.V THE ENTERPRISE ' , ktratS E. «MTBO3E mtO. CXTU3 * KsmnWL TE2MS OF SUBSCRIPTION: sj.oo ?« Year. Strictly in Aovance *• VOL. IV. - XO. 10. fit fjlinm DOBOTHT TKKD lists? tMhMkrtfnq hole, br tteka Mpa ■a* *in la a pnV br. »d her (fa IhM Irr. j*t grUr aad *aa- Kta rtl%it!» ■ la aanatry. laaadia* hTm n> a l! Maak hMtai Mln4 tar Mnjil hrfMTdatßK IkkaWarfri tMac" • ItliHll *awM Oda( hra|M b mi; tk» aaa *r bm* immrf , b*Mht)M. kaf yaa wilif fcai! rTMMti ka.aaaa I tor* M ' Mat «tl far imt i«d; aavajalkti kkMMNI M M aaat mj (Mi M 1 throor karaalf amaj aa a aak If * j J . Tmw me. KKtia Tirtarfl." ■*oka v ■ t*a. laalt-g j m| i mi aba M ■mil a»a k-|* . alleat In lk* -J kaefcrrosatf \ / ■ aiar* bto Mf» | '\ dnctUm by IVia * ; * (./ I V\ rllla aa ray ~baa iwsd. >tiu*» r.'. / * ■ CorJaa." A«L JgjjpW j |K> Ikrlady ■ " ! •' ■ qaftc Ignore*. kirn, fcr cKtto- j {&/*-*>'# 4tWP o.U. "Tkr Car- ; » . . 6*. rr« a* a*d -rf^ irfpritka IVi'-x Uj M tLr Trwd ' **■* »■- fey?* ir\ aura I ktT* - Prlacllla i» t (■■r: "Tan -. * jraafvd aar l® Marrr Abarr 1 , I'irkT. Ikovk ™ I Md yoa I ICV.B— - Ulnl bin. aad 'farfaadr my evra 1- arrtos Katbaa. T* >f , *kna I kt«* A. , | I l>on"t bt aa- {'••• |, /1 klad. ootkrr . j dnr. Ilarryaa £-\"/k ajar il** b-aa r.« * , '■ I tolas Xalbaa. tifl H Toa aaamrdlke a, emmlj ] Mia of yaar a» «.r«r ta!«»t rkatca. aad I lait ftnr tW ay; Ikat : la an. K i yaa mot top* or 7" "Nat I a -Jl art. Ua yaar nyi aad . Irl at an yaa aa aaan iayw tan aadr yaar ML aa yaa dal Me. I"Ha rUka TridaaM ka aa aaaatr Car ar. aad I da aat wtak la ka« MUnra Xaikaa JVa aaa aaly *aaHag llat km. Wa toMkMriLrtk aa backrard kak ar ral af hi*a.& I "Wk. Sbtrr IkaMky* raOad a jaat alder tkaa llWrra Tmini raat . ftkaijkMf aJaJL'"^lai akt araa tka (Bat. Uaa aa n laaoM aaara kmf Ikaatarlftw ataar «.■. ni'T ■ wa —iknj af a Tkar.ka | tfik* din a r a* arkbrk IW aed latva ataraa taku IW akM WMlMaa«iM>ta JiMnaTnd rill naaialia v rn rur M aad Mtf rtaada laaUi k® f«4 fIM la ■ alaaa TWj kaaat (Mr kaada arMka Mkacraaa iMkf ■« .ma. laaadMy aad krMy. Tkra Jap* fika -k**d Wfc- kraasM to tka lA. Matar Ikarctky." WfciMft fttf k kwifußy. "1 raa't aat: I fcal aw knr yaa faa kair tlm hrail tat l a aar I daaV , "Silly, don't bp 1 fool.** retorted iter I Mj aharpiy. Bn« that haUtual to-1 Joctto tor Mil failed at Ua anally! repreaaiTe Hbrt ipun Hally'a d«aisa siraflans at lantlis. 1 toil car* what jot B| kw, Dasathy. 1 Jart ml apntL I'm hMittmkto. Fir* years i|o there vw* four torn mure la this table. ■ Labia waa with aa then. dear buj! Ok. God kMMra where be Is now! And m arm* Bebacca-and. ah. tbe buuaa baa aevsr bent tbe aaaue alnce aba went away!" MUtna TredwelU with a One affec tation at ptachl unconcern. wmt ga taking ber aoap. bat Ibe baud that, bdd the apaoa woo 1,1 trcmUV. Sally went cm: "Too aet yoar fare like a flint against Itrahao marrying tbe (M be loved. and abe waa aa good a Kir) aa aver waa. ooly yoa must areda trydo compel him to take aa I