THE ENTERPRISE. FMDAT. Skptexbkb 8, 1905. LOCAL NEWS —Don't fail to call on Mrs. L. B. Hnrrisson opening day Sept. 14 and 15. The most pleasant and positive core for indigestion, heartburn and all stomach troubles is Ring's Dys pepsia Tablets. They aid diges ,tk>n, tone and strengthen the stomach. "Sold h? All Dealers." —Every one go to see Carstar pfaens millinery opening Sept. 14 ad 15. ANY RELIABLE YOUNG MAN or bov who wishes to make some money in his community to help in payment of board and tui tion at School may inquire at this office. —Opening day at "Marrisson Bros. Thursday Sept. 14 and 15. Give us a call. ANY YOUNG LADY who d* aires work in her community with which to make some money to help defray her expenses at College may inquire at this office. —Mrs. L. B. Harrison will be glad to aee'vou on her opening day Sept. 14 and 15. Every man owes it to himself and to hi* family to master a trade or profession. Read the display advertisement of the six Morse Schools of Telegraphy, in this issue and learn bow easily a voting man or lady may learn telegraphy and be assured a position. —SOO mens and boys suits just received at New York cost. C. D. Camtarpbrn. —M. John W. York, who was recently in Hospital at Baltimore, to have an abceas removed is criti cally ill and is suffering great pain from his wound. Mr. York is a good man and a good citizen and his friends nrgret to hear his con Jition is so serious. .j —Ladies dress goods the largest line ever shown and cheapest at C. D. Carrtarphen. Good advise to women. If you want a beautiful complexion, clear akin, bright eyes, red lips, good health, take Hollister's Rocky Mountain Tea. There is nothing like it. 35 cents, Tea or Tablets. J. M. Wheeles & Co., Robe rson ville, N. C. —A young son of Frank Raynor was hit on the head by a base-ball bat at Everetts on Wednesday, and severely hart. Dr. f. Peebles Proctor took him to the Taylor Hospital at Washington for treat ment. FOR RENT: 15 horse farm for rent. Entire farm, Utensials and Team for rent from 'one to five years. * I G. STATON. WiHiamston, N. C. —Millinery opening at Harris son Bras. Thursday and Friday September 14 an i«5- —Hamilton and Williamston played a game of ball Thursday on the Hamilton grounds, the score being 18 to 11 in favor of Williams ton. Hamilton lost her game on errors and making the mistake of employing her players as William* ton in the Windsor game. After the game a dance was given the visiting team. For young and old the best pill ■old is Dr. Dade's Little Liver Pills. Never gripe, never fail to cleanse the system and tone the liver. "Sold by All Dealers.'' —Last week, during a family qnatrdl at Robersonville, Will Biggs cut the throat of his father Wiley Biggs. A later report said the wounded man was dead; the report proved to be false, however, Sheriff Crawford quickly lodged the culprit in jail to await the re salt of the injuries inflicted. The son Was protecting the mother from the brutal attack of a drunken father and husband ik is rumored All parties are colored. —The tobacco market is grow ing every day. The warehouse men say the sales are increasing and the farmers are pleased with the prices. Every body has been satisfied with the market, the farm ers were delighted with the prices tobacco brought Wednesday, some of them saying the prices were far better than they could have even hoped for. This is encourag ing to farmers, warehousemen and local business men. . be sides it means a great deal of wealth to our community. Con tinue the growth mad push the whole thing. —Mr. Dennis S. Biggs has al most completed the remodeling of bis house at corner of Main street and Haughton avenue and it is a beautiful building. It is commo dious and comfortable with veran das on two sides and a conser vatory at the side of the dining room and end of the north east veranda. If now Mr. Biggs will build up the side walk and the commissioners will grade the street the job will be complete and the town and Mr. Biggs will be proud of it, provided Mm. Biggs will give a reception and afford us the op portunity of enjovihg the home a little while ourselves. Rheumatism, gout, backache, acid poison, are results of kidney trouble. Hollister's Rockv Moun tain Tea goes directly to the seat of the disease and cores when all else fails. 