I r~T Mexican fltuUnc Liniment . t 1 i SSiw*s*t bft —4 | | uTot a Lame Back, !: I Sore Muscles, _ ?'• y or, in fact, all Lameness and Sore-"J ■ 7. \: nes9 of your body there is nothing i J will drive out the pain and in- r' {lamination so quickly as ffe ; . . Mexican Mustang Liniment 1 If you cannot reach the spot your-1| j i self get some one to assist you, for ( | {• /it is essential that the liniment be 1 •• fj rubbed in most thoroughly Mexican Hustang Liniment , WWKwm lh* allmwiti of bor«m and *ll doßHrtk? animals. In Hip a fl—fa uiui \+iu klilor uoinalUf wkouc wkiat %hm pallet la L°°k Out Tor Breakers! I am now just from the Northern Markets where I purchased goods cheaper Uian ever berore. I will sell for the next 30 lay§ Eureka I'laidi j# formerly sc, Rilasted Coffee 11 formerly 13^4 .. . . ... „ _ • Green " 7)i " 10c Uustaphas 5 * 7 « --- .. Brown Cotton J « 6c Arbuc klea and Oakback Hng. Lyons Coffee 11 " ta)4e » Tie Shoes 99 " |i.J5 Cents Nice Hats 98 " |l.»> Clyster Boots g1.99 " l-'jo 1 11) ran l»kg. Ladies' Dong. pow.lers jc " wa Shoes 98c " >: .35 Single Bbljreech Gent. Calf $1 9* " , hn * G » U ***" * « - 1 .ailus and Genu WtolßlMchinctX" He Black Iloat 8c" los Acme Flour f4-75 " #5 °° All $1 slop jars (■+ fl.oo 1 have just opened tip a Full Line of Clothing and Overcoats wliich I will sell at 10 per cent, above cost also a nice line of Children's Clothing anil l-'sncy Blouse Suits, also a large mid nice line of the I.ntc.st Styles of Ladies Jackets and all other good a not mentioned at reduce price of 35 jier. cent. I cordially in vite the public at large in to examine my immense stock before buying. Cli Gur^anus. j ~, |, M , I, , , , m— I ■ ■ ——*—— Dennis S. Biggs, Tres. T. W. Tilghnuin Cen. Mgr. Jtio. I>, Biggs, Sec & Tread DENNIS SIMMONS LUMBER CO.. . . Manufacturers of . . Kiln DrieJ Notrh Carolina Pine Lumber, j» j» j* » 4 • • e tt . DENNIS SIMMONX BRAND CYPHCSO BHINCCEf WILLIAMS TON, N. C. •OT Orders and Correspondence Solicited > > > > FARMERS.. . TT T -... J"?> _.— ~Ywu Arf Jiufmng Crof of Tuiln rni Tli 1* 1 cur Don't Forget to Insure Your Pack House. AOA lX&r LOSS OH DA MACK It\' VJRK. An Investment of a Few Dollars With UsMa/ Save You Money We also wiitc ever, tiling tl* kuowu «A IXMMUUCC. ED. F. HUF FINES & CO., Office ill New Itank Building 'a—l 1 11 in ■■ 1 ii 1 ii 1 STATEMENT OP BANK OF' MARTIN COUNTY, AT WILLIAMSTOIV, N. C., At the close of business 011 the 9th day of Oct, 190J : HKSOI'BCKS: I UMOITOII Om Draft. 4.M.1* «"»•«»• « y»-» Other Stacks and Hoods. 1,-w.oo! Pro* la I, oj-.j (WsHsitkrUlsm. i>rtlfcal«. f IVpSrit, «.t.\»» laaas tilifcjn la fßaiß««.>%■»' Im Proas tanks aad Bankers 14.35. ag MM» Payable 7.S*M> Caafc us t>»» • O Raak. rad Hanker* 4>i S4 TOTAL, 174.457 Ik ' TOTAU , I M.4J>l'' L| O. Godard, CaaMcr. of Isnk if Mania Cuaaty. da solnaalT awear (ar itia) tkat th* •kaaa atalnsrmt la Irx to lb teat ol my kaowlcds* aud brUrf, J O GODARD. Oaskkrr. Matt oi Matth Carolina Coaaly of Mart lu. Swoaa tu aad salMcrtfard Ul« ar, thia 91k day Oct.. of , A. P., t«aa C. H GODWIN. Notary fsbtk. wllk tral. Send 11a your JOB I'RI.NTI.NC ~ DREBB FOR SERVANTS." fVhst Maids Ikssll Wear !