THE EXTKRPRTSK ALFRED E. WHITMORE, EDITOR. TKRMS OF SUBSCRIPTION: One Year, £I.OO Six Months, 50 cent ~ Payable in Advance VOL. V. -- NO. 20. Japs May Hake Attack on Port Arthur Comment on the Throwing of Russian Troops into Chwang. 120,000 TROOPS LANDED IX KORLA A report has reached Tokio of the further damaging of a Russian warship hy a torpedo fleet. Six hundred Russian soldiers are saiil to have frozen to death in Kastern Siberia. The report of the blowing up of the Bnvarm awl the loss ef- lives is continued. The Rus sian- - appear to he apprehensive that au atl.u k is to l>e made on I'ort Artlnir. Japanese warships recent ly fired on a German cruiser. The first tropin of war wi.l |ie presented to the Kmperor of Japan. China Cannot Remain Neutral Pekin, February ri> —lt appears to-dny more certain that absolute neutrality on the part of China to wards the Rus> ■ Japaiie e wnrcan not he maintained. The Dowager- Kmprcss lias dismissed PiinceSn. who was the strongest advocate of Chinese neutrality in tin.* corps of advisers. The .Km press is said to be in somewhat of a dilemma. The conviction is growing that China i.s in the midst of a ie.ii ti\te of w.o, and that r is mr.-s- rv !o prepare to re-ist abso 1 ption In whichever of the two nations ; :o\\ • vii toi ions. The reMi'.t mav be tint China, in stead of joining hand- with' Japan, will take lip arnw against both conn tries and that th.e war will K-comc three concerned. 11 ' London. February 17,- Accord ing to dispatches published litre this morning from Tokio, the Russian sqiiadron has returned to VUdivostock. The Tokio correspondent of the Daily Mail says m a dispatch that two Russian warships appeared off ()ki Island in the southern part of the Japan sci, on Sunday. The correspondent at Chemulpo of the' Daily Kxpress,'ni.ikes the astonishing statement that Japan lias already landed uo,>.> • tronps in Korea. So,>oo of whom are ex tended alol>£ the fighting front, south of the VuTah n\ri. Xowar news of importance ap pear in the London newspapers this morning but the pres.s attaches the greatest signilicience ; the depart ure of Viceroy Ale.viff from Port Arthur, and comments upon the sudden throwing of Russian troops into New Chwang as indicating that l'ort Arthur is i-i danger, and that the Japanese attack may not after all mads where it is expected on the Yalu All the rej/orts tend to confirm the impression that Russia lias little or nothing to expect from sci operations. « According to a dispatch to the Paris edition of the New York Her aid four hundred torpedoes, being two-thirds' of Russia's entire avail able supply of these articles, were destroyed an board the Russian cruiser Yarrtg" at* Chemulpo. The Tolki') correspondent of the Djiily r Chronicle cables that it i.s stated officially that several thous and Russian troops have reached Antung and that it is rumored that 20,000 Russians have arrived at Ping Yang 0:1 the Tatong river, in Central Korea. The Chronicle, however, regards this rumor as improbable unless the invasion of Korea preceeded the outbreak of hostilities. ' What Are Tksy ? "Chamberlain's Stomach and Liv er Tablets. A new remetly for stomach troubles, biliousness and constipation, and a good one. Price 25 ceutSj For sale by S. R. Biggs. Subscribe to your County paper m • .THS KNTKRWUSK. EVERETTS Feb. 16, 1904 • Mr. J. A. Getsinger was in Fv | retts Sunday. —Capt J. 1-i. Rnberson's -mother and lister are his guests this week ! I'ocle