ft - THE ENTERPRISE TERMS OF dtKCUFTiar: Mm. ' ... * ■■ %* «IH» 49 si.oo Ret ¥*k. - Stxindy *■ Adraace VOL. IV. - Na *L Whea ke'lTa mea, Ltd r>M«>«iJ w atßwlj AiMUatCWlkmmr gnn, lugul uml uhuc, i»i kii lungs dnri mm n ef wtak w. iiiMabUMßto hem elected to a fd- I lip at ABB—ls* has friaad aa» lnll» fellow Dr. Adni im» sod to «Uj ihiij if yJKhf two years. On this old Laii Salis bury at ilora ia b»t bortr to Oi focd aad protested v.h.an.lly agaiaat Ac land's advice. »I ,«* ■j m ttcnler puiiuMßt laaedi «Mj. " *• ««l 'WO to iwcaH year mint* al tefl kia tkit keen fa* a pbtxtl Hfc *k| pakci •Afets." Dr. Adead was very feaad ef tefl» moaher hbTlrifl" 4 "• praaable mMt with «U -he 1 ■*' 'My dear lord. tkar nMM peac ticaag lUaw • aad you «iu find bo difficult* is procar~ iag aaa who will gm Lart Botmt the advice which yoa dani*. Bat who caaaet |nc it, iaaaaaach aa 1 htn already advised ia da iaatU coaa Aelaad waa efceved. Lord Bobert waa* to Califbfaia, caaa hack with aaaai laan and aa Lad Osafcecae and Lad Wmj haa daw a lifr'a work of colmml la bor with aa untoward iteaHs to his To Prtiiiiait A. J. CVwatt shtar, the clerks ia the Phded. l|ihis affii .a of the IVnnsylvaaia railroad *ay, ths recent 10 per eat iaomw ia i jB |Bfl| . "too na un ana ana—r «k finally all employees* salaries j* * 4e. Mr. Casastt has the BOM of I U» g eitrrnirly kind to those whs* ««»•« ia contact with hiss. There %a *3 episode recently that dies «d kit kindness ia aa add way. Ijvcring his office suddenly oae sterling, Mr. Casaatt eaaght a deck anohig a (igu froen aa saber aaC gs*i toUer that btloagrf to thr -pr . f ieat himself. The clerk re- he was calkd before hi* chid * the war. Mr. BSank," said y.. Sssatt, exteadiag the cte * M. -, "ds yoa Hke tha balder?* Ym; I think it h foe,- ths tin* etaaaiml. - "Than sappass yea keep it," ssid thr other. "It isat lap eaoagh f«r as both." cKhT found hiaST,~ of 1 j t Ml WBMIIE HOUSE A foar WaM IMs Hat CanM NasataaiaaWa >|>riiiai Use a Issg isadled brush ia !y. a hSf hsaili aading ia a wire fiaas toiacd W a lambs wool which slipped 4 aad baatsa Ptaat should sever he scrubbed hat aipsd writh a soft woalaa doth dfead ia wa water. A alight teach af saad sssp sssy he aaad aa h italliin atala. D*y with a piece af laal doth after a goad riao waai lather af seep aad then gently HatuL the down ia it nntil it is )«itr clean Biasc ia fresh cold water with a little blaing ia it. Afl kruuid shake the water aat aad . IrV irsas ha with very little rwbhtng. If ywa rslai wear eyesight, dear! haaoaay soea Nghted by a ■aahadsd hght,aspeca]]y from over head. I afls ahald be ahsdad so that there eftaO he as glare. If hcead hes beea baked taa hss% ar « the crast bos heea blachaaad ia aa oeea aaade too hat da aat atteaapt to eat eff the black with a kaafe. Aa soea as the Wares are cold go ear thai with a booms qeg will eolsr esks iciag a delicate graaa Ths beans ahoald he re aond aat the egg whipped aad ased far the ieiag. Oonrahiagafhard boiled eggs ia haakat ehope May he accomplished by cattiag off straight the eads of the lard boiled eggs aad acroas 'through the ceater. Take oat the yslhi hmm the apper parts and fill them to a f aatid shape with a mlpsroa of regeteblee cat ia small eqaam aad combined with a little amywnaoiae or fill them with The foUowiag directions are git ea for a heenmade substitute for Gadsm aa