pTtoad under ■ a harrow —^ I' * * puffers to more than the feithfbl hom 1 r that ii totirtd with Swinnty, Harness J I Sons, Ppraits, etc. Most hone owners know this 1 { aad apply the kind of pympnthy that hoaia, known J [ far and wkle as « * EL Mexican " \ Mustang: - - Linimenty . f Never fWil*—not even ia the moet aggravated CMM?* I Cane caked adder ia cow* qaicker than any known a ( remedy. Hardly a disease pecaliar to nidt, akin > F\ Lor jointa that cannot he cared by it. ■ — ""ton J-AttZZJX&SS ftnsUnf Liniment a*n.i.i ■ »"■. School Books at Half Price. ■ ■ AO Kinds of School Books Bought, Sold and Exchanged. Now is the time loonier your School Bonks. Beat hupint nrtr offered. We wilt Wke ftv luokt in eirhaap. SOKI IS alm at tbra at *KT Typewriters rented, main 1 bought and sold. Statwmcrv. Fountain IVo». School aad Office Furnt taß, Blank Eorki. also crapbophooes. Rubber and Goods. Old aad Rare Books a specialty. Write for catalog and fat. Book Bags «ml BNaps Free SOUTHERN BOOK EXCHANGE. ♦ - RALKICII, N. C. S. .G Taylor, Manufacturer of Tobacco = Carts, WAQONS : BUQQIEJ and all hauls «£_ PmLMPO nfITEKIrtLX A Jarjfe rfcxk of VVafotw anil tin) * on hand for sale rbea|ier than an) 11 heir else in the State. Try nc Ufim jMn haiing elsewhere. 8. C. TAYLOR, COLD POINT, N. C. Dennis S. Biggs, lio T. V\ DENNIS SIMMONS LUMBER CO., . . Manufacturers . . . _ Uo Dried NuMi Cirol .u Fire Ltirict, • TL ' E m » CIIMS t vec*. ser./r.c OPHTTT SHIKCLIS WILLI A M STOX, N. .C Of Orders and Correspondence Solicited > > > FARMERS?" '' _ If r«.M Art' ]{•>iuing A Crof of Totlatwo This IVfir Don't Forget to Insure Your Pack House. AUAIKST LOSS (Hi PA SI AG K 11Y FIIiK An Investment ol a Ftw Dollan With lis May Sa \ i t !Vrcy We *IMI write efce known x> Ittuawr. ED. F. HUFFINES & CO., Office in New Rank Buikling tTax Notice! Tax Notice! ; l> l** ** *■ »T Cffice J Bring the SrptMuher and November. or yarn Win Ma Oepnty there, far fee pmrpam of rent in* yonr taxes. I win nut the places below kr the mot purpow on the days stated during the | Math at October-: * | Cs®O« NEST, Friday, Oct. 17, 190 a J Williams. TX*£«Y, Oct. 28, 1902 | Wwiltun. Saturday. " 18, " Bear Grass. Wcdnes. " 29, " || Hrooksville. Tuesday " at. " Griffins. Thursday " 30, " gßlwrlb, Wednesday " 22, " Hardens. Friday ; " 31, " FR Gold Point. Thursday 23, " J amesvtlle.Saturday. Nov. 1. " IOW RO®DS. Friday " 24, V" KVNDB, Monday, •• 3, " BJfahcnwrille, Satur. ** 15, " Very Respectfully, J. C. CRAWFORD. BP* OSIOO . N C . Sept. jy, 190 a Sheriff Martin Coounty ■— ' - . ' . . .. Send iw T""" r ~* I JOB PRINTING/ . WASHINGTON LETTEJL [Pram oar BegoUr Campalat] Washington, Oct. i), 9o*. —It was with th; deepest regret that Washington learncyl that the New York conference on the coal situa tion had produced no resul a, ex cept the possible further antagoniz ing of the coal mine operators. That President Baer mistrusted the motivea of Governor Oddl ia evi dent troife his reference to the latter as a "politician," a reference whuh the Governor quickly resented, say ing that he was acting in his ca pacity of Governor of New York and choaen representative of seven millions of people who were in no way responsible for the coal strike and who were doomed to suffer If the operators did not speedily set tle the differences between them selves and (heir employes. Mr. Baer made it as plain as words would express it that sett'ement which involved the recognition of the miners' union would be con sidered by him. Mr. Markle, in dependent mine owner haa made public a statement in which he says the presence of the federal troops is essential to the protection of the miners who desire to work. President Roosevelt cannot send troops to the scene until they are called f-tf by Gov. Stone, bat there ia felt in Washington a hope that the Goreraor will make auch re quisition. It is not believed that even the pr