THE ENTERPRISE . * +*m*m aasvaa i mimi nia TURKS OF SUBSCRIPTION; SI.OO ftr Y«ar. Strictly in Adfam VOL IV. - NO. a 3. Mental HnhiAlftcliJOia j ; Dtctor's W#tk" BfevNHss* NiftlMOMl illlllp The other da* near BtdndL ' Jilti*!?!" !jfc 2uSg l the drill until it hframe a magnet ao power fad that a afaevri adhered M firm ly that H leaaiied coa.idarahle strength lo rA.II it away from the' drilL A niiiiiir of pc»»u* hate riaited the and taiifal thcin adves by U»cir pocket knives upon :fc« drilL—Kansas sty * AWaSarLtlsa Road. IVakaUj tho first railroad ctct keiU ia thcTmteti States pt iacipel ly to hanl w.teAaeloaa will bo a kneb Une wL*ch the ia getting ready to co«.trart ia south, aaoft XWn thi« »pnag. The fine ag SSSa y anyhWy hat a Ha rhyno •What ia land'r' "That fartrftha glaka which it -Ko; that fa aaly dry land."— Men Tart Uahenity Tnaagfa. aanart hoy. If H - - *h ♦haetriral life tirp ■■!>■?* ~WdL~*£ takeeqaitea figure tego' the . stage."—Detroit l fla»fa|HtiHth^ Mfe, 'i —That aiat aajtMac. Oar adallae wears Ma* atgHHaUwa every time ha peaeW-Oerefaad Ptata Dealer. j -—■ 1 r .ii. 1, *j ffin (Mttpist "" Ml TME UTILE «BL S)Lt£((L|Hak)kpi to thi k>H e» UU a fk a* vkil anZtana huy . WW «■. fc- aahad ■a fta tin 1A Ihi aw aa A* yt fade jfaa ia the vara% atkk wfcSSisp • HmJj. nktaa nMfta Wba, UMHiaialiafnhaflMla Ika 1 11 ii a kakaatalMaai kaa kreahfaat aa« practices aa hear. raady far school at 9. At It ka kaa dioatr and at 1 rctarae fta sehaaL After adkaoi kc takaa half aa haw far play, them two kin for riola practice, thrr rapper. followed far • Mf hoar'# twrf-twa. He goer to . bed &t 'J, but not before he Las hid aaotl «r hoar of practice- Profess or ikln of Colombia oliege ha* re cently uxknaUa the iuinctws of youn£ Brede. Tka Frompt Baft. "Ho* I do appreciate a hoy who ia always prompt—always oa time!" | aaid John Wawaaiikar, the great dry good* Hwehat *Vaa aaoa lama to depend ipa the key who ii Barer lata in kaa pUee, who fa awn late in a lettar er • parkage, amr lafta m gang to neat a railesad train, nevsr lata in ated wnh kini m laapoetaat basuMaa WttnyatetalaHalaafiaaaH -■oaae —» Tr» » mm-mmm.r _ .' vitt her fitWr CM day to M aft HwyifL n» ihimithHtor apni with the fact. iMjk Bttb Hp* pW*r Z 3@sfSTsr-- WILLIAMSTON, N. C, FRIDAY, MARCH 6, 1903. coramots of a tmhskk n 1 ii mli iwty-mrf UK of paeaangHa Maine MM I |l LmL «»• wk wlMllkl IWIIUII Mft ■ImWL AlAktetoh IMIIIMB MiaMs M laaitki ■hi f—mmm tap wMk' Mr • •' • «■ mat •w tpk mmmmm ifcai at m* Mi ai • Imm f*» • M SamA than Htlli kits of pa pr mtm kttla Wk'-Xw Tock lnnMWi«tKak>Mi««lkio| m Fjwtii kfl',7TJwSw* Ma krsZtC waMWAaiMriaiarottlM aftaew aa4 a pnhi*—a dw gdkmd ap aMteVa kiaaalka thief. *Taa," hI Ua. "I h» Mb." "WW M ke kaak HkafT shouted the aancLaat aai the mliahmii -W«T.- adJ Kahn deliberately, "h ■car m I aoaU an iw looked lika he ifal have a mmute to spare." Kaaaa aa Wall atreet Tip*. Junes 1L kerar, the noted Wall tjenkjar. i* exceedingly rhnf'ebost giving market (ips to frv-niis. thorch he is understood not to he so rctiorat with |x>n>on* not on hfa list of intimate*. litre 1 m hfa own str of looking at the matter: "Moat people will admit that I am shout as good a specula tor at there fa oa the street, but the waff heat I eaa do fa to beat Uio sane fear tines sat ef aevea. Now, if I em ny friends tips three oat ef aevea weald gm eiaag, aad how fang do you aaapire I oowld hold say himh aaaer than dtedm etenenf I never ted a ewe thing la my Hfis. It ever I have, I'll let amy