THE ENTERPRISE. ■r ■ r ~ ' flplll fotkjmikd miT rauMT ■v r» nrnnin nwtiN co. fWllawiM M.C MmldltaMOlatl WUttaautoa. M.C. u |KO*ICIU> Mall ttottrr ——— .. - .. - FRIDIY SEPTEMBER 16.1906. Fanners Fix Price on Cotton. The farmers met in Asheville last week to fix the minimum price on cotton, agreeing on eleven cents as the price. It was arbitrarily fixed at eleven cents while at the voting contest many votes were cast for twelve. The price began to decline immediately, the buyers thinking and knowing much cotton will have to be sold at any price offered and they will wait' to pay only eleven cents for when those who can hold for a higher price have agreed to and. will put it on the market at eleven cents. The law of supply and demand cannot be regulated arbitrarily for cotton permaneutly any more than for any other article and it seems a waste ot time to attempt any such thing. Thev arbitrarily fix the price of cotton and complain at the Standard Oil Company for doing the same thing. We should I* glad for farmers to get a good price as any body, but, we do not think the farmer can arbitrarily fix the price of cotton. They may temporarily affect the market if they made every body sell at the price fixed but it would only b» temporary for the natural laws ol supply and demand will supercede any artificial regulation. High price will cause less of it to be used somethiug else cheaper will be substituted and besides those not in the ring would grow cotton and sell it at a lower price than agreed on. Uki Fillig Money Finding health is like finding money—so think those who are sick. When you have a cough, cold, sore throat, or chest irrita tion, better act promptly like W. C. Barber, of Saudy Level, Va. He says: "1 bad a terrible trouble, cullseil by smoke and cCul dust on my lungs; but, after find ing no relief in other remedie*, 1 was cured by Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption. Coughs and Colils." Greatest sal or any cough or lung medicine in the world. AtS. K. Bigg's !rup store; 50c and $1.00; guaranteed. Trial bottle free. The Ro,ad to Wealth. Of course North Carolina get* much money from converting it cotton into cheap cloth and its to bacco into cigarettes, smoking am plug, but the profit in this hi* manufacturing is not nearly st great as when the products of th« farm are converted into the small things upon which there is mucl skilled labor. Charlotte has a fac tory that makes six liuudred dozei handkerchiefs out of cotton even day, thus converting a bale of Mecklenburg cotton for which th« 1 fanner receives fifty dollars int handkerchiefs which, it is estirna ted, bring several thousand dollar*. Other cities and towns arc buildin) up small industries. The Gasto nia Gazette notes that Newton ha a successful factory for making pasteboard boxes, the kind that hosiery and other knit goods art packed in. There are a hundred different sorts of small factories that wil pay well and they can be establish ed with small capital. The chiti ! capital necessary is brains an* knowledge of the needs of a pai 1 ticular world. The young mat who knows one thing well and * ; ready to put his life into it nee not wish for capital. It can Ik j had as soon as he demonstrates In ability. In the direction of multi plied small industries lies the road to wealth in North Carolina. The above taken from the News and Observer needs to be read and considered by every citizen interest ed in the upbuildiug of his own community. The necessary means are skill and determination rather than money and the exactly suit able natural conditions. We have insisted that our people were ac f. V . acquainted with only farming and merchandising and it was the doing of one off these two or leave the country. We should have a va riety of industries and let every m— employ his talent as will bring moat pleasure to him and wealth