/ TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION: Oae Year, fi.OP § ||. Six Months, 50 cents Payable in Advance VOL. V. NO. 36. /Winmsliflm fit (Sill SEB ) 1 4 MEDICINE OF MERITL I \fO CURE CHILLSJ \ CURES AGUE, DENGUE, /■ mikiiffryiw mtuovsHtss. • id#/ AO Aboard For St. Louis *0 Otm READERS; It ia aftk'fmt pleasure that we are rib to anaaaaee la yea that it is in our pawsr 16 salve the vend qt a 4ioa as to wham Wn are la stop when attending the VMmWr at St. Loais, aad as to just aMkalaa yon. Through aa ar saagtaNaft with the St. ouis European ■Ud Chi. a Missouri Corporation, which hhirihwaaarnhd hy the Lincoln IMMaaf St. oaia, and which controla ami operates Ijm elegaat modern rooms In (torn proximity to the Exposition giugids, we are enabled to offer to our ■aailns the greatest opportunity to solve An important question, "wrrbk AT AND SWW MOCU?" The tremendous attend ance at thia World'a Pair wilt send ae eeaunodatioa pricesaky ward; ia fact,will make them ia many instates beyond the sssehof osdiasry people. The St. ouis Kani|iias Hotel Company, having leasee I ijopHrialaiSwoßs inSt.Louisayear ago. are enabled to give ourreadert the salieiaely low rate o f f 1.00 per day for areounaadatinns and guide service to coa tet tfrapafnm to the room and eomfort ahlf establish him therein. Upon inves tigating this great proposition we have Ben 1 Inih d arrangement* whereby we are the local ageata for the St. ouis Euro pean Hotel Co., aad are prepared to re serve Aooass at once far our readers. Do ■at emit, attend to this matter at once, and thereby save money, inconvenience. I flni, prrhapa. your life. Von well know the great dangers awaiting the nntrarelcd and —way ia a great city at such time whea it will he the resort of sharpers from all over the world. Imagine your |%Mlf yoa take younelf or your family into aahnowa places and houses! Under the plea of the St. ouis European Hotel Otmpaay paa are absolutelr safe, as all af their mm are located in the band COUPON Editor "THE ENTERPRISE," - l Agt. St Loais European Hotel Co. I"*t - i William;.ton, N. C. Dear Sir:— Enclosed find dollars, for which reserve for me room arrwminlatiiias and guide service at St. Louis, for days during the month of or at ancb other time daring the Expo* sMoa period. April joth to December Ist, 1904, aa 1 shall desire a: the rate af |LM per day, aad forward to me at once certificate for same. (Signed) .. Town County State S~ I FOLEY'S KINKY CURE I I Will positively cure any 'ease off Kidney I I or Bladder disease not beyond the reach I II off medicine. No-medicine can do more. 1 I rm FV'q uiniiFV niiRF m EumM« mm ■ ■ Wfcfci RllUllhl UWMb A. H. Thurnea, Mgr. VKIs Creek Coal Co., Buffalo, 0., vritew 83 * "I hare been afflicted «rith kidney and bladder trouble for years, paaa- Q strengthens the urinary organs, ■ builds up the kidneys and invig- I I orates the whole system. Foley's KiDNEtcuKE h« si,«» won* * good.- rr le cinniirrcrn f h Otkif I—iy CM Ciapira VHb II IT 19 tiUAKJIM I Ull Than. V. Carter, of Aabboro, N.C., bad KMaay TiNkb ud ■ TWAfi»CeEA. N .i t4AA bottle of FOLEY'S KIDNEY CURE effected a perfectc«re, and I TWO SHfiO 800 ana SI.OO ke aayi there la no reaaedy ibar «■ cmapare with it. 8. R. Biggs, Williameton, N. O. ■owe hone* of the beat Christian chizeas et §L ouis. largely people who own their own homes, not sharper* located ia the city for a few months only to akin the World's Mr visitor. This muipaaj hy controHag r.soo rooms, is enabled to mahe the extremely low rate of SI.OO per peraoa per day, only oa a Certificate Plan —that Is, yon make application for ac commodatioaa, Mating somber of day* and month you desire to cutor, oa the coupon appearing below, eacloee fl.oo for each day reserved, and mail same to the Editor of this paper. Immediately upon receipt of inch application the St. Louis European HoteQCo.. will forward to yon a certificate Rood foe the time reaenred or for any time during the Rxpoaition period April joth, to Gecember i*t, 1904. This certificate ia transferable, 1o that in caae of the fne reserving