THE ENTERPRISE. t Kkioat. December 5.1902. ~ Said Ab "tot adrertislnr. Daily advertising is to business daiiy bread u» to mankind. Advertising is an active advance agcut ai toe command of ail who ace* success in business. Theic is uo dewier but that has iu stock which he cm tuttkc prauuicut In an advertise ment. If it be not novel, it may be | made attractive by its ietsonabic | pike. " Men do not catch fish by staying at home and looking out upon the j water. MerchauU who seek to' catch trade must get out and hustle J for it. Advertising enables them ' to enter all homes and have a fair | hearing wherever tliey go. Continuous advertising creates coufidence. Ihe prevailing opinion is that oue cannot be constantly be fore the pnblic without being found out and known for what be is. The people believe in a man who can stand trial by the public. The long winded preacher talks to empty benches. The advertise ment that is long strung out appeals Wdy to lacy people who have noth ing to do and nothing to buy. The ; ceaseless activity of this age calls for sharp, incisive, well pruned ad vertisements —Printers' Ink. • %_ m m M LOCAL NEWS Advertise your Xmas Goods in The Enterprise—the best adveitis ing medium in Eastern Caroliua. I am proud of my Bargains for Christmas buyers. Heilbroner, The Jeweler, Tarboro, N. C. Large quantites of peanuts are shipped from here daily. Tins is on: of the largest markets iu the state. Prices are fair. Sand w being placed on some of the walks .in New will take a vast quantity t> make tlieiu pleasant for pedestrians. Regular meeting of Skewarkee Lodge No. 90, A. F. fs. A. M., on I next Tuesday night. Officers will be elected for the eusuiug year. Services at the Bapt'st Church both morning and and at Kid dick's Grove in the afternoon on Sunday by Rev. B. K. Mason. Bishop A. A. Watson will have Morning- Prayer at the Episcopal Chnrch on the 14th inst. Every body is cordially invited to aiund. The second session of the fifty seventh Congress met Monday with Speaker Henderson presiding. It is pn dieted that the session will be a short one. The c'tirers of New Town are to form a boating clrb mid learn the 1 art of swimming »lso. They are de termined get over the sidewalks safe'y during a ra*n. Everybody wmts to a million s'!* -every man may feel like one ' if he will buy Stra'rw Hros' clothing from Eli Gurganns at prices to suit the purse. Read ad. We will more onr immense line ■ of dry gooU,wotions, millinery.ect ' on Jan .Ist Before moving we will offer our entire stock of millinerv ' 1 «t cost. Come and secure the bent 1 bargain* ever seen in Williamstoa. C. D. Csrstarphen and Co. 1 The haWf onr stock dealers have , of trainin)? ♦rams on the main thor oughfares oftentimes endangers the safety of people who happen to be . passing. A mule gen au idea, for mala* have ideas, in his head that the Mriewaffca are ?«*larable to the Streets, and proceeds to a?t accord- t Often ladies hpve to scurry , out of f\*y do' hot! r like that M uili fcrtj ail htfr grace ' jqd dignity when Mir his refrac tory nude-hip. not a count y ( |«ad be better for truiniug ? Master I e, the son of non. W. Q. trUiib, had the . tnisfortunf to wound his hand on ; T'flinti|!«lii|. He M been out H hurting, and wishing to climb a fence,p't«.lj4 his guu turough.stock firrt, and in some way it was dis- ■' charged, the'ioatl cnvred his right| 1 band between the forefinger and • thumb. He was. holding the gun 1 by the of the barrel. The', Wound is not e sererc one and will * " effect vtry little the usefulness ot the hand. .