Wonderful Mimrak, \ HENRY BLOUNT, I DuktinFaoud Hut wiiTr.Hjmruwianruwinjv fi AfpMt At • Opera House | I MONDAY NIGHT ' • October 31st. > MKBOVNVnaQNOr RIP VAN WINKLE AMD • SOLON SHINGLE ! Two «i a»r ii Wdttaa. ' .11L1_H.II I • K■, PRICES: I ] 15, 25 and 35 Cents. [ Seat* oa aala at .The Be ' ' nflß r ■ lerpnae omcc. ' (Under the auapicea of the Roaa * oke Camp, Woodmen at the World ► THE ENTERPRISE. Fridat.Ogtosr t8,1904. SPECIAL NOTICES LOST, BTRAYBD or 8TOU»-Om boll yearling, about oaa and w half years old; dark blend color; aplh in each ear. Itfwd of fa.oo lor hfanalfaa laadiag to recwrery. pd, J. L BairroM, R. P. D. a FOR RENT—One alx room cottage; Rood garden and wall of water, «a Main -■» » • » i_a a— —~ nr »» ioiuicriy occupicu oy Hltk W§ ll» BaaaaU. }ioo a year. For farther ia fortnatkm application apply to 4-tf Mu. 8. H. Niwnuv. - FOR SALE—One amall Mia, poor hi fleah but all right. WUI aeU for fio.oo caah. Apply to R E. LILLY, near Ka dor Lilly's atom. P LOCA^NE^ j —The County Cindidalw are at Griffins today. —For Sale —One revolving book case. Apply to Tbe Enterprise of fice. —Sparks' Show win be here Wednesday the 3. See advertise ment in this issue. —A good white woman wanted aa a housekeeper. Apply at The Enterprise office. —A "merry-go-round" is the attraction here this week, and the small boy is all smiles. —A fine lot of nice white enve lopes at 3 cents a package, (25 in a pack) at tbe Enterprise Book Store. Hou.S. V. La ugh inghonse, repub lican candidate for Elector of tbe Fi rat District, is scheduled to apeak here Monday. October 31. —Mr. W. H. HoUiday, of Ever ■ etts, was reported seriously ill this morning about ti o'clock. It is hoped that he is much better now. ' —Mayor J. L. Swell, after a long illness,is doing business at the old stand. His friends are indeed glad to see him at his accustomrd place. —Mr. J. R Mobley ia having a fine cement walk made in front of his two stores on Main street. Other property owners on Main street should follow suit —Mrs. Arthur S. Terry will give an exhibition of burnt wood and leather Thursday and Friday afternoons, Nov. 3rd and 4th, at No. 7, Hotel Blount. Everybody invited. —For eruptions, sores, pimples, kidney and liver troubles, use Hoi lister's Rocky Mountain Tea. Car ries new life to every pait of the body. Tea or tablet 'form. 35 cents. S.R Biggs. \ —Wanted: One hundred good beef cattle, also a lot of fresh pork. Highest market price paid. J. B. MCGOWAW, Williamston. N. C. Lula Stanhope.St.LoUis: "I used to have s horrid complexion. I took Hollister's Rocky Mountain Tea and am called tbe prettiest girl in the city." Tea or tablets. 93 cents. 35 cents. S. R. Biggs. —The Enterprise is unavoidedly delayed this week on account of our gasoline failing to winch us ia | time. In the future we hope to be able to get the paper in the peat office not later than Friday after —Mr. J. R. Ward, who waa tak en sick some weds ago in Wash ington, hna been hoase for about n ■ • ■ |_ * * -a • wtu na ■ improving siowiy. He knees in the morning far his brother's, near Washington, where he goes to recuperate. —The John H. Spnrk's Show in every way aort than met its every pmaske. pleasing . audiences made up of Meridian's people.-~Meridian (Miss) Daily Timea of Ja%s*. 1903. Wm exhibit at Wiffiamstou. Wed nesday, November t, —Spark's Show is known tike world over for its honesty and up right deelings as well aa always giving n good, dean and noml show. Tak« the children to aee at,. i:a*t- tiwlia. 11 * »1« toe little Dtoy lions na pretty nt tie ponies at Williamston next Wedneeday. November 3. —Henry Blount is s wonderfu 1 mimic. His portrayal of different characters was absolutely perfect, and he kept the large audience in a roar of laughter from start to finish.