■ a Wall Casdaeted Itsaa*. I The appearance of tbe acrvanta tbow* tlm aoclnl atnndnrd of tbe bousebold. If the maids nrc unt'.c'.y and slipshod, It la naunlly the fault of tbe mistress. During tUo morning, when tlie hard work la being done, nil the maids should wear wash dresaet, preferably 1 dark Muo nnd white. These dresses •iiould l>e plainly mnde and on 110 ac count should the skirts touch tlie ground. A wiilte linen col lar and linen cuffs, togeth* with a trl ungtilar cap, complete tlie morning cos tume. In tbe afternoon a plain black hlpaca or wool gown la the correct jibing. With ~ thla should lie worn an apron w'igj-j of fine lawn, prettily trim- ' * Died, and a fluf ly cap. Btarcbetl ' {linen collars and cuffs are also Sieeesaary. Tbe children's « . | Mtt . inrtc may wear . f 1 i bo an.ino style 'c I 17 f>t cotton gown | j A aa the other maids, with the Addition of # a t;\/-;; jrV llong plain white apron made jwitb a high bib. filer cap is Ur gcr than that of I : ii wnltreaa, and for atreet wear " ' ' " abe plna to It a ArrtftNOO* corrvnt. large Alsatian bow, with atreamera I teaching far down In tbe back. Her j ■treet gown lu winter It black and In Bummer may tie of white duck or any btlier white material. ) Tbe cook'a cap la auffldeutly large to Completely cover her hair. Hhe hat ialso a white apron of butchers' linen the length of her aklrt aud reaching completely around her. j The bidy*a maid ahoiild wear a soft dress of black material. Her apron la a dainty French affair, with a large pocket. Around her neck a soft lawn silk or lace neckband It allowable. When tbe mnld accompanies her tuia- Jreaa thopplng. tbe weura a plain ta'ior made drcaa, wltb nothing to ludl- ! cate lief position. | Tbe mistress should always Inaltt on ncntuesi of-afi pea ranee, on the maid's hair belug properly brushetl and tlio eapa aud aprona lielng acruiiulouNly cloau. WBATUICB MILLIiU. I : I A PEACOCK ROOM. A Qttnlnl and I'D «O Dale Hlna aad I Urren trhrms o Deeoralloa. ' "The originality of treatment In this guect chamber will doubtless appeal ' to mauy who delight In quaint aud pretty tbluga. The furniture la of ma hogany, lulald with holly wood stained blue. n:ul pewte*. tbe latler being used for appropriate mottoes such ns 'Tine 1 FeathertMaKe Fllio HlrtU"on the ward- ! robo and "If This It Vanity, Who'd Ho 1 Wise V" over the mirror of the dressing J table. The Idea of vanity la Ingenious ly Illustrated throughout by means of peacocks Inlaid lu pewter on the vnrl- I CUB pieces of furnlturc.nppltqued on the ! blue linen bedspread and prominent on j the well executed fricxe in the design { j 1 TRR riURJ'UIH of a garden with hedge and clipped yew treea. The plain, dull blue paper allows up to good advantage, and the eolorlug of the carpet, the settle, the abort win dow curtains aud tbe hearth tllca con tribute to the harmonious scheme. Tbe tlreplace la especially quaint and worthy of notice. ft. PH LA BAUMEI. . t ' "C* __________ -t Fn r. Par Wlatea. Mink- Is a lin ndsoine, refined and always fashionable fur, aud many tfHUtiful garmeuts and pi. :'iy ueck plecea, tncUidlug stoles, ai-e made of IL Mink, sable and skunk are all of the tame family, the furrlcra tell us, but they are too thick for anything ID the way of a tight garment, and so ars mostly for capes, mantlea, trim mings sud fancy neck pieces. Nearly all the stoles ars made quits Oat tround the ueck and without any kind of attempt at « collar, storm or other wise. Collars for children are mads In the same way. Talla are put upon, the Beck plecea with a reckless dlare gard of uaturul history, kluffa are quite largs. mostly plain, but there are some enormous ones to match king coats