THE ENTERPRISE. PUBLISHED KVKRY FIIDAT BT Til BfrmrmiK raurrmo CO. WilUamMon N.C ALFRKD K WHITMOHH. Kdito*. AdnrtiKmrnt* on which no iprdfitd number of inaertlons i> market! will to marked till forbid' and charged up to date of dincontin * ■*■*. Advertisement* diicontinud before the lime \ tontrit led for ha* expired will 1* chsrged l- «" •ient rates for the time actually published. No communication noticed without the name Of the writer accompanies it—not to t* put*- lished. but a* a guarantee of good faith. Advkitihinu Katks: —One inch one insertion 60 cent*, Kach subsequent insertion cents. ButineM Locals 10 cent* a line. ObituarieH and Resolutions of Kr*i«-ct. all over it lines, 5 cents a line. Capy for Advertisements, or change of Adver isement*. must l>e in thi* office not later than Wednesday- noon. • UHSCKIPTION $1 O0 A YKAK IS ADVANCE I Kntered at the Post o®ce st Williamston. N. C. as Class Mail Matter Fkidat, August 5, 1904. We have at lw»t s\tur d that new press. kVe are now fitted up ii dj any kind of printing. Although The Kntkkpkibk print • shop alwfl.y* h 'I » good name for printing.we are now 111 a po tation to mn'ji'a grea'er repu utation al'ng that lin». With a gasoline engine t#(> revo lution, job and book press, and two platen job pressed, we can turn uut work with any of tli.j print simps in the coun try Me are a little later ibis week with our paper than we wanted to be, this is due to getting a foundation 11 d«-r "ur press. We ask the ol Mar tin County,both 111 our job and newspapers department. \V will meet all legitimate compe tition iu the job line and guar- antee you as g Mai work as you can get anywhere. We intend to lurmsh a news paper in keeping with the times and solicit your suli-criptio^s We Need a Fire Engine "In time ol peace l«*l ii | »rt»- pure fur war..'' Wo have been having lires in our town almost c\eiy win Icr that passes and the) Inve in every cafe been ol st rnuis loss to us. Fire stays tin- hand «»f j »r o ross and thereby makes invest ment risky . U e shoulii i■ >i look In insurance companies for they only restore a part >l the IONS incurred. Tlie\ do not put us on our feet again ami give us back the trade w* have built up, w hen our store are burned; but our trade tins to go elsewhere ami hence our business has to go to the wal . We need in the first place an organized lire company, com posed of young men. This will cost us nothing, lor the very best young men would willingly join the company, we dare say. This would mean tlia these „ young men, being organizeV, would be on the spot where the (ire happened to be. This would mean in many cases thai a great percentage of our tires, would be extinguished bet'on they got any headway Of course we wouM h iv* to have a lew buckuls ami lad ders. We are sure the mer chants would supply us with these and thoy must he kept in a place where any one of the members ot the comp n> co.ilil get them —. Moreover we must have a Hand Chemical Fire Engine. There is a picture of one in the Rew International Kncy-lopa- - dia. It is a two wheel app*ira ratus, being about lour feel high, with a tank lor cheini. als about 34 by 14. It has a lan tern in froDt. The hose ap pears to be about two inches in diameter I bis is what the ||> town needs, it seems to us. We must first organize a lire Littleton Female College This institution with a patronage of more than 200 pupil.s from five different states, covering an area of 1000 miles in diameter, desires immediate correspondence with any young lady who wishes to go off to school. A postal card or letter will bring immediate reply and interesting information. The 23rd Annual Session will Begin