THE ENTERPRISE «Lmpi.wrwow ■■ i TERMS OF SUBSCWPTIOX: fi.oo Per Year. Strictly in Advance VOL. IV. - NO. 9. Professional Cards. gR. JODX D. BIGOS, DKNTIST. OFFICE: MAIN STRKET. GEO W KKWELL, A TTORKKY-A T-JJI W. ts«.kftaurfuir. "VILUAMBTOB. N CL ag tttte te yailssua af Hal 11 aaad ah 11 SaaWAßJtn I»oca No p> A. F. & ia tta taß reery auad aadfaarthTaats day aaghta at T jol W. H Band VJL Sl & Baaaa. &W.R. D. Taylor.}. W.. & B. Sec., t D. Caaatarphra. Taoaa.. Mc.G. Taylor. S. D.; H. M. W ras. J- D.;T. C. Conk aaad A. F. Tsyte. Bio a oa do. B. W. Oawy. Tiler. Pall Term . . OV TUB WILLIAMSTON ACADEMY WIIJ. It KG IX Monday. September lsL TUITION aoard can be bad ia fiiaaa Faailiet ai R. J. Peel. Prin. Hi; Bn. 0 4 F3VLEI, limpr AMERICAN AND - - - - EUROPEAN PLAN, it t* 28 Prat Street. . * . . BALTIMORE. HD Thoroughly ICentivaleal aitr pat in Kinit-CIaJV Order. MMah Baahna UabHaMn //• aockr Mart. a.c. CEO. R. DIXON, Practical Sheet fletal Warter. Tha Booftag. Cadbaing aad Tian» Flats a Sfaecaoly. aiao Tia Boofa Fiiati il 1 win poatiedy be oa hoard AT WILLIAMSTON to furnish tte Fanm with TOBACCO FLUES daring tte Sruoa of 190 J. V ymm want the Best Material sad tte test Work. Call aa or address GEO. R. DIXON, Rocky Mount. N. C. A HEW FAST TMIR WICHITA, DCNISON. S BAuS& r—T wwn MittataHOa ntaaasaaeaMn^ aqiep of tte jaaa aplpagl. paortM *a! l!!i £S9SESS39BBRSSE^S3ES3att AFTER LONG YEARS... /f BjrZieMraiNonts m 4 VBGX CahrVHr looked at (be UU raid ttoy hid hrmaght hiT, IVi ate ure ■ ttrtlr cry of Jcy. •ywlij tirimM." iad bow many jnn tad tt bna An dw had m Mat! 8* anj H waa top la 1 HIII. aad kr waitins tktn while aadr nadj la f* 4m She harried. The gtnaa ithi'M Ml fca|j an Hid tjn aad ckak* that nn red. kto ftagot the jrean aad the dMtn iai 1 they wd torr made la that Mulhi of hen. er ahe would ant let knrtf thlah. tar OahrMle had partly ha 1 aid thr Irsano af patting adte the th»a»ht «r theae thlac* that haft. Mr. dke raa half way doora tte ataln aad oloppod. puphig owt the Tor Amm Htmmtim«,*iauD tall taanr Imrr at the foot of the I*Bistre, hi wteae apilflrd hand war thr lawrfcligkt at the yt. lata the park* ■he raald nut are him from lhar. fat the parte- waa dark. « he ait Uddrn to aUhr part of M. Rto raa all the way down and en toed. lie araae. adrsreed and. taking bi by thr elbows. pusb-d her lark Into tt> mure t rill la at light af tbe upliri.«l Jrl la thr tea lie looked down at I rr. -| want to arr joa." he arid. "*I warn ta are how thrae haw JU.I hare dealt with that lira at j of jroaia** Site fared •aafflnciiiagty. sinrr rb aiaat. the Hgtit of tbe lan?|>. togrtSar with the aearrkUght fiance at his eye* The glance soflrard It idovnl Thnvh half rtaard Mda br MUUIIIKIJ nmnM bar. Ula down drofafaed tends "Yoa are beautiful aa erer." be roa Haded. Aad star laughed "Aa If that mold br." the bush tva bag Into a sigh. "after all these yearn" iir M hrr toa dlrso. Tow. aft down by w." he Instated, -and let's talk abotrf It-aboat th>«r rare aid days wbeo I oaed to be with r*" "Bat Bnt" eke mnHdd him. **tak» t ytar oirmat and bat. llrrr. M ne help yoa- Aad atay aa boar « two." "Or three wfß be aorr Utr It. If I "Yoa any." ahe bached back fMa the had. where ate had cone to ha*: ap hie mat aad bat Had ~ Be baaed forward Hsta-nlngly. "There b aae thing I bare heard through all theae yearn." be aaid ta ha softly whea ahe tad taken tbe aqt by bb aide. • "Aad that laT "Toar bash." She la* I K. thinking tew Ka eete tad atayed with hta throagh the fan heaathh aaty. reverently, waa Hr ratte tegara toyed