ADVERTISING 18 TBS ROAD TO SUOCXSB WATCH THOSS WHO ADVERTISE Of THIS PAPSR VOL VL - NO n. i j DIRECTORY, j nr.i, aa.gra^. a. aM, ftr. J. D. .l Jlamll. w. k. iiiM" sm r mil i mi r.a-a«%i a. a m. Clark—A. Bad. J..H. »natn a »»liranlu wayarfwJ# hMMhra^kSl! 1^ Charch ef the Ural davsof tka aaad!* All Lm eonbaUy te «M. a S. UMim. Radar. Sndtf mnac at o'clock. mg aft y Mack. Holly flpilagi yd Saaday li»>1 at) s'ekek; Veraoa uft sad V"'j' J ' im- hpdMQKI fmdritiwthtat, sad and 4th Baa dayoat na. m.. aad 7:3«P- m. Piayor maobac iimi Tkmda; *i|kt at y;ja 9mky School aWj Soadaypaoeaiag at ):JOL J. D. Biggs. Superiateadeat. ■ad aUikklGiw* a. m..aadoathe us Baa day at 3p. as. fits ill Sttenl Haass oa the sad haadaj sft $ p m.. aad the Biggi School Haass aa the 4* Saadaj at * p. m. fcajlilj aordlally iavitod. I. D. Caaatai.. Mor. SKEWARKEE A- j mmiF.tiE Dnacratf Fob 1904. S. A mm, W. M.; H. D. Taylor. S. W.; Me. O. Taylor. I. W.; T. W. Thon aa. & D.; A P. Taylor. J.D, S. R Bigga. Bacntoy; C D. Cmtaiako, Tnmnr; M M Crilctead 1. D. ft. W. Clary, Titer. STANDING CO MJI ITT BBS: CsAimt —S. S. Browa, H. D. Taylor. Me. G. Taylor. fouscs-v. C. Maaaiag. W. H.Har aß, R_ J. IWI tarausca-H. W. Stabba, joaaph BL Ballard. P. K. Madges. Asvurat —G. W. Boot, W. M. York, M. M. Sanaa. Maaanat.«r—|. H_ Batten. Professional Cutis. Dft. JOHN D. BIOGS sm' DBimrT OWKB Main Srs—r s. ATWOOD NEWELL LAWYER " r Tiluambtob. II OL S*MW aMaatfaa aaaalateMaak SsaaW anaaMaa wßli jteitonalalaa - If yaa aHli taqrar all laaS I aaa hala?«a !■ SIM— 7* w.n.naaanu. wtitwaus DRS- HARRELL ft WARREN PHYSICIANS AND SURGEONS - •man BIOOB' nana Btobb 'Pbowe Kb. so Enterprise P't'ft Go. c I PUBLISHERS PRINTERS BINDERS •pfcoM ja WMumston, N. C. * ZTSi igfilß iiX T m£Z£nm te«a»- {Tn'Srss" m** fcr SIX MEN BLOWN WTO ETERNITY Four Election Officials Sotcaccd to Jail A BOLD HOLD - DP MJssissippians Indicted •or White - Capping; Mrs. Young Released; Sulley's Seat on Ex change Sold Three skiff loads of nitro-glyoer ine en rente from North Pole. W. Vs.. to Marysville, Ky., exploded at t)iffs»de Park last Saturday. Tbere were two men in each skiff. Some pieces of flesh and bone were picked op by seme boys oo the beak bat tbere is absolutely nothing to be seen where the skiffs were. Greet damage was dose to property in Ashland.Cstlettsbnrg and Hunting ton. MOM bnUdings having every window broken.The nitroglycerine was intended for use in railroad construction near Marysville. Denver. Dec. to.—Four election officials of ward five were aentenced to jail by the supreme court today, having been found guilty of premit ung fraudulent practices at the re cent election. James P. Mullens was sentenced to nine months' imprison ment and fsoo fine. The other sen tences were lighter. Altoooa, Pa., Dec. 10. —Shortly before noon today, by a bold hold up, two masked men secured over, made their escape and left no due behind them. While scores were passing in the Masonic Temp'a corridors the two aiaakad men en tered the Lehigh Coal Company's offices here, knocked the clerk, A. B. Lee. senseless, rifled a satchel containing money intended to pay the miners, gagged and tied the clerk, and then made theer escape. A special to the Constitution from Jackson. Mits., aays: A profound sensation has been created by the indictment of L. H Montgomery member of the Legist attire, and J. C. Bryant and J. B Willis, a member of the county sup ervisors of Lincoln county on the charge of whitecapping. Lincoln county court cannot poaaibiy dis pone of all the cases at this term of court as mote than four hundred indictments have been found, and among those are a number of the wealthiest citizens of the county. Mrs. Julia A. Young who has been confined in jail in Atlanta, waa released last Saturday on giving (soo bail. Mrs. Young was arrested at the instance of her adopted daughter and waa required to give bond to keep the peace. She refused to give a bond and was sent to jail. Her attorneys attempted today to secure her release on a writ of habeas oorpua, which was denied by the Superior court. Still refusing to give bond she was