THE ENTERPRISE ALFRED I.*WHITMQAK. EDITOR. , JP> ' TERMS OF subscription : * * One Ye*r, £I.OO Six Mouths, 50 cents ? Payable In Advance VOL: V. NO. 40. = — r 7 . i• 9 • JWhen You Have Chilis or Other Wl. In Any Way Malarious, \ , M Dotft Load Yourself with Quinine Pills, % M Or Other Drugs Nefarious a SOMETHING SAF \ Wintersmiths I \ CEtiii SB J GUARANTEED cure Chills and Eever, Dengue, LaiJrlppe and Biliousness Ji&r FAMfELB *| v (Too late for last issue) Miss Nora Smith, of Ayden, is visiting kei' sister, Mrs. R. M. Prince. i * * • Miss Ifattie Glees, of Rogtrj ▼ille, Tet*:, passed through lie it Tuesday.' f * * 1 Mr. P#wel)) of Ballard*, spent the day at Mr. H. C. Van Nor 11 wick's Sdbday. ' Mia. Matthews, Mus VatiNort wick ana little Stanley wcut to Plymouth, Monday. Rev. Mr, lilcOowal, of Washing iagton, preached at the Presbyter ian church Monday night. One hodse and lot in the town of Roberaonville for sale by W. A. Bright. Parlnele, N. C. The Cbilflrifcn'itaylri the Metho dist church veary Bice and much eujoja#by all -wire attended. Mia* AHe« Jnefea afca nromw. Lamb, were the goes*'of Mr. and Mrs. IL C. NanNojtwick Sunday. Rev. Mr."iumley. of ftotierson- Yille. filled his regular appolntfnent at the Presbyteriau church Sunday •veniug. , v. Mr. N. O* Vf aNyrtwick. oi gnV lards, cameTiome J&nday' morning to spend a few days with his pa rents. Mr- and Mrs. Harvey Bright and little Frackie, of Greenville, were the guest of Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Bright Sunday. Miss Hudson left for licr home •Tuesday. She has made many friends in Parniele, and her pres ence amon§ M Will -jber greatlv. missed.' - t* | v £.J\ Miss MaiilUJlfntifeiew*, Mi£ Lft l la VanNortwick and little Stanley. lof Rocky Monnt, came down Sit lurday night to spend a few davs ■ with Mr. and Mrs. 11. C. Van r Nortwick. Mo Pltf Sicri "For years fate was after me con tinuously" writes F. A. Gullcdgc, Verbena, Ala. "I had a terrible case of Piles causing 24 tumors. When all failed Dnckien's Arnica Salve cured me. Equally good for Barns and aches and pains. Only ajc at Biggs' ■ Many people who arc neglecting symptoms of kidney trouble, Roping 4 1t will wear away," are H m drifting towards Bright's Disease, which is kidney trouble in one of Rs wont forma \m FOLIYSKIDNEYCUKE , ■ _ 11 stops irregularities, strengthens the urinary organs sod builds up ttos worm-out tissues £9 of toe kidneys so they will perforin their functions properly. Haaltby kidneys strain out I ■ the Impurities from the blood as it parses through them. Dissased kldiieys do noL and I . ■ VfVMmrEl the poisonous waste matter is canied by the circulation ,io every Dart of the body, g ■ iVn J \ causing dizziness, backache, stomach trouble, sluggish liver, irregular heart action, etc. H I If you have any signs of Kidney or Bladder Trouble commence taking FOLEY'S I ■ V KIDNEY CURE at once, as it will cure a slight disorder in a few days and prevent a I fatal malady. It is pleasaqjt to take and benefits the whole system. Mow to Find Out. m 9. B. Burheos Tactiron After Pour T»r* RS r Br =" i fXr Too can eatily de»etm«sa if your kldneyo art O. B. Durhaoa of Carlisle Cer-tor, M. Y., wlteai Hfl S.*f£v t! out of older by settioe aalde for 34 bpnr« • "AlMut four year* «#o I wrota you »uac« that I bad tow KXtrr'T FU; KM 'W/.'Sj, bottle of the arms passed npon arising. If cured ot a nrrero kl doer trouble by t«ki«t 1«»1 than two betttve of K j I Upon examination it 13 cloudy or mttkj Of bfll Poky 1 ! Kidney Co/%. It «otlrc!y Stopped tbebriefc-du-it sedlmettt and l &3 .. • brick dost sediment Or Snikll float »jrmptoei« of Mdacv disease disappeared. lam jlsJ to my that pa ■ ■ abattin it, Voor kidney* .re dTUa.ed, and V.SZJ W' ' ■ - I FOLEY'S inONBY CURB afcoold be taken CiT£ m?TV£*M *2m \L IH at iTVt ; kiaoeT or bladder troabU.