1 "" . IMM'i Keeb-Draagi* mmm say otlMr madioioa wads It Is ST *1 indigestion, bifimiroewj ookk dMaaa, and "uSttori'i Blaek-Diaaght is the standard, M*er-4ailing md*!t Cor (tomach, bowel, lirsr and kidney trooblee. It is a ears for the donna tic ill* which io frequently mmmon the doctor. Itiaaagoodforsliildren as it it for grown penoas. Adoeeof this medians mn daj will tooa ear* tfaa most obetiflate case of dyt peuia or constipation, and when Uanaa directed bringi quick relief, numxu, DM. S, * IMM'i BlMk-DraxM hM bM«u f 't «MMr to IT* hi *i*iM HMO. WkM mar of m t—t Mir «• Hi • Sew uiutill rifM t* l««tre Mn. We kere loM of mmt for «oMo> ftuie. SM m Uom wed wm isa a. BAoaa. >. Aek 70W dealer for t penhef of IMM'I BUck-I>mu«ht end If he a»ee —t fceoy It eiad Ste. to Tfco OheWe mi t >i nh|i wm be llled to yen. Jp Yor Havk DIGBSTI()N[ ECHObS'I Piedmont Concentrated . . Iron and. . ALUMN WATER; - WII,I."ci'RK YOU OH IT COSTS YOtI NOTHING THKCI K!'. OF OTIIKK I)ISK.\SKS CAI'SHD BV IMITKK HI.OOI) A I.SO GUARANTEED ' * |For *ale by* S. K. BIGGS end alt good drugxists. ,801. bottles 50c.; iSo*. bottle* Jli. \J. M. KCMOI.S CO, Lynchburg, - . Virginia -^.fiJELTLAYEPv JLjWJrf. \AS SOFT A i .FLUFFY DOWh [ Royal Elastic Felt Msttress. ■ 1* the concentrated downy effect I of six layer* of felted cotton of I Selected quality. In the concen- I tration there is no hardness. I They are soft at first, and remain I so years of constant I use. Write for free booklet. I " The Royal Way to Comfort." I II your dealer hasn't it. write us. ■ PRICE Prepay PRICE I 8l5.00"' e freight. 910.00 ONI MONTH** TRIAL FRKB. BEE'S M, r Laxative IvV HONEY-TAR •a An Improvement over all Coach, Lung and Bronchial Remedies. Cures Coughs, Strengthens the Lungs and Gently Mores the Bowels. Pleassnt to the taste and good alike for Young and Old. NWUID BY Mi IMMn to., Ckicags, U.S. A. S. H. ELLISON & Co. Worlds Fair Parties desiring to visit the Fair have the choice of three (3) days each week, Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday during November, on which to purchase coach excursion tickets to St.Louis via Norfolk and Western Railway. W. B. Brvill.l Gea. Paar Agent.j Roanoke, Va. COUNTY EXHIBIT 44 A" North Carolina) Martin County j -1.--'' I, W. C. Manning, Clerk of the Board of Commiaatoners of Martin, do hereby certify that the following is a true statement of the number of days aerved by each member of Jthe Board of Commiaaionera of Mar tin county at meetings of the said Board, the number of daya served on bridge-work, the number of mile* travelled, and the amount paid to each member of the aaid Board, from the first Monday in December, 1903, to the first Monday in December, 1904 : U.S. Hassell served as Commissioner 11 days, on bridge-work 5 dsys, travelled 34a miles, and received $44-10 compensation. R. H. Salsbury served as Commissioner 12 dsys, on bridge-work 5>4 days, travelled 446 miles, and received $47.30. J. T. Barnhill served aa Commissioner 16 days, on bridge-work io}4 days, travelled 425 miles, and received $74.35. 1 | In Witneaa Whereof, I hereunto set my hsnd snd affix the • SKA). > seal of the said Board at office in Williamston, N. C. on this ( ) in December, A. D., 1904. W. C. MANNINO, Clerk. K ■ 11 "■ % COUNTY EXHIBIT 44 B" > DISBURSEMENTS APRlL—continued from last issue 97 lola Bond witness fees March 1904 155 98 Joe Shields " •«"« •• ■ 440 99 R H Burnett " " " " 460 100 Prank Johnson" 440 101 H L Cherry " '* " " 460 102 F M Fdmond'n" " " " ........ 230 103 J A Jones " " " " ........* 260 104 Polly LittU " «• ' " . . . , .... 335 105 WLWhitaker" *' " " 290 106 Aug Ellis " " . " " I °s 107 W A Avers " " " " . 390 108 J H Mizell " " " . . . 3 10 109 H F Johnson " •• " " , , 3 75 110 W M Williams" '« " " . . 3io HI WH Williams" " " " 3 10 112 Clifford Bland " " " 1 io 113 W K HuJst " " " " 365 1 14 J D Hardison " " " " . 360 115 J B Ayers supplies to poor 750 116 Stanley Ayers " " " • • "35 117 B T Barber services and attention to poor 15 00 118 J D Bowen services keeper county home ....:. 20 83 119 Fanny Slade supplies to poor 2 75 1 20 Asa Roberson conveying prisoner to jail 200 121 Joseph Bullock " " " " 200 122 J M. Sykes cMH" *' 300 1 23 Casper Bros repairs Brown's and Sherrod mill bridge 30 37 124 G W Martin lumber for footway ......... 