THE ENTERPRISE TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION: , . OK Tear, She Martk, 50 a* Payable m Adnace VOL. IV. - NO. 49 '■innan If s An Exercise to Plant Ros- es on Pale Checks. NEW PHYSICAL CULTURE AM* Bacfeaa t» tbe Cheat, la Edrilar ■Mag aad. "Mb >■ luatlnft Met , W' ■■ 'J ■ ■» r, a»eard | aad • If ebb wwaU direct their athletic woald lad tbe paattae both aatwl aad Bidlr a caßa ihfa bsL A syriasboaid aad a oaaataa asstjwas are ail tbe *anpbaraalfa aeaded Tba aad aad wtm a* wary warn who «sss la far ■faab aa aaad bar hdh Ma tba Mr, asar la a asafMt aaaanaab aad aa ■aar** 1 ti Mt dTwirt The «hm a* It Itoe la the hrt that, earn tnUMhdadr MaMMthe Mr Mat he pihaal tho naaßeat remgaaa. Thea aao ad bates «• earthward, teat tor*- Oa iUfniH «ar» toa toiatoa to rsr — D«W ihm alaajj y at Ik* wyn rf •at al mmt bw He Brat boxlas «n To knp Lnrtt IM llll to ckicMUr arfclr* afcc •to PRNTK* Mr. OM la to I«TN| tka ares anal to a tiide. ome at a Hai. aal both tofFtkn. Thca. phc lac toe Ufa of tka 6icrr» om tlw cknt tka arm* are flaac oat and bark aatll tkqr are at r£fct aaslca to l> Mr Tootlac tka Mr arouad bt both giiHluaa (row tka waUt is aaot!>et ■anaau. Lnaav (crtard aad Ik- a hotkoard aa far aa poadU?. a!x> to tka right aal to lk» Idl ta also good pot the. lal-rlocklag the tbambe. Mi wttk tka haeae straight. brad aa til tka tips of the laccra tourk ike •MT RIJO to aa upright postUoa. ortth tka am abof tt- hai these titwfcaa alaa espaad tka luags noon to a AM —that acao> arWa ckatj aad 4eprtmlug attkod of r» atortag keakh If ake win go la far tkeaa ilgißiiaa atkletirs arttk all her knn aad oU ud awde. reuple ■ae law coorUß at ka lac too aaak aal fcreathieda to tako » » Tkts la a dfloaloa- TSo anshas— tka qakfe aad tka short i nphslliia arise (TOO aaat U eaor- fl*. Will TKA CAOOiEB. na tm amtrna at maatmm aU warn »m that looho wortk fta soot l» a. ■ a hwa a Cake am* a rraat or «oolat So the pa—sr. a caalotor at old aUrer ckoakac tar o kaoCar. aad koo a poca- Tklo ksm JZt ma'i'iaa"«opa 'lll ttac daara with a spring aa a Jowl Oimaty Firea. SEARCHING THE RIVER ROT TOM. Wisil Way *f fashlag a LMaf litnlif by Tm Mm Yerinre. TUn «t» mr nnlbt nrrapa tlft— NSsrci by tboae iiafff ia pliiH ■ ttsabhood la aad aretrl New fwk x | nim Wbfirb tbe aa|x«y of p-o --pte ilmw away as labbtrh an cstb «fta &p by Itaßsas aad other foHfa era aad sold A hnk lata tbe J-js* ibh— ciua* tbe riser frost win sire dm a Utile idea mi tbe thne.eail aad owe I'ibp that bare Ij sal tbuir way thMaer after bene dtatarded by their fwain Tbe Jwla ■ da a tbrivla* tubas aad oltot Mta totsaa owl of tbe staft tbey fcsadle Xmamg tbe May utsora ways by which a isMdswr is gala-*d Is oaa fallowed by two M, who. rear la aad year oat. la saaihlaf or la raa be aaea fwwfag aa tbe Eaet or Xarth mw. Wbßa ewe beape tba at ralae Bay be fdbd Cross tbs deptha. Ploeaa ef wy ar Hacbflaery aad a variety ef ataft. psd er bad. la hate heaa at the tinlapia far aaaay yeare. aal ba( fodk* baa aafa ad MflriTuial I iraaar owaera had aaaipff to the rtteda deptha rateable Wsitial ywera ag* they latotog raleaWe papei aad >ew«lry which had heaa bat oterbnard la a rctaraiag H to the aaaer they rw aaliad a headaaam leaad The re aerery of the po*an pat a geddaa ead to a Mb lew salt which the aera ar woald uthtialaa hate hat At ttaaea the mea pad ap athar tbteam thea thaee they seek. Mot la fraeaeatly they has* haaaght to *he U. T. Heaa.