VOL. 111. - NO. 31. HOW SASDOW GREW STRONG. flifew Hercules Was a M:cak Child but Now Lifts PMlit. Ihr ugh she s4yMeriers ol ler jml acenes a wto::« lac aigbt ch««fil the sl:mp *t man in the world to h:« iair. Ih-.« ww Mr. Eugene ?srvi->w, exponent extra vdunrj of th- at. of is:t and *» ister p>u:puJ-j.".iary at t!»e j-hy«i i xad cuiturists. Mr. Sirniot :s Jh: iu{ tkii.es, uc uui; g in t-i.f rr (Ofii, up a! its? B"j >a Us* «t* hup: }>ica! pnxrm :s U»: e*:i --' Mated by h:s tmwtr to a qaeMicn as to how a.z»y p- ui.cs he ht» 1. one of the lent* ie is frlv He said he di nt faiij anew how much he wss Sftisg 1> t a IhcnMtd poomls w,*irliii «isfilti«. And thai s the Kan who uxd to hare i»ina .nd K«k iun ( f *h*kirg ha us nth Mr. ;ar.do* is lihe rhainr g j ar.ds w::j a mat"r'.e statue fr.t :hst he is cold, far from it, but lis fii frrls tike a ■ piece cf a.«-ble ih.s te.rg due to the fact he rtes trat Cat o:o»»two huncrto-ri ca cva.b beia abcut like be «£S ) ajirj p:ij uo bato.fs a :ca. manmuh as if hr v were a tag id Ircm Ihe f:ont of the house Mr. v Sar.elow is a }tij detrptrt look in{ ma; . He would term to be about six feet ta.l and wejjh s»o pounds. Instead r.f that he is fie u fret niue inches tal> and weighs >O6 pownds, and be basn t a»j su petitions He*h. He is built rathe: crcsawise than othet«r;se, and is i about as study as a steel post Last night while talking to the fearless re pr rter be in itcd -hat in dividual to |oke him in rations |ait of his peiscnalrty jest to see what a hard sort of man he is The reporter poked with Consider atle titpidatkn aid fcund that when his fii ger cxn.c in contact with one of M 1 ?an«!ow*s mus. le If »U>| )«d right tl.cn and there. It made afoul as ikep adtnl as the saint finger ncu'd Late made in fbe wail if the City Hall, postiMy leas. Mr. Sand««r, rLo is a Cetman has keen piotu unced the mcst feife-cterily diveioftd man that t*er heed. He tails with a de cided German accent, but he lifts in any language WEIGHTS ARE NOTHING. "How much do I lift in that last (rat?' he repeated in answer to a question. • Well, really 1 don't know. All the weigh** I use and six men are on top of me but 1 never know how much I lift- You see a thousand pour ds, more or less, doesn't make any difference I dont notice it. I suppose the weight in that bet is something like twenty cue or three hundred prune s. A meie tr He " Then Mr J'sr.dow stammered himself violently some tbiee or four times in his corrugated stom ach. "What ws« the greatest weight I erer lifted? 'lt was fire thoc:sard four hicdred poirds 1 tiuas How did 1 get all my strength? From exercise 1 never used ary f araphtmalia of tny sort in the exercise*. except sometimes a ecu p!e of ifght Cunt tils In my physical derelcfmtr.t 1 ha*e w«r.- fdalotj lir.es which I tin eloped » atftelf ted rcw I never take scy rtfteise. It - :sn t necessary ! ff/p'.a fo for six ptonths wiihco laku g e ftfi rre. sare ineolun arl'y uutiN, aid le ;rst a* strong ' then as I am now "I began my ph; sical framing •ken I wa- about tew years old aad lccai.se 1 was suSeiing from a weak .chest and asthma. My health was delicate. Kow I am cstablshlng my sjrkfa m of ] hysical **itnie all over the woe Id 1 hare A/p»e twenty thusand pupils in England end crme over here this time :o estat-" -h phrscal cattnre ►cools Ar y nan an - da* e.op hlasseif if he £i 1; "lie mae.e to see"ft." k°v old am 'I? 1 inrtj-fire. I had a b rhelar the other cay Crme ni are; see me*rire time. Anc tlit r poking h.mse f some wore ;o.