14 47 125 J H Eubanks " " canal bridge 468 126 S R Clary &Co supplies to poor 400 127 Slade,Jones &Co " " 2000 128 S W Mizell " " " 10 00 129 J L Hassell &Co " " " and courthouse . 14 04 130 J L Hassell &Co " county home 55 32 131 Mc G Wynn supplies to poor . . . 1200 132 Anderson, Crawford & Co supplies to poor .... >8 25 13.1 1c Crawford coffin and burial pauper : 384 134 Walker, Evans fk Cogswell Co record books for co. . 39 05 135 Dr R 1 Nelson holding inquest. Will Teel 10 90 136 S R Biggs med co home, jail and supplies to poor . . 545 137 J C Crawford sheriff and jail fees per bill 125 70 138 J D Ward 4 days officer grand jury . 600 134 J A Hobbs stationery and recording fees ...... 8 91 140 John Moore coffin for pauper . . ..... .... 2~00 141 Dr W H Harrell services county supt of health ... 10 00 142 Home Insurance Co. premium on policy, court house 45 00 143 N Y Underwriters In Co. " " " " " 45 00 144 Phoenix Ins Co " " —" — ■ -—-J' 15 ao 145 W C Manning services as clerk per bill 37 50 MAY 146 J A Askew lumber and repairs Deep Runjbridge . . ' 826 147 J A Hobbs stationery clgrk's office 1 10 148 A L Wytin lumber Everett's mill bridge 2 40 149 1 D Bowen services keeper county home 20 83 150 N R Manning lumber and repair Long Creek bridge . 8,79 151 J C Crawford jail fees . 11 80 152 Joseph Bullock conveying prisoner to jail 2 00 153 E O Burroughs lumber and repairs Collie swamp b'ge 54 74 1 54 S R Biggs med co home and supplies to poor .... 445 155 Anderson, Crawford &Co " " " .... 18 75 156 Fanny Slade " "".... 27s 157 SR Clary & Co .... 2 oi 158 I L Hassell & Co 1 25 159 J L Hassell &Co supplies to county home ... 25 58 160 S W Mizell " "poor . 500 161 Harrell & Ross " " " . . 38 50 162 Slade, Jones &Co " ' " " . 2000 163 Bailey & Barnhill " !• " • 20 17 164 Dr W H Harrell services county supt health .... 1000 165 Dr B L Long witness fees inquest Will Teel .... 60 166 C N Bellamy ' «• " .. . . 60 167 Mack Ward " " " " " . 60 164 Ed Teel '• " " " . 60 169 Annie Ward " " " " .... „ , I go 170 Latayett Forest" " " " " 6o 171 Elijah Watson " " 60 172 R H Salsbury 6 days com, 4>4 days bridges, 250 miles 33 c 0 173 J T Barnhill 4 " '• " " 119 " 20 95 1 74 W C Manning services as clerk per bill 1 26 00 175 Carolina Steel Bridge & Con Co Martin county's part building Ward's bridge 497 Q5 176 -Lilley & lones supplies to poor 20 00 JUNE 6th, 1904 177 B H Roberson lumber and repairs Wilaon bridge .... 12 20 178 J D Bowen services keeper county home 22 23 179 Fanny Slade supplies to poor a 75 180 SW Mizell 5 00 181 C Jamas conveying 2 prisoners to jail 4 oo 182 A C Smith " " " " aOO 183 H C Jackson & Bro supplies to poor . 400 184 Anderson, C& Co " " " 18 75 ISS J L Hassell &Co " " " .. . 175 186 J L Hassell &C* " " county home. v 27 06 187 S R Biggs supplies to poor snd medicine county home 4 50 188 Ben Hester coffin for pauper . . . 3 00 189 Edwards & Broudhton tax books 3 00 190 The Rnterprise publishing insalvent list 7 65 191 R J Nelson inquect over Daniel Green 9 50 192 Henrietta Green witness fee coroner's inquest 60 193 Maggie Green " " " " 60 194 Mittie Ann Lvnch " " " " 60 165 Napoleon Green " '* " " 60 196 J H Purvis lumber and repairs on bridge 3 00 197 Holhday & Burroughs lumber and repairs Knox bdge 19 80 198 J C Crawford jail fees and work per bill ... ,-y. 29 48 199 conveying patient to Has. Morganton... 3820 200 J A Hobbs services csc 39 33 201 Dr W H Harrell servicea supt of health ...' 10 00 202 JerTy Leggett supplies to poor . . 5 00 203 Dr U S Hassell 3 daya c0m.,3 days bridges and 66 ma. 15 30 204 W C Manning services as clerk to board *... >3 50 3 (Continued to Next Issue) Removes the microbes which im poverish the blood and circulation. Stops all trouble that interferes with nutrition. That's what Hollia ter's Rocky Mountain Tfea will do' 35 cents. Tea or tablet form. J. M. I Wheless & Co., Robcnoovilk. 