■ ■ M J. I BHS i(i- • ■ ** M if- a' 1 1 VOL. V. NO. 45. p ■ ,*:: •-■■, l '■ '*' Vk*% •»• |fe i i ffthW *&} v fg?fcs*«v *f •- •" -Ajli I "" 1 y \ t - —-j „ t L. ~l^ Wffß 01 * High order on Uie whole —jf £*a ~m «.i- -wi Lrmrt^ ■Du nicy were umot wun person *j we five he.e a summary of the speeches made oo the occasion. Mr. PIMMJ Peel called the meeting to order by.a tap of the favel at about 3 o'clock, lir. Peel was elected permanent chairman of the Meeting and a»fe a few pointed remarks oca nag wpvoojcci oi ik mfci" »««• l ',;'' z.l' ■' , »'.;,.. A sketch of the speech delivered the Good Roada tweeting. «s taken t» MrWWteriMfcel ftw s*ld\M put; "W* v* -»•• iM 1 1 "Neighbors, friend* and geatle-> men. this conventionAas been call* . "?'.» «! ' " j..1 *r . ■■• u ed wttlMU true and aubiaep and motive unou actual iu«l.s ep»-w**w Mmhml* W «M aim t « (iciuanus ui »ii nnern-icmiip ]>ro pie, who love their .' county at poned nnUriofcitf etarv *anr*«hl his vo ce against the present unfair, iiniiniLftnri wianmhlr road tyAtMu I unjust and should not be allowed, In this convention to day we want every one who will to express his own Urge. Not to tell of take gone by bat to produce evidence why or wky not the pre*nt unjust labor system jnft system whereby sll-daases may be£t their equal proportion of the batdea as they do in the maintaeance of all otbet publ* property. »| ~jf ; "I want to state to yon gentle men that this meeting was not call ed foe •ow owp» laudatory fooling, but being placed id the position we ate; we have heard the complaints of the people and have seta their neeft uhfff W that a dhafcge was inevitable and. my good friends, the sooner we make it the TT^yritff IWInX red years cities had and for thatand many oGber tea wardneas m. China has but awake to pfoifrerity as Oar own-Republic; /that onr children, our grand-child ren and even our great-grand-child rwiFßsm,% arise from the slumber yon have been sleeping and look back and ruiawi rtmsiws of Nwif Ba bylon and see what her first pro moters in art. science, commerce and governmental affairs wen,the WKhways. Think Christian era. Think of Rome, 500 years before the birth of our Think of Napoleon building roada pnsinwiu UtlOllH I T _■ _ __v , . , to help us. "^ lth good will he as near neighbors. 'Amafket 2 only be th* garden spot but the pleasure grounds of l4hxti»s6int y. Mr. Hy«u« Pstl followed the chairman in a very timely speech. He said in pmiV r * "Mr. Jim Ed Mcnae weey said a truer thing in b& life whe* haaaid ha conld allow an opposing lawyer to be of an opinion directly hoatile to his own; yet, there would be no haiil feeling at 41. Now that is exactly what we want here to-day. pre want free'and opeta discussions on the matter of good roada. aad there should be no bad feelings manifested. burg qpunty is in the lead in North Carolina because she has the best highways. "Taxation is for the benefit of iH. Jtt.SPMtea»gL ! . The man thing. Your factories and ho nets may ba burned up, bwt gda4 ro9|i asa permanent Look to the ia tnre and be manly my countrymen! Not only will yon reap the benefit that all who were in favor of better roada please rise on their feet. The 1 Or. Vf. Peel spoke at fd&Wf: "The young men are no better than their fathers to work the roads of this District. The only trouble is that they are too lazy, confound them. v "The people sre being ground to death by the oppressive hand of taxation. Vou come here with this movement of good roada and you aeek to pot the weight of tax ou the shoulders of tbcfce who bore up the standard of the lost Cause aad, who spent the vigon of their youth A le field. You bring °Cb»y hairs in sorrow to the | | SMI of Mr. W. C. Manning: "Wdbhairmau and Fellow-citi- Mw! 