- : 3 to tMa taaatij to practice waaaoaa se hewMdeted by rati tea aerroaa all meats he «uae to natal with that he beached thea al together, aad caHsd tankuHla ireraort their braise aad bodies, bat it woald be traar to aay they alaa i i their bodiew If they raa ao catch a train: If they start eat far haaltbfal esrertae. e>ea H they lie dowa lo deep:. they throw M mark Wi>lrtal rsn.'T lato these acts that they a-~taaily lm p>de the mas Hew. This H preeaalaent ly in# of Am' ilea* awaaea. an I «f Amertraa woaera of kfcats. at I ha* liwrally • wotkiag wo ail a Iraras wae eroaemy of energy beraese she mKaaa that sbr caaaot go oa by wsrte. ta the aalttr af lytag 4o*a to rat, boa nrHf yno a* a anau who Ilea sopiae Ilka a IHtle ckiM. who alU>«x the L d lo take tka iw> laalktlKy at IwMlnx krr ep Imnd ska balds am to tka bel gripe the p--il»w_ draws np her lam lltktij riesrkai bt le»th. la b»r boar brail she *»«■» otff aad n«tr ajcala Ik* little roaad of her day. or ska tastes lo aatlcipa ttoc tka IIMMM at toaarraa * Rapid Cttaapijpt»|. At a motlag at the lonrpnwd Phcimcrrphie Sortety the other day It was stated I Sal 1., write Hiwurijfcl cally a the rate at ISO word* a mla ate hiTOlrca heartag oo aa awrwagt 73* osa. aad moaackac to iqamat or fca- Aa eM frtead aafa af lUT"! |M kad aa ■ I Inr sko did oat Mae Bat asadtac af hkaoS 1 a In malj fiaaatd. aad wlik It a oato •ajlag ko II iiH rail that •esehW. Wksa ha came sko WM at tke piaao. -How oaw yt>e tklo maker ko aaM. Mho replied. stm playiag. aad leeklac ap at kha whtrh hod beea MM; -Biifjtkloc k loroly aad tka ta akort ardor after thaL" Maot CooHjr Worship. Tks Kty Haarf TIL win ke tko ortll aaoast to odl ottr CTjMMMI ®jw (Merprist. WILLIAMSTON, N. C., FRIDAY, SEPTMBER 4, 1903. DRUMMING OF GROUSE. )" Tk» Prccsas as CncHM by m Ok •errant Woodsman. A psrtkuUr dwrrirtlM of tba luft- NT la ahlch tha kk!c mmw InM la siren by Edward HuU of Mm foaaty, Wia.. wh> Usa rpnat km lime ia oturrlK K at this pMtw. If It nay be called a yasiiaM. Ihuka baa beea bnliiliif a cabin nM tba Uaiork woods sear l»a| lata. |»ia| to bis wurfc Ju»t after daybreak aad Va.-Uac la 6U of tbe day boar* with ax* aad saw. l!arly In May be beard • jlussi drurutn'.a* As lutul the socad aas»rd to be loojr way off. hot be decided la tare»tigate, aad began abrtaf sadly aaosi tbe trees, lie fooad tbe Mrd within fifty yards, not wltbta twenty yards of it. hid behind a big birch aad war .-bed tt. Tbe iraaw stood gpn a dead bg aaarty three feey thro orb aad barw ef wbea Haaba saw it. mtii» half eeetoaaa. >n>tn Ita k«U M to dH Ml sad (ho* to the right. Thee ft brii«li| Ha tfWt ■!!» at lack of the log u bigaa to tru The iwhg ImM tor eight ar tea aecnada. the* t«wi u4 the MN ha ram a oac* More erect. Kalty Are ■liirtw rU|Md before It *«awi mttutm. So loag u ho watched M. tatcr vale of from three to It* bMm paurd between the dr*m*rt*ga. It gtvay* preceded the li ■—ln hjr the dpi of *neaetocaa. motlh Ka hul to right u4 left, willaa shlftlag It feet tipoa the log. Jest be- Iwv the fnaAlof started. vhea t had eqaatted Into poettloo. It iiial eat the gray feather* mt Ma tail aa widely aa they woald go. —fctog a faa fart aa the terkey gobbler spreeda Ha tall wbea It etrvta. Thla (aa the groeae broaght daw* apoa the lag aad held M there. |mi lag Ma agalaat tho timber aa tightly aa paaalhli. aad It hep: M aa while the drammlag laated. aot mlailag the teaalaa aatll the hat aoaad had mail While dramaalag the head waa etratrhod Car forward aad the Berk waa rigid. Th* bird alwaya begaa Ka drum ming by two or three tnwirt lap, glraa slowly aad prodoclag aaly • aaftly roafded aolae. It aaeaMd to ha doabtfal of Ma aMIIty to drm aad ap tcarad to be try tag how It weald da. After time two or three flap* It brought IU triage sharply agataat Ha buJy aad sailed