*- H '• fl. T ' Two Sires, 60 Gor.ts and SI.OO. Ejj "V WllllamstoiT, N. G. IIOBGOOD. (Too late for last issue) June 29.1904. Rev. G. L. Mcrrcll preached in Bdgecpmbe last Sunday. We had a nice rain last Moudny, and fcribps are whoopi&g. Rev. D. B. Parker preached at Afilliains' Chapel last Suuday. W. G. Hedgepeth and Mrs. Mollie Belle wcut to Scotland Neck last Thursday. , l>t. J. A. White, of Plymouth, is speuditig a few days here visit teg his mother. Mrs. T. 11. Hdmondson returned yesterday from Koauoke Rapids where she has beeu visiting rela tives. All the crop; in thissection are lookiug fine. They are \*ell work ej up and are well advanced for the season. Miss atattie ftlurchison, of Gulf, who has been spending quite a wtaile with her aunt, Mrs. O L Merrell, returned hoini last Thurs day. Miss Delia Murchison, of Fay ettcville, left for tier home last after spending several days with her aunt, Mrs. G. L. Merrell. Mra. K. M. Goidy, whj has been sick, is much improved and is re gaining lost strength rapidly.. She is receiving calls ao J payfug visits right along. Miss Hazemorc nud Mrs. Brftges •ml children, of Lewiston, and Mrs. Peel, of Palmyra, are speud ing a few day*? with their sister, iMrs. D. B. Parker, of our town. .. » « There was an ice cream supper Riven by our genial, clever nnd highly entertaining townsman, Mr. P. A. Ruffin, last Tuesday night, complimentary to the veiling youux ladies. Ice cream, cake and other daintv refreshments were served, and was freely and heartily enjoyed by a large crowd. Owing to the rain thev had to be served in the dinilig roam instead of on the lawn, as first intended. The young couples entered in the following order: W. IJ. Gal!iu with Miss Mollie Worfley, W. 13. Hyr.ian with Miss Kffie Worsley, Robert Baker with Miss Sallie flyman, E. C- Ruffin with Miss ffijc (Sntcnirise. WILLI AMSTON, N. C„ FRIDAY, JULY 8. 1904. [ Mollie Lewi*. M. P. Whichard with Miss Mattie Murchiaon, S. AV. Hy man with Miss Mary Hobls, Dun can Murchison with Miss Allen Itymnii.Mr. Coleman tvith Miss IXlIa Murchison, Thomas White with Miss Fannie Staton, F. A. Rulhn with Miss Alma Murchison. -fc. Right vas Her Terror "I would cough nearly all night long,' 1 wrtes Mrs. Chis. Applegate of Alexandria., "and could hardly get any sleep. I had consumption so bad that H I walked a block I would cough frightfully and spit blood,but when all other medicines fiijed, three sl' 00 bottles of Dr. King's New Discovery wholly cured me anil I gained 5$ pounds" It's absolutely guaranteed to cure Coughs, Colds, La Grippe, Bion chitis and all Throat and Lung Troubles. battles free at Biggs' diug ft^. ■■ » » ' JAHESVILLE. July sth, 1904. W. W. Walters wen to Williams ton Tuesday. Mr. F. A. Boyle went to Wil liamston Tuesday. Preaching at the Methodist church Suuday by Rev. Mr. Iluai bte, of Robersonville. It is rumored that we are to have! barroom to be run by Mr. J. T. Casper, of Hamilton. Let everybody take a trip to Not folk on the 13th and 14th. Round trio tickets for $2. For only two dollars you will see tfie sights aud' have a good time. j GOD CALLS 11KK TO SI.KKP I The soul of Miss Delhi I. Jack-1 son left this world of despair and' darkness, taking its (light to :c- 1 gioas of joy in heaven,ou the morn-I LISL 1 /-!? 1 ' I 'IPJi - a . t . A3! a shock to tfce town and connnu-1 nitv. Slie was 0:1 c who krtfcw the art of friendship making, aud every one who knew her loved aud ad- j mired her excellent qualities. Mtss ' Jackson was 21 years old. "She w;i> a beloved member of the Christian chifrcli, of tlii.s place, and was very ariive in her religions life. Slia died with typhoid fever. Death comes to all; niftge is ex empt, the roads on which tli~ great pass and the simple path of the lowly, however different in their course, to the same one it coiDes equally to all, atid brings all to an equal. Miss Jackson leaves a father, mother aud .sacral brothers and one sister to mourn tlurloss of a dear one. The