Jsgj THE ENTERPRISE FRIDAY. OCTVBEB 17, 1902 LOCAL NEWS J. H. STistll has sold tlie "Fetrel" and purchased a much larger boat —the ' 'South tfalt^nore.'' Thv cinipa : ( n opens today at Coo6e Nest. Hon. H. W. SVabhs and others will speak. Owing to the death of Editor Wliittnore's child the office was dosed Wednesday and the paper is later this week. Rev. Henry Wingatc, Rector of the Episcopal Church, is at Spar tenburg, S. C., and hopes to be here in November. Cornelius Ward, son of Mrs. Mattheus Nicholson, had his right arm broken on Monday by being kicked by a horse which he was grooming. LOST —Near Hveretts, a valise (telescope) belonging to Miss Daisy Whitley, on Sunday iath. Suita ble reward will be paid if returned to my residence. " " J. A. WHITLEY, Everetts, N. C. A number of young boys were before Mayer Ewell on Monday for disturbing public worship at the Baptist Church oe Sunday night. All of them were found guilty and the costs amounted to $37.00. Mr. Wm. Slade is erecting two handsome brick stores on S. West Maiu street. They are 50 by too ' feet, two stories, and when finished will be up-to-date business houses. Both sn rented for the next year, and are conveniently situated for the trade. The registration books for this township show that a great per centage have failed to register. Not S dozen negroes have come up to re quirements yet. The white voters are very slow and not only here, but the trouble seems to be wide spead over the State. The State Fair opens on the 27th inst., and. piomises more attrac tions than ever before Eight thousand dollars nre offered in pre miums. A Trade Procession and Flora Parade on the 29th will be interesting features. Thanks to Joseph E. Pogue for courtesies ex tended. Bagwell & Stone, agents for the Cable Piano Company, have a fine exhibit of instruments in the*old Bank building. They represent the largest company in the world with a capital of $2000,000. Their instruments are high grade in tone and finish. Easy payments and low prices, make them popular with the trade. The "Cable'"and "Kingsbury" pianos are among the stock and each one is a beauty in both quality of finish, volume and sweetness of tone. Dr. Hyatt's recent visit to Wil liamston was both pleasant and profitabte. He had all the patients he could possibly look after during his limited stay. A large number of Martin county people have been under his care during the last ten years Dr. Hyatt owns a Sanato rium in Kinston where he takes care of all patients who visit him from s distance. They do not have to stop St s boarding house or ho tel, but go from the trains to his place. He is always at hone dur ing the last four dsys of the week., Hit trips away from home are al ways oa Monday and Tuesday. By this srrangefnest he is easbkd to look after a great number of peo ple. While away the Doctor's pa tients see looked after by compe tent Doctors who have an office in his houae A CARD. TO TW PBOI'I.F. OR WLI.LIAMSTON We want tS emphasise the fact , that the Cable Co.. is here to do a " dean, aquare, honest business We claim nothing but honest goods at hone>t prices Our com petitars may slip in and try to dodge their taxes, and maliciously assail our goods, but the fact remains— we have as fine pianos as the world produces at lowest factory prices. We do not claim a famous make, snd then fool you with a commer cial box. Neither have we any paid friends to asa^t. We are not selling the output of sn auction house sale under mort gage ; but wc are here with the ar tistic CaHc Pianos for a few days more. A new lot of the reliable Cable Organs— the best for the money in the world to-day. Come to see uv * you may regret it later. Thanking you for post favors. PAG WELL & £TONE. Woman and