f*" Uvttoo« | Acceptance. coamnvKD nam ran noi. Hillpricrty^g^^ With m be teM U»at the liiiito of mljiunl trade traa dH would mn to both. That tte Hwhli Thet the tuteefir wsaM lotaHo graat bmt by nblM Ml lUittw Ilia pradectlre capacity bee tanTta* mat*«T bee rtinil*h He atgattcaaea. One*, front the MM httaff poiat of view. It oeut ■- paaatoa; today the growth at ear manufacturing hMM bee far cxeaeded Ike nxuuiuptlTt capacity «T w domestic markets. nd the tene other thee tKgaaalta If Wo WNM m mt ■» •• ther w n^atHy. ?I!hat i s*ssaaocwrtag to tteia eel fe the auuMfactarar the gntta accruing from lacraxd production. otter mar wbaa mm etwtfactiiwi ere Hwl cat ee raw smfrisit la whole or pert Imported, It la vital to the extengloa ef theb markets abroad thet A»j ea on their Mtorieli ae the m* ta- Oar martyred praHiat. WllHem Me- Kialey, appreciated tbla sttnattoo. Be pointed ant la hie laet addraas H the people that wa aart Mke nwttli trade am »t i i»eel« If "ere ehaM mx tead the outlste far m IWPWIN ptaa." He aeld: "A system which pea- Tldee a mutual exchange ef wenll t lea la maalftallj eaeeuttal to the M tinned aad haalthfnl growth of ear ex port trade. • • • The parted of tide trade aad i la the praasteg piilhai. OeaMßhl wave era aapeef itsble. A policy ef food wttl mi Mtadly relations will ptetioat rtprie ala Reciprocity trastiss ate la har maoy with the apirit of the tlaaa; ■team in of retaHatha are net." Thla argument waa giade la the to tareet ef ear aaaanffietarata, whaae prodncte. to argwH. "have ao mnltl t^ttaT-*Ha U thet the ee called dud pat paMcy mart give way; that thee* moat be a redue tloa of dattea to eaeMe oar aaMhe turara to caltlrato faretga rfnbgta The toat words of thla lifliUiit. wte ha* we* the aiartht ef Mb cvsatiy aaa, ought to be et*M by every man who haa aay laaht ef the MeaHMr ef a rsdtsctloa la tartC raise la the later aat of the aaaaafacturar. They prceent with eliiram a situs tton aad a pro peeed reaaady that ptoagted the peeet that **wo favor liberal trade ima(r menta with Caaada aad with peoples ef other countries where they caa be entered late with benefit to ladiw comMnt*" The peraleteat refaeal ef the *»a> ■caa majority to the federal eeoata to ratify the raclproclty traatlea aapa tlated to paiaaaata ef the polity ad vocated alike by Mr. Bletoe aad Mr. McKlnley, had expraaaly aaartlnaad to the Dlagley act Itoelf. la ■ dlsrourag lag exblbltloo ef bad faith. As steady ■uaOuaad by M, the emochttaat daty Impound en many aa Importad article by the Dtaglsy tariff waa avowedly to tended by Its author aet to be pat— ■aat, bat to eerva temporarily ae a msxlmam, from which the federal por anaaat waa imp »w will to eP» e re ducttoo ta return for aa equivalent natiaalna aa the pert of e faratga inaatij. Ptaaldaat HcKtaley andsr taefc hooeetly to carry eat the ptopm ef the act ▲ number of recfererftp sgin moats were aagotittod. which, If latlflad. would here bed the twofold liafiaiia far i m trim a eeaautaara aad beta to laeliM peedateaa. Met Me ef tfcaoi sgrsosaaata haa aet wtth Me approval ef to»ipa|»Mi mtotws ef aMte JtMtete ef toe" pits iat"ewa parted frem Me. Mar deee the Be publlcnn platform eon tain a favorable Htoeaee ta «*e of the «M»«M trtttisa The elaeaii af the Ptagliy ect eeeai In tie if to to poople take'lte metier ta their own e ndattloe ef dad* lb ratarn for toeeae tea tte* toeeaa ei that ta the llnidn ef the Hdip- 'wL'tataad Independence. However, to dHMlpata el portability far wOectore I how etato that I ee hi hearty accord frith datagdag the Plpliia^j^Se^to favor maktag the preatoeta^^^^ arTcJjUtetsf iaual itagjTwfg taadto iiUhwt. Aad thta ahetad be daoe ■at aa» to jMdia to the PMpdaea. bat to pieearae ear own rlgbta. tor e flee tar TtaTtoTwattea ef tymaay over etherawhl eooa breadtaaataMpt tor ftoe 9 ' y ' p p ar m TT m m WJiUißt # 4 »• WM •■o prlTl- |pn to fhm wmdm tbm coreoanta of ear