Tom keeps right on sleigh riding -skinued nose or what-not .4 r One of Reubin Purvis' drive hors es fell dead enroute to Hamilton re | cetitly. We do not know the origin of j hominy snow, but we have had ai sufficient amount these few days. Another fire tnonday morning at j 10 o'clock on the premises of G. 1' ; McNaiighton,consuming the effects of Win Malts. Win. Andrews, the agent at this place, I). P. Lane and Williams, the h.rtber, give lis some good inn sic cccasi maly. Give Misltiday lTtrrfoilghs yotu orders lor carts and general repair ing: Inst el ass carts on hand ready fot lunnitiy. 5-15.5>- A young Mr. Si ills working with Mr. M. ('. Wliilt. while returning ! home* Sunday evening was thrown from a mule which he was riding, 1 against a po-t cutting a gash above! file left temple'. Dr. Courts drOsseil .old took foui stitches ui the .'wound,. Mr. Stalls was jlV.e to return home' Monday morning. J Another Case cf Rieumarism Cured by ~ ClumlmlaiA s Paii Balm The efficacy of Chamberlain's l'ain Halm in the relief of rheuma tism is being demonstrated daily, j I'arker Triplett, of Grigsby, Va., I says that Chamberlain's Pain Balm gave him permanent relief from \ rheumatism in the back when everything else failed, and he would j not be without it. l ; ur sale by S.j K. Higgs. The Commandments of Hypeine j I'rtik'i'al li. vi « 1 Rise e.irly, retire early and fill your da» with work. 2 Water and bread maintain life; pure air. and sunshine are ill ! dispensable to health. 3 Frugality are: the ljest exilir of longevity. 4 Cleanliness prevents rust; the] l>est cared for machines last the longest. 5 Knougli sleep repairs waste and strengthens; too much sleep softens and enfeebles. 6 To Ik- sensibly dressed is to gi ve fret-itorn to mit-'-s movements and enough warmth to l>e pro-' teeted trom sudden changes of tern-; perature. 7 A clean and cheerful house makes a happy home. 8 The mind is refreshed and in vigorated by distractions, an 1 amusements, but abuse of them leads to dissipation, and dissipation to vice. 0 Cheerfulness makes love cf life, and love of life is half of health. ()/i the contrary, sadness and discouragetiKiit hastens old age. 10 I)o you gain your living by your intellect ? Then do not allow you arms and legs to grow stiff. Do you earn your living by your pickaxe? Do not forget to culti vate your mind and enlarge your thought. —Now is the time to place your order for 1904 stationery. Our prices are right—Workmanship the best. WILLIAMSTON, N. C, FRIDAY, FKBRIWRY 10.1904. RALEIGH LETTER. I>Y T.I.IiWXAM, Feb. 15, iyoj. Chairman Simmons having call the Democratic State Committee meeting for March 17th,at Raleigh, the time am! plact; for that assem bling of the next State convention will then he determined. The time will probably l>e set for some date in May or June —either at Ra k-igh or Oreensboto. As the Demo cratic National Convention will '>e held on July 12th, it is really not necessary to hold the State Conven tion before a:*.',it the ,lir-»l of Jul\ ,■ but there w rpparentlv a denland for asi earlier date than that, and it 111.iv be held in Mav. | The race for the guberuat ional convention is still confined to Sted ■ man. Turner, Glenn and Pavidson, and M-ij. Sledni m is still apiiarent ly in the lead, and his friends sav llhey believe lie will be nominated. I possibly «->u the lit si ballot . The ! friends of the other candidates sav I that it is_ "anybody's fight," so j far, and in the event of a protract 'ed struggle tlie're is a chance for j each of Turner forcis. ] for instance, are baiikTng on the I "stav ing qualities" ol their can (didate, and if tliete comes a break iu the forces ( .t ;inv >f tln- othi 1 t nidulaUs thev sax their man u ]•• • "t 111 ■- 1 \ ti. 111., . M ( lie : ;V\l. was beie last l'lnirsilay , 11. l_u au il. a\ c 1 a Sund —«• S• '■■ '1 ad.' - al u; Taberna. i'aj ■ -t I". 