THE ENTERPRISE jnyp ■. aiaimamu . , - - TERMS OF SUBSCRKPCOM i *r.uo Per Yeer. Strictly to Advaaee VOL. IV. - NO. 22. Last Week's Stern. The late reports ef tort seek'* storm show a great deal of damage to property thecaghoat the eaaa try, bat the loss of life, other thaa Art reported the itraawr "(*■ toe" oa the Chovaa riser, has heea scry fight, ia fact, it i> re workable that no more lives were fast, eoaaalenag the seventy of the storm especially oa tto roart Qarte a n amber of wracks have beea re ported frum along the coast, bat to ■early every ease the crews were saved aad generally bytheaofale efforts of the life saviag crews. Bertie county suffered more from the storm thaa did Martia. The faOoWiag report a takea from OK af oar exchanges: " Tuesday night's storm caused great destruction ia that coaaty. The storm had two paths, owe mama the northern and the other across the southern end of thecoun ty. From 12 to 15 dwrlliag hoases acre blown down and Mare Hill Baptist Church was entirely wreck ed; 18 horses were killed, aad sev eral aw. ii, women and children were injurra. oOOiv Dm oooc fatally. The loss of timber was immense. A whirlwind tore tbroagh the forests ia the northern part of the county leaving destruction ia its wake. " The Commonwealth's report: Monday night all this section was swept by a severe wind. At Hob good there waa aoam damage aad below Palmyra the school home to which Miss Arraie Dorm was teach ing waa blown down aad she had to suspend school. Several teaaat houses were blown down on Mr. Joseph Early's farm with a damage of SI,OOO. Some mea were caagbt under the house? .and were painfnl ly injured. . A Washington, (H. C.) Special, says: During the heavy gale of Thurs day night the skipper Maco was ' capsized ia Swan Quarter Bay, and Cap*. Robert Wescom, master, aad two white men were drowned. The repprts are conflicting, but oae ra uor is that five negroes, also of the boats crew, were drowned. The saaie evening in Palmetto river, off Fork .Point, two miles from this city, the schooner "Father and Soa " was sunk. The crew, two ia atuober. were saved. In the cabin is the purse of tbe captain, coetain ing $l5B. Tbe service of Joha M £d wards, submarine diver .has been secured and and effort is being made to raise the " Father sad Soa" from her wartery grave. The lightship stationed off Diamond Shoals returned to her moorings Thursday and reported to the government telegraph station that the hurricane bfowed her sixty miles to aea. Representative Woodley. of Chowan county, teceired a letter from the ana ia charge of his place at Awboy,telliaj(of the destractioo of nearly every house on |lc Wood; ty'a place and my* thai had the wind lasted longer then five ann ates the horses would have beea loctl People are homeless. Some have po bouses left in which to Hf* and pthere are doubting up with fnead* * can be ML troyed so that •boa mart be can be built ' except the tie wrecked -eve haying cook's raw he fish houae fences are flat, icaßygoaeaad e to hegia se rf 0~ damages •wL WMBKIW LETTER. (>mmear%arirtCiiuMpusii■» ) hart toe ways that are dark aad flfa tricks tort are earn aa practiced by toe treats af toe cnaatry have been expaeed by William Randolph Bams*, by the pabhrsltbn of the telegram aeat by Rocktelke 9 man, ArekheH. to Senator Matthew Stan ley Qaay. of Fennaylrania. toe am ase fa the capital of the aa tiaa. The word aaeana the some thing when used by all. but it is ased far many dirtereat standpoints Ibe fhridtst thinks it an outrage that aayhody should send Senators of the United Stales a telegram to iaiarace If gill it ion that is aimed The Senators think it an outrage that aayhody should have discover ed thrt a hhgiam had beta seat to aa hoaorable Senator, also aa outrage thrt aay paper should have priated it thereby biinging that baa a ret la body into diarepute with the rabble aad the hot polloi af the maabj. The real outrage heverer. is that a number of ao c ailed hoaorable "Senators of the Uaitod Statee should have received telegrams dictotfag to them how they should vote 00 aay subject of fcgirirtioa. aad that, ao far. has oae maa arisen to hia place on the floor of toe Senate and mentioned thrt fact and demanded an mvesti gatiaa. To thia