■ — TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION: p oo Per Tear. Strictly ■ Adnaoe VOL. IV. - NO. 24. Grip's Grim Grasp Caused Heart Disease. Could Not Lie Oa Loft Side* Dr.liiles'Heart Cun oad Nerrlno Cured Mo. t«. I aa* afOeTn^M kfl mmn MaottmudMl «aUht««rM aUf laci I 'zz" s^izimsa.'SrjitS: mm pen »rl I h*4 tM » anfm jga'^lyg dwr oat rfWMI w4 ytt "in li" n PLwd k'n'mM tat of Heart Cant taaSc at f*d Hv a arw I Mf kMft is >ll rW*t mmimrmmr* AM Imta aril a 4 naata Safest- LIVED ON SUOM MX WEEKS Mr. Orandeaa In a recent paper the who was traveling in the Transvaal at the time of the war: "As a result of eueunataaen too Wag to aalata I found hltek adsd between the Bngliih and tha Boer forreo, unable U> now without rot airing a gunshot from oaa sils or the ofter. 1 was forced daring ani weeks to depend upon sugar aaixed with a little sswdnst for tnsitsh neat for myself and six rahfcatak whish I wns absolutely ilssiioas of heaping for breeding puranat. It was impossible foa me to and straw far my rabbits. They aad year hamble servant were none the want for this diet. We prospered under It, and the rabbits grew fat."—For estry and Irrigation. Mfcvera ari Mai Os Mar. Signor des Planches, the Italian anbassador in Waahington, says that if \ou look intently st a mirror Tok trill bo cared of aissirkntsa Os his way across the ocean he waa so sack Wist he did not can whether ha lived or not and on* doubted that be waa himself. To n a stare himself that it was really he who was so wretched he looked in a mir ror and was hutaatly cured. He ate a substantial bnshfast and then toid his experience to a Chicago wo man oa deck and showed her the aairror. "What a fright I anf aha erctaimrd "And my hat it not ta straight! Just hold tha nirror n minute till I can arrange it." Her tnnii knrtn wared as quickly aa the tmbtastdor's. At aay rate, that is what he told the reporters. A Lady ef Color .The Lady Chameleon is attract ing attention in Paris. Sjej a hy her emotions. 'Anxiety tarns her green. She b pink when joyful Violet when afraid and black when mrr. The Boston Journal can see hew such a woman would be a never tailing joy as a wife Her husband would noTer he in doubt as io tha ■mise nature of her mental r-ondi- ETAnd £n thenmigbt csaas a nildly polygamous feeling to a hut- Utad having a white wife, a colored wifs aad a nd wifs an diffiesat hm. Yet Mha Carina will no doabt many a nan -that is color Ut~l and thereforw attain afistin Bach m the irony of Ufa. ~ Boot Steal Carrtsr Waa I as. Ajnan named Meraad eoaa nryjthat he had JST thsaa tome months ego," was the ra gy. "Weft, bring than to my of n wax seal attached to each Milk his way to jail. . j .«.> -«.., -jk •• **_ . i ... « __•, - ®jjt (Knttrprtst. FOR THE UTILE ONES. ' Tka UHh Crawing twwpcf an* th OHM of .A pnttily dressed Utile Antrim hay an walking along the strata mi Pkm Me da? when u lie triad to trsts the crowded boulevard he van knocked down by tha pole of a car riage. In a moment a crowd had ceOeetod, bat the first upon the spot wns a little crossing sweeper, ragged and dirty, who had seen the danger and had sprung to help the child al most before the pole had touched ban. Tenderly and carefully the stmt hoy raised the rich man a son in his arms and carried him through the crowd into a drugstore near by. It was found that the boy was not as much hurt as might hare been nswlij, aad soon the crowd Aspersed. The druggist bound op the hoyls wounds, the littfe crossing swaeper standing by in syinnathy, aad when the work was done he ran oat, paid the Httle American's fan aad told the conductor where to ana tha craning sweeper turned hack to his work a gentleman who had been looking on apoke to him, offering hiur I cents. "Bate, ny hoy," raid he, "you ont afford to pay that rich cbild't fan. Let me give it bock to you." Tha rrtning twtcper pat- hit head him. no," taid ho, "for then wouldn't he an charm." Ha naant tha tharm of having dtan At kiadntn wonld all bo loat to hhn if It eoot him nothing, and ha waa quite right Tha poor little imatlag tnatpef understood the tna seen* of hspnmott hi giving or in doing (tod.