6 T*w« Officers [;'% fttayor—Joshna L. Ewell. rwliMlMfcmiMn Hi J. B. H. Knight, NT: 8. Peel, Dr. J. D. Biggs, A. Haasell, P. K. Hodge*. Street Commissioners—P. K. Hodge*. N.S. Peel. Cterk— A. Haasell. Treasurer —N. S. Peel. Attorney—'Wheeler Martin. Chief of Police—J. H. Page. Lodges Skewarkee Lodge, No. 90, A. P. and A. 11. Regular meeting every 2nd and 4th Tuesday night*. Roanoke Camp, No. 107, Woodmen of the World. Regular meeting every 4th Friday night. Church of the Advent > Services on the aecond and fifth Sun day* of the month,morning and evening, and cm the Saturday* (5 p. m.) before, and on Monday* (9 a. in.) after (aid Sun day* of the month. All are cordially in vited. B. S. I,ASBITUR, Rector. Methodist Church "Rev. T. H. Sutton, the Methodist Pas tor, ha* the following appointments: Bvery Suudtfy morning at 11 o'clock and night at 8:30 v'clock respectively, excej»t the aecond Sunday, Sunday School every Sunday morning at 9130 o'clock. Prayer-meeting every Wednesday even ing at 8:30 o'clock. Holly Springs 3rd Sunday evening at 3 o'clock; Vernon Ist Sunday evening at 3 o'clock; Hamilton ?nd Sunday, morning and night; Hansen* and Sunday at 5 o'clock. A cordial in vitation to all to attend these services. Baptist Church Preaching on the Ist, 2nd and 4th Sun days at II a. in., and 7:30 p. m. Prayer meeting every Thursday night at 7:30 Sunday School every Sunday morning at 9:30. J. I). Biggs, Superintendent. The ]>astor preaches at Hamilton on the 3rd Sunday in each month, at 11 a. m. and 7:30 p. m., and at Riddick's Grove on Saturday before every Ist Sunday at it a. m., and on the J|»t Sunday at 3p. Ul. Slade School k House on the and Sunday at 3 p. m., and the Higgs' School Ilouae on the 4tli Sunday at 3 p. k m. Everybody cordially invited, R. 1), CARROLL, Pastor. SKEWARKEE ' JL LODGE *Jjk? No. 90, A. F. Jt A. M. fSsp\ UIRKCTORV PoK 1904. S. S. Brown, W. M.; H. D. Taylor, S. W.; Mc. G. Taylor, J. W.; T. W. Thom as, S. D.; A. P. Taylor, J.l>; S. R. Biggs, Secretary; C. I>. Carstarphen, Treasurer; W.M«C rite her and J. I), liiggs, Stewards; R. W. Clary, Tiler. STANDING COMMITTERS: CHARITY —S. S. Brown, H. I). Taylor, Mc. G. Taylor. PINANCK—W. C. Manning, W. ll.llur eH, R. J. Peel. KKPKRKNCK— II. W. Stubbs, Joseph R. Ballard, P. K. Hodges. ASYLUM —G. W. Blount, W. M. York, 11. M. Burras. MARSHALL— ]. 11, llatton. Professional Cards, gll. JOHN I). HIGOB, BEJ^TIST OFFICE—MAIN STRUCT I'HONK Y i CKOROK WJ I.WKLI. RT. ATWOOD NTWM „ GEO. W. newell & bro. LAWYERS oArr up Nlaiu In Nrw Hank ftuild- Ins.* I«ft hand lidt, lop of ~VILLIAMSTON, N C. 4#*l*ractlcc wherever oerviceo are droired Special Htteutiou givm to examiuitiK and mak ii>K title for purcha»eri of timber atul timber anda. mm PHONE 74 W. 11. HAKKKLI* WM. K. WAKKKN Drs. Harrell & Warren PHYSICIANS and SURQEONS OFFICK IN BIGGS' DRUG STORK 'Phone No. 29 Williamston Telephone Co. 1 Office over Bank of Martin County, WILLIAMSTON, N. C. ; Phone Charges Meuaget limited to 5 minutes; extra charge will positively be made for louicer time. To Washington 15 Cents. " Greenville 2j " " Plymouth 25 " " Tarboro 15 •• " Rocky Mount Q JJ " Scotland Neck 25 " Jamesville 15 a " Kader Lilley's 15 " J. G. Staton ~, 15 " J.;L. Woolard 45 «• " O. K. Cowing &JCo. 15 •• " Parmele 15 •• " Robersonville 15 » " Bveretts »lj •« GoldJPoint 15 •«, , Geo. P. McNaughton 15 " Hamilton ao " For other points In Eastern Carolina set "Central " where a 'phone will he found fonue of noa-subscribers. . - s HUMOR Or THE HOUR I'sfy 1 t nmr The PHYSICIAN carried In HU hand A bunch of artificial goldenrod. "I'U play a Joke with this," ha said, "on a bay fever patient" And HA placed the goldenrod to a 1 .Vase on his table In the hotel dining The elderly colonel who aat beside the physician waa the victim of hay fever, and no sooner did be see tha goldenrod than bp turned red with rage. "Of all the contemptible tricks 1 ever"— be began. But a terrific anaeaa Interrupted him. He sn eased agala and again. Irritating every one, mak