ADVERTISING Your money back. —Judicious advertis ing is the kind that pays back to von the money TOO invest. Space in this paper assures yon prompt returns . . VOL. VI. - NO 45. DIRECTORY Tows Officers Mayor—B. P. Godwin. Caamtasiooers—A. Anderson, N. S. Feel, W. A ElMaon. J. D. Leggett. C. H. Godwin. Street Commissioner —J D. Legßtt. Clerk—C. H. Godwin. Treasurer—N. S. Peel. Attorney—Wheeler Martin. Chief at Police—J. H. Page. Lodges Skewarkee Lodge, No. 90. A. P and A. M. Regular meeting every and and 4th Toeailay nights. Roanoke Camp, No. 107, Woodmen of the World. Regular meeting every and last Priday nights. \ - 111 ■ 1 1 r Church of the Adveit Services on the second and fifth Sun days of the month.morning and evening, and on the Saturdays (5 p.m.) before, and on Mondays (9 a. m.) after said Sun days of the month. AU are cordially in vited. B. S. LASSITKB, Victor. Methodist Courch Rev. K. R. Rose, the Methodist Pas tor, has the following appointments: Kvery Sunday moruing at 11 o'clock and night at 7 o'clock respectively, except the second Sunday. Sumiay School every Suailav morning at 9:30 o'clock. Prayer-raeetiug every Wednesday even ing at 7 o'clock. Holly Springs 3rd Sundsy evening at 3 o'clock; Vernon ikt Sunday evening at 3 o'clock; Hamilton »nd Sunday, morning and night; Haaaells and Sunday at 3 o'cleck. A cordial in vitation to all to attend these services Baptist Church Preaching on the Ist, and and 4th Sun days at 11 a. in., and ;:.v> p. ni. Prayer meeting everv Thursday night at 7:30 Sunday School every Sunday moruing ut 9:30. J. D. Biggs, Superintendent. The pastor preaches at Hamilton on the 3rd buudav in each mouth, at II a. m. and 7:30 p. m.. and at Riddick's Grove en Saturday before every Ist Mimlay at 11 a. m.. and o t the Ist Sunday at 3 p. ni. Slade School House on the and Sunday at 3 p. in . and the Biggs' School House on the 4th Sunday at 3 p. m. Everybody cordially invited. K. D. CABBOIX. Pastor. SKEWARKEE A LODGE *Mkr No. 90, A. F. fc A. ML DIKRCTOBY FOB 1905. S. S. Brown, W. M.; W.C Manning,S. W,; Mc. G. Taylor, J. W.; T. W. Thorn as, S. D.; A. P. Taylor, J.I); S. R. Biggs, Secretary; C. D. Carstarpben, Treasurer; A. K.Whitiuore and T.C.Cook, Stewards: R. W. CUry, Tiler. STANDING COMMITTERS: CHABITY — S. S. Brown, W. C. Man ning, Mc. G.Taylor. PINAHCR—Joe. D. Biggs. W. 11. Har ell, E. J. P^el. RKKKBKNCK— W. H. Kdwarda, W. M. Green. P. K. Hedwfa. * asylum—H. W. Stnbbs, W. H. Rol>- ertsOn, H. D. Cook. MARSHALL—I. 11. Hattoa. Professional Cards. |)K. J. A. WHITE. FISR DKNTIST OFFICE—MAIN STBKKT PHONK 4 \ W: H. HAXKKLL WM. It. WABBKN DRS. HARRKLL, & WARREN PHYSICIANS AND SURGKONS OFFICE IN BIGGS' DKUG STORK 'Phone No. 2q DR- J- PBBBLR PROCTOR PHYSICJAN AND SURGEON " Office in Mobley Building ours: 9:00 to 10:30 a. m.; p. m. 'PHONE it BURROUS A. CRITCHER, ATTORNEY AT LAW Office: Wheeler Martin's office. 'Phone, 23. WLLUAMSTON, N. C. Francis D. Winston 8. Jaslus Rverett WINSTON & EVERETT * AT'TOBNBYS AT LAW Bank Building, Williamston, N. C. S. ATWOOD NEWELL LAWYpSR oAcr op stairs ta New Bank Baild iac, left hand side, top at step*. "VILLIAMSTON. N C. wherever service* are deefred Special attention given to esaaiotaif aAd mak •C title for purchaser* of timber and timber iaads. Special attention will be gisea to real estate eacbaages. If yum wish to bay or sell land 1 caahelpyon. rtm PMOHIT4 DOLLTS I | DENTIST. | Dolly never, or hardly ever, even when she meant to be nasty, actually aa'i an unkind thing. Her husband. Lord Mlrfleld, waa extremely rich, but otherwise of no importance, while his wire, much younger than himself, had managed to make herself very Important In deed. She entertained largely, she was ex tremely strict and proper (a social factor the value of which Is often overlooked,) and all those who were In the slightest danger of being tar red came to her. as to a kind of River Jordan, for social baptism She had a good cook, and her husband excellent shooting. Yet. even all this equip ment did not make her Invulnerable. And the manner of the lesson that waa taught her was as follows:: London was all agog about a cer tain event which was supposud to have happened. There had been a dreadful subaqueous scandal, a scan dal. that Is. which everybody is rather afraid to talk about at Brat, waiting fir somebody else to. and. as a rule, ■ot having to wait long. The exact details