complexion has it coma at bat. that a trust magnet can. with impunity, insult the great art drtiln relive body in the world vithaat a murmur of protest from Art body or aay member thereof. When will it end, and where will it end? It ia ap to the people. If they like thia aortof thing they can caatiaae the Republican Party in povcr and they will get a surfeit of it ♦ a * Although the Hoose has agreed to consider the Fowler currency MB at this session of Congress, it will sever bccooM a law. The edkt hath gone forth from he powers that he thai the oaly currency bill that shall bccOme a law a' this ses sion is the Aldrich bill, which is in the aatare of a substitute for the Fowler hill, aad gives the gold trust •ad the beats of the country a tighter clinch on the people than ens the Fowler bid. 1 hey say they intend to posh it through, aad I gaess they will. They can da aost aay old thing they wsnt to do, aad the people pay the freight. This aad the Philippine currency bill will be about all the currency hgislatioa at thia session of Con gresa. The democrats, aided by a few republicans whose consciences roc aot as goid as new, because they had been used some, compe 1- ed the Republicans ia the Hoase to pass a 141 firing to the Philippine Isiaads the saute currency as we have ia this coaatry, thus treating theas as a put of this country and aot as a coloay to be exploited aad looted; hat whoa the bill reached the RcpaMicaa Senate they smash ed it aad art* M bp* to (he House with the saw money system as was ortgiaaßytafeadod they sh uid have by the repubfccaa Hoase foa, mi Woo. la other wards, it ia a system that will give the exploiters a»4 lit looters the best of il and log the nper Filipinos. I}u» is * riot of rapacity aad the republican sfogaa foi "What fell, Bill, what M. 1 * a * The great Gro veaor. of Ohio, the ■oartijiHLt of the McKinley ad auaistraiioas. the member of the coauacttee op rales m the House, whose hands go all the fogMsllea, passed by that body, aad whs Mt beea the republican ondc; the statistician sad political piuphil aad soar aad a* Champ Clark calls lass the ' stud bug of come to griei Tbe republican idol la shattered, aad Its earth star fled. The immacalate aad white soalad Grosvenor has Uks tea hie eltitudinoue perch, aad he popped hhe a painted bled- ffirt (Wtrprise. WILLIAMSTON, N. C., FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 27,1903. the Pre aidcnta " aad he catered ia •{•■l to wl toa —d to w Groeveaor erroto letters of iatroduc tioa far faa aaaa Friday to all the big tnmt faih importaaiag them to make oat cheche payable oaly to hie aider. Of oaw he gotte tania. Mf has beea far year* aer* iag toe bwti aad why afcould aot they ludpeecato? A New York and palfakad a haiale letter from Graevcaor to oaeeftkebig trust wyrti af the maatij abo poat Mc«{i« far | aad oae Iroa the Secretory of the Treasury Shaw, far fico. The hook really vaii worth about a dollar aide half. fart thaee checfca were ia the nature ol a present to the atateman 1 rota Okie ia recegaiti n of his velaable aervicea to the party of the hjggert dacfc la (he trart pad dle aad oae faa the maa who loaaa eaoaey to the heels' banks withoat iafareat. thaa defy iag the lav of the lead. of the Eart befare the fart stroke aad Gaaaveaor raahed fato print aad denied the whole thiag aad aaid ha had aever writfaa a letter to aayoae aaking torn to aabecribe to hia book, aad thrt he had placed the whole thiag to the haada of the ageat who was to pay him a royalty aa hia aalee. It waa then that toe newapnper came oat with facsimile letter aadchecka. and it squelched Groeveaor aad silenced hia batteries. Ha baa aot opeoed bis head a ace. He baa aothing to aay. He baa beea caagbt with the goods oa hiaL a a try either km worked a flim flan on the Pifidmt of the United States and no one accuses him of being a fool, or else he is ia league with the trust magnates to fool the peo ple anent the recent so-called anti trust legislation. The inside history of the tele- grams sent to the repabiican Sena ton by trast magnates, peremptori ly ofderiag them to stop all anti trust legislation, shows a queer coaditioa of affairs ia the higher coaacda of the repubiicaa party. When the republican leaders