bereayw family has the sympathy of the town aud community. bleep, sleep tliou peaceful sleeper that know no wakcuiny, Thy soul be at rest with the angels in beaveti, Where sorrow is known no more, and the thief is kept from the door; will be at rest with angel* j of joy. So sleep, sleep, thou peaceful sleeper. — l The Stock Subscription Book of The Kuterprise Printing Com pany Is now open for Jhe sale of Stock. Shares SSO each. If in terested call qnd investigate. Entertained His Friend? Kittrcll, N. C., June 30th, 1934 Master John Boddie Crudup en tertained a number of his little friends Wednesday afternoon at his beautiful country home, in honor of hie little cousin!" Miss Susie I'ip pin Purvis, of Hamilton. N. C. Much aniussmeut was afforded by pinning the tail on a donkay. Miss Rosa Hunt received the prize for pinuiug it nearest the proper place. Delightful refreshments were served in the spacious oTtfsii 2 room. Among those present were: Misses Susie Pippin Purvis, Cora and Rosa Hunt, Margaret Capc h.irt, Kate Hlackuell, Margaret l.oetina and Nannie Bedford Wil liams, Annie May Barnes, Josephine lieid and Masters Ashhurn aud Jack Capeliart, and Thomas Hunt, Tucker Reid, Harcourt Guy and Charles Barnes aud Tom Skiuuer Kittrcll. ' ANNOUNCEMENT We will liave an Educational Ral ly at Hamilton Saturday, 16th Gov. Aycock and State Supt. J Y. Joyucr luvc bsea invited to deliver addresses." County Superintendent will have charge of rally in my ab sence. IS very body invited to come. Let the fanners, merchants, and frauds of education, take a day off and at tend this rally. Social invitation to the ladies. Parents are requested to coma and bring their sous nnd daughters. Make it a day of recre ation, pleasure and social enjoy ment. The wealth of thin country is not in btuks, factories, railronds,houses and laud. The wealth of the V. S. Is in its people. The best way tbsre fore to increase the value of our lands and homes, is to increase the capacity of the people; and the way to increase a man's capacity is to educate hiiu. If by educatiou the earning power of a man call be from *\ a day to $2 3 and fo.the amount of money expended in '.d niciit (hat can be matte 01 it. ' Art "uneducated child has v one chance otit of 150,000 of Attaining distinction as a factor in the pro gress of the age. A common school education will increa*: lib chances nearly four. A hish school training will in crease the chances of the common school boy twenty-three times, giv ing-him "eighty-seven" times the uneducated. OPPORTUNITIES FOR ALL No Section of the United States provjdtK the wonderful opportuni ties for success to the capitalist .pro fessioual man, farmer, miner, labor er, or trades, that exists iu the Great Southwest. Missouri, Arkansas, Kansas, Ok lahoma, Indian Territory, Texas, New Mexico and Arizona, await lutfu with money, brain and muscle- Science has declared the climatic conditions of this section the grand est iu the world. Special round tiip tickets, to permit you to investigate, and full information furnished upon appli cation to, VV. T. SAUNDERS, D. P. A., Frisco System, 1108 East Main Street, « Richmond, Va. VALUE OF SALT. I #l»w 1« Mar Br i.rj to (teller* VftrfloM* I! In, Salt clenniKM the imlatc and furred tongue, nnil n cnrsl? of anlt mid water la often cHlcncioua. say* Table Tn!k. A pinch of stilt on the tongue, followed ten minute* afterward by n drluk of cold water, often nra a sick head ache. Suit lumh-n* gems, m,*ke« troth white nml Kwcctriu; the breath. Cut flower* may be kept freah by adding unit to the water. Weak ankle* ahonltl he rubbed with notation of sail water n >«t alcolioL Uiw cold*. buy fe ver and kindred a friction* may l>o Biiuh relieved by tialng Hut- dry salt like snuff. I>y*p. iM.ln. heartburn and lndlge«tton are relieved by a cup of hot water In which a sunill spoonful of salt had been (Unsolved. Salt nml water >*>ll