THE ENTERPRISE CD(TOB tMONBTOB. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION: SI.OO Per Tear. -|g Strictly in Advance | VOL. IV. - NO. ii. I Cartwright's I Trustee ir ram mum - V 4 WHEX fhMiiu toted tack mJAf UicWr«*lMttkfiM(k W W Bad nort wall at the h% turn, Ite tight rf the to mow qua kh abundant gray hair and (ruddy bat, tat he had draws eat of KW heat. The coder a € Ida flannel shirt fcred away apoa sack aMn and I aaar Bds roundsd and strjog Umat. with a - ■rttaHlßtilfHit *lHit - ( Km far the Intel ilia." ha said, [passing talusta th> varti to draw jap>«> Ua aowty Bchtsd pipe with keen MafWd. -Why am 1 hac? That's jtte mstur ad Waia. ta UJ Whj da 1 law thaae lada orar therw." and he Hravd Ma teal taaaid a deal table 'mi Mli artth paa aad paper, "tate at that which joa are pleased jJJpaa tata ha Md tta following a* .■ w tol Fwßta a hsaglag party ahaat tea years jaoata to I sow la aae way or taothr. jsseu of MM, all of them. while I riT aaaae ussy which la aot Important |h thla nairaUve 1 became separated fna my Mah aaa day when we arere naafa* the prtnacval forest to prtber. It waa a startling nprrimcn Mr the 1 ha a 1 aa were ax ret lent that I patch! wn In all sfcht la thr cold, aad at that time 1 waa aat itfaat Uowrr- W. Just aa It waa ginning dark I fell |a wtth a ata apoa whaae neck I could ha TO wept ftr Jay. though I had not the pliaami of a prrvtoos acquaintance jatth him. I lie amy hare been tarty yeara aid. Ibroara aa aa Indian, slender. tall and Uthc. Ula rok* had a cheery Hac. bis fjfa were bright hta laaeuage had the Bray of the wood*, bat when we paaad (beyond the drat qalcfc qwatkaa and ana wean I prrrriml that he did not lack calt!ration Hla name waa M Cartwright | He led me ta thla buusa. and. Qwo{k •he tried to moderate Ma pace ta mine. I pad hard wort to follow him. [ When OsrtwrljrM art root upon the atab of nek that makea the step out Wide there, thr dww waa au Vlroly flong open. and a pleasant voice cried. "TTjj. jßobby. bow late yea ai*r ' The next asotnent "EoWiy" rat bdsf frlMril la a mj simple, unaffected and altogether enrlablr fSsbkm. and he waa teatilbothm liberally to the ihMimslia- Jttoa wheo he happened to remember aae. which la mate thaa I tad a right to inpwt under the dmimstaneea. lira. JTartwright had aot yet become ajr are Stat her taMbaad waa not ahmc. for •be had (OK oat of the brightneae into the data. i "There la aoeaae one with ma.~ I benrd Cart wrlgbt wlilapir. Aad then ta pre mntad me aaat agreeably. ' Trt there waa a tea eh af formalism In hla woeda and aaoarr. They «a- Tored a t the city. Aad wbea Mr*. Cart- Iwrlght g»«t(d aw thr waa aot quite laa date a anaaaa aa ahe had been a •Miauls before, with tar arma aroand her busbsad*s atck. I tad latrudaced aa elemeat a t srilfldslky. 1 tad ear «Vd them tack j -I wlah our boy were her*." mid ;Carto right presently. "Too'd then ace our little hoar last right. Bat ta'* goue to a boarding srbooL*" | "We arc Barry* that we arot him." tail Vim. Cart wrigbt. Aad thru ata ■bowed iae * photugraidi at a boy of P7 waa able ta ay wKhoot prerarle*- Oan that Bobby Jaalnr waa the Image (of hla ata* I Watt, we had a great anpfier. far {which I had the hotter spalls {o j |\V nVU roc ah a cava m* |ranar at waking while the pteparatlna • tf B waa iimil nl. la this lata the I I was a toy toatlMta ta thaw ■ jtay* My maaarr waa aa mm aa a i, |,, a- —a A K|_a JLILIL* ■ fa anal * aa ._a we wOnvBHI N*H a t^Bmt |hDU Br flla daaet gaiasent opea a Bttlr wider at Shear wertta- From Ibe uut et I rcaM Seer that Mia. Cartwright detected the (Savor of my breeding aad that her wo taaa's aahae woohl aot fat her cdmtt oar drlhtaury suhrrowa part laditil thrrp waa aa aeed at B. tat abr sr*a tarn aad taed a lady aad «otte la the .rirrtref my era feaqyacrqcalntaard aa I learned pn*ni|y. Cor ata was a j^jd*t he Q»3m .f eiTal ttacth:p bratagM aa aeanr together aad carrlrd ta> farther from the wooda. 