at'urr. Ua alike, ha did aa h* waa a alad to, and yoa loot him. Only thrve . filni lea res were waated to tbe table tbe next two Thaukaglvlnga Then tbe same tbtoit happened with Oabee ca. Too triad to auihr her marry David I'nnvll. who hadn't a thing I Kit 1 hta money to recoaunecd bin*, and. , having. Hke yoa. an Iron will that J woo Id rather break tbaa baud, aba went off. and yoa're never toetd off bar alnce." I -TOT hare." Interrupted Dorothy.! j with a nlJra fluah of tutor and a: flash ia ber eyea. t "Tea, thank f«od. I hare! Tl>? dear girl baa written to me n-nlu and again, bet il.f made mr pnuaj* on the It.li'e that I'd ncur tell yon a wmt si lout ber m ill job naked, and bare you ever aakitir Dorothy cloned her l!|w tightly. ~No, xua haven't, and for all yon know il» guy have starved or tar wrong." n-I I do not ask now," firmly re pli .1 the oUliirete mother. "Tbeti two extra learca werr- more* than enough, for only IMscilU wasf left. And now abe'a gone. Ilk, you on-' b"ll*y woman, ran yi»u not we that J bn* twe tliey are juur i-liiSttm yea can-' Dot Urirv tto-ro?" "Hay I bdp yoa to aanie of the tor' -Mf** -• '■ ' ■ X\ T»or itlt;i • ra « - ' eat!" crlrd Sally. bursting Into tears ai.l rooking a pnvijiluii' retreat m>iu tin- t:ib!e. tliilrna Tredwrll kept Imt mat. took ■ al!re of tbe turkey's t:ri-.irt. bH|*d brradf lo tbe cranberry J.HI> and nib-1 blnl a stalk of cabry. but li*r ratlin; waa only a prrtecse |>rlde'B bluff, against Ijurlliir* and misery. For a tons tlcie aiip ant UHitlunlt**. staring at reraiwy uutil her eyes Micd with tear*.' whk-h site dashed angrily away, aa If ashamed of l*L?ia. Two Thanksgivings went l>y «;*» whU-b there waa uo cotui:>morativ* di:.i:er In tbe TivdwcU luanaijo. ami 4 third dawtH*! *rt;b no happier promise. As uj«n the inorulug after IV.scilla aiUevnl her tntlet>ri.dei«-e. tbe ground waa covered do-idy by ik-W fallen aoow. but tbia time It dlj nut prevent ifistrcaa Itorothy Tredwrfl going to church. Warmly wrapped. »be went la tbj cutter, driven by tlu.- hired man John. Pcrhapa aomrtblng to the arrtnao toadied tbe bard «M heart; poaalbly tbe alght of tbe bipvf fain-. IBea Ailing the church-famUba awol kf at thla aaaaou to abourmal atoa by tba annual ■athering at torad oaca from far and ocar-brooght bone to tor a new realisation of tbe alaerabto laneltofaa of ber old ago. At all events, ■be waa eonac-toua of Buffering mental-' ly aa a lie never had before, for at la at ' tbe doubt bad rtaea in her mind wheth er brr unhappy condition waa nut of 1 tor own waking luatiwd at a mystcrt oua dispensation of lYorldencr wbuh bad afflicted tor with exo-pttonally 1 j disobedient and aufceitiig children. tba 1 totter being tbe view abe bad loug eui-. 