romctlnies re lievo an uucoum-lou* person when hurt If brandy or other retm-diea arc not at hand. Hemorrhage* from tooth pulling urc Mopped by tilling the month with unit and water. Weak iiud tired eye* lire refreshed by bathing wttb warm Water ami unit. I'ubllc speakers mat many noted Nlmn rs use n wash of salt ami water before and after using the voice, as It strengthens the organ* of the tliront. Suit rubbed Into tlu» scalp or IHADHIOU aIIy added to the water In washing pre vents the hair fnlllng out. Kcntbers uncurled by damp -.veatber are qutckly drled by stinking over a lire In which salt has been thrown. . Knit always should tie eaten with tints, nnd a dessert frnlt salt should be specially madu. How la Laaatfrr I anaa In lauudsrlug battenberg nud raosls sane* lacea It Is IwtUr uot lo Iron tluun. Instead, pin a white flaiuisl uluUi to the Ironing board and over this put a ales a white piece of eheaaecloth I'ki the lace down carefully at a'll the SMillopa nnd |>elata ami stsud life board naar a radlati.r or register where Hie boat will dry It quickly. The reeulle are fsr more antisfnrtory tbau using an Iron, and the hue will last twice aa lotic. • law la Wash Summer "rills The old fashlonsd way to wash eol orod materia Is Is the tat*, first pre pare a pull of eold water with a tnbls spoonful of Imras. Leave the colored goods In this for an boar, then dip them Into a tub of wnrm taurine suds, 11 tnbleH|iOO!iful of borax to 11 gitllou of Son'i u " ,h " " w fnty by shaving without wi!.| , .' K ...V?. , ?.. u .- .*-TK.°X «**!!» an.l l.iHt. If dee'red. put through pule bluing wnler, but for k"mls hiivtni; 11 cicuni ground blultip Is not lined any more. This shuttle method of I Hinder ln«r eoloi'itl fabric* Is luvnrlnbly suc cessful, loavlng the ni'».st delicate tints Untouched And will). It make every a bite part exquisitely clean and fresh It keeps the color from running or streaking. All colored to ids SIMIUM drl|> dry out of the sun If possible. How to Ctemi on litvollii'a Itmoaa. I>o not try to sweep 1111 Invalid's room, but wring n clean cloth out of 001.l water to which a few drops of am monia hare been added and carefully wipe the carpet, mntting or floor, turn ing nnd rinsing the cloth and changing (lie water ns It nets dirty. How to tan Small Fialla, If you wnnt your smut) fruit, stw-h ns berries, to taste like fresh fruit, try tills way of doing them up: Wash your rami thoroughly, fit the rubber* on. then 111 l ns full with the cleaned fruit ns possible without cru*lilUK. When the EN lIN place suiter in a sauce pun, allowing two teitcu;>fuls of grit nu ll! tod sugar and one pint of water to each Quart can. Stir until sugar dia solve**, then twill uutll It dro|ie like honey from the spoon. Wrap the ciius In a clotli wrung from hot water, then l>otir In the hot sirup, tilling to over flowing. fkrew on tbe tops, set upside down nud leave until tbe next day. Then nee thut the covers are tight uud sot In II cool, durk plnce. How to Serve Duilan. In Mrving sardines uisny pe»if4e drain nud wipe the flsh, nud, after placing 011 the serving platter, pour a tenspoonful of piu-e olive oil over each. This Is supposed to render tbcm more delionte In flavor. llow to Pravrat Willi. Ooeer yonr flower tied over with salt from one Inch te two Inches deep Ikimpcn the salt occasionally and leuve M on the ground fer a twk or tou days. This will be sufletent time to kIH not only Uw weeda, but slao all sseda that may be In tbe soil ur ou tbe surface. Before planting dampen Uie ground thoroughly and let It alone ovar ii igbC Serape off all tbe salt en tbe surfsee in tbe morning and let It re msln en til dry enough to work. Then plant your eeeSs and yon need have no I ear of being liotbored with weeds. Slaw Ui Maka Taa rtaffa. Upon sli teaspoon/ule of inlsed tan pour two quarts of freehly boiling water, stand for ten mlnutee, strain off and sweeten to