THE ENTERPRISE. rrHUMiKD kvkby nan it —AT— «illiamMoo. B.C. ALFKKD 8. WHITMORK, . . KlllTO* AND Pr*HIiUKR .. . If»*stmil*rwi»!ir»thc p»prr «toj>prl the prtllilin DMI tic aoti£ci and uiharriplicn mUmr l UKiiimnlii an which no naml-rr of iuettwai i* marked. will he icaiV.fd •"till «W' up to date of ducoatiim Mp iIIm mi Ml' dlnc&utioucd lifforr the time ■Mrtmlrd fo» ha»expired will he c'i»'K« , t aicat rate* fur thr time actually pubiiihed. Xooannaicatian noticed without the name of the writer arcoiapanies it—not to he p»!>- feat a» a guarantee of good faith. t»run>iK R*ri.»:—One luch oue inaertloa ta ce>l> KaHi Mihwt)urnt iniertiatt jo cent*. ■uwm I*wcal« 10 cent* a line. OUtiuim and Resolutions of Respect, all orer Hara. sorat-a line. Cmpf tm AdTtttUemenU, or change of Atlvrr trnert*. auM le b thU cfHin not later than Wedaeadar noon. HMCtirTlOStiml YKAK IN ADVANCE Entered at the I'.'-l ttffirr at WllUamston, M. btcuiul Cls» Mail Matter. Friday*. Jaxuaky 23, 1903 Tlie coal famine lnus forced upward the price of meats. What n*xt'! r The "verdict in tho state a gaiust James Wilcox was mur der in the .second degree, the penalty for which is 30 years iu the fctatc Prison. If Wil - cox is guilty at all a hang ing would have been more in accordance with justice, Uit lite will of the people must Lei Rubim.Mve to the decision il the twelve men. Our legislators are doing a vast amount of work if the pacing of hill* counts. The whickcy bills ore, perhaps, - creating more interest than any other. If there is one thing needful in .our State 'tis wise liquor legislation. The saloons are a curse and tho peo ple should have a voice in say ing whether the curse shall remain or not. The shooting of Editor Gon zales «of the Columbia State by Lieut. Governor Tillman, of South Carolina, is tho latest act of the notorious Tillmana, and justly deserves tho indig nation of an outraged public. The Tilhnans have disgraced the noble State in which they live. It is a matter of wonder why the citizens do not rise in their strength and cast these defders out. The noble Gonzales has last ed death, brave to the last/TTi.V murderer lies in jail and will meet the punishment .due liiin, ifSouth Carolinians d> their full duty. Below we copy«*tu article frointhc lii thin m l Timeswhich expresses the case clearly. I "'Tilhnanism Ins nga ii j brought Stite of Soutjpt Carolina iu'.o contempt. The Lieutenant-Governor of the State, Tillman by name ( armed himself with two revol- Ters and went q»t for blood He was at enmity with Edit or Gonzales, of the Columbia State, but the provocation W.M old. and so the act of the Lieu- j tenant-Governor was deliber ate. He violated the law first of all when he went on the streets with concealod weapons in Irs pocket. Then meeting' lus enemy in tho public sreets, a courageous, unarmed man. he fired upon him with u view of takig his life, lie shot u liolo through the editor's body and aras about to shoot again, .but h : s i«rv« teemed to fail him vrfien Gonzales JookeJ him in the face aud called hitu a cow ard and darp 1 him to shoot another bullet. >w— *lic«tefttfnt-Goveruor TiUrnan had jast jefi thj State House, where h&- tfid presided ovc-r{ \ the deliberations of the Senate. was there as one of the Jaw-makers of the State, he was there as a representative of law and order, he was there to help make laws for the peo ple. Yet he descended from that high position with pistols in his pocket, wer.t out upon I the street and attempted to mur ■ der a fellow citizen under of the r very shallow of the State House. ! Strangely enough th : s tragedy was tbo outgrowth of a person -1 al difficulty iu th Uuited States r Senate between Senator Mc- Laurin and Senator Benjamin > 1). Tillman, the uncle of the Lieutenant-Governor. r And so oue disgraceful act of ' the Tillinan family leads to an other. It seems to be a family of rowdies and bullies. Tillmanism has been a blight upon this noble State from the day that it thowed its ugly head. It is surprising to us that the good people of the State do not rise iu their might and crush it, and retire every man of the name public life." fNCONSCIors FROM CROUP. Daring a sodden ami terrible attack of croup otir little j;irl \s hc unconscious front straHgtflatfoii, iays A. l«i t.pafford, post ' master. Oldster. Midi.