11 aaaweml aamny qnwtVw about the aaaa of dtlea and beard aotae old ata rlea which lad me to know that Cart- Wright kad not lived always ta the wtt drraeaa by any meanaL . It waa late In the erralag. bowmr, before I rratared ta aak what had led theovao far away fNoa the centra a of I caldvathm and rcdnement which woald tar* been their natarai habitat. "too remember Hobneo' mid Cisrtwrlgtat—***l>nt not yoanr troat In aaoawy. but your money hi trust' Well, aty faJher (Mat his atooey In trast for am. aad I hla Is the malt. My trustee got away with H." -God bleoa hlrar aald the lady, tab tag her haaband*« band. Mw was alttlng on the arm at his rtalr at the time and looking very sweet la the fltellgbt. I eoold aot thiak of hrr aa th* mother at a ten-year-old bay, ata tooked au yoang and ao light hearted and hopeful. Yet ata waa a basin* woman by all the rnlra. tthe waa marrUd ta a man who waa poor and would never be otherwise. liar real yoalh waa goat, and even ahsadd ©art *y\ VwttFX L/ui ' . aaa iu amtao oa tub 11a ur aaa OHAIB. wrlgbt dlo—aa Is the daty of a poor man wltb a pretty wife—l couldn't fan cy Bra. t'artwrlgbt returning to Hgbl the battle over again. It h true that 1 waa puzzled by the fervency of ber prayer for tta dlahoa eat truateo. ibongU 1 Judged It was a port of ber HdHlty to her bnatand. a part of brr long rrsnlvc r.cver to re prnaeh him for thrtr poverty. lie raised her bond to hla llpa beforo he anawt-rad tta qaestion w bleb ta tad •cc.i In my eye* "1 Mp|»ee ta saved my life." aad Cartwrtgbt. "and that Is why Marjory blessr* hlna. May hearea Ideas tar! I waa a wild l>oy, Mr. Cameroai. By father always gave me plraty of mon ey. and I 'went the pace," aa the phraae ta." "lie was not so bad. I guess.** said Marjory, wltb a hand upon bead, where I obatervrd that the dark brown tatr waa thin at-tta bark of th? crown. "Let my be Id «pot be the wltans to my crimes." said ta. reeding my rye again. "It was bigger si twenty-Are years than It is now. sod a follow doesn't get Bucb an ornament fcr noth ing. " Late hours, champagne, tad to bacco In stifling eafca u'xter the glare of lights! Yes. yes; It ha a Idewtig that my tranter Uvntne a thief before I tad time to becom* anything worse Myself. "I waa beginning ta M the strain. My pet doctor pointed oat an opea grave to me every tiu>« I went to sea him, and Anally be drove me op Into tta woods far a little ML lie did It by promising tlint the reiaiatloa would give mo life for a year and perhapa two I of tbc tan that I waa having.'* "Kuar rchocj Br*. Cartwrlght* "I"poo my awl" seld her hnstand. "It was tta emptiest, pabfolst, most sodden, wretched and tapetais exist «ncr ever suffered by a mortal erra tum. Bat I didn't knim lllVs. Well. I came up Into tta Adlumdscks with JtaHLXdgaa»-athsr-prntllgat— tafia* whom the prnvo tii.*> jauiml. «r».l .> • OBdesvored to restore ocr health by alttlng all day aad night In tta room of a little hotel a few miles from here drinking tad liquor and playing csrds tar money. 1 rrntember that tta tah Mraa dead itgalut ine all the tlaae—the worst ran I ever bad. Indoed. about tta third day I sent a hurry caß to my .trader for fnnda. Bat. Mr. Cameroa ad the very moment when 1 waa writ ing to him ta waa a bankrupt and tweaty-foar boars later ta wsa oa hts secret way ta Booth America, or some say to China, with tta wreck of h!s distantidy. Heaven forglre and Meaa him: It waa tta beginning of a aew nfe to me." "Too went tack to town and atarted orerasaln. I soppaorr* 1 have nrviT been oat of throe wao>ls stare then." said Cart a right "eieept when I took my l>oy down to Albany to school at tta beginning of this fx lb la the old days .when that thund-rbolt hit aae I went to bed. brilrTlng that the grave wkb'h any