'We are hdl heft taxation of the people. Trtiis meeting .was called after AaadfclP beration by the spontaneoas out cry nfihe people The argument of my 'predecessor is based On absolute ignorance of the situation. In this grand old Republic of ottrs iaxadoikis used to the best mote the general ""welfare of the *** grind them to death. If we were Savages like the Indians before the' Revolution we wohld licSrVTlftltln, we would, in other words* . have no agents to carry p« pur govenifieut lot ds, Would have to be at war with our neighbors and our lives would he in danger every I!*i£Efc.-:a uaiVKioii piy iiirett.uiK's as nitu t>| tax t r ■II ■ ■ ■ll || ■ Wt I ■V 2 ■ ■l/ 1/ fl I J ■ ■ ■ ■ M H | # - i■ H J* ■ I / ■ ■j ■ JH . ■ # M j # iiii • R * /n^¥^ 01 \ N - W®** AUG UST 1904. lafimJ grj-u-ul *v\A/i« Knl to Hav |lj| ■ Mhm then follow dtiaeas—with oat an taxation we can take the surpln| Off hand and we WU improve the- leading roads pf t&e chanty, starting at the &ntra' points, and Step by Vtep we cahjm prove all tKe letting roads of eiich township throatftfftit the bounty. It is best to begin at Willianiston and Tatm-svitie 'ihA -fhe other im portnat tow as and isn prove them first for they are used mor a and would be direct pall right away." MSOLPTIONB ADOPTKD. PXRAMSLK ■* Be it resolved that the citiaea tax-payers of Griffin's Township do aak ihat the fceprtaentative of Mar tin county ra tlw 0 ext Legislature, have the following resolutions pnt through lor the connty of Martin, provided the county eUimissiotiers endorse this resolution, if not, this iifc»tß(i6n'Muffi apply toOrtffin** TWWnship.i. j- >f r ' BKSOI.UTION . Be it enacted that the County Martin county, and. furthermore that all o—is icts convicted of petty offences be placed upou our roada; '»!rr k /Yfer!P te be at the discretion of the connty commissi oners. % - v. . BPHSAIM Pbku * J t 'fl p ~ * M. T). MOBI.KY CaiaUs a4aii wlitHii nwv'iiww The startliug anueuncenient that a preventive of suicide had been diacovered will interest many. A ran down system, or despdndency iuvaribly precede suicide and some thing has been found that will pre vent that condition which makes MHeMelttfetf. At the first thought of self destruction take Electric Bitters. It being a grert tonic and nervine will strengthen the nerves and build up the system-. It's alsd a great Stomach, Liver and Kidney liglhtir. flbly 90c. '^Satisfaction U It Is extffmiieil by wbteb to m-srlr dmii.la the Bgnra at Isas than ten years ago ' This groat expansion of tba HMmue-tud the (swt al expanse as well, wbleb Is ITH grsater-flalargely due. of contse, to the gNSfeut ttir rural free dellrsry The spproprlstlon for the rural free delivery service for the coming year to rM.77n.7n0. but (Ms mm Will «Sf enable the depsrtaient te create ss many new route* ss were possible tost year. The reason for tbto to tbst 07 per cent of the spproprlstion will be HMd to pay sslsrles at carriers tinder xvvz&rjru;,*. - order of thing* ft will bo possible to establish routes st Ute rate of about 600 a month. At this >otlrs pointed s rural msll carrier on a roote that lias been given op by two man hsianst of the rigors «t the posltloo. « V-r-il V' S. J This disease has lost its terrors since Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and diarrhoea into cases of bowel complaints in child ren i^^avyt^jyherever IBh n - mtomam annuau.* IN I*MN rtaasss *Mkm MbUI af Ik* w»M» •* i*u>el|igtoee ma B*lM tt» AnMrWaMpl* haw MHO* to •WwUU tbe (act feat tbe food road* qaeetkui appears at last to be taking and ettorty fflagmlsd oa the other teaA at oar almost total lack of good im* and w slmoet atjpr want of ap preclatton of the advantages of prop arijr Improved highway*. Aa a result of this. ear daplorablo roads have at taloed a worldwide reoown, which Km Or detraeta from oar reputation of B an nt sptlnaally enlightened and progress! va people. 