-, and a (lose of One Minute Cough Cure was administer ed ami repeated often. It reduced the swelling and inflammation, cut the mu cus and shortly the child was resting easy and speedily recovered. It cures Coughs, Colds. I*n(>rippe, and all Throat and I.ung Troubles. One Minute Cough Cure lingers in the throat and chest and enables the Hangs to contribute pure, he.ilth-giving oxygen to the blood. S.R. Biggs. ' WASHINGTON LIiTTER. (I'rorn our S;>ecial Correspondent. ( The Congress of the United States ttas been agitated tais.week by the coal i(tieslion. It has been coal, coal, coal" in both the Mouse anil the Senate ami the agitation cf t*>e •|uestion has shown tip the false pictense and hypocri y ol the re publican party ami the sincerity of' the democrats in t' cir endeavors to do some'liing in the interest of the people who are freezing to death I all over the north while the anth racite Coal barons are shoving up j the price and reaping the harvest of dollars. Ths agitation has re , suited in the elimination oLjhe ta- j rili of 67 cents a ton on anthracite C- al, which the republicans said, at the beginning of this session, ' should not be touched. As I have previously said in this nothing would! ever b. 1 done by the republicans in j the way of .1111T revision or reduc-J tion until the demand by the people j became so !otid that all might hear and this prediction has been veri fied by the results of this agitati n on the coal question. F.arly in this season a democrat, Mr. Cochran,of! Missouri, went to the chairman of] committee I>II Ways and Meansaml I asked him if he would give him a hearing for an argument on such j a bill as has just passed the Con gress. that is, th; repeal of the ta I rill 011 anthracite coal provided he J hwould tiling him a petitition from 1 aV majority of the members of the I House, regardless of politics, and was met .with the answer that j ho would better bring with hint a copy o! the Lord's prayer. In other j words, he «as turn* d down ij tf and C-ld and no of words and no appeals irom a democratic source K'oitld budge the re publican chairman * ho had charge of the late of the freezing people. Then Senate, through Senator Vest, o( Miisoyri. took up the mat ter Bi d was pressing it koine to the republican in such nt itiit r that cam; a'gn of the protected interests in Mr Aldtich.of Rhod Island saw th.t soot thing had to j lia done or he would lose control of his rcputdcan cjltoit* iu the Senate and give the democrats some good campaign material by allowing a I democratic measure for the relief of j tUt ppop'.e to go luough the Sen late Avht.b tl.e (Icuse could not af ( id> to turn d.wo. Il w uiied for tima and sahk'itere trnuitl t>e some thing doing in (his regard front a repub'i an q tarter aod that all measures affecting the revenues ct the government should originate iu ths ifojse, Sure enough the Sen ate, playing t u .e of politics while people freeze refused to Cjm\- , hider the Vest neasurc and allowed the House Committee on Ways and Means to bring in a bill taking the 1 tajiXT off coal for the period of one! ' J Mr . U>us making, ostensibly, a great show of interest for the wel fare of the people. The bill passed the House by a practically unani mous vote, every democrat in the House voting for it and the only six votes sgainat tne measure were from hide bound protect!olist re publicans. The bill was immediate