THE ENTERPRISE. rCBUSnKD KVHkV «:DIT * flltanuton. SC C. ALFRKI) K. WHITMOUK, , , . EMTin »m> hiutui i... . —— If • Mbftcrihcr withe* thr ptprr flUilin ;at»sl fee noticed an 4 su t script ion •M up Mwilln fir nt i m whirlt no «pccificd number nf j— itl i n market! will fct nuirkrd lill «Md" aid Aarfol up to date of Uiacontiaa mmer. AdrrrtiKimc t> liMontiuued before I1»e liine MMlnu led for h*s e*pire4 will be charged li uu ■if I rate* for the Sine actually published. W> nwin iii iln i noticed without the uarae mi the writer arconpatms it- i»»»t to be pub liafced. hat as a iaaraut« of food faith. | Awvaai K \ri - -One lack one insertion •a crat* Each «ibae»inea! in»e»tkrt> 50 cents. BfeaiiKa ivct uUa U»e. Ohitua. - « uiwl KiK4btiuoiuf Respect, all over Use*. sor ate a Hue. Cwp> f«r AdvftikrH-at*. or « Übrc c.f Adver hewcnt«, Mti be ia Htfs office not lain t.tan f ■ Mamhr jgwriirTi >s# % year in auvakck the Ptoat o®ce «i WillianiAton, K. C..M Second Claw Mail Matter. ! Feipav. JAxr ak Y 10, 1903 Famines liave occurred in all ages oflJie vVbrM. But who ever heard ol a whiskey famine? The Anli-£alooii League has chosen J, W. Itailey to cham pion its cause in (he passage of a bill regulating the Kile of liq uors. No better man could have been chosen. • The Sunday Post of Italoigh has sonic pleasant things to say about the flights of oratory in the Friday night caucus. We ore glad that the good old days of fino speeches are not past but what we need most is ben eficial legislation a'ld not so much talk. We publish on front page Gov. Aycoek's message in con densed form. Lack of space prevented the publication in •full. The sections of most inter est to our readers have been culled. The ine.-.-age as a whole is an abl papi r, touching every phase of state work and recom mending needed legislation espec-alty a! 1 »industrial lines. The management uf the diiler cnt departments has been sat isfactory and the folate should feel proud of t li*j clean admin istration under Democratic rule with Charles 15. Ay cock at its helm. Elsewhere is published a let ter from 11 in. John 11. Small, which states thai he may be able to secure a supply of young lish with which to stock private ponds. Now is the time for those of ' our readers who Imve ponds to secure a nice supply oflish for the same. The Enterprise advises those who are interest* d in the fish supply of our river to get to gether aud secure some of these young fish while they nny bo had. Lets have our river,creeks and ponds well stocked with desiiable fi*h. A movement lias been made to build a furniture factory nt an early date. The neeess-iiy for an indtiMry >f this kind is made more apparent every day. The town can new r riake rap id strides without industries. The hurtling of the factory last spring was, perhaj s, the most serious blow WjHi&mston ever received. Merchants feel the lofs of it; dozens of labor era the disadvantages they have been ui.der tit ice There is plenty of capita! here and a factory-can be made a i safe investment.Every business roan slioujd feel personal!)' in terested in this movement and I taka stock. We hope to hear the hum of machinery in a few month* an 1 .-oj ikw life in our , town 17 a place that lias «ucli (real possibilities before it. ,§&* . - Htfgk--,' V w ■' mm m—' •. £utc*rfiLe lo The Enterprise. WASHINGTON LETTER. (Vroa our Special Cormpjr l-tit.f T;.e two so ca'lcd anti-trust bills prepared by Attorney-General Knox and introduced in the on Jan. Representative Jenkins Chairman of the J diciary Commit tee,came as a surprise to both dem ocrats and republicans. These are Administration bills and indicate another change of program at the White House. Heretofore President Roosevelt 1 as taken pains to have it announced that there would be no Administration bi'.ls and that Congress would act on it own ini tiative or not at all. It should b.