I - ALrmmm mrmimimeim. cnrroiL One Tear, fi.oo Six Months, 50 centJ VOL V. NO. 34. I •%» «* RHEUMTtSM. BnwiteMM I mm. tar to cat mrnm. A ata«t* bottt* ml B f M yi EL ii^tfrSr-'W v - ■.. ■ wnjeulJv —»iii>»ai»»a. a«a ■■■■■n.in —iHitwAcm w "'**- '*"1"°""'jo* *""" *■»««'» I Nick K. C..b DDmntU ■ ■ ■ IH m* >»« witlmlr nmt ■ —"■ 11 •-rni 1 ii'i l iinlm ■ nMI V to -* «*» '**'* "■* IH" —y #«W «—» « tUi tn* to—" m M T a—w>*CTja_«M >»*■>*. ■ s 1*"""li Vmm™'* c fIL "ij b M ■ «wu MTTU Ml nei M 31 —>lfT CHEMICAL CO, PWOMirrOm. M ■unaMi, ma. * ■ I **aa«a ar tub Marc nwa tmk taaiaa.** I All Aboard For St. Louis TO OUR READERS; It ia yith (raft pleasure that we are aMa It UMUtt to you that it ia ia oar faaer to toht Ike vexH qnntioi as to ■hait yea are to stop whea attending the World's Pair at St. Louis, aad as to just what it wilt (wt you Thrush aa ar- MBgtSMt with the 8t ouis European Hotel Co., a Missouri Corporation, which is highly recommended by the Uaoola Trust Co. of St. otns, aad which controls aad operates 1 500 elegant modern rooms h dose proximity to the Exposition grounds, we are enabled to offer to our saaderfc the greatest opportunity to solve I the important question, WHRRR AT AND SO* MUCH?" The tremendous attend aace at thia World's Fair will and ac l—Himilalinn prices skyward, ia fact, will ami s them ia many instances beyond the reach of ordiaar^people. The St. ou is European Hotel Company, ha ring leased Ijooof the fiat it roams ia St. Loaia a year ago, are enabled to give our readers tbe extremely low rate of SI .OO per day for aecoeswd*? ioea aed gu'*e lad the patroa to the room aad romfart ahlv establish him therein. Upon in res ■ tigatiag this great proposition we have concluded arrangements whereby are are the local agents for the St. onia Euro pean Hotel Co., and arc prepared ID re serve rooms at oece far our readers. Do Ml rjait, attend to this aisttrr at osca, aad thereby save money, inconvenience, aad, perhaps, your life. You writ know the great dangers awaiting the nntraveled aad unwary ia a great citr at such time Wbea it will be the resort of sharpers horn all over the world. Imagine your plight tf you take yourself or your family lata unknown places and houaei' Under the plaa of the St. onia European Hotel Cam pa 11 y you are absolutely safe, as all sf their rooms are located in the hand- COUPON Edttor "THE ENTERPRISE," Agt. St Loaia European Hotel Co. WiUiamatoa, N. C. Dear Sir: — Enclosed find —... ... dollars, for which reserve for me room accommodations and guide service at St. Louis, for days during the month of «... or at such other time daring the Expo" sition period. April 30th to December Ist, 1904, as I shall desire a. the rate of fi.oo per day, and forward to ate at oacc certificate for same. (Signed) * BRIGHT'S DISEASE I Many people who are neglecting symptoms of kidney trouble, hoping "it will wear away," are m drifting towards Bright'a Disease, which is kidney trouble in one of its worst forms. IjA FOIiYSKIDNEYCURE ,i\ stops irregularities, strengthens the urinary organs and builds up the worn-out tissues §■ ** *** kidneys so thev will perform their functions properly. Healthy kidneys strain out Ml H t * ie impurities from the blood as it passes through them. Diseased kidneys do not, and ffi H jU3P'^ ( . the poisonous Waste matter is carried by the circulation to every part of the body, ra H :: •,I if i'£v' causing dizziness, backache, stomach trouble, sluggish liver,.irregular heart action, etc. ha ■ If you have any signs of Kidney or Bladder Trouble cornnlence taking FOLEY'S H Ka " KIDNEY CURE at once, as it will cure a slight disorder in a few days and prevent a pra ***** Pleasant to take and benefits the whole system. Ko ~ ts FM Out. e. B. Bur bans Testifies After Four Yoars. 