I THE ENTERPRISE. ■ in ■ BaL- miuBGD miT natT unm it nmou at !■■ nil n marked Win tTwtlnl mi ■MI nldttfrf m» to ddt at MmimUmm M-ilbitoiiU Hn mtlaarl Vfin IW te MmW lot huciptrrl «CI be ck«f(4 rial ntnfortbr tnat actulif ysUnM. ■■■■■!! ia lit ■ MSnallfct mame •f Ike writer Kwfiin »t aal to be {Wb- IkM. tatwafMiuM>fnl ItiH Iwiaamin i tun-Oar tm& oar mart!icm (••rail, gaefc —b»r|t»l y ctau Mm> l/jcali xcnliilae. OMi—ni I sad knlMiw of lafed. all wb Itaem. 5 cevts a line Cf J far UmtiKanU. or rtoafr >4 Adrer fnrHL mm* It to Uia oAcr bm lam Una Willi HON fi.aoA VEA« IX ADVANCE Bautcd al Uar Fml ofcr at riliimua. If. C-.aa Second Ctaa* Mail Iblln. U Friday. March 27 1903. RALEIGH LETTER. Special Cofi**poo«Wnce. f Raleigh, March ?i —Wake county Superior Court, fir the trial of criminal cases only, meets to-day— and for several days to come a large IKHtiooof the people, in all portions of the State, will be looking for de velopments in the HaywoodSkin ner trial. But at this writing it cannot be even stated, definitely, that the case will be tried at this term, and it may be near the end of the week before this will be determined. The grand jury will probably take it up on Wednesday* and it is posssiblc that it may be called on Thursday. But whether l>oth -ides »ill be ready for trial at that time (ami willing, it may be added i cannot be foretold today—the lawyers on both sides King entirely noncom mittal and very guarded in their re plies along this line. The re are two arguments ad vancet! —one suggesting a contin uance until July term of court, at the request of the t'efen*c. in order that the great healer and lcvder, Time. may do its w;ork m r- moving or diminishing passion and preji* dice again- 1 the d fend ant Hay wood. the other that the accused Will ri-k a speedy speedy tiial' rather than spend three of the hot test n:ont!:s of the year confined in tlie county j.id here, especially as his lawyer:; claim that lie has a ■'good defense." The prosecution, on the oilier hand, claims a strong case of murder v. :il !>e made out and express entire confidence in their ability' to convict Havwood, whenever be is tried. Yet tliere am few whom huu% or that be wil! I«e acquitted. "Mil'" J M '■ Ing at till i HTBTf f court, (having exchanged with Jt.dge llryati, be caused of the UlUt's kinship to the deceased's family), and aluut a dozen of the ablest and most elo quent lawyers in the State will con front each other at the trial —a trial that promise- to become one of. the mast famous in the history of North Carolina courts. The negro John Broaduax who killed an aged white man and his ncice uear Rcidsvtlle last Thursday night, was brought to Raleigh Sat urday from Greensboro (where he was first taken) to prevent lynching, and lodged in the penitentiary until he can be tried. It was feared that a hundred peo ple from Rockingham county in Greensboro Friday night might suc ceed in getting the piisoner out of jail there, and the local military ft as called out just before he was put on the train and sent, to Raleiy.h. The News and Observes ap peared yesterday ia a big "legisla tive addition" number—a credit to thes&ff of that paper. _ ——- The Executive Committee of the State Press Association has selected Wrightsville as the next place of meeting of the l'ress Association. The date will be set later. A The bailing of l)r. Baker for kill ing Dr. Bass of Tarboro indicates that his punishment, if convicted at all. will be light. The county distilleries arebegin- Baatrf if Uia ui fci? 71K (iratnl danger from c JIJS an. l ' grip is Ikra naaltiag ia punumia. li H—iaatitr care is ami, homer, and Cfcrobet Uin'a Remedy taken, ail danger will be avoivlcd. AaKtag Ibe tens cf tkoctudi wko h>M need Uus remedy ' far tbac fam we km yet to learn uf m M«k ease baiing malted ia pneu monia, wfcick aboara