on Wednesday, Sept. 14, J904 J. M. RHODES, President, Littleton, N. C. company of'Jvotmg men, and this «ve are going to have it we have nothing else, and if this proves well ihe rest will come to us fur we will have plays and ice cream supper* and get us a Hand Chemical Fire Kn- Let us unite young men on having this organization It in for the mutual honefit of the whole community. You will soon be the loaders and v\e want to see our town take a step even further tlnn it ban taken. Fires have boon itnpeedmg our growth for many long years and we have now readied a-so lution if we will band together and form a company. The v ry best young men ol other towns join and have lots of tun in practicing run. 1 g, and we feel sure our young men w'll take bold 0,l this inr.veiiiei t and push it onward to the orga-isung point. Violent Aifack of Dlrthoea Cnred by Caintwlain's Cuiic, Cholera and MGiar rhoea Remedy and Perhaps a Life Saved "A short time .'inn I was t ikeu with :i violent ;Ut;ick o) dmrrhwa an 1 believe 1 wosvlil have Hied it I ha 1 not gotten relif," says John J. I'attoii. a of l'attoii, Ala. "A frieiiit recommended Cham- In rlain's Colic, Cholera and Diar rhoea Remedy. I Iwught a twenty five cent Iwttle and. after taking three doses of it was entirely cured. I i onsider it the lies!- remedy in the \v ald for bowel complaints. For sale by S. R Higgs mm: Tom Church ol the Advent Services on the second ami Ufllt Sundays of the month, morning ai d evening, and on the Saturdays LS u m.) before, ami on Mondays (i) a. in.) after said Sundays of the month All ate cordially • invited' Rev. 1? S l.nsyitcr. Rector Methodist Church Rev. T. 11. Sntton, the Mctho di t Pastor, has the following ap pi intnieiits Kvery Sunday.morn in it i i o'clock and at S i\ lock respectively, except the .(..•'Hiil Sunday. Sunday School every Sunday morning at 9:30 o'clock. Prayer meeting every Wednesday evening at S:,v> o'clock. Holly S|>iinv: 3rd Sunday evening at 3 o'clock; Vernon Ist Sunday e\eningat \ o'clock Hamilton 2nd Si ndav, morning and night; Has seils 2nd .Sunday at 5 o'clock. A cordial invitation is ex tended ill to attend these services. Baptist Church Preaching on the Ist, and and 4th Sundays at 11 a. 111 , and 7:30 p. 111. Prayer meeting every Thurs day night at 7:30. Sunday School every Sunday morning at 9:30. J. I) Biggs, Jr., Superintendent. The pastor preaches at Hamilton on the 3rd Sunday in each month, at 1 1 a HI and 7:30 p v in., and at Kkldick s Grove on Saturday before every Ist Sunday at 11.a. HI., and "ii the Ist Sunday at 3 p. 111. Slade School House oil the 2nd Sunday it 3 p 111 , and the Highs' School House on the 4th Sunday at 3 p.m. livetxliody cordially invited. Rev. R. I). Carroll. Pastor. Town Officers Mayor—Joshua 1,. KweN. J, —B—H, Knight, N. S. Peel, I)r. J.l).Biggs, A. llassell, F. K. Hodges. Street Commissioners F K Hodges, N. S. Peel. Clerk—A. llassell. Treasurer—N. S. Peel. Attorney—Winder Martin. Chief of Police—J H. Page. Lodges Skewarkee I.odge, No. 90, A. F. &A. M. Regular meeting every 2nd and 4th Tuesday nights. Roanokv Camp, No 107. Wood men of the World. Regular meet ing every 4th Friday night- OI'PORTUNITIES FOR ALL No Section of the United States provides the wonderful opj>ortuni tii-M for success to the capitalist,pro fessioiial man, farmer, miner, labor er, or trades, that exists in the Great Southwest. Missouri, Arkansas., Kansas, Ok lahoma, Indian Territory, Texas, New, Mexico and Arizona, await mm with money, brain and muscle. Science has declared the climatic conditions of this section the grand est in the world. Sjiecial round tlip' tickets, to permit you to investigate, and