THB ENTERPRISE . 1. . ■ " - ■ i »r>: £ * v » •,! . ■OITOR * PNOrmSTOR. ''• ■' ' ' ■* 'A - V— » TEEMS OF SUBSCIbPTION: SI.OO Per Tear. ' Strictly in Advance VOL. IV. - NO. 18. -*. - 1 rACOMPANION Of THE VOYAGE > I , Br Hawtr 4 Mi* | it>:. ctev.* IM. j . T7«RE AT KO. Q. WILL B. T. KINDI.T * oouawtata Ui prtssat iddnM to fcts companion of th« voyagsT UN.*, , . Btotsl Win brook. » J I Mr. Storrow happened to ess tbla ■nan advertisement In the morning pa per n» b« picked it «p after breakfast [ "Bart." said be to the young man sp in the other aide of. the tabic, -what Drat the name of the fellow you met oa the Etrurla V i "I*. Nestor Cftaw," responded raab din* "Whyr r Storrow homed a hoi* In the ntwsps ' per vrtth liia cigarette to nark the (dace. I "I think thla meana jroa," be aaM. ] Panhllng read the advertlaemeut. I "Jhla Is-odd. Isn't ttV be aald. "Moat refer to me, of Ooaroe. Grew aaked me ■ phm t waa to be in New York, and I . (lA him year n amber, as you'd aaked , pe to stay with you awhile. When yon ■* told me on the pier yesterday morning Mat you'd been bwaed oat of yam rooms, I forgot to aay anything to Oanr * i abe*-*. Phet K 1 never expected blm ' to call anyhow. We ware mere travsl. [{« and I dtdn't care for i bba especially." -*»- I -Tout -h-*>nd Orew- aaM Morrow *♦- tbrfartiffully, "weut tip to No. T8 laat *" et&ilhg and aatr the reoult of Tueo- Are. Undoubtedly bo triad to And ; put tfbere I'd gone, but that waa ne . bodcio ask except the watchman, and . «, be.kaow nothing about tt. 8a be went ■:* «. dowirto the newspaper office and put la ithis advertisement." •,i t*» i -The-waiter presented the chock at this uffiment. hnd Storrow signed It ■"* Tlftf *hd breakfasted at his club. As ' tbey ( wcre leaving the building Pool ding popped t>o suddenly that a swlng ,, r . tng door. through which be had JIM* ' . passed cam« back aad hit him on the , . elbow. f Therefore a note of pain was , mlnglsd, with the * Acclamation of sur t prise which' be waa uttering at the mo - meot lle drew up hla injured arm aktwlriVdllnc the hanfl out of his over coat ;»>Vet Mod exhlWt?»g*to StorroWa gaie a, matchbox of oxidised silver. "How the deuce do 1 happen to have this tUoir In my poebetr bo cried. It's Drew's." ' I Stadffiw took tbe box, opened and closod jibs lid and returned it to bis »•" friend.' . , .*' "Vou don't mean to suggest" said ha, • . * that big anxiety to see you can have anything to do with this?" • "I remember his saying that bo thought a great deal of It," responded Pauldiiip. "Looks like a cheap sort of thing, don't you think f* Storrow did not reply. Uo turned i. back into tbe club. X. "Call op the Wlnbrook over th« tele phone," said he, "and ask tho dark to f; ' '.*?T . ;?i§SK3I§ " . "TPH iVmalu-d about five minutes. When > ' V I •i "fcr. orew bo flgtt afc When I a«d to teits A -» :.miieua,e l rut Urn, tbo operator said. .i /Here's Miu-Qrew.' aad tho next instant . lalWng with blm. 1 gmvs him my ,« t address »t x «««• now iwomi BoTa com fegop tftls^vgnlng." ■3 **"»* I ba* M?* piled Paulding. "Said ho»d got It tbhr Wt he's not to be there. He's comln| : to Tsar roorna about half post a ? I Tt>u doolt grind 7" ■ 'itli "l' ro eorlosHy to soa tbo fob liwr." mpanded Stocrow. . I ' affairs of tbe day r-t aiated ("tie" two young men, but tbey ' iwere If at the rooms at • o'clock. v 'lffcakntf alono .was prompt t> this ap '-v- Molatnuaia Ha foand a-uota to a tarps til. »—psailid from tba ch«ada > foall gios at sar asmfs bouse hi BrotodMt Borry that you protoMy won't pt this hi time to so over tbtrc. You'd never Ami the pUcu anyhow. Hold Orew tUI 1 get hock. I Shall be thsr* before »:«. as Us Chicago trmln isav«s the Orsnd Central attA C. U a t Tbo lady referred to la this note was I the wife of John Storrow of Chicago. I Barton Paulding had mot these poop!