to the community. Williamston has an immediate demand for a coach shop, a factory for overalls and one for knitting. We need a brick kiln and a plain ing mill. Then we should save freight on building material for the giowth of the town. The sav ing of money is as much gain as the making We need electric lights so we can stop payiug tribute to the Standard Oil Co. Tlrere are numbers off enterprises we might name that mean wealth, but the trouble is getting them started. Autumn Dunce. On Tuesday evening from ten until two the society men of; the town gave the first dance of the autumn to the ladies. It was a pleasant occasion with which to begin the season's gaities. The figures of the cotiliion were led by Mr. C. B. H asset I. assisted by Mr. E. H. Hardison. The uiusic, the fair ladies and the attentive beaux nade the event a very pleasant one indeed. J The following well known young .>eoplc about towu were in atten tance: Miss Mayo Lamb an 1 Mr. leorge L. Whitley, |r., Miss Vannic Smith and Mr. John W. ilasseil, Miss Nora Fowden and Mr. Fountain Lipscomb, Miss Ball, *aucaster county. Virginia and dr. Frank F. Fagari, Miss Annie amban«l Mr. C. H. Baker, Miss Vnna Crawford and Dr. fames 3. thodes, Miss Anuye Pecle and Dr. f. Peebles Proctor, Miss Essie Peele ind Mr. S. Rome Biggs, Jr., Miss tparks, of Baltimore and Mr. C. I. Ha-vsell, M iss Laura Jones, of ieaford. Del and Mr. Kader B. Crawford, Miss lunula Hassell and vfr. E. 11. Hardison, Miss Hannah /ictoria Fowden and Mr. Everett, »f Koliersunville, Miss Louise Fow leu and Mr. Harry Murt Stubbs, 4rs. Clarence A Jeffries and Mr. Jeffries. Stags: Mess. Morton, of Rober onville, Gnrkin and Martin. Chaperonts: Mis. W. R, Pow ten and Mrs. Mary 'lv IVelej THREE IiRORI CUREO >f Cholera Morbus with One Small Bottle of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. Mr. G. W. Fowler, of High ower, Ala., relates an experience le had while serving on a petit ury in a murder case at Edwards ille, county seat of Clebourue ounty, Alabama. He says: ' While there I ate some fresh meat ind some souce meat it, gave ne cholera morbus in a very severe 1 oral. 1 was never more sick in uy life and sent to the drug store I»r a certain cholera mixture, but he druggist sent me a bottle of .'hamberlain's Colic, and Diar lioea Remedy instead, saying that e had what I sent for, but that his medicine was so much better ic would rather send it to me in lie fix I was in. I took one dose 1 fit and was better in five min tes. The second dose cured me ntirely. Two fellow jurors were til ic ted in the same manner and ne small bottle cured the three of is." For sale oy S. R. Biggs. Nothing more than stones in the >ngh are expected from that • iamond mine recently discovered u Kentucky. An Yll Eagagitf Engaged people should retnem -1 er, that, after marriage, mauy •juarrcls can be avoided, by keep ' tug their digestion in good condi tion with Electric Bitters. S. A. | rown, of Bennettsville, S. C.. I tys: "For years, my wife suf •red intensely from dyspepsia, complicated with a torpid liver, until she lost her strength and vigor, and became a mere wreck ot her former self. Then she tried Klectric Bitters, which helped her at ouce, and finally made her en tirely well. She is now strong and healthy." S. R. Biggs, druggist, sells and guarantees them, at 50c a bottle. For young and old the best pill sold is Dr. Dade's Little Liver Pills. Never gripe, never fail to deanse the system and tone the liver. -Sold by All Dealers. " Monticello. Communication.) At the installation of Dr. Alder man as president of the University of Virginia, Mr. Jefferson Levy, the present owner of Monticello, threw open wide the doors and in vited all to come to the old home of Jefferson. So the old hospital ity still goes on. While Mr. Jefferson lived he en tertained so mnch that at his death be was a poor