— Hoan Motrin* la tht ftaie of trade tach aaa chaatn a trade which ha or she ax trrisn ia the following manner s Theahotanker BMKb those. The wßshiirwimian wnhss clothsa. The spinner turns hot wheel, ete. One or tht nltyert add it a king sr a qaata ana begins tha game by nnliag at hit or her own trade. In tha miantini all the others most make The movements appropriate to theeu. If the king suddenly change* his trade nnd takes up that of one of the company, all the rest must naaaia inactive except the player whom the king la imitating, and he aanst at oaace take up the king's trade until the latter it pleated to edupt another. Then that player in hit turn takct tht king's trade, and all the rest remain idle until the king returns to his original Undo, which it tht tigntl for all patent to recommence thair own. nia Spoiling Ltsosn. One little six-year-old Bernio [ failed to spell "throw" correctly, i The teacher prompted him, and he sgUwlH after her. "Spell it again," "T-h-r-o-w;" ha rallied. "Agaia" "T-h-r-o-w." , "Again." \ "T-h-r-o-w." . » "Again" \ "Ti r o * r* "Once more," aha insisted. "T-h-r-o-w." "X#w what an you spelling?" "Again," he answered. Net What They Ihw. Ton woold think at first glance that the horizontal lines in the dia- Ewere not of the same length, • a matter of fact they an. The I I . . V. 1 i hart Maes itoaning at various an gle* lead the won astray and make fwrf'thiak that what yoa in looking it Is ilmt from what it actually Is. . " " 1 A SMaa BMIa lat ala* Ms bm* «w «ar H wel! wa.Mrayyiaaiir* -°T- >r T 4 11 " 1 '**- "^* mm *'- At M aw. ma »■■ i. £uTM «ikM>SStariaha^awr A kaa at a feast. I Mppoaa. laaa aas tra. aa4 m. an tan. ■ • . He akfi tfca (at boy aa lk> an—. Am* Mb M Bar wkaa Ma MM as s^MwaMMMNa WILLIAMSTON, N. £ FRIDAY, MARCH 13,1903. ALL OVER tHE HOUSE. rvwnpvi Tht can of furniture woods b an interesting port of tin inlilligttil housekeeper's duties. The daily light dotting most supplement the weekly robbing if the "Moots," ia (his instance'not desirable, is to ho kept away. As a rule the ok of say restoratives is to be deprecated. tTnlesa applied by a tiidn ans and thoroughly robbed in and there after the pieoo of faraitaie kept in perfect polish by a daily rubbing, the oil is sure to form s crust ansatr or later which it gunmy to the touch and not pleasing to the eye. For this reason new furniture should be kept as long as possible without the application of such re storatives. Furniture which hss been finished with shellac or varmah, whether ia gtossr or dall finish, should never he iltlaisil with soap or water. Bonp is mads to cut oily substances and in the performance of th%nrvice for which it is made eats tne oil owt of the waxed, oiled or shellacked surface it tbachss and destroys tt. If nn oil restorer mats for any raason to be aitaanry, raw linseed oil snd turpentine in equal parts applisd on s piece of tht ess cloth will bt found moot often of terrier. For carved porOtna which re quire dtily attention toft brnhn audi na tn utod for the cleaning of ailnr will bt found to ho tht beet CL Brash the ornamented por -1 oat