TH E ENTRPRISE. Feidat, Sxptimukr 11,1903. I" Us Km X Mark U is the (quote on the first page it I j Btul your mbacriptkm expires I with the issue oa which the blie I LOCAL NEWS —— . Mew -Ads." is This fuse. Simpson Hdw. Co. —Key to pnz tie contest. • Harrison Bros. ft Co.—Back. J. L. & C. a Hassell—Big Mil linery Opening. N. S. Peel ft Co.—To the ladies. —Court convenes Monday week. * It is time to hang up straw hats. —Preaching at the Baptist church • Sunday. —Sell your tobacco at the Dixie Waerhuse. —County Commissioners were in session Monday. £ —Cotton picking has has the dedine in price. —30.000 ponnds of Bertie tobac co was sold Yet* this wsek. —The Williamston Milling ft Ginning Co. is ready lor bustnes. —A party of oar young people spent the day yesterday picnicking. —Every courtesy shown farmers selling their tobacco at the Dixie Warehouse. —Messrs. J. L- ft C. B. Hassell announce their Millinery opening i' lor next Wednesday, —There was a large break o{ to bacco at the Warehouses yesterday end prices were up a little. —lt is noticed that aome portions of Main street thst has been fixed recently is not drained properly. —lf you want to be treated right and want your tobacco to bring you the moat money sell at the Dixie. —C. D. Carstrrphen ft Co. have their Milliuery opening to-day and the hats on display are beautiful. •—Quite a number of our young people enjoyed the impromptu ger man given at the hall Monday ev ening. —The Bertie farmers are selling their tobacco on this market. Nine large loads came in late yesterday evening. —Mesdows & York, proprietors of the Dixie Warehouse, are hust lers. Resd the averages of a few lota sold on their floor this week. 1 "Strength and vigor come ol good food, duly digested. 'Force', a ready-to-serve wheat and barley food, adds 110 burden, but sustains nourishes, invigorates/' Littleton Female College the ad vertisement of which appears in this issue of our paper is a very flourishing institution with a large patronage and is doing a great work for the education of young women. It is a ie!ect school of the higher class where young ladies find a real home. We think it will pay any young lady who may think of go ing off to aefcool to inquire into the merits of this college. —Dixie Warehouse, Williamston -- a a | ■ wn_ . a Ml toe SHimcjr r«: I?* Iba. § is.oo v 65 " M 15.(5 ck. *a " "s6 .oo y . ■" 99 " " 4-»* iyt " " j .00 Hi " " 7. so Average an this 1^75. Ten Thousand ChwHff ia the United States have uaed the Longman ft Martinet Pure Paints. Ewery Church will be given a liberal quantity whenever they paint. Don't pay $ 1.50 a gallon for Lin seed oa (worth 60 cents) which yon do when yen buy thin paint ia a can with a paint label on it. I and 6 makes 14, therefore when Ton want fourteen gallons of paint, hay only eight gallons of L- ft M-, aai mix aix gallons of pure linseed oil with k. Yon need only four gallons of L. ft M. Paint, and three gallona of Off mixed therewith to paint a food abed house. Houaea painted with these paints "ever grow ahabby, even after 18 years. These celebrated paints sre sold by 8. R. Biggs. —Don't tail to call to see us when attending court. We are very anx ious to have you renew jronr sub scription. —The work on the Graded School building is about complete. The furniture, etc., will arrive in a few days. Everything will be in readi ness for the opening October sth. —That portion of Washington street between the warehouses and the new railroad crossing is being graded and clay is being hauled on it. This is a much needed improve ment. When troubled with constipation try Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets. They are easy to take and produce uo griping or other unpleasant effect. For sale by S. R. Biggs —The averages given in this is sue by Meadows & York, proprie tors of the Dixie Warehouse, are on bottom leaves. sure to look over these averages and see if