- remarked here that these bills indicate that the presi dent' had abananid his proposition to ainei.d the c.nsiitution and also his great publ city remedy f.r trusts. Because of democratic agitation the tide against trusts is now run ning so strong ami the mcessity for some action, or show of action, has become "so imperative t !, at two auti trust tills have been liuncheJ by the Administration with unusual publicity: These bilis : t they should become law, would peitlidr l>enefit ttie perrpl- ttttr harm. ihe4fi»lv The most radical proposals in t .esc bills are! i. To am ndthe inter state coon merce law so as to punish a'ike railroads that give a shippers who receive ditterental freight rates a. To amend the Sherman Anti trust law so that it will iea«.h cor , prorations and combinab nl which produce «holly in one state but whose products enter inter state commerce. There are indications that the big railroads would !»e only 100 willing to have rate cutting stopped. Tl.eir profits w.uSd be great')* increased i if secret rebate# were hot gen rally given to big shi »fers Citable to keep laith wit'i each other, many of them w ill welcome the aid ol the govt rnmeut, llence il success ful,-the bill would simj-'y iicrca-c freight ratej, to some and would enable ihe laiiroads |i co'le t exor bitant ratiS. instead of compelling them to give reasonable rates to a.l shippers. The proposed laws are rendered ineffective ntid harmless to--the trusts, by the lhat the Attorney General' "mav tiic" tvitli a clerk of aci cuit c>»urt a citili ca'e that "in his opinion case jjreat importance." This prov'so is fatal wiigM,. as always happens uu di-ta re üblican Ad -ii istralian, the Attorney Ji« rieul i'-a fiend and tool of the rai reads ar.d titl^U." There was filed with. Attorney General Knux, one yeai ago, a pe tition against t e Continental To bacco Company, stattng f.scts amounting, to a violation of the Sherman Anti Trn-t law. The facts were plain and shored t!ia! the ollicials t»f this trust were ators and 'l-fae Attorney (.•eneral exercised liis pseroga'.ive and no criminal or other proceed ings were against th's '.rust Similiar facts in regard to thr Anthracite Coal re ; ut into the hand > of the Attorney General more than f.ur months ago,by Mr. W. R. llearsl. In an open letter to the President, in the New York, American of January fth Mr Hearst says: .■* "In the jugmcnt of lawyer? whose professional c- mpetency is |uite as undisputed as that of your Attorney-General, whose proofs it presented in cour we.uld suffice to dissolve the coal tru*t and subject its members to the civil and cjimi atal penalties provided by law. Con tinuously since the submission of those proofs, the coal trust ha* rob bed the people, extorting lamine prices for co d a prime necessity of industrial and domestic life, yet no action against this trust has been by four Attorney-Genet*! for (he enforcement of the laws and the relief of 4he public. •' 1 ta you, thercf r.*, Mr. President, to command your Attor ney-General to proceed against the Coal Loth civilly and criminally, on the; of it-. unlawful acL* lail b.Lr.' hint by me, or explaia t» t'ae people of the United his reas«>trs for not doing so, if ressons public avowal h? has. Ihe people A gCIBNTII-iC D!nCOV Ko lot docs far j!i» tiocisrh t!i«t vhich it is unaHf to do for itiri/, *rci whsa bit slightly ili'oilcKil cr L irimijtil. llo. ltl supplies the Batumi juiee* cf ui- K* »aj «lce« the wo-V. of the stom [ aek, rcUxiax Utc acrvou t-n»»..n,'«h.k --the iattained mu*cks of that orj>u arc allowed to rent and heal. Kudo! whtt yoneat acd C«ajbles the Uoiuach aad dtptlin oqus to Uamfoaa all ifoed4»U> tkh, |Ublood. &K. Bigg*. of the United Staies, President Roosevelt, hare a right to expect s action from you against the trusts ( ! ia gentral, and the coal trust in particular. No conspicuous public . man of your party has so vehe mcnt|y as yourself expressed a de sire to protect the public from spol- j iatioa at the hands cf combinations lof predatory capital. And you have . well said that •'words are goodj 1 I when backed up by deeds and only | ; The bills are fakes and bluffs. 