returned to jail. Miss Fannie Young, the adopted daughter, has gone to Florida with her affianced husband, declaring they were to be married at Jackson ville today. Tbe four seata on the Cotton Ex change head by Daniel J. Sully ft Co., were auctioned off Monday on the floor of the Exchange for $40,- 100. The three seata aold in the name of Daniel J. Sully, were sold for $lO, 000 each. New 12 —It wss an ranced to-lay that J. P. Morgan ft Company have given notice to members of the Atlantic Coast Line syndicate formed to underwrite the bonds issued to pay for a controll ing interest in the Louisville ft Nashville Railroad Company that the syndicate has been closed and that they are prepared to pay the profit accruing from the operations of the syndicate to its members. This profit is said to amount to _ about seven per oeirt, on the invest ment, ind tiding the dividend de |"'g|, v ®jw (Kittramse. WILLIAMSTON, N. C FRIDAY, DECEMBER 16, 1904. SOLD ranvT Mr. T. a. Coffidd was in town yesterday. I Mr. J. M. Jenkins m here yesterday. Mr. John Rod Pnnria waa here hot To—day. Mr. WOl Gladstone of Hamilton was here Tueaday. Oar place aaeda a railroad aad we hope to aeeooe here yet. We hear that there will beaever al marriages la thia vicinity aoon. Mr. Lawieooe Cartk aad Miaa Kate Booting werehere last Sunday Mr. Baaa it presenting Cooper's warehooae was hare yester day. Measers. Lawrence Stalls and J. S. Oriffin went down on Bear Oram last Sunday Our farmers that have not sold their cotton are still holding it for an advance hi prices. Measers. B. H. Robeison ft Co., have bought lots at cotton and pea nuts here this ssnson. Measers. Harvey Robersoa and Renben Purvis of Roberaourille were here last Sunday. We think there will be moreirish potatoes and tobacco planted in this section neja rear than there was this year. We hear thst Mr. John Croom has rented the place now occupied by Mr. A. C. Smith and will move here about January the ist. A aura sign of approaching revolt and serious trouble la your system is nervousness, sleeplessness, or stomach upsets. Electric Bitters wfll quickly dismember the troublesome causes. It never fails to tone the stomach, regulate the Kidneys and Bowels, stimulate the Liver, and clarify the blood. Rnn down system benefit particularly and all the usual attending aches vanish under its searching snb thorough effect iveness. Electric Bitters is oulv 50c and that is returned if it don't give perfect satisfaction Guaranteed by S.R, Biggs Druggist. Scliss Csßacctlefl The famous "Selma Connection" case, which has been pending either before the Corporation Commission or in the courts for more than a year was decided in the Supreme Court Tuesday in favor of the Cor poration Commission as against the contention oi the Atlantic Coast Line that the requirement of the Commission that provides an after noon connection for its passengers from Eastern North Carol 1 na at Selma in the afternoon was oppres sive to the road and without the power of the Commission. The effect of the decision is to furnish to the large number of peo ple in Eastern North Carolina who are desirou of going to the central or western portion of the State a reasonable convenient schedule end western connection with the South ern Railway at Selma. The Weather Calendar The Chattanooga IMlcb* Co. the manufacturer* of Wine of Cardui and Tbcdlord'a Mack Draught have jaat ia aned the 1905 cdUoa ef their Cardui Weather Chart and Calendar. Thia Cal endar with ha 13 aheeta ijxao iachea in •Me mahea abrigbt ornament far the wall aad ia a neeful acqniaition hi nnr home or o&ce on account of itadiaplarad weath er prediction*. The prominent anmbera can be read acroaa a large rooaa aa can the colored rignal flap ahowing the wtathw cpwHtiona for tact day. These weaaher aignala illnabnta the forecaataoi Prof. Andrew J. DeVoe who acheiend peat prominence by Ma ncrnrate pre dictionn of the great Galmatoa, 8t Louie aad Miaiwia atoram aad r/rlo—. (nl great ia the popularity of these predfe-, tiaos that they are pria ted ia5.300,000 of these rateacUn aad in 18,000,000 ef