THE ENTERPRISE ALFRED E. WHITMORE, EDITOR. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION: One Year, SI.OO Six Months, 50 Payable in Advance Kl ■ . K * v ... I VOL. V. - NO. 5 IA FAILURE | ©•©•©•dOKMOO-JOtO+O+OpO+S 1 should never have known that he was a failure if he had not told mc ao himself. Most assuredly he had not the air of one, for his coats were always fashionably cut, and his taste in liqueurs was almost as deli cate aa my own, and 1m could af ford to gratify it far more fre quently. "v Such was the testimony of ap pearance, and ao far as I knew his nistory it pointed to tlie same con clusion. He had been, I tnider atood, a writer, like myself, though even leas successful, and then "for tunate speculations" had enabled him to retire from a calling which he found more honorable than re munerative and. to spend hia after noons in playing billiards at the eluh. And yet Everard Poena esteemed liiiiwilf a failure. lie told ma so enphatkelly one evening at the jMmr when truth "peeps over tlve edge when dinners done." "It was all that confounded Stock Exchange," he murmured, gazing Roomily into a glass of groen char ; I begged him to accept my cor dial congratulations. "It's a oetter H*o fail than most," I said, for I known ao many who failed upon the Stock Exchange and lived liap j>Uy, drinking champagne and driv ing about in broughams, ever after • ward. ' But Everard Deanc protested. I *1 dogt mean what you mean," ha /aid. "I didn't lose money on iha Stock Kxchange. I made it— lota of H. That is the mischief of It That la precisely why 1 am a failure." i lie looked gloomier than ever as lie spoke and ordered a second green (Chartreuse. 1 Jerking his head so as to indicate • man at the farther end of the 100m —a well dressed man, exces sively bejewoled—with whom half an hour since he bad cordially shak r hands, he wliispered: "That is the man who has been tny evil gtenius. You know him?" 1 "I think so. It's Morrison Par ker, the great financier, isn't it f" 1 'lt ia, and Morrison Parker, tlio great financier, has been my evil gfwin« It's a foolish storv, but J sometimes like to tell it after dia per. A brandy and sotla ?" , I accepted, and when the waiter had brought the glasses Everard JJcane resumed: | "I waa an author, you know —a Vonng author —with great aims and nigh ambitions. I made enough money to liva npon bv writing for the papers, but I looked upon lit erature not as a trade, but as an art. I waa a member of the Waste club, where all of us profess ed to take the same artistic views of Ufa and letters and sat up till the small hours discussing them through a haae of tobacco amoke and steaming grog. I waa very hap py there until the day came when Morrison joined the club. He owned a newspaper—the Stock Recorder, I think hp call ed it—and therefore he was tech* nkaily qualified. But when ha came aad sat up with us in the small tynra be did not talk literature. Jle talked finance." | "Yet the two subjects mar occa sionally have relations with each ether, I suggested. I "Precisely. That is the point thai Monition Parker used to insist upon ■ipmislly when be had had a good Aay, and aide m drink champagne with him to celebrate his lock. rJPhjr do eo many half educated citf oico orefees to look down on authors?* bo wpuld ask. And then he would anewer b«a own question: 'Because there Isn't one author in lve hundred who kattw how to fnake £I,OOO a year. That has arays keen the great reproach of Settara, from Dr. Johnson s time to pun. It's high time to put an end to (hat reproach. Why doat jre# laßowado itY" 1 X sighed, wishing that I knew 1 how to put an and to it myself, and then I asked: K "And did your friend descend from the "general to the particular and tell yon how K could be done?" | 1 "Ho did. ll# told us all to open • speculative account in Louie villes." •» ' "Louisville*? That ia the mmi mt an American railroad, I be- Here r j "It is, and opening a speculative account means buying the shares without being able to pay for them, 1 selling them at a profit and putting the difference in your pocket. Sim' j ijde, (ao't itr Z: "Very simple," I said "The 1 /merest child's play, provided that' 'the shares go up." i "Oh, they went up aU right, and leodid the other, that I bought afwj "And yet you call the man your evil genius V "Yts. I still call the man my evil genius because I lost my soul through him—my soul