IrnuroimTniMT Mr ns amsniai raumav, g SlWsaais H.C unio E WIITMOU. Isms. "liU MMMh I tensbxl will h. rh«r»ed Kmm ■saswaksllnsriMslttssllki aaasr •f Ha writer an—fawtca » to be *■»» Naked. fas* as a iwnuWai goo* fmtth. AsvnnaiM Xih -Om tack imttmmrttom feasts. Kmc* islsi |»rst taseiM— jscsmls. ■istaass Lycais McrWta Hae. slisn.snua Mae. Oa»y iar or cksare of Mm tenants, ansl ha is Ills «Scs Mat later Ihaa mvmCaiFTIOW |lj» A YKAB IK ADVANCE —1 sll il 1- 1--- WUUaaMtoa. S.C ■ Saaaad Oasa Mail Matter. . .. FBIDAT, JUK* 10,1904. The force pump on Main street, in front of Husell A Co.'*, ii 1 decided improvement over our old method of 6re fighting. If the town will put in ft number of the* pumpe, and ft supply of will be quite an advance toward* a fire department. The Wilmington Messenger has the following to say on the subject of legalized primaries: "We hope the democratic slate convention, which mocts two weeks from today, will endorse Ibe legalized primary and that the next legislature will pass an act putting it in force. It is the fairest way of nominating candidates. It gives every man a showing." The sentiment in tbis county is growing rapidly in favor of the primary, and wc hope that the day is not far distant when every man will have a voice in the nomination or candidates for all offices. » • May the young people who are going forth from our schools and colleges be great in service. It matters not mncli how much money they may acquire. It is not of first importance that they be" rank ed by men among earth's highest and greatest. It is a matter ot vital concern that they possess a high and bOly enthusiasm to help men and glorify God; that they be eooperants with God in the better ■tent and salvation of mankind. May they hold their knowledge, their talents. ( Jheir time, their money, a sacred trust to be used for God's glory. The more their power, the greater their responsi bility. It is true that "Kndue ■Kflt of power is equipment for Service." —Orphan's Friend. Saffcrs by the Comparison- President Roosevelt has come to the cooclusion that, all North Carolinians are born orators. When he spoke at the Charleston Expo sition be was a second to the elo quent Charles Brantley Aycock, Governor of North Caiotina, and there was no comparison between the two speeches. Last week, Maj. William McKendree Robbins spoke with the President at Gettys burg. The North Carolinian, whose eloquence moves and stirs the hearts of men, made a speech that thrilled the people, and the second time be had to play second fiddler to a North Carolinian. Hereafter when the President is invited to speak from the same flatform be will plead "official ; business." He is not an orator an Sailers in comparison.—News and Observer. Far a Harirttf Yuri For a hnndred years or more Witch Hazel Salve has been recog nizee! as a superior remedy, but it remained for B- C. IX Witt & Co., of Chicago, to discover bow to com binq. the virtues of Witch Hazel | with other antiseptics, in the form of a salve. DeWitt s Witch Ha/el Salve isthp best salve in the world for sores, cuts burns bruises and piles. The high standing of this . salve hss given rise to counterfeits, and the public is advised to look fc jh Atijoson, Crawford & Go. Judge Pritchard last week re tired from the bench of the Su preme Court of the District of Colombia and went to Richmond Wednesday to take the esth of office as circuit judge. The Dis trict bar addopted a resolution ex pressing regret in loosing Judge Pritchard and presented him with a handsome silver punch bowl, in laid with gold. E. J. Best, of Raleigh, has been appointed Judge Pritchard's secretary and stenogra pher. The judge will go to Ashe ville next week and take op his residence there. —Ex. Aiftrsci, Crawford 4 Ca ask the readers of this paper to test the valne of Kodol Dyspepsia Cure Thosfc persons who have nscd it and who have been cured by it, do not hesitate to recommend to their friends. Kodol digests whot you you eat, cures indigestion, dyspep sia and all stomach troubles. In creases strength by enabling the stomach and digestive organs to contribute to the blood all of the nutriment contained in the food. Kodol Dyspepsia Cure is pleasant and palatable. Trip to Hamilton. The Editor and Mr. I. C. Robertson drove over to Hamilton Tuesday. T y stopped on the way at the hospit «ble