MMbi, bathotr Jaet due, eboui.l he made good ta MUM "In the eccoaa- StMiigirt*taeeed by the govern aaaat ef the UaMad Statae to an Amor Itoa ehtaaa ahaP he accepted the wortd •ear aa put ef dttaaaehta- CM Pervloa. The Hftf itlßltin to dvU aervloe ta tha aelLimi of the edTorta of thougtot fal. ill M I aad pebUc aplrtted cltl aeae. Operatloo aadar It baa frequent ly beoa af each a character ae to of toat agataat the eptrtt of the eta tut* hat the reaalta achieved, even under a partial aalta to>aar of the law, have beoa each aa to both Jmirvr and coin- Mad the utterance of the Democratic party that It etaade committed to the fetal bill ef civil eewlce reform and daeaaada Ha Jaet ead import lit! ea- Itaataaaettaa of Arid landa A vaat aipeaea ef country In tha meat, porttaae of which are to be found to each af the elxtecu atatee aad terrt teilaa. mentioned to the law. la direct ly aJtactad by the aatloaal atatute-the oatemae of tatadlgent and peralatent eCarta ef taadlag dtteeaa, providing tot the radematlna of the arid landa fae the boaadt ef hoaae aiakira. Dur tac the peeie df the devulopmont af the aaaaeuro which dually received the vote ' ef mSlih It eaweaatereddw^oeltkm, that the aim af Ma promotera wee to ' prtvate owaota et government expenae. The aba ef the eta tut* ta. however, to eaable thta vaat taiilUai to reclaim tat afM taada without celling upon the taxpayera ef the eeuatry at large to pay far It. Whether the purpoeee of | the MB wM be fuity eccompltebod muat ' »y' "aabrtetj^f 1 'todd*™"* 0 ' eaeo aa* hiaaaty ef the ogcera of the ' tatalu departxneat having thia great Wurfc ta charge. la IMP the Mela tuna la and ditcbee to theragfau affected aggregated more tjjtaa M(O0P milea, aad the work of roc ; fctaatloa ta bat ta Ha Infancy. The to [ tal rata ef luaMtatllnii of the necee -1 eery bead galea, do ma. mala canala, | dMchae, reeervMra ead pumping ata -1 'MI wee et thet time a little over ' to* tile mm which of ttaelf auggeote ' the huadredo af aUIHoae that may ' eeeateady he taveeted la the territory covered by the atatute. The magni " tade af the eoatoplloa end the-enor aaeee oapauee Ma carrying out tavolvea ' Make aa raalha the overwhelming im pMlaaia of e brood, capable end honeet " aPMdtaetratloa ef the work authorised ' bp the etatute if effect le to be given 1 ta thet part of the plan that reUevee " the eeuatry at large from ultimate 11a . , Haaau Cenal Ad ItahMtae canal haa long been the i hape of oar etateemen aad tha avow t at atai of the two great portico, aa . their ptatforaw ta the peat abow. The I Panama route hevlng been eelectod. . the btaldtng of the canal aUould be P proaeed to completloa with all reoaon ■ ehto aiiiodltlaii The Mtahoda by which the executive i aaguiiad the Peaeaaa canal route and i rlgbta are a eource of regret to many, i To than the atatemeat that thereby a r (feet public work wea aaeured to the peofft ef ear people M not a aufflcient . aaoua to the charge ef violation of I aatloaal good faith. They appreciate . that the prtndpiee and healthy convic . ttaaa whkh ta their working out bare ; Made aa free aad great stand firmly | ago teat the erguaieut or suggestion „ that wo ahaU he blind to the nature . ef the moena employed to promote our j welfare. They hold that adherence to . patoctpto, whether It works for our peed or 111. will have a more benefl . thaa all ear materiel upbuilding, and . that we ah Quid ever remember that . Me Mao ef dotaw a wrong to a email I or. weeker nation that we, or even air . Maablail aaay have a reeultant good k la lepagaat to tha principles upon which ear government waa founded. ' Uader the la we af the United Statea . the daty ta lapoeed en the executive ■ to prociad with due diligence In tbe ■ week ef toaeriucting the cenal. That I daty ahoaM be promptly performed. i Oar loaiaiwre ta American bottoms » , a M tenia ta hat 8 per coat of our total r aiiwta ead