fad kleak eae ef my frfanda a—m Thfa'fa'a aLn*told hy tho Hew Tak WerVs Werhiagtnn eorre saeadsmt: Whea Itsprseeatative Infan ef Chirngo, who fa ooasiag hack fta the fifty eanyaes, tine of Um kaafaT* Mad! tkrsugk the gftna dspartnsnt aad hadlnfaa the OUT aaea than. "Do yaapst dawn at ttis tfaae ovary r "whea the cfay, sir> It waart - Oh Kw T«to «w bUag an other haw toeatifnl Mm John R. DwdlMMitafodiMtlM pra tim iiwin. ttn|t dM ra «im nl van lot e «gn of pwk -DSS* £S* ■M IktCttW VMtt'l UVML ef coonO «id the other, "bat the Staph etring of ymk* jw auk of n nliitii ud utthri by t Chmi expert aad cut tXO.OOO. fcAywri ■■■pfrwii faemjnnJ, IV |«pnH wiw that k |—iiag Ihi jiffia f final th* 3of each hwwl m aeceaaary in on far export, haw the pmrtoMßMii the hold of » wml atavt a fcitnhhoa which ■peak tho whole cargo. The prod wet each jeer of thu degerming ie ibott 9,000,000 gallon* of corn oil, which hu heretofore been need to adulterate Unseed oil, hat .now a procces for clarifying it and remov ing Ha peculiar odor briiifl it into competition mith olive aua cottou ceedoiL Fm •«*!> ana Omaa Ctet>«». Oacar Hammcrstda, the New Tort theater managrr, la a greet atidder for ercmug dna at the •f the aaH|aMgi "The leaet a lai.ll em to aaye, "m fa Imw. It bmlmb aM thed to aea • aaa W faea aaato to a each aaift. UkarftofaMdM la ntoj MWflh* «'■* I T CQHOBBtP itWMESu^ I Now Cola Viaryjer Wan Ho rrteaf aMp a# Major INaMr. lie thM Oala tWfas MM ago, hM haaa graated a eoa litfaoaT pardan, wUch will admit 1 of kfaraiarning to kfa garner home • |a Wmomri. whfah 11 nM I mo of a k aftary akoat tha iuHna kaodit • whfak ahoao thot araa kna hare | an konmt aal BoWt & I W y*RSad BUdS" detachment, r kan B. lirtH. took part hth t kettle at Laaa Jaek, Mo Daring ► ft* Mgagaamat Mdot JTaater «a ► (hfit H WM thoagkt, fatally a Tkg rjmhMQ iaogßg VMS » dafaaied and fail back, faarmg their I wounded. Majer Kaatar and hfa 1 brother lay la a cahia ahta ay gang 1 hnekwhacker who had oaoa been ■ their enemy came in fat a half 1 drunken condition and, erring the oondition of tha major, laid him to prepare to die, aa he m going to Ceraa. Aa M waa abaot to poll trigger a yonag fellow dashed [ knocked tha. afatel up, [ aetaed the rowdy and threw him ■ tram tha cabin. Ha tftld tha offi ' ean that he waa Cala Toongar and | promfaad to loak oat tot their pro -1 taction. Major Footer theaght ko " waa goiag to dU and denied to ooa ' Ma tnToaagar. Ha aakad him t* f take ftOO, kfa wotah aad ehaia aad 1 other ralnahfae U hfa H»tk 11. wha • ttred fat Warrenaburg. Fowr daye | later the major waa aoMled by hfa 1 mother that eha had received the ; package intact. From tkot day . Younger had no better friend than 1 Major Foster, who worked kard un - til the day of his death to secure 1 the parole ou whieh Younger eras ! relciued two years ago." • tf :• Didn't Need the Jeh. A- woman in PortlnnJ, lie., pn=s ' | in? Lv a gardeti «av.- a »liai>- ' j biiv dressed taun working 011 some | j treed. ' I "What pre you d ung to those ! j tree (ranks P' a-tked she. ' j !'