THE ENTERPRISE TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION: One Tear, SI.OO Sx Months, 60 erst Pltjibic in Advance VOL IV. - NO. 32. *£ All Around luur Gounty *£ ITEMS OF INTEREST GATHERED EACH WEEK BY OUR REGULAR AND SPE CIAL CORRESPONDENTS IN MARTIN COUNTY. Over Tie Wire GOOSE REST The following ticket wa* elected here Tuesday: J. C Rant. Mart*; R W. Hy ■aa. CMbUe; J. L Hines, W. A. Casper. J. J. Pdand, Commit ■t«pi Tha fallowing tiArt was dcctcd here Tuesday : R. H. Salabury. Mayor ; Crom well Bawls. Constable; John H. En banks. W. R. Howard, Wa Bowers, Commissaoocrs. There was no opposition ticket ROBfcRSORVILLE The ThTl*ir— passed off quietly. The ticket nominated in the recent laiamiy was elected, there being no oppaitaa ticket: S. L. Baas, Mayor; J. K. Ross. A. S. Robersoo. R. L. Smith, Com PARTIELE. The eiection here was very quiet aad only a small vote polled. The following ticket was elected : J. R- Ellison. Mayor; J. J. Bry an, Co—table; B. D. Pugh, R. L. Brown. W. W. Harper. Cotntnis- OOLO POINT. The election passed off quietly "and everybody seems to be satisfied, j The following candidates were j elected by a vote of 21 each : L A. Brilcr. Mayor; A. C- Smitfa. Cot* table; John E. Rober son, Treasnrer; C- A. Crofton, Henry Robersoo, J. A. Bryant, HAHLTON. Mr*. Sue Saidiury.of Scotland Keck, is vbitHMj her many friends here, t \ Mt&s Carrie Howard, ot Edge combe, lis visiting Hisn Sfk' I A\ V The jyou:iK people had a pMk aa last Ipriday and report a delight fnltimi ' .A Dan j Hooker, of Scotland Neck, came down Sunday to see his Rcr.lM. T. Lawrence preached at the |Primithre Baptist Church fade jSherrod, of Enfield, came down Sitnrday to ace his fatberf John lOSfcarad, who is quite sick. Mr. jfed Mrs. Outterbridge, of Robersom ille, were her Sunday to attend preaching, and to visit their * Mr. and' Mrs. Harrison aad two .fciMw If Plymouth, came Satur day to riJt Mia. Harrison's father. Rcr. M. T. Lawrence. One of the most enjoyable dances of the season was given last Friday night at/ the M—nair Hall, it was attended by fifteen couples The ■UBirt / dances were especially pretty.,' Chaperon*?. Mesdames W. T- Grhnes and W E Gladstone. We are sorrr to have to chronicle thar death of Mr. Briukley Howell. «Akh took place at his farm, near Tarboro. last Friday. He was for aarrlr a citirtn of this place.-and ; highly esteemed by all who knew j him. Mia. Harden. Mia. Purvis / and Mr. J. P. Boyle attended the funeral. * ELECTIOX axruaxs. The dec* ion hdd at this place Tuesday ia /the elect ian resulted of the fo'lo*iug ticket- ' w ~ MavoftHfoa. T. Waldo. Caonaniaonas —John P. Boyle. David C Jooes, Benjamin L-Long. fc T" / Wallace returned front Xew York Monday. Thomas Hanghtoa. the dtvw insurance agent, was ia ton Mon day. H. T. Stalliags and J. V. Grav attended the Carnival at Washing ton last week. Misses M. E- Mizdl and Ethd Sexton attended the Carnival at Washiagtoo last week. I should think the Editor could pay us a visit as he mas to be paying all Ibe rest of the towns one. A "Flinch Party" was hdd at the residence of Mr. J. L. Savage Monday night. There were many present and everybody had a de lightful time. An election was bdd in the town of Jamesville Tuesday. May sth. There were two tickets in the field, and it wasa very hot fight. A great many voters thought one ticket was "No Liquor" and the other one for "More Liquor." Some seemed to think the poll holders did not do their duty—but when one side gels beat they generally want something to throw at the victors. The poll holders were George M. Hurras, Isaac Jackson and W. W. Walters, and they did their duty as faithfully as any three men who could have been chosen. The tickets and the votes cast for each are as follows- —— Mayor— J. L-, Davenport. Com mb^ioucrs—S. L. Wallace, H. C- Jackson. W. H. Martin. J. S. Jones and J. L- Sa»age. Votes receiv ed 4.v Mayor—A- F- stalling*. Com inisMoners—S. L. Wallace, J. F.. Smithwick. W. 11. Martin. L- M. Brown and J. B. Martin. Votes received. 