Uuporta. For eeventy i yeere prior to MPQ. when tbe Hepub r Maui party ceMe tato power, our mer - dhaat aaftae carried aa average of • M pM coat ef oar foreiga commerce. ■ % l«n It hed dwtadtad to 27 per cent » Haw we cany bat a contemptibly I eMail fracttae ef our epporte ami lm r porta. iMtrttaa ahtpptng In tbe foreign . Made wee graeter by ever IOOjOOO tons » to ISMI naerty 100 yeara ago. than tt i waa taat year, la the face of tbe con- I ttoueaa decitoe ta the record of Ainer threo yeara the pmnatat ef the Bepub ■caa party to itaea It ta without on i oMagtun at The record of the Dem etaeffa party gtae eeeureace thet tbe total caa bo mora wiaety intrusted to tt. tt ta ea ardaoea teak to ando the ef toet ef tarty yeara ef decadence and l oil all ae the etudy aad taveatigatkm ef thm beta fitted by eiperlence to, Pad the raaaedy, which sorely does not ■a ta the granting of aubaidlee wrung tauai the pethita of aP the taxpayera. topM a—MaalaHiin of government ex poadtturea, ahow a aeed ef ea torestl pattaa ef every departmaat of the gov vaaeat The Democrats la congreea daMaaded tt. The BepubHcan majorl et'ldilalnr by their vote i!Tn» vamhar ahathii they urtab aa boneet •al tonaib taveetlgatton. A Demo- Army ead Naey. We ere Jaatly proad of the ePteere aad BMB af ear army aad navy. Both, tame i at. have eaffarod from tbe per otataat taloettaa ef pereonal and pollt lial lalaati Praaiottoaa aad appaint toaata hove beaa frequently based ea fataHhM --ii' of martt Trtsle aad court amrttala hare beaa set aside leal talafaiaun Theee and other ahaaoe ahetad be eoßaeted . Piaili II Per Ov Ptldiara and Balleea. I . I The notional Democracy favors Hh oral penaloue to the amilatai eoldiera end asllora aad tholr dipaadaaM on the ground thet they daearvu liberal treatment It plfdata by ita platform adequate Irgtalatioa to that eat. Bht It denies the right ef the exottalio to asurp the power ef cengraoa to legia tato oa thet eubject. Beth aaaipetioa waa attempted by pmmtm order Na 78, ead effect bee beoa givea to It by a congreea that dared not unit the aaurpatioa. It to eatd that "tola order was made ta the ptrfaiaiaim ef a duty Imposed upon the prcuideut by act ef congreea." bat the ptwtslou making the Imposlttoo la aet notated out The aet to which the order re fers, which to the eae retatteg to pen aioua to dvll war veteran*, doea not authorise penelona on the ground of age. It doea grant ptaaliaa to those "suffering from aay mental or physical dtoabiltty or diaabUittea of a pertaa nantcharacter, not the r ran It of their own vlctoue habits, which so tncepact tatee them from the performance of manual labor as to reader them ane- Me to earn a eupport.** Thla apecHed requirement uf Incapacity to In effect eet aside by order No. 78 ae to all per eone over ditytwa "" The war t-kooed nearly forty yeara ago. la the meeatlaae many of oar eoldiera a ad. ao Horn leap/ eervlred the ege ef elxty-two ead puaaad eway without receiving any panrtoa Skill ful penatoa attorneys, hunting tabaugb the etatute, failed to lad there e pro vision giving a pension to eU who bed leeched alxty-two. Many promlneat vet era no urgod the Justice of coagree elonal action glvtag a eerrtce penaloa to all vetoraaa. Bilto to that affect wete introduced In euugrooa. Aad aat until March of this year did aay one ever claim to hove made the discovery thet the pceektoat had power to treat the statute aa If It read thet whoa a claimant hud pamart the age of alxty two yeara be to neceaaarity disabled one-half in ability to perform mas sal tabor and therefore entitled to e pea Men. The praeent pension commtaaionsr In dicated hie view of tbe order when ta a recent eddraea be thanked the prest dent for what he had done aad adrteed bia baarora to aaa their Influence that a taw might be peessd to the as me sf fsct. Pull confidence, after all. sseme not to have been placed on the defense of Justifies