THE ENTERPRISER rvsusußP rvkrv raiuav W iltiaraßton. If C. AI.PRKD K. WHITMOKR. i . • RDITOB AND PUBLISH KB . . . If • subscriber wi»hc* the paper Mopped th publisher auK be notified Bod subsefiMju aid tap. " Advertisements on which no ipeciSnl nurobr of Insertions ii marked, will be marked "til forbid" nad charged up to date of discontin aaee. Advertisements discontinued before the tim contracted for has espired will be charged f»ai stent rates for the time actually published. noticed without the nam of the writer accompattte* it—not to be put Us bed. but as a guarantee of good faith. ADVBBTiaim* RAT^S— Otoe inch one tnsertioi to cents, Kach suttsequrnt iiprrtiou 50 cents. Business Locals 10 cents a line. Obituaries snd Resolutions of Respect, si! ore ta lines, 5 cents s line. Capy for Advertisements, or change of Adtt 1 ttseuiciit*. inu»t be in thi* office not later thai Wednesday noon. SUBSCRIPTION SI.OO A YEAR IN ADVANCI Entered at the Post officr at Williamston, M. Second Class Mail Matter. FRIDAY. NOVEMBER 21, 1902. Dr. lvilgo is up against some of the members of hi* church again. Liko a certain ghost we often hear spoken of, he will not down. Some of lho promi nent papors and men in the State praise his article which caused the trouble. We suppose our citizens are busy thinking about good roads ■—at least, they are not talking about the mat tor. We asked for communications on the sub ject and not one has been re ceived. We think the Count) Commissioners would favor the crusade against mud and sand, and some action should bo tak en, Begin now. Col. Julian S.Carr announces himself as a candidate to suc ceed Senator l'ritehard. Col. Carr has a warm place in the heart ofeyery true North Caro linian, and though he was de feated •in tin; last Senatorial contest, 'twas because the time was not ripe for Iris candidacy and not from any fear as to his fitness, lie is a great man and his popularity is not confined to his uaQve heart, ♦ ♦ ,■ l'oiusylvania does, indeed Bocin to be a sunken Stute as one of Iter distinguished citixcm recently charged The Meridi an, Mies..News is moved to re mark ; - k " Pennsylvania may Dem ocratic one of these days, b.n it Hillne •When cross-eyed cats '(Jo hack on rats;' nnd when 'lY\as noes liepuliii cin.—Kaleigh I Vat. The needs of t..e town HIP great and one among them is that of u hearse. 'I he one bought, sevi ral ye. rs uhi - yoii'l repair, and i,> w iiu re is no suitable v hiele by v. h cii w • can carry the dead to their his resting place iksj eel tor the memory ol otir loved ones, ft 1> our hearts wiili a do-ire to pro vide as neat ariangement as possible— lis tin; last tribute we can pity ih m. 'J he ladies are always ItHt'tnoal trr uHinmr ments of this kind, it lite town authorities wid not act,and we tW reasun why a rnuv e ment cannot be begun now to secure a hearse, li some one will inaugurate an a lion along this line, we are sure ull neces sary aid can be secured. WASHINGTON LETTE*. [Prom our Regular Corrcsjx>mlent] Washington Nov, 17, njoi.—A ru mor has been started 111' Wr.shing ton thir weik, a'prof.ose of the speakership out st whit h is at trading wide-spread attention both M a curiosity and as a pt>»sible fac tor in the atraggL f of the ITouse r>f Representatives. It !