21. k LCth Early Mm now and then, st bedtaar will cmr coa stipstioa. bsllioascess aad liver traablca. PeWiU's UttSr Baley Kisess are the fam ocs little ptila that case by aioasiag the sccrdicaa. moving the bondsgeaUr, yet cffcctnally. and grvtag sarh tear and strength to the glands ef the stomach aaa! liver that the caaae of the trouble is removed eatirdy. aad if their me eoa .tiaunl for a lew days there wpll be mo jfrtnm iA the complaint. Sold by S * I\LR€TTS. Carl Lane and Clay tan Keel, of Robersonville, were ia thwa Sun day. \ - Wilmer Sitterson. the ykfer salesman for the Southern Suj>pl> Co., was ia town Monday. >He had the "piji" Dr. NchOn and wile left Mondav for Baltimore, Md. Mrs. L- B. Wyna left Monday for Baluawre. Md.. carrying her little boy. Brace, who will undergo an operation. Mrs. E. O. Burroughs returned Saturday night from a week's visit ia Washington. J. D. Latah, of Conetoe, aras ia tovra Tnnday. J. A. Roebuck was hi town Tuesday. J. E. Bogcrson left Moody for J. L- Woohud'a. where he now has employment. Town Eixction. Town decthm was held Tues day and the hßusing oCcos were efcctsd: L. B. Wynn. Mayor; D D. Stalls, Constable; J. T. Barn hill. E. O. Burroughs, John Fraley. Comnii■winners; W. S. BarubUl. Treasurer and Clerk. Far cats, burns, open sores, sore fad, iliofcrf. taiiiag off of thr hair. Sold hyC. D. Cajatoe- WILLIAMSTON, N. C., FRIDAY, MAY 8, 1903. A DRAFT OF UQUIP MR. Recently a Xw York ebemM mhile makinx a mcul call at a hoc* on lon- I fijcJ produced fn>m ku pocket a bottle of liquefied sir ami gave a little impromptu kttui* nliout it. I'ouring a siaull q-iantity in a wineglass, he continued his re- Kirb. k ßat yoa not drink it," he Mid. Instantly, in a spirit of the vcutareaome dang ler of the family put the gl» to l« lap# and swallowed pait of the contents. Rat the mine woman showed lyn.ptom* of immediate repentance. A start ltd lqpk came into her face, her finger* instinctively clutched her belt and from her mouth there jjsaed a volume of steam. As for the cHemiat, he tried his beat to keep from laughing. The young woman thought it waa a pretty pour joke; but, being the perpetrator of it, the could not very well complain I lad abe drank a larger quantity the situation would aaauiedly hate been wholly lacking in humor. Whan I aapa Stela Heme. Connie Hack has an endlcsa fund off bwrcball stories One of these he tell* about Bill Lange, the old Chi cago player, a*«erting that Bilfa play in a certain Pittabarg pime was the most daring bit of work he ever aaw pulled off. Bill had reached first. The pitch er threw to that *ack a* Bill had taken a big lead. The hall rolled sway from the first base man only a few feet. Few players would hare dared to take their feet off the sack, but Bill cut for recond. The ball went a bit wild t lit-re, rolling to ward short. Never flopping at second, BUI tore for third and then turned for the plate. The ball was fielded to Denny Lyous at third, bat be was to surprised' upon receiving it and finding,no man to (ouch at the tack be failed to throw to the plate to get Lange. The gante was wtn by that one rua.