conctnsiicl) that it fa a etitaia preventive at tUal dujcnm FilliHiir It will core a cold •* an attack ef ike m few the dun aay otber ning to m&*e into the towns. Un : der the new Watts law they have two mouths yet in which to make the transfer. The extra session of the U. S. Senate having ended, Senator Sim-. | mons is again at home in this city, "! and Senator Overman at Salsbury.! *1 • » i! Our brand-new junior Senator ■j "showed up" in great shape at e; Washington. f ■ The State Board of Pharmacy , meets here to-morrow iu the Senate c j - Chamber, when the examination of applicants begin. i The possible appointment of ex- Senator Pritchard to the ]>osition of [ ; Chief Justice of the Supreme Court r !of the District of Columbia at Washington, upon the retirement ■ lof Chief Justice Binghatn in tlie r! wry near future, will compel him ■ to resign as State Chairman of his ; party aud as the North Carolina , member of the Republican National Committee. Consequently there is already much activity among the ' j Republican politicians who wish to : step into one or the other of the j discarded pair of official shoes. It jis generally conceded that it will .' take two of them to fill them —the ! f inference being that Senator Pritcl.- I _ 5 ard is twice as large and important 1 .' and able as any other Republican 5 ! in this State, which is probably cor rect. Raleigh is in the midst of the hottest municipal election contest ,of many years. The Democratic Jprimay will be held Friday, 27, and 1 1 the fight will be settled by the party . | inside of party lines. I trust you „ j will excuse a short letter this week, , I because one of the candidates for , | alderman who is standing for re | election is LLEWXAM. ' j 1 j MORE RIOTS " | Disturbances of strikers arc not 1 j nearly as grave as an individual j disorder of the system. Overwork, loss of sleep, nervous tension will be followed by utter collapse, un 1 less a reliable remedy is iinucdiate jly employed. There's nothing sol 'j efficient to cure disorders of the Liver or Kidneys as Klectric Hit ' ters. It's a wonderful tonic, and ' j effective nervine and the greatest all around medicine for run down i systems. It dispels Nervousness, ( Rheumatism and Neuralgia and cx , ;]>els Malaria gjrms. Only 50c,awl I j satisfaction guaranteed by all drug-1 ! gjsts. j 1 i ,! WASHINGTON. LETTER. • 1 («'iW our Special Correspondent.) March i3-'9»3. 1 The clnnces are that jujApq&Smm . is 1, for. which purpose | | ! the Sinatc was convened in extra , I session There never was much | to the ia 1i li ctrf*si»TTTfie , j Panama Canal treaty on the part of , ' | the democrats, provided they could , ! get certain amendments added to j "j it thai wout 1 give this government | absolute cor.trol of the canal, 'ijte !democrats have not got nil tliey i j want iib the treaty tQH it has be- n .'modified somewhat, and as both , I patties a*c ccmmilted to a cannl of s ime kind and soroewher.', tt .1 probably will go through 'lb re . t» doubt expressed here, however, i . j that the cenal ever w ill be beiit. There has been no denying the , strenuous opposition to any canal by the transcontinental railroads of I the country, and it is the freely ex pressed belief here that th se roads will find some way to circumvent , , the btti'din» of the canal. It will i bo interesting t > watch ihe woik i i of the railroads aft r the ratification 1 % r -f the canal treaty. i •'* * * So lar as the Cuban re ipro.ity trOaty is concerned, the democrats - h.ive won a signal victory over the > republicans. As I said m a fornur I Iter,* it wat the intention of the ■ i democrats to talk the treaty to I death unless they could git all f they contended for, end when t' e : • r:,)uhlicans saw them line up as one man under the al Ic leadership - of the Hon. Arth :r Fiie Gorman, 4 they capitulated and came down I like Scott's coon. It is th# first ti i.e iu years that the democrats ■ In th: Senate have presented an ' u ibr. ken front to the repub'icans ( j When they have done soTti U»c ,! I a t they, invuria l ly have wen a II victo y. Ihe t:oubl.