ing the windows rattle. Tears conned from bis eyee, and In the pauses of thla paroxysm be gaaped for breath. "Of all the contemptible"— he pant ed. "Of all the a' a -a— cbool A—a— a—chool A—a— choof Finally be could apeak. "Take away that goldenrod!" be aald to the waiter. "Just look at the spell It has given me! Who put It thereT** "I put It there," aald the physician. "You bad little to do!" aald the colo nel bitterly. "Look at the state It baa, pat me tot" Then the physician and every one else at tbe table burst Into loud laugh ter. "It la artificial," they cried In cborua —"artificial goldenrod! You have sneea ad and gone on like this over a bunch af paper flowers." Tbe colonel, seeing the joke, laughed himself. The phyalclan said In a con solatory voice: "Never mind, colonel; jqfi are not the first hay feverlte this trick has fooled. Tbe fact Is I hare never seen It fall yet Inevitably In August, If you puf artificial flowers before bay fever pa tlants, they go Into terrific spells of sneezing, being affected Just the aama as they won id be If the flowers were real."—Philadelphia Bulletin. A Win Bird. The Boy—-I'olly want a bit of cake? The Educated Polly - Br —la that merely an abaurd attempt to engage me lii conversation or a bona flile offer of refreshment? UsrSm Baa*. "If yon want to mingle In respectable society," said tbo cabbage, "go and wash the dirt out of your eyes." The potato, being tbln skinned, took offense. "Kveu with my eyes In their present condition," said the potato, "I can see you well enough to know that I don't want to mix In your society. I'm not uißHhed on anything that's all head aud no brains." The cucumber meanwhile, having no part In the controversy, remained cool. Joke Was on liar. Momber of Congregation—Do you know your sermon on covetousness last Runday grievously offended and disgusted Brother I'neer? The ltev. Mr. Mowatt knightly Aha I I shall have to tell my wife that. It's a good one on her. Hhe contended all the wny home from church Unit morn lng that there wasn't a man In the au dience who paid tbe allghtcst atten tlon to the sermon.- Chicago Tribune OfttlM His rtslikant. Barnes- One ha* to suffer In thla life for his sins even though he forsake theiu. Howes Yes, Bingle's wife married him to reform him, they say.—Boaton Transcript. A Little "I gave a poor man two nlckela to day." "For charity?" "No; for a dime."—Cleveland Plato Dealer. I VA DICI^I I This great stock medicine is a ■ money nuver for stock raisers. It ■ is a medicine, not a cheap food or I condition powder. Though pot up I in coarser form than Thwlfocd S I Black-Draught, renowned for tha I cure of the digestion troubles of ■ person N, it has the same qualities ■ of invigorating digestion, stirring I up the torpid liver and loosening I the constipatad bowels for all stock ■ and poultry. It ii carefully pre* ■ pans! and its action is so healthful I that stock grow and thrive with an I occasional dose in their food. It ■ cures hog cholera and mSkee hoge I grow fat. It cures chicken cholera I and roup and makes bens lay. It ■ cures conatipation, distemper and ■ eolils in horses, mamin in cattle, I and makes a draught animal do I more work for the food ooosumsd. ■ It gives animals and fowls of all I kinds new life. Every farmer and ■ raiser should certainly give It a I It costs 23c. a can and AM TAG I times its price in profit. PmuDM, la, Msroh ■, ISSC | IhavebssaastoafaarMask-DraagM ■ stock and Poultry MfdMii. Os in ■ slock tor turn* Uom. I h»r» ass* aft I kinds o? Itock food balThavs lissi ■ thai yous Is lbs beak tor my purpose. > ■ J.IUMOI. ( j f'll 1' B 1 TVTFf 1 IJI TfD BP®?