—Detroit Xew*-Trib tine. His Tine Far DiupptaH>i|. When Ifr. Ailes, w.4iaat secre tary of the trcai-ury, was returning fr»«m Cut a mently, a vo.:n.; nun ahoi-i ke had seen on the Key Uwt iicamcr up 14 l.iru on t!ie train and le-jnin a conversation nith caey familiarity. "t«ct any cigars throughV asked the affable young man. "tlh, tii," replied Mr. Ailes; "a conpW of ltoxc?. pay duty ow Cm, I hope." "Ye*, 1 paid dulv," said Mr. Ailti sadlr. "Oh, pshaw f raid the voung man. "You're dead slow. 1 got tW through, and they didn't pay duiy." "Voa eee," faid Mr. Ailes, "the diffeteiKe Ictsccn us is tint 1 an an eccretary of the treat- Tire yonng msn vanished, and Mr. Ailes did not kc him again during the trip to Washington.—New York Herald. What the Buc* Cost. We keep an amiy of 65,000 men , and laic 25A thips of war. We are -yeady to fight any nation on earth, and yet the little potato bugs langh us to acorn. Ever hear of the big United States suffering with the grasshopper ? Are we not powerless 'before the gypsy moth? The bag family taxes this great country $350,000,000 ■ year, but ia the un equal fight between the nation and the bags the latter ever remain un conquered. The worms that attack the cotton plant mew the farmer 960,000 ■ year. The potato bug eats $8,000,000 worth annually out of our gardens. The chinch bug casts us #100,000,000, the Hessian fir 140,000,000 aad the grasshopper $90,000,000. The big United States hasn't enough money or men to win aay war with in inseet.—Atchison Globe. Now Uaa For Carbervndina- Carborundam, the artificial substi tute for emery, which is said to rival the diamond in hardness, is now employed, became of its extra ordi nary resistance to beat, as a coating for the inferior of furnaces. Fine ly powdered and made into a paste, it is applied with a brash like paint to the brick lining. It is said that a layer only two millimeter* thick will protect the bricks from the effects of the highest temperature that is ever produced in ordinary furnace eomb-jstioa. Carborundum is itself a product of the electric furnace, being composed of silica and carbon fared together ia the pneemac af nit and sawdust. Better Lata Than Never. The towa of Jlam, in France, atMsasses an old lady of seventy who has just learned to read and write. Ashamed at her advanced age of her complete ignorance, the wait to the village schoolmaster and asked him ta tack her. A few weeks enabled her to master the drudgery, and she can new read the newspapos aad write aa ordinary letter. : AUNT JUDITHS :S : HORSE THIEF Sjr Jr»«r Ttyiom ' 1 * - l'l it CrnmJ". uetrr-c. JfcOr. 11; I • Anat Judith liotnea waa a widow aad raa hr fwa rum. She waa taa sharp to I* takea ta by Uu pe-ddkm lightning red an and valeni rata »(.>a.a. hei ahe fcit It in hcrba* that the day would ecae when a &. * thief araald get tha txtttr of hr. Hie had ataat htta pat ao the barn ■'«*, and mar a atzht ahem» flw kr bed aad looted ant af the wind .* to aaa that all waa wett. She hnl war ar five psad hsraea, aad Ike Uua waa tat at! rate from the haaaa. It jna thlak abaat horse tblevea by day aad draua at theta at alsht far f«or ar five yean, yen will be pretty rrrtata to (rt what yan want. The •Iftt eaasr whan Aaat JndMh anddrn tr awake ftaa a asaad sleep la feel that there waa naiUblaa wiaas at tha ten. As she laaaed tmm her window tea heard aae at the bara doers creak. There were twa hhed awa In tha hoaaai aad ahe kaocked at their doors and laflsrmed them that a horse thief tad beokea late the barn. They pvaba- My wake ap and pat ant aa aaon aa ooold be rraaooaUy expected of hired men. bat their atoveaaeata »«re taa alaw fee the wtdew. There araa no pan la the bowse, bat she half dressed hsiaslf a»d ran dowastalra araxd with a eteh. As she eattrrd the barn yard a ma rede ant mt tha mail pte oa aae of hrr haraeai "Here, yoa! Thieves! Thieve* ~ sbouted A ant Jorilth. bat af what naeT The sou Is ax bed aad rode away to the west, aad the sleepy hired men came stumMtas oat to say It was too