oat lata the fall tide of its Instrumental lon. The strokes, at first »I>w tiirnad swiftly la rs j-'llt 7. finally miTKlaf Into the thunderons roll made by the wings of the grouse a hen In full flight. Thea th«- drumming ceased abruptly. u>' shadlng down tato fl'rwneas aad soft ■ec. as It had begun. St mci'aM, ha ring completed Ha bfsis. the crouic would walk ap aad down on the log for two or three f»vt. evidently Immensely prrntd of It self. A'way when the drumming waa resumed, it took its original pcnltlui. standing with Its feet In exactly* the aam«? pu. o lo making this round IV nw of tfco eiu#r were brought doom aad forward. The rnw». In fart, seemed to be aeooping Hs wings forward aad slapping Itjieif npoo the breast la murk Ike rame manner aa a man *U(M klwelf 11 (ton lb« cb«*st la cold weath er: only, of course. the wlag* were cot (tooted. Tbe wings were bronght aa tar forward as possible aad ool atre.'. bed before thejr were slammed agrisst the body. * On every !«ar day slaee then this rrooae ha? drummed on the same loc. I t-Uadias la the ua« place. It keeps It ap for hoars la tbe morning, goes I away shortly before acoa aad returaa I ahoot 2 o'clork la the aflerwooe, drwaa uttag aeaiiy uatll aiuiaet at lstarvale at Cra mtaotes. la eartala thai M daaa oat hrask tko loc wttk tko tips at Ms wiap aad that nth mfrt boo oo oos aotao at tko Inm. There k short CNN MOO Mtho In wfcsro tko sis a da. aad tkoock tka Mad boo drammed there oot leas tkoa a dooea Hmys this aaoaa showa oo Cp at hariag keea dlatarhed. Baaka Is eartala that tko feamlo la aestlac aumiokuro aear. Whea tko koo lo sit Use tko aaale bird daoa aot waader far from the pool —ML t -o 7 » VoOoar Back Hero Allva. * UDaadaanil Dtek." (k* >»■■■ km ret low back aovela. baa cone oat at tka okmritj at «t|Ma«a jmmrtf piaiiftf work oa a nllmil Ml k ■boat to accept a foriUoa mm |w la MM. MH tke Ckfcan -Tilbana- ThM will brta« ktaa hack. aadar » fwaat nialfltfr-. to tka Mfe la wklek he waa proaMaeat dartac tka harder Ta »oet af tke people who read tka "DMI«M4 IHck" atorlaa tka ckM ikaraitff la Mlawl ettkar to km kaaa a njrtb ar to kan beea 4aM Car rean. He haa kaaa qafatly warklas lor tka FtaaMt. Elkhorn aad llt» aaaal ValW lull road for tka taaa paan. takla* a week or ao off aow am* tkea to m pmapw Hag kr m**- Ha will never wear hoekakla aad kick koata acala. and ke aerer wIH ride tke roar exprcaa acroaa the praif la. alniikt aow and tkea to reacaa a toaldaa la periL Now ka wean orar alla aad kandlea freight. Oa doaa not cam to talk akoat tka •M days- It Is atrance to aaa how Caw people ■aa to karo beaa oa bead whea If Hi IIP a. BANMR PAIN. L "*A" Mil a« jotttm man. lirttt- My. ~wWl row caylanalio*:" rw ptwCl Y girl Ikrwl bw ahoul i-n ififkllf nd Mokrd out of lb* window Tku «m another way of Hal W I*4 a perfect npluia- Iba. W that he IM W right to da- Md II aad hat W0( a fine enough raJ to jatentaai It. | "far a weak yua pat up with m« > vGßagly eaoagh; I thought w» an* fHaada. now |oa Ml me I bore yoa. whyr* | -fThy?" «ha echoed; "perhapa be- I fa-:* I'ra pat ap arlth jroa for a week. Why 4a y«a ask qatatloat and botherT Taa aay that yoa aaa that I dou't want pas aay » ta't daay It. Thea Ikat'a aaly aaa linial aaaraa kt yoa •a taha " At taraed hack in har bm aaaa aad hla hca dartrraeaad Thh >»«■■« of lapMtaara," he aaM. My. *1 ta't car* aark about tba in>all la aad coariatlaaaHttea lm aot priag la laaaa yoa. I ahall aot let yaa 0M aatti yoa are aara aort aa khi la ae aa yaw vara a few weeka am yea. aad kinder atM " At I hla patat ahe loot her temper and aaM thtapa that vara aot denr aur aaHo4 la her parfxme "Vary aHI." he aaM. " When a man waata aaa thla« aad aaly one thing la the aoM. ha (at* Ma. I want yoa. aad yaa alaae. I aaay have to wall ha(. hat I ataVt Maa Try BM. aad yaa artll Bad It aa." That aaa the aaa to whoui, a week later, aha karamr rap«nl The ea pwaaial aaa hrahea off hy mutual caaooad mama ada moat ha afterward. -Tea." aald tke placid eld pMlan. ~t tMak yea wave «atta right ta give Ma a*, my 4mr.