home of Mr. M.W. Ballard, where they were entertain ed at dinner and remained till the cool of the evening, when they left to complete the trip. Arriving in Hamilton about seven o'clock, the Conolio House was visited where they were bountifully fed and comfortably entertained for the I night. The business men were visited Wednesday, and while bnsi ness is a tittle dull at tbis time, the merchants are in excellent spirits > and are locking forward to a verv good season. The Hamilton Pants Mfg Co. is hustling to fill orders. Just at this time there is about SIO,OOO worth of manufactured goods on hand ready for shipment. We were told that this company is making itself felt by its competi tors in-so-much that the workman ship is of a better class than that of the northern marie articles. The management of this ptoperty is to b; congratulated on the success that is being made. The carpen ters, Messrs. Ward and Baker, are rushiug to completion the hand some church for the Methodist of that town. It is expected that they will be though within a month. While our trip was not as remun erative as was wished for we cannot complain about what we did. It is always a pleasure to meet' any of the subscribers to Thk Enthk pkisk, and we hope that we will be able to make our trips more fre quent. A Continual Stuli Many men and womcu are con stantly subjected to what they com monly term "a continual strain" because of some financial or family trouble. It wears and distresses them both mentally and physically, affecting their nerves badly and bringing on liver and kidney ail ments, with the attendant evils of constipation, loss of appetite, sleep lessness, low vitality and despond ency. They cannot, as a rule, get rid of this "continual strain," but they can remedy its health-destroy ing effects by taking frequent doses of Green's August Flower. It tones up the liver, stimulates the kidneys, insures healthy bodily functions, gives vim and spirit to one's whole being, and eventually dispels the physical or mental dis tress caused by that "continual strain." Trial bottles of August Flower, 25c.; regular size, 75c. At S. R. Biggs. Trlaaphi of Matfara Sawn Wonderful things are done for the human body by surgery. Or gaus are taken out and scraped and polished and put hack, or they may be removed entirely; bones art spliced; pipes take the place of di seased sections of veins; antiseptic dresings are applied to wounds, bruises, burns and like injuries lie fore inflammation sets in. which causes them to heal withoul-iu-itu ration and in one-third the time re quired by the old treatment.''Cham berlain Pain Balm acts on this same principle. It is an antiseptic and when applied to such injuries, causes them to heal very' quickly. It also allays the pain and soreness. Keep a bottle of Pain Balm in your home and it will save yon time and money, not to mention the incon venience and suffering which such injuries entail For wle by S. R. The Methodist Orphanate. Rev. J. W. Jenkins, of the Methodist Orphanage, at Raleigh was here Sunday, and preached to a large congregation. His sermon was greatly enjoyed and the col lection for the Orphanage was the third largest that has yet been taken. There was something over $120.00 given. Mr. N. S. Peel gave SIOO. Rev. Mr. Jenkins sermons have already done a* great deal toward making friends for the institution of which be is the father. It waa only after years of continual labor that he succeeded in getting an Orphanage. Today one of of the handsomest buildings in the South is being completed for the Orphans. THE CHRISTIAN churches nt Con tt&utinople, Turkey and Yokshoma Japan, have long used the Matinez I'ainU for pointing their chur ches. Liberal contributions of L. a M. Paint will Ue R>ven for such purpose wherever a cenrch it located. V. M. Scofield, Harrii Springl, 3' C. write*. " I painted our old homeiitead with L. aM. twenty-six years ago. Not painted aince; looks better than housea pinted in the last four years'" W. B. Barr Charleston, W. Va., writes " Paiatcd Prankenbur# Illock with U. a 11. shows beter than any building here have ever done; stands out as tbo var niahed and actual coat of paint was less than sl. a* per gallon. Wears and covers like gold." These Celebrated Paints are sold by S. *. Mac*. Card of Thanks. We take this method of extend ing to our