thoroughly with a dry broth and no n tteond for tht real dtanting. Thit may ha dipptd in turpentint and and wiLhoat fear ef scratching tha finish of the wood. Whose white spots appear ta pai iahed surfscst from the dropping of liquids or front heat tha inmadnto application of raw Bat aad ail vriß generally restore the color. Tht oil mould be left oa the nffected spot for teveral bonrt or over night Al cohol will perform tht terries if sp plisd at once to rosewood or highly finished aiahoguny. In each in stance when the color hen returned the spot sboald be piece of cbcnedotb moiatanad with turpentine. A Settle Cltmr, A new deric* that ia warranted to thoroughly clean bottiet, tbooe that have contained wine or beer included, consists of t rod which by means of a hinge is divided into three parts of unequal length. The longest part corresponds to the length of sn ordinary bottle, and the two other parts correspond re spectively to the diameter of t bot tle tt tht bottom tnd to tbt length of the neck. The three parts are covered with rubber, and a they are hinged they can be moved in any direction. The method of cleansing is to pertly fill the bottle with wa ter and thrust the rod into it At soon as the device retches the bot tom of the bottle the lower part spreads out tnd thus reaches any sediment or other dirt that may Jiave gathered then. The middle part of the rod also spreads out so ss to cover the rest of the bottle, snd a few turns of the apparatus eerie to clcsnte the bottle, tnd the dirt is poured off with the water. Saving Stsps. The woman who doea her own work would find much comfort in a simple little device tdopted by a Philadelphia bride, nye tht Preat of that city. It ia t movable stand for removing the dishes from the dining room to the kitchen aad so constructed that all dishea can be taken from the kitchen at once, thus saving many stepSL Clean dishes, the different courses, etc., Ctn be brought from tha culinary regions in one "trip." This labor nving device it nothing anon thtn a stoat little table mounted .oa rollers and fitted oat with a couple of aheivet, cit patina a tnd other coa venieacea. The carpenter aaadt tha improvements for a couple ef dol lars. The little boustwife an her stand has alrandy nved her SSO worth pf time aad ttrength. MM* Cnm Mn. Roll oat the upper ud under eraat with alittle floor between. Bake a delicate bran. Split tkem aa coon aa baked and act tliti away nntil wanted for tba tabic. Then ftJU them between with a cnaterd made of one pint boiling hat milk thiek- two eggs, two-third* cop of white augir, two tables poona of flaw; aalt and aeaaoa. Scald to gether nntil thickened When al moat eold, fIH the pie and «aft when entirely fHH road aa* CMraHar. Eaten constantly or to exceaa, pork will cauM peiiwitai, beef will caaM audacity, mutton will earns melancholy, real will cauae loaf of energy, batter will cause potatoes will canaa duUneaa. Mustard for ■amy. A LITTLE BtiMSEMSE. What Oaa May Eapstt ta Maar of la f nu. Dd yea hear of Mn. Sitltrt nafartamate mishap?" "Xo, iadeetL What waa Itr •Why, she was having a little boon party at her aerial chateau nibos ha lit— to the sir hue station to bring the gnosis to tha house." "Yes." 'She hss always thought the nan n tinsty. lie Ins bean with her for two were. Bat it aortas he had mixed himself aa oxranutcd ball that mernmgi'ihdlw wasn't in a isspawi ifch condition." "Merry I What did he d» T "Why. ha eoanpletely lost his head am tha up grade and collided with an aeronrter moving tan with such violence that the balloon broke loose from On lan, and the dnndfnl man dropped has whole loud into the Itka."