you don't think the Dixie Warehouse is the place to sell your tobacco. —The Rev. B S. Lasaiter will hold services in the Church of the Advent, Williamston, ss usual,next Saturday (to-morrow) at 4:50 p m. and next Sunday a. m- and p. m., and on Monday at 9a. m. AH are cordially invited. —Mr. A. W. Robinson, of Sharp town, Md. .Secretary and Treasurer of the Wicomico Lumber Company, and Mr. H. D. Marvel, of Laurel, Del Preaident of the aame company, have been here the paat few days looking over their swamp lands. | —We would like to have a few suggestions from our readers along the line of improvement. What 1 would you suggest that we do to improve The Ektkkpkisx? Have you enough interest in your county paper to make any suggestion that you think would hefp the circula tion? Let us hear from you. —The prize for the best solution of the Simpson Hardware Company puzzle ads. was awarded to Miss Helen Smith. Mrs. W. H. Harrel Mrs. Ida Jones and Miss Jennie Moore were the judges. The con testants were; Misses Helen Smith, Penelope Biggs, Msry Belle Ellison, Annie Kate Thrower, Delha La nier and Mary King Ellison. —Dixie Wsrehouse, Williamston sold for A. Cromwell: 90 lbs. @ $5.00 ' 66 " 6,ap 115" " 50 " " 7.00 1 50 " "600 48 " " 7.20 Average on this lot $6.90. A Very Special Request. I most respectfully and earnestly request all who were pupils of Dr. Braxton Craven to send me st once on a postal card their name and post-office addreaa. I feel sure that all former pupils will do this much for the sake of their great and re vered preceptor. Respectfully, T. N. IVEY, Editor, Raleigh Christian Advocate. Raleigh, N. C. EDUCATODIAL CAMPAIGN. Special Correspondence, On Wednesday, September Ist, our popular and efficient County Superintendent, Prof. R. J. Peel, went to Goose Nest to begin aa ed ucational campaign, where he was met by a large and enthnsisstk au dience of the citizens of the com munity. After the crowd had fully assembled, Mr. R. O. Everett in troduced Hon. Thomas W. Blount who amde a very able, earnest and effectual educational speech of one ud one half hours. Prof. Peel then made sa sddress outlining the purposes of the State in the matter of better public education,and urg ing tbe importance of decent school houses snd tbe necessity of cousol idstion, and better teackere. When he was through the patrons and friends of the school came forward and very generously raised three hundred dollars from their own pockets with which to build a bet ter school house. Then all present partook of a bountiful repast pre pared by tbe good people of the community. On tbe night of September Ist., Messrs. Blount and Peel were billed to speak at Hamiltoo but were rained out On September 2nd, Messrs. Peel and Blount met with the people at RobeisonviUe. where they were well entertained. There were also present in the interest of education Supt Ragsdale, of Pitt County, Con tinned on Second Page. PERSONAL. Chief of Police Page spent Sun day in Bethel. Mr. J. B. Evans.of Astoria,spent Sunday in town. Miss Henrietta Peele is visiting in Robersonville. Mr. Ed Hardisoo, of Richmond, is visiting his father James Edwin Moore has returned to A. & M. College. Mr. A Coy Mook, of Greenville, was in town this week. Mr. John Phelps, of Plymouth, was in town yesterday. Charlie Hassell left for the Uni versity Tuesday morning. Mr. and Mrs Charles E. Mizell went to Roper Sunday evening. Mr. George R. Dixon, of Rocky Mount, was in town this week. Lieut. Chase, U. S. N., is visit ing his sister, Mrs. Dennis S. Biggs. Mr. J.L. Davenport and two sons, of Jamesville, where in town Mon day. Means. J. L. HUHII and J. S. Rhodes spent Snndsy in Ham ilton. Mrs. John S. Cook left Wednes day morning far Norfolk to visit her sister. Herbert Fede.Clayton Moore and John HaaaeD spent Snaday in Rob ersonville. Hayward Knight went to Eden ton yesterday with Captain Tiliery on the Lucy. Miss Nannie