1. '. .is a good s|, h ■rid la >pe! 1 •.- 11 -s. while M ■! 11 i\; J-i'li's 1 11 is, m- i ».• by ia> i:ie.iiis..i-!t Ip. N'evi rthvli i- II ) di-gu: Jig the fact tll.'.t ll still looks like St'-ijiii ui will be the successful man of tin- | i.iitvtti ■ I and that it-, -b+r-—any r ca-on he should not urn, then Tuna 1 might j secure the pii/- t>, nigh it-would, .of e-'iirse, be jMiisiole tiiil (ilelin lor Pavidson might capture it. As to tin contest loi tin l.iellteii ' arit Goveinor, there are only two ! pronounced aspirants at this time, I Judge Frances Winston seems to clearly hive the inside track from 1 all I can see or learn, thus far, I though it is too early to accurately state their illative strength in the convention, especially if other call !dMates should entei the field, as ; may 1 "It hxvks as tlioiigh the gentlemen I at pfescnt holding the other princi -1 pal. executive Stale "offices will be I renominated. Tile term «>T one | member ol the Corporation Com mission expires, that of Commis ■ siOner Roger', the Western member, and there is to be a light for'tliat • vacitne'V. Mr. Rogers will ask for Ja reriotiiiiiation, it is understood, j His piincijial competitor will be ex Congressman S. li. Alexander, of j Charlotte, whose friends and ad inirers have induced him to stand for the nomination. The two lead ing aspirants for Judge Douglass' shoes on the Supreme Court bench are Superior Court Judges Iloke and Justice. * * * The Supreme Court will, this ! week hand down its decision in the I Anti-Jug Law case, construing the | ait passed one year ago and which has been "construed" by tvyo jSupctior Court "Judges (Coke and I Jirown ) in exactly opposite ways. ! Tiie lawyers employed to fight ii. I.i.vor of upholding the cohstructif : . J tinge CooSt". hmiUt.g the new 1; ■ to i ,• four (unties specified in t'. I act now s. . that the Watts' law unconstitutional, 1 it dis criminates against brandies mad |OUt-iiie of No nil Carolina and in favor of the North Carolina pro duct. But tile other side says there is notlung in that contention. * * Another proposition to lease the A. & N. C. R. R. is in the hands of Gov. Aycock, but none of its provisions has yet been made pub lic, except that V. li. Mcßee and W J. Fid wards are interested. It is safe to say, however, that there will be 110 lease of this road during the present State administration, unless a mighty good offer is re- j * I ceivod —mucli better than the last j one. « * | And now brother "Hill Bailev" | of the Bibical Recorder and Anti- I Saloon League, nets after Capt. llsb Glenn for making Sunday | School addresses while he is seek - I ing the nomination for Governor. * • « I Trinity College seems to be flour- I isliing like the green bay tree now ladays, despite the contrary fate i predicted by some of its critics a little while ago. Dr. Kilgo was here a few days ago and stated that Trinity now has more academic students than anv other college he tWecll the Potomac and Mississippi tivcis. The nrtnber of higher J grade students is 11 »w also laiger | than evel ''dote ill the history of the college. " Well posted business men tell ime that the.present decline ill co;- | ton is nly transient. There is only a \>'; million bale crop, and as mk>'i as the New ()ileans bulls and the i New Yoi k bears settle tlit- present [struggle the pi ice is certain to go lup to and beyond 15 cents again I for spot Hut il you've got Wiy | left, don't hold 011 tuu long again | - 1' 1 cents i.i a mighty good pine. I - * ' I>i uminer boy, Si K'iK'e Illaekhnin ' rrtu-t not li.r.e much tai'h ::i his > ham st > ■ > ue the!• '!i ' n\u .in'"do ati' tiistrn - ' M .11 . ill.!, iVg I.V 11'- 1 01l ll;. I ill •> • km;; a i.jb \V| ". 11 t• • .\\ uiiler 1: In ill' is ;■! mpii. I;' Jo l'o\ h... cpi .ed I • Mi 1 ; an ! aliead v ' • • Tlw e\«-i •■••••.•imitt • ol tin N• i'h Cato! 1,, 1 'l\ .1, !n is' A- si- :i I>!> me then Sitiud.iy and selccti ;i the wick begintiiliu June ' tliastln : time -for- tin annual 'i this year. The place will be Minted latci. i Tiinitv College will this year, I have its commencement June.s to ■S. Ml. Allgiel li llllkc has In I'll 1 elected liv the-two lherarv : ocietie* as chief malinger, and Mr Julian lilaiichar l as chief tiiaishnl. The >r elected to deliver the coin | iniitceineut address will be an noli need so mi. A Man Will Never Fall in Love With | The woman who assumes indif | fereuce to him. | W lii) takes himself and his at ts jof devotion as a matter .Li>in-t\ Who does not pay her coricspon deuce debts. Who claims him publicly as hi 1 1 pi ivate priipcrtv. | Who . aims at him the shafts of her lidicule. Who borrows his wits and foi IgeiS her quotation marks. Who breaks engagements with | him. But He Will Fall in Love With The woman who adroitly flatters his vanity. Who laughs heartily at his oft told jokes Who appreciates his cleverness , to the point of |Uotini' it. Who is always on time; always j well-groomed and always sweet j tempered. j Who never speaks ill of other ( women. Who is projn lie gr.ikfui for small s -i vices rendered. V" ; . SUCI c..fll!l\ COUC, a's li : "dTs : roV;>ol nITTlTfif til"s~vniTTfOT" th ■ p 1 iv ari- ha ' of tenth n..', ! ' Who call > hi dog. rel j r-tiy. | And who m.:\e-> h ..1 fee', sucoi;. fortab'e ill mill ! and ijjdy. Lhurcli ol the Advent Services on the second and fifth Sundays of the month, morning and evening, and on the Saturdays | (5 p. nr.) before, and 011 Mondays; ("9 a. m.) after said Sundays of the month All are cordially invited, kev. B. S. Lassiter, Rector. . _-•••. To Cure a Cold in One Day Take , Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets- All druggists refunil the money if it fails to cure. E. W. Grove's signature is on each box. *sc. Signs of Mourningj Over Hanna's Death j Hotly will Lie in State in the Cleveland; Chamber of Commerce. jARRAX(* K\lH X TS 1 : ()R ITXKRAIJ ' 1 . HAMILTON i I " r ! I!' • »k ' k V.w t i 1 . I A licautiful wa--'lct:::i fri/.-.-d in St 'M is: n- i ~;-».>pil chu ih at i! i •ti Tiu-d..v, l-chi ii.u v i ■ :!i. the « tine. | p.utics V-i.ig Mi— Annk I-Will. of Uhis place .ml Mr.M ii on Hooker, • | of Am..i.i. The. liiVriir wa-~T«e .u i j titis 11 > divot ..ted with pottt 1 plant . fcni- iall.iHi:i«-- an 1 d.u-ic-. the t «.«!•»i -1 hi ir.e lieisig w h;ti-all.l green ) 1 Tile t>! id il pai iv cult le 1 tiu . inn. h j j i.i tin- stiasi- of Mc:i.|(!sv..lin , 'wedding tn i:Mi. nio-t !•. .it:t;tnl 1 \ j ' rental o i l.\ tV "aco. - i; l .