ful information furnished upon appli cation to, W. T. SAUNDERS, I). I'. A., Frisco System, i ioK Fast Main Street, Richmond, Va. *♦ • —> ✓ The Oeafh Penalty A little tiling sometimes results iu death. Thus a mere scratch, in siguiliceul cuts >r ptuiv lioils have paid the death penalty. It is wise to have Rucklen's Arnica Salve ever haudy It is the liest Salve on earth and «ill prevent fatality, when Hurus. Sores, fleers and l'iles threaten. Only 25c, at S R . Biggs The Modern Giant Lewis Lu.lrk.of Currituck Beach, N. C , is iK years old and weighs over 400 pounds. He can carry a lishing boat with one hand. ltisliii|> Joseph S.Kry, Southern, M.K. Church, v riles "We I>r McitTelt'H •TiI.THIN A" (Teething Powders) to f»nr lit He grntidt hild it )i tin- happiest IVMIIIN The* effect* \cete almost magi cal, and ccrt.iinh more "satisfactory than fiuiii u») thing wc evci used. ' TICHTH IN V (Teething IN»w«lers) Counteracts JIU'I (Keu'oiiH'M tin KtTects of the Slim mer s 11 eat, l>c:ith of Watts Burnhtll After a liaril for life Mr. \\ lit 1 ; Itanihill, ot 11 am i 1 ton. fin all > breathed his last Friclav even ing lie was MI k with Typhoid Fiver a little over a mouth He was jlist twctity-«me yvtirs ot age— in l ne vi i v noontide of life. lie was iiiii led Saturday even in ; jit ,ili«.ui (otu o'clock, the funeral services being conducted bv Kev. 'l'. 11. Sutton. Mr IRiruhill was a inemliei f tin Methodist Church. The Kuterprise extends the hand of sjuipatln to the liercaved Hither ami biotlur and sifter in this their lit>n i uf deep grief I lind nothing better for liver dc r.iifV'nient and constipation than Cha IIK tlaiu's Stomach and I.iver Tablets. 1,. 1". ANKRKWS, I>es Moines, lowa. For sale by S. R. I kOH (HK)R(iIA C. C. Ilowen, \ttorney-nt-l Jiw, Dnlton, (ia. To Finch & 'Nicholas 'Have just finMiril pnintinj; three of my houses with 1,. nml M. faint. It i overs utmost twice as tmirli surface as e\|ieenil Had un idea the cost of paint would tie su small. Always K've me I. and M. Actual cost of bmigmnn nml Martinez 1,, ami M. I'uiiit less ihini #l2O jier gallon. Wears ami-covers like Sold by S. S. K. llijJKf. Taken With Cramps Win. Kirmse, a member of the bridge gang' working near Little port was taken suddenly ilt Thurs day night with cramps and a kind of cholera, His case was so severe lie had to have the members of the crew wait upon him and 'r GifTord was called upon and con sulted. He told tlietn he had a medi cine i i the f >r.n of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Rem edy that he thought would help him tint and accordingly several dose.-, were administered with the result that the fellow was able to lie around jiext day. The incident speaks quite highly of Mr. Gilford's medicines —Klkader, lowa, Argus. This remedy uevr fails. Keeb it n your home, 'I may save your life For sale by S. R. lJiggs. We arc agents for the famous lit tle liver pills recently discovered by the venerable Dr. Dade of Chicago. Persons who have used Dade's pills will have no other. They cure constipation. Sold by S. H Ellison & Co. Good Roods for Qriffins There will be a meeting of the Road Hands and rax Payer* of Griffins at Township Hall atuday August 6th at 1 o'clock for the pur pose of devising w.