THE ENTERPRISE f ALFRED B->WHmee*S. CMTOft TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION: OHVwr, fi-oo Six Months, 50 cents Payable in Advance - - - VOL. V. - NO. 25. T>tc«g^ SKS3sSSS^^ Kr j R IT CUNKD HCintM CRtPPLt. (I M I Mr. Wlika* wttM la ik* mm al > lo«c ktm. 4**4 Aaiar. U, HOI: I Hrtaiiiim 4>m txt uiilwMincMvklfi. IVM M hilplcn M 1 Mi ■ • tot Mwlr II «aaika. Til* mucin 1 m *»ma u l«fl wire kail and akn»el«4 u». I ■ MltttJ 4f Mh naar tlan »ct. Waatt**«*4 krtfi H*=rrnt rknklaal la UillM ■ ■ aa4 Mariaa. k»t aoaaolltieia caa!4 4om* aar foaJ. aatll I I*. * Dtlksn. tol4 ■ ■ aa tattp paat RHEUMACIDE. I k*«aa t*tak* It, aa« kWora tk* tnt bottia vaa aa*4 »» ■ ■ | f k*faa I* ttt katter. I aa?4 51 k**tlat aa4 wa* camylclclr c*r*4." Ifl ' HI a*. J. r. IviM Malm Mr.WilW mmamtal la mrr yankalat. mi TATAK aoTTvi am on AMIUTWIT TO CMIMICAL eo.. raerainoM, MLTIMONK, SIOO REWARD ! A reward of one hundred dollars'will be rmation that will lead to the conviction of *ny party or t parties found hunting with dog or gun, cutting or remov ing timber or wood, or otherwise trespassing on the land know as Coenine Island 4 , v the property of the undersigned, without his written per mission. J. Davis Reed, - - - Norfolk, Va. Enterprise BOOK STORE Cor. Main & Smithwick Streets Old Bank Building . jj | NOVELS STATIONERY | Orders Taken For Engraving of all Kinds | WMW W WWWWWt , *WWW«tW!iIWWWW WW If you want anything to read you can find it here. THE ENTERPRISE BOOK STORE j PHONE 52. ■■■■■tamitaßßHßMß mmmmmmm naaam «me GROCERIES l E CarlMJi of Flour, Carloads of Fresh Meal -G. A. Salt " - " Rump Pork 0 Full stock of other Groceries as well. Oar goods arc moving on every train and boat. P Special attention to our mail order department. Let as hare your orders. Southern Supply Co. WHOLES WILLIAMSTON, NORTH CAROLINA MIZELL & BROWN CO. *>► White Front Grocery Storey r— ' . GOOD TABLE SUPPLIES ARE INDISPENSABLE TO COMFORTABLE LIVING. WE CARRY THEM IN THE VERY BEST AND FRESHEST *Phntrc IM WW m . ' .i * • WILLIAMSTON, N. C., FRIDAY, MARCH 25.1904. FROM THE CAPITOL « - OF OUR STATE Stedman and Turner in the Ring for the Nomination I, LIVE ITEMS OF INTEREST March aa, 1904. The ignominious retreat of Mr. Receiver "Bunch" Mcßec, who strutted up the hill with such a lightning quickstep as to electrify the whole State, was the most nauseating exhibition of cowar dice witnessed in many years here abouts. Of course he couldn't help himself, tor he didn't have a leg to stand on after the Governor and Chief Justice and Attornev General (assisted by one of his own lawyers) got through with him; for " 'tis conscience that makes cowards of us all"; and it is hard to say, reviewing the whole fiasco fromstait to finish, whether there was after all the greater lack of courage or brains. • . • Well, the old crowd is back again "managing" the State's railroad, and this week an investigation and examination is being prosecuted under the Governor's orders and direction, to ascertain the exact condition of the property, physi cally financially. It is gener ally hoped that the A. & N. C. Railroad will soon be leased to one of the several bidders. Mcßce's offer to lease was withdrawn a day or two before he was appointed re ceiver, but since their are at least two new propositions . have been made by others, offering much bet ter terms to the State, and are now in the- hands of the Governor awaiting action. • . • The members of the Democratic State Committee, which met here last Thursday night and called the Sta'x convention to meet on June 23, at Greensboro, did not contri bute anything to the Hearst "move ment" which is trying to get a move 011 it in North Carolina. If any of them favor the nomination of the New York editor and mil lionaire Congressman they kept their opinion to themselves. The forty odd who expressed their prefereneej all wanted Parker, Cleveland, Gorman or Gray, the favorites standing in the order named. • * • For Governor, the Stedman men were in the majority, and Lieutenant Governor Turner came next. Solicitor Brooks, the man ager of the Stedman campaign, said: "We are certainly going to win." Mr. J. A. Hartness of Ire dell decided his belief that Turner would show up as many votes in the convention as either of the other candidates, and in his opin ion, would eventually secure the nomination. ♦ * * The story has leaked out that when Mr. Hearst's