1 tlrated. -|*ardoa t. td forgtvt too. O ; God. If the fault baa been mlue." aha moaned white walking atowly frriu tbe j gcte to her gloomy and ehrertrsa home. I Sighing abe opened tbr front dour;' then stood traaaflied by astonishment.) It aaraMd to ber that abe heard erba • 1 tog to the ball musical paala at child ! lab toagbtar She atood Uateniag to daobting wonder. Tea. tbr laughter was ceaL and wMh It mingled Kister •billy's and trdrfe. pmttling baby talk J to tbe parlor. fautV>j*ly ahr glided to ■ad petted through the doar. whlrh' stood a little ajar Sally aat u{>ou tbe floor. Mubrcrfng a ' atonic p*V.i bJlrrd little child that waa pn:tJ'ig with It* fat hand* ber Wtberr.l rbreLi a:ul ifarh'ng 10-jdly. I "lilUmi always loved ber better ' I'vtn my own did so. I lio- Ikve." Jreloualy thought the t *rt.'.l TTotnan at tlie Hoar, i Tto-a a frrali. tneloJioaa voire fa!! of ' a anther's trad- rue** caUed fn>m the pnrt of tt>e room beblnd the door: Toce. p»t: l«(k to mamma. lUimoq Come now." WILLIAMSTON. N. C.. FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 28, 1902- I Hbtrra Trrdwetl gasprd and prewd • haw! cpa brr beort at tbe hrtrlst «t Ukat wfce. and aoricthiig dlvuil ' bar sight ao that (he conld hardly are ' tbe triby. with auxkty ia hi* blue « ;• s : ' and laarhter still wrvrttMng bia «iieiii | lips, awayiog. lalanrins. renturtng ; rtowly Kt-p by step hta greet fiat of • s I -UKin? th.- Coor. The rM Lrdy j j threw o|ien tbe dRT. anil with at> pa ; | ala«o*t as anetmily aa tlte rhiUi's tt t i 1 1, rvd to the Utile foliovr. fell U;*MI tor j karea and rbrpel h'ta tn IMT br.aat solrfWu :. ~tM La# forvHvi " n* r | "Ob. asotber. niottor: I'm ao gtadr* cried tbe JKUiir woman. ItisrUto her- J srtf. bardies to milrair tor tww dear j MM-*, while Ke.'tunn. evidently tblaklu; lit rH excellent play, crowed with de I Mgfat aad coddled dona to the elder ' wotaan, making believe to escape cap ture by mamma. n was Jast determined, mamma, that yaw should sm baby. I didn't beOeee yoa rue Id aad stay angry with w>" bald Friarilto when tbe esritaassat of greeting waa a little caluMd. "TOT have named bUa after yam totberr "Tea. aanaa. Kathaa wanted to aa araeii aa 1 atd Nathan la teal good, aianima. Indeed be to Aad I want yoa to forgive him too." -Gladly, ay child! I wish ha were fcCT*- "* I "He will be In a islante. lie'* s*ttlag to tbe t>ara waitii-g for bia weieuoac." I"Ut him wplt no longer." Aunt Kally. nimbly alntoat aa to the daya of her youth, ran out to call bl*n j There la pralae among the people, there la aaag la lat aai torn 1 j For another year of plenty, prhle and haaar aai Mm, I - | And ll'a lime the eery carle •"i "111 That we happened to Inrelsto , >..*• ! j J !!• For a banner bird should fold hla wins* and pi;. ;; . Hat be rari't. I'll 101 l yoa why— _J j In. an hoar he has TA'die, * For the eayle la a tn-key «-J- J- I I / ' 71 I " Tls-ic are lny* ot liltter battl'\ «tiys of prWV In denf aad ku^, When we kite t«> limr the Mtle arma as loadty aa he at; WUfn tl;- M(l« of th* iciKxUia I s '} I And tomb :It.d f >nn!aln IHaif n tbanee to flap their wiuga ami bate their say. * * Hut the erobh-ni and the pertr ! . 