■" been discovered t at under the constitution, ttu* Speaker of the fj oiisa need not be a otciub-. r. He ( nujr be elected from private life. ifc> SOMMff was the discovery made than it was suggested that it would be an appropriate token of their re spect and esteem for the republican members to elect Cen. Henderson speaker of the Fifty-eighth Congress not withstanding the fact that he will not be a member of that Con gress. Whether this suggestion was put forward simply as a feeler, at the behest of Gen. Henderson him self,cr whether it is merely of some of the Speaker's ardent admirers, of whom he has a host in Washington is not known. The possibility how ever, il followed up eren by a mod erate campaign in behalf of Gen. Henderson's claims, will serve to still further complicate the sitiia tion and render :he coming session even more interesting than was an ticipate:]. There is a good deal of comment among the veteran members com ing to Washington, on the youthftil ncss of the members elect of the Fifty eighth Congress j»nd they cite the New York delegation as an il lustration of the extent to which the people are, in these days,departing from the atlge, "Old men for coun sel." With the youngest Prcsijert in th : While House, that the coun" try has ever had, the next hou>e ol Representatives will show the youngest body of men tver selected to legislate on the affairs of the na tion. It has been said that the Sen ate, however, would be affec ted by this cr«>7.e for yoiing men but the older members point to Bever idge, Bailey, Culberson el a!., as an evidence that the young men are crowding the ' graybeards," out there. With remarkable « xpedition the treaty witli Colombia, providing for - the construction of the Panama Ca I nal, has bren brought to a conclu j j, sion and the convention will bel, duly signed by Secretary Hay and , ' Minister Concha.The Secr tafy says | that he regards the arrangement , made as most favorable to the | United States and he expect'* its j s prompt ra ideation by the Senate. ; The copy of thc'Cuban treaty has been received in Washington and 1 , while t 1 e terms are not altogeihei I tatisfac 01 y to the administration 1 -ccrctary Hay it It hopes to secure . the necessary mot ilicaliou so thnt ; I it will In in sua e to present to > Congr ss when' it convenes two . w eks hence. It may be said thai ; the.Cuban government emb Idened I l>y the shortage in the sugar supply of the world and the increased price ' "resulting therefrom, demands a lar ger discount from the Ling ley ta riff rates than the administration ' | feels j stifi - d in asking Congress to ' s all jW l>ul Gen. Cliss has gone to ' Cuba and will attempt to convince ' President I'alma that to il inand too ' much is I k ly to defeat the treaty ' ' which would prove a dissapoint ' ilient and a serious injury to Cuba. I 1 It is bt iteil at I'ie White House ' . that the so 1 ewhat sensational :e- 1 I p r!s s n! out in regard to the health of youn j Theod'-re Koose 1 veit are t ilaliy u! warranto "i he ' buy has I een 1 sing his eyes too o hard and the doctors ordered lim t.» j»ive thein us cn.npict a rest "as j>os>i!>l- lor at le i-t a week. Even tiis ri In: n asliingtoii w.,s IcU ' optional with him and h! parent- v , but w th the pr -sped of a .. eekV , j eafor .« 1 id'eness both the lad ami | his 111. thcr deemed d wise lor him 'to r turn t'» the White llouso. lii>] all! Imii w init ju-rtntis and .will iii j 1 no aay interfere with the Pr sidenfc " •outhern'lrip. 1 That there will he no tru*t lei-is- ' lation is lot s sure. S. me of ihe 1 prominent tii'anceer* of the co-ntry # are liecoming alainied at the uilu 1 ation. \V, at tln*y iegaj;d as espec- 1 laity dangerous iancial sta- ' bility of the eo ntr is the orga»i- 1 nation of trusts and the tloatipg Ot 4 trust stocks based tin information 1 which is neither comprehensive or 1 eliable. Ihe marke. to-day, ihey ' say might l>e utter y routed b> the ' breaking of a few large industrial 1 corpbrations and it is impossible to ' secure any defini e information in f regard to many whose stocks arc 1 dai'y bough and sold on the mar ket. '1 his hue of argument is in ac- 1 cordance » ith the message sent to 1 Congress last year by tne President * and is regareded as more than p .s- ' - siblc that some enai tment forcing > publicity cn the so-called trusts wnll be place .on the statues of the com-1 ing sessto .'