and also others with all sort* or fancy ruttlea mads of the for. A Woaaas a* Ratarprlae. ITere la a little atory. Head It: Boms | years ago a Mlaa Fanny Bealirlde went ] from Chicago to Texaa aa a governess. , Fonr years ago shs got ths post of fence rider and cattle guard for Horse shoe ranch. She attended to her dn -1 tlss snd likewise killed wild animala for whose scalpa the stato offered a bounty. She obtained 11,251 In this ! wny and Invest\l It In cattl*. Now she owns over a thousand bead. Ft) 1: a CeaCly Attack. * "Mv wife iras so ill that good ph)>ic'atis we e 1 ntNe to writes M. M. Austin, of Wipch"'- ter, liul , " but wss completely cured by Dr. King's New Life Pills" They work wonders in stomach and liver trouble*. Cue con«tipntion, sick headache. 25c. Cy3|sepsSa C«ra 1 Ko. MT«-W»r4 Iqairf. J. A heavenly body *lfb a luminous , fc-atn. 2. A dramatic composition set f«> music. 8..A coin with a device. 4. lo rub or scrape out C. Narrative*. - Ho. Word. Jfe hm *r V ' M # t it***/*#-' ■» f I Ms. IMf).— ltlddlemeree. A lirroliic of one of Sir Walter Scott's novel* who mot. with a very tragic ! fate. My flrit la In matdrn, Imt not In (Id; ! My mi ond'a In diamond, bul not In pearl; My third I* In haughty, but nut In proud; My fourth la In vaiior, but not In cloud; I My fifth la In glory, but not In fame: i My alxth la In object, but not In name; | My aeventh'a In foreat, but not In wood; [My 'lk>ilh'n In attrnctlvr. but not In good; 'My ninth la In tarly. but not In aoon; I My lanth la In planet, but not In moon. No. 1170.—Compound Word Balldlai. 1. To a circular dance add a letter In music and a minstrel's narrative poem und have a sliort, lively rurnl strain. t. To an abbreviation used by. cor poratlona add serious flnauclal Injury and the Inltlala of a great country and have a gigantic atatne of ancient tliuea. 8. To having arrived add an esclama tlon calling attention and a spotted beust and have a tall quadruped of the ; ruminant order. ' Ha. STl—Letter Paula. Insert n capital In each verse as In dicated by the cross and tbs letter shown. The day of fenaVlng draweth nlijh. And acoras >of soon must die. Oet ona that's x«Y»« and sweet and fst And atulf U fA" of this and that. With frullssnd beyrlta sauces make And add pruae Avea and plrs and CiUla. Aak frlrnda and Vlndred all lo coma And niaka thnnA»*' vl »* at your horns. Lot not the carVi of life dlatrrsa, ilut fill each ("A* l wllh hepptneaa. Revive Ihs )oyr» of youthful days. And for tb A blaaalnga olfar praise. Ho. arJ— Hidden Flak. 1. Nancy wore a white dress with a bllie Hllnll. 2. The bird perched on the butternut tree. a. The little npp'.e tree was so weak It hail to be propped. 4. l.ols had a beautiful new rowboat last stinitner. B. The yoting people dined on a por tico draped In Ibe uatlonnl colors. (1. Poor IMetro uttered an exclama tion of dismay. 7. Stroke the kitten's back, Bob, as sofily as yen can. 8. These ginger snaps melt In your mouth. 0. You should never flatter little chil dren. 10. The general sends wcrd of his victory. flo. BTH.— laaaronia. | Eminent men.) 1. nim n speaker all wise—A poet. 2. 8— In a new coat— A philosopher. 8. I.ie a log—An astronomer. 4. No rest—A Grecian king of very ancient times. 5. A tram—A awls* who became one of the leaders of the French revolu tion. Another Mra. PartlafloN. Old I.ady (to cheiulat)—l want a bos. of canine pills. Chemist—What I* tHe matter with the tli>K 1 Old Lady (lndlirnantly>— I want yon to know, sir, that my husband la a gentleman. (Chemist puts np some quinine pills In profound silence.! Kay tn the I'uaaler. Ha 150.