Women a* Well as Men fAre Made Miserable by Kidney Trouble. KMM? trouble prey* upon tha mind. dls eoursgas sndlaswm ambition: beauty, vigor - and cheerfulness soon Spneyi are out ol order -BnWlty~ Kidney trouble has r^ySCJ!'""' become so prevalent * that It Is not uncommon for a child to be born ' afflicted with weak kld neys. If the child urin -3J ste» too often, l( the urtne scalds the fleah or If. when the child reaches an ss when It ahould be able to control the passage. It Is yet afflicted with bed watting, depend upon It. the cause of the difficulty is kidney trouble, and the first dtp ahould be towards the treatment of these Important organs. This unpleasant trouble to due to a diseased condition of the kidneys and bladder and not to a habit as most people suppose. • Women aa well as men are made mis arable with kidney and bladder trouble, and both need the same great remedy. Tha mild and the immediate effect of lw—p Root la soon realised. It Is sold by druggists. In fifty- f cent and one dollar sUas.' You msv have sample bottle by mall free. also pamphlet tell- uamm at lag all about it. Including many of the thousands of testlmonlsl letters received from sufferers cured. In writing Dr. Kilmer It Co.. 31nghamton. N. Y., be sure and mention thia paper. Don't make any mistake, but remember the name, Swamp-Root. Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, and the address, Binghamton, N. Yw on every boltle. CRYSTAL Shaving Parlor _ W. T. RHODES, Prop. Bank Building. Stnithwick St. New and l'p-to-Date F U R N I T IT It K The Best Barbers that can lie ob tained. Polite anfl courteous to all. JMOTTO ''Wejlead, others follow." F KU.LTH E COUGH IQURF THf LUNCB, f ™ Or. King's New Discovery; /"• oRSUMPTIdN Pried FORI OUGHB and BOcfcJI.OO WOLO« Free Trial. | Surest and Uuickest Cure for all B THROAT au.t LVNd lUOUi,- . | LK3, or TffON-BTT TICK. ' rat "■OSS" COTTON rasssi ■■run. nioiNiu. BUT TMI MURRAY QIWMIRO •■■MM •tea. Feeders. CeeSeaeara, Ha. _ OIIBU MACHINUT CO. Cslaablsi s. C. HCL'-i .w . S Pocky Tea Nuggotr A Bnny Mod oine for 3usy PecpU Ltlrgw Qoidia Health aui Renew od Vigor. A mwHllfl f«»r Constipation, Inli|Tff«tloa, I«iv« p\ , Kt-I.'iey Trouble*. Plinplee l>xciu ». tinpurt LI'MMI. Ibul Br. Mh. Slujritlxh Rowt'V iii»ad«irht »• Bn« kActK). It'n Rooky Mmtutnin ID t*b lot lorm, Hf \ oeotn a U«i. U>mitu«« mads b> H UTIERW Hero WIFAHT, B!nll»»tt. Wi§» POUDCW WHC6ETI FOW SAILOW PEOPLE BEE'S Laxative HONEY»'TAR An Improvement over all Cough, Lung and Bronchial Rtmedieo. Cure* Coughs, Strengthen* the Lungs and Gently Move* the Bowels. Pleasant to the taste and good alike for Young and Old. mc»AMD av WMle Median to., Chicago, B. IJL The most wonderful ctin- foi piles is MaiZan, put up it collar sable tubes .with nozzle attached. It reaches the spot, stop* pain in stantly, and cures ;ll kinds ot blind, bleeding, itcliiug or protru ding piles. "Soll l>\ All Dealers." Pineoles contain the alternative and diurcti properties found in the native pine. A certain cure for all liver, kidney and bladder diseases. A single dose of Pine ules will relieve the worst case of MODCUNO IN CORK. Pleasant and inotruetlvs Paetlme with Wonderful Results. Aa Interesting and extremely fas cinating occupation (or the long win ter evenings is that ot modeling la cork, and after a little practice the persevering ones will be to And what clever and Ingenious yffling architects they will beoome, while greatly charmed as the crude design grows beneath their nimble fingers. Let us suppose that It is desired to manufacture a model of some old ruined castle, upon which the cling ing Ivy twines so tenderly, and arouud which hover many memories of by gone state and splendor. | Workers must first supply them selves with the necessary material | and proper tools. Of the latter they , ; j will require some paint a i hanwner, a sharp penknife, a pencil | and a pair of scissors. Having pro i cured these, they must obtain a quan | Mty of cardboard oork sheets, a few ! old bottle corks, a little line sand, j | paints, glue, wire and a small quantl ty of artificial moss and ivy. And now, having decided upon the I building and procured the necoasary j materials, the next thing to bo done is to draw a plan of the castle you In tend to reproduce. This accomplish ed, you may proceed