THE ENTERPRISE. Fudat. Acgijst f> 1904 LOCAL NKWS —The Roanoke is where you #et satisfaction in good prices. —See Uncle To-n at the I)ixi He will entertain you Mr. W. S. Harris is erecting a ueat cottage oil Haughtou street. —Carry your tobacco to the Roa noke, "Little Jim" will talk for yott and will get for you every dol lar your tobacco is worth. —Mr. J. A. Castle called yester day and renewed his subscription. —A few regular table boarders can he accommodated at the "Tria diac Cafe. —Husbands stay home nights— l*ove your wives—U»y then! Wil liam Tell Flour —Have good bread —be happy. Wives, are you with us? Southern Supply Company. Mr. J W. Griffin, of Rober sonville, handed as his subscription for this paper Monday. Meadows & York, at the "Dixie," are your friends. You know what that means—big prices for your tobacco, —Messrs Keith & Godwin lost a barn of tobacco by fire last night. Ix»ss #l5O. Small waists are no longer in style. It's the round plump Waisj that comes by taking Hollister's Kockv Mountain Tea; that'sall the go. 35 cts. Tea or tablet form. S. R Biggs. —Messrs. J. J. and B. Mc. Man ning, of Griffins, were in town ves terday and called to renew their subscriptions. Cousti(>ation, headache,backache feel mean no appetite, all run down. Hollister's Rocky Mountain Tea will make you well at;d keep you well. Money hack if it fails. 35 cts. Tea or tablet R. biggs. Mr. Jesse B. Roberson, of Rob ersonville, was in town yesterday ami subscribed for this paper. The oxygenized strength of the healing pines, combined with other well known kidney and bladder remedies, is presented in Pit Miles. This new discovery gives immedi ate relief and permanently cures all kidney and bladder troubles. Sold by S. II lillison & Co. Mr. A. C. Jones took his son, Willie, to a hospital in Not folk Wednesday to have him undergo an operation. —We are glad to learn that Mr. Fr nk Hassell, who is now taking the Summer Law course at Chapel HiU. was recently chosen Profes soi of Knglisli at Horner's Military School. We are always glad to note the progress of our young Man/an is certiiinly a specific for Piles. This new discovery is put up 111 a colla|»sible tube, with nozzle, so it may lie applied where 1110-1 needed. Slops the pain in stantly and cures. Sold by S. 11. Ellison & Co. -—Hatch Bros. Excursion to Nor folk on the 10th, is the talk of the day. A large crowd will take ad vantage of this exceedingly low rate— s2. oo round-trip. Sec circu lars for full particulars. Every body go Last chance this season. Ring's Dyspepsia Tablets instantly relieve the stomach and aid digest ion. They arc as pleasant as loaf sugar and cure dyspepsia, sour ris ings, catarrh of the stomach and indigestion. Sold by S. H. Ellison & Co. Good prices prevailed on the Roanoke Warehouse floor at open ing sale yesterday. Prices ranged from 4 to 17 cents. \ —Littleton Female College, ad vertised elsewhere in this paper, is doing a great work for the young women of this and other States. The Matriculation last year was over 200 and indications now point to a co.isidei able increase in Sep tember. ( Eal •( 1 Bitter Flfkt "Two physicians had a long and stubborn flight with an abcess on my right lung" writes J. F. Hughe* of OuPont, Ga. "and gave me up. Everybody thought my time had come. As a last resort I tried Dr. King's New Discovery forconsump tion. The benefit I received was striking and I was on feet in a few days. Now I've entirely regained my health.,. It conquers all Coughs Colds and Throat and Lung trou { les Guaranteed by S. R. Biggs Price 50c, and SIOO. Trial bottles £ Opening of the Markets ROBERSONVILLE The piospects were not auspici ous yesterday morning for it'look el as tliough it wis going to rain practically all the morning, hut presently the carts and wagons were heaving in from the distance ,ind by 10 o'clock each warehuose was Retting its share of the weed. The whole fair population of the town seemed to be present as th»* prices were steeptd and twisted on the slick tongue of the clever auc tioneer. The farmers were all pleased with the prices, there being no kicks whatever. The