—Httillvas Chatn; t. tnrh. X Chop. 8 OpaL 4. Mao. n. Sofa. & Fair. T. Irou. 8. Only. U. Lyre. Ift Keat. 11. Btun. 12. Undo. 13. Dove. 14. Vein. 15. Inch. No. 800.—Mlxalng Letters; Autumn bonflrca. No. 301.—Diamonds: I.—l. T. 1 Nay. 8. Tuner. 4. Tanager. fl. Angel. Bed. T. a 11.-1. K. 1 I tail 8. Saint 4. Sailing. 5. Trial. & And. T. U. No. HUi.—Border ut Words; I I IT Lttny T»n «T o * ■ ■ i t i a imii A r * 111 a & * • • p«• I o ■ F W*«ntH E I 4 1* No. Sitl.-Illustrated Rebna; Uneasy Ilea the head thnt wears a crown. No 3»W.—Charade: Smile, lacks (amt laxi.——— Na Pusxlca: 1, IlavtltiKs. 2. Maidstone. A Harrow. 4. Windsor. IV. Portsmouth. No 3*l —Beheadings: Tax, a*. Tend, end. Gull. all. Gale, ale. Kin. bh (harp, harp Hurra, arm. The Pi Lle ol Heroes. Many soldiers in the last war wrote to say that#! for Scratches J Bruises, Cuts, Wounds, Corrs Sore j Feet and Stiff Joints, Bucl-len's ! Arnica Salve is the best in the world. Sr.r.ic for Burns, Scalds, Brils, Ulctrs, Skin Eruptions and Piles. It cures or do pay. Only 25c. sad a&JrtflMgfb>r SMfl M «ato Is C. l. MOFFfeTT, M. D. ST. LOUIS, MO. rt/iwcil v, Ner.KlsoSi—laasantaMaadbyaar SuHlyakyMaa la Ckaawataa la aaa T2ETBISA aierbabywSwSeeaabntaiaryyeMlalaal.aeaawaeSfeaieolleaaSlß wrunlmam SnHa4 N VM aaatal la tartfclaa tree Waa. u4H «H«l kaa W.a Im»4 to toae nrr Woeflelei ac4iwfrae fraai ttmfm axz srasa&'A's.'Sa f IBs" ►ewheSla laaMK. For the amount of meat uaod the aansagt la the moat profitable legacy of the bog. Folly fifty different kinds of this suspected article arc manufac tured to suit the taate of many peu|rfe« —for Italians, with a dominating meas ure of garlic; foe tlermana, bard and fatty; for Frenchmen, dry and well larded; for Americana, well apioKl, and all of tbeae In several grades. Whatever meat cannot be need other wise Is consigned to the rnusage, al though for no other reason thup that every diminutive piece la available— bam, head and foot trimmings and tbe odd remnants from the butcher's block. Potato, flour, apices and water 01* mixed with the meat, which baa been finely chopped by rocking knives, and a steam driven piston forces tbe mass Into tbo caslnga, whereupon It become* aausnge. The on sings are tbe intes tines of tbe hog, thoroughly scraped and washed by mcchnnlcal procesa. The {tig's snout does not escape— that would be a grosa oversight-so It Is trimmed off and aold aa a pickling "delicacy" to new Americana with un pronounceable names.—Gentury. —— Vary Awkwari^ A youQg recruit was set on sentry go and waa, of course, new to bis duty. A good natured comrade bronght him a aandwlch, and the recruit waa about to eat It when the nm>jr appeared. Aa the officer waa in mufti tbe sentry did not re*>gniae him and did not aalute. Tbe major took in the situation and aakeA; *, "What's thotr "A sandwiclv" replM the fecrult. "Have a bltf "Do you know who I am?" asked the major. "iKsi't know you from a crow. Per heps you're the major's coocby." "No; I'm not." J "Ills gnwai perhaps!" "No; try again." *T'erha|>s tbe old chnp himself?" "Right tbls tline," aaid tbe major. "Oh, good gracious?' exclaimed tbe frightened sentry. "Huld tbe sandwich wlille I present arms!"