- "he rc £■ atscn of the : its# Mr S*r.ccw put Leap rJrskand through a ce mprcu proceeding " apd said gocd night. Confesses Brutal Murder. Music Teacher Miller Ad mits Killing Miss Jennett. CRIME WAS PREMEDIATED. Be Had *a!aM Her aid Dec! Jed She lul Be Gciti Rid oi-Saw a Bate*:: aad Laid Plaa iar Harder. i*rofe*«*r Joseph I*. Mi'ler. of- IVt:c t, M»ch.. has coafemd ;o; ie killing o Mi's Carrie M. Je^Tiett. Af'er bt.ng in the ' sweat bo*" aw hoar ana twenty tmtui!e M .!- ler breke e!cwa and «mfe>wd to the crime. Miller said that he h-ni improjer relations with the g"I and wa«- responsible for her conci:- t:on. He said he offered to send Mi 4 * Jtrnett to a lying-in hospital, hut she refn«ed to go. insisting that be leave his fsmity and go :o some other city with her. T'a's he woo'd cot do. He had an engagement w : th the g ; r! the n'ght of the mnrHer. He !cok the hatohe? that was .'ound by the ofl&rcrs in his kitchen with him. He secreted it on Seventeer.th Street 0:1 his »ay to the aieeting. When he lel't the lce"ge rccms he secured tbe hatch et again rnd prcce.ee'ed to il coiner of Fourteenth and Wa'.en Avenues where he met Mi»s Je i nett They w?iked over to 13th Street and out to where the k .'l ing was e!cme. M:»!er says they sat down 03 the sidtwa'k ar.d talked for awhile t ie girl urging him to ahandom h : s family and leave the city »ith her He then wh pjed out the hatche. and stitsck her in the bead" When a«-ked why he mut "a cd her so. Miller sa : d he had no rec kctica of zts> thing at'er the. fi -» MowWrtfl he found Irm-e the blood off his hatchet e>n t -- grass in the vacant h»t. PREMEDITATED MI'RDFR. _ On Mot -.day trglit .Miller said Ik made a date n tth Miss Jennett to meet her at the corner of Warren Ave r.tie- 2t:el I'ourteenlh Street; alett! 11 o'clock Wcdneilay n:g"il j Tbey were to what had hc-t he done in view e>f the expect ed hirth. He said he fi\ed the time at 11 o'clock beccuse lie had to atutrd a me t t'njj of the Wolver ■f isieCircle, while st>e sa:d slie was going to a ce nunittc pic 1 ting at G'rlatid Relieex-ah Wge. * ■'When did you make up your mind to kill the girl?" Miller was asked. "last Wednesday afternoon.'' he answered. "| was thinking of what could be done and of my being married and with a fam fly when my eyes fell on a hatchet up at the home. It seemed to tell the way oat of the trouble and the idea erf killing the girl swept over me with irresistible force then. I had to do something. I felt that I had to get rid of her. S|te was in fatuated with me: crazy after me, aad ooatmnally chasing me." Faycttevlllc to Gd First Plant. Hew C—my t» Da Basiaess ia the SmUL ' The following, seat out front Ulica. X. V., announces the advent of aa injoc'znt industry The Union Bleaching and Pfiiit ing Company, incorporated trader the laws of New Jersey, has organ ized by the election of the following officers: President. J. B. Duggan; vice-president. B. N. Duke; direc tors. J. B.Dcke. Anthony, X. Bran dy. Samuel F. Ryan. W. A. Erwin and James B. Duggan. \ The capital is (2,500,000. The business