wtfh thr Jrwrbd cords of a poanpoa ahe ware. Ma whirled theae stoat. drat tbb way aad thra that.' "Those dear oM daya." ahe hrgna. "whea yoa war ay popM-tboar rot ■ithag aM daya! What fan they aerrT "Aad faary yoar bring a teacher yaak with yaw ahat hair rarhd abaad yoar fter aad yoar pretty goarae and paar prettier ways aad yoar big eyes aad ynar bagh a boat errrythtog. year baah!" * m -Tt troth." an Id ate. "aay raaailiai 1 doraat lacerate me ao tnarb aa to the art I taacbt Bat of aB the Mods I enr perpetrated npoo aa aa oaaapsrltiac palllc that laiuff of traaehtag aateakal drawing waa thr moat aw erafL wanb fail ne wk a I think of H; they actnaDr da." "Iby fall ae. tea," be assured her. "ta- I waa the victim. the nL- r e-t'm. Whea I ftt* of the emney I "h« r'rl tj paid oat for thr tern as of aboht» ne drew hack ha- head In sqUher iaagh. "tey It If yaa want lor aherrt d "I daart care. It b only Jaat. Far arath lag—for ahootntety uathlng" "Why. whea I think of It. I"- "Wtetr "T aa(y vkh I bad 9 tn pay aS arer agaia." he tebted. canoeing bar with • Ma cyeat "That goes ta atear the rretlaao ttar i arttr mt yoa," ate aaetied. tat waa qaiet a attlr aldli. thlnktaag. warmed by ha gbare "The add atadbk" ata aoouaeacad lp ffijc (Mtqirtst. WILLIAMSTON, N. C„ FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 21, 1902 aad hp. "wt-h ka wide Berth wt-idow, 1 with it* lumen «a the sill that yoa i aad I w'aUnd." "At mmt s9 w* rfH" he h-tfrrapfed. , "was ta water thsir terra" "Aad thr taMr yea woaaM drag la Iw yoar eMtnaf|| traa nj:—that bare; teetlMr tahke that took cp *ll tbe > "1 ted M threw." he apokvir*d. "I» 1 eaaae It was tte aaly way I could serin i , ta get the aorth of aay a»«qr. Tell I ; at." atra|ghfa 10a— Ma .lf. her 1 tfanlj. luta bar lafclty hi tte eye. ! -ddywuecer hrwref aairtealtal draw bar baCher yaa strack ttet aaadraayV "Vorr er twires." ate acknowledged. "Ufa* I I ft rtty. wU-re I waa atadybg. I teSd tte ward." tter er twbwT* he graaaed. "And thea to teach W. Of aB tblnga! Be rbanlral drew dag ~ "1 wrote t*» My teacher la Wash Inn too." tiatrrCr raatiaai d. rzpblning. "asking her If she tta«ht 1 nioU atndy M op ft iaa a book aad teach It that oayr "Aad what dU ate reply?* "Ttet V 1 laald I awakd he a woader worthy of Iraaaßaß h a aMeatew. aad If I aaLindtd ta let far know, herauar the thtag tin 1111 be Bitb ateat of a ■a-rarlr." "And yaa attempted R after thatr* *1 attraapted B after that." ate aa aertrd. "aad with aaneaai." Ma a*a|ipad a aenooaiUag band on a knee. "With aattiaa*" he repeated, a grl aaara eaatrartlag the neda af hb n«n taaaaare. "Ttar boors I apeaal la rack tat aay Waa ahh.pnddraaa of me chanical rtiaolaaga ba| laadbb- h> aulre! Tteae ■ rahiqe I sprat la drawlaag dl agraaaa oa h arfc yaa. ataadnsg by. trytaa hard la koak ahrT "Aad aB tte ttee knaalat lean than yaa did" Tone' I ah alj pa aae bettor and aay knowing a«ahbg at aIL And ibr paar aid paftaor roaaiag la frooi lila rtewea aaw aad again to hrtp me out. Thea locaß It a aaarri as*" 1 ral B a iMasfc" she tvaanned be oady t>e gksd to |ay the nnaiey all orrr agsla." - "Toa are right." he aaoa nied after a peefcai of ihaaghL "It waa a survrsa." Tte profnsorr ate qoiotbwd. "Do yoa thlafc be ercr tnagbl on?" "If he didn't, he hadn't the penqti rarity I pate Maa cmßt for. and ao far aa pmqdraartty waa nartmd tbe |>n> fraaaur waa cB right, lie knew n tiling or two wbrn te roald think of tlo-m. lie often |r>>ml It. I adaall nerer ft grt bna br eaae sm|ertrdly down li*t-» the Hhr at Iniartitlaar uaae diiy ai 1 f -and f-or of an badly rttcagitl In . pfayfox a game of rard* «rtla. ww. la an academy uf rrligkma priaKjiiaa w» aartrt! And waaaat ail _ |ty the aide nf each atnik-r of aa was a b atl - of IWT." "Tea And what did 1..