ly rushed to the Senate and there it met a snag, as the republicans had beome alarme J and when it came up it was amended so that the ta riff on anthracite coal alone wis completely eliminated without ref erence to time, much to the aston ishment and chagrin of the ultra protectionists like Aldrich. It was rushed back to the House and the Senate amendment was concurred in amfd the cher rs and jeers of the democrats. They had compelled the republicans to swallow a dose of good democratic doctrine l»y knocking one hole in the protective tariff bill, and they had a yell com ing to them. 'I his is the beginning of the end. The people h£ve compelled this concession from the tariff barons and it ha? been rung from them by democratic contention and the people start on the democratic road once they will not stop untd they have gone farther than this. Mark the prediction. * • a Another phase of this coal busi ness has been the exposition of the fake prom : ses cn the part of thi? administration to deal wi h the trust question. Loud and were the promises made by the Presid nt of the United States in the cam paign last fall that the trusts must be compelled and must obey tlie law of the land. How have those promises been kept? With the exception of a cou;>le of bluffs made at the beef trust and the Nor thern Pacific Railroad mergrrs, net one thing has been done an.l yet the evidence of the existence «t trusts have been tl-rust at the At torney General of the L'nited States only to be utterly ignored by that trust controlled official. At his own expense, Mr. William j Randolph Hearst t e editor and j proprietor the New Vork, ! the Ch'cago American and the Sati Fransisco Kxamincr through his attorneys, gathered ampleevidence of the existence of the anthracite | coal trust and the combination of j the coal roads of Pennsylvania to convict them under the the Slicr- I man antitrust law both civilly and criminally,*- All litis evidence was . placed in the hands of t e District { Attorney in New Vork and he was {about to make a report of it to the 1 Alt iney General "cf the United Stilts when he was told t > hold the ! matter in abeyance in New Vork jand to tak'? no at.t.oll. It his been 111 his hands since the 50th day cf | last Octobe% arid could have been iu Washington in twelve hours at any tiine the authorises here might ask fur it Why lias it not been called for Why has t'.e Altorney !General not i.tkeV soni■ action? j When Senator Jones, of Arkansas lin the tcnate and Mr. Gaines, of reiincsse -, in the House, both . f fercd resoluli ns asking the evi dence presented by Mr. Hearst be furnifhed to the Congress for its inspection in or.:er that it mght pass judgment on the facts and as-1 certain whither Mr. Hearst had made.a good case. Tie majorities in both bedies promptly sent th se resolutions to the judi ciary committee whete they have t.cen pigeon holed and where they A' ill rot. They do not want any light shed Q" this question. 1 hey do not want tiia| evide .ee to get into the hands of competent law years. 1 hey know fn'.l well that Mr. H»arjt has n-ade out a good case and that the Attorney Gener al of the United Stales is respon sible, is guilty of crimtiWt! negli gence, 1; h - had taken action un der the law as it ej sts to day/on the evidence furnbhed him by Mr. tleatst, it would have obiviated this coal famjnc, it wo-jld have pre vented the c*tor|jonaie prices that have placed coal out o! the reaoh of the poor people of the country, thereby causing death and untold suffering. Who is respo is ble for this ? The on v artsw rlan be that It i* Jhe republican Attorney Gen eral of the b'nued States and the republican President of Ihe United States wLo fails Jto comp 1 this creature to a*t when the evidence is before him. He has sworn to execute the laws of the couotry. Has he done so in this instance ? I his sTenuous man, who, they »r. can do no wrong, and who. they say la so immensely popular A*er the country. They say he , «•*«» like other men, ; DO YOU GET UP WITH A LAME BACK? ] KMMi Trouble Hakes Ton Miserable. • Almost everybody who reads the news paper* is sure to know of the wonderful y _jj I. cures msde by Dr. .