3 I Aie ai»oU*ht>l fur an boor. For (he eagle la a tuikry Inby. I ~;lzs fflsw- he wore a feather cellar he haa donned a friifr of >lje, ! j And a pink and pur]ile wattle dnn(M arraaa hla *a,ile «jr; >*• I I {•" . j , Aim I bis lieareu reai-hing pinions Trail the grosmd among the niinV>na y*~ » 1 I j , \'t Of the lianivanl and the corrp and ruoatry way. 1 . | While he Miis hla friends goodby ' I'. « Kre Im> lays hi;n down lo die, , ®. ' " For the eagle la a tsrtey today. ' ! - v Oh. I would not dim or tarnish aught of clary I harr heard j j Of oar good old I'ncle Sammy or the story of hts Mrd; ■ ' lj ij Hut when block and as Isrtiih ' ' - ;.J || *1 To decapitate the eagle „ , V '"|: £f| 11 lilt Theti I wonder why we let tbesa hara the* way. - 4 .T L s .} I : :- A """ I •»•'«» the reaaon why— V'Zdl'ii Ai jf . Once a year the bird muat dht i j-*v ■; ' t " II p Far tba eagle la a turkey that da jr. ' • 1 CtrrfiDr iirocrvfd to Ihe Mtr d» part nKiit al ft'aahlugtun are all of the imiciamatluuH *>« ll«u*d I:J liw PML drata of toe IZnltrd «Lil« They are i kept la targe brown a«d carefallj CM ivif In arrkw f* M.* ■jtmr. Abuus Unto ar» the Tbauka- i ' (Irlaf tracUiuatHM tamed by mr, ] |aiaMi»ata and kiriodi' on* dated Jan. j _ L 1794. and aifurd by liwir Waafc hiftaa. while anxkvr bran the atgnal j tare of Jamew *!«1l»on. ' The tamiinx of a Tha3h*tv!n* pree tarnation by the president of llw I'aMfd ' Ktatea la a iu«v rutiipUected aßatr tkr.n molt h:.n«ltin It U a i» v riurji dnty for tin* pu-sbler.t. far it to cnstutncrf foe blui to wr.tr tliU prorta | ptfriwi with h!* « n hartl and W tmt Into It sa cndi of the >H»-rit of 41K- fiay • cs i*wJt.Ja. I'midrot liarrlaon umu to tiike a pjA'il «i»d a little pad pji» 7 aad write out the {jiorhtrniitlcn I j full. Then Ih' vroalJ tarn It on rto nu of the fiwuthp -!i-rk* to he eo|»!«t ■Kir. fiarrUxni psvftrrtsj t«f.a* lite i*a- • cil ra'tw than to ( Ten-land alao wrot" rcco with f HIS OWN BAUD, HUT- LIF SURF A ITRNOG- J RAPI».T, TOO. A SRMT D -NL 'ibe president la writing a Thank* I gfvlmg proclaxoatMO maka a draft of j what be wishes to njr. Smh a tils* j aArial as be la aaaot adord toe Uw! TThea >» TO laaaL.' ;»l hia ■!>«■■ - inxvi Mr -Xmm. lKr4>.f, > vtnilcl yaw Ot to tn* »>JI lb 1 Mhror "frt, fUBr. I msaSd." i "Ttanl Ccd. it ta* (W to |M at lui: Unr k? Mirt* m Itak*!f -, In* ei*ecias> t*am folk. They're I far cM |.« taw. I-ct *»! X'hr.T Wrrr ! Ao4 ibfri a |wib ■ • ( Brtvwi't !*• i (Wkinft TWj Ai M Ml of ' Irw. Let her le£«srf b cnul la a M eonr-try. "Vrtr. ti» aA Ikt A3- Or. a■» gm mum 4 that way. erm la XMfCibr." t>k Uradßar* i itiita ' her wth r.lflWa|rk>MnmwKr* lus- V* lii# (M W of tkr aij of having nukvMon aad Ikm M a Uu la the Mknl tokay" ~I"B M» W 1 «aat - 1 Me. with al lb fear extra ham. M awhh»aaath»lanthrft» Haair aha M "karri ap.*" Thrrr am a bl.aMtlnnaaiha»aallattW iialh -f ~~ 1 ware alan »rJ laajth Ha i*4 what ant riar that la •nrl to New ta||M fea».