an an artist, that was so much to mc." 1 started. I could not under stand. But, with an inipetuoua ira- St ienee. Everard Deane hastened make clear his meaning. "You call yourself an artist, and you do not understand? Do vou imagine that an artiat can meddle with iliese sordid actualities and not find his soul defiled by them? Do yon suppose that he will sit down quietly to toil for doubtful gains indefinitely when he knows that a sudden turn of the market may put hundreds in his pocket? No, no, my friend, it is not possible. What docs he do? Why, he buys every edition of the evening paper to sec the prices. He runs into his club to watch the tape. He drives up to the city in working hours to ask his broker whether he ought not to tell. That is how it was in my case. Tlutt is how it in net be in every ease. Uv balance at the bank was growing, bat while it grew my eoul —my artist's *OOI, In which I glo ried so— wee dying, crushed out of its bright existence by the dead weight of material cares. And so things went nntil 1 stood, as it wore, at the parting of the wars and swote that I would make my cboiea" "Your choi«f" w Mv choice between the artistic and the material life. I meant to make it dramatically too. There was atlll enough of tike artist left in me for that. It was at midnight, in my chambers hi the Temple, t took the manuscript of my half fin ished novel—the novel that was to make me famous—from the desk and placed it on the table. Beside it 1 laid a heap of share certificates and transfer forms and contract notes. Between the two piles there stood a lighted candle. One of them was to be burtied to ashes in its flame—one of them, and at this solemn hour I was to detcrmino which and by detcrmiuing decide the whole course of my future life." He paused. I had to press him before he would proceed. "And then you burned"— "Neither," was hi* unexpected answer. "Neither, for I could not decide. * My novel went "Back into the drawer it came from to wait there till the old joy in the higher life came back to me. And that joy never came. Even to this hour it has not come. I look back to the old davs. I long for them, but I know quite well that thev will not return to me. The greed for gaiu, its ceaseless worries and anxieties, has killed my soul, and that is why I tell you that I am a failure." There was a melancholy, at once incredible and convincing, in his ac cents. Unless there were a woman in the case I would not have be lieved it possible for a man so well to do to look so miserable. I sought to say something that might lift him out of his despondency. "Failure or no failure, at least you can go to Monte Carlo in the winter," I suggested. "I know. I'm going next week with Morrison Parker," Everard Deane replied. And then he shook his head slow lv and shrugged his shoulders gloom ily, as though to pay that the joy of sojourning on the Riviera while we were toiling in the fogs was nothing to the price that he had had to pay for it. And as I drove home that night I tried to persuade myself that ha was right The Effect of Bapetttloiv The sound of a door bell may not call np much of a motor response, but repeated often may cause a very considerable response. A slight tickling alien one is asleep or awake may, if continued, produce convul sive responses. To strike a hors* rejK-atedly on the same spot is to invite him to kick. Continued drop ping of water from a faucet during the night or the intermittent sounds of a mouse gnawing produce ex treme irritability. "Hie psychology of advertWffS many evidences of this law. Twuahitian in ft}) its forma usually works by the summa tion of stimuli. The young man of slight moral resistance on hi? war home in the evening passes through one, it may be two. streets of sa loons. In the third street his in hibitory power is exhausted, and ho passes helplessly through the doors. —foCTf - _ Blue Monday. A great many people hare what , they call blue Monday— that is, they do not feel so well then aa on other day.. of the week. The cauae is found in overeating on Sunday. A good dinner is provided and eaten, and then instead of taking the pq»i tomary exercise the man sits about the house and reads or sleeps. Of course, he feels bad die next day. If the same amount of exercise and „ - >. y J -V"" WILUAMSTON, N. C., FRIDAY, OCTOBER 30.1903. THE ART OF FALLING. Eaay to Avoid Serious Injury If You Know