is to bleach, dye. jwiat and otherwise -treat, come t j and finish cotton and all the p~c-f ducts of cottons, alone and in com bination with flax, jute, hemp, wool aad any and all other fib: oas material, to btjv, sell and deal ia the waw, both direct and in com mi nifiii aad to manufacture all sttch products into sheets, pillow cases, shirts, pants, women and children's dresses, wrappers, aprons, tmder dnathing. etc. Plants are to be operated in the sooth, the first to be built at Fay-' elteville, N. C. . £ iJiat -S-',.*-rffr' V... ' ffirt (Stttftprrst WILLIAMSTON, N. C, FRIDAY, APRIL 25^1902. , EFFORT, -rw Mt iaim lafetttlm Q«4 ■ ■« Ik —« 1 elitifl Sre Vkn t—lmummlliattwK "TbMtMOunWrnll '4 m» 111> m T» t»mlj tag hrrtal k |n*t IV chat f> tm lairtlia »tm "Tta M 1n ■ Hit eh* bn H Ut> TW Ml I* mmtf hr*e «ni> "i Him niw> wteh tmN wt— 1 ITTt ~*~~T T- ~~ ** " MM ■hHoathMWhrtw latnm chv asai wteh ni-|if —tmrOius. ' ; A PESKY WHALE. * HKBO wkhlri " Af| 4,^ u' «kaiM.- aaid I , lit. JtJ Vaa ia pnkji etit-' -S* * • Hir" | 'l -rL_ * Smokr w«t «p ia efawh.—Jtfcrw . • wulilmt lor lie 'bvk« ;w'«r pit aoorUiDf em . jwr Mind, rap." aid Ikr dortor. I *. Mthia" ««tj |«rt i«-klrr." nid the nftoia. ~hm when akain was ialro- I dacni it iradaJrd me. 1 bad otd Lis , up IMrikr wa nt tao tnn a(» eld Laz aa> at ahifc. krr fall nun- bria* ' Fliabrtk J. Darker—aa* we'd Lad a - p«*"lty poi x-em. Srptroiurr »r |xat araaad fur the llora. aad. aa Ihiaga hapfranl. dade't aur aaotbrr Whair tail w atrarh iato thr Fortim. Thru, mir.' I 'bowl 11 o'-lorfc oar >nr BKuraia'. «r •lo in" aboett lii Lituta, we raiard aalah' that aaa a ahair* ' j| I -IK*. I bet - aaid Ibrdortor. " ' "*1 -Nea. aoe ao wrriblr bi».-aaid thr rap-| taia. -bat peaky. I aaa ataadia' aboat 'aiMip> ahra aae of the aara linga! ' oat: 'Hi. Cap, look at *er blow.* Saiv' 'aoafk. half a aaile of aad had abraaa lo atarhoanl. hr aaa blow ia'. Ilr aeot ' ap a road spout and Ihrn annl to kiadrr arUlr hiawrlf. like he wan nap . pea*. 1 h>ii ia* a lal of ki» Irayth 1 bo«r old Liz to. aad ar pat otfr a couple of boat*. ISamia* ia thr small boataaa I a Itatehaaaa caard Fraak. 1 aarntioa bin. "esiw hr c«a» iato tbe >arn prrttjr peoaaiaaeat. Krauk aaa a eol sailor, hat oar of Ibra lellrra that turn drradfal iittlr to aajr. He traded right j to lialwa aaad kept his haUrh Iml- Irardrhaar. WrIL as it tarihed oat. the' little boat licked the U g oar aad Kiit first akarii at thr aba>. They pal a b-upoua iato hiaa just uirr has port ho sad doa a hr aeot. ( "| stood a-aatrhia' thiaca a paw. 1 a ailed aa* aaitrd for thr buql I tat start of ia low. bait afar didn't do II aothia* baft set still, which was paazzlin*. la abaaat fu aaiaalea oniarlhia' big aa* Mark brake aatrr 'taeea ua and tha, I ham. aa* ther- aa* old btoaea-. not' aaorv'a majrarda from thr pfaaer be aeat I doaa. He ararat ap bay, bat rnomtb to arft his brarip's. I row. for dosa ba I aeat atraia. aa' I could r-m tha bow ~ ■aaa gettia* ready to give him all the roj# he'd take. Thra thr boat started, I ' shard a Idt an' ceaar dead for thaaklpj t at S to pailr clip I aevrr aee a boat Iraarl aa! Wo aatchrd "em. aa' ahra she gat aithia a ejaartrr of a mile 1 ' thialla to mrarlf: Thia is gittia' blaaard > lata teatia*. 