the Ladles' Birthday Almaasca which are te nted by the Chattaaooga Mediciae Co. each year. We aadeistaad that a copy of this weathrr chart aad flea iter aiay be seenrad by seadiag 10c. ia stamps to the Chattanooga Medictae Cotnpaay, Chat tanooga, Teaa. Any of oar laadiri who hare met seenred a copy of the Ladtea' Birthday Afaaaaaccaa get one by sending their address to "%aW Birthday A 1 caUag an thsir ANOTHER BEAR HUNT Captaii John Frankland Mau Killed HARBORS AND RIVERS H.L.Chapman, a Seaboard Engineer, Badly Hurt; N. CL-South Dakota Bond Suit. Must Look to Comfort Captain John Frank land Mann, of the schooner ITJF Blade was ac cidentally killed on his Teasel in Pamlico Sound Saturday morning at 4 o'clock. Owing to change of wind he wna shifting sail from one aide to the other. It came baek, en tangled him and swayad violently hack and fourth, beating him on deck until injured so that he lived hot two hours. Mate A. K. Mann, the captain's cousin, carried the vessel to New Bern. Captain Mann's body was sent to his home at Elisabeth City N. C. Asheville, N. C.. Dec. 10.— J. S. Penland of Unville Palls, where game abounds, haa been notified that the president is planning a bear hunt and that Mr. Roosevelt will be the guest of fudge J. C. Pritchard while in North Carolina. The date of the Preaideat's bear hunt haa not been fixed, but Penland is get ting ready for fine sport. H. L. Chapman, a switch engi neer in the Seaboard yard was so badly hurt at Hamlet, Sunday mor ning that his left arm had to be am putated between the elbow and shookier. His Mt foot is badly in jured also. Mr. Chapman is in a critical condition, the doctors fear ing he cannot recover. In the case of the State of South Dakota v. The State of North Caro lina, the Supreme Court of the Unit ed States Monday granted the mo tion to extend until April tat the time for the payment of the North 'Carolina bonds aa prayed for by that State. The purpose of the ex tendon in to afford time to the North Carolina Legislature to consider the question of paring the bonds and thus avoid sale. The following sums are estimat ed for the harbors and rivers of North Carolina: Roanoke River 110,000, Scnppernoog River $5,000 Pishing Creek (500; Pamlico and Tar Rivers $3,000; Contentoea Creek ft .joCirNeuse and Trent Riv ers $35,000; Beaufort harbor $3,000, Inland Waterway, between Bean fort Harbor and New River, North Carolina ft ,000; Cape Pear River above Wilmington $200,000 and Cape Pear River, below Wilming ton $150,000; Waccamaw River, and North and South Carolina and Litde Peedee River, Sooth Caro lina $30,000 Total for North Caro lina 41.000. —King's Dally Bmri if Cmtwfaiti "DeWitt's ia the only genuine Witch Haxel Sal**" writes J. L. Tucker, of Centre, Ala. "I have used it in my family for Piles, Cuts -tad Burnt for years and can re commcd it to be th* best Salve on the market. Every family should keep it, as it is an invaluable house hold remedy, should always be kept on hand for immediate use."Mrs. Samuel Gage, of North Bush, Iff. Y., says:"l had a fever sore on my ankle for twelve yearn that the doc ton could not cure. All salves and Mood remedies proved worthless. 1 could not walk for oyer two years. Finally I was persuaded to try De- Witt's Witch Haael Salve, which has completely cured ate. It is a wooderful relief." DeWitt's Witch Hade Salve cures without a scar. Sold by Andersoa, Crawford a Co. When those "fresh" members of Congress try to do something ra dical, Unci Joe Cannon just says fanny things at them. They always behave after that. ENTERTAINED AT A DANCE fhe DdlcfetfU Afflar was Giro la ■war at Their Guests On Mooday evening from eight to eleven o'clock Mr. and Mrs. Den nis S. Biggs entertained in honor of their gusts. Mr. and Mrs. Rawleigh Carter, Miss Mann Bonner, and Mr Charles Chase, of Lancaster County Virginia, with a dance. Everything waaddightful and the guests seemed to enjoy every minute of the even ing. The cool braeses outside had touched the cheek of (he ladies and left a soft pink color, and given sparkle to their eyes, and they never looked more