* la England, where be and Charles R. i- Storrow bad become ctoao friends hi j tbo course of two years when tbey ' wen students together at Oxford. Ha waa sorry to miss tho chance at saying i poodby to Mrs. Jack and waa lncflnied 1 to blame Orew for tba loss of It { The appointment waa for half past 4' bat Mr. Grow was somewhat In ad ivaoco of It Ha had a nervous effusive- j orss of manner, and be seemed quits j overcome with Joy at tbe slgbt of i ' Paulding. "My door fellow," cried the visitor, I "you'll pardon my rather strenuous ef forts ta see you, bat really I couldn't' bear to lose sight of you altogether, and that's dotto so easily la this coun try." -Sit down." said PaakUag, "and hAVe a pipe." > i || -Mow, that Bbows the true instinct, of good fellowship," exclaimed Orew. M A pipe war tbe very thing that I waa' thinking of—a pipe ailed with that ex qalsltu tobacco of yours. Do you re member how I sponged 09 you for tt during tim voyage-how I used to coma to and fill my Httle pouch out of the Mg tinTof a Qay'a smoking 1" "If you hadn't praised It a 0 Highly," told PanMlng, "you could have raqm now. But you talksd me tnlo such aa admiration of it that I've ssot tbe tin to a friend of mine ta Chicago." Orew bad selected a pipe gad waa trying tbe draft of It while bis sharp eyes' loved about tbe room, to rest at laat la a piercing glance apon rani ding's face. As tbe you ng man ceooed speaking Orew slowly removed tbo pipe from bin mouth. -I'm afraid.tbls stem Is broken," said l!Ct and. In pctf, the ambor mouthpiece waa split and crushed us If a dog had bitten It -Really," he cootlnued, -you're too generous. You'll get no more of that 1 dellcloiiH brand In this country. May I ask who will ha tbo fortunate possessor of ltr -John Storrow," replied Paulding. "1 trust you wrapped K eafely," said 1 Orew, with a laugh. "Some of our express companies are confoundedly careless. Which one did you aend It byr I "Mrs. Storrow takes It," said Paul -1 dtng. "She's going west toulght." | Orew remarked that this was slngu -1 tar la view of tho fact that he blmuetf bad meditated starting for Chicago at midnight over tba Pennsylvania, so that be might have been upon tba sama 1 train. I "1 think my instinct would have told ma that that tobacco waa aboard," ba ' continued, "even though It should be locked up in tba lady's trunk 111 tbo 1 baggage car." "HUe'i going by the New York Cen ' tral," aald Paulding, "and the tobacco 1 Is In a handbag, with a lot of odds and ends that Chsrley Storrow and i are sending to his brother." -Storrow, Storrow," repeated *Grew. > "Mrs. John Storrow of Cbicsgo. Upon my word, 1 believe I've had tba pleas ure of meeting the lady. May I ask what Is her style of besuty?" 'Tall and very fair, pala yellow hair"— -Aad blue eyes; beautiful bloe eyes!" exclaimed Orew, rising. -Yea, indeed." -Well, naturally her eyeo are bloe," reaponded Paulding, filling his pipe. I "She's a stunning, pretty woman." I "She Is, and that's a fact" eald Orew. , "I wish I had fcimwn that she was In j town. I would have ventured to Call, although my acquaintance vtltb the ' lady tt really very, slight.' However, It's . i .too late now. ' SW Is gone, and sd Si ' your woadarful tdbaco»-or Will be }• wit bin an hour." ~ JBe drew oat hla watch and glanced 1 at it aa if to verify bis guess. Then be t selected a pipe aad SlledMt With a osaokiog •mixture which he presently pronounced reniarkabjj good, though not equal to the contents of the lament ed tin that was so S9OO to start west ward. * I A conversstlon of no particular Inter est fallowed, aad a qwarter- before S o'clock Grew took his laave, despite' Psotdtng*! sttempts to "hold blm," aa Storrow had requested. . I Tba men was no sooner goos than It | occurred to PauhUng that' he '£lght ; have time to reach tbe OrdafOMfeal I* station aad shy gaodby ta Mrs. Jack.'