1 sitaVr Is that whale go- j ia* to aherr of or is he goia' to give aa j a ram? That boat. air. traveled for aa aa trar aa a hair, aa' I eoaald ane the mra • f ia her gittia" excited. On ahc eome. 1 r thfwtp' ,ik * »M, sad 1 pp|- fcilated if ahe held her torn she'd hit aa aa acar 'midahipa it « 00 Id at be ' ; worth mraaarea* the difdeaer. Thra I 1 ace tha aaa ia the bow make a | ' ' for tha raK *Hh the hatrhrt, but ¥* ■ paa a apu like, pa' taiaacd K. fur the • hatchet aeat overboard aa' he, loaia' Ua balaaor. aloaag with It. Tbe rest 4 the a' a sana't loaf drcidia' a hat | thrj'ddo. |t aaa go oveHWard sr git' ammkrf to tiadna, aad whra thejr gut | ** "em, siltu' taf remci'us" ] wtthha 9a jrard erf as they all weat over I bat Fraak. e | " 'Jamp. yoa idiot,* yells I *do yoa 1 aaat to git atoweT Hebbe he dida t I hear, bat I reckoa it woalda't makr ao • i difference, foe aa I'm livia*. Doe, that 1 Uutebaaaa lay kimaelf oat em hiaatnaa- I ■ick n the bottoaaof thr beaat,grabbrd 1 a foot cleat aith both haads aad hang * |aa far drar life. WelL old whair kept I ! steam as. I sec |he boat go down I I a littfe by tha hrad aa she got ckae to 1 os. aa" | kaew thr rope was arrapin' the ahip'a keel. We waa all hoidia* breath I sad waitia' to mo Fraak splatter his braiaa against the ship's side, when the hodt weat ham do a a. stcra ap aad an . der the water with a kerehag. She auoard reachia* as by abemt ave yareL* "AP hoada aboard ahip leant over to see Fraak aad 'he splinters eome ap. " for the boat woald sare fetch again the 1 b»I md gn to kiaadlia* wood. We waited 1 1 aa* waited aw* waited, bat, by gum. 1 them stmt no an' there j 1 poker, look!' t aMyd moad aad there » fathomo of oar port, waa the little whahhoat. fall •t water ta the gaaml. aa* Fraak staadia' apia her. waist drrpk. hoidia" aaMatuwlack for dear life. Ma help aaa. Dae. that boat aas tawed dm aadcr aid Ua. tho thr other sadas. "Yra. air; aaiir aha ahip aa aMrk aa a whhttie aa* thr Dotehmam ia her. That whale waaasehatiac.ah. Beralkßsted all right ta lom the bom; hot, Hmyoa. it's » bigger Job than aajaor wanted to taekla to atase that craft, an* aa for aaf thr atotjr. Wo itmimhoral the fel lers that jatafad aa* we area the big hoot waaM pith 'em op before wecoaid past aaa tha r over, ap we taraod to looh at Ftaah sgala. there wrera't aatythla* left ia the baat to hail with aa' he roaaida*t da aothia* bat wait aa the plraaart of t hat whair. *e travelrd away boa thr ship aa Caat as hr roaar at it, aa* ho aaaat V goam a third of a mite behtr the bamt aiorhrd. Thra we area her daw doom aa* rams tos dead stop. 'Liar's boated.* so 1 a I; *maa a baat aa* fetch ia the ltatchaaaa.' 1 hoda't ao mnrr'a apoke the words whra a bag wave orimrd to riae ap near the j boat aa* aid whale Mowed 3* faot high. Then he got old Lis ia range. I'p hia tail gaea aa* far aadrr the water sgala. I eoald are Fraak wade haraad ia the | boat aa' try to pay oat liar, bat it waa jamaaed. aa' before he eohld moka it loone the host gave a Jerk 'taoad, al anoat a-throw in' him oat. aa* sonar at as agaia. What I'm aayla'a trath. Doe. that boat si rack sasthrr her Mar for as. 1 aappoae. more paaprrly aptakin*. the whale did. tiaoh! Hoar ahr did roam Utia*! Frank fnalin' with tba liar an* Jam haag em. I fmkeaid the boat was aaoria' feoti i'a ever,only she dida't