taste. When cold, fieece. How to nisinfeet Slaks. Copperas Is an excellent disinfectant for elnks, sewers and nuy drains. It should tie dissolved hi hot water In tbe proportion of a pound r.nd a half to tbe gallon. F|ve cents' worth Is enough to disinfect a small kitchen elnk or nny similar drain. After using the oopper ns follow It with clear boiling water, rinsing thoroughly. It corrodes any metal with which It comes In contact if this is uot done. llow to Raaaova Slabbora Serewa. A stubborn scfew can generally be re- without dlfliculty if the screw driver Is heated before it Is applied. ' • . i I /! * »HT A Blue X Mark In the Square Below * □ means that your Subscription Ends with this Issue SnKlnn A«ll«n io Word. Mr. Stnylntp—So your sister kocpi foil well Miijipllpit wltli pocket money? Tommy—Yea. Mr. Ktuylnto—l presume yon have tc do RomeililiiK In return? Tommy (yawning)— Oh, yen. I havr I to fotno in nnil yawn when vi«ltors art' •laying too late. MuVlr.u a Date. Student nriug your Mil la a IDOL Hi . Tailor—And then- Student— Then I will give you an other appointment.—Fllegende it in iter. ■ti r«u. Oaddlo-Why don't you lilt It ns hard M you Mil! Tin- tilrl—l'm nfrold It would-tlre us to walk iih far ns the bull would go.— New York Kvfiilns Journal. Had Not l imuurd. "Oli, uncle! You said thnt If I would wait here until you came back you wouldn't be long." "Well, wlmt about ItT" "But you ure Just as long as you were before." — • j Too Lot*. /*' ' HVhtl'i tbe matter, «ry fcohyr I tkoMjdU U was maw met laid me not tor no In swimming, aa' }uat remembered U waa pawl"— OUNRO American. A t«l> o4 Wm, ■>'( Mrs. Mouse— Oh, dear I What shall I do? Some tramps ate our roof last nlgbt, nud Mr*. Jouee doesn't bake again until tomorrow! —New York BT (fling Journal. .v. ~■[ t "i . . > WHOLE NO. 248 IT ISA MATTER OF HEALTH pwSER'I Aiioolutdl/ Pure THERE fS NO SUBSTITUTE Professional Cards. I §)U. JOnND. BIGG?, ©EJSITIST OFFICE: MAIN STREET. Gaoaoi W. .XiWHU k ATWoOD Nkwbll GEO. W. NEWF.LL A BRO. LAWYERS fcjT' OBcf apatalra in New Hank Build tug, left baud tide, top of atp pa. Williamston. N C. 4^Tract ice wherever eerrkd >ra dnirrd. Special attention given to examining aud niak Ing title for parcbaaera of timber aud timber anda. n* PHOWI T4 W. H HARRKU. " WW. B WARRRM Dm. Harrell & Warren PHYSICIANS and SURGEONS Bir.r.s' Drug Stork 'Phone No. 29 I ■ SKEWARKEE /k LOD - E No. 90, F. fit A. M. /\^/\ DIKKCTORV I'or 1904. 8. S Brown, W.M.; 11. I). Tiivlor, 9. W.; Me. G. Taylor, J. \V.; T. W. Thom as, S. 1).; A. F. Taylor, J.I); S. K. I»'KK H r Secretary; C. I). Carstarj>Heii, Treasurer; M.M. Critcber ami |. I>. Higgs,Steward*; R. W. Clary, Tiler. ' . STANDING COMMITTEES: Charity— S. S. Ilrowti, 11. D. Taylor, Mc. G. Taj lor. PinanCr —*V. C. Manning, W. ll.liar ell, K. J. Feel. Rkkh'kenck— ll. \V. Stubbs, Joseph R. Ballard, P. K. Hodges. Asvu'M— G. W. Mount, \V. M. York, 11. M. lt'.irraii. Marsha w,—J. 11. Haltoll. In Gase of Fire 1 1 you want to be protected. In case of death you want 1 to leave your family some thing to live on.ln case of accident you want some thing to live 011 besides borrowing. Let Us Come to' Your Rescue We can insure you against loss from Fire, Death and Accident. We can insure your Boiler, Plate Glass, Burg- 1 larv. We also can bond you for any office requir ing bond , , Nlll Bit Bast Camillas RtpustiM -K. B. GRAWFORD INSURANCE AGENT, Jt. Godard Building. BO YEARS' experience nc MAtTaT Copvh.iohts .to. Anyone fanning a t.kefeS and tuay fulrklr A* * jHAia our o|4uion o a hat bar aa lnv»ntKn »a proliabl* (V uu.tuilfi*- y>nu»trloUjcoi.JlaJiU>U. U*xdbt*lkoa I'atuuts t aart froa. CiMcat r.nctu▼ 'or a«nifinK I'Hirr.ia iaktn inrush M«t:a k Ok yaaatvt without aW«e, in tta ■ Sckitfiltc JlßKifcau.' Alianrtjnmalf niuatratotl iroakly. I nmost d*. • ealatbm of any fiamtca louruaL Tai ma, f* m . tcur ; four rnontha, $L Bt»d by all nawalaat*r%