* (f Accordingly, be started out ateet, :l i knowing.that tba distance was not great;-butt'being • stfanger la tba city, 1 > .rift lost hU Vrfy, aild' II Waa ten mlnaten part .biT. teached the station. | 4 With mare, addresg than wbuld have been expected of soch s slow going fel lew, be get ■imlsriLiii"lii the train Aad. bat he failed to tad his frieiuli Either tbey had cans early or they bad; missed connections altogether; 1 r Tba tenia was upon tbe point of start . las when. I'auldiug was amaded by tba a I sight of L Nestor Ore*, who suddenly stepped down from one of the care I carrying a dark colored alligator skin satchel. ' | V "StorraWsr .XeUlmed Paulding. "By Jove, tbma*s seme sort of game , barer I The next instant be had laid bis hand ! apon Orew's shoulder. Tba man j Jumped as If ba bad been stabbed aad , tried to wrench himself free. Tbe train I began to mava.' Tbeiu was no time for wards. Paaldlag tern the satchel from Graw's grasp, aad la tbe momentary Struggle the weaker man fell to bis knaea. Ha ram slowly, as If daged,' though Paulding was aot consdoos of j having moan- j wr» rapidly gaining speed. Grew ran fflrt mtucmw. C\ WILLIAMSTON, N. C, FRIDAY. JANUARY 30,1903 baled platforms add fell, bat luckily clear of tbe wheels. When ba rose again, it was too lata. Paulding made his way Into one of tbe cars and was almost Instantly In collision with a big black porter la a iwhlto coat "There It tar* exclaimed a feminine voice from behind tbe porter. "Hell get it" The colored man aq oared hla broad shoulders. This lady she say you got her trav •Un' ba-af," said ba. I A beauteous vlaton came Into Pa«b ' ding's range of view aa ba shook off tbe porter's grasp. She had palbifbhlaa t hair and big blue eyes; she 4 (W- tall, and she was s stunning, pretty woman. But she was not Mrs. Jack Storrqft, | -Is this yoursT" gasped PauUlng, j holding oat tbe bag toward her. "t--t 1 thought tt belonged to a—a friend of mine." "This yer Is mos' petfeUar," porter. But the lady ltiterposod.. • -It was not this man who took It,* said sho. "It waa a thin, dark mag drew»cd In black." * "~ "Quite so, quite so," said Pauldiw nervously. -I knocked him dow.% aud "IS tug toubsT took It sway from him. But he didn't menu to steal yonr ling. lie was look ing for somebody else." * "lie asked me was there a tall, yaller haired blond In mnh car," said the por ter. "He say sho was his wife, an' she done forgot somethln'." "Ho was looking for a tin of tobafr cd," said Paulding weakly. The yonng lady laughed somewliat hysterics Uy. "Do you mean to ssy that this man plotted and committed this queer rob bery for a box of tobacco?" she d» nanded. "1 don't know," said Paulding, sbafc tag his bead slowly. "That's all I can make out of It Is there sny wsy of finding out whether Mrs, J*ha Storrow of Chicago Is on this train? She's tba lady who has the tobacco, you see." The porter, to whom the question vtaM addressed, thought that the Information could be readily obtained,. uid he took counsel with one of "his colleagues. Meanwhile Paulding otreve to put apoa a better footing his acquaintance with, the young lady, who graciously con sented to hear his story and to favor blm with her name. She >#as Miss Ma ricl Ames of Albany,'ln the light .of her countenance Paulding woe In danget;. of. forgetting that there was sny mystery In that person's reaMttfc shle proceedings, hut, suddenly there Was X dslnty flutter of feminine gar ments, and Mrs.. Jack ' Storrow sp-' pearel. She/waafoMtrtrod by n porter .Who bore a blackalligator .akin satchel. After h scene full ot- question. sW exclamation points mod 1 hnKty and Informal Introductions Mm- -Storrow, I{lm Aneuod Mr. Paulding, yvith tbe conductor of the train 1o lend tbe weight of his aatborlty, discussed It to i get her'la fee stateroom of thenar. The , tin of opened i|U'lti'tMlMks emptied upon a newspaper, with tba result that every. I ont; sneesed. > I, of tobacoooaeemed slowly to snregd, IVietf out while strange, splen did tiri* shot, from tbe heart of It Wten thfge gUains were gathered, tbey, prbvedjojae hlmdst a handful of unset j dlathotMa of good size and admirable ' purhf,: "about -ff,o6o worth In all, aa afterward appeared.' | young women fairly sTcotwd at the algbt-of thotn, while SuldtDg voiced his amssement In such lte English, expletives as may ba used In a mixed company. "I guess lt's all clfsr enough," said the 'This feUow Grew was smuggling 'these things in. He got the "■.ttflYrom sdmebody after be was aboard tbe sMtatef that be aa known to the goods on hlni. He couldn't .be «aaght-nritk them, and he didn't know bow to take them through, so be picked you out to do It for blm. Ha buried th{p. stuff In your tobacco; shoved tbe dla». tnotids down to the