friends our most sincere thanks for their kindness to us in our recent bereavement, and espe cially do we thank those who furnished teams for the funeral of our little one. Mr. and Mrs. M. L. Nicholson. Worst of til Eiporlmaa Can anything be worse than to feel that every minute will lie your last ? Such was the experience of Mrs. S. 11. Newsoui, Decatur, Ala. "For three years," she writes, "I endured insulTcrabie pain from in digestion, stomach and bowel trouble. Death seemed inevitable when doctors and all remedies fail ed. At length I was induced to try lilectric Biltcrs and the result was miraculous. I improved at once and now I' m completely re covered." For Liver, Kidney, Sto mach and bowel troubles Electric Bitters is the only medicine. Only I Sac. It's guaranted by S.R. Biggs and all druggists. A Southern Compliment. Chief Justice Chase of the su premo court had a grand time on one occasion when lie visited New Orleans. Accompanied by his ac complished daughter, the justice partook of tho generous hospitality of the south, lie entered heartily into the pleasures of the hour, not once presuming to impress tho dig- ' ■ . .ft "■»* ■ THK SUPftltMI OOI'RT OF TBI SOUTH ' nity of his exalted position upon his host. 0110 evening tho justice caught sight of his daughter, Mir rounded by many of the gallants of the south. Addressing himself to a fine old gentleman, the justice, with warranted pride, asked: "Sir, what do you think of m\ daughter?" "If you will permit me to judgf by present appearance," replied the gentleir bowing graciously, "1 assert |*-/livtly that she is the su fremet «iit of tho south."—Detroit ree I\wa llmlH With Ike rram. Aiming with the ctohs was flrat prse tlorxl by Christians to distinguish tbciiimlvm front the pagans In •» dent times kings and nobles nsod tin sign at the cross, whether they couM write or not, as a symbol that the per son making It pledged hluiself by his Christian faith to the truth of tho mat tar to which hs affixed it 4 »_ . !UMiMNa "*v. » The New York Evening Tele gram tells of a man who saw "Camille" played and so overcome with sadness that be went home and swallowed furniture polish. Knew a man once who saw "Ten Nights in a Barroom" played ind went out between acts and surpris ed hi* stomach »ith water straight. Roanoke News. —Subscribe now to your county paper. We will send The Enter prise from now until January Ist, 1905, to every one sending us 50 cents. Legal Advertisements. SALE! We will aell to the highest bidder on Tliriiai, tie 30th Ui if JIM, W4 at to o'clock, a. m.. in the town of Ham ilton, all the real and personal property belonging to The Hamilton Milling Co., consisting of one lot with large frame building thereon, known as the "Hooker Stable*," one 18-horae power Gasoline Engine with larger galvanized water and gasoline tank*, one peannt cleaning ma cnine with txliii pulley*, etc., one griat mill, One jo-aaw VanWitikleCotton Gin and Condenser practically new, one Cotton Pre**, on Truck and on* pair of Pairbank'a Platform Scale*. TERMS of sale: #600.00 caab, balance in one, two and three year*. D. W. LEWIS, President 34 4t F.L.SALSBURY.Sec. and Treas. M«rt?n"county} ' n lhe Su Court John 11. Truitt; Jaines Hill and wife.Cora Hill; C. S. Caihwell and wife, Emma C. Catbwjll; J. L. Larry, Kutie Lerry, L. L. Lerry against John W. HemUix By viituc of power vested in me under 1 judgment of the Superior C "»urt of Mar tin county in the above entitled cause. (The sale of the lands heretofore mule hiving bceu raised by a ilepasit as re r]iiin.d by law, and the aail sale set aside) I will aell the lan la formerly owned by the late Prank M. Ranch, subject to his widow'* d'jwer and tlesc lib -1 iu the l»e --titiou on Monday, the 4111 day of July, 1904, at 12 111. Terms. Ca*h. 34-4t S. li. SI'RUII.L, CoinmUfcioner World's Fair April 25 to Nov. 30 Excursion Tickets Sold Daily Season Tickets Sixty-Day Tickets, and Fifteen Dny Tickets. THROUGH PULLMAN SLEEPERS CAFE DINIMS CARS N»TW TIIK Norfolk & Western Railway Offers to visitors to the Ltiislua Pirckiti Eiposllloi St. Louis, Mo. Excursion Tickets VIA CINCINNATI. OHIO, on COLUMIiI'S, OHIO Pullman Sleepers are operated daily to Imth the aliove cities •ml also St. I.OUIR via Columbus and Pennsylvania l ines. Rates, Schedules,and additional in formation furnished upon appli to agents of the company, or W. B. Bo 111 M. P. Br*n Gen'l Pama. A({t. Trav. Pass. Agt. ROANOKR, VIRGINIA WILLIAMSTON PRESSING CLUB Kirby's Hall, Main Street We solicit your patronage in our line and guarantee first-class work. Pressing and cleaning a suit,7sc. Pressing a suit 50c. Pants, per pair 25c. We also clean and press Ladies' Skirts. Ice Cream Parlor in connection. Orders taken for furnishing Cream to families. PRICE & TROUPE TO BE GIVEN AWAT im* hi I*.L« :U«, C.JW I AACKM h oft. UJT. I ■' NIL. 1 N.ITIWITLN 1 AII»WI» L.MTI TNL t C—mill 111 IWin h ikUt.UM MWUhI. MAP otram IKMW WW NEW IDEA Wo«»b'i Mmgmatmm MM »«, * vTiid T*»*»«» -VF HYWVKK (.