- has been that I in the recent past try.hive ha>l i • ( iu> L'adeiship in the Senate worthy j the name. '1 hey h v> it Aqw, md . the rrsu'ts a»« ap. areut o the most t casual (bterrtr. 'lhe dem crat. • said to the republicans that they'; 1 j must add au amciid.-tfmt to the, 1 'jCoban redpiouijr treaty that would / "'give the House ot Representatives The Cause of Many ~ Sudden Deaths. Than t a dbease prcvalfing in this country mat dm ferrz: because so decep . 1111 II fcLMiivc. Uuiy sudden IrnHJk deaths arc caused by (Jtrjv* Fnc-umonla. heart j hfTt (allure or apopKxy 1 r" c crflcn remit A I of kidney dlsccse. II 4 gj I trouble is el rj kldncy-polsoned " blood will attack tho i . vital crrua or tho kkkKjrz Lrcak down and westo c;D by cell. a dwangecTCnt ot the kidnoy- and a euro 13 ob»afc-.-rd qu! J -_1 by a proper treatment of the kfineys. II you arc fcelinr badly you ran maUs no muiaka by taking Dr. Kilmer's ! Swamp-Root, tho great Hdney, liver and bklder ramedy. It emects i-.atility to hold urine and scald ing piln In passing It, and overcomes thai unpleasant nooesJly ot being ccmpAlcd to g-. often during t'-e day, and to get up many ttnvis dtartog Ihe night. The mild and the effect -f Sv/.irip-P.oot Is socn realized. It stands the h!rl.'.A lor Its vaa dcif I Circa of On most diltressiif cases. by all druggets Li filty-ccnt and one-dollar sized boUlt*. You may f y*" hA»e a sarnplc Lottlo ol gT~~ yr. ir t' ' cwery and a book that U- . talis all about It. both sent free by mall. Address Dr. Kilmer & Co. ' Binghamton, N. Y. When Wilting mention reading this generous otter in this paper. Don'l make any mistake, but remember the name. Dr. Kilmer'a Swan-p-Roet. and Ihe addios*. Binghamtoa, N. Y., on every bottle. cago. and whkh appeared to day in the daily papers. It is a letter expressing his regret at his inability to be present at their annual ban quet to do tevcrence to the memory of Andrea* Jackson, and in it he breathes forth the very spirit and essence of true demccracy. It is a raes age of op'.imism nnd hope to the true democrats of the whole country, and in every way in such an able paper that it lias caught Ihe attention of the leaders of the party here, who mention it in the most complimentary way, There are a few persons who, not know in;; Mr. Hearst, actually think that Ue ause he has money he dees no ! work himself and that tlie articles iijncd by I imself, are written by some of the bright men in his em i !oy. There nev. r was a greater mistake made by thetn The wr.it r knows Mr. Hearst personally, and t.e right to also pass upon iube c>rc it became operative, hcimuse. •t was legislation that affected llV revenues of tlse government, and lit a' all rath-kgwlalioß must hav.'! the concurrent sanction of tlie j House cf representatives, or else | it would not be constitutional leg- j isUtLn. It wou'd be el.miiMitin; the 110 sc ajM|jPPTiT the legislative gov | r ££C:nent by the Sen- j a ''* 'I kV '' l" 3 rimem j the Ilouae lit the first session of th • 57th Congress passed a law gi ing Cuba th's reduction in ] the r.it«.s o( the Dingley la v that! is asked for, bu'.it also tacked on ! tO .it a claii-ie tb-»l differential on refined w!ii h wottl 1 saxe the consumers of t'.is ' country millions ol dollars annual-1 ly that now* ;jo into the [ ockets of | ihe sugar trust. For th it very rea ■son the Senate refused to consider the measure and let it die. It now corr.es t«» the front w treaty, giving the same reduction 111 t e I rates, but it does not move t e diffe'cid al on rrtined sug * which givel the co sumer iu