throw aomaeh water, 'maae she act dowa slmiiat ta her taalochs. We otood apreehlaaa while ahr waadriv ia* for ml Whra aha got withia Ma yards the aaate took a big breath sad let ay: " "Jump, yoa Datch labia-r, or you're a dead ma.' "Bat he dida*t jump, aa* I could aee him gittia* ready for aaeHhrrdlvr aadcr old Lk • "I graiabed ap a backet, eiimbrd em the rail, aa' when the boat came near ilaterf."' ' eooagh I let drive at Fraak. bopin' to kaock him overtamrd If I hit him. Ho sera it cam la*, dodged, aa* just as the boat went tail up again yelled: I -*1 can't swim!* "Down weat tho boat lihe s aoundla' lead, aw' thia time aa all slid over to starboard to are her rnmi up. Kevea or eight areoada |iaiaud. maybe, aa' tfaaa shaaat IS fsthomo af our beam up come the boat, bottom ap! *Oh. Lord!* groaned the rook, -he's a goner!* IJat be wnrn'L Sea, air. Thr boot hadn't traveled ZU yssrd afore she righted, sa' we area Frank's brad boh up over the gaaarl. Well, old whale dida't mil aa far thia tipae. for hr broke water a few haadied fathom off. In about a miaate be wwt ap • »trvam of Idood. 1 sera thra Ihst thr harpoon waa a good throw, an'he wasn't goia'to fight loag. **' seat the sreoad boat ant after him. bat they didst gH far face down goes whale for the third time, an' In s sec ond tbe little boat slewed again sa* wa kaew be waaeoaaia'at as. There wara't no way ta make tha Hntehuisa jomp. aa* these wara't M Way ta step the whale, so wa jast waited sgaia while tha little boat made traoka tor as like ahe was gain' to rasa. Jast whra 1 reck oned by tbe line oat that the whale waa paaaia* under aa them was a tremen dous haag aa' every soother's son waa throwrd aal Old Lis rolled to star beard aa' thra bark to port an' lay rorkia* while we got ap. lirekoa yoa gaesn what happened. DoeT That whale miarmlkilaied. He laid hia coarse Ine aa ailk. bat hie elevation waa of a eoaple o* points. He didat fetch deep eaongh. an* hit aid Las a welt tha'd like to rip the keej of her. Tkst set tied 1% Hsiprsa, taoh We looked over thg raM sa' seen aaps bloody aster,* then S aipper aad aoon a big black hady lovlrd ap aloagaddi. There am oar whale, air. dead aa a hank a' salt pork, with thr top o* his brad half lore of. He waa a Mae whale. Doa. sad he measured close to a feet. What be rooaco'the Dutchman? Why, the boat slowed dowa whra the whale rata aae d tn aa* tbe other boot took him of. Hart? No. He weat to work cuttia* op that whale along pith the |ts| of *ess. I dial bev altera sO« that hr waa grujatyip' icause twm his bofhet I t browed at him sa- It atrat picked up. Itight lively a ha|e. warnt it. Dm?" -Kight lively - rrpewed the doctar. abarwlty- lho-aktyu NEGLECT MEANS DANGEa- Don't acglect balsaine a and coasti patioa. Yoear health will suffer perma nently if yon do. DcWitt s Little Early Reacts care sach cases. M. B. Smith. Batteraut. M%h., says "DcWitt'a Little Early Risers sre the aaaat sstjafedoiy palls I ever took. Nem gripe or csam Tragedy in High Life. A CRUET WMUI Kills HcrS«U4 Takes Her Owa Life. The most Inpdjr in the histoi y of Poughkeepsie ocrnr cd here when Mrs. A. Edwin Tow - er. the wife of a millionaire ntt chaut of that city, shot and killed her 16-ycar old son Alfred and end ed her cvo life. The deed was committed while the woman was