-hi d Mi-. .W. I. i! i! ' >nc 1 •~t >* tiu* tl - lit-i . Mi-tii- \Vi!isai:t linen-. t I. t !iii J•■: i I', 'n . : "•'.l'.tiuu ..1-1 I A nt':«.!!v. 1 tta i I ' i 1 1:1 - . t >.■ * !> > >k. a ! I * i 1. \ 'I •' t ii*,*. Th. ii ■ i V i !.1 IM. i..;i • .:i ". t>. V .A: I'.,i iT:7 M . ""'* . 1 I x\ .. M \ ... ■ .!■. .' I Ml 1 .11: | ~ . -i; II v..-' M . » | | '-» * * * » . M ; . : . M I 1! '• 1 :*: . m Mi. i; : Willi M: ■. v : i 'i II .i:si ■ -th-* in nli .1 li.iti'.i; . V i! ..'. ' t II ii v, \. ■ i•!i* • i 1: i> ■Tn—-i n Tif j's'iT wI, . .iii i \ in,: a —• i M»ll«|li» t i,'» —r "r ' lit ft *\ I! r-- jf - .ii. The !'ii ii- inut 1 jst. I!ag |i:r t'i -■ aim I.i l.'otlui.. Mr '• \\ ill l-wi-ll I'll- K t.. .'ii il l hi ■ i...11in. Mi u.i M •. •. it 1-..1 ' 11. >i. i th \c.-!;\ .'lid i:."et the!.'Mi ,ai tlu- i Liil .1 —u-inux .liu-y wiiv 1 m i'!.- m ill and wile, l>\ lilt- I. '* | till ail I impressive ceremony of tin j Kpiscujial chuich, u.ul in ail im "I ptessivc niiTin-1 hv tin- Rev W.K Cox, of itii n\i!!v. Mis* Kwcll i ia very attractive you:ig woman 1 and" a laige ofliiend whit li was -iiown l>\ the tujiiv ! liatnl ome pre-t ut . it-ciivid Ii) h i T in- lir:«l. wa- h iinl-. it:iv!> I'" i> l»i.» k!. i.itli with Lit an.! J l " match. Til'.- li.'tp|>v coti|>h iK it in til" evmilt: iin t«'i Jkitrora .'to vi-it the K r " '■' - 5.1:011' . 'in M !iv «.-\«. I! 1:i 4 1 Ml. a Tl. 1 Mi- I I{wtl! K" Vc a i«c t> ti.ehri ! .il party at v.h. h 1 tint > icfrv.-h i:I nt- were set \ -. l (Mi Moii'l iv. lehrti.iry I ",!h Si i Martin - ua* \isitnl l>y Hi--hup 1 lorner who prvacbed morn iiig and night to l.wjjc tions, and cuntiiuicd a class of st \ cn per-ons. Messrs. Charlie I.awrince and I).in Hooker were in town Tuesday to atteml the wedding. Mi— l[,i;\i v. "i I ' ilia, Mii-h'.n .! week. Mi— I);itio!i, if Marvl.ind, i visiting Miss Alice I..i.\rciice. M:>s Minnie IMiiiond-oii, »! ('.oi l Point, i - \ isjting Miss M ary 1 .1.; i M:. Ti: 11 I. ;wreiK ;:i Hrmniton till- ..oi.-k. 3ett!f Tail G'jli i wis trou' 1 for ve i\ iwitit chrinir aivl m-> I •j vo'.i--lehiiity, writes F J » .v. >i I; mcaster. N • il. No letil Me lierped inc- until I !»eg in using Ivkc ' trie Hitters, which did nie more good than all the medicines I ever uv.d. They hive also kept niv U-ifiT in excejknt health for years. She says Electric Hitters -are just spleu'li 1 for K-tllSle trouhles; that I they are a grand tonic and iuvigor ator for weak, run down women I No other medicine can take its (place in our family." Try tlienl. j Only 50c. S. K. Higgs and all | druggists. J- . . A Blue X Mark in the Square Below i a Ci Q . ii a O c C 8 c sacaot«o means that your Subxript.on Ends with this Issue \V.i«hing?«m. i •, r* .\i* t* lis in.>l t'.ii i>t s 1; >, M 1:.-.: A; MI • I i.iit 11alii-' t > I t\ !»;*;;• >*:i"Jl tH Ai]ili;;ti :i i I I. v. li. J t'. ion.;. 1.:,-.. . ■ :. . • \ t • 1 di Ith Tail- !'! . . ■ I t"u , ::i.i t i 111■:: 1. l> . family li a• ! ' - ' '• : ! the >U 11. ' ;■ ■ - . T \ Altei .1 cm.l. ;■ \ .. "!.i - I nU-nt and th' rirrrrK*- •: t' 1 , net, 11. M 11. iiii 1 auii.-Lia 1 tli it J i- the l'ie i. li • t u 1 • j;;,:ilth.' flint ial -er\ i. - ii C. \t-' ... i nn;iu j 1 .1- In- would li'se \ .. !.-*•! , tiilmtc to hj_ ■! - i t. v ii; ' l-'.ii it, 1 lie wo'il 1 att- alt'. -LA Isri . lie hi 1 1 t-■ tt■ : 1.1 • •• i:« th !■'iTian lui .; t'. !". it. ■S. 11- ■ ate I: w 1- I.- ! " t\ .! W nil, '. Ii; 111 I'll ■ ( ill 111 l' til. "iii" 1. 