'THE ENTERPRISE mjw a. WHrraoM, corroat. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION: One Vou-, (1.00 Six Months, 50 cent Payable in Advance VOL. IV. - NO. 50 Ail Around Our County dT] ITEMS OF INTEREST GATHERED EACH WEEK BY OUR REGULAR AND SPE- § OAL CORRESPONDENTS IN AND § AROUND MARTIN GOUNTY. I ♦ RSBBtSOKmLE • turned from a visit to relatives near j —; — Pauuyra. There were lots of folks at Eat M »« Millie Everett of near Rob Snap Sundar. er.sc»nviilo,spent Tuesday with rtla-| Mr. Graham Guilford, we- arc tlves here. C lad to say. * improving. Messrs. JatfKs Bollock and lid. Mr. D. F- Batch we* to Snow 4 Robersonvdle, were in Bill Saturday on business town Tuesday. Mm Lanier, of Wiffiaitßton. Is Mr. end Mi*. G. P. McNaugh visiting y 2. Morton. toa hare returned from a tnp to „ _ „ „ Lynchburg. Va Dr. R- H. Hargrove went to ¥iitia Monday on Iwsioea. Misses Lillk Wyan and Anna Mim Hla Burroughs spent Sun- . Evcnrtt *«* *** Thursday day with Miss Leon. Robeison. ,B * Mr. Bojrkms returned from Wil , M 'f" Kcb * >nd Anna mm Mawday ia time for tl»e sale. Washington. are the guests of * " Mi*. E. O. Burroughs. Sam Smith, of Petersburg, Va , . ... spem several day, here this week. L and baby. of Conway, S C., are visiting the . Mr. U-JJvJ Thurston, of Mae- family of J. B. Burroughs. '(MtU. WM here a few days this Vlrs. Joyner, of Scotland Neck, Is spending sometime with her "• * ' >ea ' an * daughter, Mrs.Clias. McNaugliton. Mim Margaret, spent Sunday ia Ivtyta and Lillian Taylor, I Sallic Purvis and Sallie Everett, of Mim Mary Hatdbon, of Rocky Gold Point, spent Tuesday night Monat, is visiting Miss Alice Grimes in town. this week. 'Master Siom Everett left for Ox- HAMILTON fold Wednesday to resume his . . . Edgar Long left for Chapel Hill m * ml Saturday. Mim Henrietta Peele.of \\ illiams Charlie Perkins came home from tm. is vfaitmg Mim Leona Robei- Norfo | k V a., last week. Mm this week. Robert Baker left for Trinity Messrs. John Ross and A. S w m niter school. Roberson have returned from their , Northern trip. . Master Willie Lawrence left for .. «- , Tarboro Monday to visit relatives Mr.Ed.F. Huffines. of Williatas ton, was here a short time Wednes- Mrs. Johnson and children, of day on business. Norfolk, Va., are visiting Mrs. _ Purvis. J. C. McAdams went fb Wash- * iagtoa Saturday and returned Mon Misa « Lina awl Be«ie Mayo Jay oa the freight. have been visiting Mb Lou Mayo Brown. Messrs. Stalls and R. T. Taylor. of Gold Point, went to Washington Xan,:le Snuth - of Wlllums - Wednesday on business. ton - was in Hamllton for a few days last week. Misses Alice Grimes, Sophie Morton and Lfoua Lafciter were Master »°K RarnhUl . who has visitors in Parmele Monday. bcen l u ' te skk w,th l >"P hoKl feVcr is much better. Masters Ben Griffin and Purefoy Andrews left Monda* for Bethel Miss Xanme Purvls ' of Tarboro, where they will enter school. wbo has Uva v » itin e Mrs Br > a,! • returned home Friday. Miss Pearl Edmonson, who has been visiting relatives here has re Mi; * Ij!C7 Gra ? has * oue to ' turned tq her home in Bethel. Edgecombe to spend some time with Miss Annie Howell. Miss Lacy House, of Scotland Neck, spent several days here this Rcv M T Lawrence preached week with friends and relatives. " l lb « Primitive Bay**: Church • • t Sunday moruing and night. . Ifisii JReva and Mary Sherrol . • . . _ .. ... . . .. . Misses Kasha and Mary Sherrpd and »¥>« Matthews left Monday f c . far Vimlm alme th;y will attend »" d »•«■ *"'■» S "«»' ZNonaal .hi, «~00 Aad ™" M - D_._j.iy who Mr. D. C. Jones. Miss Belle Car- Mim Smbe Beverly, who has returned to her J«~l«*for BalUmore Monday. koae ia Bethel Tuesday. • : 7 iiarfjf!