—i-ify ill Kilmer'sSwtmp-Root, i J 111 ths ereat kidney, liver C I li and bladder remedy. I -fl I f FKS i Lfi His ths great imA- J Lll f*' H | cal triumph of the nine ; |,V4JI 1 Hi ,Bent ' l century; dis- I'fjl'l li covered after years of Jff=Jl 1 M|! scientific research by 1 •/) fr~l I Dr. Kilmer, the emt U 1 U A.- - ' nent kidney ssd biad — ■ 1 ' der specialist, and is ' wonderfully successful In promptly curing I lame back, kidney, bladder, uric acid trou bles and Bright'* Disease, which Is the worst 1 form of kidney trouble. Dr. Kilmer s Swamp-Root is not roo ' onunended for everything but If you have kid ' ney. liver or bladder trouble It will be found Just the remedy you need. It has been tested | In so many ways, in hospital work, in private 1 I practice, among the helpless too poor to pur . chase relief and has proved so successful In every case that a special arrangement has ' been made by whlcn all readers of this paper . who hare not already tried It, may have a ample bottle sent free by mall, also a book telling more about Swamp-Root and how to . find out if you have kidney or bladder trouble. When writing mention reading this generous I offer in this paper and send yo«r address to ftffKpM Dr. Kilmer St Co.,Btnjj regular fifty Cent and Hanaotlwaap-Raat dollar sixes are sold by all good druggists. Don't make any mistake, but remember the name. Swamp-Root. Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, and the address, Binghamton, N. Y., on every bottle. but that he does not intend t6 make them. If he made a mistake in this instance di I he intend it or not ? lie knew of the existence of this evidence produced by Mr. Hearst He was thoroughly informed of it all. If his Attorney General would i not act why did his master compel him to do so and thereby keep his| oath to execute the laws ? It is up to him to expalin all his anti trust vociferations on the stump last tall. If they were not merely the hot air moutnings of a street fakir selling soap from the tail gate of a wagon then he should compel his man, Knox to take some action at once on the evidence placed in his hand* by Mr. Hearst. 'I he truth is that the administra tion intends to do nothing to in jure the trusts which are its es pecial care at d in its keeping and the country owes a debt of grati tude to Mr. William R. Hearst for i his unselfish donation to truth, f r' bis th orough expose of the false , relencc and hypocrisy of republi can praise and fur the indubitable evidence of the existence of at least! I or.c trust that should be prosecuted , I both civilly and criminally under j lexisting law. THF SECRET OF LONG LIFE. Consists in keeping all the main | organs of the body in he'Mthy, reg- j ukr action, and in quickly destroy-1 ing deadly disease "gettits. Electric' Bitters regulate Stomach, Liver and Kidneys, purify the blood, and give a splendid appetite. ' They work ; I wonders in curing Kidney Troubles, ! ! Female Complaints, Nervous I>is- j eases, Constipation, Dyspepsia, and ] Malaria. Vigorous health and ' strength always follow their use. j Only 50 ceuts, guaranteed by all druggtsts. * The Shllialah. Tilt' sli'.llnlnh Is not n more vtlck ! picked up fur n few police or cut omhu- I nlty out of the common bodgo. I.lka th? A rut) niniv, It trows to umturlty under the footcriiiK euro of Its owner, j Tlir Kliillnlnli. like the poet, Is liorn, not made. Like IJIO poet, too, It Is n 1 clioleo plnnt. nnd Its growth Is | 1 Auioug W.UOO blackthorn shoots per- | tui|is imt more than one Is fbntlnctl to