«ys and means of improving their to ds This is the first step taken towards hav ing good rtinds in Martin «'o n y and w hope and trust it ■ ill be a success and redound the glory of ofd •riffinfc. Healthy llotlirs Mothers should be in bodily health. Thev owe it to their child ren. Yet it is 110 unusual sight to see a mother, with liabe in arms, coughing violently and exhibiting all the symptoms of a consumptive tendency. And why should this dangerous condition exist, danger* ous alike to mother and child,when Dr. Boschee's German Syrup would put a stop to it at once ? No mother should be without this old and tried remedy in the house— for its timely use will promptly cure any lung, throat or bronchial trouble in herself or hei children. The worst congh or cold can l>e speedily cured by German Syrup; so can hoarseness and congestion of the bronchial tubes. It unices ex |iectoratiou easy, and gives instant relief and refreshing rest to the cough racked consumptive. New trial Ijottles, 25c.; large si/.e. 75c. At S. R Higgs. l'inesalve acts like a poultice. There is 110 sore, lioil or abrasion of the kin l'inesalve will not ci»re. I'iue salve draws the fire out of a burn instantly and heals without leaving a scar. Sold by S H ' Kllison & Co. Ike's LAX AT IV K Honey and Tar is different from all other cough syrti|)s. It contains anti septic properties to destroy the germs, solveut properties' to cut the phlegm, and laxative proper ties to cleanse the system. Bee's I.AXATIVK Honev and Tar is a pleasant, permanent cure for all coughs, colds, lung and bronchial affections. Sold by S. H. Kllison & Co ' Ivxecutor's Notice Having (pialilied as executor upon the estate of Mac (i. Kober.noti, tie teased; notice is hereby given to hll pernios hold ing claim* against said estate to present them to the undersigned for payment «»n or Ik:lore the lat day of September, 19**5,' or this notice will IK* plead in tmrof their recovery All per-totm indebted to said estate are fe|ichte I to make immediate payment. This |lli day of August, t JESSE IT. ROHEKSON. |KI.-43 I - Bsecutor North C.ittiliiiii Superior Court Martin t'nnnty 1 EllielilU' lliadford Richard Bradford. The defendant al»ove named will tnkr notice that an action «* nI it u*« I us nltove has berli commenced in the Superior Court of Martin County to obtain a 1 i vorce from the defendant; ami thedefen ilant will further t ike notice that lie in required to appear at the next term of Martin County Su|»ertor Court lobe held oil the jn! Moiidax of Septenilier, In the 19U1 day of Septemlier, 1904, at the Court House of said county, in the town of WillijiniHton, N. C , ami answer or demur to the complaint in said action «»r the plaintiff will apply to the court tor the relief demanded in said complaint. This August Ist, 1904. J A HORItS. Aiig.s-tt Clerk Su|>erior Court Special Special ...TO-DAY... 10,000 PoundsD.S. Regular Dry Plates AT $6.50 PER 100 Sou. Supply Go. HATCH BROS, will run their big annual EXCURSION FOR WHITE PEOPLE Williamston to Norfolk WEDNESDAY,AUGUST 10 Returning the iith. FARE, ROUND TRIP, $ 2 .00 Cheapest ever offered to our people. Give you one night and two days in Noriolk. Dont miss this last chance to Norfolk Train Leaves Williamston at 7 O'clock am... f ZI /WintersmitiisX I (Trill © B h 1 YOU'LL SHAKE \ IT CUR / \ TO STAY CURED J Chills, Ague, Dengue, LcGrlppef Xflnd all the Malarial Ills t '.iatf Flesh Is Helr to. end SLOG nt your Slcre^^^^T READY FOR BUSINESS I can he found at my shop, on Washington Street, where I am now prepared to do all kinds of —../T7> florseshoeinj FM a " d Repair ' n^ T. G. GOOK Bicycles Sold and Repaired Washington Street T HAT WATCH of yours needs just as much as you do. You need cleaning and fixing up once anda-while; so does your watch, at least, once every year. We sell aad recommend the Elgin and Waltham Watches as the Standard Makes. HOW ABOUT A GOOD BICYCLE We have them in the Columbia, Rambler H. 13. PEELK THE JEWELER WILLtAHSTON, N C. TELEPHONE 31 Subscribe to The Enterprise M Ji H DYSPEPSIA CURE IPM MM ETLJ OH M DIGESTS WHAT YOU EAT H PW MPI Kj I | The SI 00 bottle contains 2 S times ths trial sue. which sells for SO IB ml iy f!!