doctor bad potnlwl sot ta me was my oaly refuge and wUhlng to sacocrxge It to yawa aa hard and fast *s possible. Pmaently my rross and crabbed old uncle. Wtlthaan Cart wright trutm Brooklyn, appeared apoa the seme and favered ~ with the de tails of my ruin. He dosed by offering me a smalt allowance oa the bargain that I would Urr up tare In the WOOJJ for a year or tar lougrr unless my health should ta fully restond. "1 was wilttaig. There was no renscn why I shun Id go brefc. Bat dying Isn't an assy ap here. Strangriy enonpb. I atqiM an appetite for life. I tajn to go act hunting wltb a guide and sur palsed him—and myself fsr more—by darrefaplng Into a Crrt rate shot with a i fle. Heforr tta end of that winter I bad pa'ned nearly twenty pounds, tbcogh yea wooMaTt cell me fat ss I stand andj esald eat bear meat right i.Jui i>lii: ii!tlVt)rj|Jl.l Vl' » ftai« iSOil .. • >.' •■' « ''>" WILLIAMSTON, N. C, FRIDAY, BEGBMBER 5,1902 ; ripe far B. I tad tad nmogh of the ! other ktad. I resotvad to stay here, and tare 1 am. My ancle gave me money (sasik ta buy this taaase and a Mt of land running down to the laka, and here I astahllslwd a hermitage." His votes ctaagsd. and his eyes be gan to gttsteu. "In the hag winter evenings." he ccattascd. *T began to write to a Bttle gtat She waa only sixteen, and ahe was gatag to school I wrote bear stories for tar sad laai ntsi tales at the woods. Tea aiast andeestand that Just before nay pecuniary disaster I tad chanced to see tar. and aomchuur her beaaty"- at IMB point Ma*. Cartwright tried to cov er his mouth with her tand-"her beau tjr." ta paaalslnl. "aasl ber Innocence had remained with me. And sta had rruutubered me. Think of It—me, the prodigal*! What miracles doth heaven grant! Well. well. 1 wrote her sturies st tta woods, and dually I wrote her lore at si lea. and ss at Isat being quite free In tta world, though only nineteen arhra this happened, ahe came up Into the wOdtrucoi to are uir. and we were Married at line Knot, dve miles down thsksta. "iThwfcan" he went ou. extending hi* left band toward a pitcher of rider on the (aide, "1 shall propoos the health of sB thlrvtag. rascally trustees whs steal tta money of those foolish betas who are art dt to taw* It. Ah. Mr. Csmasviu. think what ta did for Mt Thtak of this paws. tasNhy life anssg tta fragrant trsea! 1 am so |ia amalj kappy. I MM* htm. I homf him Hera's ta him—old ArctUtaM WtthlagUH* may tta aalaU loeolv* I was about to aulss my glass, but laid It down again. "Archibald WKhtagtoar aald I. "Why. 1 know him. He ta* odlen* IB tta Mm* bailhllng aa mjrartf .•* "Toa're thinking of hi* bob,** Mid Oart wrlgbt *mdlng Thrdoa am." I rcjolnod. "Th* man I'M thinking of rant br the sua of any oao now living. lie I* more than a hun dred years old. I should say. though he h-umt grown a day older In ten yeara. ll* la tall aa a tree, straight aa a gun band and he bears a sear upon his left cheek that he ssys be got In the ctrß war. tbnagh I think It waa more Bkety tta Bevotatkm." "Archibald Wlthtngtna In New York!" cried Cartwright "ll* ta* made an other fortune. Then"— "He has always been rich." Mid 1. "ll* was never rained. He never lied." We were all npon oar fevt by tills time and very morta cxrlted. "Cartwright" sM I. "year iiihle -- tell me about him. Too ssy that be was strict severe. By hcav.-ns, be took this moans to reform you. with Within* tuu'a cmnlvanc.*. of rourse. Was there aay provision hi your father's will which could giro th* color of honesty to"— "Marh: mnrh was left to Witbliiß tofi's dtarretkm." aald Cartwright lb a t riUO AT TtBI tremlding voire. "And yet the money I* undoubtedly mine. Did anybody ev er hear of soch seandsloos. Infamous rutdiery as this? Marjory, my poor gtal! And 1 tars kept yea slaving In this «MmHk wit boat I rsg of clothes, wrlttaat a Jewel"— "We have been tappy tare," she Mid thruogh hysterical trara. "But for our sno'i Mta I think we ought to make ■one attempt to tare our rlghta." "Attempt."