—French Brond Hustler. At Opera House Monday night, Oct. 31, under the auspices of the Roa noke Camp Woodmen of World. —lt has been learned that Mr. J. K. Carstarphen -is to leave Wil lkmaton the first of November where he win go to Windsor to en gage in the hone business. He will take hk family later. Williamston hataa to lose any good dtisen and especially ao in this instsnce, but, still slwuys sends her best wishes with them wherever they go. May Mr. Carstarphen succeed beyond expectations in his new home —The pdiahed speaker and pro found scholar, Prof. J. Y. Joyner, Superintendent of Public Instruc tion, says: "Tragedy conies in her grief woven tubes, to pay tribute to his genius in sighs and tears. Comedy comes in her radiant drap ery to pay tribute in sparbHng smiles and loudest laughter to hie mirth provoking powers,for Henry Blount reigns most royally in Elo quence and Ocptory and Tragedy and Comedy and Wit and Humor, > and it k difficult to tell in which role he excels for he k superb in each. At Opera House Monday night, Oct. 31, under the auspicea of the Roanoke Camp Woodmen of World. Latter To a Wllllnmatnn Lawyer. Williamtkm. N C Dear Sir: As your business kto get people into and out of trouble, : suppose you consider their paint; it makea 'em almost as much trou : ble as money, except of course matrimony. They buy poor paint a good deal; they don't mean to; tbey don't know eny better; tbey buy without thinking. Bad paint isn't good. It looks good-enough for a year-, then begins to get rusty; but changes so slowly, one don't notice it. Looking isn't all. The business of paint k to keep a house dry in side, the wood and iron of it; keen i it from rotting and rusting. Tskes t good paint to do it. Good and bad paint are sold at one price or about that. One can't | go by the price at all; as with law | yets, the price has nothing to do with goodness or badness, and coats are worse yet; the painter and sher iff come-in for iheir share, i ' But the probability k that a man, ! who painta Devoe, will come-out on top. 1 Yours truly, F. W. DRVOK & Co. P. S. —Simpson Hdw. Company j adl our paint. Chaare sf Speaking Tbe County candidates will speak at Frank Griffin's school house, in Williams' Township, Tuesday night, November I,instead of Wed nesday the 3. IN SfIAKERTOWN la Bhakertown the people all Shook late and early, large and amall. I Soane blamed their ilia on their religion; Some curaed the agoe of the regiotf. Though on the ansa they didn't agree— They ahook with unanimity. A traveler, as hepeaaed that way, With phy deep, to them did aay: 1 "Oh, why in thia aad state remain. When here'a a enre for every pain ? " Thea gave each .oae—this is aoaiyth— A bottle labeled "Winteramith." *Twixt hope aad fear each draak his (hare Waa cared completely than and there; Aad ao sua* shake thaae Shivering Shak i fe. mt - j , They've grown aa quiet as qiieer-clad Qnakera; 1 Bach loveathe other with love platonic ! And all paaiae Wiatemnith'a great tonic. t- - 'I i~ Mr J. A. Whitley, of Everetts, k in town to-day. Mr. Heriwrt Walton, of Chase City, Va., waa in town thk week Mr. Geoege N.Gurgsnns sttend the Heme Show in Richmond last Mr. J. L Davenport, of Jamea ville, was in town one day of thk Mr. aad Mm. F. L. Minga came in thk ■—" i- g and will spend a few days here. Maaln Hubert Morton, of Rob ereonville, k visiting hk aunt, Mrs. W. H. Crawford. Hon. Wm. Bond came in this —rwhag and win apeak at the Oomrt House to-night. Mm. W. A TTllinin and children left thk morning for Roberaonvilk where they will spend the day. Mr. WJL Ellison left thk morn ing far Weklon where be will take ia the Fnir and hear Han. R. B. Mr. G. F. MncNaughton, of Ev eretts, and hk friend. Mr. W. T. Snyder, of Renover, Pa., are in town to-dny. Mr. AS. Terry, Manager of the Southern Veneer Company, wan fa Petersburg one day this week to place aa order for a Titus Mr. aad Mrs. Dennk