1 One of Ring's Dyspepaia Tablets after fating even if you can eat but little, will digest the little von do eat. and cure lodigeston, Dys pepsia, Soar Stomach, Belching, and Weak Heart. SoldJbyJS. H. Ellison. LIVE ITEMSPOF INTEREST Director Kerr and The Reformatory GEN. COX IN RALEIGH A Bill will be Introduced In the North Carolina Legls lslature Providing for Compulsory Edu cation Raleigh, N. C. Dec. i », The plan of Director Kerr, of the State prison hoard, looking to the establishment of a reformatory for young criminal* in this Mate ought to be successfully carried through. This plan is in brief to devote the net earnings of t e penitentiary or as much as shall be needed, to the building and maintenance of the re formatory. We are so ly that some of Mr. Kerr's associates in the manage ment of the penitentiary are op posed to his excellent idea, and we hope they can be in iuced to with draw their oppoaition. Since writing the above we find the following in the Charlotte Ob server on the same subject: "That appears to be an excellent idea. There is something repulsive about a State making money out of its criminals, and this use of funds accruing from their labor seems to lie most appropriate. The fact thai there is oppoaition to the plan on the part of members of the board is to be regretted, for the State certainly needs a place for its youthful crim inals, and a direct appropriation by the Legislature for such | purpose is indeed doubtful." North Carolina is behind her sis ter States in this particular matter and it ia not consistent that she shall remain so; for we are in advance of many Statea in other important mat ters of public policy. The objection that has been rais> ed, when thin reformatory matter was before the Legislature a few years ago to the effect that the in matea of such an inatitution would be chiefly composed of young ne groes, ought not to be allowed to defeat tha efforts now making in renewing the aggitation of the subject. f course the two races could, and ahould, be separated, and the (jeneml Assembly can easily find a way to accomplish that end. No Mori Siffirii « If you are troubled with indigestion get a bottle of Kodol Dyspepsia Cure and see how quickly it will cure you. Geo. A. Thomson, of Spencer, says:"Have had Dy spepsia forwent y years. My case was almost hopeless. Kodol Dy spepsia cure was recommended and I used a few bottles of it and it is the only thing that has relieved me. Would not be without it' Have doctored with local yhysicians and also at Chicago, and even went to Norway with hopeaof getting some relief, but Kodol Dyspepsia Cure is the only remedy that has done me anv good and I heartily recommend it. Every person suffering with Indigestion or Dyspepsia should use it.'' Sold by Anberson Craw ford & Co. I Stubborn Coughs and Colds I Obstinate racking coughs that settle on the lungs and may develop into Pneumonia over night are quickly cured by I FOLEYS HONEY-TAR I U soothes and heals the inflamed air passages, stop* the cough, heals and strengthens the lungs. PfLirt M HONEY ADO TU contains no opiates or other harmful drugs, and is safest for children and «VrUrate Remember the name—FOLEY'S HOMEY AND TAB —and insist upon having the genuine, as no other remedy I u 1« CaHtec, otlfaaatactM, Ky„ •M |Jrl ka a aaworo OM of cnif; tka doctor uid IIM CMH not Im "Wh«n mmny MM. K- t frM. "wTiolii'-J I lar l ■ Tfciee SOo, H.OO. Tt»a9ocenttkm contalnatwo and one-half timesaa much as Ihosmallsfasaadtha \ 8. R. Bi^s, The Cause of Many Sodden Deaths. H— j> a JPPVAIC. to M country moot dmnroui boctuN to deoop> ' * |y" IL Many sudden pneumonls, heart I luMf nJ\ \uLf(iiiure of I f" * r * °^ t *° re * u " ell kdftawmwblsla al **C 41 ll\ \K| I lowed toadvancethe »r%X™ H Bjl kidney-poisoned TSk. o^lßr' 688 blood win attack the vital organs or tha kidneys thamaolvei break down and waata •war call by cell. Bladder troublee moat always reeuh from * derangement of the kidneys and a curs 1* obtained quickeat by a proper treatment of the kidneys. If you are feeling badly you can maxe no mlatake by taking Dr. Kilmer'* fl wp Root, the gnat kidney, Hver and bladder remedy. It corrects Inability to hold urine and scald ing pain In paaalng It, and overcomes that unpleasant necessity of being compelled to go often during the day, and to get up many times during me night. The mild and the extraordinary effect of Swamp-Root la soon realized. It atands the highest for Ita