this country a thane*, and clearly is an attempt to play into tue hands of the sugar The republicans have been forced to agree to the amendment to allow the House to pa s on the treaty when it meets next winter. If they had not agreed to it they wou'd not have got away from here all summer, or elsj would lia«c been forced to abandon he tre ty altogether. The j II -t result of this den o .ratic will t>e that the House next w ii.t r will either add ihe amendment agaia. eliminating the differentia reii-.ed sugar, or if it passes the Hc.use as sent to it by t''.e Senate then the democrats in the Senate * > ttl > open up the.tariff debate in its entirety and coosums the whole session ia speecl.es that, will be ma*!e in open session, and will go to tlie country as democratic enm paign decuTents In cither cvet.t 1 fie trusts will get it in the neck and the pcoj le will be benefited. Score one for the detn -crats. * * * A number of the leaders of the WHAT'S IN A NAME t Everything is iu the uatnc when it ' to Witch H*acl Salve. K. C. De- Wat dk Co., of discovered,some | > cars ajpj, bow to make a- ralve from. Witch Ilaxct taat is a specific for l'iles.- i r«w L:i:ni, bleed'ng. jKi-trud nag l'lics, cczerua. cuts, burns, bruises | aad all kkia diseases, UeWitt's Salve has ;no cqsaL Tbis has Rtvea rise to Burner oca, worthies* counterfeits. Aiklialk-J I Witt's—tke geauiae. aR. Biggs. •- | democratic party who still ore in Washington are to-day discussing > the letter of Mr. Wil iam Randolph i Ilcar=t to the Iroquois Club of Chi ; knots that he is an abUr man r than any man in bis employ, and j does more actual work than any of r them. r* * * It would seem as though the 11 trusts, rather than the government \ j of the United States, were shaping • J our policy in the Philippine Islands. ■ Despite all appeals made by the ; ; President and Governor Taft, Con i i gress did nothing towards relieving | j the economic distress prevailing in those islands. It passed neither [ currency nor tariff legislation of the , kind asked for l>y the commercial classes of the islands. It has pr>.- i furred to obey the wishes of the to ' | it.icco and sugar trusts rat..er than I c'imply with of the suffering j millions of people • This rcpubli , 1 car. Congress has been guilty of I grots negligence of duty by not i passing legislation in the interest cf the | eople of those islands. They are compelled to rely on our good i will and charity, and have the right I to demand help of seme kind f. om us. By thus refusing to do any " thing for the Filipino® this republi can Congress has put a premium on r disorder and insurrection, and it would not be at all surprising if the American army in the Philippines finds itsc!f, before long, busier than it has been for some time. The ' policy of imperialism is bringing ' its own reward. : • It is believed here, by the peo; 1 l who ought to know. that the recent . visit to this capitol by J Pier moot . Morgan ai d his call on the Presi . dent means an extra session ol the Congress, and that it will be , j called sometime early in the month ,| of September. It is believed that i Mr. Morgan said to the President that he and the money kings of ! Wall street could not stave otifa . panic longer th n> September unless ; there was legislation that would relieve them. In other words they j wfffft. the A'drith bill passed, so i/thftt the money now in the Tie as- Jit Y ca " l ,c p! J ce! in the bank* of ; Wall street and relieve the p: |on them. Ti.us, is this ! tiIB not only street gang, but tf ca a policy that takuj, .t.se money out of the peo pee lets and places it in the -banks of the country, so that they ; ian loan it back to the people and ; make a' profit o it of them. The remedy is in the hands cf the people. . . CI IAS. A. EDWARDS. * 1 CAUTION » i This isn't a gentle word—bi.t