- do?" a r|elh d ewry bast near of th. in with the rinftla of an -. Y-« ccti rut aiwaarcd that tterr was n a doal>t almut lie prraplcadty of the |oof« waul ." "If he hadnt w.en cHi iioid nibra- I f'rpair bina rrrryth;:-x but that." "It was a nabur matter. He waa a* gnnd aa pnML There was no flat In htaa. Ho yoa nnnln how n-gubr!y every fhrtaennaa ttar we made litin a llttb* prcanat. aad I waa tbe s|xikra aaar. "PtrntaMy that was why he M yoa ofTsollsM." Rte (liptd hrr itW band over h«r left, whlrh reotcd oa tier knee. A iia aanaad da abed "ISear old feilow!" ahe nannnared. 11-r Angers atawrd white In 11K- dim fcrlt of the famff hajL Ihadlng over, te looked at tteat "It's the aaaae lit Ike ctaatcr ring." aald te "teal MT "The very aaaae." teidli; ap Iter liand for h*n to are:. "I maember. I awe II one*. Have yoa fnncnttrar* —Who waa HI" ate ajarrieaL "At aaw of tteaar faaanoa prrarntntlon ape er he a Toa let Me wear it on my Bttle linger. It auahbri at tte atbera wotrr tu ws MB waa 10 wira THE Taa pat Kaa yooraotf. In the middle of tte epceeh I aeariy forgot what I was going la a!ght of it." Rar tarred her ryes mm h m "Why?" she naked waaderinrly. "Beeaaar tt waa yuwi and Lecaoae It via yoa arte pat R oa." Bte baked away from hian. *T crrer thooght yva caurd ao mnch," aaid she. "as ttet." "You wouldn't think Toa were will ftilly bond" "No. yoa are wroos. I was cot. I aterr»H hare brra -fa«i to know. It aalght hare aa rid nr baitadKt." -Ilearlartea. gbHer* "Yes. besrSsetara. IKd I soctrecd ao wee la hHt££r fi*ta? Oh. If yoa only laee: Why tbiak. fan- one ttatag. of go big atiaU! fun city to that Bttb aaateiß fawn ail r-Sauk walks aaad a las iaa oa 111 a aaol «!aA and ryrionra! I'roa the orat haatlfai of cities to- Xteot bTa talk aboatU! Xot only thut. tat ka ta aada is pa la oertala tinhap plna-M there, to be drnrrrd lark tn chains that all the morv 1.-eottme tfcoT wire ut.sueu -ut Itrta UH* fleah. burtics, hurtina!" lUr tinkers had cHurbrd Into her paluia. Taking them np he straitened llxin out and raised tbcin to bii !!i*- "If It hurts you now. then fiun't b-t'r t ilk ul»ut It," to aald >aoiiblni.iy. as to j s child. | With big. aad ryes s!u> stared tu roar at the mirror of the mantel. Tto ouly thing that k«t»t me alive through that awful time." she went os, "waa that little claaa at tlie acsde nty. I threw myself into the fun of it, and I wasn't 00 lad a fraud as 1 •reined, either. " Wbnt 1 lacked In knowledge of mcrtianlenl drawing I made up in art. I antlerstuoil art. I drew will. I imbued wx-iL I had coma from an excellent teacher. I had paint ed In Kallerlea. My worst sin was against yoa." "I K>n't k-t that worry you. I waa gtad enough to help you water those flowers, aa I hare told you." **lf yon roald have known tow I mated Into tto fnn of It in mder to forget, you woubl have lieen s'lll more glad. Ito you mneinlrr how lliiMr Itaiiua used to ai«-nd bis hour of dtaw irntr "I only reuiemt«r tew Imllcnant I waa that he should have au toar af drawing to spend." "He never drew a tte. Ite merely repeated i|Uitatlons frotn Hhakispiare to catch me. He auide nae tdl him wbnt plays they were from. Ard wasn't he rejoiced when I made a mis take when unfortunately I hit on tto wrong piny! He har|icd oa It for weeks and weeks. What fun!" "It acema to BMV" te mased. "that I