bod. "Doat Ft and there like hpnirs on a losr shouted the woman aa she danred a boat la her escileaii-at. -Bat what can we do 7" they asked. "If yno can't. 1 can. Brlac out Dkt In a hurry! Xow sire me a lift up. I'm after that bom thief, and I'll fol low hka to Jeric bo but what 1 over haul him." Dirt was one of a span of burse*, sod his mate had been atotm. Be tween the two th re was not much difference In speed, but by the time Auct Jodith rode out «f tbe rate the ost«*T tad half a mile the start. Hha co-r'J faintly beer Ua l.uf beats thr >esh the stSU Oisbt. aed she cried, "Cb-l I»kr" and was off. rtdinj tun fasbvoa and piaj for a stake. Ttse® were no «t»«*raa4s 1 t two miles and ls claim tar the thu-f ta Inw aunt sou mui oaa nw wr dodge. Even when ha took the Brat road to the right his passu waa hat an his trail sad gaining a llttka. It would probably have been a tea or Ifteea mile gaßap. with foaodered horses at tha end of It, bat for an acci dent. A cow was lying la the doM* tha highway, aad aa tha horaafhief was dace apoa her she started to rise apt. The hbtsa Mted to dear her. tot not high enough, aad aa a n salt cow aad rider went down ia a heapt A minute later Aaat Jodith caaw rac ing upL Bbe was off h«r boras aad had the maa by the hair of the bead aa be recovered from tha abock of Ma fall aad tried to ait ap. -Don't you move ao much is an eye lash or you aie s dead ataa." warned the widow aa she slaaost twisted his hend a*. -Don't, weens a—please don't! Say. my leg's brake; and I couldn't get away If I wanted ta." "How darrd you steal oae ml my hiaasa h»a dared you 7" demanded A ant Jodith as she towered over hba. -It was la nty Une of bustarsa." ha replied. "Ob. it wast Wen, my Hae mt btnl ■ess Is srudla' horse tMeres to atata prises: IWS! get twenty yeam behind the bars fcr tbtar -Bot before I rd the twenty I'd Bka to brow wtat about this leg. It*a the rtgftt one. and ITa gone for sore. TouTl hare to gd ma to the house sad thea fete* s doctor -I ssost wish N bad been your neck." mattered Aunt JouHh. "and If yoa think I'm pola* to take you Into my honsc aad go to say troatde over that kg you are mistaken, m have yoa carried lata some cow abed-" "Good hearted women always talk that waj," laughed the asaa. -Jon* ao? aw tiken en* of even If jna an me L> prisn afterward. Whst has be- Mat thane afe«nr Mred ata mt root! Between the two at as tar mt them left the stable dear unlocked ta atgw." ThaTa Jed Bfce 'am-Jcat Ufce •*" ▲aa* Jadtth muanlid «eot tha km and act mK far hwa». aad R waa a bag koar Klow Aa returned with the hM an aad a vehicle. It waa a Job grttlag the pattrnt lata the aagan aad oat again aad lata (he haaae aad upotahw The hM men were dates eneiskletable sw cartas over M aatffl the aHhia taraed aa them with: "Saw, then, yea teet apt If one of yea tedat left the dear aalseked. he waaU never have pot In. I ain't de fendln* berse thleiea. bat there's ne cafl ta rte M In when a asaa Is dawn." ▲ant JadNh faaad her bane thief ta be a maa of thirty, rather poad look lap; faWy educated aad a drvß may rare frßaw. She Bked Us looks aad tboapbt he might be pat te better aae thaa betas aent ta prtem. la the una af twa ar three daya It araa knewa floe aeieral ssilea araand that Aaat Jadtth ltobasn had eap tarad a barer tMeff aad had him la her haaae. aad aamas her eafiees was the sherslf. a ha came ta my: -1H JaA have the Mtew taken te Jail this afternoon, and yoa want have te bather artth Mm aa man." "Bat he's pate' to stay where he la till his leg Is mended." she protested. It's my doty, beta' the sterlfi. te ar rest him." "Ton amy pa ta pat with year daty. Steven Taylur! This Is mj ease, aad nobody oee«l meddle wtl#tt. When t pet ready to have bias