-Loudon An swers. Applylnst the Arcaaaeat. There are tlmea when one pursues an admirable course of reasoning with a child only to find that It reaulta In his own undoing. "1 don't want tn wear my old hot to church," sold elght-ycnr-old Gladys, "not even If it doen rain. The trim ming on that hut la all worn out. mother." "It's the tiest thing for you to wear on a day like thin," mild her motht-r firmly, "and you must h'menilwr that It's the Inalde and not the outside— what Is unseen, not what la aeen—that God looks at. my little girl." "Yes'iu," said Ghulya eagerly. "I do remember, but the lining of thnt hnt. hi worn even worse than the trimming la.'"—Youth'a Companion. Orlirtn of "Watered Bto«k.* The expr>eslon "watered stock," which describes so well the exfutnslon of the stix'k of a company the value of tl»e property, originated, It Is said. In connection with Ditnlel Drew, who was once the wealthiest nnd most unitpie manl|)ulntor In Wall street. Drew had l>ccn n drover In his younger days, and It was anld of him that lie fore selling his cattle In tlie market lie would Hrst give tbem large quantities of salt to nuike them thlraty and then provide them with all the water they could drink. In this way their weight was greatly Inclosed, at'd the pur chaser was buying "watered stock."— Loalle's Weekly. Old l*o 10. In "Tbe Arnhlan Nlghta" w« read of a wise sage who cured s great king by a decoction with which he anointed the handle of a stick with which the king was In the hsblt of playing a game at bull, to the end tliat when the royal liand perspired In the vigor of the play tbe open porea mlgbt reoelvw tbs med icament » The translator spooks of this stick aa a "golf stick" (slci, but it la plnln from the contest that the game waa played on horsetiaok. It waa, In fact pokv Indeed the Illustrations of the very same edition show tbe said king play lug tbe game on horseback. The firast ttsiallas. "We are to be meds ona" she sng gftcd. "Tea," he repHeA. Tint which oner she aaheV And In the attempt to settle that question another promMng ma trim*, nlal future waa spotled. for woosan la not so unsasumlng In these daya aa aha waa once upon a time.—Chleaca tat A Deeeltfal CM. Mamma-Tou wicked little girl to aay that tka poor cat haa eaten the jam, when I can aea the stain of It on your facet Wlhnle- 80 !t was pussy! She stole j the >m, and after ahe'd eaten It she Started licking my face to make people think I'd done It TV Livelier tka Dettar. Young Man (In grocer'a)—round of cbeeae, please. Grocer—Yes sir. Oorgonsola or ched-. ' dart Yonng Man—Oh. I don't care. Start 'cm both acroaa the counter, and l'U take the winner. Told Her Frankly. J&flth—'Tell me frankly. Oeorße, If you were a rich man do yon think you ; would csk me to marry you? Georiro—l d-vn't think It would be necessary, Edith. In thnt case you would probably do the asking! J Whett a Rutslaa family moves. It li the ccctoin to carry tbe Orr from tbs hegrtb or the eld bacae In a closed vse-' art to the asw raahUnca. j| 1 ' ?"I I WANTED—A TRUSTWORTHY gen -11 tleman or ltd; in each county to manage ' J business (or nn old established bouse of i solid financial standing. A straight, bona fide weekljr cash salary of {IB.OO paid by 1 check each Wednesday with all expenses direct from headquarter*. Money ad vanced frtir expenses. Manager 340 Cax ton Bldg., Chicago. ftaa* aad a Crook. Robert Plnkerton once told a story of bis father, the founder of tbe detective agency, which Illustrates tbe elder