-.A , R:v. A. V Whitnore. of iV.tsV'r-. , gi:iia Conference,and father of.Mr.! j A. K. Wlii'mre Editor of The En- Upri e, w4l p«ta;h on Chri-t-.a - the M. B. Church, South, f SII,OOO FIRE. Two Stares of Mr. J. H. Robertson and One of Mr. J- D. Leggett Roanoke Hotel Saved by the Ef forts of Volunteer Firemen Un der ti»e Leadership el Rev. T. H. Sutton. Fire started in the storage room of W. M. Wilson's grocery at it' (o'clock List Friday night aad soon j the three womien budding* south west of it were in flames. These I buildiugs weresiiuaivd between the ; Roanoke hotel anu the stote of N. | S. Peel & Co., lioth Urge two-story j brick buildings. The inadequate supply of water 1 made the efforts to suppress the fire seem almost futile But the citicens worked faithfully and succeeded in stopping turther piogrca*. At one time the whole block seemed doomed. The rear end of j the store occupied by Hodges & Bro- was so charred that it fell oi.t but hard work kept, the fire from gcttiiig inside The explosion of a keg of powder together with the extreme heat burst out the glass fronts of four stores on the oppo site side of the street, and the ap pearance of the town is very much injured. Losses were : Mi tell & Brown, grocers, stock $2,800 insurance $t ,- 200; F. K. Hodges & Dro., general merchandise, damage to stock SIOO covered by insurance; Blouut Bros, general merchandise and hotel,dam age to building and furniture SSOO, covered by insurance; W. M Wil son, grocer, stock $1,500, insurance $1,000; J. A. Mizell it Co., saloon, stock and fixtures $2,000, insurance $1,000; Ccmtnodore Heath,colored, restaurant, loss $25. Wilson, in whose store the fire originated, lo*t everything. Mizell Ht Brown and Mizell & Co., saved a few goods but iu a damaged con dition. The buildings occupied by Wilson and Mizell & Co., were owned by Joseph H. Robertson, valued at insurance *1,300; J. D. Lexgctt owned the one occu pied by Mi/.ell & Brown, valued at $l ,200, insurance $Soo; damage to the builiftng occupied by Hodges ."k Rro., and owned by Mrs. Jimmie Rogerson, was $l5O. Total loss, $10,775; in«urat»ce, $^.900. The lire is supposed to have been 1 incendiary, Lut no clew has been established yet. T*o story brick buildings will snon be erected on the btttnt dis trict and add much to the appear ance of the street. At the head of this column is an article that the merchant will do well to read and "think about," for cut*, burns, open wra, sort j feet, (laiuli u(I, fulling oil of the hair, |or any urn disease, use Hancock'* Li quid buii-hnr. aoid by C. I). Carstar phen. Anderaou Haoaell a Co.. Keith {ft t.odwin. J VMES HENRY ELLISON Died on November *B, 1902, of cholera infantum, James Henry, infant son of William Andrew and Marv King Ellison, aged three months and nineteen days. The funeral services were con ducted at the Methodist Church by the pastor, Rev. T. H. Sutton. The remains were, tenderly borne to Oakdale Cemetery and interred in the family plot. "A* the tweet flower that acenta the morn, But wither* in the rising day; Thns lovely was this Infant'* dawn, Thna swiftly fled iU life away." Hancock's Liqri«l Snlphnr ctiers ikin troubles of evrry nature. No home should he without it. Ark yonr merhint* for a t»if>k oa Liqui-I S"lfl(«r. Sold by C. n. Carv{*ryhen Co. Anderana 11a—>.11 a Co., Keith a Godwin. Harrlxg: Ucensrs fcr TtOTembcf. trHiTt:; , H L. nnl Ucse V/ynn. Alottto ll.isscll and Martha Beimett W. Slade White aud Maggie Hugh Mi Hums and Ora Jerkins, J. \V. Howard and S&r*b Chr-son Brown. Jas. A. ord IJ.-ttie P. NtVcn G. D. Johnson end Bertha Godard ' OKET) ; !lil!i#rd Purv is ar : d I/' Ifniscns Geo. T. fclade ard Lticy Johnson. ' Willongbby F'.trvis and Mary Nor- Stcrhen D-.nicl and BcultbiJ pr»daid; Aaron Greeuviile and True | ElTa "Ktiight. To Care a Cold '■ Osc Daj f fj're Lcxaive Bro-no Qnlnirie TabV-ts. . Mi Aruggi,4. nfvtti the money if k IWih to cut, It. nr. Or: k's sigaaLux is am ' Woman and Society. Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Harris went to Mildred on Sunday. Miss Lavenia Peel spent Thanks giving in Kobersonville. Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Bagwell , have been here this week. Miss Debbie Parker, of Hamil -1 ton. «as iu town Saturday. i I Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Crawford spent Sunday in Robetsouville. ; j Mr*. NB. Peel went to Beaufort : County on Tuesday to visit friends. Miss Ella Edwards, of Southport' is the guest of Mrs. J. B. H .Knight , this nuk. Mrs. A. T. Crawford and Miss > Carrie Biggs have returned front u Baltimore. Mrs. Martha J. Williams, of Tar . boro, spent Monday evening in town, the guest of Mrs.C.M.Lanier. Rev T. H. and Mrs. Sutton and i Miss Isabelle Lamb left on Tuesday i for Wilmington to attend the an ' nual Conference of the Methodist i Church. . . W. H. Carstarphen, «f Norfolk, was heiiffci Wednesday night. He left for New Berue Thursday ac companied by his mother, Mrs. Mary Carstarphen. The Misses Peele entertained a i select party of friends on Friday evening last. Whist and delicious refreshments made the occasion one of the most pleasant of the many social events iu town. To improve the appetite and strengthen ! the dij{c»tion,Uy a few (loan ol Chamber lain'* Stomach auil Liver Tablet*. Mr. J. 11. Seilx, of Detroit, Mich , *ay»: "They restored my apatite when impaired, re lieved inc of a blunted feeling and earned a plcaMiut ami sotikfaetury inovenieiit of the bowels." There aie |jcuple in thu community who need ju*t »uch a medi cine. lv.r nalc by N. b. l'eel & Co. Every box wuiruntcd. • Sterling Silver Manicure and Toilet Sets from #3.00 to $40.00 a set, at ileilbrontr's, Tarboro, N.C. PERSONAL. Mr. J. B. Coffield, Chairman ol Board of County Commissioners, left Monday afternoon lor Kalcigh. Mess, James an I Levy, of Rober ersonvilie spent 'I hanksgiving in town. Mr. R. 11. Lanier, of Everetts, was here on Sunday. Mr. Noah Biggs, of Scotland Neck, was in town Sunday night. Mr. G. M. Burras, of Jamesville, was here Monday. Rev. R. L. Davis of Windsor, was the guest ol Mr. Wm. York 011 I'ridny night. Mr. Henry Gurkin went to Tar boro Sunday. Mr- B. I* - Godwin went to Ply mouth on business last week. Mess. J. T. Waldo, S. D. Mat thews, \V. E. and P. L. Gladstone of Hamilton, were here Monday. Dr. Hassell and Julian Barnhill, the new County Commissioners, Served on the Board Monday. Hon. J. B. Coffield'chairman ol the Board of County Comtnissiooen was in town Monday. Mr Otrcn Williams, of Tarboro, has been here this week adjusting the lot-sen by fire. Mr W C Manning attended the lll.ion meeting at Oak Grove on Sunday. Mr. J. I|. I/Wg. °f Jamesville, culled on Tuesday and renewed hi* subscription. Mr. J. H. D. Peel, of Everetts, was a pleasant caller at our office on Tuesday. Mr. Cornelius James, of Everett*, ! was here Monday. Mr. J ; trmie Johnson, of Goose Nefct, wc» in t°Y' n Mopd?y. rw- * »». A 3 lliOß Voices. Could hsrdly fipw the thanks of Hotncr Hall, of Wet Ityint, la, Li tfp v. hy: A Were cold had *' t t'cd ru his lungs, ctiusirg a fl"»t cough. Several physician* ssid he tir.d cofisnpiption, but irot hdp him. When alj thought he was d---o»r»-d he bepnn to nse Dr. King's New Discovery for Con sumption and writes —" it complete ly cured me and saved my life. I now weigh 2:7 'bs." It'a positive ly guaranteed for Coughs, Colds Meeting of Cculr Commissioners. Last Monday was the beginning of a new fiscal year for the county and it was then that the new coun ty officers were sworn in, and the old ones th»t were re-elected were re-sworn to faithfully perform the duties of their several offices. Dr. U. S. Hassell, of Jamesville, and Mr. Julius T. Barahill, of Ev eretts, County Commission*, is, are the only new officials. Mr. J. B. Coffield, Chairman of the old Buiixl, was re-elected to that posiiion by the new commissioners, aud tlicy were soon at work like veterans. Besides the regular routine busi ness the Commissioners examined the bonds of the various officials, all of them being accepted. Nearly all the registrars of the recent registration were settled with The cost of the registration amount ed to about S2OO. The bonds of several townshi] constables were examined and ac ceptcd. There ate others that havi qualified yet. Mr. J. D. Bowcn, Mtc Snperin teudent of the CouutWHome, wai re-appointed for anot|R year. I is very gratifying to report that th Home is in better condition than i has been for several vears, and Mr Bowen is to be commended for tin way in which he