rceucinlicr 0110 day when yoa and I were In tto aludto. Just you and I alone. We had left an unfinished mechanical drawing on tto talaekboard and wen> watering tltoas Uowera. and- Havo you forgottenf ' "I am afraid I hnvc. Tell me." "I leaned forwanl close to yon. So clone that I came uiar to toui iiliii; your dwek." "Yin, yes." "tinly those iliort etiris of yonrn pre | vented It. those dear little ciiils that adood liiialiy about yiair bind, making UK L>UTEW 11 EII TO iini. It look like the bends of wnx ilolla you acc In the windows of toyshops rlinost too big for your ahouldiis, liut pretty •a pretty." "It in a rial pity Ihcy don't wear Short hair noiv. I'd cut it off ugnin auil curl It since you lik«' it an. Hid you think It ciirlnl naturally f "I didn't eare liow It curled ao It curl«*i." "I nearly hurticd my off nnd my earn keeping It curiail," ahe aa sorted. "Once I alropiHsl tlie curling Iron on my bare shoulder, and the foir atayed there for mouth 1. Then, when you touched uay cheek, what luip|>eiied7" "Nothing. That was the worst of It. Nothing at ull. I'ut that waa tbe neari'st I ever came to kissing you." "Why did you want to klsa me 7" "You ought to know." , Interlacing her lingers, ahe rlanped them atmut her knee;, rucking lack and forth allghtiy. "But I d'dn't know!" ahe algtod. "Oti. if I had known: If | bad known! Why didn't you tdl oeK "You know why I didn't tell you. You were engaged to to married to anither man." "Ilut It was an anhappy eogagemrot. Anally broken off. If I had known, what harm csild K have door J I uoubl have ke|>t the tbouglit In my beort all these years, and It would bars wanned B luayto." "I went away partly beranae of It." "WithiHit letting me know." "A d-*n ttmea 1 was upon the point of telling yoa." "Then, since yoa couldn't tdl ma, why didn't y«»a write?" "When I cams to aay goodhy. I aald something aboot writing, hat you seemed Indifferent." "Never Indifferent; Jaat occupied with my own unhappineaaa, with my desper ate effort to believe In this man to u hum I waa engaged, to make of liim my Ideal man. h.-ld to blm aa I waa by tbe tins of betrothal, wlilcb aboakl In my eyca lie binding as marriage, know ing him nil the time to be false. Never Jndiffcrent 1 I n tnember now when yoa "went n way. I grieved after you. You, loft an ache In my life. If yoa bad only aald y«.u cared fur mer wit only cared for you then, but {nil theae years I have kept yon In my heart. And now that yoa are free"— Ilcr eyes dilated, listening. "And uow that 1 am free," she re peated. "1 hare come to claim yoa." | Tic drotr hrr to him, laid her head against bii shoulder end smoothed ILatk her hair. "I w!!l make tt aU up to yoa." bei premised, his tones deep sod tender. I **! will wipe out every memory af your aid Food For the Aood. Food for tlie ncinl. lu-a-orrtlng to a prominent Kuflladi Hiithority, should roitKi-a In tlio 11 nt 111 of fruits mid xege taltb-j. «h tlie Jidda iUkkolvc out tbe liiiae salts f '>iu tlie t!unia ami no pre vent too curly auiluiKH of tlie Joint, mad other parts. Ten nnd mfTee are Inst avoided, 11 H I hoy nniw pnrilysls or wnnt of proper control over the lltnlx. Fork, will, -ho«ne uml HUK-li lli-hli Imkl must lie avoidinl, as u hnivy mt-nl of any of ttiese fooils la lUildc to linlure o stroke of a|iO|ilexy. All M should Im> ilinide, plainly cooked hiul taken In cnat moikrutlon, lest the illgeotive l;ana lie overtaxed, llreakfast may consist of porridge nml milk, vhole wheot bread and milk or whole wheat Iriad and fruit and n cup of cocoa or