the kitchen floor: Take say aid carpet thet to whole, bat too sad tack it dowa Monthly oa the kitehra floor. Thea make a good, thick hailed stsath of floor aad wa ter. Bah a cent of this starch ia the eaepefwsth a whitewash hah aad ia aheat taeaty-foar hoars or oh at the'starch is thoroughly dry pre it a coat af paiat, aay color do siiad. Llark iad is a desirable color far a kitchea. Whea the paiat ia dry. gjnm a ssesad coat, aad yea will have a cheap sad datable floor Mfz Jfiaffi 'fail ta Haaleaat at aboat fourth the cmt By gtriag it a coat af paiat eacc e year it will last for years. Aa agricaltaial exchange gives fall fastractioas for drawing ths •ap aad awtlM mapls sirap aad saapls sagsr. Theas products are aot aade from mania sap except ia S few Vcw localities. Ma fia simp is made from glucose, sor gham snap, hickory bark aad other flararing sabstaacca, aad the sugar is amde faaaa cheap Muscovado sim ilarly flarond. Xew England alone eoald consume three times as much ample sirap and ample sugar as are ■aadr from maple asp ia all the Tailed States aad 99 per cent af afl that is so aade is consumed ia the states where ss mads. a> i wtf Bp imiifc ' w^ r Keeps hottlsof giyeseia aadraaa water, auied. Bear the siak aad wheaerer the hands hare basa act rah • few drops of this orer thea before drriag oa the toweL It id aaadssdsi how aoeh this does to {pjutjTweathcr is a ausery to most waaca dotag general housework. Of coarse the auae eaioQient should be and st aight jaat before going to bed, bat this alaae will aot hea! the raaghspsd sUa what ti* dbfly waif Ikmh freqatat diahwashiag aad caaaaf stores. . .... jfca—a aiaa>"*«' Did yaa ever hasrsf oyoter catch up? It is extreaaly aace aad "tastr? L-tresra imharia, half a piat of white wiaa, | s aaafl lesson, sgecd- Boil slowlr; far Mlf fa hour, lhf« stioin Adlj if aartez a# aa aw of doves, th» aac aaoaat of ag* aad vhala. pepper aaa alt ta taste It tr9l keep weH ia bottla aad aay ha' ased i 11 aaiaailly a aas dcairis dar- the wiaXk. # i Ha«HprNW . A aat asdal «t|de af hsas#. bald coahery ia the oyster frier with the wive dopUcats inside tha ngdar saaeapaa. This shelctoa leaking affair caa ha raised oat af af tha systen, aicdy fried, csa draia aff sfl the sgperfuoas fat fflrt Cfntersrist WILLIAMSTON, N. C, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 20,1903. Pot THE UTTII OKI > "Every Child Her pSa HiliaaT h a test that aaj eoas ashefla > caasisa la soese of ths ctshs afht , the cala isnatira h ftaaaaad mt. i aaa that litue Mfce Eiklmt ha , TWt little girl laat a aaah Idsaad : i kadtoatlj govaii MH& i miif vm momm iin Mi ai assr the pai i aiat, aad ths MMla fill delightedly called ha pet by i tame With a whiae af jay tla aas ' aal sprang froa ths vehide and, i run mug to Utile Mia Kahlarat, bo -1 can jumping aboat bar aad fidoag her haads for sheer joy. 1 "You cant have anr dog, Bttla girl," called the waaaa fraa her carriage, which bad aow draws ap to the curb. "Bat tha is ay dog," add little Mia KoMaaaL "So; k is my dog," aaU ths wea *TU prove that It h aiae," aa- Kohhast,waA tha By this tias quite a crowd of oktMsM a ad, aad the ha her yer fisea a jary. "Caa yoar dsg ataad ap aad hajT* 1 "Van he jaap throajk a hsoaf "Yea." i "Caa he lie dowa aad play dadf* t "Yes." "Csa he daaca oa ha hiai fcair i "Yes." I "Caa he ay his ponanf I "Yes." Closing her ana