charming than on this occasion. Every attention was given them by their beaux, for Williams ton's society men are noted for their gallantry- The costumes were as handsome as ever seen, and their gracefulness was a subject of com ment. Mrs. Biggs wore a Bokahara silk from Ceylon, trimmed with cocderoche velvet. Mrs. Carter's gown was blue and white Jussi with lace medallions. Miss Bonner wot* white silk with white lace. During the evening when an inter mission occurred, alight refresh ment was served. The cotillion was led by Mr. and Mrs. J. Paul Simp son in their usual chsrm. The fol lowing ladies were present: Mrs. Wilson O. Lamb, Mrs. P. P. Bul lock. Mrs. Psbius Lee Minga, of Norfolk. Misses Mary Whitley and Ida Williams, Nell Simpson, and Messrs. S. At wood Newell Louis Godwin and Wheeler Martin, Jr. The following dancers were present: MissNann Bonner and Mr. Chsrles Chase, Mrs. Dennis S. Biggs and Mr. Biggs, Mrs. Rswleigh Carter ■ud Mr. Carter, Mrs. Arthur S. Terry and Mr. Terry, Mrs. Clarence A. Jeffress and Mr. Jeffress, Mrs. J. Paul Simpson snd Mr. Simpson, Miss Mayo Lamb and Mr. Thad Lawrence, Miss Eliza Lamb and Mr. Albion Dunn, of Scotland Neck, Miss Ruth Mstthews and Mr. Harry Biggs, Miss Carrie Biggs and Mr. B. T. Cowpcr. Miss Nora Powden and Mr. Fountain Lips combe, Miss Julia Myers and Mr. C. B. Hasaell, Miss Marina Whitley and Mr. Don Godwin, Miss Vic Martin and Mr. B. Prank Godwin, Miss Laura I ones and Mr. Kader Crawford, Miss Ann ye Peele and Mr. Grover Hardison, Miss Anna belle Everett and Mr. Dillon Simp son, Miss Henrietta Peele and Mr. Wilson G. Lamb, Jr. FIcH Will U Blttar Tboar who will persist in closing their ears against the continual re commendation of Dr. Kings New Discovery for Consumption, will have a long and bitter fight with their troubles, if not ended earlier fatal termination. Read what T. R. Beall of Beall, Miss, has to say: "Last fall my wife had every symp tom of consumpton. She took Dr. King's New Discovery after every thing else had failed. Improvement came at once and four bottles en tirely cured her." Guarenteed by S. R. Biggs Druggist, price 50c, and SI .OO Trial bottle free. It is thought that Judge Parker will be quite as happy listening to the troubles of his clients as he wouid have been feeding office seekers on fudge. Blood W7/77m\ A Ttneß-FOLD KtMEDY *rmnHH4m» m tmmf ttomltnttMm. Aemam a» L* trum*K*mtn mat Puriff mm the Blood* Thousands have used this reliable remedy with perfect confidence and success for 62 yean, because they know just what it contains. The formula consists of Buchn, Hydrangea, Mandrake, Yellow Dock, Dandelion, Sarsaparilla, Gentian, Senna and lodide of Potassium. Any doctor or druggist will tell yon that this is a scientific and reliable combination of great merit tor all diseases haying their origin in the Liver, Kidneys or lilood. After years of experience and patient experiment, Dr. Thaciier so perfected the process of manufacture, that it never fails to bring the expected reiief when taken according to directions. Thousands of sick ones to whom life has been a burden have written grate ful letters of thanks. SPBSD. MISSISSIPPI, Oct. IT, 1901 **l have anfificd greatW with iadifettioa, constipation, also a •ever* liver trouble, with low of appetite. Couulnutreat well at light; ia fact, bad aoeaergy to work or even walk around. I felt like I via packing a heavy load aad. was easily exhausted, until I took. Dr. T bather's Liver and Blood Syrup, which helped ae almoat front the first dose. WWi I had take* one asd one-half bottles I lelt like a different man, aad I kaew that it was dae eatirely to yoar mediciae. I used la all three bottles, and coasider myself perfectly cared. At this time my appetite la good, I sleep well, aad feel strong aad wftuhtd oa arlaiag ia the morning. T. L. SPBKD. if yM will s wailaiwa aria Is Moo /Wr m JPVws saaiafs hottfo sad * 2>r. Hsatii *• MdoUh Bonk.