bottom of tba can with a pipe stem probably. I call It a pretty slick game. We'll count and seal up tbese diamonds, and 111 turn 'em over to tbe police In Poughkeepsto TbeyD' wire New York aud catch Orew, You ean give them tbe description." Paulding shifted about la Ma seat and glanced furtively at Miss Ames,. "Couldn't we de It Just aa well in Ab banyf said he. "1— I've never been in Alba ay, and' Pd really like to oee tt, dent yoo know." "Yea win like tt very; much," aald Miss Ames. "I expect to be there all The Business That Does Not Talk '*- * - • » pir* ' '' Is as Tight as an— CMKJ Open the Shell and it is Delicious. Have you ever tried it ? Try opening: your business so People will know about It. Now is the time •Tv 1 ** 1 *'?j ♦ "■*■' 1 ' i THE ENTERPRISE. Will open your Business Shell and bring Satisfactory Results. If you dre uot satisfied, bring your -*• _ troubles to ~ ~.. «.. . . . THE ENTERPRISE "- y W ~IT WILL PUSH YOUR BUSINESS FOR 1 903 r _ THE PAST AND PRESENT NEGRO We are sorry to part company / With our whilom past friends, Who invaded our churches To accdtnplish (heir ends: Who maic of our school houses The place need. To swear in our brethren Who wete growing weak-kneed. We are sorry to letyethem.i •> Our Pall; For it was at thi.t season They only would call. For after an election, Be it lost or won, They had ho use for a "nigger" Till another begun. And now wc are parting, After years of their use; We are plucked of our plumage Like feathers from a goose. And from now to the future To higher things we'll aspire, Than mere catspaws for raking Of chestnuts from the fire. We've toiled for the party, But, alas! 'twas in vain; We did the most voting, But got none of the gain. They promised to help us With gold by the bar; They grudgingly paid us With a penny cigar. When we were in trouble And fell by the way, They had nothing that healed • If it was past 'lection day. ' When we were in prison And were pining for bail, f If we happened not to register We stayed there ip jail. We've stood by the party, Through thick and thro' thin, ■ With the knowledge without us It never could win. We've stood for the bosses ' When their prospects looked lean And jacked all their conventicm With votes for the machine. We've been drawer* of water And hewers of wood, as a, stone wall For the party's good. * Firm believers in the stories Conjured up by its knaves, That the Democratic party Would make us all flavas. ■»* * ' But we are not slaves, yet. So far as Democrats are concerned But serfs to our own party By experience we've learned. We've done all its bidding, As each and everyone knows, And were led to the shambles Like beasts by the noa«. Now we've got our eyes opened. As we never had 'em before, That all we cat do in the party 1% to open the door. For our own white brethren To get in out of the wet, While we, 'as seine haulers, Are landing the net. We think we've caught fishes . Anjd bought enough hwrc* • I Filled enough wood-boxes And heated enough stoves. Done enough of their cooking To be invited at least, To a seat at the table At the spread of the feast. i But nay, the feast is for others; No cards art to spare; No room for a "nigger," . '• for his chair. ..An:l he stays on the outside » Amid the chills of the night, For the banquet's prevailing color Is invariably white- What's the use of us "darkies" Throwing away every chance, When its only the high kicker Who gets into the dance. So we have determined To do just as we like, Even to "knock off" voting Aud calling a strike. We've heard of those miners With their purposes bold. Who swore to stop mining Though it made thousands cold. Till they got a commission To inquire into theirb luff, And proclaim to the country If they got wages enough. Now we are going to do likewise; We don't think it is wrong. Forbearance has Ceased to be a virtue; We've waite4-to° long. And Mr. Negro will ask for — Not a plate looking sliu, But the best on the table, To be passed over to him. —Cambridge (Md.) Democrat ft News. Tk« Cm of Rwllah. Rusk In ban Hold somewhere In the "For* Clsrigern" that extreme nicety In pronunciation anil the IIKO