—Cleveland Plain Dealer. Farmer Foolhardy—-Hera 1 What an yoa aettin' trape in my Said for? "5. "Don't tell me you haint. I taw yen pa* aw right te- —"there!" A PMji«n Practise. Vagpbjr—So Do Wruyter aajs he wrote ninety-nine poems last year, doea he? Ksggsby—l understood him to say "better than a hundred." Waggsby—That's what I meant by ninety-bine. I'm read hia poems. —Baltimore American. —r - Kaal toiawglli. "Dot. you cramder him • strong ip»r Tea, indeed." "Why?"' "Becanae ha mot mfy knows, but ndmits his weaknesses."—Colorado Springs Oumtta. Tha May. "Surely yon dan't daaf thai tha negro ia entitled to hit place to the "Oh, yea; he's to the rmtm, of course. I sappoee he's tha dark hataa."—Philadelphia Preaa. MBwli BmtaL She (at the psanoV—How do you my playing? I play only by ear, yon know. Tie (a aaragr hnchelor) —XTmf Why imfl ywn eananlt an anUf pnted jarhn What da yon advise me to do about it? Jackaom—See a good veterinary. Aa tt Manpena. fka mal amafea art Mw« ka _Am* wn— m bknmitekiaitMtttoi Ht HW mm hm add. Ike wlaa aaa mnma befwa ha upaami COWOEMSED SfoaigT * Haw tha Camarilsa Fariaari. i MO Maaey Without Poagir at Lass. A 1 IL Wikoo, 1 tini'dioa, talk a story oa himtrlf that is woeth ra pes ting: "I wat playing dstat through the niaing coaatry up back of Qnnnison, Cripple Creek and Stber placet where they dig ant gaid tad ulver and had ahont 9200 saved up. 1 had four note weeksin that region, so I determined to send my money tos bunk in Botte, Mont, for trans mission to Buffalo. "Stepping into a little place where tin sign said 'Moatey For warded,' I tsked how much it would rod to tend my motvy to Batlr. •Fifteen dollars,' wss the rvplv. So I counted out ny noncy and inci dentally remarked that 1 voald be there myself in two dsra. " "Ob, by the way, if yoa are go iag to Butte wonld you mind taking a little parcel of papers then for «r asked tha nan. "'No, 1 don't mind,' raid I, snd ia s little while they gave an a neut little pnekage with the nddrraa ef the banker on it to whom they had forwarded the money. 1 took it, put it in my grip and left town. "Arriving at Bntte, I praaented my order for the money and tha package also. Judge of my aston ishment when they undid the parcel and right before my eyes counted out all tht cold cosh I had given to tht sgent in tha mining town. 1 had simply nctad as the bank manengor and had paid then fit for. doing R." - Tht president wat raturning fan a walk about 9 o'clock the other evening when Policeman Wheeler stopped him at tha White Hoan gate. Tha paaaidant had hit toft • "*vou cajTt 00 flow ■■■■ " black bat pulled dowa over his eyes, tnd the watchful officer did not rec ognize him. "Hold on, there, sirP he com manded as the president reached the top step and started for the White House. "You can't go through here. The gates are closed." "1 am the president," taid Mr. Itoosevelt as he raised his hat to I> rove his assertion. The officer sa uted and fell back. . * |A. M ■ - - ffc. Representative Kyle was mind ed at the capital the other day of a Certain former major of Troy, )., whew Mr. Kyle has his aUding place. One daj n troubled landlord sought the mayor for advice. "Jtayor," he said,'"l hare n ten ant from whom I can collect no rent How can I get him oat of my house?" "Go and act hia gooda oat « the ■treat," the mayor advised. "Set him oat on the street." Tha landlord followed ,the may or's avggcation, and the' tenant promptly had him arrrated ted haled before tha mayor for alleged breach of the peace The mayor, with equal pMtaptneaa, msteadtA a heavy fine rfgaiiitt. the laajwi who had