Itnkerton'a caution. A noted crlmlnnl was detained in Plnkcrtoo'a Chicsfeo otfli>. Tbe elder Plnkrrtou left tbe ruoni and when he returned took tbe precau tion of holding a revolver in front of him pudy for use. He saw tbe criminal standing by the door with a snuffbox ha had picked up from ffukerton's desk In hla hand. "This is good annff," affably re marked the crook aa he took a sniff. "For tbe eyea or the noseT" asked Plnkerton. who knew that tbe crook bad intended to blind him in an effort to escape. "Well." remarked tbe criminal, "I'm sorry to aay that tbe nose gets It this time." Wssll M Kn» Rev fcA find tiler Kline was s droll character and yet of a type by no meana scares in the rural districts of the north of Scotland, says tbe Dundee Journal. One morning when a neighbor entered bis altop be was greeted with tbe follow ing: "Man, Jeemls, I had tn swfn" dream last ulcht I thocht I ssw my wife fleeln' nwa' up to heaven wf a great big pair of wwigs." "Aye. man, an' did ys no try to pa' her bsckT" "Na, na; I Joist clapptt my bands nn' cried, 'Rhoo! RUOOP I WHS feart she wad never hae anitber cbanA of get tin' aae near In." it* saw now it r*a An Irishman wbo was visiting Amer ica fur the first time was lost tn admi ration of tbe Niagara folia when a friend accoated him: "Well, I'at. and what do you think of tills? Isn't It a grand sight? There's nothing In the old country to com* up to It. See how It falls!" "Fnlth, I see how It falls," said Tat; "but, shure. there's notblu' to hinder It!"—I/ondon Kutfgeta. Saved at Grave's Brink. " I know I would Jong ago have been in my grave," writes Mrs. S. 11. Newsotn, of Decatur, Ala., " if it had not been for Klectric Bitters. For three years I suffered untold Agony from the worst forms of In digestion, Watcrbrasli,Stomach and Bowel Dyspepsia. But this excellent medicine did me a world of good. Since udng it I can cat heartily and have gained 35 pounds.'' FOl Indigestion .Loss of Appetite, Stom ach, Liver and Kidney troubles. Klectric Bitters are a positive guar anteed cure. Only 50 cents. ■Akssfkfrr'i tartwis. Of Gladstone Henry Lahonchers ©nee remarked. "I do not object to Mr. iliadstnne occasionally having nn nee up his sleeve, but I do wish lie would not nlways say that Provident* put it there.", Mnny a man who poes through life bemoaning the fact thnt he Is misun derstood ought to be thnnkful that roeh Is (he ease.—Chicago New a. l*lc Duffle's Turpentine ft Hutton Soe- Lung Ptaatar is a cerfain cure for whooj ng cough, es*y anJ_comfortable, work while you sleep. »j CKjrrs. He Duffle's Uttl Blue Liver Pill fnikes blue people bright, cleanses the system of all the deleterious and uohealthy mat terand mikes a new person of you. ahrayi XiM ITT I plestod witlikLnO IM I UM popular Til 1 I |c_| collars! |jQ P , "StyWv Comfortable,' CIIrtRANTCCD UNDIi Tho only oolfnr mad* wKh s> kM««, a ply ssam. RETAIL TWO POR A OUARrhft | AND BQUAL ANY TWSNTY. IMVS OKWT OOCLAW MADB Sold by live, up-to-dst« star ' chsnu •vorywhsrs, OP two sfcwvX!** Van Zandt Jacobs & Co. Troy, n. V. > A. C. L. I ATXAIfTXC COAST UK* R. R. COMfAVT. \ TRAIX* COIKO SOUTH. I ' } BATED * J»C SFT||*.FR * I u "' s,h -"" il I 1 - ~~~ A. u. r M. r. M. a. u. r. A In* WrMoa 11 Y Tl* - Ar. kucky Mt ■■ wja f r.m. I Leave Tsrbora.. " *s 7 n ' LT Rocky ML 1«T MOI 7s» I« AY 1 u*vr Wllooa IK lis *JI * A sas UIW Helms >55 11 M _ - If. CajvOnUk.. «4' ■>9 Ar. Klomic* >S» 1 m _ - P. M. A. »G Ar. GaMstinro..... T Fss I,*. Uvldatwra.... v..". JJI | a LV. Magnolia..... ... »rt 4 4 Ar. WUningtoa- .._ . N M Ass p. SJA. liljr. M. S TUIN GOING NORTM. iwj a * *£ % i it q. n n s! A. M. r. M. I.V Florence ..... >• AS S ss I.v. PsyctttvUle.. 