1 , thr y would not reduce railroad rat s ; . they would not prevent rhe mono polies of raw materials which is the t trump card of the trust-; they leave 1 . the power of initiative in the hands 1 of the Attorney-General. , What Wall Street thought of these j- • bills is evident lroin the fact that! , si cks, both railroad and industrial j ■ rose rapidly for two or three days 1 . after the bills were introduced. * * * , i The American Beet Sugar Asso 1 " 1 ciatian met in Washington on I'e : cember Bth, and passed resolutions 1 I withdrawing its opposition to the . ratification of the reciprocity treaty 1 i. {•veen Cuba and thet'nitcd c t'ites ,! A second set of resolutions were I passed protesting against the stim , lulation of the tobacco and sugar , industries in the Philippine Islands, ' and alio"opposing the introduction 1 'of Chinese contract labor in either the Philippine and Hawaiian Is lands. Subsequent to the meeting ' there was considerable discussion ' as to the authority of the members ' present to pass resolutions binding ' the policy of the Association, but 1 : nine fictories being actua ly rep- ' resented yut cf more than thirty. President Oxnard, however, 1 stated that he voted twelve proxies 1 in favor of the resolu'.i lis, which, ia addition t) the seven whic 1 ! others whose representatives voted 1 favorably, makes more than a ma !' . jjosity and clothes the action of the 1 meeting wilh full authority. A|e- ' cnliar feature of the meeting was 1 the fact that not a single Michigan ' delegate was present, and the ac- 1 lion was said to have beer taken w ithrr-.t their approval. The M chi 1 jjjui■ liect.Sugar Association, a St tie rganv.atioii, passe-1 reio'utions .' last month of an almost Opposite i : tenor to H4oSC.passed by the Amer 1 icari Beet Sugar Association ' but J J f .Mr. Oxnard when quo tioned about I, this, stated tlfat the.Mibhigan lac p li>ries really tavored the resolutions j Ihe next day rep Aentatites otj' the Michigaij Peet Sugo Assncia-j j tion were in conference at the Cap- J. itol with their delegation in Con !■ K tess. Th? Michigan men whose or ' gani/ation is separate from the National Beet Sugar Association, J | still are opposed to taiiff reduction. They say that the National Asso eiation included beet growers and , viaiuifaclurers of the tar west who , would not be hurt by a2a per ct . (reduction as Ihe frei lit on Cuban| ' suj*aj from the Atlantic Seaboard to r the Rocky Mountains airl the Pa I jeitic Coast h'tjtes would equalize! j the reduction. The Michigan Beet Sugar ( ! makers bower, they say, or on the th in-' line and would feel the coin *! 1 ' . ( petnion of the Cuban sugar.' " •* * * There two sides to tha Cuhai reciprocity inn((er and the treat) ! as a good many rocks ahead hc r fore i) will have smooth sailing. Il terns that Mr. Oxnard has been ( repudiated by the Michigan men, and the Congressional dele gation from that State are still on ( the anxious seat. Senator Burrows jof Michigan, and Dietrich of Ne braska, have *igui£ed their intcn _ tion of opposin * the treaty in lU/ cntiiety. Oespit: the attitude ct the Lett sugar interests of Michi- Igan, it is generally l>cUe.