~ 1 1 of the Depart- j • raent aie greatly interested in the t . repot ta beings eiveij of the , iveness of the new torpedo boat, j' r the Adder. According to these le-1 i ports the Adder mule a iuu of two ' : miles in on . direction. turned with ' the gre.Ust celerity and return d | sto tS*. starting point and immediate-j ( ly on its arrival thee fired a torpe do which came within ten feet of small target. AH this was done un der water and in an incredibly short space of time. While running at a high rate of speed * here was r.o indication on the surface of the wat. r. so that aa j\ vessel woa'd hare had actually no warn ing of the approach and could not pos il>ly have attempted anjr retal iatory measure until the vessel was entirely out of eight and reach. DOES IT PAY TO BUY CHEAf? A cheap for awKhi and colds U all right. but you want something that "will relint and cure the most «r vrrr and dangerous rrttlHi of tliroat an«l lung troubles. What shall you do? go to a winner act] nut regular climate? j Y;s, if pcesible; if net possible for you,! then in either OK the only remedy that h.Vi been introduced in all civilised ouun- i trie* with Kctcat ia •erere throat ami j 1 ung troubles. "Bochec'i Cenjitn j Sjitip." It not only heals and stinr— fates the tisanes to destroy the germ (ib- f case, but allays infUmxatiun, causes i easy expectoration, gives a good night's rest, ami cures the patient. Try one V>ttle. Recommended many years by all druggists in the world. You ran get !>r. o. C. cieen's reliable remedies at S. R. Biggs. lit I creen's Special Almanac. A copy of "Trackmen's Advance Advocate" was brought into the office by Papt. T. \V. Thomas. From it the following railroader's prayer is clipped: "Iyord ! now that I have flagged Thee, lift up my feet from the rough road of life and plant them safely on the deck of the train of salvation. Let me use the safety lamp known as prudence. Make all the couplings in the train with the strong link of Thy love, ami let my liandlamp lie the Bible; and, Heavenly Father, keep all the switches dosed that lead off on the sidings, especially those, with a blin.l end. O I«orjl. if it be thy pleasure, have every semaphore, block along the line sliow the * hite light of hope, that I may make the run of life without stopping, and, I.ord, give us the ten command ments for a time card ; and when 1 have finished the run on schedule ! time and j ulled into the great dark . tation of death, may Thou, the great Superintendent of the Uni verse, say, 'Well done tliou good and faithful servant, come and sign the pay roll and receive your check for eternal happir.css.' " A Startling: Sor;rise. Very few could l*lievt in looking at A. T Iloadley.a bealthy. robu.-t blacksmith, of Tildeu,'ld., that for ten years he suffered such tor tnes from Rlieuir.nt:.- m r.s few could endure and live. But a wonderful chiitige fol'owcd his taking 1-lectric Hitters. "Two bottles wholly curei me," he writes, "and I have not felt a twinge in over a yetr." They regulate the Kidneys, purify the blood and cure Rhei-matism. Neu ralgia. Nervousness, improve diges tion aial give perfect health. Try them. Only 50 cts. Rev. lrl R. Hick's ICO3 Almanac. To say tlint this splendid work of ark-nee and ail is finer and better hnn ever. i> stating it mildly. The k-tnand tor it is tar beyond all pie ,'ious * years. To say that such re mits, leaching through THIRTY >■ \HS, arv- not Üb«ti UJXM sound «nse and usefulness. is an insult to he intelligence of the millions. i*rof. Hicks, through this great Al luuiac, aud his famous family and .cieiitific journal, WORDS AND kVoRKS. is doing a work for the .vholc piople not approached by any j'.lier man or publication. A fair e4 will prove this to iny reason ibl • person. Added to the most lu uinous course in astronomy for I «,>.