bt\imw> famous Imt one of the 10,000 ' appears of alnirntnr lltneM. A* soon a* 1 discovered It la marked nnd dedicated for future service. Everything thnt mlnht hinder Its development Is re ] moved, nnd any offshoot of the main j stein Is skillfully cut off. With constant j rare It grows thick and strong upon • I>UIIOUH root that can be shaped Into a handle. DON'* WORRY. I This is easier said than done, yet it may be of some help to consider the matter. | f f the cause is something over which you I have BO control U ig oJ>y ious that worry- j tag wilt not helpths matter in the least | On the other hatid, if within your con trol you have only to act. When you a cold and fear an attack of pnen monta buy jt battle of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy and use it judiciously . and alt cause for worry as to the outcome fjll quickly disappear. There is no dan j»r of wbyu it is used. For sale by N. S. Peel & Cq. '■ ! Caws »»4 »•!» *HHc, A professor In KoolctN**. nulvemltj has exper'toontcd to detenu ino'ttta ef> fects of various foods ou th? o-lor tflf '! fa off l»y cow's milk. "Some cows gtre I *4*l,/a, no matter what Hielr food may 1 r*. a mi!* of Jisaprocsblc fia- V*. v.b'cb ts Opt to cause rtJjtmO v«f trouble*. In vat# Is the fotkl ehangixi- 4 - > Savor persists. The taste tt the ptUk It i 9 certain measure oe j the cow's food. tut 1 laportant on the peculiarities of thy r arimaL" * r Far a bad taste in th* month take a lew lasep tf Chamberlain's Stomach and ' l Tablets. Price 33 cents. Warranted • to cure. For sale by JN. B. Fed &Co° WHAT A BARREL OF WHISKEY CONTAINS. According to the Sonoro Banner of California, the following are the . contents of a barrel of whiskey: A barrel of headaches, of heartaches of woes; A barrel of corses, a barrel of blows; A barrel of tears of a world-weary wife; A barrel of sorrow,a barrel of strife; A barrel of all-unavailing regret; A barrel of cares-and barrel of debt; A barrel of hanger, of poison, of pain; A barrel of hopes ever blasted and vain; A barrel of falsehood, a barrel of cries That fall from the maniac's lips as he dies; A barrel of poverty, ruin, and blight; A barrel of terror that grows with the night; A barrel of crimes and a barrel of groans; A barrel of orphan's most pitiful moans; A barrel of serpents that hiss as they pass From the head of the liquor that glows in the glass. A SCIENTIFIC DISCOVERY. Kodol does for the stomach that which it is unable to do. for itself, even whsn bit -slightly disodered or ovarloaded. Kodol supplies the natural juices of di gestion and does the work of the stom | ach, relaxing the nervous tension,'while 1 the inflamed muscles of that organ are allowed to rest and heal. Kodol digests what you eat and enables the stomach and digestive organs to transform all food into rich, red blood. S. R. Biggs. Subscribe to The Enterprise. LEOAL ADVERTISEMETS. LAND SALE ! By virtue of an order of J. A. Hotitis, Clerk of the Superior Court of Martin county, in a special proceeding entitled John 1.. Ilines and others, against Carry A. Hyman, I will sell for cash at the Court House in the town of William ; stou on Monday, the indday of March, ! 1903.ii tract of land in Martin \ aiiilied as follow*:— A tract of laud con ! taining 100 acre* ni*-re or less, adjoining i I.xiiis Long cad J. G.Mizell ou the North iJ. G. Mizell on the Va&t, B. A. Price on the South anl Orange Fields on the I West, and knenn os "The Old Ned ham | llyuian Homestead." This the 15th day of Jan., 1903. WIIKKLKR MARTIN, | 17 4t Commissioner. SALE OF Stock Certificates. 