/"'* TI '1 . . flnr\^ATYiQA rgj Q/ThSF r " CRYSTAL Shaving Parlor RHODES A ALEXANDER Proprietor* ( Bank Building Smitbwick Street » r - | New end up- to-date Furniture. The best Barbers that can be ob | toined. > Polite and courteous attention. | Motto—"We lead, others follow." rseMssa eg Isilsal BHSHM*. It I* an ancient custom to Hungary that when a medical candidate haa pisaed hie examination with distinc tion and tbe doctor's degree Is con ferred sab susfilctis regis he should receive from tbe emperor of Austria (king of Hungary) a ring bearing the Initials "P. jr." set In brilliants. After a certain time be Is admitted to present bis thanks to peraon to the sovereign. In connection with this custom a cari ous problem recently exercised the mind of s young doctor who vss serv ing hie time in tbe army ss s "on® yesr volunteer." Being Invited to pre sent himself before tbe emperor, be wsS greatly pussled how to do so, for on tbe one band as s private soldier he ought to wear his shako, while 00 tbe other AA a doctor of medicine he should carry bis bat under HIS arm. In hie perplexity be sought counsel of bla colonel, wbo after careful considera tion delivered himself of tbe following opinion: "It the emperor speaks to you In German, which Is tbe Isugusge of the army, you must regard yourself aa a plain one year volunteer, and you wUI therefore keep your shako on yoar head. But should bis Imperial majesty address you In Hungarian this means that be sees In you s doctor of medi cine rather than a soldier, and you must therefore uncover your head."— London Globe. Fr» 141 ti 12 Piaris Oue of the most remarkable cases of a cold,deep-seated on the lungs, causing pneumonia, is tbat of Mrs. Gertrude E Penner, Marion, Ind.. who was entirely cured by the use of One Minute Cough Cure. sbe says: "The coughing and strain ing so weakened me that I ran down in weight from 148 to 9a pounds. I tried a number of remedies to no avail until I used One Minute Cough Cure. Four bottles of this wonderful remedy cured me en tirely of the cough, strengthened iny lungs and restored me to my normal weight,health and strength. Sold by Anderson, Crawford & Co. The Babies ef Jaaas. They say th. bablss never cry. In fair Japan; All day, without a psep, they lie, In fnlr Japan, Parha|m old Inriloa, when thsy sss A baby Hint Is weak snd wee, Ar« 1101 at onre Impelled to go And klaa It. caring not a whit About the cruel tortures It May suffer whlls thsy're doing so. . In fair Japan —Nsw Orleans Tlmee-Dsiaocrat Furfil Oils Afilist Nil Bedridden, alone and destitute. Such, in brief, was the condition of an old soldier by name of J. J. Ha vens, Versailles, O. For years he was troubled with Kidney disease and neither doctors nor medicines gave him relief. At length he tried Electric Bitters. It put him on his feet in short order and now he testifies: "I'm on the road to complete recovery." Best on earth for L,iver and Kidney troubles and (Ul forms of Stomach and Bowel Complaints. Only 50c. Guaran teed byj S. R. Biggs and all drug gists. As Kaeltlaai Kite giysilesai. Two military kites attached by steel wire to a winch were eent up at an exhibition .to England, aad, tbe wind being strong, a man named Baker de cided to go up on a third and larger kite, made of light eanvaa, with bam boo and hickory wood framework. To this waa attached a cane Beat, In which tbe man aat The large kite went up easily along the wire, but at an alti tude of »0 feet was blown to plecee. Baker and tbe wreck were left dan gling on tbe wire. Deprived of the eoe pendlng power of tbe large kite and with the weight of the man depending on them, the two entailer kites sad the whole apparatus began rapidly to falL Tbe men at the winch worked In the wire aa fast as poeslble, but tbe "Stoat" and tbe kites csme down at SO alarm ing rate, and at one time Baker turned a somersault He alighted oa tbe roof ef a villa and eecaped without Injury. A Bov's Will RMa tor Lift With family around expecting him to die, and a son riding for life, 18 miles, to get Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption, Coughs and Colds, W. H. Brown, of Leesville, Ind., endured death's agonies from asthma; but this won derful medicine gave instant relief and soon cured him. He writes: •'I now sleep soundly every night.'' Like marvelous cures of Consump tion , Pneumonia, Bronchitis, Coughs