being unable to at tend, be can diapoce of his certificate without lusa. This Company's general offices ire lo cated in the Milton Building, on Eigh teenth street, immediately adjoining the St. Lonls Union Station. Upon arrival in St. Louis yon present your certificate at the general office of the Company, and their uniform guides will conduct yon to your room, assuring you against losing your way a id falling a victim to any of the many shaiks which will infest the City st that time. Checking rooms will be maintained fur the convenience of the Company's natrons, and in erery way their comfort and safety will be carefully looked after. As the number of rooms is limited, fill out the coupon today and remit to the Bditir. KKMKMBKJI, BOOMS CAN BR BESKXVKI) FOB ANY NUMBBR OF DAYS, ntOM ON 8 OT, UNLESS YOU WtSII TO PAY K XOBBITANT PR ICBS JVMIt SUSP KB A LOSS OP TIMK. PKBSONAL INCONVKN IKNCK AND, PBaiIAPS, DANGKB. AT TKND TO THIS AT ONCE. WILLIAMSTON, N. C, FRIDAY, JUNE 10.1904. All Around Oar Gouty comma Mr. W. T. Purvis, of Charlotte, was here Monday. J. T. Casper went to KeUotd Wednesday moraine. - J. C. Rosa went to Norfolk lact we-k on urgent business. Mr. Herbert Salsbmy, of Hassel, «: 00 oar streets Tuesday. Miss Hattie Kverette has return ed bona from a visit to Balthnore. Mr. Day, of the firm of Day and Hedges, of Tarboro, was here Monday. J no. W. Hines left for Deleware Monday morning where he wiO make his future home. Mr. and Mm. William R. Glad stone and two little children left for St. Louis Wednesday. Edward A. Council returned home from the University Satur day, he was one of the graduating class of 1904. Rev. Mr. Crisp, of Conetoe, held his regular services in the Misrioa ery Baptist Church here Saaday and Sunday night. Local freight No. 5 south was delayed Saturday eight hours be tween Pender and Tillery oa ac count of the engine blowing ap. Mr. and Mrs Leonard Haskett and little son Leonard Jr.,of Phila delphia, were here Wednesday visit ins relatives Mr. and Mrs. J. L- Hincs. Prof. R. O. Kverette. who has been seriously ill in the hospital at Durham, for the past month cam? ' home Sunday to attend the county convention at WiHiamstou Mon- j day. He advises that he has been quite successful in bis work at! Durdam this year and expects to attetHTflte sflmmeT law school at Harvard this summer, returning in September. One man says aint Oscar red hot for Glenn. This township also for him. We hear no complaint from our farmers about the weather now, all seem to be in good heart and am glad to state that the crops in this section are looking exceedingly good. Some say though as a rule this year will be a corker and money will be scarce, and already the people are growing poorer, but we must say that nobody who has health and industry and ordinary intelligence is growing poorer. Mr. Z. M. says we are living, we are moving in a grand and won derous time, and when automobiles get as as cheap as bicycles none of us will dare to walk. - Church of the Adveat Services on the second and fifth Sundays of the month, morning and evening, and on the Saturdays (5 p. m.) before, and on Mondays (9 a. m.) after said Sundays of the month. All are cordially invited Rev. B. S. Lassitcr, Rector. FROM THE CAPITOL OF OUR STATE JEditor Daniels is a "Bigger Man" To-day Than he Ever was Before. June 6th 1904. Well, that judicial pair of Pi did not succeed in throwing any body into jail after all I Another and bigger Pof the U. SL Circuit Court, to wit judge Pritch ard, put a quietus on the "lower case" pof the district court in short order, after hia arrival here Friday afternoon, and not only re leased editor Daniels from the cus tody, or companionship, of a deputy marshal!, but discharged him absolutely, '-without day" (as the lawyers say) and dismissed the ease again t him, on the ground that the editorial ut trances com plained of by Judge Pumell did not constitute a case of contempt with in the meaning of the statute. Thereupon, editor Daniels vaca ted the luxurious apartments at the New Yatboro hotel, in which he had been "incarcerated" for three days, and returned to the bosom of h : s family and friends—many of the latter turning out to give him an ovation, such as should be gratifying to any man. Result: Joe Daniels is today a "big ;er man'Mian he ever was be -1 f.»re in his life—and his friends owe jjud-e Turnell a vote of thanks As for Judjge Pritchard, he is now heralded as *'the great liberator," | and the News & Observer has printed a tig picture of him on its first pag«*. Ju'lc TurneM in the meantime is said to be ' feeling like thirty cents"— whatever that ! mcana. ! • * And Judge Pi eblcs fanned out, too, when his superior officer call el him to the bat. Each of the three atrikes was aimed at one or the other of the three affidavit makers (Kerr, Carroll snd Souther land) whom he had sentenced to jail without giving them an oppor tunity to sh >w cause in court why they shoal 1 not be punished for contempt. That omission was fa tsl in law to Judge Peebles action and the hebeas corpus petitioners were discharged by Supreme Court Justice Connor. "the contempt case of Judge Peebles vs. the Roberson county lawyers has also been settled, as a result of this hearing before Justice Connor—Justices Doug'as and Wal ker sitting with him at his request. Ihess judges handed down an opinion, soon after discharging Kerr, et al, in which they made it clear that they did not think that the action of the lawyers in declin ing to prepare a calendar a matter for proceeding against them for contempt of court. Counsel for Judge Peebles and the lawyers then conferred and agree d upon a plan to pat an end to the case: Couns -1 lor the lawyers agreed to amend their answer by adding the word, "or personal integrity." so as to make the senteoce read. ••The respondents deny that it was their purpose, ao isr as they then knew or now know, to reflect upon the offi.ial character on personal integrity of Judge R. B. Peebles or to bring him into disrepute or con tempt " Judge Peebles very prop erly holds that th a language "purges" the lawyers of all con tempt, and he stops the criminal proceedings against t' em. So the case is dismissed, apparently to the satisfaction of both bench and bar. • m • The A. ft M. C. Railroad is again restored to its officers and they are now in quiet possession of the property. When rece rers Mesres and Melee esti.mated that they would not recognize the order of Governor Ayrock to Supt. Dill to take posession (alter Chief justice Puller's decision was rendert d) the Governor threatened to "call out the tro>ps" and wired Attorney (suion to lake the sheriff of Craven with hi n and take posession by force if neccessary. When shown that prescription the 14-hours old receivers concluded to take their medicine quietly, and vacated the oili.es of the railroad company. • « • The primaries held in this (Wake) county Satur-lay, and in Raleigh Saturday ni ,ht. show that Steadman beat Glenn two to one iu both city and county. In one city and two country preciucts Steadman receiv ed every vuty In th- city the vote was 438 for headman and >49 for Glenn Wake is entitled to 38 votes in the State convetion and Stead man will get 15 or it of these. Winston f_»r Lt. Governor will re ceive nearly the whole vote of Wake, and Wake for Asso. Justice Supreme Court will get about 30 of the 38. Railroad (Vim. Roger* will receive the entire 38. Turner received votes in most of the pre cincts, but his strength lies in fact that he is "sec >nd cliioce' of nany delegates—if it comes to thai in a prolonged contest or deadlock • • * • A large number of distinguished visitors (some from th-s North, who came in s special car) and a big crowd of f'orth Carolinians are in Durham attending Trinity College commencement The anual sermon preached yesterday by Dr. Hyde, President of Bowdoin College, was a magnificent one. Dr. Kilgo re ceived a hearty welcome home from ihe General conference at Los An Coiifornu, where he made >uch a favorable impression by his lea ned and eloquent address as fraternal messenger from the M. K. Church, Sooth. Am oil portrait of