~ ~0. tkaak r»a:- Mid tha pertly |ki laf*Wnly. "I waa ao afraid yea waald tMak kadly af a* I tried ta ait tm the baat. Oar tim|nriineDis wars ad aaMad ka aack other; mar napr waald kare iraat a life-long ■lawj. My owa coaaekac* acquits at. kwt 1 wnadawd wkat otkaca would tklak asp mla By joa " ~Yoar Impulsive and Impetooua Hi lar* shoald ke Uaked to Its opposite— to cratlraesa aad erivrieucn." | ."1 at qwta aare oi u," abe said - "fJwalKlrs la wklrh ke waa alto gather htrhfag.** -Totally." lie agreed. "Ak. aoe~ sighed the old man. Prtffrf to give the reason for that •Sgk. he tmfeaaed that be waa think lag aboat fctatse!f. Ills was a lonely I'fe; wealth did »K make tiapp!n - he kid fueled that wtiom cotibi he spend hi* an -y a til to whom «-..uld be |ea«e it at his death? He cwild aerer to via the lore of a wuia aa. old as ke was "Toa are not to rail yourself old." she cried "I Dei'i tbink of you as an old wsa '' There aa# a IOOR |KOIIM>. and when be *puae ioa It WSJ to almn cousubia Me JTjrpi--r That wax Ike man whom la tke coarse of that >ear >h« mariii'd; aad tke more worldly of b"r friend.i sere la tke kakit 4 it-marking to one another that, all tbtij£« .uaaMered. .lie bad dcu" estremely well for herself; so. froaa that iiotnt of view sbe bad. After dtuer tii« white-haired (raikua di«fH in the dm* Ibgrootß TVn little InlirniKim aLoukd ke I'lrfivnj lo old «K» Hut the girl—«ko had KT»*l prelth-r than~ever -katni at her lint baud -It I. frauk lihfl IStx tsraed to Ibe bandxotue jrMMf mm st Ibe plaao apologetically. "Hrt ilnn Uke that. yoa know I cm —*■«!■■ M whaa •« an aleae aa in» I tan Mb—bat I loat aa- Imtai I he* ha aaa alee* through •act Mk aa M It will take away my Car all the aid*." TK" aaM tka placer. IrMj "IM aa; I >ll |lta yaw *t» bark agaia." it ba (tafad. Ma dark era* eoogkt btra aai fiaal atraage tklaga la tke m. Back lata what aa la tha other'e heart. Uto eyaa Mud down aula at tha keya. Ilia Cat* wore ika look of eedaaaaee. INddialy be atopped. and wot ainw tha faaa to tha earner where aha waa alttlag -Whr are jm ortafl What la tha ■attar T~ ha aaked. -It la Im keaatifal . . . and I aaa aa aa happy- II yoa kaaw what aay IKe «hT The white haired aM pratliwea waa mm di>|h| peaeMafly. hat buth had kwr." aaM tha maalriaa. "and yaa kaaw mam that I leva yak" "Tat, pea were awe to kaaw. I Must aay pa ad lye la yea. dear. It was all rlgM aaaUt ywa kaaw. bat poer~ Ha heM at Ma hull, sad ahe toek B. At waa naif aaaoyad with her heekaad tket waa tha astoet af her aenww. Aa Car tha aaealrtaa. ba waa ■ail) aaa MM aealp for her tralat heM. Ha played dlilaily. aad ha lorad her; k waa aaadblai of s trlaaap, sad ah* aaM pa a I bya to Mat vary awaetly. Aad that waa tha aaa wham eha fid lalte Mdhaclly. of oaataa. tfbe ant a twaaty-#ve abiWlag wreath to tka faanal. aha had waa aa atch at brMpe the migU htfeea. Flf Black aad WMto. ————— May 9fCMrfMf, Oar aaadfuiha is had a way which at ait hardly lad fsror aowa-j THE PIANO EXPLOOED. Queer Thing Hiposard fa a Mostcal l iitranwt ia Friaoa. Armmk tirilsf* stories tba follow laic, as related by W T HlHsarda. a New York piaan acnl. deaerrae a p:a* «• la the hall of liar: •What (wiapasy 1 Is W -1 tw left rmt.