(Jirdiin;j thorn, madam, with ; 1 winter*' ink and to k«.p otf ' I the cankcrwonna, answered the man. ! "Wtll, I wfah yon would come 1 and girdle oan. What fa your 1 Bsme f 1 "HiU," the man replied; hot, al | thoogh tho women repeaUd the ie* MnMnrraHnvm THL.'ngCJm w EOR '■ 91E24W -TiLit 1 ID ■ [Wsfflyi 1 KNAfI VLwt ■ t I nBL -i ■ r^m tWM 100 worae ewasm eranea queet about going to girdle her trees, the man returned an erasire answer. That night die spoke to her husband about the occurrence. "Why," aaid the husband, laugh ing, "that man fa the Btr. Dr. Ilill, late president of Harvard universi ty and recently eppaiated paator of the Pint church. Philadelphia Ledgrr. \ 1 ' MIiiIC((NV Ufa recent death of Dr. Barrows, president of Oberlin college, recalls mb incident in connection with tho parliament of religiose over whieh he presided during the World's fair |p Chicago. At the conclusion of mm of the meetings which #M char acterized by debeffc and diseemmn, he was ssked: \ "la there anything upon which the parliament did a£ree r* "Well, yes," said Dr. Barrows. "We all agreed thatnf any one of us should lows his mokey the fair the public would not concern itself as to how we lost it, bat how be came to have it to lose."—Detroit Free Press. Taking Timber. That picturcsquo Pbiladelphian, Uichard Vaux, used to repeat many of Thomas Moore's annuong stories, having known the Irish poet well I daring his residence in London. One of the bost of these was that o the blockhead who waa purchasing a horn Mid whet wishing to kaow MHirfhlag of hfa leaping pew** fat the eHßtlna: -WUI he take tlnh«r "lieOl jump ever yowr ra the afajy of the f~ ALL OVEH THE HOUSE. Cat Bed tear* a Keen CMtMng r«em aapoMa on. Hooeekeepers kare always expe rieaced dUknhy in Baking heda re that rsatlsH people, and children es pecially, weald not ifaanaaga the clothing dating the night and thns fart and perhaps to a severe cold, aaje a correspondent in Asecrfann Agriculturist. ear a eot bed a pud take throe yarii ef eotton clotk, mkt a wide hen en the ftae eafak aew thne or Are hattoaa ea one cad, making tattoahafaa to match ea the elhH ham. Yea Might first anerfaaaat with a leaf short and a aanty pan, making tko acarf after bass satis fied of its usefulness. Thiww tho mattraaa back fraas (Is top end and spread the searf acroes the cat frame, sllowing the cads to hang toward the fioor. Make the bed as usual, reserving the spned. Tuck smoothly around the bottom and sides, keeping the ends of the scarf hanging. Now draw up tka ends and button. Put on the spread, which aaay be tucked or not, ss you wish. The aoarf should he long enough to allow plenty ef room for the sleeper, and should fas nowise he tight. This device nay be need aba oa single end double boifa, hat fa especially adapted for cotn ea which it fa diflkalt, even for n eain peme% to keep the clethiag. Horseradish hocc fa eae of the hast relishes to serve with beef. There are several ways of makiag it* bet here arv tuo that are especially delicious: fo two tsblespoonfuls of freshly grated horseradish add the same quantity of breadcrumbs from Which (bo crust has been taken. Pour over there four tablespnonfuls of crcsin and let them stand unUl t!.e crumbs have eoftew.d and up (lie cream. Knb (he mixture through a sieve, add a »alt*noonful of salt, a half tcaspoonfu! of granu lated Fugar and jus-t a tiny da.-h of mustard. Mix well with (he horse radish and add two tabiespuoufuls of tiuegar. Another sance is made ia this way: Moisten two tablespooufuU of freshly grated horseradish with a lit tle vinegar or lemon juke. Add ona hnping teespoonful of sugar, a half tenpoooful of salt and half a tee spoonful of dry mustard. Mix wsO together end just before serving stir in three tablespoonfuls of whipued cream that has been wall drained. Ctoaalnf Oxalic acid fa the beet agent for cleaning bran andiroae, candle sticks, etc., which have sufisred fron neglect It fa