11*™ willing sohmlaa lon of tba A mar DU people to tba asedlfeas and burden L MM condition of ow country roada la I a ramarkabla ctrcumstancs. Careful I iotudr of tbia matter aeems to Indicate 'that tbia to wholly due to lack of knowladira nad appreciation of tht comparative tuned to of Improved road ways over bad aato and tba onae and low coat by which tba beat of roada I may be secured. , "It la wholly Inconsistent with tba , characteristic aatarprlae of Americana mat tbay aboak) willingly aubmlt to • tba conttnoooa and nssdls— loaaaa dot t to lack of good roada. rapectally whan thaaa loaaaa nraao (rant la a tow yeari ' aa to equal the coat of balldlng tba • ft beet roada to tba world throughout I tba aatlra comity. Thla ramarkabla tact can only ha accounted for y tba raault of oar deplorable Ignorance of tba compnrattr* sronomlss. comforta and plsasarae of good and bad roada. It la coasirvstlTwly aatbuated by gotenuaeat officials that wa are nesd toaaly losing ar waatlng over 9000,000,. o«> aach year bacanae of oar bad Hloada. inn king a pad tag of ovet 93,- '1900,000 tor every working day In tbe ilfaar aad an Individual Ut of nearly |*M each year tor a vary person In thin EK -Thla aatlmala li for tba direct mon ! ay.laaa aad taksa no acroaat of the la , cMaatal disadvantages, diacoraforta aad toauavsalsnesa at bad roada. I Which woald probably exceed the dl ract moneyed loss. Besides thla, tba Inai aaaad valaea of farms reached by pood roada woald amoont to aa anor moaa sum. la Now York and other etataa tbia tamaae to selling values baa squalad from pi to 9100 aa acre la many caaea "Aa latraaaa of only 98 an acre on tba eotimato of acraa for tba coon try would amount to some thing like £((,000,000.000. or mora than enoegb to balk) tba beat and finest main roada to tbe world-aboat 1,000,- 00D mllaa— throughout tba entire coun try several times over, aad by recently developed methods to road building the Mat roada caa be built for a coat which aboald not.ogcaed aa average of 92,000 g mil* Tbe Interact oa tbia awn of -90,0004)00,000 at 4 par cent woald build all the mainly traveled roada In tbe country to ¥aa than ton years at a coot of only 10 par cent of the Increaaed farm rslaa. "Proas tbla it appaara that wo woald rocelve benefits from Improving our main roada la the tocraato of farm val tia alooe equal to two and one-half told, or HO per cent of their aoet. -A direct as ring of 9900,000.000 a year, Igwad at 4 par cant Interest, woald aarry a coat of 112,800.000,000. Tbla la over six tlmea, or 000 per cent, af tba naciaaary eoats of the main , roada for tlio entire country. "If the Indirect comforta, benefits aad aavtnga will eqoal the direct sav ing we will have another Item of 9000,- 000,000. Tbia makes the total baoaita from good taolil roada equal to some thing Ilka 990L000.000.0Q0. or fifteen " dates their coat Tba latanat from tbfe suu) at 7 per cant would pay tbe Set of building the finest and best main roada la the world throughout Ibe entire country each and every yaar, •These benefits are ao aoarmoua that Lla difficult to rightly comprehend m without making soma cootparl -1 eons. Tbe benefits of *80,000,000,000, tor Instance, are nearly a hundred tlmea tbe amoont of tba coat of the 1 Spanish war anl cartalaly appaar to make- thla the greatoat economic qu«a- Ooa before thla eoaatry at tbe present (Mir Nr tba VinMn. Many tlmea it happens that tbe farm dra In tba atonay season en nnot get to tbe railroads, ami therefore tbe prod ace whirl] ha would like to market and for which tbe market ia elamoring ia cat off by bad roada. Could tbe farm 4* at aU aanaooa draw bis produce to the aadreat shipping point he would aae his own time to better advantage becaase be woald do this drawing NT dull sea eons, and tbe rolling stock of tbe rallroada would be far more ef fsgtud. because a steady supply of freight woall In a measure do away with tbe congestion o t truffle wblcb happsaa from time ia iiw« aad which to a aoarce of great loas to all con ▼agvaata Work sis Ossiala aaaAs. Oeoigla'a new vagraney law makea It lawful to pat to work on tba high ways any adult cannot abow be r. • A THEFT FOLLOWED BY BLOODY FIGHT Will Small wood Shot Cliff Bland Five Times, Three Balls Taking Effect, I Then Made His Escape v Bland went early Sunday morn ing to catch the fellow whom ha auaplcioned waa stealing hia fiah out of hia neti on t! a cieek. Ht