visiting mana ger approached Governor Aycock, the other day, the Governor re marked to him that if Hearst should be nominated he would vote for him, but that he "would feel humiliated iu doing so," where upon the ageat adjourned himself to a more congenial clime. The Stateconvention will prob ably be in session )wo days this year, on account of the change made oy> the State Committee in the order of business. A resolu tion, offered by Hon. Joseph us Daniels, was adopted which re quires the election of delegates to the' National Convention and the adoption of the platform before the nomination of candidates for the State offices Is taken up. All the indications point to tbe pulling off, at Wilkes bo ro, on Thursday of next week, of the hottest political scrap in many years in this State. The Republicans of the.Bth district meet on that date to nominate a candidate tor Con- really lives at Greeusboro, in the SUI district) have been fighting and abusing each other so badly that it is possible both will be laid aside, in which event it is said that "Gus" Price of Salsbury may be nominated. The Democrats of that district appear to lie greatly divided also, one county alone (Caldwell) furnishing two candi detes, Newland and Bower. • * • The official head of Asst. U. S. District Attorney Oscar J. Spears has at last fallen under the axe, after more than a year's delay aud today there is a yacancy in that office here. Friction between Judge Purnell and Mr. Spears was the primary cause of his losing the job, but there were other rea sons that contributed to that result, it is ssid. His successor has not yet been chosen and the names F. H. Whitaker of Halifax, W. H. Ynrborough of Franklin, George H. Butler of Saropsou, E A. Johnson (colored) of Wake, and others are "mentioned" in lonnection with the place. The new appointee will be required to reside at Raleigh, as District At torney Skinner's official home has receutly been transferred to Green ville, his actual place of residence, and it therefore become necessary that his Assistant shall take charge of the office at Raleigh. *, ' « There has been no cotton sold on this market since last Thursday, the day on which Sully, the chief "bull" operator, failed. The local buyers here have since then been offering only i2>i to 13 cents, and tffe farmers who brought cotton here either took it back home or stored it in the warehouses here to wait for higher prices. Some of the cotton growers hereabouts have not yet marketed their crop and have l>een waiting for the price to move up to 18 or 20 cents. I know of, one who raised too bales aud wlio has not yet sold a bale of it. But these are rare exceptions, for the great majority sold early in the season realized only 10 to 12 cents. Cotton may again go up to 15 or 16 cents, and, as I said in these letters last week, if I had any left 011 hand 16 cents would call for all I had. There is gucli a thing as holding 011 a little too long to a good thing. * * * The lawyers defending the negro Daniels, whose conviction of the murder of Senator Simmons' father has been affirmed by the State Su preme Court, are now trying to take the case up to the Supreme Cou:t of the United States, on the ground that discrimination was made against some of the venire men drawn because of their color. But it is doubtful whether they will succeed in doing so. Prifir TrNtant if PIIIIHII Pneumonia is too dangerous a disease for anyone to attempt to doctor hixself, although he may have the proper remedies at hand. A physician should always be called It should be borne in mind, how ever, that pneumonia always re salts from a cola or from an attack of the grip, and that by giving Chamberlain's Cough Remedy the threatened attack of pneumonia may be warded off. This remedy is also used by physicians in the treatment of pneumonia with the best results. Dr. W. J- Smith, of Sanders, Ala., who is also a drug gist, says of it: "I have been sell ing Ch tmberlain's Cough Remedy apd prescribing it in thy practice for the past six years. I use it in cases of pneumouia and have al ways gotten the best results." Sold by S. R. Biggs. Subxribe to your County paper MARTIN SUPERIOR COURT IN SESSION His Honor, Frederick A. Moore, Judge, Presiding. Mr. C. C. Daniels, Solicitor A LIST OF CRIMINAL CASES Judge Moore Is winning the highest esteem of the people of Martin County in his untiring ef forts to