of words I* vulgarity. Then- can tiu no doubt of It. At uny rate, to prefer a fine word to a plain one or common one ami to say what you have to say in a so called fine style rather than In a nat ural style la a sure sign of Kninll cul ture and of 110 taste at aU. ,s lt a speak er or a writer Is up to his work, he will trust for bis effects to bis rlcarncfui of thought, strength of argument, force of Imagination and power to use the Eng lish language easily, directly and with common sense correctness. Grammar, diction and mtfte are the three things which make the difference between good writing and bad. The grammar of the language must of course be ad hered to, hat adhered to not In the way In which a servant ol>eys orders by do ing simply aa he Is told, but as a man who knows In himself what be has to da-London News. * Cmrm ml Pi»ln. Pnpples after weaning will keep strong sad healthy and will grow fast If fed only on freq|i buttermilk and corn bread,, with soup Instead of the buttermilk twice a week, till they are Ave .or six months old. Bo not feed them sweet milk. Keep the puppies where they can get plenty of exercise. Do not crowd them. Arrange their ken nels so that they can go In and out of their sleeping quarters. If fed In the same vessels, aoine dpgs get more than their fair share of foul pud lose their manners also. Fasten a iumber of chains where they eat at such dis tances that no one can reach the other; then feed In Individual pans. Give lit tle medicine and plenty of exercise, and you wlll'then have strong, healthy dogs. An hour's ran every day In the { year In the fields and woods, weather permitting, la eaamtlal to good health. ' , fa vi rn*ll sggj ■THE EKTERRRISBI RATES OF ADVERTISING : * Oa« Square, one insertion ..... 75 CtMa. " '• two insertions ■ , , . . $1,251 H M ooe month ..... " •• three months ■ - " six " S7OO. " " twelve " ...... ~ U For larger advertisements Liberal Contracts will be mad* I Bow k> lloW Cut. Tho aboriginal bluets of Australia ha v o u queer tradition about tbe flood. Th y say Ihnt at one time there was no water on the earth at all except In tbe I MM Iyof an ttninuise froK. where men and women could not ,g»:t ut It. There wua a great council on tbe subject. and It wan found out that If the frog could be uiude to laugh tile waters would run out of bin uioutb nhil tbe drought be ended. 80 several animals were made to dunce and caper before tbe frog to In duec hhn to laugh, hut be did not even smile, find so tbe wliters r.-iiinlned In IIIH body, Then some one liapiiened to think of tho queer contortion* Into which the, eel could twist Itself, and It wnd straightway" linmglit l»*fore the frog, itml when the frog saw tbe wrlg glltiß he laugliiHl so loud tlmt !fc? whole earth trembled, and the waters poured out of bin mouth In a great flood. In Which many people were drowned. The black people acre Mired from drowning by tbe pelican. Thin thought ful ldrd made a big ennne and went with It nil niuong the inlands that ap peared here and t lieje above the sur face of the waterdinil gathered In tbe black people ami wired them. Sunt riiiK Mourn Inr T»(«r. "In nil my experience an a physi cian." wild I>r. 8. \VT-ir Mitchell, the nerve specialist, lu a lecture, "I bare not seen more than a dozen men or women wjio have been Improved mor ally l»y long continued Buffering. Acute Illness ft lid Illness which brings the patient close to death often lias a bcae rlal cffiTt upou the dlsiiositlon. but 1 cannot agree with the assertion which we frequently hear made In the pulpit that suffering la usually tbe means of refining. 