went In pursuit of him from the wharf but could not catch him ao he got out. pointed hia gun at the negro—after he saw him fiahing with hia nets and aaw the water dripping from them—and a treated him Ho mat!e the negro row up to him and take him to hia canoe, which he had left down the river. When they were about to change frem one canoe to another, the negro catching the eye of dland, ran up to him before he could do anything, and shot him three limes in the mouth. They had a scuffle in the canoe and creek, and the negro shot him two more times. Bland crawled on the canoe, for he waa almoat exhausted; the nrgro hit him on the head with the pad dle, and went to hunt a pole to kill him with. When he came back Rlgnd pretended like he waa call ing some fr ends to his assistances ami the negro ran away from fright. Th- piatol ball was extracted Mm Blond s neck Thursday even ing. • I he negro is in jail suffering from a lick inflicted on hia head. BUil'i Statemeat l ast Sunday I went U* the river, saw Small wood with a sack and 1 emarked to three young men who were standing near, going ;o get my fish andl can catch him too I forthwith peisued l>im to the mouth of the creek. He ha just fished the net and the water w>s dripping off ot it. Then 1 followed him tip the creek to catch him and I found that I could not catch him, lor he had to minutes start on me,so 1 landed and made him come across the creek to m« by arresting him with my gun. Then I made him paddUe ma down to where my boat was. When 1 went to shift canoea he caught my eye and as I turned, he jumped at. me and shot me three times in the mouth. Wa went together and fought in the canoe and fell into tne creek. He shot twice while I was in the creek. . He tri d to drown ma but he waa unable tn I crawled up on the ca noe almoat worn out. lie hit me on the head with the paddle and said he was going to get a pole and fin iah me. I had cruwled out on a log and u I heard him I holloaed come on bnygl come onl This frightened him and h* ran away. Thit is what saved me. 1 crawled and walked about two and one half miles to Mr. Wilson's. Smaiiwood's SUlement ♦ Mr. Bland went down there drawed hlg gn» on me and told ma 1 had been stealing his fish. He made me come to him with my boat and be got in my boat. After paddlinc >r " , y boat to the mouth of the rivof* wjtli his gun on rte. -*He told m ho was of a g«>o > mind to kilt me anyhow and he struck me over the head will, his gun. I shot bun three lime*and th b attorned A Sianr COM * A summer cold ia not onlv annoy ing but if not relieved Pneumonia will be the probable result by Fall. One Minute Cough Cure clears the phlegm, draws out the inflamation, heals, soothes and straightens tbe lungs and brooical tubes. One Min ute Cough Cure i 4 an ideal remedy for children. It is pleasant to the taste and perfectly harmless. A cer tain cure for Croup, Cough and Cold. Sold by Anderson Crawford l&Co. • *. lover in the creek. I went out first! Will Small wood was caotured till the wood* of Bertie county Tuesday ■bout i a o'clock, u a result of the strenuous work of Sheriff Crawford assisted by Chief Page. He was jailed about 4 o'clock. The court house yard was. almost full of people as the Sheriff drove in with the prisoner. A * Mil N rvnvvi fIIIVVII rnt is one that will cleanse the system, set the liver t» action, remove the bile, clear the complexion, cute headache and leave a good taste iu the mouth. The famous little pills (or doing such work pleasantly and effectually are DeWitt's Little Early Risers. Bob Moore of Lafayette Ind. says:"All other pill I have used gripe end sicken, while DeWitt's Little Early Risers are simply per fect " Sold by Anderson Crawford & Co. Rural Routes Washington, N. C., Aug. 4,1904 To the Editor: I will you kindly to publish a brief communication in the inter est of the extension of the rural free delivery service, the value and convenience of this service to the farmers who live more or, less re mote from existing post offices can