\ X J Iff I J rSSPABBD ONLY AT TMI LASOBATOSV Of U M >KJ# R XIRLJ HR LL E. c. D«WITT & COMPANY, CHICAGO. " fLook - 1 nvesti gate - Read In order to make your dimes and dollars go to the utmost limit our bargains blend with sparkling values in all kinds of mer % ehandise. Don't let this opportunity pass you. You may not again have the chance to buy at such low prices. Men's Straw Hats Laccs and Embroideries Ladies and Childrens Slippers nt wholesale cost: It will astonish you to see ovr line of I,aces and Our line of men's ladies' mid children's drop- Embroideries and how low that we are now selling stitch Hose are the nicest evpr shown for the tliein. Never tiefone has there lieen such bargains money. We have them at all prices, from to to in these kind of goods. Ttiy; values in Table Linens soc. a jwir, LADIES' VESTS, we have them for worth bo and 75c., for 50 and (toe. per yard. 5. 10, 15 and 25c . each. # CLOTHING Ol'R LINE OH Boys' and Children's Summer CLOTHING at Wholesale Cost^— If you are thinking of buying a suit, or a pair of pants, it will pay you to come to if you are thinking of buying wmc FURNITURE ,BBl) SPRINGS,CHAIRS or ROCKERS it will pay you to see our line on second floor. To tell goods like the above for leas than the prevailing prices seems like Gold Dollars, but this is our . way so co me and gather them in. Harrison Brothers & Company RKPt >Rf OP THE CONDITIO* OF Bank of Martin County at WIIXIAMBTON. N.C.. •I the clow of hwwiifM June glh. 1904 RBSOURCKS: Loans ft IHkuubU f 7VUSS& Om-Drafu Other Storks and Hood* 1,000 o*. Furniture 4k Fixture*. 1,723 \5 Demand I«oane 9-577 ' Due From itankmiKl Rinkri* Nat I Hank Nutei »hI other U.S.Note* 7.1*3 l* TOTAL. * 99.567*5 UAIIUTIKK Capital Stock. t 12,000.00 . Suri lue * 5.000.00 Undivided Pr»lu »,Mio.ia Due to Hank* and Hanker* 't^-73 Depooit* subject to Check *5.3J9.02 Time Certificates of De-pcsit 15.wa.00 TOTAL. $ 9W*7 «5 I, J. G. Godard Caahier, of bank of Martin County, do solemnly swear (or affirm; that th« above Statement ia true to the best of my kno» ledge and belief, J. G. GODARD. Caahiev State of North Carolina [ County of Martin j Sworn to and subscribed before me. this 21st day of June. A: D.. 1904 C. M. GODWIN. Notaor Public COR R KCT—ATTKST : I Ife-nnis S. Bigg* '• Wheeler Martin ) DIRF.CTORS S. L. Godard \ I. G. Godard 1 RKPORT OF THK CONDITION OF J. C. Robertson, Banker, at ROBKUOmiUX, N. C.. at the close of lm wines* June ,th. i«r»4 RKSOt'RCKS Loans and Discount* % 17.3Wi.64 Oveniiafts 425 14 Furniture and Fiature* 714.M Other Renl Kstnt* Owned *»575.*° Due from Hanks and Katikers Checks and other Cash Items 1,345.20 TOTAL $ *»,734.21 1,1 Altll.lTlKS Capital Stock 3.000.00 Undivided Profit* 1,515.66 Deposits Subject to Check 22.a04.2s Cashier's Checks Outstanding >4-3° Hills Payable 3,0011,4 m TOTAL $ 734 »> State of North Carolina | County of Martin I.J. C Robertson. Caahier of the above-named bank, do solemnly swrar that the above state ment is true to the l«e«t of my knowledge and belief. J C. ROBF.RTSON. Cashier Sworn and subscribed to before me thlai sth day of June, ivta. S. L- ROSS, Notary Public HOLLISTE* S Rocky Mountain Tea Nuggets A Baiy Medio; ne far Baay People Brings Golden Health and Renewed Vigor A specific for Constipation, Indigwtioo. Lire and Kidney Troubles. I*imples Eczema, Impure Sood, Bad Breath. Rluggish Bowela, Headache •mi backaohe It's Rocky Mountain Tea in tab let form, Bft cents a bo* Genuine made by II >ulistkr Daro Company, Madison. Wis. GOLOEN NUGGETS FOR SALLOW PEOPLE Subscritie to THK ENTERPRISE