applied with a flannel doth and a brisk poifahiag with chamois follows. A paste made of rottenetone and turpentine fa all that fa required for poifahiag lean that simply needs brightening. Brensn saould be dneted with a soft cloth and than rubbed with a doth moistened with tweet eOL Then rah with a soft doth and pal ish with chamois. Copper utensils, the hot water tenk, leigaftl aad tha afaa bathtah should he rlsaaed with hot vhao- Cheese nay be made iato soufles. raaaequins, omelets, etc, and served before the dessert or with crackers, wafer biscuits or celery with e salsd before a hot dessert, or after the dessert. Cheeee fingers and cheese straws are aerved with the aalad. A Stilton or Chester cheeee fa cat ia half and one pert wrapped in e nap kin aad served, says the Pittsburg Press. Boquefort and Gorgoasola are cut in large slices from the cheese aad aerved ia a folded aap kia. The Americaa dairy theses fa (at ia snail cubes of equal while the soft cheeses, Brie, Neaf fheid, etc., are uawrapped fron the pgfotl aad eeraped before serving. A HiWnmi gaset A picturesque feature ia a boon fa to nave a sitting room oa e differ ent level from the hall. Ia a beauti ful country bouse on the fake shore the drawing room fa two feet lower than the long, low raftered hall, making the ceiling just so much higher. As one stands on the thresh old at the open folding doors before descending the couple of broad Kept that lead into the room the effect is charming, especially as the room is; treated in a way to enhance the im pression of sudden brightness and! fnriiiH Mi Am Air Pwnp twaepar. t A broomleu housewife h*3 be come i possibility. A Yankee haa invented a machine which sweeps and duals a room by suction from an air pup ■ the bananat. All thai is necessary 1$ to paaa a boat aoaal* •w the earpata and fnxnitm*. The ttZ&X'r* ttoa mmmmmmrnafrrn - THR ENTERPRISE Mjejg RATES;OI» ADVERTISING : OnefWpsare. ooe insert km . . . . , 75 Ceota. " '* two insertions .... J 1.15. " " ooe month $2.00. tbrcr months , . . . . *4OO. " x " #7-°O - " t«h* " ...... $12.00. Wxger liwrtMwuu lihwl Cwtnrti win |>^ " ft UtUE MMEME In CIlwA A* moo had km deplorably 1«K there ooaU t« ao disputing ttoa, and Kttle girl* are not aappooed to ■■■lanlsaJ what fa being Mid anyway. Km gwwwM fideeted to their am, and the fanny Tittle Hi with the white side whiskers w MMtonn behind his hind. Uhl Mi-, I—htoa, fa tor crwshtog Bmmimj tot ul tor ls^ sftd the mmls enfthe never ending mm* vera toe mack for her. Rn hanad against tor Mather's ana w+mmUr***' Mdtor fcf eiliJ the child. —d little Bam •htoewss radaly disturbed fraen She straightened op, blinked bar •yes two or three times sad whia perod so that all the people in the pewa around could hear her. "It was a ligious dream, mamma," she sobbed in the defeasive; "1 thought a crowd of angels came io our hones tram tho sewfag society and jam ■sa* Nan down to a; that JOB were ML"—Haw York Herald. >*' Tk *v* '»¥ ■ a >■'' ** . . . V-Vi . Yi* ■! *r *^ "Now. my little pir!, can you till 1110 the «jui kcrt way to gtt to jJr. tiiin' farm 'f "To run, sir."' An Explanation. "A satirist, my dear." nM llioa I Cayenne to the girl who is begin- I nlng to take aa iuUreat in litera . ten, la a writer who applies him [ mK to aqtwisf aheme." r T«t wby abould ha know ao L than other people about "Because he is usually one Itim •tU"—Washington Star. Maaas4 Sleep. , TSuppoaing you woke up some day I and found yourself a millionaire — , what'd you do V | "Go right to sleep again, so that i the knocking of the tax assessor* on the door wouldn't annoy me!" — Ba ltimore Herald. Ira ill aa Awsrtfa Hwahaad—l'm surprised at joa, ' Marin! How couhl you have the laaatoteßthe judge yau were ftwaa*- [ ty-fanr when yon wsrs forty-eight lest Man thy WUa—WSH, dear, I told hi* the tiwth. I gars n»y average age.