*. forecasts . for storins and .veather are given, as never before, or every day in the year, all charm ugly illustrated with nearly tio mndted engravings. The price of 'ingle Aluianac, including postage tnd mailing, is THIRTY CENTS. A'ORD AND WORKS with the Al nanac is 51.00 a year. Write to A'ORD AND WORKS PUBLISHING , 2201 Locust Street. St. Louis, Mo., and prove to yourself their {reat value. _* A If you tit HtCcrinx (nm Kcmu. "iiu, In, Herpes. Ringworm, dandruff, >f nay hkxvl or din ilittax, llimrck't .iij u.l S..!|>luir is 3 *r reroute. SuKI Uj '. I>. Jc Co. AudHMUlurll & Cpta a God via. - , . ll.acork*s LiqnM Snl >bur will cert *ncwly lin.l 11 ume i|flinb«n. Try tewl'l Lxjuxt Sulpitar luilit. For ale at C. I» Ou ti ;ibea % Co. Amirrm 11—11 &. Co., Kcitk a l adwm. Not a Trie BUI A iter a thorough investigation of the CkX ajc.~ : -«t L. H. and Wn. Ange, cbar„, I wil'i wrecking the Washington and Plymsath train sometime ago, the grand jnry of this county returned.not a true bill. Detective J. M. Fowler, who was employed on this case, did all in his power to ferret out the mystery, and to bring the guilty parties to justice, but thus far his skill and ability here failed. But he does not give up He contends that evidence is to be had, and he will have it. While at work on this rase M'. Fowler has come in contact with many of o»;r people, and the gener al opinion of our people is that he is a high toned, clever gentleman, and that while he has thus far failed to find the perpetrators of tlie :r«-t dastardly crime ever committed in this county, he worked as hard as he did in the celebrated Bonner ca.-e, which inarfc him famous through out the United States as the "Pia kerton of North Carolina." —Ply- mouth Beacon. » New Idea Woman's Raraimc. The Chrittmrj number of th New Idea WowaVs Magazine wil offer many features that will prort of practical and timely value dur ing the coming holiday season I'hc second installment of Journal of a London Woman;' I • Christmas Presents for Men;' •'How to Entertain a Christina! House Party;'' "Inexpensire Gifti for a Christmas *i ree;* "A Child ren's Party for Christmas/' ail I each and alt add their quota to the general interest of the book. 1h« contents will be b:illiant!y illus tratcd, both in color plates and ir lilac k and white, and the legulai utilitarian portions will far (iatt the tame presented by any othn i magazine of the pi ice. Terr llniiloarh. I>r. Ilcylln, In hla "U(r of Ktn« Ohnrte*," retoril* that during the re!|fii of Qni'Pfl Elizabeth "llnw «■ oiw | wbo wrote the Ton Comuiaiidiuent* ! tbe Creed, the l'ater Softer. tbe«|uivn"i | mi in** mid the prayi-r of our l/d { within tbe, of a |M-nny ami Kave her nuijnh a of n«'i«rlf of >u>'li mi artUictai ni.tklnsc I'.at by tbe help thereof Bin* ittd |-lainly and dlctinctly dlacern every Hlrt." A unuirivlut filntlnr feat was ttat i "rare (iloeo of Wi.rk brought to fscias by i Prti'r Ila lea. an Kmcliahmnu, v Iwhlm ; exhibited IH-fnrc lor lunjn*y the entire J lilliln Wrilton In a liouk cunlaSniitg aa many l>a ve* a* a full aliol edition, but . QUlutf Into a walnut."* Flovrera. i Cnrtoua (irnvecDcw rc*ciul4inc rude ' Dowt*ra tluit iiuv on ti.«a In TUna I d«'l Forgo mi* by a corre ; aiHiiuU'iit of I.a Nature, lVirta. Tbene arc found to t>e due to a iwraaitlc growth. but the "flower*" roiislit of tbe Inner wood of tbe tree whtcb t*aa | U'eii foniil tliroiiKb tbe t>ark ami aa -1 biiiihh varlouM fanciful Khii|ica. often : thorn* of the ebnwleal ai-nnthu*. wen un I t'urintnlau rapltata. 