man and the estate had to be sold It was bought by Mr. Jefferson Levy, a Jew, now worth about fifty million, who keeps it in a fine condition and who now claims it as an ancrestal estate, being related to the Jeffer sons, as he says: The place is the top of a small mountain and hence gets its name ' Monticello" from the Italian word which means "lit tle mountain." We are told that Mr. Jefferson gave it the Italian pronunciation and so we should. On a fourth day of July an elder ly lady, (member of an old Virgin ian family) a New Yorker and I drove out. Winding around and around the mountain, passing or chsrds of Albermarle pippins and occasionally getting peeps of the town below. As we drove up the ringing bell announced our entrance and the were thrown open. Nearby the house we passed a gentleman dressed in a cream broadcloth suit and a dog walking beside him. Upon questioning a boy we found that this was Mr. Levy. We also learned that very seldom were peo pie permitted to enter the home, just on state occasions. So one of our party, the Virgiuiau, took our cards and walked down to see Mr? Levy and beg of him to let us go into the house. When she present ed the cards with our request he said, "you all will not touch any thing ?" "Sir, I am a Virginian," she said, and then bowing low he walked up the path and we all en tered. The plan of the house is the same as in the old colonial days, but all the furnishing.-, are modern with the exception of an old violen stand and the well kuown clock with its key and folding ladder, all of which Jefferson himself made. Mr. Levy is a bachelor and qjjcu pies the old bed-room of Mr Jef ferson. The old roof garden is still there. It was here that Mr. Jefferson sat for hours while the rotunda of the University was being built, and listened to the carjienters hammer ing. "Fear if they nail ? crooked" as he said eveu thoit was two miles off. The burying ground monument is very plain and sjtuple as he had tion is that he is &eauthor of the Declaration of Independence and father of the University of Virginia but not once is mcutioued that he was president of the United States. He requested that it should not lie there. Standing there gaziug at his grave a feeling of deepest revereuce comes over one. This man so deeply affected by Voltaire, Diderot Rosseau and other French writers took the great view of democracy an I tided us safely over whereas the Freuch so sadly fell under. With just this feeling we drove off from " Monticello" to get glimp ses elsewhere "We passed along by McCue's home aud found that his two younger childreu still live in the old home with their aunt. Know the rumor of some time ago, we asked the driver if he thought that McCue was really dead. "Deed Missus." he said, "I wouldn't lak to take his chances.'' Then by E A. Poe's old room we went. To superstitious minds the fact that his room was number thirteeu is a solvent to his dissipat ed, nervous and short life. A peep at president Monroe's old home and then on the Ivy Road until home agaiu. All along this road we heard names of great Virginians and too, namerof of some of our great North Carolinians are frequently mentioned. A few days later I asked Dr. Currell, formerly of Davidson Col lege, but now of Washington and Lee College,' why so many of our prominent men leave the State. "North Carolina expects more in return for the dollar than any other state," he said. "Why I jfet more at Washington and Lee than the professors at your Univer sity." It is a fact we should real ise and Uy to keep many of our It Qu the Co This is one ressoa why Ayer*« Cherry Pectorsl is so TSIUS bIe la consumption. It stops the wear end tear of useless coufhlaf. But It does more —lt coatrols the inflammation, quiets the fever, soothes, sad bests. Sold for 00 year*. H- T*UITT, WAWA, XI > IHVMWII Sluers saw men, such as I met