when '' you think h«.w liable yon are not t> r«ur • th isethc only remedy universally known ] aii't a petiiedy that has lind the largest ! sale of any me ii ;ne in the world since ! IBsB for the cure aq t treatment oi Con- I sumption an 1 Throat and Lung troubles J without loosing its great popularity all these years, you will be thankful we I called your attcnticu tj lioscliee's Ger | man Syrup. I'll ore are so many ordinary ; eo-.sgti rente lies made hy thuggiMs and ' others that are cheap and good for lijjht col,lit but for severe Ccugtu, j Bronchitis!, Croup a:i4 especial! yfor ; Consumption, where there is difficult ex pectoration *i.d roughing during the r nuUts aad morning-, tluro is nething like German Syrup. The 25 cent size has just been introduced this year. Rcgr lar price 75 ctnts. At all druggists. 8. 1 It. liIGCS. Roanoke Union. The Roanoke Unicn will meet with the Williamston Baptist Church March 27, 28, 29-1903. The following programme has been ar | ranged : i Friday—7:3o p. in.: Introduc tory Sermon.—B. Craig. Saturday — 10 a. m.: Devotion al Exercise.—J. H. Hocutt. 10:15 a. m.—Sunday School —Jas W. Rose, J. K. Hocntt. 11:15 a. m. Orphanage—T. S. Crutelificld J. N. Bout he. , j 2p. in.: Missious (Associations! and State)—J. CtUdup, G. A. Mar-, ; tiU. ! 2:45 p. m. : Home Missions.—B. Ciag. / I 7 : jO P- ra - Christain Education. I —C. W. W.lioa, M. L. Kesler. Sunday.— ti a. m.: Sermon. — 1 M. L. Kclser. I 7:30 p. m.: Sermon.—J.N.Bootl e' The I*. t pill 'netth tbe stars and stripes; It cle&uses tht »y%teci and uever gripes. ; l.itt'e Early Risers of worldy repute— j Ask' for DeWitt's anil tuke no sobsti- I tute. ( A smalt pill, easy to buy, easy to take I I taj easy to act. bet never failing in re sults. DcWitTs Utile Rariy Risers I arouse tbe secretions and act as a tonic |to tbe liver, coring pera«J.eotly. &R. j Steel Trust's Salaries. At the present time there are in the empioy of the Steel corporation and its subsidiary companies ap proximately 1,750 men who- receive I salaries in excess of $2,500 a year, ■ divided as follows: Twelve with salaries of $20,000 s year and over, including the SIOO,- 000 salary of the president of the , corporation itself. Fifty from SIO,OOO to $20,000 a year. Two hundred from $5,000 to $lO,- 000 a year. Fifteen hundred from $2,500 to $6,000 a year. —Review of Reviews. Can't Stand the Trolley. P. A. B. Widcner, the Philadel phia traction magnate, control* thousands of miles 01 street railroads in America, hut he cumiot ride in a trolley car without suffering from an exact imitation of seasickness. Once he n;nde a desperate effort to overcome this weakness. Accom panied by W. L. Elkins, his partner, lie went for a twelve inile ride and stuck at it until the trip was ended. By that time he was in a state of complete collapse. He enmc hack on the steam railroad and has not ven tured on a trolley car since. Carnegie and Size. Mr. Carnegie likes to talk to tall ntcn. Pittsburg friends say that they have known him to deliberately scrape up acquaintance with repre sentatives of the six foot and over class for no other reason in the world than to ask them how they managed to grow tall. Mr. Carne gie has never got over his boyhood ambition to be a big man physically, lie once said to a friend apropos of this disappointment: "People tell mc that I'm a big man. But I'm not es big as I'd like to be. Look at , „ n me. If it's a U'lious attack, take Chamber lain's stomach and I.iver Tablets and a quick recovery is ceitain. For sale by N. S. Peel Co. Free Attractions At the Carnival; Tarboro, N. C., April 13-iiJ, are s_ Prof. Bobby Mashall —champion high diver of the world diving from a lofty perch 91 ft. high intp 3 ft of water. • The Great Bartona —king of tt.; high wire. * Rip- high 57 feet in . Ji&'T.reaf Adams—originators the Breakaway and sensational double trap net 4Vofi Rfliuby—world's greatest balloonist and paiachjite jumper, Using the Hatch-Adams Balloon, largest in the world. Tlic Hatch-Adams Military Band —l4 pieces. To Cure a Cold In One Day Take Laxative flromo Quinine Tablets. All druggists refuud.Uic money if it fails Ho cure. E. \V. Grove's signature is ou .