taken hia adtkw. S/ -The only excuee tha mayor had to offer," said Mr. "wae that he needed the mamtj. ; • WJOiam waa Je feate)foncongress to the Sixth Hew Jersey district, ran eownter to • strong feeling of state pride to hia canvaaa becanae of hia rmidi an to New York, The other day to Fatercon he met a standi Jersey man, who mid, "Sor ry I couldn't rota for yon, but I thought ww ought to abet a Jerseyman. "Well, you mat admit I am an American at any rate," aaid Mr. Barbour after explaining hew he felt that hia Jerwej interests identi fted him with the atato. " "America may he good for you," aaid tha Fhtemrn aaan, a THE ENTERPRISE' • * RATES.OF ADVERTISING: - *V two iascltioaa 2*" OM nootb turn. - " threemoath* Ujcc " " « fr«. - - twelve " fuuoo. Mr Inpr tdrertiMai nt» Üboil Carintb vifl be attde ~ LOST HIS KEYNOTE. AaiMTfctoU br Richard Hard ing DtitM, wbo aikti no pretense mi Wag * piwirt, but who does ■ln the nitar and sing well, says the \tw York Mail and Express. Ha«* ewpwed a moskal setting ta that instraaseat, he picked it oat, ■■Hi in the ntmj of his home, on the pun The accompaniment to has nice rnniiited of a few chords which, b«n frequent repetition, he tied in his Memory. One Might Mr. Da vis wa» at an etcaing party of musical people, mmmy of them celebrated comnnwr*. As a joke tome one nkril him tol ph} one of hw own composition-'. To «m one's nrprvo, he content ed aad boldly went to the piano, where he ejra the keys in a puulcd nay. Tuning to Padereweki, he •aid: "I can't find the starting note. I tamp Nil id n>v lane on a Sieimav, and this is a Weber. Where should the note that is under the W on a Stonnav lie on a Weber?" * ? A Lucky Dag. _tv t tell this story of Lord ] Charles Bemford and Sir Frederick tVfiw, the king's physician: Lord Charlos foil ill, and Sir Frederick was called to his bedside. "Tell w," said Sir Frederick, The other said he had a pain here, an ache there aad a stiffness some ■ban dar. Aad to each of these anmwmtinla the physician ex claimed, chuckling delightedly: "Excellent!" SESPT ' When Lord Cliarlaa had conclud ed the enwacTstion of hia troubles, Mr Finite rich rlapned lum heartily npan the bntk and cried in a bold, wMien: My dear fellow, let mm congratu late yon. Ton hare the rarest dis ease of the centurv. You hare, rou larky dog. a that heretofore waa thonght to he extinct.** Mki C- rwiwf« Birthplace. Aathorities differ as to the birth: flare of Ueneral John C. Fremont, Vnited States army, some making him a native of Satannah, tin., while others claim that he was Lota in Charleston!, 8. C. Chief Justice 0. (i. Bonn of Arkansas, who was colonel of the Fourth infantry from that state in General Sterling Price's army, gives in the Confeder ate Ycteran a lengthT narrative of "Early liars of War In the West" and refers to Ueneral Fremont as the son of 1 French refugee who named Mis* Annie Beverly Whit-' ing of Yirginia. His birth occurred while the parents were temporarily visiting Savannah, but he was Rand and educated in Charleston. Jan. 11, IM-", is given as the day of bis birth.—Savannah (Ua.) News. The Ntyk of Near Mexico. A writer in the describ ing the people of JWr Mexico caya that a large portion of the Spanish speaking element is Mexican in its sympathies. These people di.