irUk. Dinners may consist of veseta iiie snip and bread, macaroni, veneta iiba and some simple plainly txiokiil iHuitlesh dish; for dessert, aiewed fruit and bread or plain rice. anco. tnpioca or macaroni pmldlng. If ilesh or Hah to eaten. It alumkl IK> of the must digesti ble Linda, aa lean lieef or muttou or boiled or l>aked white men ted Hah. and thro ID moderation. Hopper may con sist of whole wheat lireud nnd fruit or MM onions, celiry or licet root nnd a rap of cocoa or ttil'k nnd wnter. KSMI should not lie tnken for nt lenat threo hours before KOIIIK to IHHI. JUST WHAT YOU NKEO. CHAMLLKRI.AIN'S STOMRTIT AND I.IVHR TAiu.irrs. When you feel dull after eating. When you have no ap|ietite. When you have a had taste in the mouth When your liver in torpid. I—,1—, When your bowels are constipated. When you have a headache. When you feci biliona. They will improve your appetite, cleanse and invigorate your stomach.and regulate your liver and IM>WCI». Frire J5 cents per box. I'or sale by N. 8. Peel a Co. Mcl>uflic's Witch I'azrl foot Healer ii one of tlie finest baby powders known, cures prickly heat and gives instant relief. 25 CKNTS. nffrrttaa a ftMtleaaarnt. "On one occasion," ri-mnrked n well known Hetliodlst minister who had lieeii a circuit rider In the mutinlahiH of North Carolina, "a man from a neighboring county r\\ onped down on our side nnd earrliil of the wife and mule of one of my church members. Tliw* wan nn l:nmeil!atOii|;ltatlon. nnd In tlio midst of It I ariiyd. A consul tatlon was held, find It waa decided that I piiouhl go ns peacemaUer nnd nm'wiKKfidor. and eff'-ct ti settlement. Juat before I atartisl the bereaved lniß I and called me to 0110 side for private conference. "'I reckon, parson,' he ,all, that you oushtir to know my foeliu : B In tbU thing.' " "Of course—cert a Inly,' I pas -nted. " 'Well, I tell you what you do. I>on't to brash nbout It ner foeety, f:ir I'm a man nv iK>acc, but ef he'll give you |l" In money for the mule you needn't tor say a doggone word about tlio ole wo man.' " , u . A THANKSGIVING DINNER. Heavy eating is usually the first cause of iudigeotioli. Rejieated attacks inflame tlie muruousmembruMaljning the ittom ach, ex|s»ses the nerves of the stomach, producing a swelling after eating, heart burn, headache, sour risings and finally catarrh of the stomach. Kodol relieves inflammation, protects the nerves nnd cures the catarrh. Kndol cures indigstion, dyspepsia,all stomach troubles by clcana ing and sweetening the glands of the ftomach. S. R. I!'. Jigs. Strike. Arr Old. Striken, now ao prevalent, nays the London Chronicle, are commonly thought to to n nineteenth century production, but It Is only the name, said to to of American origin, that is modern. Their |wwer an wage raisera waa tried at least as far back as the sixteenth century, for tu tto "Calendar of Btats Papers" la a totter from Kir William Kits William to Mr. Secretary Cromwell containing the statement that "tto workmen at Dover refused to work except for stxiience a day. Two of tto ringleaders had teen some time of tto black guard in tbe king's kitchen." No moral Imputation was conveyed In calling them black guards. All that was Implied was that they formerly guarded the pots, IKI lis and other uten sils of the king. It WHS A much Inter generation that turned tto term to purl loses of abune. A child, of Mrs. Geo. T. Benson, wheu getting his usual Saturday nightbatli, stepped back against a hot atove which burned him severely. The child was :n great agony and his mother could