tloo, far B to pienilad In mitigation that a funaw Democratic president did eomethtag looking In that direction. Bvea If that were on, which to not admitted, our pi oat at duty would be none the teen plain and im perative Our people must never tol erate the citation of oae set of ueurpa tton of power aa an excuse for tooth er. Tbe first may poaatbly be due to Mistake; tbe sscond, being bneed on the first, eennot he. In explsnstion. however. It should be ssid that the or dsr relied on simply provided that tbe age of seventy-five years should be re garded as evidence of tosMllty to per form tnsnual labor. Few men are able to perform manual labor at that ago, but nearly an men are et alxty-two. The firat order to baasd oa a fact that experience teecbea; the other to besnl on the assertion of thnt which to aet true as a general tale. Tbe old inquiry. "What are you go tag to do about ItT" to now stated la a new form. It to said by tbe admlnla tration, In reply to tbe public criticism of this order, that "It to easy to test our opponents' sincerity to thlo"atat tor. The order In question to rerocnble at tbe pleasure of the executlre. If our opponents come tato power they can revoke this order sad announce that they will treut the veterans of sixty-two and seventy es presumsbly in full bodily vigor nnd not nit tiled to pension. Will they aotboritstivsiy state that they Intend to do this? If ao, we accept the Issue." This suggests the suspicion at toast that the order waa msde to crests sn tonne; that it waa supposed to present a strong strategic position In the bat tle of the bellota. Bat as tbe making - of that order waa, ta my Judgment, su attempted though perhsps unwitting en croechment upon the legislative power aad therefore unwarranted by the con stltution, the challenge to sccepted. If elected I will revoke that order. But I go further aad ssy that, that being done, I will contribute my effort toward the enactment of a law to be passed by both bonses of congress snd spprorsd by the executlre that will give sn sge pension without reference to disability to the surviving heroes of the civil war and undsr the provisions of which s pension may be accepted with dlgnl ty because of the consciousness that It Cpmea as a Just dee from tbe people through their cbooen representatives and not as largsss distributed by the chief executive. Foreign Relstisns. Tbe foreign relations of the govern Meat have ta tote yesrs assumed special Importance. Prior to the ac quisition of the Philtpplnss wo were practically Invulnerable sgalnat at tacks by foreign atatsa. Those tropical poaaeoelona. however. 7.000 miles from oar shores, have chaagsd all thta snd* bare In effect pat ae under bonds to keep the peecs. The new conditions call for a management ef foreign af fairs tbe mors ctreemepoct In that tbe recent Americen invssion of foreign markets In all parts of tbe world has exdtod the ssrious spprsbenstoo of all the gleet ladnstrisl psopies. It to easentlsl, therefore, more thsn ever to adhere strictly to the trsditloosi policy ef the country as formnlsted fay lis first president and never, la my Judgment wisely deported from—to is rite friendly relations with sll nation* while avoiding entangling alliances with any. goch n poHey mesne ths cul tivation of peace lnstesd of ths atoriaes tkm of war. sad ths srindtng of ovr own buslnsss ta Men of opeetscolsr hrttrutS dltng wtth tha affairs sI other nations. It mesas strict utisw isnut of the prtn dpiee of International law aad ninhna ths doetrtns that a great etste. by raa aoa of Its etreagth. stay rightfully ap propriate ths sovsislgaty or territory ef • email state oa account of tt* wiatraiaa It meana for other imerlran states that we cWa ao rtghte and wfll aasunae as functions as vs those of a friend and of aa ally and defender aa against European aggresslona. It meaas that we repudiate the role of the