found that the democrats looked with dis uiao npoa the so-called aati-trust legislation that the repabiican lead ere aad the trast stagnates have concoct d. aad would aot say a word against it, they feared the re s>ilt of this sdeace on the minds of the voters. Something had to be done to make it appear that the trusts were being curbed, and the job was pat ap that Rock feller sboald telegraph orders to stop all anti trast legislation, aad oae of these telegrams wss shown to the Presidrat He aisde public the tact that these tdegrame weie be ing so t. la fact, he seat for the representative of the associated press to tell him about them and immcjftitcly M was aaaoeaced by the administratioa press that here was evideace of the trust - bust ing nature of the Itflitic. As I said in m former letter, the trusts now are jubilant became they a( the IcpbliM so far as trust curbing is concerned. The people will have aa opportunity to witness the irorfcag ot the anti-trust legis lation esae'ed at this session by the nyUitw the election in 1904, and if they like that kind of aati-trust legislation thee they will vole to retain the republican party to power aad continue to pay tribute to the trust*. e* e ' The ludtn of the democratic party in Washington are b pnning to interest in the dif fere at boouM tor the prandential nomination en the dfocratir tick et that ere bring turned loore la aereral section> of the country. Thereto the Ouley boons which Warn started in Tfup., a»d** t>eiog nursed to keep it, warn by the Ben. jraiah Quinary. of Bos fc». jfe4k'ey vM to the last The Business That Does Not Talk Is as Tigbfas air""^" Open the Shell and it is Delicious. Hare you • ' ever tried it? Try opening your business so People will know abont it. Now is the time THE ENTERPRISE. Will opea yoar Inoi Shell «ad bring Satisfactory Results. ■. II yon are not satisfied, bring your troubles > THE ENTERPRISE f ♦ ;> Wi JT WILL PUSH YOUR BUSINESS FOR 1901 State. He iean able man. a every oae will admit, bat he ia abort aeveaty yean old He baa always kept hia democracy aa straight bat be did aot tear hia clothes far the ticket ia p f*. 1 hare ia the Parker beom. Jadge Parker ia. chief jadge of the New York State Coo it af Appeals, aad undoubtedly ia a good man aad a good democrat, but hia oaly claim to lacegaHioa ia the fact that he waa elected to faa preeent position by about *O.OOO majority the year following the big McKialey major ity ia New York. There is the Gonnan boom. Sen ator Gorman is looked apon here aa one of the best political leaden and strategists of the country, bat he bad not been very strenuous for the ticket darirg the last two cam paigns. He has done much ser vice for the porty,-howe*er. and be has many friends amos| U>e lead ers of the party. The latest to be cut loose aras that which former Governor Budd. of. California, let go in Columbus Ohio, a lew days ago at the big Jefferson - Jackson - Lincoln barbe cue. when be named William Ran dolph Hearst as his choice. The people of .the country know Mr. Hearst as one who, in 1896 and 1900, stood by the democratic par ty when then the wealthy mien de serted. In the two campaigns he is said to have contributed Jroo.- 000 to the democratic cause. His Jeflersonian democracy is unques tioned. His philanthropy Las of tcs manifested itself. He wan elec ted to Congress last fall by an un precedented majority from New York. Fm>4 a Bear ta Her Bed. A oorrespoodent from Mitchell county of the Morgaaton News- Herald pio this exciting story : V On last Thursday, while gath eriag pliT an the Grandmother Mountain, about two miles cast of Kawana pwtofct. Mis. E. W. Robbins fouad amy large bear in her bed with three small cubs. She not knowing what to do, guarded the beam aad suit a small boy after her brother. Fate Thompson, a son of the fsmoaa hnnter John Thomp son. He aooa arrived with his gaa. After firing two shots he killed his prey aad captmed the three small cabs, which heaoid for #15.00. Dr. V. C. Gram, of onr town, purchas &«*■" HVmn WITCH HAZEL SALVE TW only |iiflfi 1 c-e far bliad. Mmd tag, hchtag aad fnitinW^K^flc*. in. DfWitt-a is tfce only Wilek Mm that fa aiiit from the far, DcU'itt's Witch Hud CALVFS RED PETTICOAT. Mm. flirt, the world