do nothing to pacify him. Retnenil.ering that she had a Wile of Chanilierlain's would try it. In less than half au hour after applying it the child was quiet and asleep aud in less thaif two weeks was well. Mrs. Ilenson is a well knownrcuf dent of 1 e'lar, Va. Tain Palm is an an tispctic liniment and especially valuable for burns, cuts, bruises and sprains, l-'or sail: by N. S. Tcel & Co. Sssjalrlos. Once give your mind to suspicion and there is sure to bo food enough foi la tos sniiefct night the air la , filled with aoundrf for the wakeful eai that is rssw! .-co tu listen. ~ ITHE ENT^gPRISEL RATES One Square, one insertion , 7. . 7£ Cents. " '■ two insertions yT""\ j*. f1.25. " " one 'month _// I ./] . /i.oo. " " three nrtlHlfis . N , " twelve " S-i2.iv. - For larger advertisements IJlieral Contract* will be Ml THE GREAT HIGHWAY. itlSMkllra Ihr New T«rk-OM MS* It nnd. The owners of racing nttlomnbllM have brought that machine, which might lie twrfnl, Into audi dlcr: ;>ute that It In pleasant to Cid one of theiu engaged In useful public wnkt. t'olo- K»1 Dlrtltuwn of Fjir'.nirlleld. >lnm, left recently on an niito>:iol.lle tr';> to riiiciigo wliVli promise* to strengthen the movement for good 1 o:\ih-. taja Uio J'.rooklyn Kagle. He Is trmscu'r of the New York and Chicago Uoafl hkho elation, whk-li hope* to harp 11 Hue of smooth, hard highway* connecting the two cities. The distance Is sonic KVi mile*, of which only to» miles are of good macadam. The association, which nuniliera some 2,000 meiulicra. will ask the next legislature to liond the stnte of New York to build a -hhl state highway, nnd Mr. Otckinson pmiia contldent of state lielp In Ohio. I mil ana lie regards as the enemy's country. There Is no Mint smooth. lianl highways would lie of Immense bcneilt to furmcrs mid not I «• mi rely * Mnvriilem* for tin* owners of no to mobiles and bicycles. It htm IN-CII shown over and ovrr again that the farmer coubl draw four time* as I wavy loads to market witli tlx- «|HIII of horses over 11 |iruperly made road u* over the litngv ron'ls |!in>iij;li even, level country. The roads ought to In made oud kept In reputr from local taxation by the tow tin and counties through which they run. Hut co «|KT ntlon lietween auch iu-lgh'.M>Hug divi sions la the matter I* more dilliciilt to fwuro than uniform divorce law* among the atatea or uniform trust leg tslutlon. One long, flue road us mi oh Joct lesson might be worth even (date co-operntlon for Ita effect UIKJII other communities. If the nutomoblle can tw used to pro mote Interest In that movement. It in a good thing, but farmers are not going to vote taxes for roods which would k practically speed course* fur these nin chine wagons and on which it would I e dangerous to drive their family car ryalls. Colonel Dickinson ai d his as soclaHon should take the racers of their favorite machine In hand. If they could suppress those public tail sauces, their good road movement would thrive better. OIL FOR STREET SURFACES. It Lara the Dust ruil I* a Fowt-rfal .. >: - Dlilblei'lnnt. A correspondent contributes the fol lowing to the liukerslicM Cnlifornlnii: Among the many advai;ta;;e« nrlslirg from the use'of oil In the manifold ways In which It Is being made to con trlbute to the welfare of thc/iHi ple of the state I have never yet Hccnjiieloil «i| what, from one ita:id|wiTt. mVy In considered the most Important of all. 1 refer to the Increased liealthfuluess tliat Is certain to be observed i:i tli communities where oil Is used as a dressing for street