the late T. E. Avery is presented to the college by the Alpha Tare Omega fraternity, of which Mr \very was a memb r. * * * The selection of Mr. Robert >M. Phillips to succeed the late R. M. 7 urman as editor of the Morning 'oat is s deserved compliment. Mr. Ihi lifs has been attached tc .he rtaff of the Post for two 01 three years. He is an all—'round nesspaper man—filling with equa' facility the position of reporter, ti editor or ed torial writer. Hl3 genial manners makes him >opular personally, and his friendsi predict that he will prove a success 11 the new and elevated editoria 1 hair to which he has been called. Tfcit Iknbfttat Huiichi Would qnickly leave you, if you used Dr. Kiag's New Life Pills. Thousands of sufferers have proved their matchless merit for sick and Nervous Headaches. They make pure blood and build op youi health. Only 25 cents, money bock if not cured. Sold by S. R. Biggs and all druggists. A Blue X Mack in the Square Below □ means that row Subscription Ends with this ISM KINGBIRD AND ORIOLE. tka D»>■■■■■■ to Ik* Mit» A«n kr TkcV Mm* aiMlai. The difference In the nature of tbs kingbird and oriole b strikingly exhib ited In the style of their nrete. Tbe kingbird hasn't a particle of Imagine - tion, not an atom of the art tat Ic. Ills shape, droaa and voice declare It. Be It hard headed, straightforward and se rious, somewhat overbearing, perhaps, and testy, bnt buaioeeallke and refined in aU his tastes, ills neat la hlaaart* over again strong, plain, bat, like its ballder, refined. Contrast the oriole's. Uomance, poetry and that In describable tooeh—the light, «ay. negli gent tonch of tbe artist—ln every line of Itl Why. tbe thing was actually woven of new mown bay—aa If one should build bla house of wlth aU the acent of tbe hay Arid almut It I pat my nous near and took a deep, dellciona breath. The birds had selected and cut the grass thciaelrae and worked It In while given. Bnoe of It waa still nnrured, still soft and sweet with sap. One side, exposed to the sun through a leaf rift, had gone a golden yellow, but tbe other side, deeply shad ed the day through, waa yet green and making more slowly under the leave*. And this neat waa woven, not built u? Ilka the kingbird's; It waa hung, not aaddled upon the limb, snspeftdsd from the slenderest of forks so that every little breeaa would rack It And aa loosely WOT em so dsftty. stlghtly ttodt- Mattoaal Magazine. Wiaiia M tbe Mas*. Aa attempt waa mad* at Bluekfriara theater la 10» to Introduce French womsa 00 the stage, but without aue cesa, aad th* appearance *f Mia. Ooto maa In Davmanf* "Hlage af Hho«W la 1080 was of a private character. Oa Bee. 8, 1000, aa actres*. whoa* name In not certainly known, took th* part of Deademooa at KUligrew'a thea ters In Vera street, when a "prologue to Introdnce tbe Orst woman" waa writ ten by Jordan. letters patent were granted by Charles 11., dated Jan. 15. 1002, to Sir William Davenant, and these recited that whereas women's porta had for merly been taken by men. to reinrdy thla abuse It waa now "permitted and leave given" that all women's part then, and for tbe time to come, should be performed by women. In Pepys* Dlnry. under date of Jan 8, 1000, we And the record, "To the theater, where was acted Tteggara* Dash,' It being well done, and here tbe flrst time that ever I aaw women come upon th* stage."—London Standard. Bllnklan Ryes. If you And youraelf blinking your eyes rapidly without any cause stop tbe habit at once or It will grow Into an Incurable habit that will make yonr eyesight fail early In Ufa. Natural blinking la necessary to dear and moisten the eye. The arerage nnmlier of natural blinks Is about twenty per minute. Hut a nervous blloker will wink 100 tlmea In a minute. The re sult of this will be on cxcennlv* de velopment of tbe eyelid muwlea. It alxo Involves a counter irritation, which acts on tbe optic nerve and ren ders the sight dally more weuk and Ir rilablc. Onco contract this halilt and you will And yon cannot bear a strong light or read small types, and the eyes will get worse anil worse. Tbe symp toms may indicate a need of epectaclea. Be** Loaf ao***!!