(d that Senator Alger will support tin " i treaty even against the protests ot : his constituents. It is said the ' | California senators are wa-.cring and may join the oppnents of the " • treaty. Alt this uncertainty makes II * i. on | DOKS IT PAY TQ pry CHEAP? r1 ' « : A cbcap rvmcdr for aad coils j is ail hut you want KMncthius tlut | will iclicvc and cure Uic nvwp severe and (Ungerons irsnhs of threat sad lang L> 1 roubles. What shall you do? GO to a ' warmer and more regular climate ? * ! pcdiblt; if not pouihle for yon, thea ia j tiijicr rase take the ONI.Y remedy that j lias I ecu ia»roJnryrl in all cieiliiol coca- It ) trie* witli aucevu la thrpat and 11 lung troubles, " Besehee'*' t>cruati 1. ! Syrup." It not only heals and stisinlaics to destroy the germ disccase. | but aUays ir.i; jiumation, causes easy ex e t jiectoratian, gives a MkUt's rc*t.2nd e j runes the patient. Try O-VRbottle. Rcc » . (Uuuieaded numy yeaaa by all drqggists b ia the world. You can get Dr. G. G. 1 j Green's reliable retnediea at S. R. Bispc ]Ge| CBM'.»rW the Administration senators uneasy ( orer the Dctcot, especially as the ( cf the senate is being frittered away in long speeches on the j statehood hi!L * * * Speaker Henderson has recanted from some of his extreme trust : Jeis ai.d has been induced by. President Rooserelt to allow the i ' trusts baster bill to be considered, |by Congress. This concession by ' • Mr. Henderson to the pleadings of ' the President are not to be without' !re ar aid, for the Washington Times says: "It was learned this morning that Speaker Henderson may be rewarded far his favorable attitude on the qucsti n of trust legislation vat the preser.t session Congress.'' j j the ssme article also says that the Sjaket much desires a diplomatic ' berth. * ** * : . s, In the event cf the resignation wfftTn Congress of Representative [j. D. Richardson which at this | tune seetns probable there will be jome lively contents among the re in;>in;iig I adds of the Demociatic t'arly the irajxxtant I positions noV (;upitd by the -.utesmen from Tennessee. I Mr. Rlchaidson, as the minority ! leader, is a member of the Commit le; on Rules, and that on Ways and Means t«o of the most impor tant committees of the House. Representatives Join Sharp Will- I iams and Champ Clark are candi ! dates for the speakership nomina tion of the minority. "litis nomi nation by a democratic Caucus I c irries with it a position 01. the Committee on Ru'es, and the prac | tice has been in tiie past to place l:he minority leader on tte Commit tee on Ways and Means as well. There s ill be three Democrats •*n the Commi tec on Appropria-> t «>t.». Representative Jas. Hay, I the Chairman of the democratic I Caucus will undoubtedly be trans terreal iroin the Minority Committee to that of Appropriations, and Rep resentative s Bruitditlge of Alabama -.vill be a .rancid to the same Com inittce. Ciuuii A. EvfaM. dcmtt work v. Tbi* is easier saui than done, vet it may )« of »>ote help to consider the matter if li..- cause u HiT.rthinj; over which yvu ! lute no it is ulivioai worry r I ttigiriU not he!]-the metier in the !ea»t : Vn [tie other hand, if within your eon- I ->4 joa hnt nly to act. When ytt l Iwt*' m c-id and Icu M attack of | neu t.ubu Ut a lottie of lh«mt>eiUiu'> I v.'iai);!i and utc it judiciocclj ; >nd allctcic worry u to the outec-me jtitl 4ji.11) There u no dan ger of | Trum!i: > a lieu it is used. For I oie for N- S. Ikd & Co. GOVERNOR'S MESSAGE > —r* I CoxHKt'F.l) FROM FIRST PAGE. Icall the tjeffcMim together in' extra session would cost the State ! more than the interest* on two hun-' j lrcd t'.ioUNaad do'dtrs, and it ws» > not thought that the LegUlatute 1 would hesitate to make provision ' I for meeting the appropriations j j which it had theretofore made, jWe wetc unwilling to fasten upon I the State a