~ said Mr Hkhatda la the Krow* llitn Hotel ~As J bow. nN|, n piar > nit. aad naee a year Bake a i lour of oar brush boon '.broach tba { coaatry. •"I was b Kin PturiMn far a i week. Etcry day. of mm. I was to oar fcfaach luos A woaaa who bad beea try lac to bay aa imruwtc-al for several meal he was fa at k»t a duien times I btrtar laterevied la tbe sale as she was boteriac between our B tke aad another Sfee had if fired at Ibis pMrt be; try aa she would she lusld aot auke ay her ■slad. i:»try art of ear alnaas had beea etbaastad aad ua tbe deal day oaa of ear asa an slsallag ho stile the iaatraaeat abe liked beat "lie M oikM lor ito k» diHlk time Ha He weal awr Ik* toae. loark. aty la nl Mkar Milk Mali nl agaia It* waa playing with tIM hoys. loarMag tkm HfkUr. wkM all of a —W— Iktn W aa fipluslua It waa Hltm tke roar of a raaoa. tatrrateftlag wttk tha prallax of a ko4n4 pd tra 1 pbw of woof flew doar lo my k«J. aa4 whea the mgkr uf battle had cleared away baal the wo—a aa tha floor in ■ dsad fatal AMtof Vud trickled dowa kn Un k.aiL arklle tka nakfiauia waa paak.d Hat up «pla«l aa Irua pUlar A hasty eiaalaaltoa waa made aad we foaad the ptaau kad bl..wa a»—tka Hit Uvideal of tka kind, aa far aa I kanar ~Mua« way or »u»*u». H kad keea keyed up to the klchaai pHck aad tha strings bad (In* way l-at-r we fonad the plaau kad keaa rknaa to a hot air akaft Tke wood kad dried oat aad Ike Mtap airatchad Jaal that sack nee. "Wkea we ant tke wnaii kack to Ufa agaia aka atarted ta ta talk. Mka claimed aka kad beam laaa»l fur life aad awore aka wuald cater a aalt agalaat a* at oau. I aaaafed to art tie by girlag her aa I—lnai at free of cuat W« are oat tke damaged la rtriaft aad a arroad that coat aa at laat pu to aakir "The ptaan waa a wreck. tke top kad be»n klowa of pad erea oae of tke sides cracked by tka force.** Mr. UickaMs kad a pbutoraph of tha wrcrkwl Imirnai ai He la tab lag R biiit (o W Sew "Y»>rk fartory. WAYS OF JHZ SHARK. - / The Sand Shark is the Most Com mon m Hear York Wal*rs A fbark thit la booked and r, aHed and bronchi lan a laat allte wall drive aril hawk out at ku way uatll b« i|iiiofs •town He vil! vat.k his one mica wickedly altk bis «-«il »y« and *na|. at tbem like lUrhtaias * lion a tliuk bitos ke tux m* a trifle wise to the objevt ahoat to ho at lackcil. .Vi> fooa aa kt« Jaw* >iw on It ho whirl* himself ar»«icd tb«- rtrtfm for a pltot and tUw rowd» In tearing out whatever bis twth are fastoned In Tke uaM-imn- l> tha' oii h »n' of the trip!" of ia curved («itb katm Its owj, nurk Tlif common shark of tke North Attan'ir rrasl ia tb:- raad tkarlL He is light brown with a darkor mot tlltiK- He fwima a f«.«t or two above tho bottom an«l fr»»|«ient« i*!'h doep ■ml shallow waters. S|o-tim—n» run nine from two tu three fm lusj »n --i-btbmnn. I'bh from loar to s:x feet ar» fairly pS-nJSfoL Often on bat. rs!s» day/ thiriu will lie apjiarea-ly «rfw» at the *ur fare witb tbetr fta» fti-tim up in the sun till they are artaally wrlak led. X bark a ran Into tha aarf where ibe water la ao nhsllow tha: tha break are oAn leave tbeaa high aad dry aad they ■art wait tor tha aeat breaker to float tbeaa Than they work a lowly aloac galptac dowa tha little Cab that are benight to by baa dreda by tha roUar* Whea haatlag ba bays aad ctaeka they will at tineea flouader Into Httle braarhea aad covee barely deep eaoegh to w»t a man above tha aaklea.