tailoring tinder a fit of mnderous and sukidal mania. The murder ami suicide otcuied in the beautiful kc me of the Tow ers. situated in Hyde Paik road a short distance from the city. It was shortly before midnight ami Alfred and several of the servants had retired. Mr. Tower was away from home and Mrs. Tower was in her room. Suddenly in the still ness of the household five shots, fired in rapid succession, staitled the servants. One of the male em ployees rushed up stairs to Alfred's room, where the sound of the»hot* came from. He attempted to enter l>ut the door was locked. Rush ing hack down stairs be notified the butler who joined him at the bed room dc.or and the two broke down the barrier. Entering they found the body of the boy. dressed in pajamas, lying par;!y on the bed on his !ack. Four bullets had lodged in the body and another had entered the luck of the head. Tlie butlets in tre body would bare l>een suK citnt to have can-td death, but the 1 maniacal woman, to make sore of lier purpo.-e, find a fifth bul'et at r!«*e ti-uge into the-boy's be ad, flutter "tig She skull. The hys.e.itil servants ru«-hed iino a i«H>in adjoining ATt:rd"s :'ie tf HI iciuj'id by Mr. ?r:d Ms. T( «tri. Sut &t!l' Kg lb (W>l tlicre ;b«*y b«'n.id to h«r i«J r «n!. A :iu :i g >. : v .s\!»t nrt tin j. ?•. The »• ia. I.s'i d-« ■ i:n a lr,cse«f « -/IIJ '?k. half upon the l ed. much in the sun* jios t.on as the n rvlrnl son. Glij>f »l i;i her I« :t luiid ii.is a !arg«- j> -t«d. T'.iere was a bui!tt in thebia : si. , v - Mr». Tower was t"it* daughter t.( ex-Ti;dfcf B. I* CaTfrnte-. wi-o ior many \ ta: v «.ts jtu'ge of Su'.cbn toiifily. He w; sf t Go- - em»r of .Mon'una. then a leririto?*, under a; poiutmeiit l» I'ltiudinL Ha: r .'-on. - - A SOTHFRN WRITE* WORTH WATCH XG. Oi!y a Girl Jfow.bnl Fail af Prwse tor the Fu.tre. It is not at ail i:nprol»ab'e that before many years have parsed the South will be pointing proud!y to a new writer in the fie!d of fiction, a writer whose pre-ent work a!o?g another line give promise of thing of enduring interest if she turns to fiction when more mature —Helen Keller. This wonderful girl from Alabama, blind, and de prived of all sense of hearing, is putting so much poetic feeling, sen timent and thought, and is show ing such marvelous descriptive power, in her story of her life now appearing in THE LADIES' HOME JOUKXAL, that one cannot help wondering what she would do if she were to try k«r a hand at a ro mance. It is too early yet for her to think of it. as she is only twen ty-one, and still in college: but it requires no stretch of the imagina tion to conceive of her as becoming one of the Sooth's mast famous authors by and by. Dismal Swamp Mraster Killed. The Dismal Swamp monster. which for a time kept the super s'.:'.'ens population in a state of B : gftt!v terror, hs'tesbssttdisd firtd at by numerous parties, and which ate dogs and other saia'l aa iutal*4o the coasU; nation of m. :iy farmers was killed rtttkiv ntar Dean.