1 have seen a few Isolated eases in which this was so, but It Is not the rule by any means. The chronic In valid is almost Invariably selfish and peevish, and It 1h a hard task to And a nurse who can stand tbe strain of such a service." TTaat That. There Is one word In the English lan guage which can appear six times can secutlvely In a sentence and make cor rect KngliHli. To illustrate: A boy wrote on the ' blackboard, "Tbe inan that Ilea does 1 wrong." Tho teacher objected to the word "that," so, the wrord "who** was sulwtt tuted. Arid yet It must l»c evident to the render, for nil that, that that "that" that that teacher objected to was right after all. Had It* >ood Polatß. "That mediaeval armor must have been very uucomfyftahle," said a visit or at the miiseuni. "Yes," answered the man with ' darned clothes, "but there was one sat Isfactlon about It. man could always I take down a suit of It In entire confl ' dunce that the utoths hadn't got Into ' It" —Washington Btnr. Doth VIT« CudM. Doctor—Your wife fs'ln a very crlt 1 leal state, and I .should recommend you ] to cull in some specialist to consult on | the cajw. *"' Uusbuud—There, you see, dbctor, I wns right again. ; I told my, wife long ogo she ought to get proper medical ad- , Vice, but she always thought you might be offended. L# la air t» Uwn. Dr. Johnson bad scant sympathy With Inconsistent and arrogant iudufe- 1 try. "No man, sir. Is obliged to, do as much as he can. A man should have part of his life to himself." . i . » A Mess Rmtmrt. * • '* Itertha-i-I'm sorry you asked me to marry you. It pains me to reftwfe n . Will (cheerfully—Oh, don't worry! * Perhaps you know best what I'm .es caping. The food value of a pgupd of veal Is little more than half that of a pound of beef. Eggs and lean boaf have tbe lame value welgSt. •T.^-*;sirass6aEL-,' 21 *»v... v: . it WHOLE NO. 174 Professional Cards. « awi e*f Q\\. JOHN U. DENTIST OFFICE: MAIN STRRpT. GEO W NEWELS, J >ITTORNSY-A T-TJI W, » ■!«* Office up «(iini In New Rank Build lug, led hatUi side, lop of atepa *VILMAI£BfON, NO.'* 49~Practices wherevet aervicea are deaire*. SpcctAl attention given to examining.#nd mak« ng title for purchanera of timber and timber tnnda. Mall Hon, ■■.o A- FOWLER,'. Mmgir- 3 AMERICAN AND - - ' .. r* EUROPEAN PLAN. 18 to 28 Prat Street, . • f • MD. Thoroughly Renovated and put in FinSt-Class Order. i-ivrtir '' i."i 11 ■ ■ ■ liutntM Kalablisltrd Rocky Mount, N. C., i»7J • CEO. R. DIXON Practical Sheet Hetal Worker. Tin ' Rolling, Guttering and ToliaccO I'lues a Specialy, also Tin Roofs fyiuted I will positively be on hand AT WILLIAMSTON to furnish Uie Farmers with TOBACCO FLUES (luring the Season of 1903. If you want the. Best Material and tha Ilest Work, Call on or address GEO. R.DIXON, Rocky Mount, N. C. .iv. A JL coh 1 .. Ji YELLGTV mm I j in your Mood ? I'hysk "aiu tail f. :It nul;-rial (ierm. it cm br. area I ~ t cbuagi'i£ red blond yellow under f; i microscope. It works day ti'id | J first, It tli:*nr» your c-mt- S plexion yellow. Chilly, oefcins i sensations creep down your F backbone. You feel weak and f worthier. ROBERTS' CHILL TONIC will stop the trouble row. It I enters the hlood at once ami L drives out the yellow poisoii. r If neglected aid when Chili!*, 8 i Fevers, Night -Sweats and a gen- M ' cral break-down rune 1.-jter on. U Roberts' I onic v. ill ciue you S th n—but why wail V iVevifl I | future sickneis. 'I he.manuiftCf k turcrs know all eb.'iit yel- I low poison a;id have pi.rftcisd 1 Roberts' Tonic to dil\4 it out, ft nou'ish your sysism, r'dorc i nppptitc, pm ify the fc!t>o;l, pre» g vent and cure Chlltfl, f-> s'.u £ Malari.7. It has cared titWT3» I ands—lt will cure you, or your I | money back. Tijis Ui lair. try jj it. PrlCii, 25 rent*. cat. • ' I w Zc... . 1 For'sale by Anderson, Ilassell & Co.,anp fill Curgaaus. Kodol Dyspepsia Cure Digests vfrhat yon eat. This preparation all o( Mm dlgestahtVarm digests all kinds of food. Itgives instant relief aod never fails to care. It allows you to eat all Ute food fouwalfc* The most sensitive stomachs can laio; It. Dy its use iinnj thousands of dyspeptleaMtave bee* cured after everything eUe failed, la unequalled for lh«r*tmiaoh. Child ren with weak stomachs thrive on It. Kirst dose relieves. A diet unnecessary. Cares all stomach troahlaa '•«. It. BIGGS .kUmib. BO YEARS* . EXPERIENCE j -9' k. * r ,'W 1 Ac. Anyone hs'4 • aSatrti and dsMHpttaa mv •nit Ir* (Adas! «ar«ncT "or MKMirtnapataat*. Patents takan tarouatx Muaa fc Co. rooetra tuHict, without cu»rg«, in tba ~ Scientific jflmeiKa*. - AVaadaomelyntaatralad wtaklf. lawl* salasfcg^a^^gamia^ji^^li'ygaifcga

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