debt running for fifty I years and bearing six per cent it:- ! terest. We. therefore, determined ' f |v»-siUe to borrow the two ltun j lrcd thousand dollars until provis- I .on coahl b»- made by your Honor - [ ible Body for meeting the difficul ties which confronted us. Our I Treasurer, with advice of the i Council of State, and myself went I to New Ywk s;id secured the loan j of two hundred thousand 4 altars af. J four and one-half per cent per sn 'uußi interest, payable semi annu 1 ail v. All fhe facts were Jloid be fore the lender at>d u is jjq small i tribute to the business qualifier. ;i«of nor Trt*H«er nd to the State that Mr. Lacy was enabled to secure this loan. Uy its use up have been enabled to furnish the necessary money for the public schools and have nearly completed the promised additions to the Mor- Kanton Asylam. It is impossible to meet the floating debt of the | Slate, togc-ihea »ith current expen ises and the absolutely neves?arj \ perxmmM improvements 90 Jo: 1 : current revenues. It is, therefore, j apparent to me that it b neccessary jto is ue bonds with which to pay jof the present indebtedness and if I thought wise to complete the im provewbirh have already beco begun and tbasac h h^cji found by your Honorable Body to be absolutely necessary in the im mediate future. I recommend that authority Ik given to the Governor and ConncS of Stale to Im** m taxable bonds is an amount not to, ■ - ■ • exceeding five hundred thound dollars ($500,000), the boods to run for fifty years, to bear a rate . of interest to be naimed in the Act, to be add for not leas than par. I ; believe that a three per cent bond can be sold at par. The credit of the State is and ought to be excri . lent. Her present condition is i that of unexampled prosperity. , The value of her property is in : creasing annually at a great rate, . her debt is small compered with J ' the debts of other States and she I meets without question and on i time every recognized and honest' obligation. If the property of the | State now held as investments was i sold' at the present market value it I AXHtld bring almost enough to pay! ; our entire bond..-J indebtedness. 11 i have been all my ilfe much oppo»- to issueing bonds, bat to do so now I ,is not an unmixed evil It is prob- j ably belter to care for the ncces-1 I. - I sary permanent tinpro- cments in I our present condition by a bond! issue, than to burden our reviving | industrial ami agricidturai inter ! jests with high taxation with which | to supply the needs of the great works which the people have pro-1 * jtcted. If we can accomplish the! education of aii our children, caret for til? alllictcii. build good toads. I develop our industries, and increase I our agricultural productions as we I are now doing ue nil! in a short "time have a State rich euengh to meet every obligation without ex cessive taxation on anybody. How ■ev c*r, if your Houarable Body can ffnd a better way in which to pro vide for the absolute appropria-1 tious I shall be much gratified. If bonds arc issued I suggest! that a portion of them be in small I denominations so that they may bel . taken by our own people as an »n --vc •.incnt. The condition of out , citizens at present is one of much prospeity and I believe that quite a j number of the bends will be sought I ■ for by the in. CONTUSION. There arc many matters not not j ed 111 this message which w ill claim I your attention. Perhaps 110 Gene ! ral Assembly has ever assembled in I the State in time of peace that has J had greater opportunity for real] service to the state. Yott will not I for get the dread of our people oil debt and their oppo ition to exces sive taxation, nor will you fail to appreciate the great undertakings the State has entered upon and the larger future for which we til so earnestly hope. Money I wisely and prudently expended! now in behalf of those things which tend to develop the State will prove I j a ficucficial inve*tntetj|. I;cotiomy should not be ovet looked nor should jiar.