—Xew Tor* Preaa. mI, I a tfc iI, ■ M«dfl IllWPid* A country geallimaa who waa atay ing la la»doa three kalMug* from differ eat dealers aad aaat tbeaa lo a livery viable sear by. Ue waa recalled bama aawapxkaity the same dsy. aaeaaiag to bat* the duns aeat after him. whew he received tha followlßg letter froaa the at aMe keep er: "I tear Mr—Tour tkm dace re ceived aafely. I lock* I tbeaa op to gether la a baa ataO. Toari obedl eatly, J. JACK*** "P. H—We bare oaiy aaa baa atalL "P. P. ft.—Toa win hava to hay aoaa more doga " —TH-Btta. Tha DMFcreaca. Aaa Mlddlaaez at TwaatavHla. trad ed s flaa cott Cor a watch aad a abet m He loat the watch aad the gam I exploded. Hla wide dMat aay a I word. Khe. however, weat to towa Sad aoM tbirtyaevea Inaaa en* Car ' half s rent s doaaa leaa thaa the quoted market price aad ha baa heea kicking every day ateesL —ladlaaape 11a Has Bulwer naya that a aia'a owa rom acSocce la hla ante tribe sal Mather s curious 'tiawniUrif ua tha Immor tality of the toaL There la anthlag however Hko leather, ta the optoloa of tha tm! anther. A Blue X Mark in the Square Below mraw that roar Subscription Ends with tha fane , EDUCATION THAT EDUCATUL . Practical Tests Batter ttia* MM Memorizing In 8cIim1& Elmlun ue (rochit lorn* er ui UD fonder of the UUM at making ration partial In I'.rooklrs I aew p!aa has bc-en adnpt-d for naM' tloas for (TiJiatiaD from tigl schools. and student's s and hag la based BOR Urp'ljr nn class work > tkniuth the year and leas on tha r» »lt u( Hwlig tea:*. Karh prtnciiuJ | conducts examination* at hla ova dla rtvtfoa. hat the enaphasts la thrown I upm practical atltli jr of oa the mere ncrnmnlntlon of farts. The dan work will be put!i> to torn on iha power to think rather than to airm.T lie. The Brooklyn "Fafle" says: "For instance. In laccuaxm. the «• amleatiors will be designed to test th* pupils' power to read at sight and :a translate Into Idiomatic Knxitsh la Knglisb literature a IwalcJfC of tha hfc'orj of literals™ and rood taste la rendlnjt will be coasted rather than knowledge of u) teat book, la Bnf llsb coa position tha test will ha tha ability to aake a clear ayanpaia af a com position, and to write clearly mad arcarately. while the loag despised aad neglected spelling will be coaatad. la arleace the aaaaber of eapertaaaata performed and the stadent's skill, neatness sad accarary to perform tag them win hold Iral pllrr. aad to hto tory the knowkder of the of Important events aad ability to trace caaaea to raaalts. will be tested fey the eaamlsstlrms." Krerywhere there Is a reartloa from the erase for Mipmi aad "•luallty.*" nit "|uaatlty.~ la again bnualif Iha desideratum. Nowhere Is rbaage ■ore la>pi>rtant and Burn hopefal than to the Md of edaratloa. la trnr eilbc through life only sarh baggago Is desirable as taa be utilised for tho needs of the Juanwr. FLICS FLED THE HAMMOCK. AM Representative Cmins CeaM VM Ttmpt Them. Repreaeatatlre (taa 808. aa inoted by the Chicago "laler Oceaa." saja that darlag a hot sunarr day ho sought rest In a Laaaork beaoalh the araat skade at aa old tree Oat toid at the corner ot a dowaStata hotel "I had ao sooner stretched myself to the hammock." Mr. Caaaoa said, "than these (lin attacked me. ma lady by the million. It was laiolarar Me. sad to no pleasaat frame of mi ad I look. d ap the proprietor - What do jpnt asewa.' I drauM. 'by stretching your hanimork In that fly haunted Held of torture you call a tawa Y "'I know the flies are bad out there aow.' be aaswere.l. 'but, Mr Caaaoa. you ought to uni (he bammoek dor lag the ham mm k. hours, and yoa'd hare ao trouble from the Mew" r" - What are hammock hours T I to quired "*| mm 12 boo;i to 2 p m dally." he replied. 