•acli bos. 35 c. _ Pout Marvelous Monday and Tuesday evenings the "The Four Marvelous Bullocks" were seen at the Opera House. It was one of the best plays ever seen here. While the crowel was large at both performances the play de served a crowded house and would have liael it but for the Lenten sea son. Mr. Bullock is to be congratula ted for having such wonderfully talented children. They have been carefully trained and conduct them-1 selves upon the stage like veterans. can't be found, baby Lucilc's especially. The Comedy Quartette is tbe finest that has ever been here. The singing captivated the people, 'Un der the Bamboo Tree' cau he heard at any hour. The trapeze aud wire work wets good. ■>, Linwood will long be remember ed. SEVERE ATTACK OF 6JUP Cared bf One Cottli if Ckaikirtiia's C»iil lltirij " When I had on attack of the grip last winter (the second oue) I actuiuly cured myself with oue b >ttlc of Chutnberlaia'a Convh Remedy," says I'raok W. rerry, Alitor of tbe linterprue, Shortsville, N. V. " This is the honett truth. lat times kept from couching myself to pieces by taking a «prooful cf this remedy, and when the cough spell would come on at 1 would take a dose and it seem ed that in the brietcst interval tbe cocgh would pass off and I would go to sleep perfectly free from cough and its acccm- paiaa. To say that the remedy act d as a most agreeable snrpriae is put ting it very mitdly, 1 had no idea that it would or could knock out the grip, aim |ly because 1 fced never tried it for such a purpore, but it did, and it seemed with tbe eecood attack of cougbia; the rente ly caused it to nee only be of lest duration, bat the pains were far leas se vere, and I bad not used the ccnteatsof tbe bottle before Mr. Crip had bid aw alie«." For stle by K. f . ItilCa. SYMPATHY | - .>3 A GOOD THINC. -: lit U Ssj't bpjici tilt Hmm tilt in Banrf list iglt. i livcst i Fei Dtlliri ti I jut tisaraacs pollsj u ipi iffl mi h Tj—rtf. ED. F. HUFFINES enict m i«k BUMiie life, fise uucciseit iiswake WILLI AMSTM, IC THE SEASON IS I*OW AT HAND. * THE WOOLARD " RELIABLE " U LTIVATOR...-^ ARE THE BEST KIND. DON'T—= 1 am in the market TOBACCO i FORGET making and selling FLUES . . ' SKK ME BKfOftC BUYING. 1 WAfiONS AND CAKTS HADE - TO - ORDER. For testimonials end full particulars, address, or call on J. L. WOOLARD Or liis Country Hoine. ,l£. WILI.IAMSTON. N. C. I I II . - IHII ■! ■! i_ia ■—mil—■ I jThc Only Grocery in The Oty J-- —~ ' • .Jl. J.?.1" , ', u * - Mteell 8c Drown Company Can furnish the Freshest Line of TABLE DELICACIEB AND HEAVY GROCERIES ever handled by them. They invite patronage end will insure splendid service. SMOTHERS OATS ARE THE BEST—*; and they keep them. A Coupon in every package. Pint premium, •j6 piece Tw Set, or a 4 piece Silver Service—Guaranteed to year a. Other Hi mini ha J MOTHER'S OATS and secure them •PHONE 41. Easterßargains co To~—^ S; H. ELLISON & COMPANY. •PHONE 6a. y At Pccle's Jewelry Store BANK BUILDING. William Bernard Hess, Tbc Norfolk Optkiao who has bctn in our city several days has decided to remain here for some time giving aid to those suf fering from eye troubles His en gagements arc with the leading cit izens of the town who are suffering from defective eyesight. Since he has been here he has clone work which has proved satisfactory, it is due to bis knowledge of the eye and by his method and prescription glasses that he gives the immediate and permanent results. He takes every case that comes to him as an