to make a frame of light cardboard, cutting It carefully to the requisite slse, and then securing upon the millboard ! framework a layer of the sheet oork to form the walla. This may be 1 1 mads to represent stonework by 1 j means of uneven pencil strokes, which should afterward bo colored In with black or dark brown paint, In order to give the structure a suitable app*r anco of age. The particular portion of the castle which has fallen Into ahxolute ruin 1 and decay should have rough mid Jag ged edgea. The walls should be dark ened by means of a little brown paint judiciously applied, and small, Irregu lar pieces of cork may be heaned against the sides to represent fallen masonry. Broken columns are quite easy to ' Imitate, and If an ordinary cork be roughly carved with a sharp pocket knife and then carefully painted and sprinkled with a small quantity of mom, which should bs rubbed be tween tfie fingers until a light powder ; Is formed, It will be found to serve the purpose most effectively. And now the artificial Ivy (which aiußt be of a small-leaved variety) j nay be called Into requisition j wd trained around the broken col- f nnns and upon the crumbling walls jntll a, most reallatlc appearance Is {lvSh to the whole. The floor should ie strewn with sand with which a little powdered mora has previously ieen mingled.—Momphls News. New York and the Presidency. Thus far New York has oontrlbu!ed >nly three Prenidonts by elect!--il— /an Buren, Cleveland, Roosevelt. Now York has contributed nine Vioe h-esldents, however Burr, C"n on, Tompkins, Van Buren, Flllm->re, Wheeler, Arthur. Morton and Roose alt. Van Buren went to the Presl lency by election immediately after vard, and Fillmore, Arthur and Roose velt attained that office through ilie leath of the elected Incumbent. The Republican party lias taken but une Presidential Candidate from New York bnt . lias taken five of its Vice-Presidential nominees—^Wheeler, Vrthur, Morton, Whltelaw Reid and ; Ooosevelt—from this Slate. The Republicans hate carried New ; York for President nine times—in I 1368, IKtM), 18(14, 1878,1880, IHIMI, and KM—and liave lost it four times—in , i 18(18, 187 C. 1884 and 1892. In every Presidential election be- ; Inning with that of 1812 New York as been pre|*>nderant among all of ! 10 Slates In the Gilectoral College. I . i every one of the twenty-nine olec- j ■'one for President thus far held, the j . ide which New York took turned out i to bo the winning aide except in four [ instances —In 1812, when it went to !>e Witt Clinton; In 1866, when it was ■ irrled by Seymour, and In 1876. when ! i llden got Its electoral votes. —Les- lid's Weekly. A Ban Franklin Story. When Benjamin Franklin was on I his famous mission In Parts he and j »id Silas Deane were one day dis- I cussing Uie numerous errors they found in the Abbe Raynal's "Hlstolre des Deux Indes," when the author of that work happened to come In upon them. They told the Riod man the subject of their conversation and the abbe Immediately denied that there : wars s»r errors In his history. His sttentlon waa called to the : t'ory of a certain Polly Baker and an eloquent address which the abbe credited her with making before s Massachuetti court. The abbe Insist ed that It was a true story, but admit ted that he could not remember his authority for It. Dr. Franklin was h1 aklng with laughter during the pro t» stations of the learned Frenchman At last he skid: "I will tell you, : al>be the origin of that story. When ] I was a printer and editor of a news I pi'per we were sometimes alack of : m wi, and to amuse our customers 1 . ti«ed to fill up our vacant columns with anecdotes and fables and fancies or my own, and this tale ot Polly Baker Is one of my making." A Nsw Decoy Duck. '' A decoy duck that will flap Its w.ngs and rise from the water haa b en put on the market The docoy Is mounted on a rod which fits into a : tube whereby the deeoy may be an . bored. The decoy la oenaected with * ! a cord to the shore or wherever tha t hunter la and whan the lattsr pulls the bird moves. contains the antiseptic " properties of the native pine, and is a sure cue sunburn tan, tetter, ; eczema and all other skin diseases Heals a sore, cut or burn without a scar. "Sold by All Dealers." ' One dose of Pineules taken at ? bedtime will