'l lie |am>lte that causes the growth la a relative of tbe uilmlctoc. (ork Carpfi*. A cork oor|H*t may l«* kci.t clean and In kmal condition liy usli k the f«4k>w- I It'x mixture: I'ut Into a t»*ttle oi ial | iNirta of vlnesar. turt>ciuliu>. lucthybtt | eU aplrlt and llnaeetl oil ami ahake all well ltuh tula well all over the cur|K t witb a |hid of clotb or mnictbluK of the kind. |> illsMng It well afterward with a clean cloth. T«* B*laa It oo«. ! "l knew I've cot a vein of poetry In me. Hlr." confidently a*» rte«l the yuan* man to the editor, "and ail I want la a chancv to brl'iK It out. What would you mißKest. air?" "I think you'had better aee a doctor and have It lanced." I Badly Shattered Nerves and Weak Heart. Toe Nervous to Sleep or Heat. Dr. Miles' Heart Cur* and Nervine Cured Me. A shattered aanrous syita nearly ahrtjri , to »ome affection ai the heart emc- I tally where the p tieat's heart is weak boa ; hereditary oi «ther causes. Dr. Miles* Heart Care is not only a prrat heart rrnlaltir.M i * » * tonic which tpeedlty cucrccts and the heart's actum, enriches the ! Wood and improves the circnlatKm. It will bmilvl y»« up pi at it did Mr. Crmwlotvl i »h v letter follows, and gTeatly ixmprort j year general health: "I kave been io rr- at'y benefited he Dr. Miles' Nerrtae and llrart Case that 1 freely rtcommend tfcem as the best renedei tor • N diseases they are J to care, j When 1 legas Uk ng theae mctlkmcs I ! weighed scsrcelv 140 rounds tt? sent* were bad> shattered artd my heart tro» Iw . 4 T Tf l 1 pa«a ia my Wftaim j snJ Ecoldcr, had d tc-lty ia riccv ac en lav u ft lide, had frfoirrl imoibrnn( nvlb ar.d piy k-ait «oitld tkttcr aa.l palpitate. I ctiold est mtci-Iy any kuel o! food antfcoct ■ nitfc: inf tfrr-it di**:ie>«, and »aa so rntb-s ; ja-t neir. il. th;t 1 tl*p« htL'e aiehtorder, t Nti* I BTO river 1 cllrrrd with »-y brut. ww a nres an ne.-.dr as a die, I rirta wvß, eat well audit 3 I an; kapp» aia tiyipg t» n.ale hick the awntt I ran t tor d'tun * ho did xae no goad wbk I wti ill.-—T. R. Cuiu.oan, Caatrr, lon, A'l dr-c~ : Ja te'l and (nrmbx Srst bat tie l»r. Hue,' kcoxdua. Send lor hec boall am (wrwiaa and Heart iHnaa Aj.t *1» to. Uiims tWin i ta.BklM»ibA VN WW pnWljr MH ■omctMwc in UM HOE of Hsr VfUll&Rrw dn SURPRISES. J r/s^ GXYS&g) Pain,s 4 01,5 for jomr turkey dinner. The bead of the kouc will Co] a JJOOJ sharp carver rerjr convenient when the IvktJ. The mother wiß a—RF THANKFUL if U>e has a Buck's Cook Store on which to prepare the bin feast The whole family, in (act. will he thankful if the (tin ner is cooked on a Buck's Store or Range becaoae promptness and a good dinner ate assured those naing a Back'a Shift. A Thanksgiving Feast for All Our Patrons daring thia entire meek. Low prices arc the attraction. % The Simpson Hdw. Co. HfIEDFpRD'g? Iblackdraughti 1 THE ORIGINAL] {UVER MEDICINE) A aallow ounirlrxion. bilkniiw and i coated U*igue M are common indication* of Itvar 1 and kidney diwaeaa. Htoniaci and I bowl tnwbing, term aa toey arc, B C'tc immediate warning by Mia, I it lift and kidnor biflbln, I Ikcwh l~» painful at the atart, an I oiaca bank to care. Thedford'* I i HUrk-Itranirht nrrrr faila'to bene- W itdiaaaawi hirer«ihl weaauied kid- H i n-v> It atin up the torpid liver 9 to throw off the gcrma of trverand tf aonr. It ia a certain preventive S otrbolera and RriffHt'a diaraae of I th* kiiiawi. With kidneva re- I i«f«wl by Tbtxifotd'a Hluk- I l»rau?Ht thotiaand* ot hare { , J*dt immune in the mi list of yel-rH • t low fever. Many famiiiea live ity ] perfect liealti ar I hnve no other I irtor, than Thcdford'a I'lack- t DwAt. It i> ilviiji on hand for J ■Uf in an e uer;- r,y ,-inl eaves p many etj-njive ca!ij of adcctor. V 1 eUllmt, S. C. March ». IVOI. f 1 I have imJ ThaJfora's B' v.LraujM f for three y tart and I have aot halt ice V I* adock r »toc« I have bun taki-.g H. li llt M the best mtdkinc for mt th.