-iiiict.y in the expenditure of . rtoney for our larger growth hin der" our development. There is but one way only to serve the peo ple well and that is do the right thing, trusting t'-.eia as they may ever le trusted, to approve the things which count for the Letter I ment of the State, . : l'ar a bad taste in the month take a I few do*s of Chamberlain's Stomach and I iver Tablets. Price 25 cents. Warranted t> care. For *ale bv X. S. Feel &Co~ —r A Proclamation By The Governor. S3OQ REWARD. STATU OF XaaTH CAKOUXAI Kimm OrracTHKSt | WHEBKAS. oScMI mtonuiH fcaatrM rr tl«a u T*i» DeraiTßUT tkat X lavmct , Canlacr Muds dmgtd with Ihc n u4 ■«!*t of Victoria initin ia Martia Caaatjr A»t> *>trt» H j Uitacr Carrfuet tj. ijod the Stale oe *> eoa eoh hinelt Oat j 11 nrfWlr i OBHt t» Mrmtspca tits. Xowr To««m:. I. Chartea X Aycaek. Gn . etaor rf the State o» S.ith CaroUaa. hyWrtae ■- .-.'hanij tame rx-u: ' bj law. Aa iaaae this ■* f*ocu*ir»|i a maid rffja* • - f »the sptaaheatioa set *lmi; mt IW a4 »• liwDte Cinlacr la the Sheritf af Ma-tin \ Caaaty at the Cuart-hoaac ia Villita* ia. aad ,l*> e«jfa an ,ke:« of (he State aad an foad ifUaiiaiaiilic Ui^i«|twL.iialaall«jM I Dat at aar City of Saletg, the lUi Ca» af Jaatair. ia the jtat I O**AT 1 of car Uort lac thoaaaad atac 1 «».« | baadrad aad three.ard ia the • «ae haadnd aad t«nt;aenath year af aar | Americas Indepeadeao-. cnilUE* X AVCOCX. 8* the • ! r. n, rEARSAi.!., rinCe Secretary- t« 5 NOTICE Having qualified as Administrator apow the estate of Isaac Shtnod, deceased, notice is kerrbr jim to all ] emu kuld -1133 chins against said Estate to praaeat tbem to the radtrngßtd for pnyxieut cm ■ ( or lafal the sh day at jmavmrj 1904. Iwr tits sutler v»»t» pleaded hi har at their nanay. AU ia to said estate are requested to aiaVe laasie diate parmecv. This ith day at Jaanary 19a}. Tlrirty Days Was My Life's Limit. Agony From Inherit* ed Heart Disease. Dr. Miles* Heart Cure , Cured Me. Ore person m every four ka a weak leaf. Uaiet promptly treated a *ot heat *4 Atataemn i ftnia Iron aay cause it «»«ficimr to beaeaa I this deadly maladr, the as A eoouu c -*a 1 nf a idea death, lit. MiW llr»:t Cn ail i j : AC op the hruCi actios, eassds the blood •, —i iapraxe Ike rmralaf.-a- WRTH cxtjirH 2*4 I KM " a)»s i .-pp sed K cuki! !ht Ik« i (Ipiuactd r-.jr heart. I tad t'* ami •TBpLaa cf slreplecsaes. Vat appetae, coa st ipat: n. palpitation it tie Uvt, intaM of br. at:> aad pua aitwi lU brat a mrf atv drr le.'t irsa. My mahtr aaflc.fl is tfee I«1C way ul 1 tmppote max wax u iakerrd ' lender ry. At oct tiove I »a B agouw. I HlerH SO Krcrr'y aad became so actk tte ny doctor* said I cootd tM In ttsrty darn. At this time I had Mt slept vtf M ko.-n a f.£ht os aer~jnt cf I.LI I „ieiwess. "1 be least exercise: sues as veia-ag a&cnL woal I bong oa r-al}>UtiOß u-i Catraj« the heart» seme that i amU base u. pt rp crsjthitf act Rtt Nrrw asd Lns rdk cared aw o) coutifuliui at i Lcrt napUat disappeared win the a faesre , « I>r. Miles' \e* He-irt Care. I aa n letter IK JHI sLaa 1 BIK BEEN U L«ric T- u\aad I tbaak Pi. Uiltt' Kcnet'f* Sera. , 1 t«iittk they are lb; pinkit r.iaatse* ea eafb aad I a*a cumai fir aau.iat them t * t:r Hewk'-lto. 1_ f. Casmil, i Waisiuihx, Tex. All tlrargius tell and fiir mini bee tle Dr. Sead I t tree book aa Kcnrcw aad Heart Atieaa Or. Miles Medical Co, LlLhart, lad. LEGAL ADVERTI SE.IE STS DISSOLUTION NOTICE I Oa January lit, 1903. by mutral na 1 arat, the Ann of VV. R lloaanl iwt Co, at llsssell, N. C-. diaaVtved