-l amute. Ami whn JlUinai Dimlhr aaw It ah. ate- oM to Sailj I*. y«a «M na spteatar: Of harw la «1 nar*. aid thk Blblci whr jw'w Imo o*cr at Uia Oram's anrly aU Ilia time lor Una daya. Bat I f«x»»a tea." to mskr prrtt J of U» V"tt*T«L ll* alanplj Misb what hr tblnka M(U to br aaU. rttamdkHut mmrna' mcnta torr and tat aa4 after tbr wm ill baa ■!!* KB hr haada H •nr k i (M It kt n»M ti |nv«f ■tap*- >■ ■*» «» ■« thrra an tara or Ikrc daria wha wkt a apacfetf/ a# paauaaaaMfc. a ad caa af lanckaml arfWfcalty. aha ■ b acnt back •» thr Wkaa Haaaaa to iwdw tb» mddm a dflaa TWa tbr prat Ml aT thr Mate ti|iaHaaaaf la tfliid It la a my anaakr aaa! It •ofbl te b«. far * aaat SUBML It la I Tbt adxlac af tMa aral la a can Iw affair. A auiaal far ■ aal birr brraa fmluady (MahH fran and rtiewxt bf tbr |> nft at. Tbr flw laxitiia baric* tiara aadr (Mirri) furrutl and aaftfcOr by thr aAft&on r.f tbr Ml eupir* t|* takes of It b J rlarU and onr la ant to nufe of tbr •tote* » .1 bnlloka adilrrwid to tbr (bttrtun Tha idtf (ViCflmrat ear* thr t/pr «r.i«r for aoeir b-jt act fcr uSrUI purr* • |k.imS«*cv. All af tba of thr [TO-kEattaa u* wilUta out oa tfca tear atsart« if ! So* - T. blt-b arr cx-d (or aiSrfal curra|Mad nn. Each porcracr *ho r-.-ccirea a , c-.pj of thr j~aJd»3t"» poriiaatla Iv.il Litkr a . i'ii biatba of h'a era Rut in lltr D»{tiaw tbr pwUjur.iioa of tbr prcaidrat Ins b&a =4* poMfc. ; ad tbr r«fir all c«*r thr naalir i twt chat Cms ku tan Car 1 vmsmsmm BY CSBOK>! 1 I TIUNKSGIVINC day In or mil* jan ■(&" aald a » 111 I «aa«y IM HW. "was ikufrfWr Ikr mm* n ctttag mi|-tw km at mr life. Bmh II >npll ■ to U> Mi raoack hi thr « i H» It ni krfm tkr New T«k pOato M nilh I Jtrw Tort, and w* —>4l» iraw ■!—> far »mh It tail >ihw*n "Tack a Hilw k ■ >ll rt af in ill b» a—l to amj War at uf liar; ]•( Ibra it au 4mU; •• to at. K«r a ooaphr af yrara I had twa arishtHy lahmtid la a good toiix r** •» aaaa. Ho tar aa I raakl m Ikr Inter rat warn mutual, aad I had haf had la aalnd aoKSratla* to her a rrir aa Ikr ara of aaalriaaotaj. with my*rtf aa pHmL I hadn't duar M Mwr Ivaaar thr (M*a parrjta didn't aaraa to take kiad IT to a aea faring mm la h« Tkrj al lowed ar to raU qn tkHr daaghtcr an la awhile, bat thr air abaci thr hnaar whra I waa Ikn* a«dr at thiak af atorau tin oar create* rally la Xa THBIM r. Jaat brfarv 1 weal aat aa thla rrolsr Thai errata*. to toy mmptm. the Mthrr lathed at to rat Thaaka tfa tag dinner with the faaatlf There waa a knk la Ibr gfih rjra thai mmiif me take taii.if whra the ailkr p»w the | m Irrtlalhm. awl I fl P determined to II ►- a.-U :hi wl. W It (juration on "g-- /i-' H Tbaak-Klrlae fj day. Thr ian. il v - ' ' - I certainty of M ** * V?—. -- J fling :t t:« nay f- Ofjft^ \ • r f* '* i ' n •• • . L ;-| • ai *f? •' . ' > | lit* l lwjr'niuns of ""I' i >y * * I th,' rmlae tti*t I Bay pltul wt* I •!! MliitU It- ,■ "*r "ij. " , ininl VafTlnl R4 *. *; ;J> if i •arr. n pilot*. and J | I ires Cftb «i | j . - , t> ">• '• 1 1 ( . Rv.