S. Biggs. Mkaea Emma Hamell,Carrie Biggs, Victoria Martin and Mr. Wheeler Maitia attended the Horse* Sboig st Norfolk thk week. TUB LADIES hw painting their Lhwrhta, and thaiafnra we arge every Miaietar to lemewher we give a liberal qeantity ef the A Martian Paint to—rd the pahrth^. Waara aad coven like gold. Dent pay ft. y> a Oalloa for Linaeed Oil (worth to casta) which you do when yoa hny other paiata ia a can with a paiat label oa it. 11l make 14, tharafnrr when you went fuwUaa galloa* ot paiat, boy only eight of L. ft IL. and mix alx gallon* pate Uaaead Oil with it. aad thna get paint at lass than ft. so per gallon. Many hsaase aee wdl painted with tsar asßaaa et L a M. aad three gallon* ef Llaa.al Ofl wfacad therewith. Theae Oilitnlil Mate are aold by S. R. Biggs. Te berate tf» Pkat The Southern Veneer Company k issuing stock to increase its plant Alrendy about $3,000.00 of its atrwfc haa hf ■ aold and new ma- Ii al, _ - 1. - * - r cninerr oniereu. The new plant will be located near the river aad will be boused in n 60x140 building. 30x80 feet of thk wiU he n drying room—just twice the sine of its present draing room. 30x80 feet for storage and bundling mom; 60x60 feet for mill room. The plant will be equipped with n 100 horse power boiler and a 60 hone power, engine, and a 76 inch veneer machine will be added. The Southern Veneer Company k doing a nice business, sod orders are pouring in. 1 m 11 aai RMlce fa Tfcx Payers The town taxes for the year end ing Mny 31, 1904 is due and collect ible. All persona are hereby notified that I am ready to collect some. You will please be ready to settle when I call on yon, thereby saving nnnraaary worry and expense. Youfs truly, J. H. PAGE, 4-4t Town Tax Collector. Bevy BteuaL 'l* -t That great jurist snd accom plished gentlemen. Judge John R. Bond, of Tennessee, says: "Henry Blount k the finest actor and great est orator and moat wonderful mim k I have ever seen, and in hk faultless personation of Rip Van Winkle and Solon Shingle be aueeps the entire gamut of human emotions, and every and Is respon sive to the mastery strokes of his wonderful genius." —At Opera House Monday night, Oct. 31, under the auspices of the Roanoke Camp Woodmen of World. That awful grinding, stabbing pain fa the bade k from the kidneys. A dose of pineaks will cue it over night. Pineules k a new discovery put np in a new wny. A delightful remedy and specific for dl Kidney and Bladder troubles. Sold by S. H. Ellison & Co. ' • ... ■ For : Fall : Painting Harrison's Paint (R|K3i And For All Other iMMffyj Panting purposes. SFOR FIXING UP YOUR FAR J^BM "'•L CBS. BARNS, SHKDS AND HOUSES AND FOR MAKING THB INTERIOR or YOPR HOUR ATTRACTIVE FOR • THE WINTER THAT'S ALMOST HBRB I . In Convenient Cans Of All Sizes. %* Kiroar or Tin CONDITION OP Bank of Martin County ■I WIU.IAMBTOM, M. CM •I tilt cloac of bualnr** Sept. Mh, 1904 lnovicn 1 Coaaa ft Hmnb $ over-Draft*. ».4'> 7» Otter Mocks sad Bond*, i,*aa.ai> FttliHatf ft Httum, »,»#SS Dea*aad Loaaa 1,«9i.6 Due From iwki aad h«toll «,«*6.66 Nafl Bank Note* and other US. Note* 6,i6j ss TOTAI., f •»,*»« -*4 LIAB1L.ITIR8: Capital Mock, ( n.ooooo Bvn.hu 5.000.00 Uadlrided Fro St* «.SJ» '5 Deposits aubtect to Check U.WI Time Certtloatea of IMpaalt, TOTAL, TKM-W I.J. 0. Oodard Caehler, of Bank of Martla County, do solemnly ewear (or aim) that th. above auUMat la true to the boat of njr knoa ledge and belief. J. 0. OODARD, Cashier Bute of Mortk Carollaa I County of Martin ( •worn to aad aubacribed before me, this nth day of Sept, A. D., 1404 C. H. GODWIN, Notary Public. COBRKCT—ATTKBT: ) Den nio B. MfC* > Wkeeler Martin I DIKKCToKB B. L. Oodard \ I. O. Codard f ■■FORT Of THE CONDITION OF J. C. Robertson, Banker, at ROBBRMONVIU.It. N. C„ •t the doae of bueineoa Kept. 6th, 1904 RmODRCBB Uoana and DiaoonnU f Overdraft* 4«*. >5 Furniture and