famed op era linger, u seen at her best as Carmen. The first time (he took thia part at Paris aha considerably astonished the stag* manager by «cuili| a pineoos red silk petti coat daring the first act. Ohjec tiooa were raised, for it was mid no gypsy cigarette girl coold afford so expmsire an article. The prima donna, hawerer, confessed that rhe had been to Seville and followed a genuine cigarette girl to a second hand cost tuner's and there taw her bay a brilliant red skirt. The next day the girl wore it and occasional ly lifted her dress a little so as to •M* the underskirt. Mine. Calve bmcht il of her, and it is that iden tical skirt which the operatic'singer now wears when playing this part. TOT Bad Puna. At a Maine educational conven tion Rev. Nathaniel Butler, former ly president of Colbv college, but at present professor of English litera ture in the llniveraitv of Chicago, waa down for an address. As he was about to speak Hon. W. W. Stetson, state superintendent of schools, said to him: "Dortor, is your address like a cat's tail?" "How is that V asked Dr. Butler. "Why, fur to the end," replied Mr. StetloL. Dr. Butler smiled appreciatively, bat kept silence. I(e opened his «3- dreas by "Your supermu-nd ent just asktd me if my aadrws was to be like a cat's tail—-fur to the end. 1 awure him that it is like a dog's tail—bound to occur." Weighing a IVfmiw. An Italian phvsicist, Signor Sal vioni, has devised a micro balance of sncfa extreme delicacy that it clearly demonstrates the loss of weight of mask by volatilisation. Thus the invisible perfume floating off in the air is indirectly weighed. The es sential part of the apparatus is a very thin thread of glass, fixed aft one end and extended horizontally. The microacopic objects to be neighed are placed upon the gtaaa thread near its free end, and the amount of flexure produced is ob- Wrved with a microscope magnify ing 100 diameters. A mote weigh ing one-thousandth of a milligram perceptibly bends the thread. Pattl, Kiabclik ami laeurswcs It was Mine. Fatti who originated the idea of insuring the voice. Hera is "underwritten" for (5,000 a per formance or (40,000 for total loaa of voice. Only twice has she drawn the insurance, although she is near ly sixty years old. It is interesting hen to ractU the fact that Kabelik, the tateet wonder in yiftba performers, haa his right hand insured against accident for SIO,OOO, while total disablement of hie left arm woald being him (50,- 000. When he tours, six persona accompany him—his manager, valet and foar other*. Edfa MaM«| Aluminium. The most surprising property of dominium is if* newly discovered newfK of giving a flne, razorlike 2dge to steel cutlery. Magnified % thousand times, the knife edge pro duced on the ordinary whetstone mean rough and jagged, while that yielded by the Ttm EKTERPRIBB; RATES OF ADVERTISING: Que Square, ooe insertion 75 Ceota. • - two insertions fi.if. " M ooe month ..... fa.oo. - - three months - " afca " st*a. « « twelve" . . . . #**-na - * Mr tmr advertisements Liberal Coutaoetcwin be mrnim ■ , The cabmen of tifiimilk, Ind., recently formed i combine and ad vanced their pricea (or taking a couple to the theater from $1 to $2. Thia led to the formation of a "gum ■boo" onion m the part of the eoci ety girls, who Talked rather than paj the price demanded. The busi neaa of the cabmen fell off, and they bad to go back to the old pricea. The girk are now rejoicing over their victory, to which they were helped by the support of the travel ing men, who were affected by a cor responding increase of other ratee and had arranged to ask the city council to paaa an ordinance estab lishing a uniform price for cabs. "And this," said Senator Hoar, picking np a volume in bis library, "is a copy of Chapman'a Homer. 1 suppose it would sell for from sl,- 2UU to (1,500 at auction. Here is a Chaucer, printed in 1687. There is no duplicate of that in existence. And here are some fine old Bibles. This one is a family Bible that be longed to Roger Sherman. See thia long record of births. The name of Sarah Sherman, my mother's name, is written there." And so the ven erable senator went over one of the finest collections of rare and choico old volumes in the country. It ia priceless because it ia not for sale.