(There's a Reason Why . ECHOL'S Piedmont Concentrated I Iron and Alumn Water! nm Indigestion, Rheumatism. Ca a tairh, Female Oiniplaints, Kidney 1 And Bladder Troubles. Stomach nud {. Bowel Mtofdcra. Ncrvimsncs.fi, M i jv I iri.», Sooifuli and other lilood and » Skin Dtstsws. It is Hot a patent medicine, hilt a r natural product containing neat!;, if erery mineral found in a healthy £ human bodv. When those m.in rtvl• B fua| h* from the system, sickness i the result, and there is sirthinj; jjt known to science whicll replaces H them »o quickly as our M inept! 5 Water Remedy. If we cau't gU-c }°» value rcctiv F ed for your money, we will refund g it. You have all to j;aiu and notli- i inj; to lose. Physicians ail ovi: tills B conntry it, und >ou find 6 people ever) where who have licen S cuied witli it. For sale liy E S. K. UIGGS and all good druggists. Sot bottles 5>C.;1807.. bottles #I M J. M. ECHOLS CO. Lynchburg. - - Virgin* PIANOS AMD ORGANS "WHOLESALE and RETAIL A. D. Jones & Co., OBHMSBOKO, NOUTH CAUOI.IXA Southern Factory Distrib utors fur tho world famous KIMBALL KTcloao you money to l>tiy tlicni give free trials «ire pay the freight Mi* sav« you 25 j>e' cent Iff* add nothing to the jifincipa! when sold on Easy Payments Write for our latest Piano and Organ Catalogue, and for full particulars A. i>. JONKS k COMPANY 2uß South Elm Street GRELXSIIUKO, N'nliTll CAIMI.INA wyi ii U.V SC. NSj asSfe- Y . ''iLf *'W Wkh It kwl , t 111* Ji'it mini have I >IKn:.Mv. l .Mi! I U -I iraiiK. ■ i ...»r * y..r» rfIIUNH KIkl.AUMrt bavo ■ U— • r««riMnl mm , I' STANDARD ACCURACY AND I DURAIULITY » Ltrfoiftu oim.i >••-«« n«i '«ti anf I *, KIFLES. froi t . S 1.00 to 915U 0U I PISTOLS f.om . 2.50 to f0 CO I SHOTGUNS, from 7..*.0 10 .W.oo S MT» «ul .»•? f> 4« (r>«|i|*«a |>n-|M«iili u n »»» >r' '4 U JMM i «••• I m-ura IM HI (tout » yrf 4mmm 4 * J. Sccvcn? Arms & Tool Co., I f.o t.ox lui-t CHICOPCe UIIS. MASS. i I R I P A N S Tabtiles Doctors find A good prescription For mankind Tte f emmt p*ok«( »• «ao»>gh .for u»ual oerttior s Tlm kaily totlU **> MUU) ooutmius a »ui»|»i) m * wmm- AU 4i«ui»Uwlt tbem. Ftpoeiis^^^ aw •m.T-Btrr ■"18471 ■ Rogers Bros." g litW TraJi imark ■ Sal app— odflat] Pfij I Knives, Porks g and Spoons. E H Tktn an auay Imitation*— Ew -U4l" im identlfflng mark H| H •rtWaraaia*, which arr Kid ■ kflodliic dcalrn. bead to / Qa Ma km for baoklat t 1 I 1 " CW 1 1 Okl fli MTEMATIOML Jt A A lillKll. Ctao. jfci . ;•* 1 Try for Health! 282 South Peoria Ft., CBICAUO, IU~, OTT. t, 19W. Eight month* aa> I waa «o ill Out 1 TU rout pell«*l to lia * (it down noar!/ all the time. My itoniach wm 13 weak and up*t that I could keep nothii* on it and I vomiUsl frequently, could not urin:.t«f «ltkout prrct paiu nuil I unjjbiMfloaiaLli that uiy throat and l'sntr* WB« raw and Kuril. T!.o due tors |>ro nouncod it HritfLt t!ise*ie and other i said it »:i« cunmiaptn* It mattered little to ma what they tidied it and 1 h«id nodc nu» tJ livo, A f :/Vr VI".. U Jme from St. lymis and a.i-d mc if I hud ever trii.il W itc of t'r-rdu:. I told li( r f had not and *i~) l.out'lit a bottle. 1 U-iieve that it s avi dmy life. I Lclietre tuany women could K.ve not h suffer ing i£ they but knew yf iU value. Ik>n't you want fm!om from I pain? Tak» Win® of CarJui and make one eupretne effort to 1)9 well. You do not wid to t» a weak, lielplexj auflerar. You can Lave a woman'* li -alth and i do a womau'a work IU life. Why not »eturi* a bottle of WIIW «# Cardui from your drutftfu* to day ? WKHECORIMM SEE'S Laxative * V& HONEY'"TAR An improvement over all Cough, Lung and Bronchial Remedies. Cures Coughs, Strengthens the Lungs and Gently Moves the Bowels. Pleasant to the taste and good alike for Young and Old. PRIPAIKiD IV Plnttli Medicini Co.. Cllcaii, U. S. A. S. 11 HI.I.ISCN A Co. BIGGS' TONIC CHILL CI UK TASTLESS At Wholesale Prices SURE CURE FOR —— Chills Biliousness La Grippe Debility, Etc. Free From Poison ** 1* Entirely Harmless Quite Pleasanl loTakc Cliiltlron Fohil of it Price, 50 Gents PRKPARKI) BY S. R. DIGOS WILI.IAMSTOX, N C. Williamstou Tdcphoc Co. Office over Hank of Martin County, WILLIAKSTON, V. C. Phone ensures Umttrtl t» j mmuUv r«tr« charfv will ptmillvciv Im.* iua«lc lot lou«> timf. To Washington 1} CrnU. " Greenville »S " " l'ly mouth *5 ** " Turtioro *5 " " Rocky Mount J5 f Scotland Neck *5 • " jainesville IJ • Kiuler Lilley's 15 . " J. G. St.iton 15 " J. L. WooUril 15 " " O. K. CowiiiK & Co. 15 " " rarmcle 15 " " Roliersooville '* 15 " " Even tts 15 " Gold Point 15 " Geo. P. McNanghton 15 " Hamilton «o " For other points in Kastern Carolina see "Ceutral" where a 'phone will be found for use of aon-sulncribera. —Subscribe now to your county paper. ! We tyill scud Tlie Enter prise from now uutil January Ist, 1905, to every out sending us 35 cents, , THE MODEL STREET. •M •( the I'Mlqor Kihlfcll. •« Ik* »«. Uab Kii»«lllin. JJII:II4TK of VUIIIKO Improvement ao rkHVn wlio go to the St. Lotilit h [HWKIOU UIKI nil WIMI nrv Intentled in town betterment uliouid apend some TTUMI H( the exhibit of it model street. ee many valuable polnti-ni tun tx> fcaliHvl. II sorves uu admirable pur |HM> by II Itlrft rating to visitor* the way* and moans l»y which n HUinll town mny le beaut ittnl cud improved. AM 1.11 II IJ to tlic proper direction of mniili Ipal effort It In thorough ami (uniiHi!. Tin- Ktni l la located liliek of th» Man ufiicliiKv i.uil and liunu-dlntely «d- Juc« •nt to the I.lndcli boulevard en trance. It In 1,200 fort long. npproxl inutily fmir city hloik;, ft ml In forty Irt'O fl.t Willi', U'itb KIIIHH l.ltl'llH oil el tiur siito b; Hveeii tin- roadway and aklcwulkH. The pavement, perk lux «ud entire i-!:il|u i-nt Of the »ti eot lire ac cording to tl.i* lull nt mill luoMt Improv i*l pumIKHIH II II J form purl of tile ex l«il,lt, NI th:it tin- municipal iintlioiiti«M of any town need not on ;i JunUi ting loer mound tlie* coiiutry In aeiiroli of lufoiiiintl -n, bat Mill Unit everything tLcy nmy desire on tin* utrw 1 ! iiml with exjM-rt.i to explain the utilities shown. Tilt- liest method of Itisliilllntf Utinl- Uiry sewers. storm Mwcrs. K'f .plpea, domestic iind lire witter pipes, c-lectrlc ewiniultu mil HO forth limy lie IISOT- IKIIIUI, ■ IXI TIN- pitvlnu of Iho roadway Ik dlvhli«i Into Mnvriil mvttons, inn nUuiiin asphalt ti.ntinciit for KtrwtH. hnollivr vltrltiM lirlckrt ami HO forth E\MI inntiy ILL/Ti-rrat im-thisls of iurl>- tiiK liavo Ixt-ii employed. Ilw pavllitf ami rurbliiK placed lu close conjunc tion nftr this similiter will enable »«• to Jwlin- their value l>y tlMi HIIII|>II' n.- tli'"! of ilirivt iiimpurtnou. 1 here I* ..I*. Mil cxhllustlve llN|.l:iy of tftumlnrl m\w Mtrcot llxturos, lamp posts. Ill*- plugs. kVwks IIIHI drinking fountains, mul friHii 11 in*' lo time a «I>ti- tutik, Mreet denning IIIHI »» forth will be oxlill.lt.fi In o|M-riitl>u aloiiK tin - r».lilway 1 IN- i xlill.lt I* pnntlail lu evttjr rcn|ioct, mul, iin It s-iii|irlM« nil tIM- latest I.IMI l»ost Idem of muni. I|w*l economy. tluit It will be of tin. grouti-nt v.iliK' to tnunl.ipi.l rouu r.U and I* (.tils In wiircli of kleas for atrcct ami iNirk 11t1j.rovrno*'iit H cnnitot be githimild. A Nlure of tin- ilki4ay will be Uut Hliowliiir un'tliulH for plniitliiif trees utoim c-Hj Mrivtn, with ■imiail tPfifiHKV to pr.rvMlitK ■ «« l!t ctem-y of »lr IMMI wnt.f around tl*' ruot*. 11 Kiuipie mutter. hut >«■ oftmi Mltlii'tnl MIHII town* attemptitsxi. 11 Usiutlfyltm of tlirlr thorouifhfurea. Tb« IHIIMIIUD fronttn# mi the street lit*'huh* M'vcrai crwtiil cN|Meially by Amcrtean cltlea for tin. lliMtulliltk.il of ttwlr fililkltH. 11 model town hull, mm! el casino. IMM>|.IIHI. llhriiry iMilltllnif. actiool, n.m.1.-ljml museum IIIHI a rail iruy station. TRApE AT HOME. |V««-r■ 1 111 am NIMIUM I'IKKUIIW Lo ral Hrrrkadta and Mwhaalra. TIMI liW'iil lomtntllllly 1h that lu whk-b Uwre In a re. l|.roetty of KIKIII fivltim among mcrcltiinl* lu nil t.I UIHIHH of trnili', mm I >ll tiles, |.rof«f».ik»i.al lltetl. workltiKiiKti iiini furiiMTM, IIMII uvall 1 U(i lil.art.-lf ni« fur lis |H*wll>h' of tin* ottier*i> service*. IntyiiiK Id* u»oda or eiii|.kniiiK his liitxir, ns tlx' 111* tuny be. Tin* community whero this pror tl««. obtain* Is always found to IK* MI nxii-i-tloiiiilly pmHiwoUii cmc. |>optili»t ed l.y cheerful. Ik'lmvl, I.l'lnl.Uuly atnl ctiteiVrlKtlix pmldo, IIIHI n K«>OI1 phiee for TLII» IHIIIK* HO, kcr to k SSLII ' In The iik-iiilht uf u community who l.al'ltiinlly tils homo ImTrlmllt. DHstiiiiilc or trinlesninn and makes his piinliiMU itn>l spend* Ids money In oilier IvWIW diss ii«t iltwrvo tl»> name of 11 good citizen nuil should nut lie iiiiuilt'OHiHtd lij' those who liuvc the liest Interests of their own locality lit heart Thai 11 IHI.VH to trade near liouie Ik a well Mtihljiiliiil fr.it, mkt no town or city ever proi|H-riHl whose citizen*, entici-d liy tin* iillurlmt lialtH WU out Itv the men-hunt In the b'u cities, h|m v »»i1 their money wllli them. Tlu- lihdl luetcliiiiit iiml mechanic are liitcreOTed In tlie progless unit develop hk-iil of llio town hiiil i-ounlry In which Iliey live, mid every dollar that thev amass l. ivluvoHtiil HIIII reumliii* In the ncliililiorhi**!. A'i ihey prosjier tlielr Uum Increase, it ml Just no much thoae of otl'.'Tn an- llghtenm). Tlll'V nssi.it In In- "I'lnn tip your a liools, churches iitul utUcr "Mblk* Institution mill charities. Hut the who sjioihls his money In Kinm iMstiint ell)- J'ltls II liejtind UMilsiliM 1" "H.v lull cnlct-prltaT "" i Duck Vatil rinliflllNliiii«.|il>. The |ilim recently iii| by u \II lage Improvement society In h Mary Inii'l town of offering ptl»>s for buck yard i;:ulens Is bringing good results aml may offer a suggestion to other coiiiuiiiiiltlivi where t*i»> luck yiinlss|>oli tlu- lnwuty of tlie place and are 100 of ten ilni! |ili>k pliiem for the reception i of entlk-iM varieties of Urtclcos truck u*t off from the dally oj«-iatlon of Itouae cleaning. With a lltth" work ami by planting a few ocedH tlie mean cot kinking iMu-k yard In tike country t«Hikl lie transformed Into a garden *l«'t In a short time and he a credit to tha town hi whkh It Is Knitted. To work lu tike yard Im a healthful eierctm> ■ml w«ukl auw enough In diMor and iiMxll.ii>.> Mile to pay fkr (lie plana, leaving the garden ltm-ir In tlie end (*mr |>ro4M Ity till moons let us liave the ganliti content, ami let everybody Hltrt. Auliw «)Mr Drilllllnn Walo. (HH- wvtl hi H Missouri village at whk-h four different families nut their wafer »m found to be rcaixMiatblc for •eren dan tha and ftve cn*c« of severe •Mtww In nix years. Where tin- wa ter supply of • town Is taken from open wells tbo water sliould be una lywd at Uxuit once n yetm »• «*»«• »»•««» JfUr Cafeat Itemove tlie cake from the tin im noon ** dune. Uy It on a cloth wrung out In w»nu water ami si>ruad It with J«ily. and roll at oikk How !• Darkr* tin Hair. For huir that U Im-couiluk faded pour two i)uartx of fnnhly ImilUiik water on two ouniin of km'D tea and two ouneea of sago leaves, then boll till ti.w quantity U ritluced by oue-half. Strain, bottle and apply to tlu> hair ever* nlffht. CLEANING KALAMAZOO. Vwa tafmtaf mm* IkaalKrlW m Mtrklvaa Tovra. The women of the Clrlc league of KaUmaßuo, MW-b., are doing much to Impfort- and beautify tluHr town. ll®- erotty one of tbe MUST IFFLW BHUIIM* of the league. Mn Cnnm. rlalted all the merchants and got thfDi to proiu |m> t» aiM-ry tlietr wnlka regularly ami to *T»!. tbrm off at stated period*. 6lie had a photographer make n tour, taklnx tnapdwl* of alley* and (be buck > arija of private mUnKM. These pictures fcbc has numbered and rword d l!k'- legal exhibits, and tJiey will be u»>«l io,Lts:ig about a rpforoi. Ite gardliig tht* fnturr Mrj. Crane *iy«: "We do cut »l*li to attract Htti'lltlon ill t!it* »>ay or 1-rearo Iho liupieaalou that v.e U'lU've Kr.iiim.i&jo t > bo worae thau otlia-r toww. •The piiotographa taken are not pub licly illipbjiil, IHit are Hluipiy liml 111 preae-itlng to tlie proper pernimn the whieb cxlat. In many canes tiie [er-'.'IKI CUWVIIKII have not noticed or rwii.x'l line cuialitkiua which exist and have Ut :i we called the 111A tt rto their HKCOIIOII. ''lf'iuw' rl*-Miliu li woman'* nattirM ntudy. au-.l the cleaning of a town la liilt a larger view of the »:iinepio|.oKl »loo." Mr*. Crane lua curried a llttlo anteliel with h.-r containing printed allpa, which ah- baa frequently given to paaa lug t-ltl*»*fc' Tin* slips read: FUSABE! The Woman • Ovk- Improvement |i nRUf liutii slm I ckttb We uhk YOU 4o hrlp us I'U-u# «!•» not throw uny thln* |ni|mi. fruit «kl»a aii4 other lUt*r In t)k> rtiwt. put It In tho «usl- |»i|»r .«•»» h> t!»'- cvtiiwr Ami Ri'i>lSt R)« n. | !» iv»t *p!t on th*> »lil Arfik, or In thr yrutlngs, or any«h-r* l»wt In th** guttw. N>'«r *«, t throw thin In tfe- VtlMt A* mi niiiert lowm the league re cently ngn-eil l» .lean liic ilrii'lH 111 tlie Uiikl:h-i>' Ai-itidi of Oh* town, iltitl tin* n-uilM « f ll» !r work mo fur ai'lilev i«l nr- ■'imnru'iii{. They expert tu prove tU-y i .hi do Hm- wurk lieltor and Willi icn-aliT ii»MK>lny Hum lui* yet lnwn tl»«- cw»- tn »uy Amertcnn elty. Kr«>m tl»- mart Mrs. Craw- marto nr *uiiH> iim-iiM to tinvp tlx- lefurte imiUiet ■4 fro.n IIM- Hlri*ii «rrl«l away ut 1111 ii]H'ii*r. nml Mm- Mtatinl flint hlw ex |NM-t«l l> iimki- iIUm Item a wiunif of iw»lll nfl.T tin- l!iM w«xk. A farmer •'iicnv "•! In (t» '»iii»: celery ha« carlitf nwuy HM- p-fii*. . lining It im fertlllw-r. Itut Mrs I rail' woiikl not luuke.il own trait w!ili 111 i.i for kinder than one wok It I* Irliiriit Hilk Ih the tlrnt pliiv In the t'nlt««l Htaliw where tin l dirt (I "111 llaa' Htn-tK l»a« I KOMI tllkl'll nwa) without to tin' city. Jii-l u keuu'M* are Iwluk organised llimw Hi' chlMn-n, wlto will exert llM'lr li.ntufwv to liave the afreet* kept I'lwii aiwt iKimtlfy the town. "1 tell llm I*l tktrviw" «ikl Mr*. Crane, "that few of im are prlvUifged to give onr m>|mw t-» ihir country nowaday*, but tluit we may all I*' |«itilots of our low n, ili|iiv' wluit »v can tu uiuko It tmuuliful iiiml !iiiltlifiil " WJNDOW BOXES. TIM> Hraalllr RtaMrart nu6 WiM. llom l« Malr Them. One of tlx* tx-Ht way* to beautify a lentdeixv iiiml h mrcet iik w»4l IhJi> ummii.4 of window !«oTea with growlu,. floV-Vl*. |UM| the ptlll In Ih'lU|{ Uto|llM 111 many dtle* ami town* till* year l'i n Mi.iaaehUiW-ttn town n-eently tlM> vll lnni> iiupr >v iiMel mh-Mt Induced tie riwMcntn ol im entire *t ivet to beaut I t'y their n-iiili-iKX-H In this way. unit It liiim r>-sn3t-d In one of the prettiest •treets In lln- utile t Any iiin> can make these window Ih>\i« nt home with very HttK- trou I'lo, «n\H a urttrr In the New York Alix'i i.-au Ituy pl.nnil half tllrli l«sir,N of Hi,. li'iiKth. with pltH-ea fur tl«' i-iml nl«oVt fl;;l.! ine' i i w(ilv, \all tho fior.t Ihwixls «>«ef the l i»f th» Hliltt iitwin miUiw 1114' lMixt .4 «iv Uiltered at tin- miners. Which Would make them ew>re expensive l>>* rtH|iilr- Im; the «'i \ U-et of a iiii'lM-ntor. When the Ixwinl- mv mvitSy Italled tt»(C«ther laik narrow n:o!iltn? aloii|r tlie ixtse* iiihl ever the «xiruers to give them a tliit-ilutl np|x'nrniuv Then paint the fnvxe.* llh- i-olor of the triniiulli;;* of the V. tmU>« « Pietirr thrill with lii'li bmtkets anJ till tbem tlrst with one lim Ii of broken ash eo.il ami then w«l| up ivirtli. Itore thriH" simuU upxi'i' poles bi e.H-h Imix for tlraimigu. It i.t fa.-, lo.iiin - ?o m-e a liHlHant ar rny of i'o«er* «tmv«» ilie fill in n win dow ami refrolihiK to finell the nweet wlor of rot»;iH»iiette and other old fush loued |Kwl«* » | FOLEY'S KMEY CURE I I Will positively cure any case of Kidney I I or Bladder disease not beyond the reach I I of medicine. No medicine can do more. I Fill FY'Q If IMIFV fillßF ItMM lmal M» ■ WlbCi W illlllltl UUnt A. H. Tburnes, Mgr. Villa Creek Coal Co., Buffalo, 0., writes: **l have been afflicted with kidney and bladder trouble for years, pass ■ strengthens the urinary organs, fSSffifiCer cuSEfSS'S R builds up the kidneys and invig orates the whole system. smdotFSimi.4.— MP 10 niiAßMMrrrn *' / CM tmpare VIM II 11 lO YaUJftlf JM I CUV Thos. V. Carter, of Aabboro, N. C, bad Kidney Tnrable aad ii __ _ _ . .. Me bottle of FOLEY'S KIDNEY CURE effected a perfect core, aad TWO OlZtb QUO and 91.00 be says there is no remedy that will compare with it. SOLO UO RECOMMENDED BY 8. R. Wllliamston, IN. G. Why doesn't the saltan of Tur key allow the Black sea fleet to go through the Dardenelies ? It will be permanent riddance be must regard as bad rubbish. —At- lanta Journal. On Utfi'i Recasairifltti Sill Fifty Bins if ciukirbii's Stun! lit Liter Tiklits I have, I believe, sold fifty boxes of Chamerlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets on the rceomesidation of otic lady here, who first bought a !>ox of them about a year ago. She never tires of telling her neighbors and friends about the good qtiali-. lies of these Tablets.—P. M. Shore Druggist, Rochester, Ind. The pleasant purgative effect of these Tablets makes them a favorite with the ladies everywhere for sale by S. R. Bigg-i. After Mr. Cortclyoti has been through the street knows just how the latnlis feel after the street hits finished with them.—Atlanta Jour nal. OPPORTUNITIES FOR ALL No Section of the United .States provitb stlie wonderful opportuni ties for success to the capitalist,pro fcssioual man, farmer, miner, lalxji er, or trades, that exists in the Great Southwest. Missouri, Arkansas, Kansas. Ok lahoma, Indian Territory, Texas, New Mexico and Arizona, awrait men with money, brain and muscle. Science has declarwl the climatic conditions of this scctiou the grand est in the wot Id. Special round ttip tickets, to permit you to investigate, and ful information furnished upon appli cation to, W. T. SAUNDKRS, I). P. A., Frisco System, lioS Mast Main Street, Kiclimond, Va. Congratulations' Mrs. Maybrick has not yet announced her inten tion of going upon the stage or the lecture platform.—Atlanta Journal. * Britally Tutted A case came to light that for per sLstent and unmerciful torture has lierliajis never liex-n eiptaled. Joe Golobick of Colusa, Calit, writes, "For 15 years 1 endured insuffer able pain from Rheumatism and nothing relieved mi though I tried everything know. I came across Klectrie Bitters and it's the greatest mtdic'es on earth for that trouble. A few bottlesot it completely cured inc." Just as good for I.iver and Kidney troubles and general debili ty. Satisfaction guranteed by S, R, Ibggs. And now it is said that the Rus sians forced the fight at Motein •Pass They will know I letter next time. —Atlanta Journal. Wtak Hurts arc caused by indigestion. If you eat a little too much, or if you are subject to attacks of indigcstionthe stomach expands— swells, end puffs ap against the heart. This crowds the heart and shortens the breath. Rapid heait beats and heart disease is the fatal result. Kodol Dyspepsia Cure digests what you eat, takes the strain off the heart, cures ludigestion, dyspepsia, sour stomach, and contributes nourishment, strength and health to every organ of the body. Solb by Anderson, Crawford A Co. Dr. Swallow announces that he is ready for the sacrifice. He will be sure this time to get what he is ready for. —Atlanta Journal. Aaiirtii, Crawford & Ci ask the readers of this paper who are suffering with indigestion or dyspepsia to call on them at ouce and get a bottle of Kodol Dysepsia Cure. If you knew the value of this remedy as we know it, you would not suffer another day. Kodol Dyspepsia Cnre is a thor ough digestant and tissue-builing tonic as well It is endorsed person ally by hundreds of pcop ( le whom it has cured of indigestion, dyspep sia, palpitation of the heart and stomach troubles gciiearlly. Kodal I Dyspepsia Cure digests what you cat. It is plaasut, palatnble and trengtliening. The British squadron has left V'ungoliing If Vungohing is like its name sounds, we don't blame the squadron for leaving it instead of taking it with them.-Atlanta Jour nal. - THE REACH ES AII Points in the West and Southwest Homeseeker round-trip tickets on sale ist and 3rd Tuesdays of each month. Social low roud-trip rates to Points in CALIFORNIA. 10-diiys atop-over* at St. Louis Advertising matter forwarded ami rates with full information given upon application to W. T. SAUNDKRS, D. P. A , tioS liast Main Street. Richmond, V*. THE ENTERPRISE &>• PRIZE . . TO EVERY READER ]' *■ ... • , - Fdr the next 50 days we will issue one dollars worth of coupons, in 10 cent denominations, with every yearly subscription to Tiik Kntkk pkish. These coupons will l»e worth 10 cents caeli in trade at the store of Harrison Bros. & Co. This is absolutely \ Giving The Enterprise Away If you want Thk IJntkrprtsk one year FRIiF, that's your business,and we arc here to do business, and when you pay us ONIi DOLLAR we will Rive you TKN coupons that will l>e worth 10 cents each in trade at Harrison Bras. & Co's. For each dollar spent at their store they will accept one of the to ct. coupons as part payment for the dollar's worth of goods, in other words 90 cents in cash and one 10 cent coupon pays for one dollar's worth of anything they have for sale. $9.00 in cash and to of these coupons pays for S'o.oo worth of anything they have for sale. The 10 coupons you get for the dollar paid us for Till Ew- TKRKKiSB is worth SI.OO at Harrison Brothers & Company. 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