Smith has returned from s visit to relatives tad friends in Hamilton. Leslie Fowden Shd Jot Qodard, Jr., left Tuesday morning forChoc owinity school. Misses Rebo and Anna Fleming, of Washington, are visiting at the Roanoke Hotel. Slade Yarrell. of New York, re cently spent ten days visiting his uncle S. N. Yarrell. Mrs. Belle Ellison snd Msry Belle Ellison sre visiting Mrs. J. Gus Godsrd in Dunn. Miss Victoria Msrtinleft for Ra leigh Monday morning to enter the Baptiat Female University. Mrs. W. R. Fowden, who has been visiting Mrs. F. E. Knox, in Kinston, hss returned home. Julius Peel and Dill ion Simpson left Tuesdsv morning for Trinity Park High School at Durham. Prof. B. T. Cowper, principal elect of Williatnaton Graded School spent Sunday and Monday in town. Mrs. Bet tie Roberson returned yesterday evening from Roberson ville where she spent a few days this week. Miss Laura Jonea, of Delaware, milliner thia season for C. D. Car starphen ft Co., arrived Wednes day evening. Miss Annabelle Fverett, who has been spending sometime in Everetts Dunn and Palmyra, has returned to Williamston. Mr. and Mrs. P. P. Bullock, of Baltimore, have moved to our town and are occupying the Newberry Cottage on Church street. Francis Sylvester Hassell left Tuesday morning for Hickory, N. C., where ht will represent the B qui table Life Insurance Co. Mr. Woolen, of Fayetteville, spent Monday night at the home of Mr. W. R. Fowden. He left lor Chocowinity school Tuesday morn *■* Mrs. John Small wood, of Wash ington, who has been risking Mrs. S. R. Biggs and Mm. George L. Whitley, returned home Tuesday evening. VMfcLft? In the last analysis nobody knows, but we do know that it is under strict lav. Abuse that Jaw even slightly, pain results. Irregu lar living means derangement of the organs, resulting in Constipa tion, Headache or Liver trouble. Or. King's New Life Pills quickly re adjusts this- It's gentle, yet thorough. Only ajc at all drug stores. —Dixie Warehouse, WilliamstOn sold for Ballard & Coley: a 4 lbs. 0 $ 700 ao " " 21.00 no " " 13.50 40 " " 11.25 200 " " 10.00 144 " " »7S 56 " " 6.00 Average on this lot fo.ti. " Key to Hardware Guessing Contest No. 1 Flour Scoop No. 16 Horse Clippers 41 2 Juck Screw " 17 Barbed Wire •' 3 Sickles " 18 Buck's Cook Stove " i Skillet - 19 Pulley •' 6 Shovel " 20 Elbows " *5 Sheep Shears " 21 Coffee Mill ,l " 7 Cant Hook " 22 Hay Forks " 8 Wreuches " 23 Crow Bar " 9 Sash Weights '• 24 Bird Cage •' 10 Trowel " 25 Washers " 11 Can .Openers " 26 Screw Driver " 12 Clothes Wringers " 27 Carvers " 13 Buck's Steel Range " 28 Buck's Heaters " 14 Vices " 29 Brace and Bit " 16 Platform Scalos " SO And Irons WINNER : Miss Helen Smith anßwerod all, and gave the following five reasons for its use : None can surpass it because, I Made of best material 2 Superior Workmauship S Consumes less fuel 4 Retains heat better 6 Haa a guarantee of 16 years U KEEP YOUR ON OUR Job Printing Department and see if we don't turn out as nice work as any in the State. . WB, THE UNDERSIGNED HAVE USED THR and tettifiy that it wilt do ull the Com pany claims for it -. Mr*. G. t. Whitley, Williamson, N. C. King Cowing, ■" J. L. Woolaril » Killer John Rodger* " J. 11. D. I'eal, Everett*, N. C. John Aver* " Kason Clark " Mr*. W. R. Boyd, Edwards, N. C. Z. M, Whitehurst, Coiiyjio, N-. C. Mr*. John Stnallwood, Wasdiiiigton.N C. J. A. WHITLEY AGENT Wllllamstoa, . North Carolina Subscribe to Thh Entkkfrisk WkM Klka U>t mi Dm w«4i ytm mm* km .STANDARD PO» ACCURACY AND DUtARILITT £ nruuTtoa' ' UNMVimjm raTOUha: LHtt. WW . mOTOUNfc turn 1M m RM I r^gpttr>T^Lll 'U.'fc= J. Sterna Anas ft Tool Co., P.O. BOX SMI » cm icon i nuu, ham. «£U»r PUlt thai Wtmu" The trade mark '1847§25? I OB Spoon*, Forks, etc., i* a guar- I an tee of quality the world over. 9 The prefix—lß47—insures the I genuine Roger* quality. For sale 9 by leading dealers everywhere. H Bend for catalogue No. 6 to