has managed th affaire. Until he was appointed tIM cost of maintaining the home rang ed from SSO to $75 a month, thi average cost per month under Mr Bo wen's supervision has been $35 a saving of about 40 per cent. With a sufficient amount of clear ed land and stock, Mr. Bowen sayi that the place can soon be mad self-sustaining. If yon are differing from Kcwtna Piuiples, Herpes, Ringworm, dandruff or soy Moot! or skin dinette, Hancock" Liquid Sulphur is a sure cure. Sold b; C. I). Carstarphcn & Co, Audi 1 son llubscll & Co., Keith a God WIU. J. , v, r ~" ♦♦♦ ' ■ A handsome line of Diainom Brooches for Chiistmas presents, a lkilbroucr, the Jeweler, Tarboru . .1 » » » .... ■ ' 1 If you feet ill and need a pill Why net purchase the best f Jk-Witt'a lUrly Rittera Are little aurpricera. Take wit —they do the rent. W. 11. Howell, Houston, Tex., write*—] Jiiive used Little liarly Riier I'ills iu 11.1 family for couatijMtiotl, hick headache etc. To their use lam indebted for tl.i licttlth of my fumily. 8. R. lllgga. Oak Grove High School Roll of Honoi Lettie Critcher, . . g6 6-• I'ercy Critclier, , . 96 4-7 Dillon Simpson, . . 96 3 Willie Watts, , . 96 3.5 Wiggin Witts, . . 96 1-1 Del ha Lanier, . . 96 1 -f Mittie Jones, . 96 Eva Wolf, . , . 95 j-f Willie Jones, , , 95 i t )v*ie Pqele, . ... 9> 1-7 H. V. Fowdeti, , . 95 1-J Ella Statoii, . . .95 3-7 Mary Smith, , . 95 Mrs. C. M. LANIER, Prin. Thanksgiving Service In GrlXfln! Township. The Primitive Baptist mit at theii usual place of worship at Smith wick's Creek on Thanksgiving Day Hymns of praise were sung and Elder W. II in a prayer full of thanks for all the blessings both temporal and spiritual, remembered the Chief Magistrate and also the humblest citizen. A goodly num ber of people were present and ev eryone leetnad to partake of the spirit of the day. Short addresses were made by Sylvester W.B. Tice and others. After services we repaired to the home of Epbrsim Peel and feasted nil turkey and other delicacies. Af ter dinner we met around the fam ily r.ltar to perpetuaU the memory Of our father. Col. Noah Peel. W? sang a couple of his favorite hymns "Come Ye That Love The Lord" and "We'll Sing the Song of Moses and the L».ntb," an 4 then kneeling in prayer lifted up onr hearts to the Giver of every perfect gift and im plored H ir. blessing for another year. To the President, Governor at:d all in authority vre a.'ked to be given the grace to make their lives in ac cordance with the scriptures, «nd thnt we might be a God fearing and loving people. "Lord Dismiss Us With Thj Blessing" was sung >nd each soul present fit thnt the dry had indeed been a blessing."" A thauksg'ving frnri the heart and not merely lip icrvice. K«JwS 3|«M|»la Cora Wfißtl JfM Wt , ■ BUY GOOD STOCK!!! THE BEST. wb will KFj;r on hakixa 5 I SUPPLY OF WELL-BRED LT X" L_ W„ /M Kentucky Iloraesand Mules. — ~ ■>* jfr TELL US WHAT YOU WANT OR WHVT YOU ART-: WILLING TO PAY AND Wli WILL TRY TO FIND YOU A HORSE OR MULK TO SUi T VOL- . . The Martin Live Stock Co., - - WiUiaiiifton, N. C. : B my McDuffle" s" No. 16' for Ufdrtpf* p or Indueua. It is guanauUvd to CUIC JT )our mooey will be retunUed. PRICK t . FOR RENT—Tbe valuable two story Rik-k Store, Hotel, Sample t! Room and Warehouse. For full t particulars apply to, t BLOL'NT & BRO. Williainston, N. C. t « ' t Qt'KSTION AKSWURUD' t Yes, Augual Flower Mill has the lsrg . est sale of sAy medicine in tbe civilised f world. Yoor mothers' and grandmothers' ■ever thought of using else for : Indigestion or Biliousness. Doctors sett > scarce, sn.l they seldom heard of Appen dicitis, Nervous PiuMration or Heart ■ Failure, etc. They used August Flower , to cleaa out the system and stop fenuea tatiou of undigested food, regulate the action of the liver, stimulate the nervous and organic actiou of tbe system, and that is alt they took when feeling dull and bad aritb headaches and other aches. You need only a few doses of C.reen's | Au|(u»t Flower, in li«|uiil form, to ntake yon satisfied the.e is nothing serious the