not be qmntioned. If one doubts it let him go into the homes of , those who are now served by the , rural carrier. There ate at preaeut 57 routes in , operation in this district. The fol . lowing counties have two or more existing routes: Pitt, Msrtin.Beau fort, Pasquotank, Chowan, Hyde, Perquimans and Washington. Pitt stands at the head of the list and has in actual operation 24 routes. The next in order are Martin 8 , routes, Ben n fort 6 routes snd Pas quotank's routes. The counties of Chowan,; Perquimans and Hyde have eaCli four routes and Wash ington county has two routes. There are jitious pending for 21 routes starting from s number of post offices. It is significant that the applications for this service arc more numerous and insistent where the service ha- already been estab lished. There are six counties in which no routes have yet been established, namelv: Currituck Camden,Gates, Hertford, Tyrrell and Dare. Ap plications are pending in Gates county for one route each from Coreapeakc and Sunbury poet of fices and ati application for one route in Hertford county is pending from Ham llsville post office. It would be extremely gratify ing if this, service could be extend ed into sections of Curiituck, Cam den and Tyrrell counties. It is probable that the >ervice could not be established in any part of Dare county except on Roanoke Is land where probably an ideal route could be arranged. It is necessary that the people of the locality which desires this ser vice shall first move in the matter by laying out a route and getting up a petition aud map and forward tbe same to their Representative. All that your Representative can do is to call the matter to your at tention and empasize its importance Any citizen who takes an initial part in thi« movement will deserve the thanks of his community. I shall be happy to hear from any citizen and to forward literature and blank petitions. Each route must start from a post offioe, pre ferably on a railraad or at the County Seat. It must embrace a distance of about 25 miles and there must be at least 100 heads of fami lies to be served. Yonrs respeztfu'ly, JOHN Hf Small. || ,/ WHOLE NO. 253 •-' * i* Dciglitw pSS , t - ■» "'.V; ■ * Professional MifiWi OPPICR: MAIN BTKBBT4 Oaneos w. Nmu a atwood Mmu NKWRLL & BRO. LAWYERS mr 'V II.LIAMBTON. N 0. wkuvw wnfioM in U|waUl attmUoa gtota u> rratalea ud wk taC title far parchaam of tiabvr ud tiatof MML r— - FMOWC T« 1" w. a. naasxu. WM. X. WAAXXM On. Hariri I & Warren PHYSICIANS and SURQBONS OFFICK IN Bioos' DRUG STORS 'Phone No. 29 In Gase of Tire you want to be protected. In case of death you want to leave your family some thing to live on. In case of accident you want some thing to live on besides borrowing. Let Us Cent* to Your RMBM We can insure you against loss from Fire, Death and Accident, We can insure your Boiler, Plate Glass, Burg lary. We also can bond you for any office requir ing bond IMI lit kit CMfttfe! bpiMltri --I K. B. GRAWFOKD INSURANCE AGENT, Godard Building. Yfitbl Iki most famoue Cod Ltmr 00 asaUoa known to medietas. Contains ALL tbe medicinal elements mt c>d liver oil, actually taken from fcssb cod's Bww, bntao*adi»pesU» Delloioaa to tbe taata and NoofiM throughout tbs world as tbe greatest STRENGTH CREATOR far old people, weak, sickly women and children, Burning molbem sad af ter a severs slekassa - Cures Backing Coughs, ChroaJA Colds, Bronchitis aad all Throat and Lung Troublse. Coequsled to ertsM aa appetite snd to make those wheat* too tWn, Ist, rosy and healthy. Try It sa sar guarantee to retsra yoar nosey if yoasre not satisfied. BAKER * SALSBORY AUK. S jtn. HsiaMtos, N C. TURNER THORPE Clothes Pressing Expert Crystal Shaving Parlor Suits cleaned aud pressed 50c. Pants cleaned and pressed 25c. ff' • All work called for aad delivered. Satisfaction Guaranteed. For an expert shoe-shine call on TURNER Tax PHILADELPHIA BOOT-BLACK Stand on Main Street and at the Crystal Shaving Parlor,

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