Colds and Grip prove its match less merit for all Throat and Lung troubles. Guaranteed bottles 50c and SI.OO. Trial bottles fxee at S. R. Biggs and all druggists. ' . •• ,•* ' COTTON cdirrnrasD PA on FIRST JACK. t . —————— seed unless tbe price of oil can be advanced to a value all things jus fy. Oil mills will not pay more for seed than tbey are obliged to pay, sod aa long as farmers are ifUing ; seed at fl2 to sl4 per ton, mills will not pay #2O to $32, the price seed should be selling at. "Tbe growers of cotton and cot ton seed can and should control tbe market by holding back both cotton mid seed until they can se cure a price that will conditions warrant. Unless they do, they will find they have parted with three fourths of their crop before'the ad vance comes, and the cotton and the cotton and seed speculator will ; reap the benefit that belongs to tbe produoer. Hold your cotton snd hold your cotton seed till the ad vance is here with you. It will come much sooner if you hold, for ss long as you are parting with your crop freely, the speculator will bold down prices. "The present crop, if only about 10,000,000 bales, can be made to pay the producers $700,- 000,000 to $725,000,000 total, or from $635,000,000 to >650,000,000 for the lint, and from 60.000,000 to $75,000,000 for 3,000,000 tons of seed sold, retaining 2,000,000 tons of seed for feeding cattle and for planting next year's cro >. "All that is needed is concerted action and backbone to force the markets to respond to conditions never so favorable to be controlled or adjusted for tbe grower's inter est. It is already for your action, and concerned action will control the crop movement and prices for cotton and seed, and give the pro ducer the benefit heretofore always received by tbe speculative middle man. '' THE SECRET OF SUCCESS Forty Million bottles of August Flower sold in the United Ststes alone since its introdnctionl And the demand for it is still growing. Isn't that a fine showing of success? Don't it prove that August Flower has had unfailing success in the cure of indige?tion and dyspepsia— the two greatest enemies of heslth snd happiness? Does it not sfford the best evidence thst August Flow wer is a sure specific foi all stom ach and intestinal disorders?—that it has proved itself the best of all liver regulators? August Flower has a matchless record of over thirty five years in curing the ailing mil lions of these distressing complaints —a success that ia becoming wider in its scope every day, at home and abroad, as the fame of August Flower spreads. Trial bottles. 25c; regular size, 75c. For sale by S. R. Biggs. Tbe lee* Kla«. Binke— Where did you spend tbe suaa BMRT Jtoke— Dowa at tbe beach studying horticulture. Blnke— What could you learn about horticulture at tbe beach? Jtoke— Well, I learned that sandy soil Is good for peacbee.— Cincinnati Com mercial Tribune. a Oeetala KM ef Lever. Batenian You mean to say Miss flicker has accepted youT Why, abe already wears aa engagement ring on bar finger. Bouncer-Tea, I know. It's a dalay. That was one of the Inducements for me to propose, don't you know. It goes with ber.— Boston Transcript. Vaaaleltr. "Ah. darling," exclaimed Mr. I.uv ■yek, "I really do not understand what yon see to me tbat you should love me so." "Blow odd, George!"- replied tbe girl "That's exactly what pa and out are saying."— Philadelphia Prase. as as Baeetale. He—What do you want a hundred dollars for now? She— l am to need a paper before our dob en "Economy In Dress." and I haven't a gown lit to wear.