surfaces. The street has always been aiul, but for crude |x>trolcum, would always ru- I'jaln a thickly aettlid place which col liH-ts the dirt, the tilth anil the disease gerth, only to turn them back Into the nt:nos|ihere bearing more of |M)ISOU und danger than when llrst di'|Nisltel, with the result that humanity, cooped up in towns and cities, has hod to struggle for life. Inhaling air which Is charged every breath of It with Illness und death. An Important change In nliont to l>e brought alMiut In this regard umvit tlngly and entirely without design by the discovery tlint crude oil will lay the dust more cheaply ami more effec tively thon ony other menus. The method Is being adopted merely lie cause of these two reasons, but the fact that the oil Is one of the best dis infectants known to science accom panies It onil will finally bring to the fortunate people who live In localities Where the modern dust killing method Is practiced greater measure of health than has ever been their store before. PROTECTS THE HIGHWAYS. Law ■••■lallM Itr Width of Tires "■ !■ Maa*fl(haarlln. In 1000 the legislature of the state of Massachusetts passed an net to regu late the width of tiro on ilriift wagons, wlileb was to tnke effect on 3mi. I,' l'jn2. This law la one which should le widely copied by other state*. It provide* that; "On ami after Jan. 1. In the year 1902. It shall lw unlawful, except no provided In section 4 of this Hit. to use upon any rond. street or way In this commonwealth a draft wagon or cart having tires of Iron or steel or of any substance equally l;urd which are less In width than one and one-ho If limes the diameter of the axle meas ured at the shoulder thereof. liut In tio ease shrill a tire more than four inches In width be required, and wagons or carts built with wooden or hollow ax les shall have tires not less In width than the diameter of the axle meas ured nt the shoulder thereof. "This act chnll apply to nil wagons end carts, the silt* of whlcli arc two Inchon or more Iti diameter, measured lis aforesaid, nurt to nil stagecoaches, tiillyho coaches. targe* and otbrr pus pucer vehicles not built to run on Iron cr steel rails and constructed to carry eight or more persons. « "Who-ver violates any provision of Vhia act shall be punished by a flue not exceeding $100." Oil Sprinkled Rnvila f Ksporlments In sprinkling 1- roads wllb erode petroleum In Prance have so far been attended with excellent results end are being contluued. The longest Ktretch of road over wtilcti ott has been, sprinkled la near Kt. Cermaln. where the surface Ims been hardened and made dustl"*s. while the gray color la r?stful to the eyes. The road can lw swept as easily as an asphalted street. WHOLE NO. 165; THE BEST REMEDY FOR CROUP. IProm the Atctiinann, Kan.. Daily Globe.) This is the season when the woman who knows the Iwst remedies for croup is in demand in everv neighborhood, One of the most terrible thing in the world is to be awakened in the middle of the night by a wlioo]) from one of the children. Tli* croup remedies are almost as rare to be in case of croup, as a revolver is sure to lie lost in case of burghus. There to be an old fashioned remedy for cronp, knovn v> hive syrup and toln.faut soi ie modern ti.others say tliat Chamber lain's Coegh Remedy i» l*tter, and (loea not cost so much. It cause! l the patient to "throw up the phlegm" quicker, and gives relief in a shorter time. Give thia remedy n« rorn «s the croupy congh ap pears nnd it will prevent the attack. It nevc( fails and is pleasant and is safe to take. I'or sale by N. S. Feel & Co. A C«p of (nVrr. An Ideal *nj> of coffee can. It b raid, be made only In one way. The coffee must lie of the l«*t quality and moat be roasted. (.