos invented by himself. Ha covered twenty miles oa Thursday, lowing his wife in a boat. lis was therefore oabale to make anywhere t-ar the speed he expected. It is stated that the peasants along the banks waas terrified by the acreage spectacle. Condition crloa.« Mexico C'tf. Ppe-. 'al.-Ybe conlitloa of Rev. Dr. Meredith, of Brooklyn. K. Y . ban Leeoms so srare that arrange ments hare beta compete I f->r taki&3 him to h's boiac from Coatula. la lie Stat" of Mertios where he a;w lie# -n a precarious »-aadi * I in. The pat*etit will through the city tomorrow after noon. cn route to V era Crfir. where anansr tnents bare b»(n ir.s le for hit pWiJf'' (IB board the steamer X!-ID* 'r i, y of tlie Ward Uae. wii. a s-iiU lor New York Thursday. Fusr Chlldrca Bur«-d t- Cumberland. Md.. Special.—At 1 o'clock Saturday irons us. the farm house of W in. P. ICdbert&oa. about 2) miles east of here, on the Maryland side of the Potomac river, was entirely destroyed by Bre. and four of the Rob ertson children. Pearl. Owen. Cffie .n I Joseph, the eldest tgei 10 and ti:« youngest 4 years, were cremated. Ths tire, wh'.eh is thought to hare started from sparks from an o:-en beartii. spread so rspu : y thst Mr and Mrs. It£»ber*iwn fai.rJ a!| of es;ap» roue for »fce children. who were la the wrood lioif •treat IVssppo ntmeof Ct>arl«stoa. Rp-rlnl. -Tba create* disaop' intire't Is fel| la ail circiea here »t the -? the Presi dents propes-J trip to Charlestt> Arraaserr.i r.ts had too made for s tpl»r..i:d reaction and was Iro'ifnt to the vcasica aS the rr«cl .f Ihc exp s :l n will tave to te rai!-d off a? the President was the ctalral hsurc of the program me. .Mew York. S"ie-'.al- .'ov C. BUck. (•urn. Jr.. son of the Stnatcr. I* tarely jiire tonirt i i» no: «xpeci*i is lurrive oiitH nrftrninr. Four Children i^tfated New Tork. Special. —J« nnle asd Elsie Burliagcr aped s an! 6 yearn respectively, children of Dr. Be) linger, were suffot-ated and diod while the fire was ia progress, in their fath er's residence, in this city Sunday. Af ter the arc was extinguished the bodies of the children were found ly ing near the dour cf their room ou the second Boor. Rutherford B. Hayes, son cf farsiw President Hayes, has donated a hun dred volumes of choice books to ibs county acbuois of Bun>-oaabe. Greensboro. lßpe-.-tal->—The r*w building for the Practice and Gb*"ra tion School at the Slate Norms! mi Indrstrial College at Greensboro. h»» been named the Carry Buiidln? as a eompUmcct to Hoa. J. U M. Curry. Ifct. ageat of the Pea body Educational fsnd. Atlanta. Oa.. Specia!.—C. M. Cole aa 1 Henry Reynolds were killed an 3 G. W. White was seriously Injured taday by the breaking of a scaffold. They wars painting the Interior of a .If:* foet from the geoaad. The Locust Plagua In Canary Islands. Kfws comes from Santa Crux fie Tsnerifa that the Canary Islands bs-ra Wn visited by a locust pla&ae. A aoothwestera storm brought them over from the African coast. On one »Inj!» estate the" ias».-ta destroyed, wjthia £r« mlna*!*. Z6.W> yocag totnsv plant*. Great 3res were lighted. TU» eatfrae armed tkemst'rci with rites Hi gnsa. and tried to Hs perse tke nests by smoce and noise, tat alt their' eßots did Mt with)«a/