*«•.* M « 1111 I.ika NRW ID«A WOMAN* MAOA- I' MNwh MnMIH Qt 2IS!HS! 1 ' **:' mta Mm t£ UKtt or TBI COKMTKM Of Bank of Martin County at WILUAKSTOK. M.C-. at ike cloee of MMM KnA M. in mmaoumam: UM * Dtacoaata I «kt»H Orer Draft*. >AUS other Work* aad Boada. Pnraitare * Mxtarea, 1.71W Denttid OMfMßtataarfkakm 4v*J* Kat I Baak Rotes aad otker C.S.Kates 7."*>« MTU. uuiuna: CapUal Stock. |IMM BaraJaa laaa Uadiridcd rrodt. l^l) I>ac to Baak* aad Baakrra «7 74 OrpaaMa aab)cc« to Ck«ck B.K u Tfaaa CcrtiScatea of DrpeaM, *.sn totau IwSTi I.}. O. Codard Mkr, of Soak «f Hntk Comty. 4e Mknlf awcar (or sflrmj Oatfla •km HalnMt is tract* Ik* Wot a* aij >aa» kip aad belief, J. O. UOUABD. Cuklir. State af Martk Carottao I Caaaty af Martia f •worm to awl sabacribed Man me, tkia ftk day of April. A. D.. Ha* C. H GODWIN. Motary Mk. COBB KCT-ATTEST: | i»»»ii a. Bin \ Wkcclcr Martia j DIMOCTOBB S. L- Oodard \ J. O. Oodard f BIFOBT or run comrnoa or J. C Robertson, Banker, at lOntUOKTIUI, B. C, at tkactaaeaf kahtai Bint dtt. i|a| inovicn , Ijooas aad Discoaals $ 7,711.51 Overdrafts uuj Paraltare aad rtxtam TM^a Dae froo, Baaka aad Baakcis ti^m# Cheeks aad otker Cask Itosaa >.•«• 77 TOTAI. f UABiuran Capital Block fcasauss Undivided Pradta >.*>«* Depoait* Babject to Chock SMjaJh Time CeriiScalcaof Drpoalt Mpaaa Caaktor'* Ckacka OHna TOTAI. | Mat* Of Nortk Caroliaa 1 Coo at y af Martia J I.J.C Bohertaoa, Cashier af Ik* akun aaaii book, do aikaaiy mar tkat tka akax lall n»nl ia trac to Uto best af mty kataltdgr aad beikf. J. C BoBKkTBOK, Caakirr. ft worn and safaacribcd to befan at tkia stk day of April, lya*. BL- BOSS, Notary Pabtfc- Pifß RIS NT— A two alary dwelling, (in to urn of WilliamUoti) 6 rooMMaad kitchen, 3 acrea of laaJ attached. P«i particular* apply to 11 tf DR. W. H. HARRBtX. I —A fine lot of nice white enve lopes at 4 cents a package, (25 in a pack) at the Enterprise Book Store. Subscribe to THK ENTERPRISE I a/-- -J_l DYSPEPSIA CURE Mill II E DIGESTS WHAT YOU SAT ■NF H ■ Kg EB H ■ H T»« 1100 botth cart*!*. 2H DIMS th« trial mm. vhlck nklltH atfa M H H IS Bfl H B H rtßMiio OBIT AT T*« UNUTOCY o» ■ % ■ B. C. DaWITT * COMPANY. CHICAGO. XSJU V >j NarrUon Brothers & Gompany Matting Sale! FLOOR MATTING low. Prices from * * -|» 12i to 25 Cents per. Yard ,-.. e : ' ' * Gome and Jet your Selection c ===== from a new lot = .ir ' . -..® '' ' ' ->• ~ " " ' ■ " *• "" . Look for this space for our next ad. which will announce our r .' " ' ->• ... -t 4, regular "Summer Goods Sale." Harrison Brothers & Company '•» 5 CENTS 5 " BUYS A SHARE IN A COMPANY OWNING AND OPERATING 2 GOLD I GOLD MINDS Producing Gold Daily We expect quick and steady dividends I New Company just starting on the •» * road to wealth. Pictures, prospectus, gold ore free. Write us SUNSET GOLD COMPANY 35-4» * LANSFORD F. BUTLER, Sec y, 507 Mack Block, Denver, Colo Y to own a building erected for tU uie-OM of the finest in Richmond, Indorsed by It* iteilll, buslnsss men and the press. PfcthuMpMa flliiiisigpfcsr H}> 1 "It is the leading Buiinem College south of the Potomac River." I "Whsa Trenched Richmond, I Inquired of several business nee lor IfcabMl 171 Single, Doable Bbtry and Joint-Stock Bookkeeping, Cotnmerclal Arithmetic Business Writing, Business Practice, S Typewriting, IWsfranhv, Commercial Law. English Department. Ladies and geotlemsa. Day and nigh* Seaslons. No vacations. Students enter at any time. By Mall.—Booktossp | lng. Shorthand, Pnamanihip. at home, to those who cannot come to GolMfa. | Special Inducements to well educated young men, eapecially to teachers, f Write for catalog and full particulars to C. I. Siltbdeal. Pres., Blclinad,

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