the Trick. "The story that a man fell 800 feet ik« other day and didn't hurt himself is anutftag," said the di nector of a gymnasium; "but, cut ting all foolishness out, there waa more than a grain of truth in it. What I mean ia that a man who knows how to fall can fall a con siderable distance without getting anything more than a bruise or two. "The trouble is tliat the average man doesn't know anything about falling easily. Now, one of the first things that a gymnast or one who performs anywhere above the ground must learn is just how to avoid acri ous injury in falls. "Nearly every gymnast tumbles sooner or later; but, if you will think it over, the number of profes sional and amateur performers hurt in a year is comparatively small. The reason for that ia that they have learned not only how to avoid falling, but how to protect them selves when tlie fall does come. "Just as en example, I had a fall from a height of about twenty feet tho other (lav, and I got right up from tho floor practically unhurt, although I confess that it shook mc up a good deal more than 1 liked. In falling, however, 1 re laxed my muscles and, as the ath letes say, 'folded' my head Into my chest. I struck on the uppermost part of my back, just below the neck. When anybody is falling, that is the part of tho body on which to fall. "I am not a particularly heavy man, but I am fairly well protected by my muscles. Those on the back of my neck w ere a sufficient cushion. With that to help me the full was not so terrifying. "Now, the reason why the ordi nary man is so easily hurt in a fall is that ho thinks he must 'steel' him self to the ordeal, as it were, lie comes down, sprawling out, with his arms and legs rigid. Nine times out of ten he either breaks a limb or severely sprains a muscle. That t* tho wrong wry to full. "If you want to see the right way take a few lessons from your cat. If she is 11 pood, healthy cat, with a good training, she never jumps or falls as if she was trying to brenk a leg. "Let mo sum all of this up by say ing that, to be a really good athlete, one must know how to relax his muscles as well as distend them. Try a fall and see if I'm not right." —Chicago Inter Ocean. Value *f Epglith Votes. According to an English election agent's statement, there are some men occupying positions of very lit tle consequence whose votes are nev ertheless of enormous value to any political party. In tho big manu facturing towns thcro are always some local characters who go in very hotly for the pursuit of poli ties and have considerable influence over the political opinions of their friends. The votes of such men are worth working bard for, because their support means the votes of quite a large following. In one town in the north of England there is a bricklayer whose support is stat ed to be worth at least a hundred votes to his party.—London Tatler. Ono teuton**. The quickness and felicity of Hon. William M. Evarts in the line of repartee are pleasantly illustrat ed by President Timothy Dwight In a story from "Memories of Yale We ap4 Men." On one occasion, writes President Dwight, at one of our Yalo com mencement dinners I had the duty, as the presiding officer, of lntroduo ing the speakers. In performing this duty with reference to Mr. Ev arts I said in allusion to tho well Known Ipngtl) of his sentences in public address; "Mr. Evarts will now givo us a single sentence," He rose and instantly replied 1 "It will be a life sentence." Hit Apprehension. "Tanked if that 'ere hired man o' laiua ain't the tn»st worth less, shuck less, triflin' cr{tter on top e 4 sod!" growled honest Farmerßentover sav igely. "Why, ram him, he read last week that the length of the day on parth is incrcasin' owin' to tho con stantly augmented sitc of the WPrltf b'cui of the deposits of meteors and (ucb like on it, and ever since,'even though th§ article plainly stated tfiat the change is so slight that it takes about lei) pijlUon year# to add half a second to the length of a day, vummod if he ain't been complain- In' dismally about the prospect of his havin' to work longer for the aame pay !'j—Puck. Hew 9he FoR, Mrs. Black—Sam Johnson dona left his wife 'bout six months ago, Mr. Black—Do she t'ink he am neb bah comin' back? ANIMALS ABOARD SHIP. They Ckt Seasick, Though Not Just tho Way Human Belnfl* Do. "Speaking of animals getting sick at sea," said a man wIIO has had some experience with the dumb brutes on the briny deep, "I can tall you that they do get sick, and sometimes they get very sick too.