* cried Cartwright "Well you Jast watch m I'U stand tboss two old rßlala* sa their vsnersble head*, nr— Oh. dear! (Mr. Camoroa oontlmmd). To think what I did to ttain, thoa* ktad aad tawpy faiks who welcomed CM ta their taapßahl* table that even lug.' They went bach to tta city, and they found tta troth to be as I con Jectned. It tad bean doa* for Cart wright* good. Ba they got all their money (be tumbled ao), and a great sum It waa. Cartwright gave as* SI,OOO and this cabin. He aad his wife lock a boose an Fifth arena*, sad they went mucb Into sorlrty—for the sake of tta child, they aald, though What difference N could make to a boy I don't know. If It bad tan a girl but why dleruM It 7 I called at their house when 1 was |a tta city tart yssr, sad Mrs. Cart wright had OS* to loach. Her husband was too 111 to come dowastaliß— too 111 to ass me. ta fact I don't wonder. They Br* very Ugh. and when a man has been uaad to opea ah and good, übolnaoin* food tta change goes hard with Mm. A woman, of coarse, can ■tend anything—except won* clothes than tar neighbors. And Mrs. Cart wx'ght druses wsnderfeffy well, but •he's beginning to look old. Poor *» man! She was M pretty, so rosy, so tappy and tasithy hers that nlglit in the Ugbt of the Cre! And It's not so long ago. Cartwright seat down word to me that If therr was anything 1 wanted 1 need only ask for It He would set no Unlit apoa tab grst tade to t!-e man who Lroogld him into his fort cue. I didn't fata sruthiag. Aa a man at 9mm, : W. . '■ " TOWN IMPROVEMENT. Hn l* ißtwml Ik* C»ui»»»« la Ik* ItaNtr. The effort to form a anion at all organisations that kin for their object the beautifying of towna and dtlee which will be made In connection with ' the convention of the American Park and Outdoor aaaodatlos In Buffalo next year will be widely approved, says the Buffalo Exprm. klwat of the larg* cities and many town* and vWam have aucb aaaocUtions and would glad- | ly Jolu In the propoaed movement. One of the ohjecta of forming a union la to totei eat the government In the work and get Ita aupport to *be extant of collecting and making public Infor mation on the ul'Jwt with photo graph*. «"» show lug what can be ljtk by organized effort. The gorwrnmeut'e work would prtanmaldy bo largrly to abow what haa been done In foreign towna and dtlca. The Individual or gnniautlooe have accomplished much as It In. but there la a Itndtlea* Add In which to work, and government aid would lw valuable. Every city In tho country and many towna are, for example. Blled with un sightly billboards and display adver tlalng In the form of Immenae palnllnga on buildings, etc. The Improvement eo rietle* have given their attention to thla matter fir a king time, with con siderable success. The eourta In arr eral at a tea have upheld the right gf a city to regulate the alar of Mllhoarda. and thera la every re—on for believing that In the not distant future billboards will have disappeared from towna and cities. The care and planting of tree* and shrub*, straightening the sidewalk lines, removal of sidewalk anil lot fenna and the beautifying of back yanla are a few of the other change* which should be rnada In towna and ritle*. The question of architecture la another Important point Thcrs la plen ty of work to be done In Improvement, and any movement sorb aa tlie pro posed onion of the asperate sod Hies which proiulare to help the ceuae should ha heartily supported. VILLAGE ATTRACTIONS. ■smith!lw4*i I* Ofwl Caa ml llMlrra >»>!