-t I* !$ aa the market for tlvtr anJ kldaey ft UwSwt and dyspepsia and other H (•sapauita. Ritv. A. 0. UWiS rftwm^MKsesiGzfiQF'* Sued For SIO,COO. A Littleton sjn-cial of November 11 th, to.the News and Observer contains the following : Mr. B. B. Nicholson and hridc have returned from an extended 1 bridal tour to Cuba and other i t Southern points. They are visiting the families of the bride and grooin | in this county- A report reached Raleigh yester day that the mother of Mr. Ander- i son. who committed suicide at Lit- I tlvt >n because Mrs. Nicholson j would not marry him, has brought s iit against Mrs. Nicholson for ten I j thousand dollars, alleging that h r . refusal to uintry him caused him to commit The readers of this paper will re ' call the sad termination of the life • [of Mr. Anderson, a conductor on I I jthe Illinois Central railroad, who. 'killed himself liecause the lady he, [loved was goinK to marry another. J $ !lc was desperately in love with I Iter, followed her to Littleton, and I took his own life when he learned . ■ that she was to be niatried to j another gentlemm. | Hancock's Liquid Sulphur corn (kin | troubles of every nature. No hone «koskl be without it. Ask your merchants j for a book on Liquid Sulphur. Sold by | C. D. Cintuphea & Co. i Audersoa ItaMell a Co., Keith a ttodwia. I . I - - !• ALL STORES j > Will Be Gcsaf 3 Next Thursday ! | >On Account Of j» I tj Tliaiiksgiviifg TO COKSUMPTIVES. , TWI Utw!t* - liagtl tm gJ I »■ ■ r»ry- ft I I I > »m» lrt| tiiKiu, a*l «.: &». 1 | te&ntlinv tLlcniß lit st«nt •( cut. To , i tiast Kto 4cs-r« w. be v:.l fen-T«-11/ sr-ad (frr* Iti d»rtl • • tr« ;mcr,4i' i it. «t«!l H ».i)t M ■ mt f-T I ! KillUt l icxcUmUT-rn «i 1 try I t irtMi.Hk is innimfcta. * iac, fi iuil't«.»Hi>»ilt t-o l*-m l ■liiiiwwstlmsi, Look Out for Breakers! X am now just from the Northern Market* where I purchased goods cheaper Iku ever berore. I will aril for the next jo day* Enrcka Plaida jfi formerly sc, *• Mated Coffee 11 formerly, lljtf Mustaphaa ,* " ,« Gre " "1* " "* 1 . 7 •• -Beat 10- %2%t BruwaCotttm 3 " * ArtMckfe , ftaktok Eng. Lyoaa Coffee 11 « M*a Tie Shoa 99 " #1.25 Cents Nice Hata ?B " pjo Oyater Boon |i 99 " >:.ju 1 lbcan bk|. Ladiea' Doog. powdera fa - a* Shoe* 9k " S:.2S Single Bbl Breach - CentaCalf - ft.*" fi .so G " * * Ladiea and GeaU 4-4 Best Bleaching 6# " 8c BUck Hp fc « loa Acme Hoar ft.7S " fc-oo All p slop jars SI.OO I have jn«t opened np a Full Line of Clothing ml Oiinaala which I will aal 4 10 per rent, abore coat also a nice line ot Children'a Clothing and Fancy nianaa Suit*, also a large ami nice line of the Latest St) lea of T.adtaa Jackata and al other Rooda nut mentioned at reduce price of JJ per cent. I cordially ha> vite the public at large in to examine my iuulenae Mock be kite buying. Cli Gur&anue. School Books at Half Price. ■== • ■ AH Kinds of School Books Bought, Sold and Exchanged. j Now ia the time to order your Schftil Ecr k». Best larjainaeirrcfcud. We wQI Uke yonr hooks in exchange. Semi us a list of them at once. Typewriters tented, repaired. laought a:«l sold. Stationery, Fountain l*ens. School and Ofict Furni ture. HI)!)