sence of the troops will make possible the operation of the mines and their presence would serve to disprove the claims of the operators and, it ia believed, public opinion would then torce them to se open the minea even if they had to make some agreement with th I union. The President has not yet abandoned all hope of promoting the settlement of the atrike and it is considered probable that he will ' appoint a commission to investi gate the situation and report to him. He has expressed the desire for further light before writing his message to Congress. The crown Prince of Siam arriv ed in Washington on Saturday and was received at the White House, the President now being able to get about by the use of crutches. In the evening the Prince was the guest of honor at a bauquet given l>y Secretary of State, Hay. To day he goes to Annapi-lis where ho ; will be entertained by the director of the Naval Academy. (Ulicial announcement has finally been made of the transfer of Gen eral Bragg, consul general to Cuba, from Havana to Hong Knog, where he will till a similar position. The 1 General's transfer was made neces sary by the indiscreet publication of an expression he made in a let ter to his wife. He said; it will be ' remembered, "Uncle Sam might as well try to make a whistle out of a pig's tail as to try to make some k thing out of the Latin race.'* The letter appeared in the Cuban news- I pa; ers and naturally made many enemies for the General. The nt w position carries a salary of #5.000 per annum and fees which will t doubtless make it more profitable than the Havana consulship. All la6t week Washington devot ed to tbe Grand Army eucamp and from the numerous expression* of appreciation the e is r ason tc bfdieva (hat the veterans enj yed their visit to the capiUl. The weather from M.ndajr morning to Saturday was perfect and the open air program was earned out to the • letter. Among the especially enjoya ble eventa of the week waa the re ception given by Mrs. Roosevelt to f the lady delegates in the Corcoran Art Gallery. It had beet Mrs. Roosevelt's desire to leceivr the la d es in her own borne, the White Houae, but the delay in the renova tion made that impossible. The great parade of veterans 1 came off without a hitch and for six .hours the veterana of *4I-*s _ marched paaa the WMte House, The Piesident, although not strong enough to review the parade from a stand, drove down the line and back, givii g not only the veterans but the spectators as well an op portunity to see and eh er him which they most heartily did. Hi* drive was a continuous ovation. The Grand Army elected General Thomas J. .-tewart commander-in chief f'-r ifte ensuing year. Reso lutions were passed endorsing the t- attitude of vtc President towards the G. A. R. and calling foraitsist ance Iron t e members for the home f«r Confederate s Mien; at Mount tin Creek Ala. Resolution? were pass-d urging legislation 01 exe utife action wbnh wouMmske Cured At 70 of Heart Dis ease Contracted During Civil War— Veteran Grateful. Dr. Miles* Hort Cure Effected Cure. Heart ducMc I* curable, bat ia people oi advanced f it doca not readily lend itself to ordinary treaaeat There ia. heona*. hop* for all adom In I>r. Miles' Heart Cm*, which ire kate from 'wafhiaf baa dreda of cases aad froai the ietten ol gratefal rafierera, will care where all cbe has tailed It I* aot only a wunderfal cure lor weak aad diseased hearts, bat it ia a blood toaic, arrf alalor of the heart's action aad the Baal effective treatment ever fonnelated fat l» proving the circalatioa oi the blood. "Daring the Civil war I contracted heart disease, and ia 1896, while livia* fas the grand old toara of Va, I new so aach worse, I left there with my "tie to vWt ay airter-ia law. Mrs. T. A. Kirby. a* Roanoke, Va. While 1 said aothiag to aayoaa I never expected to live to retara to the dear aid low*. On reachiw Mrs. KII by"* she instated I shoald try Dr.Hi'ea' Heart Case. I yew cared a law bottles oi it, alo the Ninta* andTnaic. Alter ash* one or two boOka, 1 coatd sea no Iraproveawnt, aad I despaired of ever being littler, bat ay IsithlelwMein sisted on keeping it on which I did. In nruveaent soou began In earaert and 1 leek a all fiflaea or t.atoen bottles. I Waa re stored to perfect health and wiuie I aa Ja years old, I aa coaparativeiy a boy. Van sir, sre a bewef actor, and Tchearfally msa aead Dr. Mile*' Heart Care to sa«eriag hasaity."