'lturinic tlione hours flits will not attack you In the baßimol-k. , "I tu much Interesti-d in I lie man's iVirrallr skill In ■■v&dlnx the aad. wtt-hlnx to draw him put. I asked: "Why are there no flies ..round the hamnux-k bettreen 12 and -f " t»h h* rejoined, 'at that time they're all in the dininz room.'" A Senatorial Fish Story. "I told a Bsh Htory In the elealt mota of the Senatthe other day." said S«-nator Clit.'i»-p n.trk. of W>o nilne "that »a» reri-lred wi'h cwry mulfiftiMon of disMlef on the j*art of fellovr-senators. I Mid that In Wyoming m«-n lre»iueutly «-atih tho gam" aad wily iuotint2iu trout by serafhinK them on the stoma-'.i- Trout a!«und In the ytreams of Wyo mine sud the beautilnl speckled troat Is found in every stream. In many of the narrow strcsms running through natural uieadows tlx' grass oa each aide Is very tall aad s-reeas a Baa tram the view of the ftsh. I hare oftea knows mea to crawl to the edge at a stream aad carefully reachlag through the tall grass, put oae hsad to the stream and under the edge of the baak. Whea the haad came to cue tart with a big trout the aaa would slowly begla scratchlag the Ksh oa tke aloMrk This has the effect of maklag the llsh rnrl up and appar mil; show (rat dHtjht li the erraUklßH. Slowly the asaa scratehea along the body of the Hah mill he iMcbca the gllla. when he rnns MM noser lato the Kill and hauls the Issy bk oat of the water. This la fre quently done When co mm b disbe lief waa cxpressed at the time I Md the story Senator Krye case to oiy aid by saying that be had known the ran- thins lo be done la the trout streams of Maine. —Washington Star. Dont Ring tha Night Bell. A weU-kaowa doctor tell* this aa aa actaal experience: "Oae night I waa aroused by a load rappiag at my door. I raa'ry oat at the window, I ■aw a persoa ataadlax oa tha atep *—-f*-f away. "What's the auUtsr dm there r I cried. 'What do yoa waat r Ha a* oald Bother that'a tak bad. doctber.' replied tha aaa. " "Your mother la UIT ~ 'Faith, aa' ahe ia tak terriMe. 4octher* ■"flow loag hare yoa been there? ~la faith, docther. aa loas that 1 woald be ashamed to aMatioa It/ " "Thea why dtda't yoa ring tha Bight bellT -1 waa aftald of dlatarWa* yoar hoaor.' waa tha Irish aaaa'a perfectly ateoarw reply'—Tltßlta. A maa does aot ohfect lo a woau'a WHOLE NO. 205 WILD BONITO FISH I NO. Whsra the Fnh Are Slung Arewett Angler's Head. A goasr kind of taUac for teißaa Is practhiad by the HaadwUh Inland err. They M a aathcr«? hook, barbed ua the laaor f'Je with bona. mui two lefts of hogs br'-atlaa at tarhed to the barbed ea-1 at right aacH 10 It The Brat object whew tha tsklui ground ia rearanl la to lad a school of aku. or hoaito. Tha hhtrßa An this tj watcjlaf tha ana calls. When they hover ilsaOtF over oec spot It ia a rare ;ign thai there Is a B-I-«I of aka there. It la the haMl of the. M to tin a*aim* the tide, and as soon as lie school has sighted. the canoes ara worked around is I root of It. aod tha o*h are drawn clow to the boat try the (nlMTaia throwing oat a haaufal or two of small lire bait. Thore aria three anaa la each caaue. bat only oaa ■nan la each ap«a directly ia lah lag. tha others aaaaglag tha caaoaa. The ■shiiaiia staad ap la the at«a af their boats, holding la their haada a pole ahoat twelve aat blag. with a Una of the aaas leagth at tached. Tha pearl hook is tied to tha •ad of tbla ltae By a «|airk aara> aaeat the Mae aad book are »lapp* violently oa the sarface af the water aad thea draw a toward the boat Tha aha arw attracted by the aolae. aad. aenlag the Kltttertsg hook, whkh looks like a yoaag bh. aaahe a -y-*—r for it As aoaa as the hah ha hooked the llae la swaag ap over tha Rihrnsaa'a bead so as to aiake al- nwt a