tightly aboat I the dog aad starting ta walk awn, i the chud cried triaaphaatly: "WeU, i ay dbg eaa't! lie is aias thsar* And she won. Tla flswa ef Ttaastai. The traveler leaves ths The rest of the compaay isrida aa the countries they will lapeussat. These are some of ths lapaisiats tina which aay ha assd: A gfafl who represents s Turhah lady aay recline apon a sofa, fflsr her tar baa she may ase a twiatad handker chief, and she amy aaake a paps aads fraa aa ordiaary sttrk A Ueraaaa lady should be with her feet oa the atoea. A Lap lander, warmly wrapped should be shown driving which aay be represented by taiaadara chains. The Lap should bav® a lag arar hia katss, A gypsy teat aay hs aaaOy contrived with a shawl aad a cou ple of chain. A fliraan stadaat caa be showa singing a Bhias ssag, waring a turndown collar aad car ry iag a knapaack aad a hook. Oth er countries may be rep» seated by similar simple devices. Whea all are ready, tha traveler caa Wo the room aad eadaraa ta gaaa what aatioß each ptrssa rspascata by his sppcaraaoe, oceapatiaa, ate. Cot a Oa Mala This is the way to obtaia the ex act shape of s star with Ave rays by a single cut in a straight line with a pair of scissors ia a single piecs of paper: Take a letter sheet doable, fold ing it to right, a in Fig. 1, accord ing to the line C D, a that the aa glc A C B shall be half qf tha aagla BC IV Thea fold ths ahsst accoed- Otg to ths llae C E of Fig. t. Now doable it over a imh nted in Fig «. M the line CM earns upon C D, ft wffl show flat you folded correctly. If it aaaa a little outside or haidc, aaodifj Afl first fold, C EJ. When ftm aas «a that ths Bos C E comes exactly aa C R aat with ; yoar scissors along the strdght has | »arke>d fay dots ia Fig. 9, aad, aa folding tha paper, yoa will haw the star with fire rays aad eaa eat a 1 aaay thoaaanda ef thaa a yaa hka on the aaaa plaa. ! The I »s mt AaykaaL fkm ■»■ a It. «>aaa I SasVat thMeiqrtw iJasi i«r «iMi'e»—a. MasriDurtait arts aasa aaeu^f taaasuekMT v . , The Business That Does Not Talk Is as Tight as an- 3- ' :* * Open the Shell and it is Del icious. Have you ever tried it? Try opening your business so People will know about it. Now is the time THE ENTERPRISE. W1 apt ymrnr BaJaoa ShcO and bring Satisfactory Results. If yon arc not satisfied, faring jow tradblw M , , . # ( , • • . , 1 ' THE ENTERPRISE ; -*^A m * • . IT WILL PUSH YOUR BUSINESS FOR ISOS 'W^' -gr * - • ► » ——■———^—————■—————— fTMtvurnvt UEDicmtSf t bli Itg mmr tL II iij at the witt Imact | i>Ml *■ Ik* fafaii at |Mt aatkari- | ' Ot Mq«« ■ iM fcnwl CSn—!*"^«ayll'sep? ' t , t r ~ | aMMttT"■lrMrii'aa? 11M pat k tagMr •• an wkk ■ sifaHia cj af wwfar k It tar the &afn fcrew. Mi «ka (Mi kM MM he paw* kk B Will at Ik* bipul kerb I* prate* • tea* eafaca Silwi* ; tiwOyki■■■i«ktm * kaetef been k«|lt to 9tmm mm. 4 Mr «ks |w ki • hilmllii ■i 1 ki»tk|til«mH fan|Mto«Mlhk«l>ni(m% e*ar w*k a fat r«h4 («htfa» trc**, 1 **l zszzm ■1 MUllti M. iiansMi «ttk wn '.UI! ■JULL'T^ |kw t—« aaja he outt fai Ma top hat wifaw. liMftklki Ml faMjk" Tea ariaatoa later tkat taaer kft tka kMN arltk aeap» toj» * ■eaa la Hncuj. to'i'aiur *b» ¥M eriticisrffcya My f»pgcW|- Thas* m Mir km, Wt he took iWa both ob ■ tua and placed hath en the caaaaky liet. Till they gtf wall tito payer lilimtil, aJ 1 irkfli H the (MfsliMs&t A LITTLE NONSENSE. T~ ~ #\ teed Tktopa famhid