9 iS§W*M Tobcm «*% determine if y»«r kidneys an G. B. Bnrhans of Carlisle Center, N. V., write*: I f 1 j' f s '""? asMa "* hoar* t "About four jrcan ago I wrot a you stating that I had baaa ntinljF UJ H bottJ* of the urine passed upon nrinng. If cared of » arnn kldoey trouble ty Uklr.j Icaa than two botilea of B I v *•. apoo examination it is cloady or silky or has Foley a Motj Cura. It entirely stopped tha brick-dust aadimeot sad H ■ a brick dost sediment or.wall particles loat ■staasdaymptomaafkldney disease disappeared. lam (lad to say tkat BH I —/>VV .§>*** abcot in it. TOST kidccrl are diseased and • have never halt a return of any of those symptoms during tha four 1 ■ I cm eon. V.fMtm. Knftn _...j «._ . yeeia that have elapeedv and lam evidently cared to stay cured, aad I ■ FOLEY b KIDNkY CUKE snould be takaa fc r>m ]y ncwincm) Foley's Kidney Can to aay ana suffering from ■ •* tadaey or bladder Usable. " souse homes of the best Christian citizens | ot St. ouia, largely people who own, their own homes, not sharpers located in the city for a few months only to (kin the ! World's' Fair visitor. This company by eontroling 1,500 rooais, ia enabled to nuke the extremely low rate of SI.OO per person per day, only on a Certificate plan —that is, you make application for ac commodations, stating number of days aad month you desire to come, on the conpoa appearing lielow, enclose f 1.00 for each day reserved, and mail same to the Editor of this paper. Immediately upon receipt of anch application the St. i.ouis European will forward to you a certificate good for the time reserved or fur'any time during the Ex position period April 30th, to Gecember ut, 1904. This certificate is transferable, so that in case of Use one reserving being unable to at tend, be can dispose of his certificate without loss. This Company's gcnersJLpScts ire lo cated ia the Milton on teentli street, Immediately adjoining the St. Louis Union Station. Upon arrival in St. LouU you present your certificate at the general office of the Company .and their uniform guides will conduct yon tc your room, assuring you against losing your way a id falling a victim to any of the litany sharks which will infest the City at that time. Checking rooms will be maintained for the convenience of the Company's oatrqns, and in every way their comfort and safety will be carefully looked after. As the number of rooms is limited, fill out the coupon today and remit tjlhe Editor. RBMBMSKR, BOOMS CAM aa BRSBRVRT) FOR ANY NUMBER OF DAYS, FROM ONB DP, UXT.RSS YOU WISH To PAY EXORBITANT PRICKS AND SERF KK A LOSS OF TIMB. PBRSONAL FNCONVHX IBNCB AND, PBRHAPS, UANTIBR. TKJTT) TO THIS AT ONCB. WILLJAMSTON, N. C.;I®§DAY, MAY 27.1904. All Around Oar County DARDENS Mr. Vance Pagan continues very UL Mists Edith Gardner was in Dard ens last afternoon. Mr. F. R. Smith made a busi ntrip to Plymouth Tuesday. Miss Mary Pritchard, of Colum- Miss Nelia Jones returned home from Jamesville Sunday, where she has been spending some time. The charming Miss Dare Has sell, of Jamesville, spent Friday with her cousin Mrs. C. C. Fagan. Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Spruill at tended church at the Christian Church in Jamesville last Sunday. One of our young ladies is away visiting, and some one in singing, "dou't you remember sweet Alice." Mrs. C. C. Fagan and Miss Maggie Dardeu spent Monday afternoon with Mrs. Lizzie Sallen g*r - An ice cream "parlor" and barber shop has been opened 011 the corner by Messrs. Coßurn and Gardner. Mi* Sallie Gardner returned home Tuesday from Miss Martha Lilly's near Jamesville, where felie has becu spending a few days. The Railroad Company is having the dspot enlarged, as the old one was entirely to small for the freight that was handled at this place. Mr. J. A. Getsinger and Miss Belle Jones spent Tuesday night with their uncle, Mr Tom Brown who is dangerously ill at his home near Jamesville. | Sunday was such a beautiful day that our Sunday School wa3 well represented, we are addiug new members to the roll every Suuday, and are delighted to have visitors attend. Rev. R. B. Respass filled his ap pointment at th»Disciple Church last Sunday, and many of oyr peo ple are anticipating attending the Disciple Union at Poplar Chapel next Sunday. # Cwrf