sales began at 10 o'clock and closed 10: 45- The highest price paid on this market was 14 cents. There were alxuit 11,000 pounds sold here yesterday. The average price was 6.85. WILLIAMSTON Although our chances were very slim when the train left Thursday morning; yet, before the market opened up the wagons were stream ing in from all sides. The prices ranged from 4 to 17 cents, everybody appearing to be pleased. The prices were 50 per cent better than they were last sea son,and there was not a kick made. There were 17,0110 pounds sold on this market yesterday, and we should be proud of cur market for some of the very best markets in the State did not sell this much; and our prices were as good as theirs. The bidding was hot and lively from start to llnish. There would have been a large "break" if the farmers had been ready to market. The crop was injured by the heavy raius and hails, and therefore it will be marketed later than usual. A Perfect Painless Pill is one that will cleanse the system, set the liver t~ action, remove the bile, clear the complexion, cure headache and leave a good taste iti the mouth. The famous little pills lor doing such work pleasantly and effectually are DeWitt's Little Karly Risers. Bob Moore of Lafayette Ind. sa^s;' All other pill I have used gripe and sicken, while l>eWitt's Little Karly Risers ate simply per fect '! Sold by Anderson Crawford it Co. The Bear Man There is a colored man in-Tyrrell comity who walk.-> on liis all-fours, has club feet and can run taster thJn a man. His movement is bear-like. Pits in End to it All A grievous wail oftimcs conies a-, a result of unltenrnhle pain from over taxed organs Dizziness, Hack ache. Liver complaint and conslipa tion. Hut thanks to Dr.K'tig's New Life Pills thev put au end to it all They are gentle but thorough. Tiv them. Only 15c. Guaranteed by S K. Biggs. Cholera Infantum This disease his lost its terrors since Chatnlierlain's Colic, Cholera and diarrhoea Remedy catne into use. The uniform success which at tends the use of this remedy in all cases of Ixmel complaints in child ren has made it a favorite wherever its value has become khown. For sale by S. R. Biggs. Tourist Rates The Frisco System will issue, during the Summer months, Tour ist round trip tickets to various re sorts and locations—the Mountains, Lakes and Seashore, at greatly re duced rates, with ample return limit. Call on nearest agent, or address Passenger Traffic Department, SAINT LOUIS M Mi MI MOTTO KM PM Yfrtbl The mmt famous Cod LWer OH prep aration known to medicine. Contains ALL the medicinal elements of cod I jeer oil, actually taken from freab i-o&'a brers, but not a drop of oil, l)elicij»ua to the taste and recognized throughout the world as tlie greatest STRENGTH CREATOR lor old people, weak, sickly women and children, nursing mothers and af ter a severe sicknesa. Cores Hacking Concha, Chronlo Colds, Bronchitis and ail Throat and Lung Troubles. Unequaled to create an appetite and to make those who are too thin, fat, may and healthy. Try It oa our guarantee to return jour money If jom arc not satisfied. BAKER * SALSBORY Aug.s 3m. Hamilton, N. C. PEJtSONAIiS Mi R. H. Salfbury, of Haskell, \ -s l,_iv Mow lav. A 1 C 11. It•' r, of Hamilton, was in town t' day. Mr. Win. Slaiic left Saturday foi Flat Creek Union. Mr. J. T. Ross, of Roherson ville, was h.:e Monday. Mr. C. S. Richard*,of Hamilton, was iu towu yesterday. Mr. W. R. Gladstone, of Hamil ton, was here Monday. Rev. R. I). Carroll attended the Roanoke Union at Him City Dr. U. S. Hassell, of Jamesville, was here Monday on business. Mr. N. S- Peel returned from Panacea Spriugs Saturday night. Mr. Will Phillips, of Norfolk, came iu Sunday night on business. Mrs. W.Henry Crawford return ed from Wriglitsville Beach last Thursday. Messrs. Gus Whitley and John Perkins, of Kveretts, were here Monday. Mr. Henry Woodard, of Wilson, cainc in Monday night to visit Mr, Calvin Hassell. Wilmer Sitterson came up from Plymouth Tuesday morning to spend a few days. Mr. C. A. Cocran, of Rocky Mount, was here Thursday on im portant business. Flder Sylvester Hansel I and