mete out justice. He has several times reprimanded the jury in instances in which he thought their decisions contrary to justice. He delivered an able, learned and Instructive charge to the grand jury Monday morning, clearly explain ing the operation of the law to them, and pointed out their duty to their fellow men, their County and State. In all of his charges to the petit jury he thoroughly re views the evidence and points out to the jurors their duty. The grand jury have faithfully performed their duty. They have presented quite a number of bills of indictment, and have very advised ly recommended that the wooden shelves in the offices of the Regis ter of Deeds and the Clerk be tak en out and replaced with iron ones, as this would be safer in case of fire. The county jail and the Hone for the Aged and Infirm were re* ported to be in good order. The grand jury was dismissed Thursday morning with n compli mentary address from both the judge and the solicitor. Both said that they had never seen a grand jury work more faithfully and ear nestly toward the discharge of their duty. Monday Morning The morning session was spent in drawing, swearing and charging the Grand Jury. The following were sworn as Grand Jurors: N. T. Riddick, G. W. Col train, J. H. Ayers, C. T. Johnson. Kinchen Corey, J. T. Ross, Mc. G. Gurganus, J. B. Clo man, G. F. Roberson, W. K. Wil liams, J. H. Mi/ell, Jr., Jos. 15. Manning, S. M. Dardeti, Mc. G. Leggett, J. H. Roberson, Sr.. Eli Taylor. J. T. llaislip aud T. H. Coffield. The following were clio'en and sworn to serve as petit jurors for the first week: Mc. G. Iliddick, Geo. W. Blount, J. 11. Hatris, W. A. Jenkins, J. H. Wynn, J. J. Man ning, Jesse E. Vick, A. D. Cherry, Jas. S. Griffin, C. W. Keith, D. B. Parker, W. 11. Ballard and J. H. Rawls. 1 State vs Jos. B. Bennett, a d w canias and continued. 2 State vs Lewis Creech, a and b nol pros with leave. 3 State vs Asa Johnson, 1 aud r, called and failed, judgment nisi sifa and capias. 5 State vs Charles Gardner, c c w., nol pros with leave. 6 Woodley Thompson, fine, con tined to September term upon pay ment of half costs and continuance of same bond. 7 State vs. Richard Thompson, fine, same as no. 6, 8 State vs Jack Everett, fine, same as no. 6. § State vs M. L. Nicholson, a and b, called and failed, judgmeut nisi sifa and capias. 11 State vs Narcissa Spruill, at tempt to poison, contined, S2OO bond for appearance at Sept. term. 12 State vsC. H. Smith, capias and continued. 13 State vs Ira T. Coltrain re fusing to work roads, verdict, Bot guilty. 13 State vs Charles Hill ccw, pleads guilty. Fined $lO and costs 15 State vs. Greely Slade, a dw, pleads guilty. Judgment suspend ed on payment of costs. 17 Stats vs Charles Hill, >dv, pleads not guilty, found guilty by jury. Judgment Suspended on pay ment of cost. 18 State ys Wm. J. Williams, arson, capias and continued. 19 State vs George Whitley, a d w, capias and continued. 20 State v*. Baker Purvis, 1 and f, capias and continued. . jj State vs Glen BiAiiirlr and ?rr irfciit.Vn A Blue X Mark in the Square Belot ' J ' 1 means that your Subscription Ends with this Issui Lovet Rogers, affray, continued. 25 State vs H. T. Stalling.,, fail ing to list taxes, retailing liquor withont license, fined sls and cost. 29 State vs Ruftts Jones, 1 and r, called and failed. Judgment nisi sifa and capias. 30 State vs. W. A. Williams, tame as no. 39. 42 State vs John Rhodes, a d w, waives bill of indictment, judgment suspended on payment of cost. 46 State vs Geo. H- Andrews, a d w, waives bill of icdictmeut,fined sls and cost. 50 State vs J. W. Ward and Tlieo. Mobley, a d w, waives bill of indictment, each fined $lO and 1-2 coat. Tuesday morning 3 State vs Asa Johnson, 1 atffe, pleads not guilty, found guilty n!>y jury. 4 State vs Henry Slade, a d w, guilty as charged iu bill of indict ment. - 47 State vs Geo. H. Andrews, former judgement set aside, judg ment suspended on payment of cost. 43 State vs Jesse Wells, 1 and r, pleads guilty, sentenced to twelve months on the roads of lidgecombe county. 2i State vs W. F. Wynn, a d w, guilty as charged in the bill of in dictment. 6i State vs Joshua Hardison, re tailing, witnesses W. A. Peel and John Ed. Corey, being subpoenaed to appear at both the last term and this, and failing to appear l>oth times they were fined sBo each for the use of the State. 