individual and directs the application and prescription glasses to suit the demands of each particular case. If you have blurring, dizziness, neuraligia, headache, spots before the eyes, inflaniation, burning and , smartiug of the eyes entailing not only positive injury, but untold misery, do not trifle with your sight as lost sight never returns. Re member it costs no more to employ a first-class optician than it does to risk your vision with inexperienced hands. Consultation Absolutely Free. Office Hours: 9 a. m. to 4 p. m. at Pecle's Jewelry Store, Bank Building. SPECIL ATTENTION GIVEN TO PATIENTS WHO WISH TO BE TREATED AT HOME. LEGAL ADVERTISEMENTS. Administrator's Notice Having qualified as A&wiuislrator upon the estate of W. Morton, deceased, notice U hereby given to all persons hold ing claims against said estate to present them to the undersigned for payment on or before the l}th day of February, 1904, or this nstice will be pleaded in bar cf their recovery. All persons indebted to said esUte are requested U> make imme diate payments? fl This 15th day of February, 1903. WHEELER MARTIN, Administrator. 11-6t * Executor's Notice! Having qualified as Executor upon the Estate of Cicdcrilla Stalling!), deceased, notice is hereby given to all persons hold tag claims against said estate to present them to the undersigned for payment on or before the sth day of March, 1904, or this uotce m ill be plead in bar of their recovery, AH persons itdcMed to said estate are requested to make immediate payment. '■», I This 9th day of March, 1903. C. W. GRIFFIN, LHOAI. ADVERTISEMETS. NOTICE. NORTH CAROLINA ) > Superior Court, MARTIN COCWTY J Augustus James, Robert James and v __ Lucy James vs. William R. James, Edward James, Ths*> dore James, Levy James, Lula James Andrew jatues, Sarah lames sad Law rence James. The defendants above named will takt notice that an action entitled as above has been commenced in the Superior Court, of Martin Couuty, before J. A. Hobbs, Clerk, for a partition of a certain trabt of land described in the petition in ~ said cause in which the defendants are tenants in ct mmon along with the plain, tiffs- ami the said defendanta will takn notice that they are required to •pffff —*~ at the otCce of J. A. Hobbs, Clerk of Mto Superior Court, in William stow o| (||( 1 27th day of April, 190J, and answer Of dt mnr to the complaint of the plaint*#* in said action or the plaintiffs will apply to the Court for the relief drmsndsA la sail complaint. This the 14th day March, 1903. | h A. HOBBS, c. a. c, PUBLIC SALE VALUABLE SWA*?, By order of the Superior Quart. M«f« tin County entered in the apodal pen, cceding there pending there styled J. F. Johnson, Francis D. Winston, snd Onat, T. Winston, trustees, and others,ex-parto to the court, I will sell for cash (a re asla having been decreed) before the store «| Slade, Jones and Co., in HAMILTON, N. MONDAY, APRIL *7tk, 1909, at is o'clock, ns., that certain tract of Swamp Land to ' Martin County. N. C-, known ns Jaaepl| J. William's " Long Ridge Swamp," snd containing some yoo acres more or Ism, * This Msrch iath-1903. T. B. SLADB, *3-7* Cnniwiliilnw. NOTICE. R MARTIN COCXTY » , MI Sermon Com 1 i : Hannah Knight vs. Fetor Knight. The defendant above named win takn notice that'an action entitledaaabove haa been commenced in tto Supeiioe court, of Martin coanty, for the purpces of obtaining a divorce; and the d£ will further qotjet £ is required to eppear at the ne*t tpm the Soperior Court of said county, (o ha bo Idea on the and Monday after Ike la| Monday in September, 1909, the mms being the 11st day of said month, at the Court Home of said county, in WHUanfe ston. NC .and answer or demur to thf complaint in said action, or the plaintiff T willto the Cgurt for the manded is said cociplsiat. This lUiefc ,7th, W r % [ J. A. HOBBS,