Miss Sal lie Roberson left Friday for the Flat Creek Union. Mr. Wade H. Latham, of Forts mouth, came in Saturday evening to visit his parents. Hon W. G. Lamb and son, Mr. Wilson, G., Jr., went to Tarlwro Wednesday morning. Mr. C. B. Hassell returned Fri day night from Wrightsville,where he has been for about a week. Mr. Nichols and Mrs. Charlie Jaycocks, of Windsor, sj>cnt Sun day with Miss Kmma Hassell. Miss Ilattie and Mr. lidward Harden were in town last Thnrsday on a visit to Mrs. A. H. Smith. Miss Mittie Coffield is the guest of Miss Anna Crawford, at the cor er of Church and Smithwick streets. Mr. Harry A Biggs returned from St Louis Wednesday even ing after spending about three weeks. Miss Bessie Warren, of G recti vi'le, came in Wednesday evening to visit her brother, Dr. Win. E. Warren- Mr. and Mrs. John C. Lamb and !u r mother, Mrs. James C.-Mcßae arrived Sunday evening from Chapel llill. Miss Delhi Lanier, who has Seen visiting at the home of Mr. I) C. Jones, in Hamilton, has returned hi ilile Mrs. David Jones and children. >f Hamilton, were visiting liei mother, Mrs. W. 11. Carstarphen, last week. Martin Carstarphen, of Tarboro, at rived Tuesday evening to visit his parents, Mr. and Mrs. James K. Carstarphen. Mr. John Iv Pope and mother, who have been on a visit to I,exing ton for, the past mouth, returned Fuesday evening. Misses Lulic and Ella Stat on, af ter sjiending alioiit a month at Wrightsvillc Beach, returned Wed nesday evening. Mr. C. E. Allen, who was auc tioneer at the warehouses last sea son, returned Tuesday evening to be present at the opeuing. Mr. and Mrs. Dennis S. Biggs went to Norfolk Tuesday morning to be present at the Horse Show, thence they will go to Saratoga,N. Y., to spend altout ten adys. Mr. Chas. H. Godwin the effi cient bookkeeper for the Bank of Martin County, and one of Wil liamston's most ]>opular yt>ung men, spent several days at Wrights ville Beach this week Messrs. Joseph D. Biggs, Wil liam Hardison, Jim Robertson, Jim Leggett, M. M. Critcber, Grover Hardison, Charlie Ward and Wil lie Watts attended the Horse Show at Norfolk this wtek- Mrs. W. T. Crawtord left Tues t f day morning for Norfolk,thence she will go to Princeton, N. J., with her sister, Mrs. C. W. Kellinger, where they will visit their sister, Mrs. S. H. Vandeve. Miss Tommie York, of Nash ville, who has been visiting at the home of Mr. Wm. York, returned home last Friday. Misses Nolie York and Essie Peele accompanied her to Parmele. ANOTHER CARLOAD S JUST ARRIVED n■ > i I Our customers demand the l>est, X 3 and they get it in this hue. Each 2 s one sold, sells another—neiglilior x 5 tells ncigliltor, and so the news f X spreads, and our sales increase X "fo '■> i> ■> SPECIAL NOTICES If you Imve lost something and it is worth li tutinjj put a local in Tint Kntkk- If you want something and it is worth having let the people know aliout it through Tiik Kntkki'Hisk. If you have anything to sell, ami its worth selling, let the people know it through Tiik Bntkri'kisk. I,oeals utliler this heading 5 cents a line each insertion. No "ail." taken for less than I 5 cents. Special rates for long time. WANTED AT ONCE -A good cook. Apply at this office. TOBACCO RAISERS. Full Sets and Repairs for Tobacco Fluus can lie bought of (1. K. DIXON, Williainston, N. C. —MII.K FOR SALE-I can furnish any one desiring "ice fresh milk. Phone Mrs, W. A Hi.i.isnk' FOR SALE —One .second-hand Saw Mill, saw, carriage, 40 feet of w tys, and set of tools. Run 10 d tys. Apply to Simpson Ildw. Co A fine lot of nice white enve lopes at 4 cents a package, (25 in a pack) at the Enterprise Hook Store. WANTHP Medium size second li.ind Iron Siife, must IK- in g**l condition "II," care this office. FOR SAI.H .V' cords of good pine wood £.V"" 1 cord delivered if. v J. l. St a ton. SPECIAL .S'*) cast's of ( 'IIMHI I.lick Raking I'o.nai-., going f.' >s a ease 5c lots, liny quick This offer lor unly ,v' d.iys. Southern Supply Co, —llarrcll's v'Piiadiac" Caf«-, over J. W. Watts iV Co., is the pi ice for a good meal. Highest prices will IK- paid on the Roanoke Warehouse 110 >r for tobacco this