His litlktr of fikiunatlsn "My mother has been a sufferer for many years with rheumatism," says W. H. Howard, of Husband, Pa. "At times she was unable to move at all,while at all times walk ing was painful. I presented her with a bottle of Chamberlain's Pain Balm and after a few applications she decided it was the most won derful pain reliever she had eyef tried, in fact, she is never without it now and is at all times able to walk. An occasional applicaton of Pain Balm keeps away the pain that she was formerly troubled with." F„r aalc by S. R. Biggs. FROM THE CAPITOL mIBIM OF OUR STATE ■MWWB. Report of State's railroad, has been in the liahds of the Governor since last Thursday evening. But it will not be released to the press i>r public action until to-morrow (Tuesday.) However, through the courtesy of Gov. Aycock, this writer has been permitted to glance through the voluminous document. While it is impracticable to attempt a full synopsis of the entire report and evidence withiu the limited scope of this correspondence, I will refer as far as practicable to some of the more interesting portions of. it. Those who are minded to wade through the labyrinths of the entire report can procure copies of the supplements to the Raleigh morn ing papers which will be printed this week.'- It is an adverse report, and on the whole, criticises unfavorable the management of the road. It begins by stating that duriug four yeais of the incumbency of Mr Bryan as president of the Atlantic & North Carolina Railroad, the company has earned, above operat ing expenses and fixed charges, the sum of $251,727.56. That during that time the company borrowed $55,000, of which $27,000 has been paid, leaving (28,000 still owing. That there is also to he itt«d tl» net earnings for the nine months extending from July 1, 1903, to April 1, 1904, viz., $44, 772.06, ma king altogether an apparent total of $324,499.62 that has been available withiu 4 years and 9 mouths for permanent improvements and ex traordinary betterments to the property. That the committee is of the opinion, however, that many items have been charged up to ex traordinary improvements that should have been included in oper ating expenses and renewals. That the system in use of keep ing accounts ' 'has been crude and A Cire fir Pllis "I had a bad case of piles," says G. F. Carter, of Atlanta, Ga.,"and consulted a physician who advised me to try a box of DeWitt'S Witch Hazel Salve. I purchased a box and was entirely cured. It is splend id for piles, giving relief instantly, and I heartily recommend it t« all sufferers.' ' De Witt's Witch Hazel Salve is unequalled for its healing qualities. Eczema and other skin diseases, also sores, cuts, burns and wounds of every kifid are cured by it. Sold by Anderson, Crawford & Co. very unsatisfactory." That "very considerable betterments over con ations prevailing four yun ago ixpenditare of so large a sum of money." That while the service has been greatly improved within the petiod covered by President Bryan's administration, and much of this uoney wisely spent, "some of it has been injudiciously used— in some cases approaching extrava gance." Mention is then made in detail of the manner in which the expendi tures have been made, and some of the mistakes and instances of ex travagance pointed out. The bad judgment used in the erection of new depot buildings and ware houses, etc., is especially mention ed. and the report sayflbo much money was expended in this way at Gbldsboro and elsewhere while new stations were badly needed at More head, I*9 Grange, Newport aud Dover, etc. The report verv*distinctly states that "the spirit of the law prohib iting fiee transportation has been violated, "whether technically con trary to law or not, in furnishing "free passes" to persons who are not even stockholders. That, although the by-laws pro vide that the "proxy committee" shall be constituted of "seven stockholders," there are at present 35 members of that committee, 14 of whom do not own a dollar