Society. —Miss Ajmie Lamb, who has been very ill, is improving. —Mesdames Sitterson snd Pope have returned from Washington City. —Mrs. W. A. Jones and Miss Ida Hassell have returned from Wash ington City. —Mrs. T. H.CruJup, of Kittixlls, was the guett ot Mn>. \. T. Craw ford last week —Frances, the little daughter of Dr. Kuiglit, is oht again after au attack of laryngitis. —Miss Nannie Claiborne, who has been nursing Miss Auuie La nib,re turned home yesterday. —A delightful dance was given at Robcrsonville. N, C., on Friday evening last. Miss Lavenia and Essie Peel and Master Willie Watts were in attendance from here. —The Independent Book Club will have no meetings as formerly, but will read and circulate the books. A new list has been select ed and will soon be ready for circu lation. —On Tuesday morning, the 7th inst., Mr. Arthur Swain snd Miss Emms Hall, of Plymouth, N. C, were married at the M. E. Church by Rev. J. H. Buffaloe. Miss Vir ginia Dare Hassell, of Jamesville, N. C., was Maid of Honor. The groom is the nephew of Mrs. B. F. Godwin, of Williamston. A complimentary banquet was given at the Hassell House on the evening of the Bth instant, by the Tobacco Buyers of the Williamston tobscco market. Among those present were: Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Staton, Mrs. C. M. Lanier, Misses Lavenia and Henrietta Peel, Miss Mattie Bennett, Misses Lulie and Ella Staton, Miss Jennie Moore, Capt. C. H. W Barhatn, Mr. T. Smith and brother, of Danville, Va., Mr. Dennis Biggs, Mr. D. W. Morris, Mr. A. Hassell, Messrs. Coy and James Monk, Mr. John Hassell, Mr. Meadows and Mr. Al bert Jones. A delightfid evening was spent and every one agreed in voting the gentlemen most charm ing hosts. ANNOUNCEMENT. Mrs. Mary Elizabeth Bennett requests the honor of your presence at the marriage of her daughter i Martha, and Mr. Alonzo Hassell, on the evening of Wednesday, the fifth of November, at half-after eight o'clock, Methodist Episcopal Church, Williamston, North Carolina. No cards in town. GO2S Like Hot Cakes. "The fastest selling article I have in my store,'' writes druggist C. T. Smith, of Davis, Ky., "is Dr. King's New Discovery for Con-1 sumption, Couglis and Colds, be cause it always cures. In my six years of sales it has never failed j have known it to save sufferers from Throat and Lung diseases, who could get no help from doctors or any other remedy." Mothers rety on it, best physcians prescribe it, and guarantee satisfaction or refund price. Trial bottles free. Reg. sizes 50c sad sl, at drug stare. V Doth sf Mr. Vlsceit Smith. A very sad death occurred here on Monday afternoon. Mr. Vincent Smith, of Danville, Va , who came here with his brother, Mr. i'T. J. Smith, of the Tobacco Company, about a week ago had s very.severe chill on Sat urday and died from the effect Mr. Smith had been an invalid for two years and hia strength was not suf ficient to stand the attack. His re main* left for Danville over the A. C. L v .1 Greensboro, accompanied by his brother and Mr. Coy Monk, who had been unanimously chosen by the Williamston Board of Trade to represent that body. The sym pathies of the entire community are extended to the sorrowing fam ily and all the courtesies posMbk wero shown by a lio:t of friends. While owning a btx, J. C. Mount, of Three ilile 3ay, N. Y., rati a ten penny noil through the fleshy part ot liis hand, "I thought at ouce of all the ]tain and soreness this would cause roo," he says, "and immediately applied Chamberlain's I'air. Balm and occasionally afterwards. To my surprise it removed ull pain anu soreness ud the injured parts vnere soon iicaied." FOR taie by N. 8. peel ML CO. PERSONAL. J Davis Reed has been in town this week. " Dr. U. S. Hasstll, of Jamesvflk, was here yesterday. ■* Walter York spent several days at home last wt?k. Sheriff Crawford is sick at l»is; home in New Town. Mr. Henry Tool, of Rocky Mount, was iu town Friday. €. H. Bllisoii; of Greenville, was a pleasant caller on Monday. 1 J. Frank Godwin attended the Swain-Hall marriage at Plymouth. Mr. John Phelps. Deputy Collec tor, was here on business Thurs day. : Mr. G. W. Whitaker, of Rober ' sonville, was in town on business ' Monday. ' Mr. Richard Bragaw, of Wash ington, N. C., has been in town » this week. ' : —— -■ r --- Mr. J. A. Whitley, of Kverrtts, ' was in Monday and renewed his subscription. J. H. Johnson, of Conoho, was ( in the office last week and renewed s Us subscription. , Hon. ). T. Waldo, of Hamilton, i was in town attending Iheaessioa . of the Board of Educabon cm lioa* , day. e Mr. J. L. Woolard ratorned from " Washington City last Saturday evening where he attended the G. i A. R. e Messrs. H. W. Stubbs end A. B. E Whitmore went to Tar bono' yester -1 day to hear the address of Hoe. E Cyrus Watson. Out of Death's Jiw*. 1 "When death seemed very neai , from a severe stomach and livei ■ trouble, that I had suffered with , for years," writes P. Muse, Dur . ham, N. C., Dr. King's New Life . Pills saved my life and gave per l feet health." Best pills on earth - and only 25c at drug store. t Card of Thanks. I wish to thank the people ol Williauislon for their kindness and courtesy to both my brother and myself during bis recent illuess.snd for their kindly sympathy shown me after his death. L Especially do I wish to thank Mr. Jones, of the Hassell House, for liis kind attention. For my brother's widow, as well as myself, I assure everyone of oui deep and sincere appreciation. T. J. SMITH HOBGOOD. [Special Correspondence.] Rev. B. D. Parker is holding revival meeting at Kpwortb Church ! iu the country. Mrs W. P. White and Mrs. W T. Ruffin, left yesterday to visil friends iti Norfolk. The farmers report good crops ol [ corn and a good many hogs They 1 are the crops to bank on. ' The voters of this county arc registering very slow. No negroes registering in this township. I There was • negro man killed at . the mile siding to-day, a Idg roljed off of the car and fell on hhn killing him instantly. A good many more of oar farm ers in ibis section will plant tobacco next year. They see now it pays to diversify their crops. Rev G. L. Merrill and wile, ac companied by Mrs. Armstrong, at ' tended the association at Washing ton, N. C., and they report • good time and a large attendance. Protracted meeting commenced at the Baptist Church last Sunday, conducted by the pastor, Rev. G. L. Merrill, to be assisted by Rev. Mr. Scarboro, of Murfreesboro. The price of cotton being off this week there is net much being sold. But the price of tobacco seems to remain high, and all that have any are selling as fast as they can get it ready. The Lumber Companies seem never to tire of carrying the piue logs away from this State. From three to five trains of fifty cars each pass here six days to the week, well loaded, bound fo4P- Norfolk and other points. Well I hope they mill leave ui> fire wood, espec ially while the price of cool re mains bohi&h. t '"SOjOUKJTKK. • . ■ " • * Great Factory Sale OF HIGH GRADE By Tlie Cable Company, of Chicago. This is our Second Annual Sale in Williamston. We sold five the first two days and these fine instruments are being rapidly placed in and near Williamston. Come and let us show yon upon what inducements in price and terms you can get a high grade, first-class Piano or Organ. WE WILL BE HERE TEN (10) DAYS LONGER. Write or call early - BAGWELL & STONE, Factory Representatives, - WILLIAMSTON, NORTH CAROLINA. ROBERSONVILLE. [Special Correspondence.] Misses