partnership 1 on account of the withdrawal of Sits. A , B' Salisbury 16 41 W. R. HOWARD aad CO. STATE Or KOKTU C »«OUNA I x " i 9 *- Martin Count*- J I, J. C Cniwf*tl,SliPiis of the Coot) of Martin in the Statr of North Careiiaa do hereby certify that the EoJic* ut£ «4e- Kiiikd real estate in S-ifcl Coeatr tad State, to' wit: yaince Sloutt latere.t ia one town k-t in fSrssete. was c* tte sth day of May, k»li da!v sold by ase ia the nt*n:er provided by U* foe the deJin qjer.t taxes for Hit year sgoi. tkereta, amounting to Pint Dt-Uarsarsd Niaety threrCenU.inclcding intee*: HK I there "i. aad the cat atVvr -I be Uw U Frank KvtrtM. Jr. (cok-redi for the iail sum ©f Jl 93. hr belli; the behest '«>Vl for the same (or such land! having bees offered at pvblic file foe u»r> an 1 sald.l Aad i further certify that ua?e» rrksip- 1 tion is tuaile of said re*l obs; ia the Manner provided by U» . Uii- said Frank j Jr.. col., heirs or si 9 be entitted to a deed thditfw. ce and af ter the sth day of MJT, A- D.. * surrender of this cntibutt. ( In nilhess where f. I have fcereanU» set raj hand. thi» sth day cf May, A- D 190 a. »' J. C. CRAWFORD. STATE Or NOETM CAROUKA t SS Martin County. • I I, J. C. Crawford, Sheriff of theCGttn j ty of Martin, in the State • f Sat*. 1 Cat iiaa, tlo hereby cot'fy lW& !■ »•* de»crilisd real estate ia said Coestj sai State, to-wit: B. E. Stictsch's ofcttsl ia -oe town let in raimcte. ■»» oa the Uh day of May. 19.1. aUlby««iatbeun let [ mvnled by law for tte taxes for the year 1501 tlews. asaab ing b> Four cludirß interest and pccatty IWJTO SJHI the cat allowed by law to Frank Eittttt. jr.. colored, for the smn of Foer D»lhn and Ten Cents, beins; the highest bs-kkr for the Mitise (or such luiU kmtag t«« offered at public sale for bT.j lad u4d.) And I fnrther certify 11i..t csks redemp tion is tucde cf said real ia the provided by law. lire laid Frask Ererett. Jr., colored, heirs cr«rigM.»iß br entitled to a deed therefor, oa asd af ter the sth day of May, 1903. aa sencad er of this certificate. Ia witness whereof, I have hereaato act my hand, this sth day of May, A D 19 J p. ]. C CRAWFURD. SkeHff KOTICE OF DISSCLUTIQIL To ANOOM rt MAT COXOESX. The firm of Horton and gyitua has this day beea dissolved by nratoal coaneat. Byrom having pan based the rntire in tereit of A. Ilottoa ia raid Cnaud as sumes all delita, and collects i 3 ncsw due tbe firm of Hortoo aad IvtA Willilsrvkin. N. C-, Jaa j-tflcj. SIGNED »J. II Rvsr* 13 4t i A- ft*«a PUBLIC SAIfE Valuable 8 wain p. By order of the Scperiar coart of Mar tin county entered ia the ipecial pro-' ceed'ng there pendinj; there ftjkd |. P. Jthiwwi, Francis D.Wis»>«a aad Gccsge T. Wuistcn. unun.aai to the cocut, 1 wiHsrll for cash (a tc-aale: having beea decreed) bcCoee the siaseaf Slade, Janes 3t Co.. IN HAMILTON, N. C-. rionday, Fthrsuy iM, 1503 that certaia tract cf Swamp LxcdtalSar tia coostr, N. C., known as Joseph J. WSUam'a "tcrg Ridfe til cMtaisirttcct fCy acres fw trlsu. . TMilhr. 19-1900. LEGAL ADVERHSEJtHrrS. NOTICE. Noara. CACDUU \ Exeortioa - MAKM curxrv { ' Sale. J. A. P. Laae vs. Merrick O titter bridge. By rirtcc cf ss execution directed la tbe aadet signed from the Superior coart of Martin oooaly m the abowe entitled arlioa. 