- Albany ——■- ■■■ ■ " 1 •• ' ~ I KIDNEY DISEASES EKK | , I When the Kidney* fail to perform their function* properly by not straining oat the poison- I ous waste matter from the blood as it passes through them, the poisons are carried by the circulation to every part of the body, deranging the different organs. This causes heart trouble, stomach trouble, sluggish liver and a host of other ills, all due to deranged Kidneys. foletskidniycurb corrects irregularities and cures Kidney and Bladder diseases in every form, tones up the csecs or DISEASE. whole system, and the diseases that have KSBR resulted from disordered Kidneys disappear, 5" because the caußc has been removed. Com mence taking FOLEY'S KIDNEY CURE SrSslKfe JSiZTStfSr ttt the first sign of danger. Do not risk ■ having Bright*s Disease or I 8. R. Bigge, Wllliamston, N. G. In Case of Fire » you want to be protected. In case of death you want r to leave your family some thing to live on.ln case of ' accident you want aome , thing to live an besides . borrowing.* "** Let Us Come to Year Rsscue I We can insure yon against I [Vis loss from 1 Fire, Death and Accident We can insure your Boiler, Plate Glass, Burg . I lary. We also can bond I you for any office requir ing bond ' NtM Bit fat CCOfttilS lUfflllltll I '' K. B. CRAWFORD INSURANCE AGENT, Oodard Building -A fine lot of nice white enve | lopes at 3 cents a package, (25 in a , pack) at the Enterprise Book Store. ———■——————————■ ; - YOUR MONEY Buys More Here Than Elsewhere! The New Fall Jackets. IJlvm Fashions most approved styles are here. Some stores would term such a vat show- VM' ' t J-\ ing of new garmeutn "A Formal Opening." ' ilWl *XfeA We simply tell you that the season's nut ho- 0 kYI lljfl fiNmpP f\\ ritative styles are ready for you. and that ■ JkMJIM ■ I* ua ■/ we'll be glad to have you se« them. R \ rT\ The styles, the clotha and the colors BfL^wLW J Ir I that the reliable magazines are telling you K about are here at prices thai make ' "■■JflM possession a matter ot but small concern. Some for as little aa $4 .25 an( * U P ' to SIO.OO ®Bch. Misses'and Children's Fall Jackets and Wrap* are also here in good assortment. Long and short for twirls from Ito 15 years. Plain colors and Mixtures from 50c to $4.00 eßc^- Knit Underwear For Fall ' let us show you some of the superior features of our Knit Underwear. We carry complete lines. Exceptionally good Cotton Shirts and Drawers for men at 85c and 1 50 ents the garment. Natural Wool at SI.OO. For women and children—Ribbed Vests and pants for 2d*and 60c each. Natural Wool at $1.00: Union Suits 26c, 60c and 75c each. Infant's White Vests from 6c to 26c each. Our lino of Shoes are the best ihat can be found, and we cau fit you or your family with any kind of Shoes you may waul. _ We also carry a full li ie of the 1 WALK OVER 3HOCB ' or lne " boys. This is the best shoe and best fitting Bhoe made. See our line of 26c Four-in-hand Ties in our show window for only 10c each. 1 Get them while they are going. . -v Ready-to-Wear TT Blankets and Wabts and Skirts Comforts- . 1 We have a good assort- YsjL '{A . x , r . , IT We nave a large assort ment of Heady-made Waist \ff ment of Blankets from | from 60 cents to $ 1.60 each AxL AA' a-\ 50c to $4.00 pair » Skirts from SI.OO to $6.00 [3? Tp -F \oVT Comforts from 90 cent" each. to $2.50 each. 1 1 1 Harrison Bros. & Co., ■ * 4 T-HE ENTERPRISE ' . . TO EVERY READER For the next 30 days we will issue one dollars worth of coupons, in to cent denominations, with every yearly subscription to THK EITTKK PRISK. These coupons will be worth 10 cents each in fade at the store of Harrison Bros. & Co. This is absolutely Giving The Enterprise Away If yon want THK EWWFKISB one year FREE that's yout' business,and we are here to do business, and when you pay us ONE DOLLAR we will give you TEN coupons that will be worth 10 cents each in trade at Harrison Bros. & Co's. For each dollar spent at their store they will accept one of the 10 ct. coupons as part payment for the dollar'a worth of goods, in other words 90 cents in cash and one 10 cent coupon pays for one dollar's worth of anything they have for sale, fg.oo in cash and 10 of these coupons pays for SIO.OO worth of anything they have, for sale. The 10 coupons you get for the dollar paid us for Tut EN TBKKRISK is worth fixn at Harrison Brothers & Company. Call in and ask us about this or ask Harrison Bros. & Co. THE ENTERPRISE PRINTING CO.. Publisher*