—To ronto Moon. Am InSitadis ef AAraaekig Afs. "After all, you know, a man is ae young aa ha feds." "After all, yea. That is to say, he doesnt brag about being as young as he feels until he's old enough to know better." —Philadelphia Preae. "What is uiors welcome than a full moon?** whispered the poetie a full ceal scuttle," replied the practicul atri and then he said aa eweeu—CMeago News. ■|M >nar Tfcaa lamach. Wsiass—Why, Bobbie! Crying at the table? What is the matter? Bobby (quite aobby) There's four kinds of cake, an' I'm only huam enough to eat two, — Brook lynLue. DOES IT PAY TO BUY CHEAP? A cheap remedy for coughs and colds is all right, but you want something that mill relieve sn J core the more severe and I dusgercos results of throat and lung 'troubles. What shall you do? Go to a j wanner and more regular climate ? Yes,it J possible :if not possible for you, thee in I J either case take'"the OKI. v remedy that j has been introduced in all civilized coun tries aits snccefs in severe throat and long troubles, " bKcbec's German Syrup."* It not only heals and stimulates the liimni to destroy the germ disceate, hot allays inflammation, causes easy ex pwtwatioa, gives a good night's rest,sad cores the patieat. Tiy «1» bottle, ii il » mmn reaaa by all dauggwta tu the waahL You caa get Dr. ©, G. Gat Gaeaa-a SyrH.l AHnaaar. Sakictibt to The Gntetycuc. j WHOLE NO. 1 79 Professional Cards. I - T r Br. JOHN D. fifflos, [ DENTIST I OFFICE: MAIM ST* BET. 1 —————— ' Geo I? NEWF.LL, [ A TTORNEYA TIJL W, ■*> omcr fMn ii Sra Int ~ "II TiuiAwnw. N GL ■ NllM rtu..,. SOTtas t *»«W h«l*|a4Hki I Mir Hist, • i Fmaritavr AMERICAN AND • - - - EUROPEAN FLAN. 1 18 to 28 Prat Street, . • . . * . BALTIMORE, LFD. Thoroughly Renovated and pat in Fint-ClaM Order. MW»«T Silky CEO. R. DIXON Practical Sheet fletol Worker. Tie' Roofing. C uttering and Tobacco Flora a Sjwijli also Tin Roofs Painted I wi'l ji'-ilivelj- be on hand AT WILLIAMSTON to fnrni>h the Fanners with TOBACCO FLUES "j the Season of 1903. I If you out the Material and the Cot Work, Ciii on or jililrm , GEO. R. DIXON, Rocky Mount, N. G. f IS YELLOW POISO™ fca voarMood? Physicians caß : It ftalerial Oer«. Itcaakeaoea , rfMHagredktßedjraMea —tor micreecape. M weitcs day aad , «%M. Hut, a tame ranr caw 1 pleslea yeMow. ChUfy. acbtof seoaatlaos creep toia year todttojse. Vow M week isi i ROBERTS'CHILL TONIC wM stop tho inaHn now. It eoters the MOO 4 at once and drives eat the yettow pelsaa. M neglected aod when CtiHle. J Fevers. Nlglrt-Sweats aad a gaa eral breek-dowo com later ao. Retorts' Took- vfl cava yea th«o hot why watt? Proveat fntore akkaeso. The Make tnrers kaow afl stoat tkls yel low poleea aa4 tove perfected Retorts' Toalc to Orivo It oat. oaoilafc year ay stem, restore appetite. porlfy the Mood, pro jvent oad care CWBs. Fevers aad iMafarh. tt kos cared tkoau aods—MorM cars yea. or yoar Mosy toefc. TKJ kNr, Try tt Pries. 2X soots. . » nmHMmnwnmi For sale by Aaderaoa. Paaatll ft Eli Garganua. WHY?! Ita—OaaMiC«aa> COiatawMjft ■—>r■■ i%» rtn. tka ajOMa-k *e -So "ONE MINUTE COUCH CVRS kaaU b| L O. OsWII I a OOk, OMaagH s at. araos «(KIQiK /IKIML ggm