1 *ill on Monday the _ind day of Fekrtary 1903, at 12 o'clock, noon, at the Coart HRU doer cf said county, setl to the highc* b:ddcr for cash, to satisfy said emUice. a7l tbe right title aad ia tescst which the sait! t)utter brsdge. defeadant, has in the followias •iescrtbed Real Estate to wit: One House aad Ut ia Crocs Roads Township adjoia iwg the lands of Mrs. E. V. Everett aad I -:*l..CT. containing oae acre more or lea; |it bestz the same preioises where the said Ocllalxidge now resides. This mil day cf Dec. 1902. J. C. CRAW'FORD, »>«t Sheriff. Administrator's Notice. Uavisg acalificd as administrator u(.oa the estate cf R. \\ bu.haid, deceased, scticr is hereby given to all persons bold sag (latci against said estate to J>reveat 'Jbesa to the for payment oa or hefese :33d day of December 1903, or this aotice v. ill be plead in bar of their recovery. AH jersons indi bted to said -state are requested to make immediate ya.i—l at. ---- - —— -1—...: v This ipd day of December 190 a. J. U. WHICHARD, «3-fit- " Administrator. Executor's Notice. llaviag qnalifie-l as excutor of W. S. Askew, deocaaed, aotice ia hereby givea to all creditors of said estate to preseat their ciaiais to me duly provea on cr be fore the Ist day of January, 1904, or (hie aotice will be plead ia bar of their recovery. All parties indebted to said estate are requested to stake ias ■ediHe paymment. This Dec. 12- 1902. S. R. BIGGS ut- Executor. NOTICE! This day tbe firm cf O. K. Cowing aad Ca, hat been dissolved by mutual con. seat. We accett and will pay all ilaims against okl firm, and all parties owiag said £rn will liiake payment to us. Thi>. Dec. 291b, 19^2. J B. HARRIS and CO. i-|{t Successors. NOTICE! I wish to say that the 'inn of O. K. Cowing and Co. .has th'u day been dissoW led by mutnU c ■nsent.sp.cceeded by J.R. Hani: and Cetttpany who asnuccs all'li si'ttics of tbe old firm. I nm in no way .«.-*---Lted er cf>nnected with the firm ot J. B-Harristad Co., and will not be held it. lie for any debts or contracts which •hey hate laade or may make make. •141 O. K. COWING. This Die. *•*!»-190J. ' -" " ' 11 Ml . l ■ KOTICE OF DISSOLUTION. • TO UIiCM IT MAY COXCULN. The Crm of Taylor and Pippin has this day been dii solved by mutual ccnseat, Tay tor having put chared tb« rntire in terest of Pippin in the concern and a* -rires all and collects all mcnisa dee the Cim cf Taylor and Pippin. Gold Feint, N. C., Nov. 1-1909. SIGNED 1 R. T. TAYIXJR. i| «t / M. V. PIPPIN Laud Sale! By virtue cf an order cf the Clerk of the Superior coart of Martin county ia aa em parte proceeding entitled W.M Pcrry goatdian cf Fcttie Gray.°l will offer for •ale at tbe Cemrt House in Williamstoa oa M«day, February 2nd, 1903, the fol lowing piece or parcel of wit:—A ,P let ia the town of Williams ton on Maia street, adjoining Main street oa the Nceth, N. S Peel on tbe East, Atlantic Coast Lice R. R. cn the South atyk jark Hoard and Mrs. James E. Rodgersoa oa tbe West, containing one acre more er leas. Terms of sale, cash. This Dec. 26-1902. W.M.PERRY, M-4t- Guardisa. Commissioner's Sale By virtue of aa order of J. A. Hobba, Clerk of the Superior Court, ia the pro ceeding entitled H. K. Harrell against Florence Gocdridge aad others, we will der for rale at the Court House ia Wi|i l : .'TTtfn on Monday, February 2ad, to Ike highest bidder for cash the fol|*r« iac piece cr pareeiof land, |o«it: ias and being in the eonnty of' llart|(| . adjoisiag the Brown heirs an the Hherrcd's mill pond on the East, the Hy, eaa heirs oa the South and John T. Blown on the West, containing oae-kab dred acres more or less, aad know* as Martia V. Jchascn lind and now ocem pscd by L. F. CccSridge and wife. This Dec. 1 J. s. T. Waldo f Wheeler Martin, j Cent. Ccffimissicncr's Sale. N«eth Carolina \ iianra Connty | Ia Scpertcr Court. 1 Sasea Lee vs. aad Jot Let. et- (L Ev virtue cf an order cf the Superior Cotut, I will cn Mecday, tte ad day iff February. 1903, rt 12 o'clcek, m., oa the, sell FOR CASH to the est bidder, thst piece or parcel cf land hi Martia couatv, eemtnoaly known as tbe Eiin Lee place, and adjoiuing the lands pf ReddealKaox.the Uny Glisten lands .. Rol Pohcek and the Porter lands, eca. abnut ic* atse* pospw* «l •ale being for divisto* among the heird KeaeH EU ' ''