(| ar, .1 i!r. r.rird I £ 4 552 tW a. «M te BF> & ..f. t " any c»a- i~/ / » t i | tine a nil p m tS/' /I lli.*e to l«e ja / L f.* r.in.k«fci«- Ly-//V^f«PR inr dlunrr. I' / / // / / J*j| -tt e bad la i 3/ / j ( In. 1 ft«sn thr / / fj ; hrglanii g On • / jj j / I I I the t»v»*»d lij /Jj (j j I '-Ut tb*-r«- wa» a / /// /// MK tA'W. HHI '//111 we h:.i! In ran / / 111 hefore tin- wind / ' / ' ' taairovi* lt>* / „—JL, It wan three or _________ fo«- day a. and lk , aM n , pint wr wrre 100 te lamak p*a Iw aiika offahorr at tte aaa*. Iran, away not of the track of ITC» Ins narh. Wore we darvd |>ot alnat It waa a tall week before wr were la paltlaa to UmA for ahlp*. and nn Ibea wr rrmalard aalarfcy. There were pba ty uf ahlpa raailt.x la. hat aaurhow thry had ararly all picked ap plSuta Ufa* wa d«bt« J til em At thr ad af tha arcuad vntMaly two of oar nra had left aa 1 waa tbea tkkd aa tha Hat. bat I dkla't worry aa yet. By thr day kiai ThankactTlcx I traa aa aoar aa a apollrd padrtlatu aad I rualda't rracfc a aajlle to Bare axi That afternoua two am* of mr Pit" r«t ahlya. aa that I araa east mmm to m M aa we were qalte WO m'tra oat there *«m l a {had «d a afcow fiT air to (H aalwre la lltne fur l!:» dinner, eira If I gut a nail early tbc nrst caralrx. "VarkNudy cu«*t > .b. I frit a IttTle let trr after I knew that I couSdu't k«rp aay nient. and 1 l*»*n to take a lively latemt In thr «r»nnl'a pnan t!oaa for a Tkiskaprtnx dlnaer a! an. lie arna a (Dull rook and alwaya hlmai ir la jrirlnz u atxarthlnc urn aa bulklaya. Thla time he aa*d ha- waa IHdag to fara*ab real tin a tartle amap to Ma with aad ail thr praaiaa Thaafczsirtag Ixlcna to fadluw. "■lot |«d after addiaipht oa Thaaha priag anurnlf ] tha aaa acdJaciy alimd Kadf ap rxtber wum tkaa I bait era* •era It bwfere cr alnea. la fact, or boat |dtctiad aa badly that wr a3 awoke and rankbat po to dnp again. ~ "Rail ahead! Pall rlssrd ah!p mm thr weathrr bowT That waa my tha we I'd bare pre ferred a rfraiaar to a aafHnjr TTCSHL af paid, for there waa no Irlllnjc bnr 1-K.tt it rook] require to takr a wlcd jjuaw In. Tie i!* stwiwed thst a |4lut aaa wauled. acJ thr mr i .iCr ra-ndy to p-.t a uaii i«l a»nr*«:rif. ~~j vu-l a> tljT G«a"riii .1 tor r-:d i.i/ trorilltgt "J' t aarr.nl t«* Ujl : „ r.-.t I ■' ui l j (b? awloeln; Ui'..! r r»2 rCjjb yi lihcgTa Hi ar»tr ii.. • • crj !:• *Ur«J IV l-aot ."ir.'-.'.ft thr •Mpfr In is hi:-i»:.{ tiiC Uil w^a •m»!xd liii» an (*«■ atS ti >! ve rar _ ' * " TH E ENTERPRISE: RATES OF A DYER"rtsiXG i 0»8I|«OT. —e MII itiua ..... nCMte. L ** two iavttmn >I JJ. » dm mk fa tso. - " IhmiuMk ..... ■*«** A . - mhc ■* ...... #i»-OOL F« !t r c*r M» ■ ilioirti Lihnl *»>111* wde laß ta Mm water. I IkoafU I was IP''«K rtraicM to l») Jen cad I ml ' I—i ahoat a tatrrl of btfar SaUra- Ij I raair In Ibr Mudir A lux- U4 Ina llaum a.nl waa Jikl la fraM l nr. I fi»s«! II aul m_» iuukd a>ard aurr Jrad Ilea aliir | -I I*4 Ibr >ki|> in sll r=bt In Ttir J af BJ and a bra I ft la V* J Tot (aul Ibr elrl'a (ilk-r ••■lite Jal Ikr «3of f.