—J. L. IttuoHTtl, galea. Va. All drsrvhN sell and aaaraatee first balds Dr. Hilrr Reardics Dead far faaa book an Her rone and Heart Pisesaea. Addres Dr. Miles Medical Co, Elkhart, lad. ailiona on the civil roll» of the gor ernment and Sen Francisco was se lected aa ti e place for the encamp ment of 190 J. The Union Veteran* Union had a stormy session durinf which an at tempt was made on the part of one fa tion to impeach Commander-in chief General R. G. Djrren forth while the attempt was strenuously opposed by another. The execu tive committee, after giving the General a hearing on charges made against him by the judge advocate general brought in a resolution fav oring his suspension. The General having learned the nature of the report declined to hear the commit tee and the wllde t disorder pre vailed. Two elections were sim u'taneously held, the opposing fac tion electing General Hutchinson cammander in-chief and the Dyren forth faction electing their leader. The convention broke up with great dissatisfaction expressed on both sides and the threat of the Hutchinson faction that a new un ion would I e formed. Many interesting and curious souvenirs were carried away from Washington by the vete ans and their friends,*chief among them be ing titles taken from the now thoroughly- dismant ed White) HO se, and one lady was seen lug ging a brick taken from the wall. An inUrtating souvenir which was left behind, consisted of a cane presented to the President by Dr. *1 homas Hagerty, of St. L*.uis. The stick came from a tree on the iMkttlegrouiul of Wilson (Jreefc. Mo., the ferule is made of railroad iroji talc n from cars dumped into a creek by Gen. Marmaduke and the head is composed of pieces of wood taken from the fran.e of the liberty bell, Grant's log cabin, Sherman's mansion, the house in which Lee suirend red and the home of Lincoln, in c pringfield. . DO oWW-W r>» A Chicago man haa ibaervad that, "cood deeds art better than real estate ' deeds-not of the latter are wurthkaa. 1 J*x fcla& afld gently, ihow sympathy ami lend a Y«i caaaot ncwitilf luac by ii Klmt men 1 Iliad wotjd and eacourageaient more (has wMamial MP- There are par- U> cocn#»«n#y «rfe> »™»h --1 Mir say: "My good cfecer a» A few dotes of Chamberlain'* Cough Reaa sdy will ;rid you uf youjr cofc|. sad thn*» , is ao dsn iter whatever from paeunwia when jroa sat that medietas. It always cans. I know it far H has helped aw oat maay a time." Sold by N. S. M I ftC s. r _ ! Woman's Column. r 1 (Edited by Hiss Jennie MOM*.) v An article headed "How to llan ' age Your Husband" appeared ia the Richmond Times some time ' since, and just at this season it may prove of peculiar interestto some of 1 our lady readers. It was written - by' Alice May Douglas, and coo * tains advice which is too good not f to he noticed. It seems a great * pity that after a girl marries she - should have to iy lip nit and use dip e lotuacy to rctaiu the little couiie t ous and affection tlfiat * were her pride aud delight before * marriage. A man is very much f like a child who cries for a new • toy. He ia Miserable until he gets .