at Charlottes ville, in our own State to do flir work. WILLIAMS TON* GRADED SCHOOL NEXT SESSION BEGINS OCTOBEKR 2nd, 1905 A full and regular attendance from the beginning is urgently requested. Pupils must present themselves the first day fpr exami nation and pomotion. S. T. Liucs, SUPT. * FKIN. Success is readiness for occasion. —Chamiing. ANY RELIABLE YOUNG MAN or txiy who wishes to make some money in his community to help in payment of board and tui tion at School may inquire at this office. It's always difficult to seperate the man who claims to have a soul above mere gain from a little of bis money. , Cured of Lilt Back Aftar IS Yiars ot Sifftrlu "I had been troubled with latue back for fifteen years and I found a comp'ete recovery in the use ot Chamberlain's Palm Balm," sa>» John G. Bislier, Gillam, Ind. This liniment is also without an equal for spraius and bruises. It is foi sale by S. R. Biggs. A Urge portion of our .statiding army does a stunt on the streetcars during the rush hours. * - ■ m. 1 »«M Sulisciilie to TIIR ETKKPISK. nsnr a Mti and heateu. in a lat>or riot, until covtred with sores, a Chicago street car conductor applied Bucklen's • Arnica Salve, and was soon sound • and well. "I use it in my family," writes G. I. Welch, of Tekonsha, Mich., "and find it jwrfet." Simp ly great for cuts and burns. Only 25c at S. R. Bigg's drug store. Women are just like girls—only a little more so.—Chicago News. Every man owes it to himself and to his family to master a trade 1 or profession. Read the display , advertisement of the six Morse Schools of Telegraphy, in this issue ' and learn how easily a young man or lady may learn telegraphy and i lie assured a position. A woman likes to have a man tell her that he thinks her feet at least two sizes saniller that he thinks they are. A Riaali Wlthtal a Pair "I find Chamberlain's Stomach and Livtr Tablets more beneficial than any other remedy I ever used for stomach trouble,says J. P. Klote, of Edina, Mo. For any dis roder of the stomach, billiousness or constipation, these Tablets are without a peer. For sale by S. R. Biggs. 1 An old bachelor says that bossing ' is not a woman's province. No mar ied man would dare say snch a thing, ! Caan it liimili Indigestion nearlv always dis [ turbs the sleep more or less and is often the cause of insomnia. Many cases have been permanently cured t by Chamberlain's Stomach and r Liver Tablets. For sale by S. R. Biggs. -■«„» Togo has one satisfaction in th* loss of his flagship. The Russians couldn't blow It up. Cfeaakirliia'i Cud Riaii) Ms Nitira Medicines that aid nature are al ways most effectual. Chamberlain's Cough Remedy acts on this plan. It allays the cough, relieves the lungs, aids expectoration, opens the secretions, and aids nature in restoriug the system to a healthy condition. Sold bv S. R. Biggs. Notice. Having qualified mm eucntor upon the EaUte of Silas Andrew*, deceased; Notice is ben: by given to all persoas holding claims against kaici Estate to present them to UM> otviersigDed for pay cm or before the J6tl> rtavof August 1906 or this notice wilt be plead in lair of their recovery. All pertmis indebted to said Estate are requested to make iininediue payment. This 26th day of A-gnst 1905. ;. S. Peel, 9-i-4t Executor. Administrator's Notice. Having qualified as administrator of Geo. W. Whitaker, deceased, late of Martin counth, S. C., tbU ia to notify all persons having clnims ag&intt the estate of said deceaoed to exhibit them to the undersigne 1 on or before the first day of September 1906, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to fcaid estate will please make immediate payment. This 29. AUK., V's ARON WHITAKER, 9 i-6t Administrator. I Have a nice young Spanish Jack which 1 shall keep in Wil liamston on second and fourth Saturdays of September and Octo ber 1905. Will be in Jamesvillt on first and third Saturdays in said months. Will also he in Williams : tod during all court week, Septem ber term. Will lie glad to furnish his services to any one desiring same- Terms on insurance plan $12.50. Yours to please _ it, E. HARDISOH. PAINTING Any kind of painting done Staining; and Graining All Work Guaranteed When in twed of u OOOH Painter call UH or i»ldr»*»n. PliEli W MANKSE. 