of stock,and that "annual passes" are granted to all of these 35 gentle men. That the list of "local counsel" to whom onuual free passes are is sued contains the uaines of 34 more or less prominent men, 21 of whom do not even reside on the line of the road. That it is not even claimed that thesf lawyers are all bona fide attorneys of tlie road. On the other hand, at least one of them has appeared as counsel for the other side "in practically every cise the road has had in Craven court during the auvliuistratiou of President Bryan." In addition to this, the report goes on to say that "free passes of all kinds (annual passes,trip passes and card tickets) have been veiy generally distributed," * * * "contrary to the by-laws of the company and in violation of the laws of the State " The charges concerning wood contracts and the high prices paid for wood are taken up and discuss ed at length, and not all to the credit of the management of the road, concluding with the state ment that the company can save |6,000 or more every year by using coal instead ofwood bought at such prices. As to the oil purchase charge, the committee "attach Jjut little importance" to that The part that politics has played in the management of the road, in volving changes of management with the incoming of the last sever al State administrations, etc., is commented on, and the committee say that while they do not find thai, "broken-down politicians" have been "unloaded" on the road, to any extent,-the results brought about by the changes and other conditions which have followed,are not calculated to serve the best in - Willi ifei Sip Rises Weak lungs should be careful. Coughs ancf colds are dangerous then. One Minute Cough Cure cures coughs and colds and gives strength to the lungs. Mrs. G. E. Fenner, of Marion, lud., says, "I suffered with a cough until I run down in weight from 148 1092 lbs. I tried a number of remedies to no avail until I used One Minute Cough Cure. Four bottles of this wonderful remedy cured me en tirely of the cough, strengthened my lungs and restored me to my normal weight,health and strength. Sold by Anderson, Crawford & C 0 •v* ;.. • : . •. A Blue X Mark in the Square Below ■HIM mil means that your Subscription End* with this Issue terests of the property. As to the purchase and conduct of the Atlantic Hotel property by the railroad company, the commit tee vigorously condemns both, and does not mince words in doing so. But Earle Turner is made the scape goat—the young man employed to manage the details of "running" the hotel last summer; who suc ceeded in "running" it in debt for over $6,000 during the three months he "run" it,-aud who "mysterious ly disappeared" when the commit tee got ready to hear his evidence in substantiation of the charges he made in an affidavit filed by former receiver Mcßee. Indeed, the re port leaves the impression that Turner and the (6,000 deficit are very intimately acquainted. The report says that the railroad management "bought trouble" when it acquired possession of this hotel property, for which it agreed to pay $14,000 which 12,000 re mains unpaid) and .has spent over since in furnishing it and making it habitable. It expresses the opinion that the purchase was not lawfully made; that it certainly was not wise; that it was not properly mauaged; that, whatever the fate of the railroad, the should be leased without delay to private parties- After parsing on other charges, the committee states that the gen eral policy of using the net earn ings in improving the road and its property, while it so much needs betterments, is approved, although some of the expenditures are disap proved. That during the period covered by the Bryan administration there seem to have been available, from the net earnings of the road, for ljctterments and perinawut im provements a total of $,324,469.62 That the books of the company's auditor show that there has been so expended the sum of $283,236.19, leaving $41,263.43. Deducting cash on hand f 8,120.58, and the 56,487.