* 0 Q*os lyaiawa/Wr adales. Wm mitmmlp m»h grata is iry U slsar Mfwiai. Wmhmom —hmi U miu da. JLi all atr uyyiafa. MO ssals sail sl.9*. Thaehsr Msdiclas Co., Chattanaoga, Tsnn. > LAST DAYS OF CONVENTION Dedication of Blackwdl Memorial Church A GENEROUS ANSWER A Thousand Dollars Is Asked For and in a Few Minutes Sixteen Hundred and Thirty-five Is Raised (Newa and Obaariai) Ilizabelh, City, N. C.. OK. I». —1 ho seventy-fourth session of the Baptist SUte Convention adjourned last night at nine o'clock to meet with the Baptist Tabernacle, Ral eigh. on Wednesday after the first Sunday in December, 190$. Theses sion was harmonious and unevent ful, moving quietly on to the end. Eliaabeih City added, if possible, to her fame as host by her gener ous and boundless hospitality. The messengers and visitors take leave of her today with nothing but praise fo r excellent people. Resolations expressive of the deep appreciation of the roval kindness accorded to all in attendance were unanim ously passed by the convention. All the protestant pulpits of ths city were occupied yesterday at both hours by visiting ministers. At i:jo p. m. the dedicatory exer cises of the Blackwell Memorial Baptist church took place. Or. H. W. Battle, prrached the sermon and spoke for a collection to meet in part the indebtedness of the church. It waa desired to raiee*thousand dot ar». The giving »u to liberal (hat in a few minutes $1,635 had been tecured. It *u a great event in the life of thia excellent church led K> heroical ly by Re* W. A. Ayer«, that pro greaaive paator. Thia congregation haa the prrttieat house in the city and will doubtlea* have much to do in ahaping tha religioua life of the place. Uitkiri, N Ctrifil [.of the health of your children. Look out for Cougha, Cold*, Croup and Whooping Cough. Stop them in time —One minute Cough cure ia the best remedy. Harmless and pleasant. Sold dy Anderson Craw ford & Co. Piaeulaa ia the name of a new dis covery put np in a new way. A certain cure for all Kidney. Blood and Bladder disease*, and every form of Rheumatism. Pineules re lieve Backache and Kidney paines permanently. If you need such a remedy let us abow you the wonder ful Pinculaa. Sold by S.H. Ellison. & Co. Look out for Coughs. Colds, Croup and Whooping Cough. They are dangerous at this season of the year. They lead to pneumonia or consumption. You can prevent or cure all such complaints with Bea's Laxative Honey and Tar, an im provement over all cough, lung and bronchial remedies, and the best Cough Syrup. Sold by S. H. Elli son. WHOLE NO. 371 A MATTER OF HEALTH ftm I fus no sußsimnt Williamston Telephone Co. Oflc* ovar Btak of Mirth Coaatj, WILLIAMSTON, 11. C. (Phone CftifKc* Mmmgm limited to j mlmmtm; nta atoiwi will Mtinlr to M4I far TOW DM. To Vukliftoa m Cwh. " Greenville H » " Plymouth ■ j « " Tar bo ro ( j « " Rocky Mount JJ " Scotland Nock aj " Jameatrille Ij " Kader Lilley'a IJ " J. G. Htaton IJ ' I.L Woolard _ ig " ' O. K. Cowing & Co. IJ «« 1 Pannele |j «• I" RobcraonrilW If « 1" Bveretta IJ •• Gold Point I) " Geo. P. McNanghton IJ « Hamilton ao " For other point* in Eastern Carolina «ee "Central " where • 'phono will bo found for uae of non-aubacribera. In Gase of Fire you want to be protected. Ia case of death you want c to leave your family some thing to live on. In case of accident you want some thing to live on hrairtaa borrowing. Let Us Coins to Your (Rsscus We can insure you loss from Fire, Death and Accident We can insure your Boiler, Plate Glass, Burg lary. We also can bond you for any office requir ing bond Im lit But Cmmilii IWpriMiM K- B. CRAWFORD INSURANCE AGENT, Qodard Building. AGENTS I JBSSR 2 AGENTS tbb oaai I—l book or Twm bat "CHRIST IN THE CAMP" Bt Dm. J. Wuua Jons BsstasMKjkrdßF »mr »t onci to THiymTWIIOTTO.matTa.Ce. tonNtkrwoodlatUMHiMeW' pMai for paUat: M HI W Mtt MM? W« prompt}, oMaUm uTs u4 Mp PATENTS •ktifiainßoianla, tlja, SV>nFT & CO n Oys- U.B-Pal-t—aa,Wiilla|lw,tA Tux Cwm«ir> **. ABfOM M4tnf ■ iMat B4 (MIM wr m»lUI» w t»M frw «•"•« • HTMM f a—tuilr >—«>—> m r»M* »«*t (nt, «M»f 'or mux —1 A rmau v- 3mn Im a i» n*• eni«i ■iiii*. »hw«>*■!«. >ii« Jcktflfk JtatrkM. ÜBK7Sf%SSSSS: BgJft w£j~3Si Subscribe for TH* EwmntH One Dollar>.Yesr.

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