won derful cures of the most distressing caaea. Swamp-Root la pleasant to take and sold by all druggists In fifty-cent and one-dollar sized bottles. You may have a sample bottle of this wonderful new dls- covery and a book that tells all about It. both n—«s»i»» a t sent free by mall. Addreae Dr. Kilmer 8c Co. Blnghamton, N. Y. Whan writing mention reading this generous offer In thla paper. Don I make any mlatake. but remember the name, Swamp-Root, Dr. Kllmar's Swamp-Root, and the addreae. Blnghamton, N. Y., on every bottle. We hope to see Mr. Kerr's plan sanctioned and adoped bjr the Leg slature at the coming session and a measure passed proridin r for the establishment of a reformatory without futher delay. * * * The genial and accomplished and gallant Gen. Wm. R. Cox former Congressman from this district and later Set retarv of the United States is in the city ahakinghand with his friends, who include he whole town. No gentleman in the -ttate ' holda his age" so well as General Cox, that we are aware of. Ha is as stately and handsome and genial and altogether as charming in hi* manners as he was fifteen years ago when he served the Ral eigh district in Congress with .such distinguished ability. *' * * It is learned from Editor 7., P. Smith of the national organ of the Junior Order of United American Mechanic of Raleigh, that a bill will be introduced in the North Caro lina Legislature, providing for com pulsory education. He says the or der is back of this, tha matter being on* of its cardinal principles. He ssjra the bentiment among the laboring men is in favor of such a law and that the Legislature will be given a chance to put itself on re cord in the matter. The order is ab aolutely non partisan. He says a bill will also he introduced, placing the American flag over every school house. Such bills will alao be introduced in the Tennessee Leg's* ature and other States where the Oder haa strength. As he puts it. "The order is behind these meas ures. It in getting together '• If you haven't time to prepare Holliater's Rocky Mountain Tea, it in now made in tablet form also. Get a package already to use. Makes you well; keeps you well. 35 cents. J. M. Wheless & Co., Druggists, Robersonville. ManZan is the Pile Remedy that reaches the spot and stops all pile Earn instantly. If you suffer with lind, Bleeding, Itching or Pro truding Piles and want to be cured it is only necessary to use ManZan, the Great Pile cure. Sold by S. H. Ellison. GROCERIES SSITSS"" Carloads of Flour, Carloads ot Frssh Meal " " Canned Goods " " Rump Pork Full stock of othsr Groosriss as wslL Our goods are moving on evarv train and boat. Special attention to oar nail ordar department. Let as have your orders. J Southern Supply Co. WHOLESALE GROCERS ' WILLIAMSTON NORTH CAROLINA rrisco System I CHKAOO * EASTERN ILLINOIS Jm I R. R. * v ;, I Double Daily Trains BKTWKKN St. Louis and Chicago nORNINO AND EVENINO From La Sail* strMt Station, Chicago Ma a. aa.-9.1S p. a. II From Uuloa Sta.( Merchants Bridge »st.Lotda 9jo a m —9.4* l* ■ II Morn inn or evening connection at both termini with liaae divergiag II Bqui|itnent entirely modern and new Uiroughoat A UOt'BLK-TKACK RAILWAY Equipped with practical and approved aafety appliances Substantially conatruced. Artie lee not atone beaatifol, bat useful and datable, Bf make the moat sensible gift These good featuraa, WT Tj K together with a moderate price, nuke the genuine flu M "1Q47 WOOERS BROST If Ml SPOONS, KNIVES. PORKS. ETC. M _ .. C 2j||". W * ?Jf an ideal Holiday gift They are made ia a gnat M ™'~ Wj variety of shapes, torn and dasigns, handaomely k]| a packed-in lined caeca, and vary la nrica from 2Sc. ■ jri to $3. SO. Your dealer can supply yoa. Write H Fffl Uf for oar handsome catatogae "C-L" to aid yea I K3 in making setoctioos. r\ irrtaxtno**!. aiLvca co, a. m » I N Hill 1 .... Delink 9. Bigg*, PM. T. W. Tilghmu G«n. Mgr. Jno. D. Biggs, Sac. ft Tt—« DENNIS SIMMONS LUMBER CO. . . Manufacturers of . . _ Kiln Dried North Carolina Pine Lumber, . |> " > a a • • oENNia SIMMONS- BRAND ovrmaa BHIMOLK ORDERS AND CORRESPONDENCE SOLICITED WILLIAMSTON. N. C. Let us do your Job Printing.

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