35 cents. ). M. Whee les & Co., Robersonville, N. C. The yearly meeting of the Primi tive Baptist church was held at Flat Swamp Sunday. There were four preachers in attendance, Revs. Geo. D. Roberson, John Rogerson, R. F. Smith and Toe Bnllock. A large congregation was prescut although it rained all the morning. These services are well attended and are great religious and social te-unious for the people for miles and miles around who look forward from vear to year. There wert few people from Williamston ow ing to the rain, but Robersonville being near had a good crowd from this town which does much toward> entertaining the visitors. Are you lacking in strength ami vigor ? Are vou weak ? Are you in pain ? Do you feel all run down ? The blessing of health and strength come to all who use Hoi lister's Rocky Mountain Tea. 35 cents. J. M. Wheeles &Co , Rob .•rsonville, N, C. —Mr. J no. W. Coletrain was in town Thursday morning aud in li*cussing tiic road question said tie thought the experiment road vas the best he ever saw. Before the clay was put on this road and the machine to ronnd the top it was he deepest sand in the county and vas completely worn out. Mr. Coletrain says he has not missed vorking the road but one time since the war, but be is willing for vhat he has to be taxed for such roads all over the county. He lias recently had his son, C. A. Coletrain, of Portsmouth, to visit !itm, and says be is learning the trade of saw filer. —A severe electric and rain storm struck our town on Saturday after noon. The storm reached the point of severity abont half-past two o'clock. At that time fire was discovered in one of Marshal Wil son's harns whose farm embraces i large area of the suburbs of east WiHiamston. A bolt of lightning iad torn through the roof and ig nited the feed stuff and cotton therein. The alarm was quickly ;iven and the fire laddies with the engine reached the scene as soon as possible. But there was no chance to save the bnilding, and all effort .vas directed to protect the other ■louses. A quantity of cotton to gether with a bale of cotton (the I ittcr belonging to Mr. McKeel, a tenant) was consumed. The en tire losa is estimated at $175. The The new engine worked admirably but the water from three wells was insufficient. There should be im provements along the line of water supply if the town is to be benefited by a fire apparatus. « A GUARANTIED OURS FOR PILBS Itching, Blind, Bleeding or Protruding Piles. Dragguu refund money if PAZO OINTMENT fail* to core any ease, no matter of bow long standing, in 6to 14 ■lays. Pint application gives eaae and rssC 50c. If your druggist hasn't it -tend joe in stamps and it will be for warded post-paid by Paris Medicine Co., St Louts. Mo. 11-4 1 ya New Hotel. Work has been begun on the new hotel. Brick, sand sod lum ber are being put on the ground and the work is going forward with a view to an early completion. The new hotel is to be built of brick and to be modern in all of its appointments, water works, baths and electric light wires are to be placed. This is a much desired improvement for Williamston. We are glad the work has been begun and hope soon to announce its ope ning. The hotel is being built by Hadley Bros., who are prosperous men and they may be relied on to build a home that will afford com fort to the traveling public and make onr town a more popular reaort. PERSONALS Mr. J. T. Waldo, of