-round Immediately and tlsed n* i;ulekly an |>oxsihlc. Conuote- B ura In coffin* assure us tint It Is out i f th» npiest lon to make this licvcrage Dissolutely perfect out of factory .roast til coffee that been allowed to stand In ojien air any number of hours. In addition one might ray that such a thing n K a »itp of good coffee from tliaf which I* purchased ready ground la quite an ImiKisslhlllty. Tha tine aroma of the terry evaporates In • very short time. —— I OK A BAD COLD. If von have a IKUI cold you need a good reliable medicine like Chamberlain'a Cougli ki to loosen and relieve it. mil to'allay the irritation and inflam mation of the throat and lungs. For aale l>v N. S. Peel A Co. Buy Mcl)uf(!e's"No. 16' for La-Orlpp* or Influenza. It is guanantced to cur* >r your money will tie rtfen led. . PRICK /1.00 A Mrnnicp rnlenljttf on. ! Taking the length of tlie permanent railways 011 the surface of the globe at nearly UO,Oi»i geographical miles, wltb n daily averu.'e of ten trains. It Is esti mated that the tctnl loss differed by wear and teareach day by the metal lic rails of (' e earth Is about UOO torn 150*) tons are lost I:i the forin of a 'fiUe powiler and are carried I melt to ' the earth In the shape of soluble Iron salts. „ j IS YMLtCW P9ISGN I s 1.1 jjur UiiiW i' Pfcytltiaat call g Is riclarJa* fur-n. I tea:: beaten j> 3 changing red blood yellow under jf if' microscope, u works lay :r-d K | night. I : lrw, ii turrsyoarfrm- E r? pkvion jellw. Chilly * athinj K § eens..t(ons ne«p dvwn yowr f ! backbone. You feel tfeak taJ I worllileaa. ROBERTS' CHILI. TONIC i will slop the trouble raw. li 3 enters the Mood ai one: jad ■ i drives out the ytll'j-R' poison. L 8 !f neglected a id when CbiUs, 8 9 Fevers, Night-Sweats and a zen- L 9 eral break-dow i« cofre laier on, fc 15 Roberts' Ton.i w»IS curs you K - 8 then but why v.rjt ? I*rcv»nt P I future sickness. The mum;fee- I H turers know all ahoul this yel- E 9 low poison and l;ave I Roberts' Tonic to drive it out, u nourish your system, re*t-»re C appetite, purify the fc'ocd, pre- I vent and cure Chills, I ever* and * Malaria. It hi cured thous- E a ands It will cure you, or yoar S S money heck. This Is fair. Try f 0 it. Trice, 25 ceuU. bbbbmebmJ For sale by Anderson, Ilassell & Co., and Itli Gur£»nus. • ■ -2 Dyspepsia Cure Digests what yoo eat* .if This preparation contain* all of th 4 iigcstants and digests all kinds Of f(»Kl. It Rives instant relief and never fail* to cure. It allows you to eat all the food you wnnt. The most sensitive Jtomachs can take It. By its UM m*cy thousands of dyspeptics hiw kWi cured after everything else failed. SB unequalled for the stomach. ChllA» ren with weak stomachs thrive on IK First dose relieves. A diet unntl Cures cSI stomach troubl— Prfpnrflonly by E.C. DlWirrft Co.. HdMB Tk) sl. botUo contain* IV% times Uie 30a. Mb F R EXGC.S - i ii i i | ' BO YEARS' j c x^"' EWCg \ p inyi» i» oh *nl deMrtvtJoa mv £] filckljr o»i> oplukMi fr»® whether Mi I V..1111 "! Cn»pw>gma t»(i)iairit'tlTf«N'U.imiuL l!a**ibr*«#n PeMelß ■ ■••lit ft». MWHf )Vtt*ti?« *A*.cn tlirouch ftluim A Co. I•«•€•• f tstsAiil * i# hoat cwn. tiUit Ickatific Jlmericait * A vwi v>-*«lr r.toftnitad > |i cr.utU'»i of *» r J"" 11 * 5 - 1 «■"»•*. ?3 m IJ fi-r: timr m*y%tk*,sL bonlfcyart

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