* The Williamston Ginning & Milling Go., '' 18 NOW READY FOR BUSINESS. I - * I- g> * „ A Complete Modern Plant M * COTTON HANDLED EXCLUSIVELY BY MACHINERY j 25 cents the hundred pounds. WE BUY: The Seed Cotton; we buy the cotton after it is ginned; we'buy the seed, or exchange meal for seed at the gin, allowing Jfl Oil Mill prices for seed and charging Oil Mill prices for meal. GUARANTEED—s^—» Bring your seed cotton to the mill and carry the lint and meal J back the same day. You do not have to make the second trip to get your meal. Give us a trial. _ H . THE WILLIAMSTON GINNING & MILLING CO., C) W.J. Whi taker. Oen. Manager. v OFFERS to the COLONIST the LOWEST RATES with gOICX m 4 COMFORTABLE SERVICE to all FOINTS ia the' . WEST AND NORTHWEST. I*3o FROM MEMPHIB *3O Tickets on Sale During September and October. CORRESPONDINGLY LOW RATES bar all FOINTS ia the SOUTHEAST. Par Ml ialoraratioa sMms, W. T. SAUNDEES. O. A. P. D'. F- E. CLARK, T. P. A. i_jt Pryor and Decatur Streets, Atlanta, Gc it, nothing satisfies him until it ia hie. Thereby, again like the child, he grows careless as soon as it ia in his undisputed possession Prom ' this it will readily be seen how essen tial it is that the man of the house I must be made to feel that he de-1 pends on yon for all the little com forts of life; that after the toils and hardships of -the day he can come home to you and find things coxy and comfortable; that after the worries and crosses he must neces sarily meet with down town, be has a haven of peace and rest in the home where you are the guar dian and angel. Miss Douglas lays great stress on letting a man feel that he has ab solute freedom. She says the hua ; band is a sensitive animal and chafes at confinement—-keep tln door of his cage closed and locked, and he will snarl and show his teeth whenever yon approach; leave the door standing ajar and he w$ always return with a sense of rfraaury. If « girl has aa engagement with , 1 her s»rt*lheart. she Ukes gTeat care 1 to make lynvjl street and attract ive; she gzrrts herself to be bright [ and entertaining. When that. 1 same sweetheart * her husband, j ' and be comas home and finds her . ' untidy.aoQed dress, disheveled hair, j ' bad temper, frowns, I dare say he feels very like a man who has bought a box of oranges and finds all the good oma on top. If your bnshaad haa little cranky ; fads, wtowfe fcfve become a lifetime 1 . habit; little things ha bkaa—humor j r him in th«m H docs ao barm' 1 and is the most paying investn*?* l * ' J ffm am m**. A man likea to, . think he ia f rnaaulmtur ia wo . mans' dreas. If be thinks bine ia i ptftfeulnriy becoming to yon, and - dialifcga I*#, tal't flanat a pink | how ia hps face every time he coaaea jia th« boaae If yen ewer fed 1 jealous of ytar hasband'a adanra I tion far another 1 'a beauty, of his work, his fkamtu outside his hoaaa, never let it be known. RCPTPtIfr fer fed (mmfe bpfor*!* married jroai pipMana that Ma Courting days allowed no time, that I gradually (sate back to him. pride and conceit an the part of the wife - have been the beginning of traga ■ dim that rained away homes that e started oat bright .and happy. Your f husband's love means much more f to yon than your sweetheart's, and q ia much note worth striving to re -- tain. i Make yonr person aa attractive t as possible; make yonr bOme bright e and cheerful; make your husband 1 h feel that both you anil the home s mist for his comfort and bappinets; it let him understand yop expect the j e same courteous attentions which h won yon, and nine man out of ten, m will respond ia a way that will 5 more than for the efart j To the married women who read this, it may be a significant fact that both the ladies who wrote on this subject used the prefix "Miss" I instead of "Mrs-" Mm MaUiMta Kockr Moral. » C. «*JJ CEO. R. DIXON, Practical Sheet JTetal Worker. Tin Roofing, Guttering and Tobacco Fines a Specialy, also Tin Root* Painted I will positively be oa hand AT WILLI AMBTON to fnrnuh the Farmers with TOBACCO FIAJE3 during the Season of 1905. If yon want the Best Material and the Best Wotk, Call on or addreaa GEO. R. DIXON, Rocky Mount, N. C. J Rogers Bros." Ji te te Tiaii —t I I Knives, Porks 1 ■ and Spoons. B ■ * I Reduced to FIFTY B CENTS A YEAR[ New Idea >—» Woman's iSL Magazine I - 'PHIS h Aa -crfdl and beat 1 FasMoa Magaztee now be fore lha Amaican public !l*ow New Ideas i > FariSota. b. In Embroidery, ta Covtncg. la Wenwa-S » - wt aul In raiding; IbaauMfdQf tUctalrf In xlr«s and la Hack and wUta. Aleve all. * itoiaawtyhairTjH«H»»lm Sms, nrta fcus Neat liu FAT turns. wWch owl url/ lOc. etch. Seal Five Cents T^day hratiaei. oarraUe New bytuWtowa"! j 1 1 ! ayiirw. mi mt *!