■•■* Telephones. rural mall routes. Inter orltan aud trolley llnea have luui the effei't. It Is said, of making ansnll lowm and village* more iiulet Uian formerly, says the Imllnnapoiis Journal. Now that t|ia farm telcpiione Ias come Into nso, ||K on ncr i«» • not ' hitch up" and (i) to the village aa formerly to ilo his errands. Ha telephones to the storekeeper his order for cords and asks him to semi them out biy-trolky or by the first man traveling tpat way; he consults the doctor over the tele phone nml talks with bU friends In the village In the same way. Tlie mall la brought to hia gnte ami thus relieves blin of the m-cwwlty of a daily trip. Ills relations with the blacksmith remain uncluingcd. fir no way lias been yet devised whereby Hint useful personage can shoe a borne or mend a wagon without having horse* and vehicle present, but the* needs are not of dully occurrence, and so It happens tluit the little street or open squaro which waa wont to recta al most crowded wllh hutin nnd vehi cles at certain hours every day or on certain days In ihe week no - * often wears a deserted look, and the resl dents arc conscious of a sense of lone liness. They soy, too, that when once a man gets on n trolley car with Intent to make a pnrdiase be goes to a larger town and that thla Is imrtleulariy true of his wife or daughter on a similar er rand. All this Is a natural but rather curious development following tlie ex tended use of modern convenience*, and what remedy the village has Is not plain. Ita only hope la apparently to establish attractions of a aortal or edu cational nature that will off art tlif ioas In other direction*, and will draw Its rural neighbors there for ameaeeeiti and entertainment AN EXCELLENT PLAN. Oo*4 Cltlsesskto Um**« Premel* Ik* Or*wlk *1 s T*wa. To pnxnoli the growth of a town an excellent phn la to form an organiza tion, under any nam*, baring for Ita object everything tending to Improve the town. Increase Ita population, pro mote the Introduction of new bulus tries: alao to look after the taxation of the property embraced In the town and to aecure the passage of ordinance* and laws conducive to the prosperity of the place and the comfort of thoeo making their homes there. There should be elected a board of officers, consisting of representative business men ami committees appoint ed to look after state and local legisla tion. taxation and village expenditures, enforcement of village ordinances, ccn- j dltion and appearance of afreets and' pobtlc places, travel and communica tion. education, water supply. sewage ami sanitary affairs, new Industries and membership. If controlled by the proper spirit, such an organization cannot but be pond noire to the growth and prosper ity of any town. Tsar* l*»r*T**t»l Dial*. Outdoor housekeeping la J oat %a Im portant as indoor housekeeping Waste paper receptacles | laced On street corners will help greatly In keep ing the streets free of rubbish, etc. One of the best ways to beautify front and back yards la to Interest chil dren In thla work. ♦ Village Improvement societies are a power In building up towna and keep ing them clean and beautiful. . Neatly trimmed trees ami lawns add 1 greatly to the appearance of * street Much oX the beauty of a lawn la Isat if the a»agirnetlßpt tester. | UNCLE SAM'S ROADS. | AMERICA BEHIND OTHER NATIONS IN HIGHWAY IMPROVEMENT. Aaaaal Ik»*aillatM Iter* aa la t»n>»a» Cosalrle* P*r CaaJ B«**■ y«*l *( BalMlas Hls»*»r« ' la S*aa* ml OUT Slates. The United State* doea not beg!n t» spend the amount of money up>m Ita public highways that It casta to con struct and maintain the pubUc roods of England and European countries. While thla "country Wads tlie wurld In Its raHroada and street railways. It la Tar lAdilnd most countries acroaa the Atlantic In Ita gysteui of public high ways. England and Wale* S|MI>J an nually (2U.tMIO.IIUU on tbeir reads, Ire land $3,01)0,000. France f.WJ4OU.i»M while the United States, tlie piomer of all nations lu public liu|>rmvi>i*nta. the leader- of the world In