of It are of no but It concerned Lord Mlrfleld's sla ter. whom Dolly detested. She waa •opposed to have "carried on," and had quite certainly left England rath er suddenly. So everybody wanted to know If It was true that she had gone to meet Him. Dolly herself knew no more, but at this juncture >he sister of Him called one afternoon at Lady Mlrfleld's. Mra. Armytage did things impuls ively. "Of course, yon guess what I have come about?" she said "It has only £ist reached me that people are saying acandalous things about Jack and yodr sister-in-law. Aren't they hruteaT And what la to be done, do you think?" "You look dreadfully upset, dear Mrs. Armytage." she said. "I know, I am hideous. But thero ta all this worry, and I have been In the dentist's chair half the morning, lie hurt me frightfully. "Ah, I am sorry," Dolly said. "Yoil should go to my dentist. He'never hurts." "I'm In agonies now," said Mra. Armytage. "Do tell me whom to go to." , "Ampthlll, In Sloane square," said Dolly. "And then there's this dreadful wor ry about poor Jack," Mra. Armytage went on. "Of course, It is perfectly true that be waa madly In love with her. It la also true that be Is a dear, honest old boy, and so he left Eng land. aa perhaps you have heard". "Yes, I heard," cooad Dolly, who aa a matter of fact had not "That he left England for fear of himself. Now, was there ever any thing so unfortunate? For on the very day from which he crossed from Dover to Calais, your slater-in-law crossed from Folkeatlne to Boulogne! And now, of course, a hundred tongues in London are wagging about It. And — It'a so like Jack —be has left no ad dress, and It la impossible to com municate with him, and tell him to com* back at onoe. So I want you to help me to stop people talking; you can do so much. That Is why I came here." • "You mean you won't do what you can to stop people saying these things?" asked Mrs. Armytage. "I have told you that it Is all an Infa mous libel." "Yes. dear," she said; "but other , people will tell me that it is true!" "But I who know tell you It Is not true." said Mrs. Armytage. Dolly sighed once more. Then Mrs. Armytage spoke In a detached, unbl aaed voice. "I went to my dentist's this morn ing," she said, "who Is Mr. Ampthlll, of Sloane Square. I came Into the room before he was quite ready for me, and saw him putting into a box a beautiful complete set of false teeth. And on the table outside when I went out there waa a package addressed to you. Now I have a disengaged day to morrow, and I intend to devote it to making myself disagreeable to any who, by speech or silence, or—or sigh, tend to encourage this scandal and make It believed." Dolly sat bolt upright in her chair. "But it isn't true," she said. "I have thirty-two teeth of my own." "Nor is it true that Jack left Eng land with your filster-in-law," said Mra. Armytage. "What do you want me to dot" Dolly asked. "Just to say that this is all a wicked scandal—you can leave out the 'wick ed' If you like—instead of admitting Its truth by aighlng," said Mrs. Army-- lag*. "And if I don't?" "I shall mention casually and con aantly what I aaw at Mr.—Mr. Amp thlli'a of Sloane Square." "But no one will believe you," said Dolly. "Bealdes, it isn't true." Mrs. Arytage finished her tea. "No, it isn't true," she said. "But you have such beautiful teeth, dear, that people will wonder If It Isn't" Dolly again devoted a few moments' 1 thought to the consideration of this. "Aren't you rather a beast?" the asked. "Very likely. But so. you know, are yon, when you sigh away my broth er's character like that" Dolly pnt her head on one side and smiled charmingly. "Yee, I'm corner- ' ed," she said. "You really managed It very well. Now you must have ■one more tea, and tell me more about It all. I must he well fn | Conned to be convincing."—E. F. Ben ton, is Londan "Dally lUU." IBBIS# k /'pp''"*, WILLIAMSTON, N. C., FRIDAY, AUGUST 25. 