* Of course, they do not manifest the sickness in the way that human being? show it and for reasons which willstugest them selves 011 a moment'i reflection. But they nevertheless got quite as sick aa members of the iiiui>->a fam ily. Ke«usickne»i In- bit*nn beings will manifest itself in violent vom iting. A seasick person cannot re tain anything in tnc stomach. The old rule that whatever gr>ee up must come down is in the case of pro nounced seasickness reversed. What ever goes down must come up. But when wo come to reckon with horses and cows we find a different condi tion to deal with. Holes and cows never vomit. They cannot. So here right at tlie the mat ter we find a. reason far difference in the way this peculiar sickness shows itself in man andSx-ast. "I have had more experience with horses than with 11/ly other kind of dumb animal and Consequently know more sltout tho way the horse suffers during seasicknt"*. It is a rather curious and rather interest ing fact that the horse is moro vio lently attacked in tho feet than in any other portion of tho body. 1 have seen tlie feet of torsos at sea swell until they could scarcely stand on them. Of course, (he stomach of the annual is affected to some extent, but this is notjto serious a matter as tho attack in the feet. The effect of these attacks is some times of a lasting krtd, and the usefulness of horses is seriously im paired. "The fact thut seasickness attacks the horse in tho feet is mainly due to the peculiar influence a vessel's motion has on the kidneys of the nnimal. At any rate, this is tho generally accepted view of the mat ter. We cannot say definitely just why horses got knotty feet at sea, but the nopukir view" of horseman who have studied the matter is as stated. As to cows, J-do not know a great deal about them, but 1 un derstand tho chief trouble with them at sen is that they lose their taste for food and quit eating."— New Orleans Times-Democrat. Japanese Gardens. Very many Japanese houses have beautiful gardens. The Japanese excel in gardening, and even 111 To kyo, where space is very valuable, they contrivo to have some pictur -1 esqiie adjunct. Over 11 bamboo trel lis, for instance, will hang the mar velously picturesque Japanese gourd, which forms a fovorite subject for the decoration of metal work, es pecially the antimony metal work thinly silvered over with which the Japanese flood the western market. These gourds, with a pinch in tho middle like a lady's wuist, when dried and hollowed out aru fitted with stoppers for pilgrims' water bottles and are very frequently ex ported. If ho can do nothing moro every Japanese who can afford it will have his row of earthenware jars containing dwarfed blossoming fruit trees or tiny Jupanesc firs, which are made to grow smaller as they grow older. '■vr Good Advice. A venerable professor of a noted medical college was addressing the graduating class. "Gentlemen," he said, "yon are going out into th? world of action. Ton will likely follow in some de gree the example of those who have preceded you. Among other thing* yon may marry. Let mo entreat you to bo kind wives. Be pa tient with them. Do not fret under petty domestic trials. When one of you asks your wife to go driving dp pot worry she js pot at the appointed time. Hare a trea tise on your specialty always with you. Bead it while you wait, and 1 assure you, gentlemen," and the pro feseor's kindly smilo soemed to show a trace of irony, "you will be as tonished at the vast amount of in formation you will acquire in this way," - ' ' Pelt No Need of It. An aeronaut at a county fair had made rather an unlucky ascension. His baiioon had gone high enough, but the wind had carried him a mile er two farther away than he antici- Cted, and the car in descending had come entangled in the top of a tree in a village street and spilled |iim nut. Ha struck the ground with some violence, A crowd quickly gathered about his prostrate form, "Stand hack ana give him air!" exclaimed three or four at once. i;he aeronaut Wfm pqt seriously hart. He raised himself feebly to a iltting postwro, "Aitf" be echoed in a tone of deep disgust. "Don't yon think Fva had air enough in the last ten mio~ STAGE DRESSING ROOMS. Often tho Cause of Disputes snd Feuds 1 Between