■■■ «- Mim Leona Lasher, of Farm- Title, left Wednesday for Green 11 ® a K™ l convenience to have viOei where she will spend a short at hand remedies for use in tiam before returning home. e *~ accident and for slight in juries ailments. A good liniment • tlCmGtma Berry, who has been ooe t j jat „ becoming a fa- U1 Wtm Alice Grimes jj a bonsehota necessity •* returned to her Chamberlain's Pain Balm. By have in Ayden Monday. applying it promptly to a cut, Mr. John Pfclmer, formerly of bruise or born it allays the pain thfc hut now of Kiastou, was and causes the injury to heal in hoc Saturday. Somky and Man- about one third the time usually 4ay shaking with uld ac- required, and as it is an antiseptic n it prevents any danger of blood Mime. Hemic JMrnhiU and Hat isoniEK , When Pain a .. - . kept at hand a sprain may be treat ** t before inflammation sets in, which fneads and relatives ia town for . - ■ Vnr . m . insures a quick recovery, ror sale Mm* t«mo hiof returned to their —— BASSELL. ETERETTS ■■ Mim Caddie Purvis, of Dunn, is Mim Anaabelle Everett m visit- visiting in this community, friends ia WBliamston ML * Hamniie Howard, of Tar Mim Ella Lilly of Scotland Reck boro, is visiting relatives here, is vintMK Mia. S. S. Bailey. hl£minß an d W. R. How Tiuftmiad meetings began in the ard went on the Norfolk excursion jj Baptist Church Snuday night.. last week. - - ' T . - aig!'' * l " ffljt (Sutenmsf. WILLIAMSTON, N. C., FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER n. 1903. Rev. and Mrs. W. A. Ayers, of Elizabeth City, returned home Tuesday after a visit to R. H. Salsbury. Miss Clara Salsbury left last week, accompanied by her brother, R H. Salsbury, to enter the Bap tist Female University, at Raleigh. Misses Pattie aud Mabel Vaughn, two of Scotland Neck's sparkling gems of iovuuess, were the guests of Mrs. W. A. Fleming from Fri day till Monday. One young man in the community has the writer's most profound commiseration. Has Soli A Pil««(Ckialifliii's Cetigk Hcraed? I have sold Chamberlain's Cough Remedy for more than twenty years, and it has given entire satis faction. 1 liave sold a pile of it and can recommend it highly.— JosKfH McEmunky, Linton,lowa. Vou will find this remedy a good friend when troubled with a cough or cold. It clways affords quick relief and is pleasant to take. For sale by S. R. Biggs. WILLIAMS Miss Linah Long, of Jamesville, ,is visiting Miss Tilley Roberson. Miss Charlie Mizell, of James ville, is visiting Miss Lucy Riddick. Miss Mary Warren Coburn, of Roper, is visiting Mim Mary Man ning. Mrs. Sam Langley, of Roper, is visiting her brother, Mr. W. E. Daniel. Mr. N. T. Riddick lost a fine horse Thursday morning that was worth S2OO. k Mr. N. T. Riddick has improved the looks of his house very much by painting it.- MJS. W 11. Lcggett.of William; ston, attended our church services Sunday evening. Mr. W. J. Hardison, of William ston, spent Monday With his son, Mr. I. B. Hardison. Mr. Hob White, of Williatnstoti, attended otir church service Sun day evening and at night. Work has again commenced on Holly Springs' Church. We want to finish it by the third Sunday. Mr. D. I. Jones has commenced picking cotton. If he can get a bale he will get something for it. Mr. J. L Coltran fell off a load of fodder and hurt himself Sunday evening very badly, though not seriously. A series of meetings have been started at Riddick's Grove. We hope it will do lots of good in our community. Mrs. W. E. Daniel left for Hani let Tuesday morning to spend sometime with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Bob Keel. Miss Minnie Lanier returned last Wednesday from Rocky Mount where she has been since March. We are indeed glad to see her. DAROENS. Vance Fagan spent Sunday in Williamston. S. D. Jones returned to Balti more, Md., Sunday morning. Mim Ora Gurkin, who has been sick for several days is recovering. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Wright at tended church in Dardens Sunday. Master Hilary Riddick is in Pine town visiting bis sister, Mm. Cla gon. Mrs. Pattie Peel ar.d child, little Hamet, are visiting friends in Pine town. Miss Garnie McCaskey and Effie Davenport were visitors in Dardens Sunday. S. M. Darden is on the sick list this week. We wish him a speedy recovery. Mrs.jLizzie Wcohouse and child are still in our midst visiting friends and relatives. r Mr. and Mrs. M. S. Fagan and j Goodman Hamilton and John j Pagan were visitors in Wardens ! Monday afternoon. Carroll Pagan is quite ill with ' the billions fever. We hope to sec hi in out again soon. , Miss Lula Jones, Who lias been suffering with a fevir for several weeks, is recuperating, Hist Courtney ColAirn and Eli jah Marrow attenutv church at Ware's Chapel Sunday, Rev. Mr. Spruill delivered an able sermon to a large «my legation at the Disciple church JUtnday. J Mrs. David SwinsOi* and child spent Sunday in PMliouth, the guests of Mrs. Swinsok's brother. Sheriff Jackson. Rev. Mr. Brown, oH Ply month, preached at the MethAist church Sunday afternoon to Jnite a con course of jieople. Miss Alice Gibson, o| Williams ton, came [Saturday a§d as the guest of her sister, Mrs. 6. M. Dar den, ou Main street. Misses Lucy and Gleunie Smith wick, of near Williamston, were the guests of Misses Alice and Mar guerite Dacdcn Saturday and Sun day. Misses Beulali Bateman and Mary Hassell and Master Julian Hassell of Jamesville, were guests of Mas ter Carroll and Miss Bernice Pagan Sunday. We think man in our community is thinking of purchas ing some 'calico"*tliis Fall. Well, he tuny be going into the niercaii-. tile business. The new Sunday Schools at Roa noke Grove and Disciple church arc rapidly progressing. They have quite a number 011 the roll, and most everybody enjoys going. Buklia'i Arcici SaUe Has world-wide funic for marvel ous cures. It surpasses any other salve, lotion, ointment or balm for Cuts, corns, Burns, Boils, Sorts, Felons, Ulcers, Tetter, Salt Rlieum, Fever Sores, Cliappid Hands. Skin Eruptions; infallible for Piles. Cure guaranteed Only 25c at all druggists. JAMESVILLE. - September 9th, 1903. Mr, J. E. Evans went to Wil liamston Sunday. Trof. A. J. Mantling, of Aydcn, was in town Monday. Miss Annie Glasyard left for . Smithfield hist Friday. R. White, ISsq., left for his lidiiiS" 1 in Toledo, Ohio, Sunday. On Wednesday,, at 4 p. 111., the Cedar Branch base ball team and the Jamesville team crossed bats. The game was very interesting and exciting, and was well played after the 18th inning. The score was 33 to 34 in Cedar Branch's favor. On Saturday we were introduced by Prof. R. J. Peel to Hon. Thos. W. Blount Mr. Blount addressed a large and attentive audience on the educational issues of the day. He is an able speaker and in the way he presents the educational 1 question can not but impress the people with the fact that our State is far behind along these lines. We should wake up to our duty and should try and wake up every boy and girl this grand old State to their educational interest. Mr. . Blount was quietly listened to. We hope his able speech will take some effect on our people. A lw Wild Ride Fir U(i With family around expecting ; him to die, and a son riding for life, 18 miles, to get Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption, Coughs and Colds, W. H. Brown, ; of I,eesville, Ind., endured death's agonies from asthma; but this won derful medicine gave instant relief and soon cured him. He writes: " I now sleep soundly every night" Like marvelous cures of Consump tion, Pneungmia, Bronchitis, Coughs 1 Colds and Grip proves its matchless merit for all Throat and Lung troubles. Guaranteed bottles 50c i.HDjp The loitering woman, who at mid dny, on a May