defining ami per fed lug pinna to add to tlie comfort aud welfare of mankind, laga In the race with the disgraceful record of spending fJO.OOO Ulain Its federal plan of pillillc road Improvement. Thla doea not Im-lude. of course, the annual expenditure* of the vartoua at a tea of the Union, aays the* Buffalo Uxprnas If tbeae suuia werr Included, the comparison would uot lie ao unfa vorable, for there will be expanded thla year cloae on to 91tt.U00.0Ui throughout the country for the betterment of pub lic highways. Moreover, the outlook for the future la exceedingly bright. The poaalbllltlea are that by the end of anotlier decade the combined expendi ture* of tlie federal government and the vartoua states will equal ♦.V'.IIIO. 000 a year for the construction ami maintenance of public highways. There are fully 2UO good roaila or ganizations, national, atate and coun ty, In tit* United States. The aaaorla tlon that la doing the moat work fur tlie betterment of blgltwuya through out the country Is that known aa Ihe American ltoadimikera. Tlie uieml>rr ahlp of this assodatlon Is limited to ten Influential men In each atate. one of the provisions of Ita constitution be ing that there shall not l« more than ten members from each state. When New Jersey, which waa the pioneer atate In the goal roads move ment, fir at liegan to Improve Its roads. It cost fIO,OOO Iter mile; They are now il-- * >' l'~' r va I ar.MATOII KA lIt.KS OOOU BOA US 1 HAIX. being constructed for S2,QUO to |MT mile, moat of tlicm costing only 9'A500. This 11 due to the greater knowl edge and practical experience gained by the road bulldcra aa well as by the use of Improved machinery and incth oda. In Mlclilgnn. Ohio and other west ern states roads are being constructed at a much lens figure, some of them costing not more than SI,OOO. As might bo expected, these roads are not as durable as upon which a greater •mount of money la exjicndcd. New York pays about $5,000 to 17.100 • mile and builds a very thoroughly constructed road out of crushed atone under the direction of the state engl neer and In accordance with the atate aid plan which provides that the atate shall pay SO per cent of the cast of con atrurtlon of the roads, .13 per cent Is paid by the county and 15 per cent by the town in which the road la Improv ed. Connecticut and Massachusetts both have admirable methods for Im proving their highways and have long been recognized aa among the most progressive atate* of the I n lon In tbla reward, each expending SBOO,OOO a year au tlie improvement of Its roads. The state of Georgia la. perhaps, the moat progressiva among the aoutlieni eta tee. Kor a number of years It baa employed a large amount of priaon la bor In the construction of Ita ruada. using prisoners, both black ami white. In cruablug stone and In constructing the roada. The system of employing priaon labor bus been ro successfully carried out that It baa been adopted In other states. A moot Interesting good road* cam paign la being conducted In the atate of [ Michigan by Senator Karl*. The eeo ator haa equipped a good roada train. | consisting of a traction engine, Ave •mail cars for carrying stone and • atone crushing plant, all of which Is drawn by the traction engine, which (a also converted Into a road roller god la employed In Unletting the road #■. * lew J*r*er's Coo* Roada. Daring the peat twelve monthsstio,- 000 waa apent In macadamizing pub lic roada In New Jersey, and for thla comparatively amall sum the state now baa 140 miles of the finest rural thor oughrqira In the country. Altogether New Jersey baa 011 uiilca of thee* Cue fclghwaya. Balld Then* I* Last. Great loss has often been occasioned through temporary and Us ing of roads and the erection of flimsy end Insufficient culverts and brldgra. It la poor economy to erect anything but permanent siructarea built to laat and atand the eeveraat testa. 