Americas continental po- Meemen. that we refuae to aat aa debt eolieetor for ferelsn ststee or their cttl aaaa. that we respect the tnd»pt»>d»nt sovereignty of each Amarirsn state sad Its right to preserve ordsr and otherwise regulate tte own Internal affairs la Its SSB way, aad that aay Intervention M IM Piocsgive acts like a poultice. Sold by S. H. Ellison 4 Co. again by as to limited to the etacts of ges of enabling Ita people to work est their own political and national deettny tor themselves free from the coercion st aay Kuropeaa state. Reform In Ptovsmvnentat Expenditures Twenty'eight years have paitii stars the Democratic party ot the state of Now York In convention assembled reCota mwlii to (he national Democracy the nomination of Samuel J. TUden aa Its candidate for the presidency snd dc lared It to be "their settled contictloa that a return to the constitutional prtnriplea. ! frugal expenate and sOmlntotratire purity of the founders of the republic a the first aad most tmperioue duty of the timea- . the commanding Issue now before the 1 people of the Union." This strong ex press! on was called forth by the national expenditures tor the year ll«, which amounted to SK4.«fcM*-a situation which, ta the opinion of a majority of our pao pta. Justified aa Imperative demand tor. reform in the ot pa bile ; affaire. Aa the expenditures of tbe last 1 Serai year amounted to tbe enormous total of vtt.wo.oou. It a evident that a thorough Invsatigatlon of the public aarv lee and the bnntedlate abandonment of usefeee and sxtravagant expendiiurra are more mi i aanry now than they were then. ' This sstoundlng Increase la out of all proportion to the Increase of our pofxda- j tton and finde no excuse from .whatever ] aspect we View the situation The na tional Democratic platform dec larva that ' "large reductions can saalty be made la the aUhual expenditures ot tbe govern- ' meat without tmpeirlnt the efficiency of ) any branch of the public service. ** Can I there be any doubt of tbe accuracy of this statement? Between tbe expend!- j tares of the year int. amounting to S3C.- SNMM. ind those of the test fiscal >e»r— l the seventh after drover Cleveland ceae-1 ed to be president— aggregating IMi.tioo.tsa. T there It s difference so great aa to excite ! alarm In the breasts of all thoughtful 1 men Kven excluding tbe sum of |M.ttt tOt paid for the Panama canal (tahts and to the state of Panama, the expendlturee ef the last fiscal year exceeded the sum at IUX.IOO.OOt. being more than double the expenditures of the government (Or all purposes during tbe first year of Mr. Cleveland'! edminlstratlon. The expenses of the flret four years suc ceeding the last Democratic administra tion amounted to tbe enormous average of g11. 000. 000 per year. Thta large ex penditure waa due to a considerable ex tant to the cost of the Spanish-American war, which occurred during that period. I But the termination of that war brought ae relief to the treasury, for tbe average annual expenaaa of the government dur ing the three aubseguent years ending Juns M, 1104. were sbout ttdS.otO.om which la the largeet sum hitherto reached dur ing a like period since tbe does of the dvil war. Tble draft upon the revenues of the country hat had the effect which might have been anticipated, and now we bare presented the reverse of the situation, which led to the famous observation. "It la a condition and not a theory whk-h confronts us." tor. although the present Incumbent found at the cloae of the first gees! yesr during which hs essumed con trol of the admin Ist rut lon a surplus of re sslpts over expendlturee of more than ta.tIOOOO, there was sn excess of ex penditures over receipts at the close of tbe last fiscal year of 142.0t0.eta. and the official monthly reporta made by the treasury department show that the ex pendlturee are contlnuoualy and rapidly j Increasing, while tbe