Mwmßoml Mvar ft. MmMm, Cwnl I Subscribe to THE E*T»rmus» Williams ton, DID YOU KNOW THAT, The Manager of S. R. Clary & Co's. Grocery Store lint! moved his .. r headquarters to the S. R. Clary & Co's. Merchandise Establishment. He will lie glad to have the pa tronage of his custoniers and many • ; ~ ~ " friends. Mr. Henry Gurkins is always glad to meet his country brethren and shake tliejr hand and serve well, as he surely can. TV IS " A PLAIN FACT 7 Bargains t f ° al T^ d r^^ t f e ° r r Goods • ■ 1 Ladies' Slippers, worth $1.50 sl.lO Ladies' Slippers, worth 1.25 85c Children's Slippers . . . 1.00 Children's Slippers worth 1.00 80c Children's Slippers worth 85c 60c Children's Slippers worth 60c 45c Andorra Silks, worth 10c .... Carusle Nouveauts worth IOC j*/,c Mercerized Madras worth 45c 25c " worth 30c . . 22c OUR ENTIRE LINE OF MEN'S PANTS AT COST NICE LINE OF STAPLE AND FANCY GROCERIES FREE DELIVERY . • . 'PHONE 62. S. H. ELLISON & CO. 88&» A £SSSB «• e> C .. •/• (To Cure a Cold in One Day 1 Q RAN D OPENING! Ladies' Dress Goods, Trimmings, Notions and Millinery at CARSTARPHEN'S WHITE FRONT JO « Friday, September lllh, 1903. ♦ „ •' r This will be llie £*tllest cj-cning ever in Willirnuten. Our Millirtiy D(,t will te under th« menage ir.eut of Mi>s Laura Jcr.c*, cne of Ealtiffieit's &i.d I Lilrdelj hia's hedirg Milliners, who will takt great pleasuie in thcwiug >eu cur jupeib ttock.—Every body cotdially invited _____ C. D. CARSTARPHEN & CO. —FOR SALE One Chas M. Stieff best grade piano in perfect condition; used very little. Apply to Mrs. C. E. Mizell, Williamston, N. C. 48 2tp CIIINKSE WASHING TABLETS the labor saver anil woman's friend.' Try thein, for sale at S.H.Ellison & Co. T)iese tablets are guaranteed to do what is claim -led or your money refunded. SALESMEN WANTED to look after our interest in Martin and ad jacent counties. Salary or Com mission. Address THE IIARVEY OIL CO., 49 2p Cleveland, O. SI,OOO REWARD IS OKFKRED ANY YOUNG MAN OR WOMAN Furnishing legal proof of any per son to whom guaranty of position was given by theGa.-Ala. Business College of Macon, Ga. and not promptly redeemed. That celebrated institution finds the demand for its graduates much greater than the supply it is, for a limited time, issuing scholarships at about half price. We would ad vise those interested to write at once for full information. WANTED!! A good intelligent boy to learn the printing business. Apply at this office. AAA BANK DEPOSIT U/J«IA/U R.llrowl Far. Paid. 50C 7 Fit K H Courses Offered. ■■■■■■■■■■ Doardat Cost. Write Quick fiEORQIA-ALABAMA BUSINESS COLLEQf.Mscon.Ca. BUSINCJJ ITtTU A dvertiseinents under this head $ cents ■ line each insertion. No ad. taken for less than 15 cents. Nice display of ladies dress good at N. S. Peel's FOR SALE CHEAP FOR CASH— One. new No. 9, High Arm, Wheeler ft Wilson Sewing Machine with all attach* j ments. Apply to The Enterprise. If* Hancock's Liquid Sulphur will cm Prickly Heat in one application. Try Hancock's Liquid Sulphur baths. For sale at C. D. Carstarphen & Co. Anderson Hassell & Co., Keith ft Godwin. WANTED YOUNG MEN to prepare for Government Positions. Fine Openings in all Dapartments. Good Salaries. Rapid Promotions. Examinations soon. Particulars Free. Inter-State Cor. Inst., 3i-3m Cedar Rapids, la. TEACHERS WANTED. We need at once a few mora teachers for fall schools, both ex perienced and inexperienced. Wo have more calls this year than ever before. Schools and colleges sup* plied with competent teachers free of cost. Address with stamp. American Teachers' Association, J. L. Graham, LL. D. Mgr. 39-8t Memphis, Tean. Church of the Adreat Services on the second Sunday of the month, morning and even ing, and on the Saturday (5 p. m.) before, and Monday A) a. m.) after the second Sunday wf the month. " All are cordially invited. Rev. B. S. Lassiter, Rector. Subscrilie to your County papef Thr Entkhtrish.