*** Ur*. It hi not known Juat bow long mos quitoes can live, but tbclr average life la much longer than la ordinarily sup posed. Thousand a of tbein live through winter, hibernating or asleep In dark places In barns or bouse cellars. In sparsely settled localities, where tbey cannot And such place* for abetter, tbey live through the winter In hollow trees. In caves and hole* onder upturn ed trees, and even though tbe tempera ture may fall far below freezing tbey ar* not winter killed, but on tbe ap proach of warm weather become active again. Moaqultoes art frequently seen flying about In tbe wooda before the anow baa wholly left tbe ground.—Wil lam Lyman Underwood la Popular Sel ene* Monthly. Te*»a* Ik* Taklia. Aa I riebman waa called oa to give evidence in a shooting affray. "D d you aea th* shot fired?" aaked th* nag lstrste. "No," replied th* wltniaa. "bat I bMltl tt" Magistrate (sharply)— That la not eat lafactory. Go down. Aa th* I riah ma a tamed hie hack he commenced to laugh, but waa rebuked by tbe magistrate, who added that tt waa contempt of court. Pat—Did you aee me laoght M aglet rate—No. I heart yoo. Pat—That's not aatlafactory. Aad th* court laughed. aana* Benag* of m Ol *■! Was* A young Hungarian gfpay who had betrayed bis party to the authorities after a robbery begged tbe magistrates at Magyar Egiee for protection, as his companions threatened to kill him. The man waa given shelter, but tbe room wna found empty on the following day. Eventiuilly bla body waa discovered in a field. Tbe eyes bad been burned out, the tongue excised and tbe man hanged by tbe feet on two aearla trees. Tbe body bad been cloven In two. WeU Caanntrd. Visitor—l bear I most congratulate you on tbe engagement of your con. What ao extremely nice looking girl she lsl Mrs. Nolonger Brown—Tea, and ao well connected too. la fact. I've been trid that her ancestors wen relations of the Spanish armada. Speaking of imitation Jewelry, a dia mond oa th* flager la worth a paste la WHOLE NO. 244 IT ISAK/QTOtOFHEAOH &AkiN» POWDER u Absolutely Aire lb M£ a NO SUBSTITUTE Professional Cards. @R. JOHN D. BIGGS, DENTIST] OFFICB: MAIM STREET. GKMCI W. N: WKI.L 8. AT WOOD NMIL GEO. W. NEWF.LL k BRO. LAWYERS Office up attaint in New Ilenk Bui 14- *«■'! hind iidr, top of »tcpe. *VILLIAIIBTON. N C. •yPr»rtirr whrrrrrr imini itf i!r«irr4. Spr, ial aiimihii Riven to examining and niak tng title lor iiuuhaxri ol iimlxi and timber a ad a. PKONE T« W. 11. IIARKKI.I. W«t K WlßMltlf I'' ' Drs. Harrell & Warren PHYSICIANS and SURGEONS OFFICK IN BIGGS' I)IU C; SVOHK 'Phone No. 29 SKEWARKEE #k LODGE HO. 90, F. LA. M. /\J/\ DIRECTORY I"OR 1904. I S. S. Brown. W. M.: H. I). Taylor, A W.; Mr. G. Taylor, J. U T. \V.'Thom as, S. I).; A. F. Taylor, J.I); S. K. I!i)G;S, Secretary; C. I>. Caratarphcn, Treasurer; M M. Critcher and J. I>. llim,Slc(anb; R. W. Clary, TiWr. STANDING COMMITTEES: CHARITY— S. S. Brown, 11. D.Taylor, Mc. G. Taylor. PINAKCK—"A'. C. Manning', W. ll.liar ell, R. J. Peel. RKFKRKKCK— II. W. Stubbs,* J'AOPH R. Ballard, P. K. ilodgcs. Asvi.l Ji —G. W. Blount, W. M. York. 11. M. Burra-i. MARSHA 1.1. J. 11. Hat ton. In Gase of Tire you want to be protected. 4 In case of death yon want to leave your family some- * thing to live on. ln case of accident you want some- * thing to live on besides !* borrowing. Let Us Come to Your Rescue We can insure you against lot!* from Fire, Death and Accident] We can insure your Boiler, Plate Glass, Burg lary. We also can bond " you for any office requir- **l lug bond Men Bat list CtvpnlesTlUprtseiM K. B. CRAWFORD INSURANCE AGENT, Codard Building. -i- 1 11 1 Cc*vr.i:xrs Ac- Aaron* een/Sfni; a x'ul e.ey Mldrtf umtatN HMinjn fwi »•/ .* «r aa luveetV*n 1* j*r«»b**! !f o-u«rt('..Tirisni.-v UoniUrictlrco l |i«^j l »'.,L FU:cl»s*or. •eM free. (;Wnt f V»cei»int Pat tak* n tlin.tufh Mtuii x tu. ferial Kotu* * it hoot CH . vo, uithc Scientific Hsu'dcaa. A Vaedaomely I'.inaitaled W-HI'F. IJOVRHIGT-

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