entirely relieve the r most obstinate case of backache be ' fore morning. Pineules is a cei ' tain cure for all kidney and blad f der troubles. "Sold by All Deal r ■ ** •• >; ■' .. A Domestic Row. I ••They had a hot time in the kitchen ' last Bight; dne of the tooth pioki struck ! a match." I " And then the match lost his head, | ah?" Gossip from the Kitchan. "What'a Rolling- Pin'» wife Wat in# him for?" '• Oh, he rolled home at four o'clook this morning without any dough." "Oh, doctor, oan't you recommend something for thia awful ringing in my head?" I " Yea, you ought to keep tatter houre." ' " Well, Kettle, dou't got so hot nlxmt It." " Aw, shut up, or I'll mop up tli« floor with you." (n I kf~ "Well, what are you kicking shoal your job for? You're got a pipe I" " I know, but I can't stand the drought " Sure. Mr*. Old wed—Do you anticipate any trouble with your oook wheu you go to housekeeping? Mrs. Justwed—No; my husband n* 1 to play football, and I guess he'll I* ul> f to hold her for a while. "They have asked me to sing to night." said the sweet young thing; " will you'hear me, Mr. Spatta?" •' Oh, I think so. lam going ip to town to-night." M Oft Hup He ntay well think, he has got off cheap, who, after having con tracted constipation or indigestion, is still able to perfectedly restore his health. Nothing will do this but Dr. King's New Life Pills. A quick, pleasant, and certain cure for headache constipation, etc. 25c at S. R. Bigg's drug store; guaran teed. JAWS TWO rBKT LONG. Head of Monster Unearthed by Work man In England Recently. Aa Interesting discovery of the re malna of a prehistoric animal bae been made near Peterborough, Englsid. While engaged la soma excavations at a depth of twenty foot hi the clay, some workmen alighted upon the hug 3 bead of a mounter of the alligator type. The Jaws were two feet In lc tfh, and were firmly clinched to gether by the presence of the earth through countless years. The l>oues, however, wore In an excellent state of preservation. The creature has been determined to be a member of the fcteneosauros family. Other Interest ing remains of a similar nature have also been uasarthed In the same dis trict. Tree That Whistles. A species of acacia which gr'-ws very abundantly In Nubia and the Soudan la called the "whistling tree" by the natives. Its shoots are fre quently distorted in shape by th-j agency of larvae of insects and swol len Into a globular bladder from one to two Inches In diameter. After tho Insect has emerged from a circular hole In the side of this svMllng. tho opening, played upon by tbe wind, be comes a musical instrument sugges tive of a sweet-toned flute. The whist ling tree Is also found In the •,w»t Indies, Centa and Benae. Father (reprovingly)— Haven't yon got any sense about yon? r«>bby— Nope, pop, not a cent; »'in dead broke. • A DOMESTICATED EAGLE. Treasurer of Maaon County, III* Has a Curiosity. Havana, Mason County, baa one of the greatest curiosities In America. If not In ths world. Mr. Damsrln, coun ty treasurer, has a pet golden eagle, one that stays In the courthouse park without being caged. He la at liberty | to go when and where he pleases. Mr. j Damarin feeda his pet twice a day. He ' can go up to him and stroke him, ths 1 same aa be would a cat or dog. When the street carnival was In Ha vana last week the eagle was the greatest attraction there. Kvery man, woman and child came over to the courthouae to see him; so did all of ( the showmen. Every boat excursion , that comes to Havana brlnga a lot of 1 people who come to see the eagle. Lots of people have never seen an eagle, and If they have they have nev- 1 er been so clone to one. and whut aur prises every ons Is that ths bird won't ' go awsy. Thia la the history of the bird: A son of J Wiley Smith, who lives about eight miles southwest of Mason City, , near the Sangamon bottom, shot and crippled him last fall and took him home and kept him until spring, when his son. Horry, brought him to Havans and put him In a squirrel cage. But aa that wus too small he could n»t learn to tly, as one of ills wings had been shot. Smith had the business men and county oOlciala donate enough to build a cage about twolvp tect square and he wax kept In that about six weeks. Mr. lumarln fed him uud tamed hlin. He had a stump of a tree