11 «•( la ss —_ Leave Helms . s W 11 4S Arrive Wilaos 557 IS ss __— —- - A. M.' ■ *■ U. A. It! I/T. Wllmtsrton.. , , les *is Hunolu ......... TFT «I I,*. OoMshoro 7 JJ tn U • V H. A. M. P. M. r. M. Wilsos >JF Iss is A •• 15 » ■ _ Ar. Kocky Mt 5 Y is » II SJ IG Arrir* Tsrhoro.. I 34 -*■ —— Lnn Tsrboro.. t jl L«». Rocky MT._ 5° is 4} A'"" o ' ,4ff - Tsdkta Pll'tstsa Msls Llae-' Trsls LEANS WU m Inst on, 9'• s. SI.. srHv*s >a>«Ur»tll is » J • m . IVsvts Hsyctlrvllle 114s p. ss y «irh« SaA ford 1 J« p. ai- Isavca *»»'•» 3 M., srnW Fsjretlc*LLLE 4JS a. ai., kaw L*iyiia •111* « j» p. m.. srrlves WUsiiagtisa 7 »JS. Bcanrttsvtllc HTLC » »»• ■ ■ Msstoa «oj S- SS« JJF. ■»'*"* . 11S. a., Psrklon 1041 s. AT,!■»» ltttls A»a. M.. arrive Fsyrttevtlte N is. BatanOag Isajja fayettcvill* 500 p. M.. NAPS MAIS 5 KP; »-• J— STIRIUI 5 M p. a.. M**U* 4 is p. a., srrtvas MTM "CJSASRTZ^AL'WTK Mniton with Csrolios Ceatral Aallrvad, at ASA Springs with the KeJ apriß(Ssa4S "2 rood, st Son ford with the Hesboard Air UM aad >ullu rn asilwsy. st Gait Wttk tfcs Uarhaas aad ""ISLSAWMLIS SOSLAADSKSA Hraach iMdksiw 5 4 ? 0 Z ~ ♦too 4 45 p. ni.Rctii ruing loaves Kiastaa ipsa I.reenvllle S YO. tn , srriviag st Msltfss 11 s» a. Wetdcu 11 JOS. m , doily TMNFI Trslasou Wsshlng-on Sranch ftaje Woofclmg ion •00 «. m., and i 45 p •»-. inif* rtriiflt • Si S ia., J IS p. M„ retnrnlos lesve nntk |l| » ta suo 5 »P- ai.. strive Wsohlngtoa LOSS a. •. sad 6-15 p. ai., dslly escept hundsy. Trslii leaves Tbrtxwo IT. C., daily es>.«YT TAS dsv4V5P- »•. Sunday 4JS p. ss., uitsas FIT mouth 635 p. m., Tjo p. ST. Ketamlsg, HTTL. Plymouth dolly escept Saaday. 71S a. as.. aa« Ilundsy9oos.nl., srrivos ISI tiara 9IS a- AT "•rra'non MMlstid W. C. Brandt laws 0,1 Us .•ro(lolly, cocept Sunday. 500 a. AT . Slilriaj -tmlthlielri 6 10 s. M., Ketuiafiif leavesMaHkScli 7 00 a.m., arrive® Goldihofo ■ *3 •. m. Tr*im on Nashville Branch le«e« Rocky Mom! H 9 joa. ri.l 4 w p. m., arrive Naahvllle 10 » s. m., 4 13 p. i" . HpHni hope 11 so a. tn , 4 41 P- Retttriilnjr leave Hptiug Hope 11 soa. m.,51* ML Nashville 11 43 a. m ,545 P- Mnunl it 10 p in., fc to p . in., daily escept BMMftf. Train on Clinton Branch leaves Warsaw W Clinton daily, e*ccpl Sumlay, » jo a. m., and 4 «1 1 rum., Relnniing leaves Clinton 7 00 a. no., tai 10 00 a. m. Train No. 7* mskeo close coaneetioa at Weldoa for oil points North daily, stl rail vis Ricfcasssd H M. RNKUOH, Oea'L Pooenger Agist. . IT KKNI.Y, CeaM Msnsgrr. T. M. Kmeroon. Traflk Msaager. THE ST. LOU 15 & SAN FRANCISCO RAILROAD OPFES TO THB COLONIST One-Half FARE, plus (too to points in ARKANSAS, Miasotmt, K ANSAS.KKBRA®- xx, COLORADO, TRIAS, OKLABOMA aad INDIAN TKRRITORV On the following dates November 4th snd 18th December 2nd '* 16th January 6th " soth Felinisry 3rd " 17th March 3rd " 17th April 7th •' list Write for advertising mutter, rates ssd in format iou to W. T. SAUNDERS J O. A. P. D„ I Atlanta, Ga.l RACA EXAS A MEW FIST TIAII o^H(^r SMTT "* WICHITA* - DENISON, SHERMAN, DALLAS. rORTWORTH lied Rhrer BMilia. Cafo Obsorvatloa Caw, natter the BuunwM ot HSA APVW. Pall tafonaatloa as T« rsSse aad ai 4sSsOs el a trto via tkts asw mate Till ba *AAMY erou - ttoe '^