22 State vs Mack Medford,cruel ty to animals, not guilty. State v» Alon/.o Rcddick and Manza I.ittlc, cruelty to animals, not gvilty. 31 Stntc vs R. K. Giiines, Thos. Andrews and Wiley affray, Higgs pleads guilty. Grimes and Andrews found not guilty, judg ment suspended as to upon payment of cost, no witness tickets allowed. 45 State vs Ephraim Whitfield, a d w, witnecs McWoottu fined for uoti-appearanec. 2i State vs W. F. Wyun, a d w, solieitor prays judgment of court. Prayer for judgment continued for next terih of court upon payment of cost, defendant to give SSO bond for liis appearance at next term. 55 State vs Wm. Beech, a dw, continued to next term of court, defendant to give stoobond for ap pearance. 36 State vs R. B Holliday, abandonment, found guilty a-> charged in bill of indictment. 56 State vs S. S. Hadley, 1 and r not guilty. 60 State vs Zack M. Johnson, murder, bond for attendance at nevt term of court fixed at $2,000 47 State vs Will Armstrong, a d w, guilty, fined $lO and cost. 7 Appearance Docket, Joseph Slade vs Anna Slade, divorce, granted. Continued to our next issue \ | t Trigifi Aierted " Just in the nick of time our little boy was saved" writes Mrs W. Watkinsof Pleasant City, Ohio. "Pneumonia had played sad havoc with him and a terrible cough set in besides. Doctors treated him, but he grew worse every day. At length we tried Dr. King's New Discovery for consumption, and our darling was saved. He's now sound and well."Everybody ought to know it's the only sure cure for Coughs, Colds and all Lung dis eases Guaranteed by S. R. Biggs and all Druggist. Price 50c and sl. 00. Trial bottles free. —A fine lot of nice white enve lopes at 4 cents a package, (25 in a pack) at the Enterprise Book Store. WHOLE NO. 233-' Professional Cards. G)R. JOHN D. BIGGS, DENTIST, OFFICE: MAIN STREET. GEO. W. NEWF.LL K BRO. LAWYERS Officr tip Malm in New Bank Italics iuf, left hand ?ide, lop oI slept. WLI.UAJISTON, N C. wherever wnfal are deairML Special attention given to examining auduk ii»K title for purchaser* of timber and tint be# anda. sCT-m PHONE 7# DR. WM. E. WARREN Physician and Surgeon OFFICR: Rear of Roanoke Hotel Smithwiek Street Residence, the " Rhodes Place Simmons' Ave. ' PHONE | Kesideirce 60 SKEWARKEE JK LODGE No. 90, F. & A. M. DIRHCTORY FOR 1904. S. S. Brown, W. M.; H. b. Taylor, 8. W.; MC. G. Taylor, J. W.; T. W. Thorn. a«, S. I).; A. F. Taylor, J.I); S. R. RIFSJI, Secretary; C. I». Cnrstarpben, Treasurer; M.M. Crltflier and 1). Bl^GS, Steward*; R. W. TL#ry, Tiler. STANDING COMMITTEES: CHARITY—S. S. lirown, 11. L>. Taylor, Mc. O. Taylor. PLNANCK—W. C. Manning, \V. H ilar, ell, R. J. Peel. R KFI'.RKNCB— II. W. Stubbs,] JOSEPH R. Uallaril, I'. K. Hodges. AHYI.UU— G. W. Ulount, \V. M. York, H. M. Uiirras. , MARSHALL — f. It. Hatton. In Gase of Tire you want to be protected. 111 case of death you want to leave your family some thing to live on. In case of accident you want some thing to live on besides borrowing. Let Us Come to Your Rescue * We can insure you against loss from Fire, Death and Accident Wc can insure your Boiler, - I'late Glass, llurg lary. We also can bond you for any office requir ing bowl None Out B;st Cwjailn RjpressaltJ K. u. GRAVVFORD INSURANCE AGENT, Godard Building. y | », - TRADE MAIM DteisNi RRTVM Copy RIGHTS AC. Anrona aciidinc a akatf *i rr»d i'Gacr;-Hon may Quloklr Mcertalii our cptnton free vbcUcr an tnvoulioti !* prohnLl/j«*tanUJiiaL Commaaiaa llonnatrlctlf coiiflilet.tiaL lYauribookuvi Pttaufc aatil froe. Ol'lcst acuutf 'or aocurtnjr imiems. r.itftiiji taken throueh Munn L Co. rvi«lv« •ptrioi notice* without charyo. In tho Scientific American.' -A Yandiomeljr l.lnirtratM werklj. I «rr*»*t ctr eulatlon of any frtentlllrt J»»nri»*l. T«nn,93« rc-r : (iwrmnntiif.lL ftoUl trail wwtlialwm, ftUNN&Co. 36 ""^-New York I),inch OBlco. 131 > St- 17UUH(«. IX G. Williamston Telephone Co. Office over Bank of Martin County, WILLIAMSTON, N. C. , 'Phone Charges Messages limited to 5 minute*; extra;ch«rg« will positively be made (or longer time. m To Washiugton 23 Centfb " Greenville 25 " Plymouth 2J " Tarboro *3 V- J " Rocky Monnt 35 " Scotland Neck 23 H " Jamesville 15 gj " Kader Lilley's IS 4 " J. G. SUton IS J •• J. L. Woolard 15 " " O. K. Cowing &.Co. 15 V " Parmele IS " " Robcrsonville 15 " " EveretU 15 " " Gold Point 15 " " Geo. P. McNaugbton IS " " Hamilton *O " Fdr other pouts in Eastern CWUBM see "Central " where a 'phone will BF