put In the ID i;re cage, and he stays on that tree all the time, when not walking or fly log in tho park. As the cage wns still ; not larire enough to let htm tly, they j took the cage away to give him hit ' lijiorty and go iiwuy if he wanted to. Hut the b'rd won't leave, lie Is a great curiosity to every one. He eati ! frc«h lieof, kidneys or liver, or live rnMilts. Mr. lientor, the butcher, fur nlslies all the meat he wants to eat, fro, l of charge. Mr. Dantarla has had several offers for him, but he would not part with him. His roost Is near Mr. Damarln'a window and lie sees that no one disturbs Mr. Humarin or does him liny harm. The bird's mi ;ne Is "Dick." and all the children of Ha vana coins to see him and call him by name.—Bloomlngton Telegraph. nOTJJn Laxative Fruit Syrup WIIHi ■I V Pleasant to take and does not gripe or nauaoato Cures Chronic Constipation, Stomach and Liver Trouble Stimulation Without Irritation. OROTO Laxative Fruit Syrup is a new laxative syrup combined with the deli cious flavor of fruits, and is very pleas ant to take. It will not gripe or sicken. It is much more pleasant and effective than Tills, Tablets and Saline Waters, as it does not derange the Stomach, or irritate the Kidneys, Liver or Bowels. Constipation. OROTO Laxative Fruit Syrup will posi tively cum chronic constipation as it re stores tho natural action of the intestinal tract. Ordinary cathartics may give tern v porary relief but the stomach is upset and the bowels are irritated without any permanent benefit having been derived. flllD Pll AD AIITEC Take ORINO Laxative Fruit Syrup and if you UUH U UAH A II Ibk are not satisfied your money will bo refunded. Prepared only toy FOLCY * CO., OMoas*, 111. SOLO AND RECOMMENDED BY About all the suburbanite raises to his garden is blisters. Some men's ideas of charity is to eon tribute to a campaign fund. Ths new woman was a failure be cause there were BO new men to match. The average man has a bettor opin ion of himself than tho Lord has of him. It is sasier for an orator to make « speech than it is tor the speech to make him. When a man flatters yon put on yoor spectacles and look around for the ax he t#s to grind. No Cordelia an indulgent husband doesn't always come home early.' , Sometimes he's too full to get home. After walking home from the race track a man Is in the humor to sneer at his wife for taking chances on ths pr'-e cake at a church fair Swim Across Atlantic. The whales tbst awlm about the Islands which lie off the-coast of Nor-1 way and Finland, in March and Apr. I, tr-vel Immense distances. *ln Msv' tho/ turn up at the Axores or even at ' the Bermudas and sometimes pay a j vlr't to the Antilles. They swim fast, | foi in June they are back, again off N' -way. Some of these whales have , b n known to bring bsck evidences of where they have been, for harpoons , of 'he peculiar kind used off the coast j of South America have been found , stuck In them. Ths Skys Crofters. During the crofter disturbances In 8k ve a British gunboat was sent up to Portree, having on board, among otl -r people, the sheriff of Invernexs shi-e, Mr. Ivory. A clergymen who sympathised with the crofters Uok for his text on the following Sunday the words from Kings 10:22: "Once In th e years came tho navy of Tar shlxh, bringing Ivory and apes and ! pe: cocks." Ssvsn Inch Extsnslon Ring. A Philadelphia girl has what la ap parently an ordinary four-coil serpent ring. It Is, howevsr, provident with so 1 Infinitesimal number of tiny Joints ' which are only dlsosraable upon the closest examlnaUon but which permit tbe ring to bo sxtended Into a spiral several Inches In length. Tbe ring Is over 10 years old and was made in Francs. A Tiny Bost of Pssrl. A Jeweler In Turin has made a tlijy boat of a single pearl. The hull is flnoly shaped, and might serve as a > model for a racing sloop, tbe sail is , of beaten gold, studded with dia monds, and the binnacle light Is s perfect ruby. An emerald serves as Its rudder, and 1U stand Is a slab of Ivory. Its weight Is leas than an ov 00, and It is said to have cost j 95.000. Petrified Milk In Austria. In the making of petrified milk or gnlallth, in Austria, 20,000 quarts of 1 skimmed milk are used daily. The casein Is precipitated by chemicals ' and mixed with formalin. This pro I duct Is used as a substitute for horn, turtle shell, ivory, celluloid, marble, amber, and hard rubber. Alaska Not so Dssolsts. Alaska did (50,000,000 worth of trade with Pacific coast cities In a single yoar, dug 130.000,000 of gold, caught (8,000,000 worth of salmon, turned out coal enough to prove herself self supporting In fuel, kept two tank ships busy exporting petroleum and operated at least 100 ateamors on the Yukon. Quinine in India. The Inhabitants of malarious re* glons In India can now purchase qui nine at practically coat price. H-»r pot up In aniall pnekagea by the gov ernment and sold at tho rate of 1 cent for ten gralua. 