Actresses. "Deliver mc from staging a show' with two women stars in the cust," said one of the veteran Broadway stags managers. "They will give you more trouble than a barrel of monkeys or a regiment of blond chorus girls." "Jealousy, I suppose, because their parts cannot he exactly nlike," observed the ordinary citisen who was lucky in the friendship of the lord of the greenroom. "H is jealousy all right," said the manager, "but not over their parte They have fought that all out with the author during rehearsals. When thev- get into my department the trouble is all over dressing rooms." "One would think that any com fortable room would Ih» good enough to dress in," remarked the citizen, bct.aying his ignorance. "You'd think a lot of things," growled the ntatiugcr, "but unless tho dressing room.-: are us like us two jK»as I'd like you to convince twiu stars that they ware receiving proper treatment. Even if tin rooms arc alike the women are not satisfied. They want the wall pa lter and tho wardrobe, curtains changed to match their complex ion... "The average theater is usually shy 011 dressing room#. It may bo thoroughly up to date and perfectly appointed in every way until you get I Mick of tho stago or uiidor tin main floor, where are tho quarters of the people. I've nover seen the time that I could not use a dozen more rooms thuu 1 had at my cum mand. (lencrally there is one room that is very much superior in locu tion and furnishings to tho others. It is intended for the leading wom an, and in tho old days when thr-r«- was only ono lending woman there xnis little trouble about this prize room. "In this act of the life play, how ever, there ore likely to be several leading women. The woman who plays the name part insists that she is the rtar. Tho popular singer who is b. ing featured in Ihe piece and w ho draws SSO or a week more than the woman of the name pari insists that she is the star, if the leading man has a wife in the east, she surely deserves the best dress ing rOQIII. A tliorn Mm 11 iv- . three women ami one decent room. "It is just like shaking n red flag nt a hull, this business of dealing out dressing rooms. Sometimes it all hut breaks up a show, and many lifelong feeds lietweeli actresses are the result."—New York Tribune. Eve's Apple Treo. A fruit supposed to bear the mark of Eve's teeth is one of the many botanical curiosities of Ceylon. The tree on which it grows is known by the significant name of "the forbid den fruit" or "Eve's apple tree." The blossom has a very pleasant scent, but the really remarkable fea ture of the tree, the one to which it owes its name, is the fruit. It is beautiful and hangs from the tree in a peculiar manner. Orange on the outside and deep crimson' with in, each fruit has the appearance of having had a piece bitten out of it. Tli is fact, together with its poison ous oualitv, pays the Post, led tho Mohammedans to represent t as the forbidden fruit of the gar den of Eden and to warn men against its noxious properties. Tlmfl to Pray. A preacher at the conclusion of ono of his sermons said, "I/et all in the house who are paying their debts stand up." Instantly every man, woman and child, with one ex ception, rose to their feet. The preacher seated them and said, 'Now every man not paying his debts stand up." The exception noted, a carpwoni, hungry looking individual, slowly assumed a per pendicular position. "How is it, inv friend,' asked tho minister, "tnat vou arc the only man not to meet his obligations r" "I hin a newspaper," he meekly answered, "and the brethren here who just stood up are my Muheeribew, and"— t'Let n» pray," exclaimed the min ister.—Jopliu News-llerald. Wonders of Geometrical Progression. Tlio story of Hysla and the king is usually told as a good illustration of geometrical progression. Sysla, so the story goc-s, was the inventor of the frame of h. -s, Tlie king wa.s so delighted with the diversion that he promised to grant any ruquosc tho (uventor might make. Sysla, who must have been a mathema tician as well as a mechanical gen ius, only asked that the generous king would put one grain of wt>e«t on tho first eqnpre of the boartl and double the amount upoij each suc cessive square up to hnd including the sixty-fourth. Lucas do Burgo says tliat there was not enoqgh wheat in the kingdom to pay the erafty inventor, which waa 18,446,- 744,073,709,557,61$ grain* J