season. —The "Triadiac" Cafe, over J. W. Watts Si Co., opened for busi ness in the resturant line August Ist. ANNOUNCEMENT !! I wish to announce to the public that I have moved my meat market to the old stand of Adams & Vork, where Mr. Adams and myself will continue a first-class market, under the name of the "CITY MARKET" handling all kindsof Meats, Fisli, a id Truck in season. RIPE TOMATOES 50 cents per bushel. , I will continue business at iny t.iy present stand carrying a full line of . GROCERIES and. Gents* Furnishing Goods Thanking you for past favors and soliciting a continuance of same, I am*, Yours to please, M. M. GRITGMER SECOND FLOOR FRONT Over J W Watts & o's S. W. HARRELL'S riRSTCI.ASS, \CLKAN ' \4JHgjP-T() I)AT! Barber Shop Polite and Efficient Service .... GIVE US A CALL SPECIAL 500 CASES Good Luck Milking Powders $2.95 A CASE FIVE CASE I.OTS Buy quick, this offer is positively good for only 30 davs. Southern Supply Company Mai \ a little l id Whose face was fair to see. Itecause • aeli night lie had a df ink (»l Koekv Mountain Te.i. s. k. c.iugs CRYSTAL Shaving Parlor RHODES A ALEXANDER Proprietors Building Smith wick Street New and tip- to-late Furniture. The best Barbers that can he ob tained. Polite and courteous attention. Motto—"We lead, others follow.'' WILLI A M STON I'ItKNHINU ('LITIt Room No. 6 Hank Building We solicit your patronage in our line and glial antee first-class work. Pressing and cleaning a .suit, 75c. Pressing a suit yx-. Pants, per pair ..25c. We also clean and press Ladies' Skirts. * Ice Creitni Parlor in connection Orders taken for furnishing Cream to families. OCTAVUS PRICE J. B. McGowan First Class Market * 'PIIONK 56 MAIN STRKKT A FULL. UNIS 111' LIGHT AND IIHAW GROCERIES When,you need anything 'phone us, and Mr. Adams, the old reli able beef man, will wait ou you la the oldest (37 year*)and first Business Collate in V a.,(second In the South) to own a building erected, for its use—one of the finest in Richmond. Endorsed by its students, business men and the press. Philadelphia Stenograph* a*n "It Is the leading Uiwiwsn 'ollcife south of the l'otomac River/* "When f reached Richmond, I inquired of several business man for the beat Business College in the city, and, without exception, they all rscMaaMaM SmlthdeaTs as the beat."—H'm K. HIMM, Law Ntmwgrajiher, Richmond. Single, noiibie Kntry and Joint-Stock Bookkeeping, Commercial Arithmetic, Business Writing, Business Practice, Shorthand, Typewriting, Telegraphy, Commercial Law. English Department. Ladies and gentlemen. Day and night Sessions. No vacations. Students enter at any time. By NUll.—Bookkeep ing, Shorthand, Penmanship, at home, to those who cannot come to College. Special imliM-ements to well educated young men, especially to teachers. Write forcatalog and full particulars to 6. ft. Smlthdeal, Pres., Bklinai. v£ Dennis S. Bigg-, Pres. T. W. Tilghman Gen. Mgr. Jno. D. Biggs, Sec & Treat DENNIS SIMMONS LUMBER CO. . . Manufacturers of. . Kiln Dried North Carolina Pine Lumber, . j» .* j» « e ® w OENNIB SIMMONS' BRAND CYPRESS SHINCLK 4 ORDERS AND CORRESPONDENCE SOLICITED WILLIAMSTON, N. C. s GROCERIES SJl£-2£ sale Carloads of Flour, Carloads ol Fresh Meal (1. A. Salt " " Rump Pork Full stock of other Groceries as well. Our goods arc moving oil every train and boat. Social attention to our mail order department. Let us have your orders. Southern Supply Co. WHOLESALE GROCERS WILLIAMSTON, NORTH CAROLINA Shoes for Women I I I A. Shoe for Women I \ \*3l If you have heard the story of Had- I |- yV \ cliffe Shoes and their wonderful I Ix^ N v'd success, you waul a pair. If you \ \Q don't know al)out them call and \ \ get ac|iiaiiited ami save a dollar I on every pair you buy. We I have them in latest styles, for I dress or walking. Tor frnerbing an J renelping shoes use RaJcli/fe Shoe Dressing. Pants for Men (Closing Out Summer Pants We have on hand the prettiest line of Pants for Summer ever seen in the county,and are closing them out at reduced prices so as to make room for our fall and winter stock ... ' - «► S. H. Ellison & Co. THE STORE OF THE COUNTY FREE DELIVERY—ci