Mature* »,77*07 Other Rral Katate Owned 1,Jj6.1i Due from Bank* and Bankert 4,177 57 Check* mud other Caah Item* TOTAI, I sH.an.9kt LIABILITIES Capital Stock J. 000 00 Undivided ProSta i.W-aS Depoalt* Suhjrrt to Check n,6aS,M I Cashier's Checlja Outstanding 475-4° Mil* Payable i 5,000,00 TOTAL I j»,o!i J) Btatc of North Carolina 1 County of Martin J I, J. C. Robertson, Caabler of the above-named 1 bank, do solemnly awear that the above state | ment I* true to the best of my knowledge and I belief. J. C. ROBKRTBON, Caabler ■worm and suliacrtbed to before me thl* lath ' day of Sept, 1904. B. L. ROM, Notary Public. i |U||yujuiHkiu^y to writo fce oar oonfldentlal latUr befor* ap- KftawitfffvsiKSu--"' PATENTS mmm *ii»m>B»4inli. Try aa. SWIFT A CO., , t» U.». PHI o«M,Waalllftaß, >.C. THE Ragged Front ■T IS WHKRR YOU CAN GKT THK PINKST GrocerieS NO KAGGKD GOODS HOWKVKK EVERY TIIII6 STRICTLY FIRST-CLASS A>4 DaHnrii li.. FIN Mintll Hotlce C. W. KEITH IS WAITIII TO ACCOMMODATE YOU • .. •/ ; 1 Fresh Baker's Bread Received bally. CRYSTAL Shaving Parlor RHODES ft ALEXANDER Proprietor* Bank Building Smithwick Street New and up- to-date Furniture. - The best Barbers that can be ob tained. Polite and courteous attention. Motto—"We lead, others follow." —— l —— ► Judge this Store I by its Line of Goods A Store May Be Judged By The Thorough-. I ness With Which It Does Its Business . . *■ —J We are now offering the regular #i.»s yard wide Black and Brown Tafletta Silk for |l.oo a yard. We also have a big aa- | sortmeat of Silk for Shirt Waists from J~f- W 50c. to f 1.00 a yard. | J Collars We have just received another lot of thoaejbeautiful from sc. to *jc. Do not stop in and aee Dress Ginghams Ileat Dress Ginghams for 10c. per yard we hrve a large Plan n;lett»—suitings for only 10c. per yard. Outing from jc. to loe. per rani. Our aaaortment of yard gooda for Shirt Waiata are the best that can lie gotten. Shawls W * We have a Silk Shawl* from to £4.00 each. Yarn Shawls L Fascinator* front 15c. to fl.oo each. WW MENOLIUM M gj l'loor Oil Cloth, 4-4, from 35c. to jjr. y per yard; 8-4, from 60c. to 75c. per yard. \/ 7 J 1 Menolium. 8-4. for f 1.00 yer yard. Rugs DRESS GOODS We have a large aaaortment of Ruga fromi Our line of Dresa Gooda are the lege* 15c. to 14.00 each. Art Square*. 9 * IS. that we have ever abown. We kne goad from |6,00 to Jt.oo each. nice Dreaa Gooda frtn JJC. lo|i.yipa _ yard. And we have aoaoe ifwial pad itargaina in 50c. gooda for aoita I We have received another big lot of Pearl Buttons that we are selling for 1 cent per dozen Harrison Bros & Qo Low Pric l k - |/ A J-IDYSPEPSIACUBE M m m mil B DIGESTS WHAT YOU HAT ■%■■ll ■ f I . • ■ m V W ■ *• C. Do WITT * OOMPAHT* CHKAMIUi '* ' # BIG RALLY! Governor Charles B. Aycock Congressman John H. Scnal WILL ADDRESS THE PEOPLE OF MARTIN AND ADJOINING COUNTIES IN Griffin's - Township (AT SIIITHWICK CREEK CHURCH) THURSDAY NOVEMBER 3rd, 1904 Everybody Cordially Invited— Ladies Especially. Dinner For All, H. W. STUBBB, Chairman. County Canvass. The DtnuOk Candidates for tlw raiiau ofict*, aad Miartu of the l«g --iilstan. wfll «Uai the citixens of Martin County at the foUDviag tinea aad plans, to wit: Gooae Neat Friday. October tl. Bear Ciaaa.a—"Hmdaj. ttrnmrnkm l Haaiiltoa Saturday M Williams ..Wedaeaday ** a Poplar Point - Tntaday 15 Griffins Tfcarafer *" t Haaarfl ,a_ WntamUy" 16 „ Gold Ptoiat Thnraday " 17 Dnnlens **""' 4 Croaa Roada Friday " a 8 JamesYille S Stanley " % RobrrsovxriUa Satnrday " 19 Braeda, Monday " 1 Thai* will be other speakers st various petals ia thecsartj. Naticeaf tiaae aad place will be given later. Let cwr)oa« tarn oat aad give the candidates a*i 11 awag athoi. By order of Ike Hiwallit Committee. Thie October I. 1904. a L. R OSS. Sauelaiy. H. W. STUBBS. Chainaaa

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