nMptrf r-volntton It M vary wmarir I tut the IfM >bu«l4 b> kep lul. as owing to the fart that tb~ bank has oaly a illfht tor*. the bk aould ttak' ItseU InoM) shoald the lto» slacken la lk» Im»U As the hooked U la deerrlbtag thto molMka the flshermaa holds or his arm. aad aa It lowa* hlat eikkn It aeatly betweea inm aa4 aide. ahoKe ha drops It lata lk« boaL — Kxrhaa«» I HtfJ kkdwcritf Left Aloes. -IHd yoa ever notice." Inquired Out. M. tl. Tmm at rtaa Prurlaro. that to the Ma of erery MI tkM mtmm toke a Itoa either af iWI or •dimity? I vuaM make m* analK *«*, perhaps, I* I «al« that ■■ lw illy la confined by tw llaea. one a top Itoa aa* the other a bottom nmc So loag aa a mmm kn-pa betweea there two lines th« aiirM Is satisfied to let him alone It he riws ahore tin to|> Han. people al um ar« «atiu« to hntat ha elilS higher: If he (a!h bt-lu« the Mii'ia line, the world )cm|« on hint wit to Mh feet, anxious to n)»d him ba il Tlwrc are a few invlmu oae* al ways who wimld drax down the mum > i-yfal niu t. »t I Laro aoiinM that wh *fi a man rti« aoont so high m'« 4 p-> ft mi'T hloi snd push. either, in th«- hope "f reward or beaot'i rte cess of Itself I* naturally attractive. I rpcak n>! It I'oiu disinterested oha aenratloa. «l '"erne aa I hare rot *e€ r.-.i-i .-d a wh«-i- I haie felt n|| cr. ~*f amoi»* of pressure urider me.'* - Washing!'*! IV«rt, * Volcano MArshalt* Cen ('lull"' tell* a story alxmt ar» ft!r;«**aat An." 11 -an he met :n tha Philippine*. lie was fr«»m Tens unit wa- kao-aa >s ~Val-sno** Mjr'iijll. Il» hid bmn» "ftran.W in Mani'ae ad .--Iwi the K' H'ral to fud fclna fcome on a UJt jnrt "Are you In the raped f'liM wrriwT' a«lctJ (to general ' .Not by a blame sSgM." *aa the emptaeivt- reply. *1 am a free lon* j%mer?--as citizen arid nl cifift#n'iel sa'rai' " " l lr order*." paid the ran «nl. -are to r* ed l«afc only tfcoadl who I!" In the military or c r!l *3r« riiii." Utr>lull thought i n»on:ft)t_ "i I. neral, you rould seal nt« If "o«f wacted to." be veatun-1 p.-rsusmivO' ly. "See l»rii Mr Marshall." the general Mi-rtjly. -if you wer» Inr my pto-e aa>l had my orders ui t were to yoar place would you (ira 'ae traaspartatloar* 'Von bet V would." retaraed Marshall qatrkly* -aad be daraed glad to gat rtd tfl yoo."—Kaasas City mar. A Nile VWaga. A tnnftrr of the f>w Nile tM «eanlbee a l»M nadr* «M«t| •an Ike l ki(««ii N>W»: Tl« henana are built of Mile mrf. each kom ao» CUIIIOMIM a FAMILY of ao BITML what * tarn, the Inhabitants of netf all related to eacM village almost otter. raaprUiK vMHInm aevanl hmdnnts rnt >w>l« TMr •treats mrt» Uttered with lltk. HIMII of era* kind oMiact oae'a pat*. dogs icrowV ud mil at the appearance and hi traaioa of » BIIMKM. »I»» rati about, bid las their faces ia (Ml rntaib lest a white au ihaH behold their fcatarre FUn laf inna settle oa Ike chUdrea and >a*| their ro> oa their eyelids. aawaaha. heraaae they believe tt to be cm% trary la their religion to waah « f« move the fllae fnaa their ajoa" Roc E K . i Tha aap|4y of toe e0 la IHWIi ly aot yet exhaaated la Madaxaaear for a freah spedmea waa touaghß over recently from Aataaaaarivo to Johaaaeaharc, Ma tader doabtleaa I*l gardlaK the Baad capital aa tha likely aarfcet la the Moath- Africa* •IBarter Tha an waa pat ap for aalq by aartl—. "hetweea tha rhUaa." tha other day. aad. after aooM Mddfay waa aold Cor fHW. Betac, caMparatledy apaafclag. a tab an, tha price paid for It la probably • Brie ana. bat after It paaaea throagh a M tha negator aartit ataadard. whlcbt baa lately beea wall aver IMH-Ibi loio Blade. i^ai

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