nutter with you. Youjcsn get I)r. G. G (Wren's reliable remedies st S. R. Biggs. Get Green's Special Almanac. j You are cordially invited to come I and MX- my line of lloliduy O.oods. Heilbroiicr. The Jeweler, Tarboro. a s BALLARDS. Mr. J. 1,. Ballard left Saturday for Scotland Neck. W. 1.. Harrison and Joseph Col f Him were vL-.itiug near Uidlurd's last ' | week. e Misses Maude Collins, Annie Ter ry, and Mary 11arrison bpetit a few days with Miss Annie Ballatd last • week. We hope that the price of tol>ac co will be better soon, for mativ of > the furtneis are holding quantities of the weed on account of the low ; prices. * > Our fafnters are almost through housing crops' They will be get , ting ready for Christinas, as it is i approaching rapidly and the little one* are already talking of good old St. Nick. A COI.D WAVE. The forecast of sioiden changes in the weuther K»CS notice that a hoarse voice and a heavy cough uiay invade the sanc tity of health in > our own home. Cau tious (icuple have a bottle of One Minute Cough Cure aiaa>s at hsud. K. 11. Wise, Ma-liaon, Go-, writes: "1 am indebted to One Minute Cough Cure for my present good. .health, and probably my life." It car as Coughs, Colds, UaGrippe, Bron chitis, Pneumonia, and all Throat and L.ung Troubles. One Minute Cough Cure cuts the phlegm , draws out the inflam mation, beats and soothes the mucuous memltranes and strengthens the luqgs. s, a. Biggs. BU3IHEJ.J ITETU Advertisements under this head J real* line each insertion. No ad. takeq for lam thaa tj cents. Nice I.ine of Nf liby Clo(lilq| foe Meu aiU Uoys.Cheap foe cash. {i-tLIW * Co A A fnll line of up-to-date Gout's Furnish ings at ('.utganus' sew (tore. l>m't forget Ourxanns is the man to fcril you Oroceriea, he always has a fine Mock on band. t'p-to- l?.te Ladies' Walking Jacket* ttt N. S. Peel fk Co. Nfct K"K* ' or Bridal Presents, | to #3.00 at N. 8. Peel & Co. Isfe' t*rr*s G«fd», Pry No J tions and all other articles of wearing ap jjprf! for tbe ladies at Gni-ganus'. FOR BA|,R. —I Secord-hand 8 h"r* I hner and Kngine, in good or tier. A pplv to Tne Simpaor Ha'dwsre Co., If Wil'iamntor, N. C. WANTED-A TKT'STWORTHY Ken tlemsn or l«d) in recti cminty to managi hnsineu for sn "Id house 01 solid ftwidal landing. A Mraiyht. Hon. fide week I v c*.4i s-lsry of f iH.notiaid In r*u-rk t+rh with rll rtrmtw; fli-ert frr>n h»- lnns*t»-TS. Money at) vrnccd for t ■ pm«ea. Manager j*» Cs* ton Bldg., Chicago. 48-1 M EVERY LADY WILL W.lfiT A FKtliY WAIST ...FOR THANKSGIVING ANU CHRISTMAS- We have TJcaiitif'til Patterns in all the AVi i>eat Weave* and SJmUis. Vine Shoes for I.adlef. Chi'dren and Men. livery thing in the and I try Uootis l.ine. Qrocerica- fancy ami Staple. * .• We are here to flense- —K-wtmine our ft i 010 KlS**, S. n. ELLISON & CO. Fruits From California'** Groves. o o o o Peaches, Oranges, Apricots, Prunes and b'uts Aid errry thing to tempi am Epcniu will be found on our Stands . . While you are uli>(jia( the inner nun select sonic of our . . . , Beautiful a Ist and Skirt Patterns In the Latest Weaves and Shades. Call ami be plcuol, - - 1 KEITH & GODWIN j • • *-• SCHOOL HOOKS AT HALF PRICK ARK Wl PAY THE FREIGHT. YOU We Bur. Sell and Kirlungc nil Litidn of 1U« Vi, Papers, Magazine*, 01.l SUiii|x. Ciin, F'limt 11 t*-, etc. ih> ymi I tin- Nurds, Copyright Hi>A>.' Jim I* 1-tit V> yt» ito read H v.bide yt.t'r, any l»«ik OUT you want. IjnMi un r>wr OLD Imnlt, NUIJIIIIM, etc. CASH paid for . all kind*. I nli nii. l supply on hanl. OF Law, Medical an. I Historical Hooks of Nii.'th Carolina. TOWN ? TYPEWRITERS, STATIPfiiikY. TOI'NTAIN PI NS, FTC. ? ? THE CHEAPEST BIBLES ANVWMEkE. SOUTIWR.V HOCK I^XQHAXan, M. M. SMITH, Manager. RALKIGH, N. C. GIRLS, SAVE THIS ' AD.' ] j | j J | | The Simpson Hardware Company. | R . & G. CORSETS fW| idOflg .i« Medium - Short \. Girdle - Straight Front \ beautiful Line of \ T~ Rocking Chairs | Assorted Colcrs. J J N.S. PEEL & CO. —UN. .1. I U JL - - ~!. • . : . Sen J us your — v JOB POINTING • - lliilnaaiam nr wittf n 'n