Frta Uw Y*» ker* ItatomM. Be (facetioualy)—A society - belle •Would have tho right ring. She (demurely) Well, I have fcopea. Mr*. Bacon—What it «m food, John? Mr. Bacon—Why, sea food, my dear, ia the kind that lunkcri pt-ople I sick a hen on the sea. "IVn ia one thing certain," re ■■M Ufa abairtw of evauts and tfcifi **■ man may have a long face without having a long head." Ckuch—Wa don't see the living fictana at the theater* any more. flolhaia—Mo; the living picturea are dead. Mr. Bacon—When all the fools an dead, I don't want to he alive. Mis. Baron—Wall, don't worry; yoa won't be. Ha—My brother carries the brains of the family. She Doesn't make him round shouldered, does it t Patience—l think Mr. Smooth uaas each exouieite language. Patrice— \ ou never heard him on the fall links, I suppose. Wa Live and Learn. |j| Inapt. 2 Mrs. Gage—l really think you ought to permit me to have my say about matters that properly belong aider my superintendence. In such things yon ought to defer to me. Mr. (lag*—l suppose you know what the poet aays—"Tis madness to defer." Mia. Gage—That settles itl Did JOB ever know a poet with common mmmt—Beaten Transcript. S«&F«kai ifa!ftof / THE ENTERPRISE MATES OP ADVERTISING: Om Stptfc, mm ioscftioi • . • • . 75 Cctita. « «• tiro insertions sl.2s. " M M niaotk $3.00. - - three months J4.00. " - *= " *7-00. " " twelve " ...... ft 2.00. ili—ll ■!» Liberal CoatncU will he nit HIGH mm m LDMX&L Some [«rt of LomUi am the most highly rented plant im the world, far exceeding (hi moat ex pensive localities of Pane or New York. t'ornhill it absolutely the deamt rented dxlrvt in the world. One room near the waa let a chort time ago at £2,500 per an num. Six rooina on the fimt floor of a hoti.ee at Throgmorton (trect were oihrrtwd recently to be let at a rent of £2,000 per annum Bond street u the deareat neighbor hood in London for • man to dart business in. A small akop in Bond street will cost ita tenant £I,OOO per annum, and he it observed the word shop has strict limitations and only includes the shop and hmmmt, the rest of the hooae being let asparata ly. The rente in the Stmd have increased hugely daring the laat twenty-five years, and n lease of • shop renewed lately coat the tenant an increase of £2OO par —— on hia rent. —London Taller. * J Mica Pries a. TMa. It b very doubtful if there I* any where a mors delightful prison than that of Tobel, in SwiUarlaud. There are Tery few guards, not more than aas Is every twenty lee prisoners, and they nave* think ofl earning arma. The prisoners' cells are eonstsnt lr open, so that the inmates can eas ily communicate with ana another and can tell at any time what the guards are doing. Moreover, the prisoners ape allowed to have paper, ink, newspapers, cider and vsnoua dainties from the kitchen, includ ing fried eggs, of chick tbey an* very fond. One would suppaaa that prisoners voukl not desire to leave such an earthly paradiae aa this, yet three no , torioua murderers —Lohrer, Schniul "and Hess—quietly strolled away from it recently and, it la said, have not as yet shown any inclination to return. A Witty Query. The independence poaible to an- i Uiora who have attained literary j übiquity and the gentle ' and ohastened spirit af the modern , editor who hu tneee authors to deal | | with is illustrated by this story | j from a New York paper: A