* arw* of ar. Tb* I kaa «r * tul Ibr ackßiT In awy J Ml}W qaratloa w.uld U-. II IwNtet Ina a ted 1 luctwilii« allrr >ll~ ' a r r| LIU'S TKA*XS wvwc mm * 1 a I Ilr araa ratted "Bill Ibr Kalcr" la Ibr ! cut. la Ibr wrat arm Lniaa aa Ibr * Has witb Ibr awl Ibr anvth ' and NSib atiml I bat "llawi ISW* ! aaa a muar Itut 1111 I'd Lin i» to * Ibr p jvbd lli.l nml nrj l!n> krr * ; «t». »lul fcr ana rsibi! Nt Inns a» br f* a «!! tn ditim-r ari&uc; l lf. ta [ l>ia l/ai.t|« '.'jn uili IV cnuslif V- f-J > il.m at luot a (31 a* in I I-it | on fi'ili (Kit- «> 1 ..>•*»: Ii «! tja r { been ntu>.lid X* ifc- *• B J to tbr l»iw «ill. a fai iily * j.i» %l- 3 It* j tamr took tire. »"-i tti-Tr sss a r . b I fir »rv- 1 Ui* tL% '.l -*i | > BUL It »«» tUr *-j>p .in- •. •»." l6'E!e ] 12 - is. :iJ abet Sw- ai* csr- j ltd frvsn lt«' I ari-iiw I>i:\: - ...1 sour 1 bit half .. -I r . I; bii r ; .1 ITf br *>■- J no rwa I l>! «if; tr uutr. F«ir ««w .- ia tb Bfr itc 1 hrd «.lcn v U-st u i-tili Jit t«;a jure | ' Brt! Ac .. rale !*;!! (Tbjled !!»«? !;ir*_i J l-ii! !.«■ ahEii.-'S k'ldr it n l*r at t-j I«- b ] i f t'.mi o«. lb.i:iiiF;:vie; ia fctw I la advaalafc* ■ : tu- bt* u ■ . .>a J D'ni.!) |oi. !! .1 fj- Hi? hsr I WWrtiniJWlii'TßtPf !'•• IS £ * t 1-t I.M |• r.r KtiS ITO T _ TT * | 1-rV Ilia. «! .l ::i V'.iy !! -U | ' (art whi-ii (Vii:j rasstr ilms c'd .ti j ITittii I-.ri I.j A fni TUaUrtiiis »'ia | ' Orr. m! V * .1» CI «:>-t tfSd.v to r,t ta* | !>f hi* lifr IJ»- -!;•! I'd »m[i I* f ; J la. itattaa with u.i .u- Li-*t> ur. rT. I "er l th ;* c>-.c Li!..:, if anir. | r j *j J biaiaftf t'» Il* nrj.-i :.. !?!:!•■ ::nd | . ; CfllVi-ycd !!::• i !i.it 1. '■ Is. £|»- j - ,Ii - vwi'.d till I'lia cp «rd a-ial i it* ! j ' in; lifUM-f t>».:u t x H it. I It W"5 I i.cViK In tt 1 |j I alii'fi I a.* frftltr Imcnl «:: - I ll* t:F» , 3 I fnsllvr Kill v :I -.T r. I racj M!i«r j j lir «."l»:-n:ji • i;«!nl ! -n t« rn«h j t1..-«i fii..rss> «r:.a ,»i.i;ti-L llr ! - k>4 *ll tbr lliar liarr wo«. £.fMl br warn 1 ■ | (suv tin! Tj-iiAi.!tis«'i;.le r»«tura | 1 OL.f a f-ar. WL.n t» >at all J » br * ulil*-.t. be r I'll«! Ib-.t la- au:iid ] * |4r2s a l>w or la«. Ihns.k yon. j r iMn-l« to;til »itb ILr liwl l»- f If» b!si j » At 2 o'clock. t.*isrr. It'll *J. MII I * tbrrr. aud aa br Iwfan t» *!rlLr bia j I salt tbrre wrrr MW »bl»|ifd fr- i . aarti about thr dau(n of vinvatlßg. j I All u'riurk Ibr tr..Bap bad takm thr ■ (dm eff b'» atal at I k aaa | I aatlas la tarn.-at. , ■ Tbrai a aitbl »tt. irj>t araa aad» ta * tVkr him 0? ar to ft bun lu CU-AM - r blcuHf to d>-ath. I Kit RHI had dfrifcd . I to bcTr aaaiM- Oian* r At ■'» o * Lrt It j r n« nrrt aaarj to doar Ibr bill T> j ■ bka araa to i+«r lt.il and Ibr k*ll kI i ■ctiltaaMouaiy. I at br K..UI b.