- iital tm a> raq a (Mr tW s£ s j ii m atw ma rmuins c* H . I «ta amtwtf. Sew Veek. I. *. U i i— ■ ■ 1 A.C. L. ! ATLANTIC COAST UKI R. ■ COMPAHT. 8 train* going apera. lillMlili I a. m. r m r. m- A.M. r.«. uikVlMn . ii j> i y _ • Ar. BKfcjr MU.. r I6 mm , • Uwi Tirtwol " ■ 7 ■ i» ««ck* m— m ■■ jj» sa m L«k «lm i M ii ■ i|l S3 >■ brave Mm » » ran - - Le. At. C. Ida* nra * m —_ t "M l». jp |J I AT. - |r "i T«T r ml A TRAIN* GOING xorra. SpjSpi | ~~~~ A. M. r. Mj !,». VtotTKC U> • » __ —— Lv. Kayettrrllte u«■ >• *— —— off U»> sriaia a » .... ■■ «• —— Arrive Wilaou... a 57 l» L» Wllmtorto* »aa 9g L» MaiboHA » j» «• •» L«. Gofiaboro 1 IS » B " m ■- P. M A M. r. M f * % |H Lnvr WilM I » l» ■'• »« " ■ Ar Rocky Ml > y » " **| ■■ 1 ' » V Arrive Tarboro . t34 —— I.ravr Tarboro * Jl ■ —t- -—— L» Rocky Ml _. JJ» -"« r ~' ~ Ar Wchtoß p 4 £ -A.'fr uk— r Yadkin TdvUlon Marine- fl mlnilua, 910 ">■. arrtvea I i>t«lrru!r »■» 15 fcawa>a>etlevlll. «aaa pm_ .ran* tmm foldis«P. «• Urtmalßi watea tanUid »a» » m nmt Kayeitf % iUc 4 -*•' P la-, Va\e Fayed* \l vi lie 4*p. u . arrivea \» llmiiatea J 3»P » . hMnVmirfllt fcank-Twia U«- - waaeH» ville 11® a m . Mamton v®S «•>. V aua m. Park ton 104' *»-■ B "f »t UI». ■« 3* a. PayrtUvtfl. ulO Kctaiail* k«J . * m VB\eltevllle 500 p m.. Hope Mill* I Spriiia* 5>3P m . Union *A p. «irt*e»» « piyettevtt!r w ttk Miihiti kith C*roliu» Lrniial lUitti4d. ftt gprtan *llh Ine Rfd Sn>f fofc* J"******* M road, al Sjuft-rd gilK tfc j.|r U»e jj| - ■ houtlxu. Railway, al Gulf »U» i»« Mi Cbarlolic Railroad. ■ Treleoo Iht HcutlandJKcck Praeckßeedleeye M Wcldmi 3 IJ P » J ■ land NccV 4 >»P m . Cr^uv..icJ 47 P m.. Kim- Mont MP. ni.RcUmta* l»«*ea KinatM ■ Greenville « J» • « . amrint at HalU«a ii at.. Welded 11 aoa. » . dailly e«nt laa4ay : . Train* on Waahinf _»■ Vraee I* to« 8 00•. W-. Bud >5P- rtr * tlr ■ * VI ■ tn xlop. n . retnn»V#| W»n liimk 9 4 • tf m. ana s up. w . «rrlvt and (» 15 p. daily e*cepl B«»d®y- Train leA«*a Tt)rboro N C , daily e«rp« ta I day 4 35 p m., B...n!ay 435 V- »_• '' 1 mo4ilh > 35 Pn» . 6 J» P Rrt ****■•• riyti.ouln daily octpt —adyy v 73» •- Sunday fwft. B>., iirittt Twboro 9ft OB Midland N. C "a«rt »e"e« Calfc. _ H«Uht "m V'm'ji'rturii^riwiveaamUktrtj 7 Triin.'o.! K.S.Vnkß^^ii^JoeJyU'»M 2 *r,*p"i 4 4 Returning leave ftptfug lloprf II *a ; a.inpJA 1 Naakxille 11 45 a. mj4s p »rH\c at *•'tj I. Munut nlO p a»., • * p m.. daily " I ZP . m Traia on Cl(b(ul) milIV WV-vf V -m~ m Clinton dally, except *nuQ>y> • » Ma"4 l| fn>m . Rituruitw ieav** CButoa 7 a» *. aa., *mM ■ "Traia No 7S tnakra cloaa con net lion al Wa|Aa» J .or all poinu Nortk daily, all rail via Rfc-I ■■■ K. U. KMKRSOH. - Cen'i faatagai Aft |. *. KKNI.Y. Gen'l llaaMcee. T M. KmerM. Ti»«c Maa—n. 0 WilliamstonTdcphoßcCa. - oftct rntt f«»k Co*ty. 1 ffeMe amrgn fw N«-SffeKr^r| To «s f*m- \ " Green T(j|f U « " Plymouth l| It " Tarboro * •* I •• Rocky Mount JS . , M Scotland N«ck *5 " Jameavillc IS u Kader Ulky'a M ** , ** J. G. SUtoo M ** - ]. L.W«M 10 • n —-5 b * PmH f« « ?! Pot*raanvilte tf) - !* Bvcretfa fo *! Golil Point 10 !• ' f Geo. P. McNaojjhfoo | 9 ft HwiKon w » HOT oH,*r point* ta £*V"fen "Ctnlral" » 'pboar vIR kv found (or ua* of noa anUai lihMR, j ; aaaMaaaaMaMMMaMM j >. > J ; I ri J : | I 1 twmiiH am TtantaMllaf. Wn Iwe kal, . UowlaSeenwfiiinC MAMTC «>Ha Jt n 1 vtutv?xt {y?i Ivi 1