young woman who la not only { versatile in literary matters, but has j her moments of domesticity, recent- i ly received a letter from the editor of Harper's Bexar, asking her to set a date for an interview in regard to a story. The author replied: . J "Unable to come owing to quince preserves." The editor, being a woman, rec ognized the force of the excuse and rejoined: ' "Are you doing them np or are they doing you up?" Bill—Who waa that girl von were walking np the avenue with yester day ? Jill—Yon mean the one with the big mnlf ? "Why, yen. I aaid the one yo% were with, didn't If—XwtW Statesman. «'ve hem told)" aalhl the am*. tear, "that I'm n good MA& do yon think mi that I" "1 think there am sem%yfrHfM» - * . _ I WHOLE NO. 177 Professional Cards. OR. JOUNDTBITTOS, _ DENTIST OFFICE: MAIN STREET. Geo w h swell, A TTORNET-A T-T.A W, oa>«*Mn to KMMtMi' taa. Wf» lan* a*e. top of *tf. Tilliamston, N C. W' Pisctkw vbticvci ffrrim nv d sJi(4, ■*pecia! attention |p««fl to rumiaing ami uk* tig title for purchasers of timber ami timber •mkU. 11l House, ■I l FlWl£l,»llMJc«r j£»l r AMERICAN AND - - - - EUROPEAN PLAN, 18 to 28 Prat Street, . • , . • . BALTIMORE, MD. Thoroughly Renovated and put in First-Class Order. ———ra— ■ IHlkh UlMkMli; ly „ Borky Mount, N. C-. GEO. R. DIXON Practical Sheet flcUl Worker] Tin Roofing, Outlet in); and Toharcw Flues a Special jr. also Tin Roofs Painted I «ill positively be on hand AT WILLIAMSTON to furnish the Farmers with TOBACCO FLUES during the Season of 1903. If vou want the Best Material and th« Best Work, Call on or aridress GEO. R. DIXON, Rocky Mount, N. C. IS YELLOW POISON | la yoar Ms> ? PfeyiUus call I MfUarialOtra. It can be seen D cbaagiagred Mood yellow under I mlcroacoae. It works day and I night. Hrst, It tarns your com- I piaxlon yallow. Chilly, aching I senaatlona ciwy down your I backbone. Vow led weak and I ROBERTS' CHILL TONIC «>l stop tha trouble now. It eaters tha Mood at once and driven eat the yellow poison.' If aegjketod and whan Chills, Revert, Mahl-Sweata and a gen eral brsak denn come later an, Roberts' Tonic win cure you then but why watt 7 Prevent Man slckaesa. The manufac turers know all abaut this yel low pale an and have perfected Roberts' Tonic to drive It out, nourish your system, restore appetite, purify the blood, pre- I vent and cure Chita, Fevers or J I Malaria. It ha* cared thou*- Q anda -It will cure you. cr your Q money back. This U fair. Try B 1 It. Price, 25 ceats. I For aale by Anderson, Hasaell A Co. .and Eli Gnrgaaus. WHY?! TWumiiOm Ml m Ca—fcOraa—a woaeb ha* Wtoae.U Wcmse« acta Maa tka aalna it|M Stan to traaUn-h to *roa as Ins I ■ to Iran nni|fcs to nfcr*toaaraaaka«rm>aa4cit.rtactksi>klM». OaHMiCaaMCn aa oalyraiiraiitH to> ant—mi aaara aa tolr poUoa. lie » tfia ■» a walk «a asMr a to toSraa aaabs— stock sraaact tka tkraa md Iran Opaaa lira Ur msssfoo and promotes Masbatrociad bfMtklML taiii to Uooi a racaHs Its aaanl sake oanra*. Ura atktoranat to f Ira mry nirai arfdk ackaraaatkraeaacr tkat ilia kaas sa4lrackd atom tociM Mraarki acaut tka lncafMca a to. ■a. Aakaw. Bnrackata, La Olfaa. Cold oa Ika> LatsaaeaßPiitaairy Cwslilaa taa a» rmnMa aa aaddr cwad kr to aaof ONE I MINUTE COUGH CURE Erspsru h La o—ll 1 * oa. m S. B. UCC> r BO vuir ! EXPERIENCE' PHje L . wSBiHSSKiSS IRSm Jftl

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