receipts are dlmln lahlng. In this connection tt la Interesting to Bote tiy recent edmlnlstrative orders for bidding government ofilcsre from making public any statement of estimates on which future appropriations are to be baaed. If a man Of ordinary Intelligence and prudence should find In the operating ex penses of hit business such s tremendous percentage of increitae. would he not promptly set on foot sn Inquiry for the cause of tbe waste and take immediate meaauree to atop It, eepectally when trusted employees have been found dls honsst snd convlctsd and a widespread Imprsatlon exists that a thorough Investi gation may discover other cases of mal feasance? When ths chief executive re ported to congress that "through frauds, forgeries and perjuries and by shameless briberies tbe laws relating to tbe proper conduct of the public service In general and to the due administration of the post office deportment hare been notoriously violated •••" there was s general popu lar demand for a rigid, sweeping Invsati gatlon by congress In addition to thai un dertsksn by the executive himself Such aa Investigation ths Republlcen majority la congress would not permit, although the minority insisted that ths Inlsrests of good govsrnment dsmaiided tt And tbe minority wss right. The liberality, pa triotism and notional pride of the i>sopls should not be made an excuae for srsste of ths public funds. Olllclsl sxtravsgsnos la official crime. There is not a sentence In ths Repub lican platform recommending a reduction 1s ths expenditures of the government, not s line suggesting that the Increase In ths cost of the wsr ilspartment from Ot.- NIM la UM to tll&.oao.ooo In I»u4 should tie Inquired Into, and not a iwragroph celling for a thorough Investigation of those deportments of the government In whlcb dishonesty haa been recently disclosed The people, however, ran by thrlr votes. If they desire It. order such sn investlgs tloa snd Insugurute a policy of conomy aad retrenchment. It la wife to say that thin will oot be accomplished by Indors ing at the polls the Kepubllcsn m.ijorlty of the house of representatives which re fused ths investigation snd msde the ap proptlotions, nor by continuing in power the administration which mails the dis bursements. Reform In expenditures must lie had In both the civil, military snd navel estab lishments In order thnt the nstlonal ex pendlturee may lie brought to a liasts of peace and the government msintained without recourse to the tuxeo of war. Conclusion. I have put aside a congenial work, to which I bad expected to devote my life, la ordsr to sssume as best I oan the re sponsibility your convention put upon me I solicit tbo cordial co-operation and gonsrous assistance of every man who balls est that a change of meaaures and of men at Ibts lime would be wise, and urge harmony of endeavor ss well as vigorous action on tbe pert of all ao mtnllstl The Issues are Joined, and the people muat render tbe verdict. Shall economy of administration tie de manded or I hall extravagance be encour aged? ghall the wrongdoer be brought to bay by the people, or mast Justice wait upon political oligarchy? ghall our government at snd for equal opportunity or for special privilege? ghall it remain a government of law or become one of Individual caprice? ghall we cling to the rule of the people, er eball we embrace beneficent despotism? Wtth calmness and confidence we await ths people's verdict. If cell**d to the office of president I Shall consider myself the chief magistrate of all the people snd not of any faction, aad shall ever he mindful of the fact that on many questions of nstlonal policy tbsro are honest differences of opinion t believe In the patriotism, good sense snd absolute sincerity of all the people. I shsll strive to remember that he may serve his party beat who serves his coun if It be ths wish of the people thst I