1905. KoBODY WAS LOOKING Above us shown the mournful moon —before us gleamed the Icei Anil •tMnU)' we skated along by the side ol Dorothea, our arms crossing her dear arms, and hand in baud. "Ueorgu," said Dorothea, "I could akate like this all night!" We sighed. "Couldn't youT" she asked. We merely sighed again and akated on. Above us shone the steadfast moon and past us rushed the trees, leafless, despondent and pointing a trembling accusation with their skeleton lingers to the cold and wintry sky. "Ueorge," said Dorothea, "you ahouldn't have tried, you know!" "Tried what?" we cried. "What did I try?" "You know what you tried!" "Don't neither!" we grumbled. - "Do, too! Look!" We looked at her. She puckered, her rosy little mouth and chirped. "That'a what you tried!" she gontly reproved us. Then brazenly we laughed, and still we skated on. Above us shone the watchful moon and at us leaped the breeze, whirling around us, dashing past us, snappy, brisk, sharp; and off again as quickly as it cam*. "Isn't It fine?" shouted Dorothea. "Your cheeks are Just like two red roses!" we cried (looking.) "Such a lovely night!" "Two red and ruby rosos!" we aharply cried again. "And your mouth"—we shouted and then (with malice) paused. "Yes. George?" she asked. And silently we skated on. "George," she repeated, "What about my mouth?" "Look!" we cried. She looked at us. And boldly then we pursed our lips and chirped. "Oh, George!" she cried, and the roses grew fullblown. Above us shone the kindly moon— before us gleamed the Ice. And blithe ly still we skated on by the side of Dorothea, our arms crossing her dear arms, and hand in hand. "George," she said, "Do you remem ber how you tried a little while ago?" "Yes. Dorothea!" and over we both careened to the right, our left feet In exultant elevation. "Do you think anybody Is looking?" "No, Dorothea! and over we ca reened to the left, our right feet both uplifted now and scornful of the Ice. "I am so glad!" "Why, Dorothea?' and over to the right again. Because —(And over we went to the left, —"If anybody had been look ing"— (to the rlguij—"lt would have been a pity"—(to the left)—"that you made such a failure of It!" ~ And then quite suddenly we stop ped. Above us shone the smiling moon. From the bank the leafloss trees looked down at UB and waved a gen tle encouragement a B they passed the news In soft and rustling whispers. "Dorothea!" "Keep away!" "Ah, Dorothea!" "George, you Just stay right where you are!" "Why?" we sulked. "I'm going to show you how to make a figure 8!" "You don't know how!" we criod, indignant at the pretext. "Bet I do!" "Bet you don't!" "All right!" she murmured, "what 1o you want to bet, George?" "Well," wo considered, "If you win we'll go to the matinee Saturday ami If I win"—and her we looked her In the eye and sheepishly we chirped "George," she warned us (and refer ring to the figure 8,) "I really did learn how to do It this afternoon." "1 don't mind saying." we hastily remarked, "that I'm going to take you to a matinee on Saturday any how." And then It was that Dorothea trie I to make a figure 8, but failed. Indeed, she would have fallen If we bad not been there to catch her. "Now!" we whispered. "Is anybody looking?" she whisper ad back. Above us shone the moon, tenderly, caressingly, gloettngty and well, there was nobody looking. Th« Russian Volunteer. It la often said that Russians are soldiers "born;" occasionally, how ever. one Is made to order. An ling llsh visitor to Moscow was In one of I the'side streets recently when his at | tent ion was attracted by the scuffling j of feet, the swish of a whip and the j sound of loud words. , Looking across the way, he saw a stocky fellow in a blouse flat on the ground and stotttly resisting the ef forts of two soldlera to set him on his feet and make him go along. The Englishman turned to a man In official uniform at his side, who al so waa watching the struggle, but 1 without excitement or Interest. I "What's the trouble?" asked the I Englishman. j The official shrugged his shoulder*. | "There's no trouble," he replied. "It's only a peasant turning volunteer."— j Youth's Companion. The broker who paid $82,500 for a "Stock Exchange seat recently calcu lated that the privilege costs him between |l3' and sl4 for every day the Exchange la open for business. Never before was such a high price paid for a seat The broker figured that the Inter est on the Investment, at 5 per eent amounts to $4,125 a year, and that ; there are 800 working days in the year. Incidentally, he said, he hoped to make more than H3 a day out of his lnvestmsnt. _ The Heart of the Hills. There's a wonderful country lying Far off from the noisy town, Where the wind flower sings, And the sings. And the tumbling brooks come down; 'Tis a land of light and of laughter. Where peace