arrested. IH swear oat a warreat. hat aatil then be stays right here." Daya aad weeks passed, sad the sheriff waited, lie aaraat to hare Aunt Jadltb's patient the drat day he waa able ta walk abaat. No one had yet aecn the man an hie feet when the widow entered his roam one evenlnp ta say: . "It's rota" to be a dark nlpht. and my hired Ren are rota' to town Here's yonr clothes, and here's food aad man ey" "My rwl woman." began the straw ter. who was deeply grateful, but Aunt Judith laterrsptrd: "Doot my nnthta* abxit H. Jest (O ■war and, behave yoarsrlf. you've got Hs of gdt. and you are not such a tod 1:110. and I wasn't goia* to Id the sbtiiff lack me dowa. Tea; shake ! lands, and dont deal any more of my ' boraca, and cord sight and gewdby." One* Itlm.-ll tsar. W«-o Thomas drov - np to dellrer J tie aoal «;osrt of wfdle mixture, the ; I gentb-inaa of the boose blandly ia II quired: bow many ]aarts of milk do you deliver dally to your custom erar* . , "Ninetyaae. air." -Aad how many cows hare yoaT* "Man sir." "" The gentlemaw made aame remarks 4 si nut aa earty and the state of J the oads sod then asked: lUhdii. bow niorh milk per day do I your rows average f Hwrea qoarta. sir." "Ab-amr said the gentleman as hs moved off. Thomas h»»ked after htm. scratched bis brad and all at once grew pale as he polled oat a shod pencil aad began to bgare on the aragon cover: "Nine rows Is nine, esd I ad down seven quads smb-r the eowa aad multiply. That's slaty-three qaarta of milk I tobl blm I anbl alaety one qaarta per day. Mxty thteo from ninety one leave twenty eight aad none to carry. Now. where do I gd the rest of tha milk? I'll be Inßßrd if I haven't gtvea myadf away to one of my beat customers Uy leaving a big cavity ta tha figures to be filled with waterf* Serpents' Mha. King ffolomon scksmwkdged that there wers -three thiags which are too wonderfai for sse yea, four trhk-h 1 know not." and ona af these was "the way of a eerpent apoa a rock." Kor hundreds of years after the ttasa of Bolomoa the snake's mode of ptngrrn sioa reinsined a mystery. Latter day awa of adenrs have learned that bia nukeablp's Hba fornlah htm with a meana of pwgiiadiia. as I sat fad af baring s pair or twa npirs qt "feet" they really have ftam UO to WO pairs Aristotle tboaghl that aerpeata bad aa nay ribs aa there ate daya ia a month, bat had hs eaasslned a python be would bara readily detected bia mistake, that apedea having Knakes move ta thia way: Each rer tebra sapporta a pair of ribs, which sd like s pa r cf legs, the extremities be ing connected by s broad piste The hind psd of this plate la free, aad when the ribe are moved forward that end Is raised, so that It takes bold of ths surface underneath, even tboagh It hs gtass. the straightening of the reptile propelling It forwsrd. isnrraussnvk. When a young msa. Bismarck had s quasi coonedloa with the iiwftsSia of Journalism, tar ha was for quite s time sa tHsl reporter tar oae of the courts of Justice. Ia those days Us temper ssaadlmea got the better of him. but apoa aae occssioa at least his wit saved him from disgrace. This waa When, qneattooins a witness, the isttet made aa Impodeut retort, abet*apoa Bismarek exclaimed asigrity: ."If you ate not an re respectfal, 1 shall kick yon oat of the'room." "Toung man." aald the Jadge. later rapting the proceeding*. "I would hav« yoa understand that this W a digatffed aoud of Justice aad that If there b any kicking to be dooe the court will do II" "Aha. you aser aald Bismarek to the nltnras. "It yoa are not mors respect fal to me. lb* eiort will kick you out af the roots. 