morning, wandered to end fro between the Strand and H'ra falgar Square. Ilrnt on one Hide of the road then on the other, attracted neither attention nor interest, seeing that «he was plainly dressed. unob trusive in manner ami appearance. A youth of ease and comfort, (ul lowed by it marriage with the man of her choice, In spite of a atralgfitonod outlook, and itgalwt the advice and wishes of her friends. A brief, brave struggle against Kate, who, in a ruthless mood, tented the strength of I.pve vvhra pitted againnt commonplace worldly Failure; un faltering endurance to the end. wln.-n strain mid stress gave release by death to the man; then loneliness, and a deeper depth of poverty, borne with 11 bitter pride tliat held her back from seeking for herself the charity of friends or strangers which had been withheld from him. She was clasping In her hand a half-crown of two centuries ago. which bote the Joint presentments of Wil liam and Mary on one side. She had been told once that, to a coin collector, it would be of some value over and above its equivalent In bronse; and she was debating where she would take it. KI-KVKN. She was fsint with hunger and weakness, yet the hope within her brought faith that after she had re newed her atreugth with the proceeds of thla coin she would lie able to start once more In search of work, and that luck would crown her efforts this time. There Is more than one money changer near Charing Cross; it was a chance which she would choose. The half-open iloor of oue revealing a mo mentary absence of customers eucour ag 1 her, and she entered. "I wanted to know If you would juy this William and Mary half-crowa, please';" The man did not answer* He was a dark haired, dark skinned, coarse featured trader of the Kuraalan type, lie stared at her In insolent alienee, with a sneering smlk-. She *vent nearer to the counter and held out the coin, repeating the ques tion. "What do you want for it?" he Bald Jeerln^ly. "What could you give me?" she fal . —' j nr-r 1 1 - «■- ' .Vame your price." he raid, still •taring. "Would live shillings—could Trou Hh> broke elf. for the man hod brok en into a coaree laugh. "I wouldn't give you one and itlx peace for it " ho snld, and moved away from the counter,, putting his hat on. Tingling with humiliation and a desire that she had strength to defend herself or a defender to pro tect her, she l.ad no resource but to pick up the coin and go out of the bureau, the Insulting laughter ringing in her earß. She stood unsteadjjy on Jie curb for an instnnt thea stepped Into the road to cross toward the post office. There was a confused medley of sound, a cry. an oatli, a crash, and she was lying In the rop.d.'llung aside by the wheels of a passing hansom. • • « • • • "I believe 1 know this lady," said a jut Hl elbowing his v/ay through the crowd round her. "(Jet nle a four wheeler, I'ollceiiian. I'll take her home." She recovered consciousness as she wa3 being lifted Into the cab. Then her eyes met those of the bureau de change man, who had pushed his way CIOKO up to the cab. Some intuition mode her turn to the man who was getting into the cab with her, and say: "Kon't let him Insult me again." •'Who'/" asked her new protector, jid following her gaze, he saw the dark, sneering face. Ills own fair, clean-shaven one hardened Into sud den anger. "1 want that man's name and ad dress, constable." he said. "IH sea him later." The money changer's smile vanish ed, and he burst Into a torrent of abuse. "Namo and address, please, eon stable," said the man In the cab. "Here's my card. Drive on, cabman." And he pulled up both windows. "Who are vouT" said the woman faintly, aa tbey drove away. "Ikm't you know me, Kitty?" ha answered, in a tender voice, putting a supporting arm round her. "Why," ske said