-like American enrtoms and are unwill to learn English.' Occasionally I there is natriotl-m to lie found, as is shown by this incident: hie [ I stopped at a hut in the mountains. The two boy# of the family had tteen to Presbyterian mission school in Alhoqnerrjue and spoke fairly wdL Finding in the house a littlo Vnited States flag which thev hud brought boose, I pointed to ft and •aid to the old man, "Americano f And with great feeling he replied, "Oh, mncbo Amerkano." Tin Gentle Servians. llerr Leo Lazar is a reporter of the VoKvcbe Zeitung of Berlin 1 who was sent to Belgrade to write an the country. Ilia remarks dis pleased the officers of the army,' some of whom act upon him one crcning and beat him almost to a pain. When consciousness retnrncd to nun, he foand a policeman stand ing at his aide waiting to serve him with papcra expelling him from the cowntry. lie bat no time in getting DOES IT FAY TO ICY CHEAP? fas*ri(fehat Jttta waat soenethiiiK that wfll sHfcse aad care aaae seweie and mahi of tkmt aad tang paaMUe.it not paiHr for yon. then in case take the onir remedy that km heca introduced ta all civiliaed cooa triea with ananas ia acme throat and the tnaaea to destroy the genu diseeaae, hat allays ■■■■■itiis. laani easy eac peetantion. gntsa good Bight's rest,aad cares the patient. Try own bottle. Rec ammeadal maay ycaas by all druggists ia Ac auli Yaa caa get Dr. G. C. Get Qmat facial Almanac. ■ a» » ■ ■ ■ WHOLE NO. 180 Professional Cards. OR. JOHN D. BIGGS, DENTIST OFFICE: MAIN STREET. Geow nkwfll. A TTOKSKT A TLA Ir. Offrr »? h V. luk Mi u». M lori Mfe. bf >1 "Vim.umsiox. X C. ma ir%t*nri phlim m Itani, alkatM* cms inimaiaiaafc- •» !>:> »» U la Ml i at tela liirfi In m 0 A FCWlil'Kjgj^ef AMERICAN AND - - - - EUROPEAN FLAN. 18 to 28 Prat Street, " . '' u . ' . BALTIMORE, MD. Thoroughly Reuovated and put in First Class Order. ■wlarM KMa T Ifcsfcref na " Korfcjr Movnl. X. C, CEO. R. DIXON Practical Sfccet Jletnl Wether. Tin Roofing, Gctteriag «ad Tobacco Fines a Specialy. aba Tin Roofs Paiatcd 1 will positively he ea haad AT WILLI AMSTOM to faigiih the Fames* with tohaccu flubs daring the Season of 1903. If yon wafrt th? tn* £ tend and lh| Best Work. Call on or address GEO. R.DIXON, Rocky Mount. N. C. FD!SSK J 1 '1 j '•or I !co-i ? Pii/vj imtii caS S It (Literal G-»tb*. cbaazin? red fcJwd » eJo v uxilt-r microscope. It «»">rVs is; zaj nii'ht. First, it taraayonrctm- Fh«!s3)cflw. Ckb) , KlrisK sensalioiit creep teas your > backbone. Von fed sreafc *"■' 1 worth! ess. ROBERTS' CHILL TOSIC wilt stop the IrtuSk war. It caters the N-..J at oerc and drives oet the yeß >v peisoc. If aeglecteal aaj wrhaa CbiOa. Fevers, Night -Sweat? :3ed = gen eral kreik-dsar tr.mmc later ea, Roberts' Toak siH cure >on th;a~bat ■»fly ill? i*ie\at K future sidenrs). The 6 tnrers ktuw ail afaxte (ate >d> I low pobta aad htvt |V.-£l ,tc'i H Robert Tonic to Cme 2 o j!. W MHiiiili ji-ur sj-.iens, i«t»c 8 appetite, -*r9y i&: U->3d, frc- Cj B vent an-i cure Chili.-. F.ntrt ssal 3 M AtaUria. it has csrJi ch.a - I i aads— it wiR csrw j >o?«r 1 H moasv tack. THh Is i»r. i rjr S 3 It. Price, 25 casta. fall I J m For sale l»j Aci'.tn n»«eli & Co.,aa4 Eli Ciurguos. WHY ? The reason Ow Kno Ccag% Curt wlmmoaei m xm mln-ite. is R acs f-rj t c>St Milium eentr» mM Ibe oak Mfes —t" (ka thr Ml or lirep-se.t-1 OS ika kStait»aa aa ■kijhiorealKmn»ldn«Mlt»|l>«» t Ou Hi-ut* OMfk Cars " l wfe Iratisoa a». •us pnu mut chars oat Hum eoiece. fcJ a Mmitl iM to tt* Mat mtaaa vWch prauct th- l-mat ml ka«s. Ofmsm *» m ■uufo *>l prgmca rm n P mim*r4 bcaiaL Causes the to ncaln as n i«m il Hffa a aw Iluts aultnatf ut /rtmcmmw awmm n BKh stTKKtk indnrr lia lis tmf wmd taadte tabes bsconM bal-»»rt«s »na Sha tuete a( a*. mm*. Aahfiu Br jnefcats. La C»i i. OaM aa tea lanatUHSnatrC ul In An ascanH am e*cktr and br IW aaa«i ONE I MINUTE couch cvauc hnsi'N ta oamaoa.niaga 1 a sicca M 4 B b n w H wM H M nmmmmmm*

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