1 By order of the Board of Directors of the Martin County Tohacco Warehouse i Company, 1 shall offer at public sale (to the highest bidder) before the Court ! House door in Wiliiamston.Manday.Feb tuary 23rd, 1903, at 11 o'clock, m., the j following certificates of stock in said | comranv to cover a deficit due on said certificates, and interest : Certificate No. a, R. M. and S. S. I llrown, (too, paid S2O, due fso. Certificate No. j6, J. M. Sitterson |too paid S4O, due ftw. Certificate No. 30, W. T. Ward |too, paid fio, due fy. 1 Certificate No. 47, W. L, Riddick, floo paid %ai>, due W, A. ELI.ISON. Treas, 17 4I Martin Co. Tob. War. Co, A Proclamation - By The Governor. S3OO REWARD. • ' STATU OF NORTH CAROLINA I Ksaccriva I>kfab the mt / WIIBRF.AS. o«iat iafonaaiioa Das been re ftirrt at Tms Dtr4lTMi irr that L Lawrence C.ardaer ataad. ckaip4 witk ibr acduction and munlrr of Victor!* Earekiil in Mania Coaaty. AMD WnaaSAA. tt appears that the said a. Lawrence Cardner haa M the State, or sa «aa ceats himself that the orditary pMccas of law cannot br served apoa hiss. n«* Twaaaruaa. I. Charks B. Ajrcock, Gov- I erase * the State at North Carolina, by rirtue J of authority la ate vested by tew, da iaane this I ny Pxcuuiioa, Srring a reward of|joo,t. |l» ths Ifpiteiufell and delivery ol the aatd R. jLawrence Gardner tn the Unit of Martta fcouaty at Coart twaae la WilUaautirti. and t to ee jain all ctkii. «(the tUir jmd pi I rood titltena lis aiaMtc t rbcteg • lktoHinlnSl ia'juf. ce. •'* >' » IKme at oar City of Kate%, the «th day ol jaanary. in the y*at ( ORBAT t m «ae thoaaand nine \ SKAL f handled aad threv and ia lb; ' «■— , one hundred aad twenty-seventh year of ouf American independence.' CHARLES a. AYCOCE. (t* tbr poreraor. M. *KA»3*J.L fihaiiMttip ft § NOTICE Having qualified as Administrator upon the estate ff Isaac Sherrod, deceased, notice is jiven to all persons bedd ing claims agonal aatd tSstme fo present them to'the 'undesigned for plytmbl on or before the day of January 1904, or jyitic - will be pleaded in bar of their recovers. All pcrVata indexed to S«id estate are requested to make imme diate pau tncfit. Thia sth day of January 1903. -bi " '' dm"' rat r Deadly 1 Grasp of Grip Pros trated Me. i ■■ ■ i ■ i ' Dr. Miles' Nervine &uilt Up- My Shattered Nerves and , Gave Me &n Appetite. CH the millions of people, who today aficr ' from nervous or bean weakness, a Urjc per- , ceotage trace the cans* directly to deadly La Grippe. It U a |tra dime, ud nun ! a di.ect attack upon the nerve*, pnttmjf aa , F extra strain upon them at the time taeir vital ity Is at the lowest ebb. If LaGrippe has Lit you w.tb a ihalteredntrww system, with i lon of appetite, lack of eann, igbAau, I frequent ncsdacnes and morbid tendencies, you should strengthen the weakened nerves with l>r. Miles' Ne.'vina. It will ando all [ that trip has dene, brine back appetit£ test and restore the nervestotheir ncrnalactivity. • "I want to write this testimonial for the l benefit of these who have sufiered-ffom that dreaded disease—LaGrippe. I s-Bert J sev eral weeks with it, and nothinr I tried seemed to bene'it me in any way, shape or form (I | suffered almost death) and fina )y my dacghter tecoroiaendcd Dr. Miles' Nervine tonic and I can •nuhfolly say from the fast j | day 1 felt better than in weefca. It pave me relief, huilt up my shattered nerves and rnt me a splendid appetite. I cannot speak too highly of it and want to say, each and every ( 1 one who haa raftered from LaGrippe win find instant relief by retting a bottle of l>r. 1 Miles' Nervine. Insist on baviiw it and take , no nthtr. It is simply Splendid. Hoping this w:t! benefitsrtr.ej-oor sufferer I rrmaia, 1 —Mis. Gsorcz B. Haul, Jackson, Teaa. All druggists sell and gnarantee first bot tle Dr. Miles' Remedies. Seed for free book on Kervou. and Heart Diseases. Aduicae Dr. Miles Medical Co, Elkhart. lad. LEGAL ADVERTISEMEICTS DISSOLUTION NOTICE I J On January Ist, 1903, by mutual coil- I •eat, the firm of W. R. Howard and Co., I , at Hassell, N. C-, dindved partnership I on account of the withdrawal of Mrs. A. E' Salisbury I i6-4t W. R. HOWARD