brokenly, "It's ?hll. Oh. Phil, I'm so glad." His face lit up. "Not so glad as I am, Kitty. Do you remember the Wlllaui-and Mary half crown T I said 1 would come back for it some day." "Here It is!" She unclosed her land, all bruised and mudstained. "Hut, I'hll. 1 nearly sold It Just now. I—forgive un, I'hll—l was starving." He could not speak for a moment. -He could only lift the band to his Hps. "My Utile Kitty—starving!" he said at last, under his breath. "1 hoard you were married, Kitty, after I went awsy. I. wasn't surprised or hurt; you woro too much of a child to know what you wore to me. Hut it kept me from coming homo. What has become of him?" "lie's dead, I'hll." Tha mau s lace relaxed. "Dead!" ha aaiii Lcftly, "and you are free, Kitty. Thank God 1 came heme." Then he gathered her up la Us arm*.—free Lance. „ *n l/I.'J 1 /..I ,»i« J Wtl A Blue X Mark in the Sqaafe'Below means that your Subscription Ends with this Issue. i| State and General News I A CONDENSED WEEKLY REPORT OF THE IM PORTANT EVENTS THAT HAVE HAP PENED IN OUR STATE AND ELSE STATE NEWS. I GENERAL NEWS. ___ Kininett Boyett: of Kinston, who John Mullcr, a German, was ar murdered his wife last Friday, has rested Monday afternoon at his been committed to jail without bail. home .Syracuse, N. Y., charged ■ _ with having threatend to shoot the kinston, N. C , Sept. 7 —l'ire . , . .. . , , , 1 , President du ring his stay in that broke out in the tour-storv tobacco prize house next to the Carolina Warehouse this morning at 2:.5 Therc waa a heaVy Sn ° W fa " 00 o'clock and quickly spreading to the range between Colorado Springs the Carolina, destroyed the two »nd Cripple Creek Sunday night. It with all in them and abodoing scr was to run trains to the ious damage to the American To- summit of Pike s Ptak Monday oa „ , account of the suow drifts, bacco Company s mammouth stetn rnery across the street. Loss s2o,- Oscar Wicker, of Rock Hills, S. 000; insurance $14,000. C., a student of Ilampden Sidney College, was killed Sunday by * The Duplin county jnry who pasemger train near Keysville, Va. tried Dan Teachey for the murder wirker was to college of Bob Rivenbark in Kenansville from South Carolina on his wheel, last week, brought in a verdict of He was only years oM murder in the first degree on Sat urday evening at 6 o'clock ami the A dastardly attempt to wreck the presiding judge sentenced Teachey southbound Washington and South to be liaugcd on the 2nd day of western Vcstibuled Limited on the October. Counsel for Teachey Southern was made Monday night, gave notice of appeal to the Su- The engineer saw an obstruction preme Court.' ahead in time to stop his train. A Five negro prisoners in the coun «H«tion of old iron rocks and ty jail at Louisburg made a dash cros * t,es I,ad carefu ">' P ,aced for liberty alx>ut 7 o'clock Monday on 1 e trac ' evening, when Jailer High went in Lieutenant Sutton, of the con to give the prisoners their supper, stabulary, ol Manila, was murdered and two of then made good their by a mob of native policemen at escape. One of the negroes struck Cabugao, a few days ago, while at- ' the jailer over the head with a tempting to arrest a policeman foe scantling, inflicting painful but not disobedience of orders. HisassafK very serious injury. The jailer, ants were promptly arrested, however, put up a plucky fight and OHvcr Stewart, the chairman shot one of his assailants twice. 