3o he easefal—very cars I A Blue X Mark in the" Square □ • State and General News A CONDENSED WEEKLY REPORT OF THE IM PORTANT EVENTS THAT HAVE HAP PENED IN OUR STATE AND ELSE WHERE. STATE HEWS. The Court House at Newton nar rowly escaped destruction by fire last Thursday night. The Washington Carnival per former who was injured by the col lapse of an aerial platform was taken to the Tarboro Hospital Monday. It was found that no am putation was necessary and he will recover. A game of base ball was played at Washington, D. C.. Saturday afternoon, between tbe University teams of North and South Carolina Tbe North Carolina boys win by a score of 13 to 4. The Camden Ferry Company have organized with a capital stock of $5,300. The officers are H. T. Greenleaf, president, and W. N. Gregory, secretary and treasurer. Tbe company will erect an iron bridge across the Pasquotank river. George Vann.a negro ex convict who bad shot at a young white man named Thomas Green, at New Bern, was shot to death on an ex cursion train there by officers last Monday night. He was resisting three officers and fired at Officer Dixon, wounding him intbetbigh He then attempted to throw Officer Lupton off the train. A fnsflade followed and the negro was instant ly killed. Raleigh and Charlotte papers say Klizabeth City, N. C., is plaving in luck, as shown by the new cus tom house, which recently passed through the proper channels of government appropriation. It will cost $140,000. Tl»e efforts of Hoo. John 11. Small, in the flousc. in creased the appropriation by $20.- 000 on the morning on which it finally passed. It will Occupy the Greenleaf Square. This square re cently was offered the government lat $25,000, and will no doubt be taken. He then attempted to throw Officer Lupton off the train. A fusflade followed and the negro was instant ly killed. Raleigh and Charlotte papers say Klizabeth City, N. C., is plaving in luck, as shown by the new cus tom house, which recently passed through the pi ope r channels ol government appropriation. It will cost $140,000. Tl»e efforts of Hoo. John 11. Small, in the flouse. in creased the appropriation by $20.- 000 on the morning on which it ' finally passed. It *iH Occupy the Greenleaf Sqnare. This square re cently was offered the government at $25,000, and will no doubt be taken. Bakersville, N. C.. May 3.—Sat urday afternoon a young man named Irby Davis, living at Mine Creek, about a mile south of here, came home half crazed with liquor ind threatened tbe lives of bis par ents and grand-parents with a pis tol. He was restrained with diffi culy. Then he mounted his father's horse and started to ride across a bridge spanning a small stream run ning between his home and a neigh bor's. On being warned that the the bridge was unsafe, be replied that it made no difference as be was going to hell anyway. He then placed the muzzle of tbe gun to his head and discharged tbe weapon, blowing off half bis bead. Oxford, N. C., May a.—Walter Sberron, charged with "slander of an innocent woman," was tried at Oxford to-day before Justice E. T. Rawlins. The woman prosecuting him was Miss Electa Lloyd. After bearing tbe case, Justice Rawlins turned him over to the Court. The case has attracted much at tention, as Miss Lloyd is a highly respectable young bay. Tbe case will be disposed of at tbe August term of Granville Superior Court. There was a number of witnesses present from the young woman's neighborhood, who are much in censed at what they regard as an attempt to destroy a good woman's otpe. Til Watts if tto Mr Every •even days the blood, masrles and bone* of a man of average tize lose two pounds of woraoot tisane. TbU waste cannot be replenished and the health aad strength kept up without peitect diges tion. When the 'stomach and organ* fail to petfmm their fnctmn, the strength lets