and CO. „ ,1 STatk Of North Carolina 1 :ss. Martiu County 1 > I, J. C. Crawford,Sheriff of the County of Martin in the State- of North Carolina, do hereby certify that the following de jcridtd real estate in Said County and | State, to wit: Quince Moore interest in one town lot in Ttirniele, was on the sth ■lay of May, 19U2, duly sold by me in the manner provided by law for the delin quent taxes for the year 1901, therecn, amounting to Pour Dollars and Ninety threeCents,including interest and penalty thereon, and the cost allowed by law to Frank Everett, Jr. (colored) for the raid Mini of ft 93, he being the highest bidder ( for the same (or such land. having been . offered at public sale for taxes ami sold. ) , And 1 further cettify that uules* redemp- ( tion is tnade of said real estate in the . manner provided by law, the said Frank , Everett, Jr., col., heirs or assigns, will j be entitled t» a deed therefor, «u and mi- ( ter the sth day of May, A. D. t 1903, on , surrender of this certificate. In withess whereof, I have hereunto set my hand, this sth day of May, A. D. 1902. i6f»tpd. • J. C. CRAWFORD- # State Op North Carolina I * - 88 Martin County. J I, J. C. Crawford, Sheriff of the Coun- 1 ty of Martin, in the State of North Caro lina, do hereby certify that the following descrilied real estate in said County and State, to-wit: H. E. Stronch's interest in •ne town lot in Parmele, was on the sth , day of May, 1902, ?cld by me in the man ner provided by law for the delinquent > taxes for the year 1901 thereon, amount ing to pour Dollars nod Ten Cents, in- | eluding interest and penalty thereon, and , the cost allowed bylaw to Frank Everett, 1 jr., coloied, for the sum of Four Dollars , and Ten Cents, being the highest bidder , for the r.une (or such lands having been | offered at public sale for taxes and sold. ) And I further certify that unless redemp- , tton is made of said real estate in the ; manner provided by law, the said Prank , Everett, Jr., colored, hows or assigns, will | be entitled to a deed therefor, on and af- | ter the sth day of May, 1903, onsurrend- ] er of tiiis certificate. In witness whereof, I have hereunto set my hand, this sth day of May, A.D. 1902 i6-4t p. J. C. CRAWFORD, Sheriff. NOTICE OP DISSOLUTION. TO WHOM IT MAY COjrCRRJt. ( The firm of Horton and Byrum has this 1 day bean dissolved by mutual consent, Byrum having purchased the entire in- 1 terest of A. Horton in said firm and as- 1 stitnes all debts, and collects all saonies i due the firm of Horton and By ruin. i Williauston, N. C., Jan. 5-1902. SIGNED i H. Bvkcm : 1 15-41 tA. Hurtom i 'f r • 1 PUBLIC SALE i OF Valuable Swamp. ■ By order of the Superior court of Kaf tin county entered in the special pro- L ceding there pending there styled J. P. Johnson, Frances D.Winstoq and George T- Winston, Ur.stees,and others,c* -parte to the couit, I will sell for cash (a re sale having been decreed) before the state of ' Slade, Janes fc Co., IN HAMILTON, N. C., - nonday, F«*unry 16th, 19*3 1 that certafs tradof SwAnp Land in >i tin county, N. , known a 4 4 5 »' f Joseph J. Hit Ham's "(JS«| KMp S WIII p' 1 yt containing 009 m scj* more or less. This Dec. i>9c»- - J i" s| .r>» ' - I LEGAL ADVERTISEMENTS. NOTICE. North Carolina I ExcCitios martin coraiT I Sale. J. A. P, Lane vs. Merrick Outterbridge. By virtue of an execv t .on directed to tfle nnderri£ned from the Superior court of Martin county in the abort entitled action, I will on Monday the and day of February 1903. at IX o'clock, noon, at the Coot Houve door of said county, sell to the highest bidder for cash, to satisfy said execution, all tjx'rirht title and in terest which the said Merrick Outter»- bridge, defendant, has in the following described Real Estate to wit: One Ilonse and Lot in Cross Reads Township adjoin ing the lands cf Mrs. F. V. Everett