all the woodland fills. ' fis the land that lies 'Neath the summer skies In the heart of the happy hills. The road to that wonderful coun ty Leads out from the gates of care ; And the tired feet In the dusty street Are longing to enter there ; And a voice from that laud is call ing. In the rush of a thousand rills, — "Come away, away, To the woods to-day, To the heart of the happv hills." Far away in that wonderland coun try, Where the skies have deepest hue, In the shadows cool, By the forming pool, We may put on streugth anew ; We may drink from the magic fountains Where the wine of life distills ; And never a care Shall find us there, In the heart of the happy hills. — Boston Transcript Public It Aroused The public is aroused to a knowl edge of the curative merits of that ijreat medicinal tonic, Klectric Bit ters, for sick stomach, liver and kidneys, Mary H. Walters, ot 546 St. Clair Ave., Columbus, O , writes: "For several months I was given up to die, I had fever and ague, my nerves wtve wrecked , I could not sleep, and my stomach was so weak, from useless doctors' 'drugs, that I could not eat. Soon after beginning to take Electric Bitters, I obtained relief, and in a short time I was entirely cured." Guaranteed at S. R. Biggs' drug store; price 50c. Batch of Good Humor. "Do you care for pate de fole gras, Mrs. Newscads?" "No, ma'am, and I wouldn't have his works in my house. I think these french authors is just scandalous!"— Cleveland Leader. She (thinking to take bis mine off)— How restless the waves ar dad.They always seem to I*' clamoring for something. Dad—Well, they won't get if I can help it. -London Tattler. "I think, dear," said the bright tflrl, "you had lietter speak to father tonight." Why tonigh,: par'icularly?"askfd her timid lovei. "Is he in a g»od humor this even uig?" Well, he's in the humor to ;ive me to you. I arranged with ny milliner, dnessinaker and dent ist to send their bills to him this morning,"—Philadelphia Press. The "Kriesblatt." published in the district of Ilochst, Prussia, minted the other day this adver tisement: "Lost a perambulator ooiit.iiniug a six months old baby the same having been left on Sun lay outside a public house in Sos enbeim, or possibly in Hochst, or t'nderliederbach. On the peram bulator cover the following is in scriiied: 'Sleep well; mother wat ches over you.' "You remenilier," said Mr. Old bach, who had only a slight fringe trotind the back of his head, ''that it is said that all the hairs on our leads are numliered." "Yes", rejoined.MissCaustiqtie, "and it seems that all of yours are i>ack numbers. —Dallas News. A Touching Story is the saving from death, of the baby girl of Geo. A. Kyler, Cum berland, Md. He writes: "At the age of 11 months, our little girl was in declining health, with seri ous Throat Trouble, and two phy sicians gave her up. We were al most in despair, when we resolved to try Dr. King's New Discovery f or Consumption, Coughs and Colds. The first bottle,j gave re lief; after taking four bottles slu was cured, and is now in perfect health." Never fails to relieve md cure a cough or cold. At S. R. Biggs' drug store; 50c and SI.OO guaranteed. Trial bottle free. Work and Health. Much has been said about the evil effects of over work and the neces sity for proper periods of rest. Tne point has not been too strong ly urged; but it must be remember ed. at the same time, that the liest health is enjoyed only by hard workers. The athlete's arm attains its size oy virtue of the greater quantity of nourishing olood attracted to it by the severe exercise which it un dergoes. The mental athlete ac complishes his extraordinary amount of brain work only after years of mental training and effort. Rarely do the parts thus exer cised fail. The neglected func tions and organs are more olten the cause of the "breakdown." Work is essential to health. Health in its perfection is found only where both brain and body are active; and it is possible that the keenest health has been enjoy ed by the hardest workers in the fields of both mental and physical labor. Sir Walter Scott, whose work stttuds as a monument to his in dustry UK well as to his genius, was, we are told, most indefatiga ble in his pursuit of physical exer cises of all kinds, in many of which he excelled, and in which he could tire most men as easily as he could excel them* in feats requir