Hamilton, was in town Monday. Mr. R. S. Critcher. was in Rob ersonville Monday. Mr. L. B. Wynne, of Kveretts, was in town Monday. N Mr. T. W. Tilghman. of Wilson, was in town Thursday. Mr. K. B. Crawford was in Par mele a short time Tuesday. Mr. H. T. Stallings, of James ville. was in town vesterdav. Mr. S A. Newell spent several days in Fianklin county this week. Mr. Erank F. Fagan spent Sun day in Edenton with his mother. Prof, and Mm. B. T. Cowper left Wednesday morning for Gato ville. Mr. Clarence Riddick, ot Scot land Neck, was in town Tuesday night. Mr. M. M. Critcher. of Darling ton, S. C., was in town a day or two this week. Mr. Calvin W. Hassell left yes terday morning for Chapel HiU to resume his studies. Miss Hattie Thrower spent sev eral days in Mildred this week with Miss Nelle Simpson Miss Mittie Lewis, who has been visiting Mrs J. Paul Simpson, left Monday morning for Sakburf. Mr. Don C. Godwin left vester dap luorning for Oak Ridge Insti tute, where he will attend school. Miss Dora Coburn, of Roanoke Rapids, is visiting her brat her, Mr. R. T. Coburn, at the Roanoke Hotel. Mr. James E. Moore left Wed nesday morning to resume bis stud ies at the A. and M. college at Raleigh. Master Luke Lamb, left Tues day for Oxford, where be hasgoue to attend school at the Horner Military Academy. Misses Nolie York and Lettie Critcher and Mr. Willie Watts spent Tuesday with ML* l.illa Whitley near Kveretts. Miss Lilla Whitley left Monday morning for her home near Kver etts, after spending several davs with Miss Lettie Critcher on Watts St. Miss Helen M. Brown, trained nurse, of Norfolk, who has been attending Mrs. Mary E. Carstar phen for several weeks left Mon day morning. Mr. O. K. Cowing left Sunday morning for Richmond taking his mother-in-law, Mrs. W. H. Peele, to Kellams Cancer Hospital for treatment. All old time congh syrups were designed to treat throat, lung aud bronchial affections without due regard for the stomach and bowels, hence most of them prod nee const 1 pation. Bee's the original Laxa ative Honey and Tar, gently move* the bowels and cures all coughs, colds, croup, etc. Bee.s Laxative Honey and Tar is the original Lax ative Cough syrup . Look for the letter Bin red on every package. "Sold by all Dealers-'' What has become of the leap vear "Society for the Prevention of Old Bachelors"' A married woman is always sus picious when her husband gives hei an expensive present. Is it Right. Is it right that a property-owner should lose $4.20 to let a dealer make 50 cents? A dealer makes 50 cents more on fourteen gallons of ready for use paint, atfi.soper gallon, than our agent does on eight gallons of L- & M. paint and six gallons of linseed oil, which make fourteen gallons of the best paint in the woild, at $1 20 per gallon the property owner lone* just $4.20. Is it right. It only requires 4, gallons of L. &M. and gallons of linseed oil to paint a moderate sized house. Ten thousand churches painted with Longmans & Martinez L. & M. Paint. Liberal quanity Riven to church es when bought from—S. R. Biggs The wise female doesn't attempt to monopolize the conversation un til after she is married. A young man's idea of an attrac tive girl is one who doesn't care for ice-cream or oysters. LOST: Between the store of A. L. Mizell and the Sonthern Sup ply Co. a ladies gold watch. Find- Vr will be rewarded by returning same to, - A. JL )lizKi.t». Ofcaiac «f Robersonvtlle's Graded Schools Monday Sept 4 1905. The Robersonville graded schools were opened Monday with about one hundred and eighty children present. The teachers, Pro!.. John D. Everett, Misses Maggie Peele Clara Salsbnrv, Mrs. Maggie Bri ley and Mrs. John D. Everett were ready for service. The school was opened with the hymn "T£jh«» Work" and prayer by Prof. Everett who introduced Mr. S. J. Everett to the school and audience of patrons, a large