! Hooks, dl«i ;rjj.hophones, Rubber and Leather Goods. OM and Rate books a specialty. Write for catalog and Hat. Book Bags and Straps Free. SOUTHERN BOOK EXCHANGE. - - RALEIGH, N. C. LEGAL ADVERTISEMENTS. Executor's Notice. Having this day qualified a* excutor to the last will aul testament of Newbern Cherry. drrraMd, notice is hereby giwi to all creditors of said estate to present the.i claims tu n.e dulv proven on ot W- Ifore tbe Ist day uf November, 190.1, or this notice will tie plead in bar of tlteir recover*. All parties indebted to said estate are requested to make hn j mediate pay mment. . I This Oct. Mb. i>» 2. R. 11. SAL*btkt, 5-6 C Executor. , Trustees Safe of Valuable Real Estate. Br virtue of * Deed of Trust executed to inr this tbe jtli daT of March, 19m*, ■ and duly recorded in bock D. D. P., on page J.\| —term* of this lHx-d not being 1 c00;p..e.l situ, I -hall sell at pnbiie suc tion (for cash] at liobtrsonvi'le, N. C.. ! Monday. November 14th, I»M, the tract of land conveye-l in this Deed of Trust to G. D. A J. C. Roherson, by ' Harvey RiKJT*- The tract of land lying ' and being in Bear Oitn Township. Mar tin county, adjoining tbe lands of David Gurganua, Stanley reel. William Br.l-' lock and others, containing sixty (60) acres mon or less. This 14th October, 1901. M IRA D. RORKRSON. TaosTKK. Administrator's Notice I Having qualified aa administrator at W. C. Powell, deceased, late of Martin County, N.C..thi» is to notify all persona having claim against tbe estate of mid deceased, to exhibit them to th* nadsr signed on or before the 17th day of Oc tober. If[>). or this satire mill b* plead in bar of their recovery. All pemnt in debted to said estate will please make immediate pax mcnt. This sth day of Oct. 1901. J. B. KAWLS. 4-6t r Administrator. NOTICE. Having qtiali&cd as Administrator upon the estate of S. A. Anilresrs, dccetMi!; Nc tice is hereby given to all person, hckling claims againat aaxi estate to pre sent th.-m fo the undo signed for payment ou or before the 30th day of Nunnbrr, ■9%)' or "*** notice s)l> be plead m bar tif their iwwtry. AU pniuu indebted k> said est it- me teq e» - -c jto make its*- dl tc pa iscnl. This soth day of Vow. If 1. y-M - A. k. Dnoow. • —' ' -I". . NOTICE! Having this day qualified as admin t rat or upon the estate of Newton Rogsr aoo, deceased, all creditors of said» late are requested te present their claims to me properly proven on or before tha Ist day of November, 1903, or this notice wilt be plead in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said estate art re quoted to make immediate payment. This October 17th, 190 a. W. S. RaoDO. , 6-6t. Administrator. NOTICE Hsvlng qualified as Administrator upon the esUte of Gnythcr Hanell, di rrased. notice is hereby given to all persona hold ing claims agaiast said Estate to present them to the nndersigiied for payment on or before the 15th day uf November 1903, ' or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said estate are req-mted to auk* hnmn diute payment. - - This 14th day of Nov. 1900. DAVID P. HARRELL. 9 6t p. Aduiini.tpator. NOTICE Having qualified aa Admiidarsator np*n the Rstate of Marke C. Hymaa.ili ciaasrl, Notice is herefcr* given to all persons holding claims againM said Estate to [iu>st them Is the andsi signed for pay meat On or kehn the tjth day uf November, 1909, or tMonotfc* wid be pleaded in bar of their recovery. AO persons indebted to soU Mate asw 10- quoted to make immediate payment. This 14th day of November. 1901. T. H. HVMAN, 9-6t p Administrator. THE ST. LOU 15* SAN FIANCI3CO RAILROAD -- OFFKS TO THE COIONIST One-Half PARK, pins Ji oo to points in • AKKAKMS, Misbocu. K ixni.Snin- Ki. Coion a no. Ttui, On. annus nod Ikdui Tnurotr . .. . On the following dates L . November 4th and iptti December and *- tfith January 6th ~ Mk February 30! " 17th ' March 3rd " 17th April -yth - list Write for advertising motter, rates and iofoiuiation to W. T. SAI'MDEKS G. A. P. D„ Atlanta, Go.