and others, containing one acre more or less; it being the same premises where the said Ontterbridge now resides. This rand Uy of Dec. 1902. J. C. CRAWFORD. i>4> Fheri*. Administrator's Notice. Ilaring qualified as administrator upon the estate of R. Wkichsrd, deceased, notice is hereby given to aU j arsons hold ing claims sgainst said estate to |>reaent them to the undersigned for jas meat oa or before 23rd day of December 1903, or this notice will be pi end in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said estate are requested to m*ke immediate payment. This 23rd day of December 1901. J ~11. WIUCHARD, 13-61. Administrator. ' Executor's Notice. % Having qualified as excutor of W. 9. Askew, deceased, notice is hereby given to all creditors of said estate to present their claims to me duly proven on or be fore the Ist day of January, 1904, or this notice will be plead in bar of their recovery. All parties indebted to said estate are requested to make im mediate paymment. This Dec. 13- 1902. S. R. BIGGS, ■ >-6t, Execntor. NOTICE! This dsy the firm of O. K. Cowing and Co., has been dissolved by mutual con sent. We accept and will pcy all claims against old firm, and all (.irties owing said firm will make payment to us. This Dec. 29th, 1902. J. B. MAURIS and CO. M-4t Successor*, NOTICE! I wish to say that the 'inn of O. K. Cowing sml Co..has this day been iImoI : ved by mutual con-etit,succeeded by J.R. Ilarrii and Com|>any who assumes all li abilities of the okl firm. 1 rm in no way associated or connected with the firm of J. B.Harris and Co., and will not be held liable for any debts or contracts which they have made or may make make. 14-4t "O. K. COWING. This Dec. 29th-1902. NOTICE OF DISSOLUTION. TO WHOM IT MAY COXCER.X. The firm of Taylor and Pippin has this day been dissolved by mutual consent, Taylor having purchased tti entire in | terest of Pippin in the ccncern rnd as sumes all debts and collects all monies due the firm of Taylor and Pippin. « Gold Point, N. C., Nov. 1-1902. SIGNED) R T. TAYLOR. ■ 4-4! , / M. V. PIITIM Laml Sale! By virtne of an order of thr Clerk of the Superior court of Martin county in aq ex parte proceeding entitled W.M.Peny guardian of Bettie Gray, I will'offer for sale at the Court House in Willis install on Mondsy, February 2nd, 1903. the fol> lowing piece or parcel oi lacd,U> wit:—A lot in the town of Willtap-.iton on Mais street, adjoining Main street on the North, N. S. Peel on the East, Atlantis Cosst Line R. R. en the South snd Jack Hoard and Mrs. James E. Pel person on the West, containing one sere more or less. Terms of sale, cash. This Dec. 26-1901. W.M.PERRY, 14-4 I Guardian. Commissioner's Sale. By virtue of an order of J. A. Hcbta, Clerk of the Superior Court, in the pro ceeding entitled H. K. Harrell against Florence Gootlridge snd others, we wfil offer for sale at the Court House in Wtt lismston on Monday, February 2nd, 1903 to the highest bidder for cash the follow ing piAe or parcel of land, to wit:—Ly ing juid being in the connty of Martin adjoining the Brown heirs on the North, Shetrod'smitl pond on the East, the Hy man heir* on the Sooth and John -T. Brown on the West, containing (Jred acres tnore or leas, snd km3q(i| ii| Martin V. Johnson ltnd and now pied by L F. Goodridge and wife. This Dec. 27th. 1902. 14 4t Jcs. T. Waldo f Wbeelcr Martin, j Com. Commissioner's SafeT* N«TH Carolina 1 M«rt{n Connty / In Swpcricr Court Susan Lee vs. David and Joe Lee. et. al By virtne of an order of the Superior Court, I will on Won day, the ssd day of February, 1903, at 12 o'clock,'w., tn the prtmiscs, sell FOR CASH to the high est bidder, that picceor parcel of lagg iy Martin county, tcomonly known aa the KSiarf Lee place, and adjoiwirt,» utetendl of Reddew' Knor.the Lamy GlesoilasiU Rod Robuck and the Porfer Land*, ceo -I- '-g frr if*rHliwi smrnj hiiis