number of whom were present. Mr. Everett spoke for half an hour on what the school meant to the community and how to make it sucofMftil. Prof. S. W. Outterbridge, who has been a teacher in Robersonville for sixteen years and in Martin county for fifty years was preseut and stated that it was one of the happiest momenta of his life to see the School and Prof. Everett at the head of it. He had taught Prof. Everett and knew that his service meant success to the school. The large portrait of Mr. Outer bridge on the wall aud the only one was truly an expression of well earned gratitude. It was conspic uous in its loneliness but showed that the people of Robersonville are appreciative of service. Ap preciation of a teacher as is showu by this community proves that it has benefactors add has gone far beyond sordid ness. Prof. Kverett is thoroughly qualified as a schoolman to make a success of the work before him. He is a teacher by nature, has had vcars of experience, is a scholar of ittainment and a thorough christ ian gentleman. This is the type rf tuau necessary to make a school successful in performing its func tions. The board of trustees have selected an excellent corps of teach ers, Miss Peel is a graduate of the Kinsey Seminary, of Wilson, and lias done school work. Miss Clara Salsbury the inusic teacliei is a student of the Southern Conserva tory at Durham. Mrs. John D. liverett is a, graduate of Vander bill university while Miss Briley for the primary work is a . teacliei »f ripe experience. With such teachers and such in terest as was showu by its patrons, Koliersonville will rank second to tioue in its graded school. No town in Rastcrn Carolina lias grown more rapidly than Kob rsonville. The motto is "unity •ind progress'' everybody seems to '*• organized to end of making the uost of the town. There has been ome feeling over the graded school election but this has all passed iway and the town is united in its effort to make Rol>ersouville a to bacco market and a business center, flic progress of the town is shown in its new brick buildings, its hotel, buggy business and graded school, vhh the tobacco warehouses as business drawing cards. The to- MCCO market has done the work ind the people are pushing the iitarket. The Bank at Roberson* ville has done no little to help the t'ibacco market and the business of the whole town and community, dr. J. C. Robertson its cashier is a progressive straightforward safe business man aud has the confi dence of the community. The >auk increased its capital stock from $3,000 to sS,oou when it had (40,000 deposits which are for m decess of this quantity now. There is no better indication of the growth of a community than its bank de p>sits. The people of Rober.sonville are not only to business but they are clever to visitors. It has an excel lent community of soil andjciti/.ens surrounding and the spirit of prog .evi, cordiality and business are what make Koltersouvill forge to the front. t The original is always the best -imitations are cheap. Bee's laxative Honev and Tar is the •riginal Laxative Cough s> r|l l'- It is diffeacut from all others - it is better than all others, because it cures all coughs and colds and leaves the system stronger than be fore. The letter B in red is on every package. '"Sold by All Dealers." Cincinnati has a deaf and mute barber, but with the aid of a phon ograph he manages to pull through. Autumn is the twilight of the space of time known as a year. Always Probing to the bottom. When will the country see the probe started the other way? Subscribe to I'hk Etkrfi&r. BACK AGAIN From the Northern Cities We have the largest Wholesale Houses in the North and we have now the largest, best and cheapest stock of goods over shown in this city. We have some extra .good bargains in Ladies Dress Goods, Silks, Rib bons, Laces, Dress Trimmings and