'ii' l.... . iill- . ap' ! ' ' : : .. .ind -th ■ -r:ms —l't'. l 1 • (' — '• a•i !ui •; ri • '1 C . V. - t t :.t i 1 ': ■; i i 1 • 1 ■•! . v ' 'A* ' ■. t'a 1 •• :• .1:: - ■. h -!i .nc .•«...vt.i- —i ... ii-.-.. i~w j In 11; : ..t t!i.': ... ' tl.. ... n . • V. TiA . ■' t l - « 1 (' .1.1:.1 l* i.a'i 1 v.' •a : . •' • ' 1 '• : : 1; aI : .11'. •! i!. . i ' a r l.ui l. i'M!it 1 tiii.T a- - 'l\ ■ J : i I>.l t:s 1.■ tin* :r": T,«» .-i air: nu-lit -ol 'IM 1 111 liy tlu r rit.r; ..: Ssi 1 j i till 11 1:1:1.1 Will !l ::i isi - Ml 1 »C ; .if . iiniii-.. k Tl; ■ funeral wi'.l !. !. ! i 1; 1 . . day at 1 ;• 111 1:1 St I' mi! - li -1 iu;.M ha:, h I: '. S .r 1. ... Ith .J1 of v. . : ■'. , Ihiiij. .1 1 li. t'. !»•'. .; M 1 Paul and j»- ill i; ■ ■ 1 1 lit 11 Tii" Km 1.1! \.... t I*. ;' ■ . n I. ike \ 1 ■.v 1 ;:i t : la.mi- lif i'!• •: ! ' l .' ' tham'jerlai.i's StJ5n:S al li,u Jii'.gU. t U,6iJi:el hi' Gji:"Mi i;'i | Mi. A. K. Kri .- ; •a a ldrimgist,if I!i\' r Ki:i j - sas, says: "C'hiinU rl . .'-Ssoini Mi and I.iver Tablets are 1:1 -n> ja lg j I j meiit. tlu- m >-t -a,K*n »r prepar.i j I lion of anything in ti . to •! iv far j ■ j . .. jeoiistip.ition. l iit.v ar-.—-it • 1:1 a j | ti- .11 and with no ten 1 a \ t • , | hAL>b A 15-K PicK-up hv j-.iriuaa;* You tii,' I'A'/J ' 31 lil'.'V* iVi-f ' 1 1- ] ; "air! oil till- 1> 1■ • ■ !, . •>. v.: •: • 'rf ■ i-xi was ~t —r ; II • s r. , h.,r, ; t!l i 1.1 r tile South v 1 Al.l. Hltsitu:— C' .. . - M that much Ii"--. t.;. • t1... ] tended any ot'ur ... i tills till". I it i •• !'. ] third the time retpi'ie 1 i-i-v\\ her All who com;.' l «i . ; . iin good positions at Moa: do.ih!.. ! the s.ilirie-i thcy 'x, . c ag I. fore, and fully a .: t:. ! : ;ore icould hive Ik ill p! 1.1 ifth.-y hi 1 j been ipislified. ' Wc aie rt'pi'.-t.-.l '■» i-s'-ite 1 . who wi-h to achieve ; • ia j 110 matter how laait-, i '.'am ni-au or education, to write at o-.w-c for! for full particulars to i'le.-ideiit li.' It,. Martin Macon, Ga. WTKiIJi NO. 228. Frolessiona! Cards. l »OK. JUiIX I>. - hKXTI&T ' 'oiifcr.. MAIN STRKKT. j G K(). W. N l-;w Kill. \ BRO. i..\ \V N I KS » ' • 1 N' vr I. —"t I' i: '«V j iVg, ; u 1 d hi -• ic tfp xM-'ToN" N \ r. - J. . ..1- i'.ti: - v« ! rai-- «■* s t t»4»* r :or;E 7* H:\ u j. /.. u \/v.w;\ /' r uu j Surgeon * . !V. IN . »'! kt\iv i? ■ !> S:r.v? -! •!•■ - .['j ;.jq »11 A\c S 1•Ii » n ; ' " I SKHW/.HKEE I C:)G'\ - y°-: -f x i >J \X r.«. i~.ii a. m. /\y'' \ I . ■ ■ \ I • ; • V. . \ . • M I .11 1 • \v > '« i *• *i K.• ' . : J In Ouoi: oi lire ; . ' x . h Ji „i>4, *._■ 'u J , ~1 - . t » !i, •» » 111 . . : . . ..L % 1 v. am j I.'; 0:1 :: , u ». 1 i.\ ,;i.;, . Ut l's C.'HK' la \u u r Kcvuo I n c. Itjuth and Accident. W'r. 1:1 yo'.ll i'. • i i.i.v i... . : . w . n v 1 11-.: "11l • I- •!- r : •• I !S2 U ,2i;i Cja;n:jj ■K.- 15. ii\l WXi OKI) KA \ i. AC.I '.N i\ »'• * t r- •% 'f*«*■ «- ' *.» */,' >•' ERinncs rt. . % -J 'd y h * 4 \ -*£- %/'■' " 1 ~1 ' L» "a. I -y '■iStisfW Tt e«iSS** CopviivKrs 4=. } »•- • •. r . • I t • '*• I tift* ' f> • ■ * .r •• * * ilm>u. 1 ■ " »•' „'.r y ' !T * Hmcrkast. [7 " " 7 5 j Kr..b!k ( Williamstoj TclcpltoacCo. «» I ; r • ' M ,I'itiA vc roN, N. C. "i'n-,:.: tiur^ss •1 • . 1 i: - 1 j I ' • li .. : . i i s " " J 15 - •• J 1. W % I > " >, K. C n :nj, S: Co. I> " • !••:. '• 1.5 " 1: 'll r ■ >uviilc 15 " 1 1,-. i, " - ; ■:! ; ~:ut 15 •« f..- I . Mi-.ViUglitoa 15 " 2J " j For other poiuis in l ..i>tcrn Carolina see "Central" where a 'phone will | jouud tor use oi uoa-subscribcrs.JJ J

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