undertska the duties of the presidency I pl»dg» myself, wtth God's help, to devote an my powers snd energy to the dutiee of this exalted office. Very truly yours. ALTON B. PARKKR Wilt b Lift? In the last analysis nobody knows but we do know that it is under strict law. Abuse that law even slightly, pain results. Irregular living means derangement of the organs, resulting in Constipation, | Headache or Liver trouble. Dr. King's New Life Pills quickly re adjusts this. It's gentle, yet thorough. Only 25c at S.R. Biggs and all druggists. CHOICE MISCELLANY The encyclopedias describe Ihl na trich as polygamous. In fallfoiafia. however, he adopts Americas ioatttu Hons and chooses but one wife. A shallow bole ocooped out In the gramd servos aa a nest, where- every alter nate «lay sn egg Is laid. Such aa egg! j Half s ysrd around tbn longest way i and.ttpplng the scsles at three and a ! half pounds! A single egg would be ! a breakfast for a large family, thtagh' by no means aa economical one Pita twelve to eighteen egga are laid. Thaa, the forty day sitting begin* in uhtth the aisle assists. Tsklng hie shifts at j I night, visitors seldom see- him engngsd In this feminine occufwtlow Hating many enemies In their wild (stale, an- '■ ture, with unerring foresight, haa Is : creed that tbe hen brooding by \ should mstch tbe snail, while the pnrt | ner. who take* ber place when the , shades of evening sre drawn, la the! : color of the night. When a week oM> ] the chicks are worth 925 splrfe and a; ' pair of four-year-old - ostriches gSOO. ' Thla la no wonder, for tbe hen. far getting tbe seasons In n land sT per -1 petaal sunshine. In* all the yeur : round Instead of twice a year, aa la | Africa. Each bird produces every alas I months 1 crop of feathers worth oteat f 9SO. while tbe tourists wte pay ho aaa ; them aad carry off tteSr. plumage ss souvenirs form the Is 1 gnat crop of slL—Sunset Magazine. 11l StMKI b Hi Ma A weak scotnach weakens the qao, because it cannot transform the food he eats into tbe nourishment. Health and strength cannot be re stored to any sick man or weak I woman without first restoring | health and strength to thestomach. A weak stomach cannot digest enough food to feed the tissues and revive the tired and run-down limbs and organs of tbe body. Ko dol Dyspepsia Cure digests wliat you eat, cleanses and strengthens the glands and membranes of the stomach, aud cures indigestion, dy spepsia and all stomach troubles. Sold by Anderson. Crawford & Co. ( nrefnlly buu. .-»•»«*■ In ias The care with which tbe ITrr» ans guard their allotment certificates, patents to landa and iittw4- papers of value lias la-en the source- of nach amusement These |m|iera sre never carried la a coat pts-ket. as s white aiaa would I protect litem, hut are rsrefully wrapped In tissue Altai lilnced Inside some targe \ receptacle, generally s satchel, but of 1 ten a miuuy sack. Iml tuns recently > sppeured together at* tbe Indlsa agen cy lu Muskogee tb make arrangements 1 for the rale uf tlielr landa by the gov ernment. Each carried carefully strapped over s shouhler a large ntenl ' sack, apparently one-third full of seme ■ thing. However, when tbe wrappings were removed only s single deed np | peared in each of tbe bags. Kansas City Journal. Coll«g« ' tory of I lutaogst > Music. "Set KALKIOH 0 RU Best* PlaceV M. C. / 111 11. ' for Your Iseg Asdess fable sear. , A buf-e 1-able way, which when etna pleted will lie tire longest In the world. r Is to l»e constructed on the Argentine ; side of tlie Andes mountains by tbe 1 engineering firm of Adolf Itlelrhrrt A Co. of liHpttlr. This cable wsy is to extend from the Cbllectto station of the Argentine Northern railroad for a total distance of tbirt.v-two nilles. Ita termination at this end will lie II.KCt feet above the sea level, snd the engine station that will Ire erected at this |ioint of tha ca ble way will be the highest In tte world. No less than eighty-seven miles of rope will he required for tbe cable way. 1 The pruect will necessitate many re markable engineering difficulties, for at otto or two points the cahlewsy will , hare to apsn gorge* 2.W10 feet wide by 660 feet deep. Xhe cable way Is to have a csrryiag I cspsdty of forty-four tons of ore per hour, and cars, each containing 1.100 | pounds of ore, are to be dispatched at Intervals of forty-fire secnoda Hcits tlflc American Telephaas In ths Jestle. Abysslnis is being "wired." Rome 1,000 miles of telephone line hsre been pot np. and as much more is I icing laid. The work Is no joke, sccordlng to Ev eryliody't Magazine. Tlte rains and the poles fell. Tbe white ants ate up a large collection of wooden poles Then Iron ones were put up. which tte simple nstive liked so well thst be took them home to nse In bis business The nexus stopiied this smnsement by proclaiming death to tte pole pil ferers. But Ills royal mandate cannot pre vent tbe Bandarlog, tbe monkey people, from awinging la tte wires or—what la much more delightful—tte elephant from scratching himself against tte poles. Tbe telephone pole la a scratch ing post for elephants. The Cork Isteatry. Seventy-five yeara sgo Italy supplied nesrly sll the cork used In Engbtnd but tte Italisn supply has fallen off greatly of late yeara In annte prov inces the trees hsre been cut down for charcoal and In others they have I been felled on account of their high r potash valuea. fork trees easily reach the age of 200 yeara. They yield cot* 1 In their thirtieth year and continue ' to do ao every seven yeara. A new ! process has been discovered by which Isrge pieces of cork can be made oot ' of small ones, and this has given a grest Impetus to the cork Industry. The price of cork Is going np stesdily. ' both on account of tbe Increaaing de -1 mand and tbe decreasing supply of tte raw material. j HATS O FR...]"! i i S.H. ELLISON j I , "-■»—» I |!mnmhmnwhmihhmhmmmhib*l •j . 1 111 11 rirl 1 111 ■ ■ A | rp | ArayoaawanaltkMwMdljrMrWATClt l§M*( > MALI! i TW Imlmm ■hail of yomz watch Jtka 157.f n.f mvMMM THINK OF IT I I r !■ Mint Ifct mU IMB. pradmohtlliiM mmd wtmn UKWbMimlm. «■« tfcrtr fc%h laWi sad perfect it, thereby as aoa* til (tin, am "A J "Will I*"!malir a; haadlr ViidnW I" —,*■— ai • —MjiHiLi m L.Wa. I aril I >"7 ROOBtS BROS.' SILVERWARE I aMekialhrkaat. Ha. «aa« »a te*. a«J w«l |li— jiaaafchtta Iml H. D. PEELE THE JEWELER WILLIAfISTON. N. C. TELEPHONE* , mm ■___Mm__ . : 1 . Deaais S. Bigp, Pitt. T. W. TUghman Gn. Hp. Jam. D_ Sec & Tteaa i i 'l DENNIS SIMMONS LUMBER CO. 1 . J (Manufacturers of . . t ..)»i Kiln Dried North Carolina > h • • Ptmii si—onBWmrffCYPtK— ihhicli t ORDERS AND CORRESPONDENCE SOUCITED tfj* WILLIAMSTON. N. C. GROCERIES o A j L r^ SA L E Carloads of Flour, Carloads ol Fresh Meal " ** Canned Goods " " Rump Pork Full slock of other Groceries as well. Our goods arc moving on every train and boat. Special attention to our mail order department. I Let ns have your orders. * " ~ * ! Southern Supply Co. Wholesale Grocers I WILLIAMSTON, NORTH CAROLINA PIANOS BIGGS TONIC ORGANS cmLL CURE WHOLESALE and RETAIL TASTLESS A. D. Jones & Co., At Wholesale Prices Urbeksboro NORTH CAROLINA Southern Factory Distrib utor* fur the world famoUH SURE CURE FOR— — 1 Chills KIMBALL We loan you money to buy them Debility, Etc. We give free trials 11 r» • We pay the freight I*lool POISOII .* Z: S ** Entirely Harmless when sold on Easy Payments *£££*sl*- Write for our latest Piano and Organ Catalogue, and : PriGe, 50 Gents «>8 South Elm Street PREPARED B\ Greensboro, North Carolina 8. R. BIGGS /F7Y V • WILLIAMSTON. ». C. HWWWNWWWIUMWWWW AAA BANK DEPOSIT q»3,UUU enterprise P't'J Go. muiwws PUBLISHERS Backv Mountain Tm Nuaaets V R-j -T-I PRINTERS BINDERS Ufa Haaith mi laml TTf 'Phone 52 Wilhamston, N. C. ; aauca nnhi FOB smjjm ream wwwwwwwwwwwww 3