down, health gives way .and disease sets nj£ Kodol Dyspep sia Cure enables tbe stoaneh aad diges tive organs to digest and wiailalr all at the wholesome food that any he antra into the kind of blood that rebuilds the tisanes and protects tbe health aad strength of the aiiad aad body. Kodol cures Indigestion, Dyspepsia aad all I stooach troubles. It is aa ideal Sfiiag 'funic. Sold by S. R. Biggs. WHOLE NO. 188 GENERAL MEWS. Paul da Chaffla, the Awtiaa a alitor and explorer, died at 9U rUuibH. April 30. at aidaiKht. Forest fires hare been tagiag ■ear Bradford, Pa., foe mmctimf. The ton of Simon was coaiphla ly destroyed. The loat it «ati matcd to be more thaa a milium dollars. West Point, Va., was visited laaC Thursday night hjr the lafK—t ft* ia the historr of the lowa. Mom thaa thirty building* vera b Broad. Haadredsof people were homdma. The fire destroyed aMrethaasf as.* 000 worth of 'property. Raveaswood, W. Va., April JO, —Burglars entered the poatofca last night, blew open the ah aad escaped with nearly SIO,OOO with out leaving a cine as to their iden tity. fNo one knew the place had been robbed until Postmaster Mo Adams opened the office this mow iag. Jackson, Miss., April jo.— Tka Diocesan Council of tbe P. K. Church, of Mississippi, to-day elected Theodore Brattoo, D. D., of Raleigh. N. C.. bishop of Mia* •assippi. Rev. John G. Murray, D. D., of Baltimore, who W elected he»hop last night, declined tbe honor. Tbe Clyde Steamship Saginaw was sunk at sea Tuesday rcorning by the Old Dominion Steamship Hamilton.* The accident occured about 130 miles north of Norfolk. Twenty or tnore lives were lost. A dense fog settled along the coast shortly after night fall and both vessels were going at reduced speed when the crash occurred. Hollidavsburg. Pa., April JO. — The extensive plant of the Crescent Powder Company, at Canister, about ten miles south of here, was completely wrecked by a series of four explosions this morning. Of the thirty employes, nine were killed outright and all the others were badly injured by being blown about the buildings in which they were employed. For the first time in sixty-odd years, the Navy Department will try a man for an offense involving the possible infliction of the death penalty. The case in point is that of William Anthony, a colored mess attendant on the CHympia. flagship of Rear Admiral Coghlan, com manding the Caribbean squadnm now in the Norfolk harbor. Sever al months ago this man got into n altercation on board ship with another enlisted colored man. and stabbed him to death. It i> allagsd that the deceased provoked the as sault by making a vile chaign against Anthony. Grand Commander?, of Knights » Templar, of California, has decided by unanimous vote that hvaaftw no wine shall be served at ths Templar banquets. The Innova tion has been introduced, it is claimed, so that the order on this coast might fall in line with ths' general movement of thesstlhl in the east and because the ase of wine in the lodge-room for — ch functions is contrary to the priaci ples of Masonry. It b laid thai the Grand Lodge of ll—oas at ha annual meeting next October wiH take the same decisive actios aad order that all banquets given inhl the auspices of any Masonic Lodge of the State be strictly temperate^ 111 ' Rimt experiments, tf practical tnS aad examination vMk the rid at ths X-Haya.estahlsh it aa a fact thatcatanak of the Stomach i» apt a iliwaa f ItaeM. but tint it results fmn repeated attacks at indigestion. "How Cm I On* My Indigestion?" Erioi Dji|i|rii Cnre i> caring Itimsli ttriima jon at ind%ntias and dfipepaa, asl prerort or cure Catanh of the Staaaac*. Kmfal digests what yon eat—makea ths stomach sweet. Sold by S- E. - ' •''