ing long sustained mental effort. Much the same thing is told of Goethe. These men fulfilled to the ut most the advice of the adage: "Work while you work, and play while you play." Those whose enjoyment of life is largest, and whose accomplish ment of work is greatest for the longest time, are those who go in to their work and play in a whole hearted fashion, or as il is often ex pressed, "for all they are worth." For such, health is supplied in greatest measure. The best health is not to be found in the indulgence of "loaf ing," which is neither rest not woik; it is generated rather by the alternate exercise of brain and muscle. By this means, both are llushed with the fluid which gives health and life to all the tissues— the blood. —Youth's Companion. Nothing on the Market Kqunl to Chamberlain's Colic, Chol era and Diarrhoea Cure. This fact is well known to drug gists everywhere, and nine out ol ten will give to theii customer* this preparation when the best is asked for. Mr. Obe Witmer, a prominent druggist of loplin. Mo., in a circular to his customers, says. "'There is nothing 011 the market ill the way of patent medicim which equals Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoe Remedy for bowel complaints. We sell ami recommend this preparation." For sale by S. R. Higgs. Don'ts for Girls. Girls should not — Look upon matrimony as devoid of seriousness and responsibility. Take up the time of others with stories which overflow with incrim inations. Think they have a right to say what they please to a man. He too ready to accept favors from men of their own sphere. Make a great display oj jewelry in places not in keeping therewith. Go too far in the way of practic al joking with young chaps. Show a wish to figure in affairs which are above their finances. Discuss subjects with men which belong entirely to women. Falling into the habit of talking about the failure of others. It will wash attd not rub off This complexion all envy me, It's no secret so I'll tell Take thou Rocky Mountain Tea J. M. Wheeless & Co., Rober sonville, N. C. Russia is making history that reads like yellow-back fiction. For young and old the best pill sold is Dr. Dade's Little Liver Fills. Never gripe, never fail to cleanse the system and tone the liver. "Sold by All Dealers." Different Methods In The Art of Lovemaking. The "Dolly Dialogue" style of hero and heroine conduct their wooing in this sort of sparkling re partee; Slie —You're just like all other men—you want the earth ? He—l acknowledge it—you're all the world to me, and I want you ? She—As a piece of real estate I r.iay come higher than you can af ford to «o. He—At any price you'd be dirt cheep. And in the old fashioned novels like this: Parmela —You must pardon my ignorance, sir, if I appear to mis apprehend the drift of your expres sion of regard; I cannot but think, however, that you presume too much in thus addressing me at so early a period of our acquaintance. Leonardo —Believe me, dearest madam, when I say that if I seem too impetious it is only that the depth of-mv feeling overcomes my natural regard for the convention alities. Ah, do not turn aside, fair maid —my heart and fortune are lying at your feet ! But in real life would not a pho nograph reveal something like this ? "Why, Jack l'eters, how dare vou ?'' "Aw, now you're not goitig to get mad about it, are you? Hon est, Sade, I couldn't help it!" "Well, I'll have you understand that*!"' — "Now^"what's the use? You know how I leel, and you've known it all along, and you can't bluff me. You love me, don't you Gut that talk out and quit jerkin' away !"—Cleveland Leader. A Warning to Mothers Too much care cannot lie used with small children during the hoi weather of the summer' months to gtiard against bowel troubles. As a rule it is only necessary to give the child a dose of castor oil to correct any disorder of the bowels Do not use any substitute, but give tlie old-fashioned castor oil, attd see that it is fresh, as rancid oil nauseates aud has a tendency to Uowels give Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy and then a dose of castor oil, and the disease may be checked in its iricipieiicy aud all danger avoided. The castor oil and this remedy should be procured at once and kept ready tor instant use as soon as the first indication of any bowel trouble apj>ears. This is the most successful treatment known and may be relied upon with implicit confidence even in cases of cholera infantum. For sale by S. K. Biggs. Pointed Paragraphs. All springs look alike to the boarding-house chicken. More men are ruined by prosper ity than by adversity. Women wear fine-dress to attract the men and worry other women. Records are brittle tilings. 