4 A man'i hair turna gray five years sooner than a woman's. There are said to be 2SO glaciers In the Alps over five miles In length. Wives as Qsms Retrievers. The of Annas* uses his wives to retrieve the game he shoots. Sometimes a wife Is drowned In swim ming after a t)lrd and sometimes one Is accidentally shot, but the Imperial harem la large. Now is the time to subscribe for THK ENTERPRISE. The oohdition of the patient remains un changed. The Stomach, Liver and Bowels have not been stimulated aud in a few days a stronger purgative may have to be taken. This ia why Pills and Aperient Water* never give permanent relief. Their violent action results in an unnat ural movement of the bowels and it is nec essary to keep taking them indefinitely. Why ORINO Is different. ORINO Laxative Fruit syrup is the only preparation that really acts upon all of the digestive organs. Other prepar ations act upon the lower bowel only and do not touch the Liver. It can very read ily be seen that a preparation that does not act upon all of the digestive organg THE ENTERPRISE ..JOB DEPARTMENT.. All Kinds of Job Printing Done yx;- '"to Wfrf^^to The Latest Ideas The Best Workmen The Best Equipped Plant In Eastern North Carolina i , Enables us to Turn Out the Best Work for the . . . LEAST MONEY . .. We Make a Speciaty of . - j|S| Commercial Printing No Order too Small No Order too Large No Job too Small No Job too Large , , Letter Heads, Packet Heads, 'W&- Bill Heads, Statements, Envelopes, ircula i«; fin* iogue and Book Work. We are now preparing (or Tobacco Warehouse work, send for prices and samples. Tbe Enterprise Printing Company, Inc., IMJBLISERS - PRINTERS - BIRDERS Wiiiiamston, - North Carolina ' vmii* S. Hihk«, i*ren & Trea» T. W. TUgfcnun C**. Mgr. AmT.Crawford, Se DENNIS SIMMONS LUMBER CO 1 I ... - • ' •" , - 1 - • - - . . Manufacturers of . Kiln Dried North Carolina Pine Lumber, > J* > > « m rn » DINNI* (IMMONf MAND OYRIWM IHINQLF ORDERS AND CORRESPONDENCE SOLICITED WILLIAMSTON. N. C. S. 0 RKKIKT OF riiK CONDITION OF C. Robertson, Banker at KonF.KSONVIU.K. N C M at the cloae ol business Auk 131 It. 1405. RKAOMCKS l.oans and Discounts *" f^.M4.73 overdraft* Kurniture and Fixtures ' 4eli lcr **** Ratate Owued 1,7*3.04 IKW/roiu Hank* and Bankrm 1 1.913.68 v'lifck* and cthei Cash Item* 3,634.71 TOT AI. $ 4*.4a5-5 u U AItII.ITIKS Capital Stock 5,000.00 (:udivided Profit* 44k.au payable M.00n.00 iHrpusitn Subject to Check k ashler's Check* Outstanding 79.6 a # 4».4.*.vy State of North Carolina } County of Martin ) I.J.C. KolirrtMM, Cashier of the aUive-named i'«Bk, do aoh-tnnly avear that the above state ' «ent i« true to the beat of my know ledue and /. C. RoMKKTftOM, Cashier I Sworn and subscribed to before me this sth j t'avof Scpt.ioov 8. L K«hh NoUn Pub Ik can not care Chronic Con s tipa tion,Torpid Liver, Indigestion, Sour Stomach, etc. For Biliousness and Sick Headache. Take Oarao Laxative Fruit Syrup. It sweetens the stomach, aids digestion ud acts as a gentle stimulant on the liver and bowels without irritating these organs. Clears the Complexion. Oaiso Laxative Fruit Syrup stimulate* the liver and thoroughly cleanses the system and clears the complexion of pimples and blotches. It is the best lax ative for women and children as it ia mild and pleasant, and does not gripe or sicken. Refuse substitutes. Alfred Petford Cementing! Plastering !„ . » Brick-Mason! j. • When in need of this class of work I will be glad to hear fi om von. Call on or address me at 6-y-6m Williamston, N. C. LADIES Saf^^ic^Ra^bU^wiiUtor Snpertar to other nwnsdlaa aoM atUnprtm SSffic •r. urrtM*. rkiUMfkU, Pt.

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