-.. Va. Ihe animal was soot dead by a huntsman while it was u the act of devouring a dog just kill ed. Thede-criptiop t» similar to that given of the beast befoiehand. It looks more like a wolf than any thing else. 1 1 " -S ' v ", -1' FTPO «wi m Keep this hrt livtj! fresh in jour memory:^ ' For Cats, M«ihn and all Opca Sorea, jtm j 1 seed only to apply | -j ja Hr tones i»l the rareness and M—afci will j r be naqaeml and the wounded flesh healed. • ' To |rt the hwt results jon should saturate a piece of HA cloth with the lininont and bind it upon thf ' [ wound as yon would a poultice. gar, —a »ijo«>mk KEEP Ml EYE OH CVS? iiMii in 11 j i■' >■ Uwmmmimm *■«■■§ ■ uiwi, i I NOTICE! NOTICE! t ■" I shall srfl for Cash Before tbe Court House Door, in Willumston, on ' Monday, the sth day of May, 1902, tbe following tracts of land forth* ' Taxes doe and unpaid for the year 1901, to wit: JAMESVILLB TOWNSHIP TAXKS. COST. TOTAL Mia. J_ }. RrmUtdgc. 75 arm adjoining C. llaidiscn $ 5© f1 10 f1 to H. H Ikrrw. 50 " " Poplar Chapel ■33 1 10 1 43 'T. H. Dn». y. " " J F Holliday. 67 110 177 )ka Mik krioa. lis " " RcrnWncr, 546 110' 656 Apufc CaJn, >S ** " Rc»ilrmr, I« 1 10 >lO - Sam Fagaa, 15 " " AUoria 1 " 5 " •• JAV.U'arrioKtoa >67 >«° >77 J. C. Jordaa. Sr.. Col 16 " " W. I>. Cordoa, *» I 10 i>» I KM Moor* 10 " " B«tl y Smith, 53 v «"> ' b J 1 Cam IVttiJxd 7 " " Fiuk Bttoka 317 I 10 3rj PW«r rtmifont 1 " " " ' " - . 33 «'« •« [W. M. laNma 1-4 " " Jamaaville 15' ''« »'* . UanJShtfiul >» " "RcsUoict 3 6 M # »I GRIFFINS TOWNSHIP. . ! Rilliaaim AN. C. Uad a Umlm Co. Timber, i"> 110 3 '• R. T. D. Ldky 15®arm. Residence. I uo I 10 3 10 H. T- y> " ad] Smith Corey «>7 I 10 i 77 U J. RWoolaid jo '* " Wilkin* I .and 33 «"» *43 CROSS ROADS TOWNSHIP. . J. R nail 1 1 ton lot EreretU. N C. > I 00 1 10 a 10 Joha H. WUafccr 61 arm adj J. A. Criap 3 45 *lO 4 55 rkriij Loag 17 " " S. P. Moora *69 110 379 RORERSONVII.I.E TOWNSHIP k >. M. gakwki » ton lot SO' »0 6 ir a Hjmaa 1 lowa lot » » «« 1 3*» t T. S. Stella 1-1 aria adj. Still ait* s f « > 10 * 9* . Saaaa " u I lon lot 67 rlO 177 Xaata Joan 1 ton lot * 8 3 « 3 «3 ' Qaiati Maorr 1 ton I A 3 33 * lo 4 43 1 I. E. Straad 1 ton lot a 50 1 10 3 POPLAR POINT TOWNSHIP F. C. Riddtrk 73 arm Allabrook l*od » 33 » «» 3 4J Joadaa William* lo l-a arm adj ). R. Ballmid 3 lo 1:0 4 *» HAMILTON TOWNSHIP. W. B Condi. 18 arces adj. Griffin Land '°7 110 **7 El ward Cherry too " " John Best a 33 ««® 34 J B. G. Howell 2 town lots and mill lot 6 33 1 10 7 4J S. G- Taylor 63 acres adj. Nicholson Land 333 110 443 Mrs. H. D. Taylor acres adj. HD. Taylor Land 733 110 45» Wa» Bergc 1 town lot 66 110 176 Collin Dickens 31 acres adj. S. W. O. 34° >'« 4J» Reuben Dixou to acres adj. R. S. Wheathersby 270 110 380 Webster S. Williams 1 town lot 268 110 37» GOOSE NEST TOWNSHIP Charles Benthaul 1 town lot 84 1 10 19* J. J. Bowers 61 aocMdj. J. L. Bowers » 60 «*® *7° James Curry 33 acres adj. Henry Kite '"3 110 * 1 KUey Dawson 28 •• " Canon Land 475 *«° 3»5 G. W. If a ward. Guard, 39 " " Dick Jones ) *• " •• irs " " Geo. " f 76 110 ••" B. G. Howell Taylor Land t 36 I 10 » Ed. Shields 30 " Baker Bell 100 I 10 3TO Satterwhite Heirs 25 " Land 50 • 160 H. L- Staton 175 " Eli Michel Laud 467 110 57J W. W. Parker & Co. 216" Ben Harrell 533 110 6 ~4J WILLIAMSTOX TOWNSHIP. Aharr Bennett 80 acres adj. J. G. Staton 437 ««• 54/ Major Latham 11 " "S. R- MoWey >37 1 "> *47 This April 3rd. 1902. J. C. CRAWFORD, SHERIFF MARTIN Cotnmr. —"f . ■ —-— Now is the time to subscribe for THE ENTERPRISE FOR CAMPAIGN NEWS, SUBSCRIPTION PRICE: |lu»iTUt. SINGLE COPIES FIVE abnrs EACHI