A Blue X Mark in the Square Below □ means that your Subscription Ends with this Jmi To Care a Cold In One Day Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets. All druggists refund the money if it fail* to cure. K. W. Grove's signature is ou each box. 2sc. Correct Silverware Correct in character, design and workmanship—is aa necessary as dainty china or line linen if you would have everything in rood taste and harmony. Knives, forks, spoons and funcy pieces for tabic use will te correct if se lected from goods stomped 1847 g£7 | , ""member "1847" n« thor* are j taturrullonal S'lvjr Co. UatUsa, Corn. M taOTOBsafRTK: »SB|kM4&J (50 YEARS' *&•&££$&& EXPEHIENCB 12533E Tfiane MARK a DCT'GWB Anyone nrt>«t!n* * ••►p»oh »»•>*n~pv qui ny ascertain nrr ci .?v ..i %hc*lu*r t.n lur«*itilt'i I* prihfll'cf.'irc i * «>. ninmi n!--. ■itttf t OM««%l *•»#•« 1. * . rk" p.i. t.ia. r»!»'« '» nam thr.tuyh M» :a f. t. r*vlvt 9pi etui i.ftk*, without • , in 111 1 Scientific jaaericsa. A w-u?. ?.trr**t rl*- ,ti!uU.»n ' t miv 1.. u?.-!'u,. • ruiv. 1 r».. r; four months, fI. ftu.U by**!! ftlUfiii & Ofn 3j12 M I'rnnch JlMce. . *5 ** «t.. VTu-t.lUiit ».», IK L'. - WilliamsltmTdcflifneCo. Ofiice over Hank •( Aim tin County, WILLIABSTON, N. C. 'Phone Charges MI-F«*RB liniitid to i inliuiltb; OLM rhsrgr Hcill pcttKiveU' be trpc!c\li>r loi'tt i tin.i*. To Washington 75 Cents. " Greenville 25 " " Plymouth 75 " i " Tarboro 35 " " Rocky Mount 35 " " Scotland Neck 75 " " J.imesville 15 " " Kader I,i 1 -y's 15 " " J. G. Staton 15 '• " J. L. Woolard 15 " " O. K. Cowing Si Co. 15 " " Paruiele 15 " " Robersonville 15 " " Everetta 15 " " Gold I'oiut 15 " " Geo. r. McXaiigliton 15 " " " Hamilton 20 " For other points in Eastern Carolina see "Central " where a 'phone will he found for use of non-subscribers. For all Seasons of the Year a Complete Line of wedding KINGS Watchs, Fol>s, Chnins, Pins, c> Bracelets, Lorgenett Chains, Brooches, Fountain Pens, docks, Eye Glasses, Ladies' Colla and Cliff Buttons. fc-* g Silk Guards. MUSICAL, INSTRUMENTS BICYCLE SUNDRIB# H. D. PEELE THE JEWELER : VILLI AfISTON, N. c; WILLIAMSTON GRADED SCHOO^ >vill open October sth RATES for pupils living oijtside of Graded School District, from sr.oo to $3.00 per month. MUSIC $2.50 with piano for practice; $2.00 to those that practice at home. DKNNIS S. BIGGS, R. J. Pkkl, Chairman of Board. Superintendent. s • ' 7 ~ saaS T r. rnn u general blacksmithino I. U. UUUI\, jd AND REPAIRING HORSE When your horse is shod at my shop yon KNOW SHOEING that it is done RIGHT. Don't neglect yoor horses' feet. GET QIJT YOUR WHEEL AND HAVE IT PUT IN FIRST-CLASS CONDITION. Pet haps you may need cely new tires, handle bars, pedal new spokes, a new rim or new bearingi. We can supply jm with any want in the business, so don't fail to call on ate. ruin Street T. C. COOK WHOLE NO. 213. Professional Cards. gR. JOHN D. BIGGS, DENTIST OFFICE: MAIN STREET. / GEO. W. NEWELL, A TTORNEY-A T-TJI W, f||- Office up atalrs la New Bank tail* lug, left hand aide, lop el stepa. "VILUAMSTON, N 0. «*-rr»ctlcr« wherever services at* lull IA Special attention fire a tociwiata|M4wS lag title for purebasers.of timber a ad UaM sods. SKEWARKEE Jk LODGE vlmf No. 90, P. kA. M. /nJJA IHKKCTORY Foa 190). Harry \V. Stubbs, W. lt.;Sa«Hl ft Rrown, S. W.; WilliamC.Manntag, J.W.J Charles I). Carstarphen, Treasurer; ftus uel R. Biggs. Secretary, TheophUaa W. Thomas, S. D.; Henry R. Jonas, J.D.J AIOII/.0 F. Tnvlor and Oliver K. Covilf, Stewards; Richard W. Clary, Tylar. STANDING COMMITTEEB: FlNANCK— 'William H. HamU, |*V ert f. Peel, Claude W. Keith. RwitßitNCK William J. WkUakw, Alfivd K. Whitmore, James D. LfgptC CHAR ITV Harry W. StubU, Imhl S.,Brown, William C. Manniag. ORPHAN ASVl.i'm— William 11. KolMt son, Sr., John H. Ilatton, WllliM M York. Itpr /fM>nsBANK DEPOSIT u)vJ» v U'\y'U' Rs lrna.l F=r« fal-l. 809 iMUHWHMi Beard at Coat. WRTTA Quick UtOROIA-ALABAM* BUSINESS f.OUrGE.Mi-oiv,Qs. lii Gase of Tire you want to be protected. In case of death you want to leave your family some thing to live on.lf) case of accident you want some thing to live on besides borrowing. Us Come to Your Reseat We can insure you against loss from Fire, Death and Accidentlj We can insure your Boiler, Plate Glass, Burg lary. We also can bond *" you for any office requir* _3B ing bond None But Best Coxulis Reprtscstfi ED. r. nurriNES INSURANCE AGENT, Godard Building,