Alice Crimes and jsnie lfason went to Parmeie on Satur day. Misses Lavinia and Basic Peel, of Williamston, attendedthe dance at the Taylor warehouse hurt Friday night. Harry Stubbs, of Williamston, was in town last rt-iday. He has lots of friends here and always re ceives a hearty welcome. Mrs. Lillian Ellsworth who spent a few days visiting Mrs. Grimes last week, fcturncd to her home in Washington, N. C , Saturday. The town is to be congratulated upon the work of its new police. The streets are being cleaned up, and a thorough renovation of the town is in progress. ~ Mr. R. E. Grimes, Miss Ixoua Roberson, Mr. George Roberson and Miss Annie Tew, represented Robersonville at the Association whfth met at Red Banks last week. The many friends of Mrs. Hugg, who has l>een seriously ill at the Ross House, are very ghid to know that she is better, and under the skillful treatment of Dr. K. H. Hargrove, she will soon be able to mingle with her friends again. Mrs. Joe Person spent Mondiy night with Elder G. F>. Roberson. Mrs. Person is quite an export musician, and it was the pleasure of right many of the young people to hear her. Mrs. Person composes her own music, and has few equals in its execution. Miss Leyta Carter, of the Faculty of the Robersonville High School, went to Rocky Mount Saturday where she passed a successful e* amination before the county super intendent of Nash. Froin Rocky Mount, Miss Carter went to Nash ville where she spcut Sunday with ber mother. Sheriff Crawford was in town Tuesday shaking hands with his numerous political cons ti sent s. Generally speaking, sheriffs are I looked upon as nuisances during | the tax-paying season, as kind of skeletons in the closet, but Mr. Crawford seems to be an exception to the general rule. Winter is coming on apace, and Main street will soon be so muddy as to render crossing practically Impossible. Would it uot be well j to look after this matter now? Would it not be mooey well ipent? Can the town afford to have streets in the condition that they were last year? Sheriff Crawford, Messrs. Juo. E. Roberson, Arch Roberson, W. L. Everett, S. L. Ross and Aaron Gray, went up beyond Parmeie Tuesday, to lay off and establish the new road from a point in the Bethel road to Robersonvilie, pur suant to an order of the county commissioners. « "Shall Roman Catholicism Control the Destiny of the New World," was tbe subject of the school-boy lecturer last Wednesday night at ioc Academy. A large and ap preciative audience greete I the ycung speaker, whoso efforts are in .behalf of the North Care Una Soldier's Home. -• HAMILTON. * [By Correspondence.] Mre Mit Bryan i. very iB with appendicitis. Dr. M. L. Justice will leave very soon to locate permanently in West ern North Carolina. Mr. L. P. Waldo, son of Jo*. T. Waldo, who was brought home from Portsmouth, Va., very ill, is improving rapidly and hopes to be out soon. Mrs. Kate Hudgcns and daught er, Miss Nannie, who were visiting Mrs. W. P. Jones, left Monday for Greenville, before returning home! 1 to Portsmouth. Va. i Miss Klk-n McManaway, of Pe tersburg, Va., is visiting Mrs. F. J II Roberson. She is tlie daughter of I)r. McManaway, one of the best i known Baptist miuisteis j>i_tlic State and who died iu Arkansas [several years ago. Dr. B. L. Long is very ill and j lias called l»r. \V. 11. Harrcll, of I Williainston, to attend liiiu. Dr. j Iotig L"» one of the most j«»»|>ulr»r land U.