- 06 lost by the hotel leaves a bal ance to be accounted for of $26,- 655 79-" The report concludes with the statement that "it is clear to us that the best and most economical man- agement of this property cannot be attaiued under State control." That "it is equally clear that it is a very valuable property, and that its con dition and earning capicity have l)een greatly improved during the last four years." That "we see nothing in the sit uation tocall for great haste on the one hand, or extreme action on the other, in reference to any proposed change 111 the control and opera tion of the property; but we do think that a modern system of ac counting should be adopted and other faults, to which we have call ed your attention, remedied." The report is signed; "R. T. Gray.W, T. Lee Henry A. Page, commit tee of investigation." The answer of the A. &. N. C. Railroad Co., to the application of Cuyler for a receivership, has also been filed, but there is no room in this letter for a reproduction of any part of it, The hearing was set for Saturday last, May 31, but was postponed on account of the absence of Judge Purnell, who is siting in the Circuit Court at Richmond, the term of the U. S. District court which was to have begun here to day has been postponed one week fpr the same came. * * * The friends of Mnj.Stednian ard Judge Winston are in high feather over the result of Mecklenburg county primaries. Mr. Glenn had, canvassed that county- and made speeches there and his friends claim ed an overwhelming majority. He only secured a pleurality of a little over 100 votes over Stedmau,while Stedinan and Turner vote combined was about 400 more than the Glenn vote. Winston showed up stronger than any other. He received 1,817 votes to 690 for Morton. Maj. Stedman carried Granville by an overwhelming vote aud will give him at least 15 of its 17 votes, the dispatches received here state.. *se Turner vote is ' spanning out" to [Continued on second page} WHOLE NO. 242 mSA HATTER OF HEALTH POWDER Absolutely Pure TROVE IS NO SUBSTITUTE Professional Cards. git. JOHN D. BIGGS, DENTIST] OFFICE: MAIN STREET. * OKOROK W. NKWKLL S. ATWOOD NSWELA GEO. W. NEWF.LL & BRO. LAWYERS Office up «talr« hi New Batik RulWfc Ing, left liatul aide, lop of atepa. . M 0. lt*Pr«c(\ce wherever lervina are desired. Speeial attention givtn to examining and mak lag title for purchasei* of timber ami timber auda. PHONE 74 DR. WM. E. WARREN Physician and Surgeon OFFICE: Rear of Roanoke Hotel Smitkwick Street Residence,_tlic " Rhodes Flace Simmons' Ave. 'PIIOXI"' 1 2 5 1 HUiNlv ( Residence 60 SKEWARKEE /A LODGE w No. 90, F. &A. M. /\js\ IJIRKCTOHV FOR 1904. S. S. Brown, W. M.; H. D. Tuylor, S. W.; Mr. G. Tajlnr, J. W.; T. VV. Thorn as, S. I).; A. F. Taylor, J.I); S. R. Biggs, Secretary; C. I). Carstarphen, Treasurer; M M. Critcher and J. D. Biggs, Stewards: R. W. Clary, Tiler. STANDING COMMITTEES: CHARITY —S. S. Ilrown, 11. D.Taylor. Mc. G. Taylor. FINANCK —'.V. C. Manning, W. It.liar, ell, R. J. Peel. RKI'RRKNCB—H. W. Stulibs,' Joseph R. Ballard, F. K. Hodges. Asvi.l'M—G. W. Blount, W. M. York, fl. M. llurras. MARSH AM,— J. 11. Hatton. In Gase of l ire you want to be protected. In ease of death yon want to leave your family some- j thing to live 011. In case of accident you want some- J thing to live on besides , borrowing. Let Us Come to Your Rescitt We can insure you agaiust loss from Fire, Death and Accident] We can insure your Boiler, Plate Glass, Burg lary. We also can bond you for any ofLce requir ing bond NODI But Best Coasailss Represent!!! K- B. GRAWfORD INSURANCE AGENT, Godard Building, Anyono r.r. ndlng a r.kelefe and ;riptkHi way miitklr aaoamin «.;tr o>ick'ti fixo *?heU»*r aa ftwtntlrwt »fl I'r.^nt.i/C.-.r-niunlr*- Uoiisrift i yet,ihleutlaL. il on t'Titwfti n ; t rioe. >l .test aotfiuir A>r uxin»r palent*. \ihmt* taken litroueh Mnt-u & Cu. rcwira Wftc'M notU >, m lf'iyui cburyo. In LLo Scientific jfmerka#.: A VuMxmclr l.ln«tr*(M w»«klr. I>ri—t dm anlatfamof tuojj-.u rr■ al. ITMUJ OFFICE: