ADVERTISING IS THE ROAI) TO SUCCESS WATCH THOSE WHO ADVERTISE IN THIS PAPER VOL. V. NO. 44. FACTS IN FEW LINES A woman gmduate of Cornell la run ning a Texas sawmill. Asphalt from tlte valley of Skldln floats down Into tlic 1 sea. Klghty per «*nt 'f I' '.iinioHe pens ants ran neither rend nor Write. Naturalists now make birds tuka their own photographs by means of trap rain em P. Japan has a Youag Men's Buddhist association, modeled on the Young Men'a Christian association Many thousands of dollars have lieen spent In New Kngland In efforts to stop the ravages of the gypsy moth. We import 400,01)0 pounds of prunes and we export >l,ooo,tlOO pounds In a year. Frenchmen buy our prunes. Mlss Itianclie Mlutuu of New York packs trunks fur guests «t hotels. The llrut ilay the trl«l It she made sl7. Appendicitis has Iteell supltosed to 1*» a modern disease, but truces of II have been found in Egyptian inuiumlca. Tlie highest railroad In the world U tiie Oroyo, from Cnll.-y I'eru, to tho gold fields. It tunnels t*T Andes at an altitude of l"i,(U"i feet. Hospitals were founded 111 very early times. India, rendu and Arabia had hospitals sup|M>rted by their kings und rulers liefore the Christian era. Aeeonllng to the latest census China has u iHipulatloh of 4211.447,0011. Thus tlie Chinese empire contains more than a quarter of the Inhabitants of tlie glolie. Evaporation of the I tend sea Is so great Hint It sensibly exceeds the Influx of river water, including that of tlie Jordan. The sea, therefore, la slowly drying U|>. Tlio question has l>een raised wliether or not the drinking of water .from glass I Kittles may IH> the cause of ap pendicitis. It is asserted there la a alight dissolution of the gluaa. Careful tests nt Cornell university demonstrated that a one horsepower engine working continuously for otio hour could produce ouly enough li|uid air, when converted into power, to run a one horsejiowor engine one min ute. An attempt Is lielng made to uncover the treasure from the bottom of Lake Uuntavlhi. In Colombia, sunk by ludlail auu worshipers before the conquest by the Spaniards. Oue Frenchman esti mates that its value will amount to over 415,1 MM >. Ml.HK>. Visitors to the rulna of Rt. Pierre have observed the following surprising effect of the recent eruption: While some purls of the walla and bther re mains of nuiaoiiry still stand, nothing remains of metallic constructions but ail Impalpable poftder. Fur years past the Swiss peasants have hail almost a monopoly In the making of certain toys. Now In the vast woods of northern New England the factories will turu out In one day more toys than Ufty households iu the Tyrol could produce In a week. The western genius who jllaeovered that there is a market for canned Jack rabbit lias probably sounded the death knell of the long legged creature of the prnirie. The tirst canning factory has been established at Echo, Ore., and thousands of Jack rabbits aro slaugh tered In that vicinity every tnoutu. The chuticbua bandits of Manchuria are not a distinct race of aeiulaavagn pftople, as is commonly thought. They are only eoiriiuon, everyday Chinese or Mantchisis. So numerous are these banditti and In some districts so per fect Is their organisation that they have constructed fortified encamp ments. Tli«» mimlMT of fellow creature*, young unit old. who fwl Itujiclled to gnaw aoincthlng Ik much larger tlinn 1m Ki'iicrallf aupiMJHdl. The chronic null biter lx writ known, but there tiro other* who either through depraved taxte or payclilc illmiui) if nil w woo«l, fur, cloth, etc., to the-great .detriment of their health. English rabbit aklna are now *ltl|>ped to the lulled Htati-a direct Instead of being sent to the continent of Kurope, where formerly the long hnlrs lined in the miiimfacture of felt hnta were pulled by cheap hand lulKir before go ing to the Vnlted State*, the American uuhnirlng or pulling machine Laving proved to be a success. That a penon who hnii been often stung by |its« becomes In time liu niiim' to the poison of the stint In as scrted by I>r. 11. K. l'arker. lit' re port* that when In' first licgan to keep !«•»•* he was frequently Htung anil tliat each stlng was attended with acute pain, but that as thin- «flit «n (he pain aud swelling became bus. To a ill the ordinary Kan anil electric lamps, which are insuffleleot In foggy weather, there are now kept In rserve In Westminster. Lotidpn, special lampa that are distributed in frequented stni ts when they are needed. consist essentially of a large round reservoir that may contain about twen ty-live gallons of gasoline, | n which tlie air IN compTMNd. i The Italian postal authorities have examined a scheme submitted by an engineer for the establishment of nn electric postal service. It in proponed to truusuiii letters In uluinlnluu) boxes, traveling along overhead wires ut the rate of 400 kilometers an hour. A let ter could thus be sent from Uoiue to Naples In twenty-live minutes and from Kome to Paris In five hours. Ite|K>rtx from the Discovery, wulch has N-en exploring the antarctic re gions. give Interesting particulars as to the appetitM which wine to the half frozen men on long sledge expeditions. Hunger proved s dreadful nightmare, some of the men ha vlng horrible vi sions of tempting dishes. It Is question able If anything could compare In the way of hanUUlpa sufTered with thla form at modified starvation on suck trip*- • WOMAN AND FASHION Niaatrt l.tnen Nit. Walking eostuuies made of linen In sevens tailor style ari> among tbe smart est of the season and are us eoiuforta ble and as satlsfaetory to wear us they are fashionable. This olio Is white, of the sort known us butcher's, but linen BOX COAT AN LI FIVH GORKI I RKIHT etatnlnes, crash and the like are suita ble, and various colors are worn, white and the natural tan, howevei*. taking precedence of almost everything else. The coat Is In box style and Can lie made either with or without the collar, while the skirt Is cut In five gores and closes at the center back iu habit style. To make the costume for a woiuau of medium size will be required for coat 8 1 )* yards 27. 2V& yards 44 or 2 yards 62 Inches wide; for skirt. Mi yards 27, 4V* yards 44 or 3 yards f>2 Inches wide. The Smart Nlu«k. The newest and neatest little stock to t>e worn with the tailor coatumu la composed of- un upright linen collar with a turnover embroidery edge faa tened In front with three tiny long shaped bows of black velvet. You may trust a Frenchwoman Implicitly where the details of the toilet are concerned, her 'sense of tho Illness of things en abling her to distinguish between tljo addition to be made to a gown of one material and that Intended for another. For instance, she would never wear with li tailor gown a high lace collar with a large chiffon rose In front, from which depends a shower of little chif fon buds, yet theso airy confections are often seen on the aartorially un regenerate. Pampa Ibr Fashionable Mi»r. The adaptation of men's dancing pumps for women's wear last winter proved them to be such smart looking ahocs that they have grown to IH> 1111 mensdy popular. One of tho chief reasons for this Is (lull the shoes have to be worn In the smallest possible sizes to enable them to be kept on the feet In comfort, and any excuse for wearing small shoes Is eagerly selziil Upon by women. The pumps are made In tan, white, green, brown and the new shade that matches linen gowns. Am MPRI Mnmmer Wrnp. Little* JJU'kctM of nil Hortn UTI* greatly In vtigti«t iiml innko I Hiitnni«*r wrnp*. TIIIH OIM* IM worn ovc»r a wnlut of JM»lnt dVHprlt ntul IH of antique KR**en HLOI HK WjtlST ANl> ItOLKUO. taffeta uintchiiiK the waist. the trim ming being fold* of velvet. The waist Ih simply full, with w Itle hlm-vih Hint are tlulHhel with graceful frllla of lace, but la eminently liecoming and suit* luce, net and nil- thin muterlnla to a nicety. The bolero la cut with fronts, bucks and wide alec-vex and la laid in plaita over the xhouldcrx that give the drooping effect. The quantity of ma terial required for the medium rftze la for walat 4% yards 21. 4 yard* 27 or 2% yarda 44 Inches wide; for liolero, 2% yurda 21, 2 yurda 27 or 1% yards 44 inchea wide. Trtnlid For Nowaa. Point* and *cullo|>* uppeat on many gown*; even hi some caaea the hori zontal trfnimlnga have scuJloped or pointed edges. Undies are arranged la scallops, and new laces und embroidery Insertions hare waved edges. ffljc (Enterprise. WILUAMSTON, N. C., FRIDAY, AUGUST 5. 1904. MURDER Last Friday Night George Dortey Roper. w*s Killed by James E. Moore „ . . M , _ ... Mr. A. H. rhompson was here Near Jamesville _ . . , ' Sunday night. About one hour liefote the tuur . . „ Mr. J. L. Ward went to Wil der James H. Moore and George .. .. ... , . w .. .. . hamatou Monday. Dorsey Uad an altercation in which Moore shot at Dorsev with a pis- Mrs. J. K.Carson went to Wil tol. Then Moore tells Horsey he Haiuaton Sunday evening, will kill hlui that uiglit. Moore Mr. J. L. Weaver,of Gold Point, goes to his owu home. Rets his gun spellt Sunday „j g ht in l'armele. and returns to Dorsey'a house, I . Then he begins to throw cf.uidTs . Miss Ruth Clji.k,of \\asl..n«ton. to decoy him out, and remarks that ls v,s " ,n K 188 a KU ,e »rny. he is ready to die, and he is heard Mrs. C. R, Nelson, of Newjiort by some neighbors nearby. News, Va., is visiting friends here Gilbert Moore, fafher of the murderer, was at t!je neighbor's hotist. heard the reni:uk and rati down there, saying he would break tip the trouble if he could get there in time. Immediately upon his ar rival the mother of the muidercd man asked him to get James away so she could tpiiet her son, and forthwith, a gun fired from am bush which killed her sou The murdered man was about 28, the murderer 22. The sheriff had considerable trouble in finding the murderer, but he was found late in the night at a friend's house He was committed to jail after the coroner had held his court of inquiry, where he now awaits trial by the Superior Court which con venes in September. Suicide Prevented The startling announcement that a preventive of suicide had lieen discovered will interest many. A run down system, or despoiuleuc) iuvaribly precede suicide and some thing has been found that will pre vent that condition which makes suicide likely. At the first thought of self destruction take Klectrit Hitters. It lieiug a giert tonic and nervine will strengthen the nerfes and build up the system. It's also a great Stomach. I.iver and Kidne) regulator. Only 50c. Satisfaction guaranteed by S K. Miggs. Jurors lor September Court FIKST WHKK Jamesville —Lafayette Ange, '/. T. Gurkin, Marcclliis Stnbbs. Williams- C. J. Griffin, Harmon K. I.illey, Ino. li. Moore. Griffins —Win Hissell, A. G. Griffin, Mc 1) I.illcy, W. Iv Man ning, Henry Robersdu. Hear Grass Calvin Avers. WilHamston~W. A. June*. Cross Roads S. S. Railcy.J. L Claik, I) I). Clark. Rultcrsonville U. T. liruwn, H. K Jenkins, W W. Keel. J. Alex Rolmck, W. A. Rollers'n, Calvin Smith, W. S. Vick. Poplar I'oint—--T" A. Stevenson. Haniilton —J. I'. Hoy le, J. 1,, itarnliill, W. A. Fleming, J. I>. Harrell. W. K. Howard, 1). C Junes, W I l '. Lawrence, A lv. Pur vis, W W. SaKlmry. Goose Nest—H. S Council, T II Combs, Z. M. Whitehurst. SKCONII W'HHK Janiesviflt—J. I!. Allen, J S. Jones. Williams— Theodore Rolietsoii. Griffins—Geo. A. Ha* tier, Jim. Jv Ulley. Hear Grass—Davis Harris A. 1.. Hadley, Duimie H. Harrison. Williamston—A. Anderson, A. T. Crawford, Roger Critcher, Geo. L. Whillev, Jr. Cross Roads —J. A Kverett, J.S. Peel, Jr. Robersonville—H 1,. Andrews, A. S. Everett. Goose Nest -W. ir. Unrst, T. W. Hills. Sick H attache "For several years my wife was troubled with what physicians call ed sick headache of a vury severe character. Shedoctorc 1 withseveral eminent physicians and St a great expense, only to grow worse until she was unable to do any kind of work. Aliout a year ago she liegan taking Chamlierlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets and today weighs more than she ever did before and is real well," says Mr. George E. Wright of New Loudon, New York For sale by S. R. Bigjps. PARMELB Mr. \V. J. Smith, of Greenville, sjicnt some time in Parmelc Satur day. MisS I,ulu Smith, of Ayden, is in l'armele visiting her sister, Mrs. K M. Prince. Mr. Ray R. lla/lctt,of Howdens. is in Parnicle spending a few davs wiih K. I«. Whitley. Miss Nellie Thoni|>son. of Kooky Mount, who has been visiting Miss Hattie VanNortwiek, returned this morning. Mrs. D. C.Whitley, of this place, is in Plymouth spending a few days her with daughter, Mrs H F. Overton. Mrs. N. Warren, of Greenville who "has been visiting her parents Mr. and Mrs. S. T. Glisson, re turned home Sunday evening. Mrs. \V. A. Bright, Miss l'tnrl and Cassic left Tu?sday morning for Greenville where they will spend seme time with friciids and relatives. OeWltts is the Name When you go to buy. Witch lla/ol Salve look for the name Do Witt Mt Co. 011 every IKIX. The pure, tin adulterated Witch Hn/.el is use I in making DeWitt's Witch lla/el Salve, which is the best salve in the w'tVrld for cuts, burns, bruises, Uiils, ec/.eina and piles, ularity of DoWitt's Witch lla/cl Salve, due to its many cures, has caused numerous worthless coun terfeits to bo placed 011 the market. The genuine liears the name of K. C I>oWitt & Co., Chicago. Sold by Anderson Crawford iV Co. JAMESVILI.E. Miss Maybello Savage returned from Washington Saturday. Messrs. I) W. I lardison and II W. Mobley left Tuesday for Capo Matteras. Yearly meeting at the Primitive baptist Church Sunday. Tliev ex|ject several of their able minis tel'S to lie present. Miss Mae Hennett, one of Wil liaiiiston's uiost charming and | iret ty girls, who has Itecu visiting Miss Mayte Niwncy, relumed home Friday. The death of George Horsey,who is supposed to have IRYII shot hy J Iv. Moore, was ipiite a shock lo the comniunity. He did not live five minutes after the gun was.fired. lie called Oil tile- l,ord several times before lie died, something that he never w as known to do before. We ... «• always wait until the la*! to call on the Master. A IIAY-KIDIC TO pirntmi On Wednesday night, July 27tk, a party consisting of Misjes Mayte Noouey, Mae Hennet, of Williaius ton; Hilda Ward, Annie Wallace, [.solan Urown, Myrtle Allen and Messrs. D. H. Davis, W. W. Wal ters, S A. Evanst.: V. A Jackson, 1). J. Ward, Horace Johnston start ed on a hay-ride to church at Har dens, where Rev. J. Royd Jones, of Wilson, is I voiding a series of meet ings. The party reached church just as the preacher was ending his sermon. They exchanged greet ings with their friends and return ed homeward, reaching home at 12 o'clock, all reporting a jolly good time. —The Stock Subscription Hook of The Enterprise Printing Com pany is. uow open for the sale of Stock. Shares #SO each. If in terested call and investigate. RALEIGH LETTER. Aug. i 1904 1 am lnformel. through a con versation with several prominent public men who have just returned from Washin ton, that if President Rwosevelt's idea U carried out thje Republican campaigners in the d«ul)Uu! ?tate» will make the propos.tou to raduce represent ation of the Southern states in Con gress a leadi'i*; issue ' The Mate of Illinois (which Mr. Cleverland carried the second time he was eleted) is one of the Mates in which the campaign is to be cam paigned on that line. Senator Mop kins i f Illinois, after a long . onfer ence with Mr Roosevelt on Satur day. gave out a radical interview to that effect. The Republican spellbinder* xpoil to work on the feelings of the mass es by telling them that in North ( arolina and the other S' uthern States that have adopted sutTerajje laws which hugely disfranchise the negroes, the white man of the Soi Hi is given a double importance an authority in 1 üblic alLiits ovei the white nia > in the Nort 1 and West. lint the argument 11 ay 11 t work as well the Kei übbcan managers nope i wi I. A business man •»t im portance and huge interest ol t'hicu go, who is in Kaleigb tnday made tliis statement to me: I have always been a Ke/*ubli can but I will not in h>r-.e an at taok on the now siilT, rage laws of lb So 1 til. We are better acquaint ed wit 1 ' the conditions winch obtain in the South than we were « iew year* ago, an 1 I appreciate tin. gravity ol the n«g 1 question «towi here and the importance and neces sity ill putting a t he k run on tin negrn in 1 lie matter ol politics. 1 be lit f ve any tortile 11 Mate would ha* e ilnuc just as you *ave done under like condition#. •'We have had a good deal ol rouble with mv'ooi in the - tate of lllnioi and other westolu and nortlutrn states of la e y ars. I hen have been numerous case in whloL wi ito won en in our state have fall en victums to die beastly and brutul 1 usts of what you term goiilla nog roes; and the peiil ol which you have so long complained and art Hying to },uard against lor •'> loiip lias boon brought to 0111 voiy doois, Kvoii as I speak tbtse wc ris hordes des of negroes are being import 1 into Chicago 1 y the beef packets to take the place of *hilc winking men who are 011 on strike, I lien is a growing p ijudicc again it thr nifjjtocs 111 t 0 11 r(iern and Wis! em slates, an ', in • y 1 pinion tin Kepuhliraii parly will (mt make am votes this yeai by lolc'l'ng a lioglo issue to the front, e't or in Illinois or any other doubtful State." * * * A Slate Convention of Farmers During the present week a state convention of farmers will lie IkUI ill Kaltlgb.—nut at the A, and VI. College. It will be in session throe days, and a large attendant e id pro;;iossivi- and rej rrsentative lar- HUTS is I *|II'I: i'i|. (lire of tli ■ nittit nii|iirl.iiit.t|iifs turns wliiclithe c itv«.*iili>>il will con sider is the uilnptiou of ;t lonceitcl I > Ist II tif actio i in ivteieiioe to the sale of this year's c •ttiiii crop. - A In geacrege has been planted Jl>. Cotton thisyar, aud it iS'- Very important to cnttun groweis they shall unite tit'oii some system atic i'lan of marketing the crop in order to leatyzc a f-«ir price for it. 'if c'o rse 11 is hadiy . enpedie t or to -Q expected' tehi h price." obtained during the la-t f w m ml s of last season Will lie real 'Zed OIJ this year's crop, hut it is keep ti>e price up around the ten cents notch—although September and October ''futures'' are today quoted at less than ten coitts. I'i.e rushing i. f cotton on thj mar ket ami the consequent 'glut', ought to be guarded again*!, and the only way in which it can he done is by unity of action on tjie partol the cotton growers, thorugh 'an agrtement and ai rangemeut such as this cbnvei.tion will undertake to provide Leading intelligent far mers have often told me that the farmers are the most difficult class of people in this country to • organ ize'' effectually for their own pro tection and welfare, especially those of the South.This is probably true, hut it ought not to be so A prominent t'« xan, Judge Eu gene Williams of Waco, arrives to day and will address the farmers' convention on the subject. He will present iho plan of warehousing cotton and show the practical ad vantage of that plan in securing go dpi ices to the grower. There will he de ivered also several ad dresses l>y l ad ng farmers on practical sui jects. stock raising, fruit growing, poultry culture dairying, etc. By the way: Commissioner of Agiicnlturc I'atterson says that far mers who buy oats should be care ful; that if the oats come from Tex as there is danger of the boll wev'il being brought here in them. Ihe Corporation Commission announces that the new assessment ol railroa- s and other corporation property in thicOitate shows a to tal increase ol $592.836 over the as sessment of last year. Ihe total as essmeut last year was $73 784, 686 ; this \rar. »74 377 s»*. The rail oad property alone is assessed at 567,483 1 73, and the total mil eage is 3,803 miles (exclusive tl sidings.) Ihe street railways are assessed at %•, 564 ,1 t,o I elegraph Companies. 9*7 21. Telephone . onii anies. (6/3-,7011 Ihe Seaboard Air Line, whose propest-y alone is assess d at the sutiie figures as lust year( i, 00 oof) is the only company that has tiled exceptions wich the com mission. A big I'arker anil (ilenn club has been organized here anil the cam paign was ppened Kri ay night, when elector >pruili and Congress inan I'ou spoke lo the-,xlul>. uver 500 people being present. I'll-' Republicans of this Congress ninal (I strict will in et here Wed nesday and f jnnady, put up one W C. I'raison, of Chatham county against Congressman K. VV. I\>u. C)l emir eit will lie a mere mattei ot" t'lrin' as he will have no chalice in the world of being elected A Sweet Breath is a never failing sign of health When tlif In eat h is hail t he stomal li is «int of order. There is no remedy in the world equal to kodol l)>s |>epsia Cure for curing indigestion, dyspepsia and all other stomaell disorders Mrs. MaryS. Crick, of White I'l.litis, ky , writes; "I have been adyspepsic for years; ttiedall kinds ol reitndies lint continued to Ut(i\v worse. II V the Use of kiidol 1 l»eg HI to improve at once, and af ter taking a lew I Kittles am fully restoied in weight, strength and health andean e it whatever I like." Kokal digests what* you eat iinil makes the stomach syveet Sold hy Anderson Craw ford iV Co. An Unheard of Ofier and Certainlv one of the Most Liberal Ever Of ered In order to aid worthy young men and women of ambition, but of limited means, the President of the Smith's great institution of business training, the (la.-Ala. business College, authorizes us to announce the following offer : • To give. four young jersons of this county a thorough, practical business training, accepting rotes on tuition assisting them to secure goon position* as soon as course is finished. The Ga.-Ala. is said to be the only College of real business train ing i" America, where students keep actual accounts, and handle real goods and real IF. S. k'gal ten der money It is very anxious to demonstrate to the people of this county what it is capable of doing for young persons of ambition and industry; and those interested are requested to write at once to Pres. K. L Martin, Macon, Ga. Pinnfis is the naine,of a new dis covery "put up in a new way; a cer tain cure for all Kindey and Blad der troubles. Rheumatism, Lum bago, eic. You ar>' requested }o call at our store and let us show, you I'inules.dei ived from the Pine- Sold by S. H. Kllison & Co. IF YOU WANT YOUR ~ BUSINESS TO'INCREASE ADVERTISE FOR CUSTOMERS WHOLE NO. 253 Yti k DC^GfrT Railroad F>r P., [ . _ FWuK i. . .» . (•„«•» . HX:T rJ Bca» M j.WrlH»o"', aEo*GiA-Au:««'. bvstftatefor College > -A Courses Conscrva- f PEACE V"' toryof I * 1 Catalogue Music.'Bat RALEIOH I FREE Best. PUceV N. C. / tUrni. tor Yow IMnwlMa Daughter tmiM Professional Cards. gU. JOHN D. BIGGS, U)KJ\ITIST OFFICE: MAIN STREET. CiKOKIiK W. Nvwm.l S. Atwihjd Nkwbll GkO. W. NKWKLL fe BRO. LAWYERS Offiof U|» ntnirs iu Nrw Batik Build lug. Irft hand of itrpa. "VIM.IAMBton. N 0. *#-l*ractice wherever mrvicea are desired. S|k-i i«l attrution Kivru to examining and mak iiiK title for purcliancra of limber and timber an«ln. ' PHONf 74 W II fffAKRKI.I* Wm. K. WAKRKN Drs. Harrell & Warren PHYSICIANS and SURDEONS OI'FICK IN Bigcs' Dkuo Stork ' I'hone No. 29 In Gase of Tire you want to be protected. In case of death you want to leave your family .some thing to live on. 111 case of accident you want some thing to live 011 besides borrowing. I x-t Us Come to Your Rescue We can insure you against loss froui l ire. Death and Accident. We can insure your Boiler, Plate Glass, Burg larv. We also can bond you for any office requir ing bond None But Best Computes Represented K. B. GRAWFORD INSURANCE AGENT, Godard Building. NOTICE !! At a meeting of the Democratic Executive Committee of the First Congressional District held in Ply mouth on the 14th day of July, 1904, it was ordered that a 111-.MOI'KIITIC CONVENTION OK THE I'IKST CONC.RKSSIONAI, DISTRICT lie held in the town of Edenton on Wednesday, the 17th day of Au gust, 1 (>O4, at 2 o'clock, p. 111., for thu purjiose of nominating a candi date for representative in Congress from said district and of a Presi dential Elector, and for such other business as may properly come be fore the convention. The Democrats of the several counties composing the First Dist rict will take notice accordingly anil send delegates to such conven tion. By order of the committee. W. B. RODMAN, July 14th, 1904 Chairman. A Summer COId A summer cold is not onlv annoy ing but if not relieved Pneumonia will be the probable result by Fall. One Minute Cough Cure clears the phlegm, draws out the infiama' ion, heals, soothes and strenghtens the lungs and brotiical tubes. One Min ute Cough Cure is an ideal remedy for childreu. It is pleasant to the taste and perfectly harmless. A cer tain cure for Croup, Cough and Cold. Sold by Anderson Crawford &€o.

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