9-15-1-UIO Wi liMiriMton, N. C UNIVERSITY COLLEGEI OF MEDICINE JL N i? R H a^. N a. 0 MtDICfl-IMTUTffV-MMMACT {Modern Laboratories is charga of ■parialif, OutaSjnteaa. Superior Cltntca. Bodnide teaching la our own HoaphaL NOTICE! The Roanoke Cafe will be open for business Sat urday September 9th, 'OS j At the Southern Supply Co. OLD STORES Host attention will . be given Ladies and Children Walk in and get meals at ALL HOURS FOR WHITE PEOPLE ONLY Respectfully, O. C. PRICE & CO. Jury for September. JAMKSVII.I.K. Geo. W. Martin, Jr., Asa Rober son, James C. Sexton, S. L. Wal lace. WIU.IAMS. A. M- Griffin, S. E. Hardison, Joseph A. Hardison, Levi Hardi son. GRIFFINS. W. W. Jones. Noah T. Robert son, Buck Robertson. BEAR GRA.SS. J. M. Green, W. R. Hardison, J. S. Peel. WIM.IAMSTON. O. K. Cowing, James K. Car starphen, C. H. Godwin, W. S. Manning, J. S. Meeks, W. A. Strawbridge. CROSS ROADS. J. H. Ayres, J. B. Borroughs, P. C. Cohoon, Whit Moore. ROBBRSOKVIU.R. W. A. Everett, S. L. Grimes, l Reubin Purvis J. B. Rawls, D. F. Robersou. HAMILTON. C H. Baker. J. F. Purvis, T. F. : Pippen, P. L. Salisbury. 1 GOOSK NKST. J. T. Haislip, F. M. Price, J. C. Ross. • I To Cure a Cold in One Day -^1 : I Tabs Laxative Bromo ««wyl FURNITURE FURNITURE """ : r . ' Will be ready for yoiir Inspection on or about Friday September 15th. Two solid car loads Just from factory. If not the prettiest and slickest selection of up to now furniture ever- shown in Martin County we will make'you a present of the best suit we have. ~ Gash or on Installment Easy Payment and Attractive Prices - C. ? Very truly, *f| SIMPSON & BRO. - ■ V ; ■ Facts Are Stubborn Things 1 Uniform excellent quality for OV«T • quarter Off century hH steadily incraasi'd the sales of LION lion Coffee is now used in millions of homes. Sueh popular snoeess speaks for itself. It is • VaSliaKl positive prMl that UM CHllt has tho Confidence of the people. * jf/gSggSm The uniform quality of LION m UManun COFFEE aurriTM au opposition. I UOH otrrn feMn mi wiRISUfAI MHH Bold only In 1 lb. packages. T*on hod on wrf T»lHg« I S*t* Umm Tlon-h— V» for talasMa yntnim SOLD BY GROCERS EVERYWHERE "AN ARRAY or BARGAINS IN STORE FOR .Jewlery Shoppers. mi— ——————a—— Those contemplating buying; jewelry, such aa Elgin, iWaltham and other Watches, Diamond, Solid Gold and Silver Rings, Watch Fobs and Chains, Stick Pins Etc., will do well to inspect opr stock ..... HERBERT D PDELt . TlUlhll 31 THE JEWELER WWbmlH. i. C. Littleton Female College CPLENDID location. Health resort. OverJjoo boarding pn- pits last year High grade of work. High standard of cul ture and social life. Conservatory advantages of Music. Ad vanced courses in Art and Elocution. Hot water heat. Electric lights nnd other modern improvements. Remarkable health reco d; only ouc death among pupil* in 33 years. Close personal attention to the health and social development of every pnpil. High staudard of scholarship. All pupils dress alike on all pub lic occasions. CHANGES VKRY LOW. 24th Annual Session will begiu Sept. 13,'!905. For catalogue address REV. J. M. RHODES, A. M., 7- i4-2m PRESIDENT, Littleton, N. C. VIMMMMHIHaHiaMnaaMMaMMi - - DKMNIS S. BIGGS, C. D. CARSTARPHKN. FRANK F. FAGAH, President. , Vice-President. Cashier. The Farmers and Merchants Bank J •' WILLI AMSTON, N. C.I Capital, - - $15,000 v_, . . 2: _ - jjft. = • .•?„ '• * *.'• ■ . We respectfully solicit your accounts WE WILL GIVE YOU PROMPT SERVICE Send us your Job PRINTING