2jf . -■ X ' ■' *■ xq: THE BXTECRETO6M(Se.iSU ■:>* n* " ,l " • RATIiS OF ADVERTISING : One Siparr. one - - . "5 Cesits. •• •• ho ieolxai fl4S iw nosA ..... | ijoo. " thnre aratki j4 eo. M . " si* " tIM. . For larger ahntumesti C««trart» win t* «^de T nnmrnr*. " j A- Yorkshire than and n Lancashire ; ■Kit were conversing together the oth ' * r The'l-nncatshlrc nun kil J to the York -1 shire num. "Well. Bin. rto yon kfew : ! tlirt beet wuy t* Uiu| a liorUiiirt! iron's I' kwl flngerst" "Va," aays BllL 1 "Well. I will tell yoa what Uap- at our place the other flay. Turk shire Has had two of his flngeri ettt Wt with a steam naw. ami tl*y got lost among the sawdust. ami two of my mates were dawn on their Imml* ami knees looking for then when the f.«w- Dir.n enme up and asked what they ww (Unii. "One of them said: " "We an- looking for Pan'* •"Oh. come tml of the »ai.i the (cnmin. "Thirt's not the way to lind a Yorkshire tnita's flliK-rn.' at the suuu tluie taking a shilling out of kin i*nW and throwing It amon£ the nawduxt. when tin* two tingcra-at once up after It. " Tlmtc." mU the foreman, "that's the way to find a Yorkshire titan's lust lingers.'Pearson's. lodnrn *nr*rr>. Year mudern surgeon of note la a "atcrlU'" nun. The of. rating al most beruuMleally souled and at a tem perature of UJU decree* or thereabout, la purlAod dully hy manna of a huee throwing a solution of IdchlorVle of merctuy over celling. walla and flow* The arrlvea In an anteroom In hla civilian's gurb. lie la required to he clean shaven. Ilk* a monk. «a)« the Xew Vork I'rww. Ills clot lies are re mured. Two attcmlantn In the stcriltz Ing room hand 111111 a white duck gow u teaching from collar to lie* I and a cowl of the anion material which covers tightly every port of hla head excvjit «}••*. IXSM- and mouth. The sleeves of tlie gown reach to hla ellHtwa. lie In cnwn hla lumla hi tlie thinnest. lineal ati'iiltsail rubber gloves. Tlnne gar Uumts are handid to him In sterllianl tonga. Tkitc lina been n» hmtiau eon tact. Thtia ii|ul|ip>il he U prepared to naw and slice. How Ike K-nnk ctllisn. How does one generation of men succeed anotherT The fathers are not swept awa.v In n liody to mnkif room for tlie children, but one by ftie old drop off and the young come 03 uutll a day la reached wlfn m»ie of Hkmc remain that once wore la-re. Hov.- does some form of human >|xwh lie route extinct? About ion jcars ago an old Inily named I Hilly Prntreath died In Cornwall. She eot;M s|ienk tlw Cornish language. After her death there wan nolioily that could. Thus quietly did the living Cornish language j heeonie a dead language. And In a l;k»» unobtrusive manner have been wrought most of the new liccouiiiu.'.'i which I hive changed and are climbing tin' earth.—John I1«ke In Harper's. Too Mprh Pood. 0 Much of the i-tnklng, tired anl empty j filling from whieh bnitiiu-sa men wlw work their brains nlone r> often suffer Is' due to the accumulation of toxin t In j the system which want "working off." Two men 1m a day and active exercise are the preventive, nn-1 llirre Im no 1 crcise whlh can nriy time, and by aiiyliody to the extent Ilia! j walking can. Hut to do It mult j not l>c» antiutci Isir. Really "smart" walking la what 1h Trnntrd. -Hospital, j Thr "The tueinlter froin the Orkneys" Is the only man In the ltrltli;h house of conuuotm who can sny he fits j>r 3»t Islum!