0 f |j IC lia ti(iial prohibition coin- He is dying. His nume is Mitchell, millec, has issued the call for that and lie was in jail for larcc-ny. In committee to meet at the Auditor fact all five of the negroes were in j unl> Chicago, at 10 a in. Wednes jail to stand trial for offences of December 16, for the puijose that character. pi fixiiiK the time and place of the George Daniels, the man who next national prohibition convcn waylaid and shot and killed Will tion. Maxwell in Duplin county last Not only ha* the most youthful week, was taken to Gold.sboro and murderer ever known in the erim placcd in jail on Saturday night be- inal annals of Baltimore confessed cause of the unsafe condition of the his crime to the police, but he also Duplin county jail. Daniel admits made a statement admitting that the killing and says he did not he murdered Miss Link and that know what else to do; that he had the only rewaid he gained was a ordered Maxwell to stay from bis small piece of peanut taffy. This home and he continued bis visits and criminal is Charlie Jones, a twelve persisted in paying attention to year old colored loy. the wife and step-daughter of Dan- . .. .. , . . J. ? An operation 011 thaheartof Mat lels . Last 1 hursday moiuiiig . . . \ thew Plowman, who was .stabbed in Daniels left home with his shot r . . . • a "gbt Saturday 111 Chicago, may tun and went to the woods where .. , . ~ „ ~ ... - . save the man s life. At Mercy bos- Maxwell was dipping turpentine .... , . . . , , . , ' 1 r pital, where he was taken, physic and shot 111111 do>vn. . , . , .»'• tans toek out bis heart and sewed Ten miles from Raleigh Monday, it up. Then Oxygen w'asadmims- Rommey Pool and Hirinan Kirk, Ured continuously and last he was white boys, about fifteen years of said to have a possible chance- of age, were playing with pistols. One recovery. Plowman was, stabbed in the hands of jiool was discharg- with a bread knife in the left breast cd, the bullet passing through his almost cutting his heart in two. hand' entering Kiik's abdomen Ri>;ht Rev Thomas L. Clark, and going out at his bock. As bishop 0 f Rhode Island, died sud- Kirk staggered back from the shot denly Mom]ay at hjs ho me j„ Mid- Pool attempted to shoot himself, dletown. Bishop Clark was, by Kirk seized the pistol and prevent- v j r t ue 0 f j,j s seniority, presiding cd suicide. Pool took a gun and j,j 6 hop 0 f the Episcopal Church in placing the mu/zle at his own head t|]i; rountiy, as well as the oldest attempted again to kill himself, bj«,hop j„ the Angelican Conimun but Kirk, terribly wounded as he ioil| if not jn the world Bishop wa'i seized the gun and again pre- ciark was born in Newburyport, vented suicide. When people ran Mass j uly 4 , 812 He was into the house they found Kiik ly- secrated bishop in 1854. In 1898 ing on the naked, the he Rave up the dnties of his gun under his bedy and both pis- diocese to Rev. W. M. McVicar, tols beside him, while Pool sat w ho now becomes bishop of Rhode weeping in a corner. Kiik told Island Bishop Clark became tlie the whole story. His condition is pre sidinx bishop of the Episcopal > extremely critical. Church in this Country in 1899. "* # ' i Snr Stand Fearful Mil Aganst Hi* When the quantity of food taken Bedridden, alone and destitute, is too large or the quality too rich. Such, in brief wasthe condition of , sour stomach is likely to follow, an old soldier by the name of J. J. and especially so if the digestion Havens, Versailles, O. For yean has been weakened by constipation, he was troubled with Kidney dis liat slowly and not too freely of ease and neither doctors or medi eaily digested food. Masticate the c j nes Rave him relief. At length > food thoroughly. Let five hours he tried Electric Bitters. It put elapse between meals, and when him on his feet in short order, and you feel a fullness and weight in now he testifies: "I'm on the the region of the stomach after eat- roa d to complete recovery." Beat ing, take Chamberlain's Stouach 0 n earth for Liver and Kidney and Lfver Tablets and the soar troubles and all forms of Stomach stomach may be avoided. For tale and Bowel Ccmplaints Only 50c. J WHOLE NO. 206