- !u.d j - prl In to Krl a ■■•ootbri.l lo rat. sad I * tb--jr jpirr Llm ball kii biMr'a pa«L j t ' II? aantvd naorr. I.al Ibr lutuuitt a I - j arcs Era rrra drarlnf blm aaa; (pie I . , th- Imkil'l ar.il •rrartiiig bill! to the I *« or. Tbm, aa 11.1 l awk-d lata k wi'b I ' tiactus TJVM at a aaliH-r |« br tud I I ' bn-o oldiltd to kavr Üblud. br MxUrd ~ » udatamrd: ; : 1 I "I araa told that t'iU aua to br • , • Thankarlt lag lyrrad lit aiiitr aa all ' tbjnlfil I aaa t'na to andrrt-taaad ( I Uarrr aocM I* awrtbla; to rat and I r drtbk and that w «or awld U tarord c r * at»«j buasrf. It la Bar-llna ta aaj a I 1 that I brllrTa jou art ad fnan (iroprr r , | Baaclira. but j*«o can avr for jonr»r>a I 1 that job bare Biadr a nil fallnrr of Ik | II will muw walk cp fifth a 1 mar and f ; Irj to brx ra-jacb f»od to kfrji cur fraaa r atanlar Good dajr to yoot 111 act . j foa a-ilu mil Tb;..i«;lv!nj-" • . j "Stl V I y-m Crstr* r-.-pikd Char , . Uy wLni aUi- anU t t r tirrssh. , j A. it. i.EWis. \ii ■ A" * t.' - ' - WHOLE NO. 166. Professional CirJs. [JR. JOIIX I>. HIOOB. ItKXTIST. OFFICE: - SI KIN STKECT. •' ! „■ r> w x: w; i.!^ 1 JL rTi »lI.\KY .1T i.A U% w - a*»» «•> Hank •" "A"II I IAUSTOM NC. •lialrlM (ndw» mi «i«ili» mm* l»ki Pall Term. . OF TllK WiLUAMSTON ACADEMY w'ii.:. isi:cix Monday, September Ist TiilTIW *' ls •" f" IUIIIU2I 11M. ►onl rjalr *1- * in F^nilMat KwmaiHt K-lrs R. J. Peel. Priii. iilf lie. 2 A fS.Vi.E2, [ \XJr.a:CAN .\M> - - - FL'KOPEAN PLAK. liS to.-S Prat Strett, . • . , " . BALTIMORE, MD. | ii. Fii>t Cla-j» Grk-r. iJliit •'n - - . ? . rsa 1 i .. -_r f | *' :s='. Ini. ft tc- c; »«rc.7t- i| i i • sytflM-v. % v • U . IIFIY i?v-a JC.J R S I \ i;i. -area* csd g ' BStFSTS' CHUlTfißcl j i"li -;aj> I!;: *i«.t 3tc n:r. Ii w 5 tciifj the b!o* i »> r, wc r.S»U m 3 .'-tiiM »•-*. lie >el'o:* (w i-ni. R lt •rt'.tliO ClO r. Sen latite, j ,1 mm, Mjct;.r.i;ah«i!4p» f a Ctrl bis'i r cimnf b'«r en. 3 3 ileitis' Tf Bi.- a !«; cr'j vwf 2 •» i » t-3? T.tr:et j lj "• in: n-ix.fi - * 8" fsftfs kCT* tS iNful «Wj ; -i- j •oct Hks a..«l t#*« pfrfei.tj l | t>o :-ii y-er tyltcu, rti*. xc S 3 '.tpl l£l(i e CkfiH. Tn.'K «;I>d 3 I ftatzria. it Km C umt* those- H I in'ic !( (. nj cere yos.of v«jf 1 f luwrjr tetk. THt 1> Ur. Try jj ] It. Price, 25 ccmis. hiuibr l»ltnia. IImmII * Oo .nd !.!: C.arjint Dyspepsia Cure Digests what yoo eat. Thl* [r.-pWKm iialiirM all of Ibh digrdwii* awl dljr4« all kinds of . firrL It pivot intiiut iriMaad nfier riiUUcurr. It all«»*rj y«>u U» eat all llie Vm*' y««u waul. The nv»t aeoaitlta ib«iji l» ran Uk* It. Bj lis uae bmj Ih»i4i4l« of hare tMt evr.il «>'kf riu|U>ii:|-«l«e failed, la uor>|iuU.od f-.r Uh* Flittnvh ChiJA. urn with wnk stomach* Uiiift oa IK Flr*t dire reiieie*. A diet UIIIKCCMI)^ Cares afl itoasch truaMM hrjarrJnali by LCDtWitr* ODL. fteßfcuiieouf heSHlt—lawliß WQftl' * ■ f r ~,ai%. •- BO YEAR®- _* r;-..*"*. - ~ f EXPEmewsX if o 5,i C «•»"-» * '-/V(■ Cc-.ia. r - ** > */cc M * v »a .'f ' C eWiW --j TV 1 •—p-rCi! !• -HtfhKj » ?' *u » 1 au« a ' A«ii !»»■ t A K mift % W «%». ScksSfic Jfts^kaa.* A -■ MUf. Tmt(lK e ilir. 4 >ri>«na T-m>.a» r: a«t I »mi -J