— Boston llerald. Wkw Senses' Balarisa. Hector D. Mackenzie, afent of a wine company ia New was sued on a judgment for SBW. He acknowledged that ha received $12,- 000 a year salary, but declared that he had to spend moat of it in push ing the business of the company ho represented. "In fact," he said, "I am practically a tank into which I pour the wine in order to earn t lin ing. Why, I know a wine agent who geta $40,000 a year. Between posh ing the business and paying house hold expenses I haven't a cast" A Tart Wepty. Jay Gould had no use for a van who drank, and thia aversion has been inherited hi all hie children, especially Anna, Counteas de Castel lanc. A rather bibulooaly inclined young man about town recently said to the young counteea, "Would you call a man a drunkard who only geta drunk now and then ?*" "Would you call a man a thief who only picks pockets now and then?" was the reply. The I *smfc>ra System. Labouchere, the Leadnn editor and wit, used to be a regular visitor to Mania Carlo, but that was a good many yean ago. In the old dava ha used to follow a certain plan of play which ia known there to thia day aa *ie syateme labouchere.** Not long age eome one aaked him regarding thia system, and ha replied, "Ah* many millions hare been wen through it—l mean by M- Nam*, owner of the gambling aaloa." Cats' Par. It ia noticed that for aw# lb» in Warsaw immatesahl* cats have disappeared. According to the lo» cal preas, thia ia dae to the fact that a number of far ieil— from Latp aic have been eadaaioaing to aacure 10,000 which apparently are dyed ao m to be WHOLE NO. 178 Professional Cards. g)R. J6BND7 Blßgs, DENTIST M OFFICE: MAIN STREET. Geo w newrll, A TTORNKY-A T- TJL W, Ofcce ap stair* in Nr» Ink ■■ll4 91" inc. left kaadaUr. top of «rpn "Villi amston, N C. M-Ptmctk** whmm milui lit Mni Sprcia! iHciUm |tffi kmakhmiiMi •1 title for poichurtt ml Uabri u4 !!■>■ k*4i Mi! IK. ■KO A FOWLER,fMwpr /:_JI AMERICAN AND - 1 - - EUROPEAN PLAIV 18 to 28 Prat Street, . * . . • . BALTIMORE. UK Thoroughly Renovated and put in Firat-Class Order. i-ij-ytlj Imlkh HaiablMiedta. ly . Rocky Mount, N. C., CEO. R. DIXON Practical Sheet rictal Worl atfi Tin Roofing, fluttering ami Tobacc* Flues a Specialy, alio Tin Roof* I'aintc4 I will positively be on banal AT WILLIAMBTON to furniah the Farmer? with TOBACCO FLUES _ (luring the Season of 1903. If you want the Rest Material an J ti« Best Work, Call on or address GEO.'R. DIXON, • . ' Rocky Mount, N. C. IS TELLOW POlSflfi^ In your blood ? Physicians rail it rlalarlal Oerai. It csa be seen changing red Mood yellow under microscope. It works day and night. First, It turnsycttrcooi plexlon yellow. CbiUy. aching sensations creep down your backbone. You feci »eak and worthless. ROBERTS' CHILL TQHiC will stop the trouble now. It enters the blood at once and drives out the yellow poKon. If neglected and when Chills, Fevers, Night -Sweats and .1 gen eral break-down come later on, Roberta' Tonic will cu.e you thtn—bat why watt? Pre.rat future sickness. The mam. lec turers know all about thin yel low poison and have perfected Roberts' Tonic to drive ft ant, nourish your system, rector* appetite, purify the M.ioJ, pre. vent and core Chills, Fevers sad Malaria. It has cure J tisaj ands—lt will curs you « your money back. This is fair, 1.7 It. Price, 25 cents. For sale by Anderson, Hastell & Co.,aa4 Eli Oargaaiu. WHY?! Tha aeaaou Ona Minnie Couth C** to DM lAM >• be mm M ecu in* «B lie ■ool KbraM >1(11* **«•» Ik* mt* ** I or se tlw hjaf* "»*' M McotMV Mac* •anaaeadrieerlrc !U !>««•. t One Minute Coe«h Car* Ml «x» Mmtlb *»- MMfeimi, and cleere oat IMr pcteo. fat * gftatf Mrentfh and wHt la the McM n i iateMe which prated the throat aad hac*. Optra tha MMxai and promotes MuhatncMd tratfttaa* IS tha Wood to race!** tt» nml « omen, thua exhllaratlnc tha anlmorary U|'l» a«B Mch atraacth aadrtfor that tha ha*a eadV kJ tubas become bulwarks ecafcist tha fcrr-rf • *i o dte> eaM. Asthma. Bronchitis. La Cilpai. Cold oa te LicaMd all Palraoaaar CniflalW tW era ill •re oulcklr and b» the M* of ONE J MINUTE COUCH CURK tapwri b* t. O. DeWITT * COt. mi mi g. K. BIGGS HW J J ™ f 4 ■ ■ j k I L H Iwl mMBCmMMPj Oowwtwi* to' :11I1SI