Embroideries. Ail of the latest style. Give us a call and let us show you through our stock, even if you are not thinking of buying. NEW MILLINERY Mrs. L. B. Harrison is back from the Northern Cities with her new line of Millinery Goods and with her Miss Oliva Elliott, of Baltimore, Md., who will be pleased to show you all of the latest Parisian Styles. Opening, Thurspay and Friday, September 14-15 Give us a Call Our Motto is~ TO PLEASE. Harrison Bros. & Co. Williauwtou, . . . North Carolina. Tobacco Flues We are prepared to take and fdl orders for Tobacco Barn F : lues and Stewart's Iron Fencing. Tin Guttering and Roofing done any- where on short notice All New Work Guaranteed' RON FENCE CHEAPER THAN WOOD We Sell Iron Fence The Stewart Iron Works Company CINCINNATI, OHIO Vlmm r»r> iwtTixl lh« lllfhMt A»»rl. • ■rifnl " W.i,1,1. Kulr, St. 1.0u1., IK*. Tli«* inHit m'ononlcal feuc* you ran buy. |*rk» l«*a« Ilian a TMMM table woodf««nca. 1 h f nut rcplki'f your old on® now with a u«-at ( at* traftiv** IRON FBNCI "lut a Lirrrmß. M n f»*#r MO (bwlcna of Iron Pence, UaMOTf Iran Howir Wmmr, SrttMM, WW tic., ibotn In our catalogue. SSR rzrzz fir " ■■■ ua Or address Geo. R. Dixon, Rocky Mount or Williamston, N.C 6-2-6 m 5000 Tclegrapliers NEEDED Annually, to fill the new position* crea ted by Railroad and Telegraph Compi nies We want VOUNC. MKN and LAMBS of good to I.KARN TKLKGRA PHY AND R. R. ACCOUNTING. We furnis 75 per cent. of the o]>era tarn and Station A|(eutfc in America. Our 4 whuoli are the Urgext exclusive Tele ;r»|»h Si hook in the world' Established 2u yearn and endorsed by all leading Rail way Official!) We execute * >250 Bond to every stu dent to furnish him or bcr a position paying from (40 to |6o a month in State* east of the Rocky Mountains, or from (75 to #IOO in States west of the Rockies immediately upon graduation. Students can enter at any time. No vacations. For full particular regarding any of our Schools write direct to our cxecitive office at Cincinnati, O. Cata logue free. The Morse Schottl of TELEGRAPHY. Cincinnati. Ohio. Buffalo, N. V. Atlanta, Oa. LaCrouse, Wis Texarkana, Tex. San Francisco, Cal TO OURS A COLD IN PNK OAV Take LAXATIVE BROMO QUININK Tablets. All druggists refund the mon ey if_it fails to cure. E.~ W. Grove's signature is on each box. K cents. 11-4 Iyr Grand Hillinery Opening, Thursday and Friday, September 14-15 Also O.ur Fall Opening of DRESS GOODDS AND TRIMMINGS. Every One Cordially Invited to Attend. Miss Laura Jones and Mrs. Anabelle Brown will be glad to serve their friends. Very Respectfully, G. D. Garstarphen dc Go. WAIT ONE MOMENT Did you nee UH while in WOF~ Williamston, - ~ Shoes, Shoes Best stock in Town Dry Goods, Notions, Groceries, Flour, Car Load Just Arrived. Lowest Cash Prices in the City. Also One Car Qround Alum Salt Just In. Soe Us Harrison & Gowing Gompany, Wholesale ft Retail i "REPORT OF THE CONDITION OF Bank of Martin Gounty at WILUAMSTON, N. C., at the close of badness Aug. 25, 1905. RKHOfKaSj UABIUTIBtt: IfOaiiH & Discounts $ 75.081.79 Block ' ' I5,ooo.o» Over Drafts. 5.4&J*" 7-SfiMm Other Stocks and Romls. 1.000.0.. A* '''Zf'i? Furniture & Fixtures, 1.80000 D vtdenda unpaid IS 6.C Demand Loans j.73» 97 BUia Payable 8.000 00 Due From ilanka and Bankers 5.757 »v 7' m * ?. erti ?si!J*, Q ' r 2® P ?* M ' Mirer Coin i-VMS«S Deposits subject to Cheek .o.jfe.jß TOT AX,, S 105.557.0t1 TOTAL. I 105,847 .ai I, J. O. Rodird Cashier, of Bank of Martin County, do solemnly swear (or afllna) that th« sbovc Statement is true to the beat of my knot ledge and belief. J. G. GODARD, Caahiet. State of North Carolina—County of Martin Sworn to and subscribed before me, uit» »t)i day of Maay, A. D., 1905 • X CORRECT—ATTBBT : |C. H. GODWIN, Nbtary Public, Wheeler Martin) /f 8. L,- Godard > DIR KCTOub V r ' 1 K

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