-.t equipped phyaicinns in luiXtcru Carolina, ami his illness is | regretted by jt host of friends who require l»i-> professional services. NATURAL ANXIETY. Molbrrs regarding appiuuthiiig winter with nnnuinra, children take rulil so easily. No disease costs more tittle lives than ciußp It's attack is so sudden that the sufferer is often beyond human aid before the doctor arrives. Su li rases yield readily to One Minute Cough Cure. Li|tii6es the mucus, allays iinflamma tion, removes danger. Alisolutely safe. Acts immediately. Cures cough*, cold*, Kiip. bronchitis, all throat and lung trouble. F. S. McMahon, Hampton, Ca: "A bsd cold rendered me voiceless just before an oratorical contest. I in tended to withdraw bat took One Minute Cough Cure. It rcr.tored my voice in time to win the me Ul. 8. R. liigg*. j PU3MEJJ rrcru Advertisements under this head 5 cents a line each insertion. No ad taken for lev than 15 cents. FOR SALE —1,000,000 feet of Gum Tla her within ona-half mile Roanoke River Apply to tf ' ha Bo tar prise [ Nice Line of Nobby Clothing for Men and Boya.Chesp ftrcsah. N. S.Peel ft Co Don't forget Eli Gnrgmnna is the mat to sell you Groceries, he always baa a fin* stock oa hanL Up-to-date Ladies' Walking Jackets at N. S. Fed ft Co. A fnll line of np-to-date Gent's Furnish ings at Kli Gurganus' new (tore. Nice Rags for Bridal Presents, fa.jo to J&ooat M. S Past ft Co. Ladies' Dress Coods, Dry Coods, N tioos and all other articles of wearing ap parti for the Ladies at Gurganua'. FOR SALE.— I. Second-hand 8 horse Power Boiler ami Engine, in good or der. Apply ti Tl.c Simpson Hardwaie Co., 47-if William.'ton, N. C. .WANTED 5 YOUNG MEN from Mar tin County :t once to prepare for Posi tions in the 'Government . Service—Rail way Mail Clerks, LcUer Carriers, Custom House and Department Clerks, etc. Apply tr li»tcr- ftatc CctTrs. lest., Cedar Rapius, leva. An. 13 2m WANTLD-A TRUSTWORTHYgen t!eirr.n or lady in each couc'.y to manage business for an old estabii bed house cf solid financial tlanding. A straight, Ixjtia f..U- stiblt ca-h -.alary of fiit.oopc.itl by check cseii Wednesday with ail txpenres •Stiwt Iron Mcnev ad \ ..uct-J for expenses. Manager 340 Cax- Ica EMg., Chicago. 4S-4U j GET ACQUAINTED WITH THE NEW FALL STYLISH! , EVERYTHING FASHIONABLE-®^ FOR BOTH MEN AND WOMEN Our Glothing is New and Something . NOBBY. They Will BcFoundon Second Floor. We have Rugs for the Floor, £ cr TO fc fl c all Styles, Art Squares, from*P*' s* I & | N. S. PEEL & CCV Look Out Tor Breakers ! I am now just frr-m the Northctn Markets where I purchased good* cheapar iWa ' ever In-rare. 1 will *ll Tor ("it nest 30 day* || Kureka PliMs fenwd)' jc, ' K-wf-ted Coffee 11 formerly Mustapfcaa 5S •• ?c j Grttn " 7S " ' »«* L „ ... . " Best 10 "* l)ic Rruwn lotton 5 \ • be . , , , , Aiuuckle« ami Oakbick P.n X . l.vonsC. fT.e 11 " uHc i TieSh.e> 99 " fi.ls Gents Nice lUU 98 " fi'jo Oyster Roots \79 " 5- 5" 1 lb.cnn T>kg. Indies' IKhir. " " powdeii 5* *• w Shoe-* ific —" —f: .is Single itbl. Breech r - "rents Csll "„f, 9R • 5., '•"» f4 65 M * . .. . , . a;itl Gents 4-4 Best K!ea hint; 6'j " So it,, f ' lilack Hose 3s" loc- Acme Flour f 4 .j 5 " f 5 AlP#! slop jar* ® s.oo I have Just opened up a Fcll'Uneof Clothing and which I will nil a| 10 per teat, aliove co-.t aiSoa tike liueot Children's Clothing anil Fancy alow* Suit*, also a large cr.'l ir.re line of tl;e Ls tot Styles of Ladies Jacket* and all other goods not mentioned at reduce price of j$ [icr cent. I corilally vite the public at large in to examine my immense stock before buying. Cli Our^enus. | CLOTHING V A PVI BETTER MADE - N 111 Call and examine \| I/I I* Our Stock. J" nlj ANDERSON, HABSELL & CO. C*irrON BRAND HAMBURGH IIAMBTJRGS DAINTIES 131 HAUEUFTTS THAT ATTRACT EVERY FEMIRIIE EYE. 1 ■* ' v* Urgcit Stock ever Brought Here. In Delicate FTnisS usd Beautiful Design*. We will sell yaickly. COME a:.! S.i- t Before tb • Prettiest Patterns are gmt HARRISON BROTHERS. ►Send tin JOB PRINTING '-•.. ; 1 1 -

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