'You can't lower one without breaking it. Remember Samson's fate, young man, and be careful how you use your jawbone. It's a pity that the average mail is seldom able to catch up with his brilliant future. No improvement has been made 011 the kiss old Adam invented in ilie garden of Eden. When the last hypocrite dies his Satanic majesty will not have a a faithful servant 011 earth. Some actors study to uplift their profession and others study the act of getting to the next town. If you are troubled with dizzy spells, headache, indigestion, con stipation, Ilollister's Rocky Moun tain Tea will make you well and keep you well. If it fails get vour money back. That's fair. 35 cents. J. M. Wheeless & Co., Roberson ville, N. C. Dear Gus —1 have solved the mother-in-law problem—just give her regularly Hollister's Rocky Mountain Tea. It will make her healthy, happy and docile as a lamb. 35 cents, Tea or Tablets. J. M. Wheeles & Co., Roberson ville, N. C. ADVERTISING Your money back.—Judicious ad vert is ing is the kind that pay* back to you the money you invest. Space in this paper assures yon prompt returna . . WHOLE NO. 305 * * " "'"HI ■ Mr. I. T. HINSON, DaanßK*. H. C., my: " Any one nufferlog from Constipa tion, Djripcpain. Klilnry and Liver Trou ble*. Skin DIHUM, Khruinmtum and all manner of Blood Diacaaea would do well to take 111 las Native Herbs." BOX of Bliss Native Herbs is a family doc tor always in the house. Its use prevents and cures ■U icc Constipation, Dys . pepsia, Kidney and NATIVE Liver Trouble, Skin HERBS Diseases, Rheuma * tism and many Blood diseases. It is purely vegetable—contains no min eral poison and is pre- 9fw> pared in Tablet and Powder form. Sold DOSES in One Dollar boxes gl QQ with a Guarantee to * cure or money back. Our 32 page Almanac telling how to treat disease sent on request, j MBDICINK MAII.KI) PROMPTLY WARREN W. WALTERS, AIEiT, ' Jamesville, N. C. R. r. D. No. 2. THE. ALONZO 0. BLISS CO.. WASHINGTON. D. C. Williamston Telephone Co. Office over Bank of Martin County, WILLIAMSTON, N. C. Phone Charges Mewaagei limited, to 5 minuten; extra charge will tHiftitivt-lv l>f made for longer time. To Washington JS Cents. " Greenville 25 " " Plymouth 25 " " Tarhoro 25 " " Rocky Mount 35 " Scotland Neck 25 " Jamesville 15 " Kailer Lilley's 15 " J..0. Staton 15 1' J. L. Woolard 15 " t' O. K. Cowing 8c Co. 15 " l' Parniele 15 " " RobersntivjiJe 15 " " Everetts 15 " * Geo. P. McNnuglitOU IJ " Hamilton 20 " l'or other ]ioiuts in l'.astern Carolina see "Cential " where a 'phone will he found for use of non-slihscriliers. In Gase of Fire you want to be protected. . In case of death you want to leave your family some thing to live 011.111 case of accident you want some thing to live 011 besides borrowing. Ut Us Come to Your Rescue We can insure vou against loss from l ire, Death and Accident. fi We can insure your Boiler, Plate Glass, Burg lary. We also can bond you for any ofTice requir ing bond None'.But Best Comoanles Represented K. B. GRAWrORD INSURANCE AGIiNT, Godard Building \ H'1 • *!MK: a «*•»'* «^t* 11^^~ v qui. kly A*f*rt«tin «»itr opinion free whether au invention IH pr.dmblv pnteiduble. Commntden. t rinllrcMtttdoiitini. HM ml book ttfi I'jtt *t.o n«fr«»e. Midi «t aaenrjr 'i*r niMMirlPtr r!Ui>n through Munn \ *4*. iwt-ier •l»i ,ul » tthoui. chnn.o mlhc Scientific Jfmcrscsa. A l«ta«t rated weeklr. Mnent c*r. culuiiuH of a'tr H. i. | ij,- li iirixvl. T« r». ?"> a r .r; fourmoniha,ft gold byall new*«ieni»ra. PHlUCo*'*-*™ h'evv Tcrk llrtuicli Oftlca. Ifj *•' Mt» Waid.«nf(» . II to write for our confidential letter before ap plying tor patent; it may be worth money. Wo promptly obtain U. 8. and Foreign PATENTS •nl TflADt I*ARKS or return EN TIRE fee. ttt?nd model, sketch or photo and we tend an lItyMEDIATK FREC report on patentability. We give the best legal service and advice, aud our ehargea are moderate. Try ua. SWIFT & CO., Patont lawyer*, Opp. U.S. Pateat Office, Washington, D.C.

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