*. Only sixty of the Islands are Inhabited, but tlie constituency era brace* tii-jre than *i.OuO people. Tlie Orkneys were nnce given by Nor ( way to Kngland as security for n : queen's (lower and nrver redeemed. In the islands the voters must go to thej polls by tsmts. ntid In some cases the dlstancu to Im- traveled Is eight lUllchl . no 1' "Do It Now," Is the motto which th»* ] head of lite stationery bureau of the j |nstoltlce de|MH°tuiriit keeps over hU, d«,»k. He eiplalna that next to doltiit a j tiling, having |o Ix-ar In miud tluit it ' must lie done Is mopt wearing, aiul ao ( prefers to cut off the unnecessary tax by nteeting tlie real one promptly. Trots. Truth la always consistent with It* If j and needa nothing to help It out. It la always titer at hand, sits u|>ou our Up* and la ready to drop out before we nre aware. A lie la troulilesouM and acta a man's Invention upon the rack, ami one trick m-cds a gnat many i«orc to inako It good. He |«4mto«it Rimi *Jtsrr. Kdltur Itazuo Itugie-Co a little easy on Colonel Uore this week. In fact. I think we'd lietter try to—er—atuugti . matters ov«-r noinewhr.t. AssUtant- Has he ma-le any threat? Editor—No; lie lusn't sahl a wor»L That's what worrlca row. N-w Vork Weekly. A On nine Arhteveaseat. **My son." said the old lady proudly. "!s a stirgeoiv of great ability. Why, wh-.-n tlnre was a rnttrood wreck down here a little while ago he nuved the life of a man was ratally Injured."— Washington Tim en A Omi] Tklii For Dlsarr. "I had something I like for tny din tor today." said the poor man, "but It didn't do me any pood." "You don't soy! Whnt was ItV "A tnagnlfleeut appetite."—Philadel phia I'm* *» 1 A Oiwd Reason. "What makes yon' thln'r. B'r, that I will not he able to support yonr daugh ter!" •"Well, I haven't been able to my •alt."—Brooklyn Llfie. _ X-- v. i -.- . -• . •*« ' , WHOLE NO. 167. | Cards. f_ " • tQii. itfflCCr.iocs, VKXTtOT. I .1 OFFICE: *.\!V SI KKKT. v* GKO K.NOtKLU .1 TTOItXKY A T-LA IT", m - «• '•» *Vw r-wk MiJ Mf. kit hid m*r. > - v #>fnnr*« «SrTr»*t •niow w |«ck»l m fwr* i«Mf mm! ■»!:* »j tNlr for fw.kran mi taaulcr mmd twl i f fall Term. . • OF TIIK VVILLIAMSTON ACADEMY XVIIJ. 11 KG IN Monday, September Ist TIIITIftN * l xi *° mo " A XUlliUll Sla>ic }j (upr. nostk. »nor.l ran «■ hi! ia IVivatr Families at R»wa3ih!r fcitt* B. J. Peel. Prin. Hi? House. 8 i Ftliß. Kaaa^r- A.MEBLjCAX AND - - - - EI*ROPF-\N PLAN. tS b> z", Tn»t Street. . • . . * . BALTIMORE, MD. T)n>rntj«»*ily Ilenovated and put i:i rinst-Cks* Order. 1 I '-Ijulf I F^l I I '»»«!••» '? P-.'ilc-itM fj>l fj j t. I'lfcltr; v 0-;n. »J '2 €>!«!?.«?: H«J - M»cw cmacr H , RW:roK ae. It «c«>rk . day ar4 |j | lorl >r»l, >t Ufß* ymr ;o"a- fj ? J -Slow, th'ii v, K 1 j i'l.ltca.'. Yjii lit I «ta!t and |> witrtKm. \ j R93EPJS* CHiLL | ; n vr.i: nop the t cuVu now. n I ■ a enters th.- h.V! a: out: owl J i 3 drives 'a; the \fli» p -i-os. f II It Mjiecteu a*j * htn Cells, ly Ievtn,-Sweatn**■:a»tn [ Jj cral hre".k-d»!WB come later mi, | IB k;..berl»* Twi* »M cure yw W I'us-bet srliy »i;t? Cmcat i H Ititure tictw.'i. The- tsamhc- I ' I tare.-, know a!! (bant this yel l' I l«* po>oo and have perfected , 8 Kcherts* Tunic to dri ,e it oat. M rv>u i- h year s\«tesn. restore . I a sppe*iti, pttrUy t>e Mem!, pre- i M »("i rod cii't lliflt, J evem end ' U Mitrh. it I'll cured thous- t ]f| ands—lt ma err* y on. cr yosr 5 i motiey f»"xk. Thj> is t£.°. Try ' ' ce * u * t>y Jalaii*. llmrllkCi>i,«aj —. j Kit Oiirg»a;is. mM Dyspepsia Cure Digests what you eii^ This preparation contains all of tIM i Ji;;e*:anis ami all kind* of fwi. It g: res instant relief and neea* f.-tiU t'i cure. It allows you to ea* all the f»U y.ei want. Tin nmrt senslkit« Hwißfluran tak.-it. By lunatßsay IlKfli-nflt of dvsprptir* have bees Mifv-.l aIt«T every! liiug etoe failed. If | unc-prelied f'-r tiie 'W mach. ChlltW ren tih w -ak *uuoarlw thrive OR Ilk Kir ! d «vt teiievn. A diet >mnecessary. Cur 23 all slasascli troaUaa E'-viT7A Co.(tlcags BillMlsnni JsiWliisnsiasWi ah^r s a ikm ' so YEARS* ? f »fTr' Cannwiirato. Aaft* faictir omr u»«» n« /roc vMUor mm Mr MMf O wmr.t Im. OUal f—ry lamcaAqala% f*«sn tiMa tSrtmmh Mwr* A. C k umlV* SclsKiiflc Jitecrfaa. 1 A put wml ■-Hi. 1 €tr> * l an* tnnuic 'iw i. ' J-