ADVERTISING Yonr money hack.—Judicious advertis ing is the kind that pays hark to vou a»*aey TOU invest. Space in this paper assures you prompt returns . . ~ VOL. VI. - NO 49/ DIRECTORY Town Officers Mayor—B. P. Godwin. Commissioners— A. Andetson, N. S. Peel, W. A. Ellison. J. D. Leggett. C. H. Godwin. Street Commissioner—f. D. Leggtt. Clerk—C. H. Godwin. Treasurer—N. S. Peel. Attorney—Wheeler Martin. Chief of Police—J. H. Page. Lodges Skewarkee Lodge, Ne. 90, £ P and A. M. Regular meeting every nil and 4th Tuesday nights. Roanoke Camp. No. 107, Woodmen of the World. Regular meeting every aud last Friday nights. Church of the Advent Services on the second snd fifth Sun days o t the month,morning and evening, and on the Saturdays (5 p. m.) before, and on Mondays (9a.m.) after said Sun days of the month. AU are cordially in vited. B. S. LASSITKR. Rector. Methodist Cnurch Rev. B. K. Rose, the Methodist Pas tor, has the following appointments Every Sunday morning at 11 o'clock and night at 7 o'clock respectively, except the second Sunday. Suuday School •very Sunday morning at 9:30 o'clock. Prayer-meeting every Wednesday even ing at y o'clock. Holly Springs 3rd Sunday evening at 3 o'clock; Vernon Ist Sunday evening at 3 o'clock; Hamiltou »nd Suuday, morning and night; Haasells and Sunday at 3 o'clock. A cordial in vitation to all to attend these services Baptist Church Preaching on the Ist, and and 4th Sun days at 11 a. m., snd 7:30 p. in. Prayer meeting every Thursday night at 7:30 Sunday School every Sunday morning at 9:30. J. D. Biggs, Superintendent. The pastor preaches at Hamilton on the 3rd Sunday in each month, at II a. m. and 7:30 p. Hi-, and at Riddick's Grove on Saturday every Ist Sunday at 11 a. m., and on the ist Sunday at 3 p. m. Slade School House on the and Sunda\ at 3 p. iu., and the Biggs' School House on the 4th Suuday at 3 p. m. Everybody cordially invited. K. D. CARROLL. Pastor. SKEWARKEE JL LO — W No. 90, A. P. It A. M. DIRKCTORV POR 1905. S. 8. Brown, W. M.;W.C Manning,S W.; Mc. G. Taylor.). W.; T. W. Thorn as, S. D.; A. P. Taylor, J.D; S. R. Biggs, Secretary; C. D. Carstarphen, Treasurer. A. li.Whitmore and T.C.Cook, Stewards R. W. Clary, Tiler. STANDING COMMITTEES: CHARITY— S. S. Brown, W. C. Man ning, Mc. O.Taylor. PINANCg—Jos. D. Biggs. W. 11. Hai ell, R. J. P*l. KKPKRKNCK —W. H. Edwards, W. M Green, P. K. Hodves. AaVLt'M —H. W. Stubbs. W. ft. Rol ertson, H. D. Cook. MARSHALL—I. H. Hattoa. Professional Cards. L>R J- A. WHITK. tfgk DKNTIST PHONIC 9 I will be in Plymouth the firat week in each month. W. H. HARRKLL W'M. K. WARSKN DRS. HARRKLL & WARREN PHYSICIANS AND "SURGEONS OFFICE JIN BIGGS' DRUG STORE 'Phon* No. 2Q DR. J. PEEBLE PROCTOR PHYSICIANI AND SURGEON Office in Mobley Building ours: 9:00 to 10:30 a. m.; 3to3p. m. 'PHONE 12 I BURROUS A. CRITCHER, ATTORNEY AT LAW Office: Wheeler Martin's office. ' Phone, 23. WILLIAMSTON, N. C, T Presets D. wiast.m S. J Mn Kverett WINSTON & EVERETT ATTORNEYS AT LAW . Bank Building, WiUiatnston, N. C. s. ATWOOD NEWELL LAWYER Office uy stairs in New Dank Build. Lan, left hud side, top of steps. VILLIAMBTON N C. Str-Fracttee wherever arrvkes are desired Apecisl atteatbsa gtsca to ezsadaiag aad'nak eg title for purchasers of timber sad timber ■aada special stlratios will be (Wen to real estate ezchaagcs. If yem wish to bay ot sell land I K*l* PHQNg T« BBHIIID M. Remarkable Rise From Clerk to Premier OF GERMAN PARENTAGE daocees Attributed to Hie Initiative in Tnrklsh-Kusslan War—Always Refused to take any Part in Movo- BMMSt Against Jews and Nihilist*— His Great Popularity. The rise of a railway clerk to th* post of Premier ia a much more won derful achievement In Russia than R would be in any other European country, and ror that reason the per sonality of Sergius Wltte I* the moat Interesting. He oonquerod groat difficulties before he cam*" to his present high plac*. H« ta W German origin and the "Russia for the Russian*" policy found la that fact an almoat unfor givable crime. ■ He comes from Trah*caucasus. In 1849 he waa born at Tlllls of pa rents who had emigrated to Rua ala from the northern part ot Oer many. H* was sent by his parents to school at Odessa and astonished his t*ach*r* most by his skill in mathe matics and phyalcs. He wanted to mix In the affair* of the world. The army waa Impossible for him because he waa not of noble birth. For the same reason he had to cruah out hi* desire to go Into the navy. Commerce waa not to hla liking and he decided to go Into the ■tale railroad department. It was difficult for a man In his position to attract attention In the railroad servtc*, but M. Witt* did it when oaly 17. Th* war between Russia and Tur? key brought up th* usual difficulties In th* matter of transporting th* troops and supplies to th* frontier. The army tralna war* hopelessly In adequate. Opportunities wer* lost because It waa Impossible to g*t th* •oidlers to th* frontier, and thoa* who wer* th*r* found themselves without food and other neoessary supplies. M. Wltte undertook to straighten matter* out aa far as lay In his power. Nothing is so respected In Russia as authority, but th* young railroad employ* d*cid*d to make I jbww M. Witt*. himself famous by Ignoring *ll au thority save that which came from th« highest ton fee. Ha sidetracked the train* of many notable person* on their way to the ■•at of war and kept them waiting for houra while the tralna carrying the troops passed on to the Qen erals who were clamoring for them. In spite of the offence Involved In his conduct the news of his efficien cy reached the Csar, who personally thanked him and awaited the close of the war to reward him more sub atantlally. After peace had been declared M. Witt* was called to St. Petersburg and appointed to a high place In the railway department of the civil service, which on account of his birth had been shut agalnrt him at the outset of his career. He became director of the Russian Southwestern Railway, the head of the railway department and then by rapid promotion Minister of Means of Communication, Chairman of the Tariff Commission, Minister of Fi nance and Jast year Imperial Chan cellor—the ilgheet honor which U la In the power of the Csar to grant. His efforts to develop Russia's material resource* have reeulted In marvellous growth. Five years ago he reported to the Csar that, the In dustries In his country had trebled In value In twenty years. It was he who instated on the State owner ship of railroads In Russia. Under hie Initiative great manufacturing enterprises have been developed and over fifty towns and eltles have recently been lit by electricity. r He pnt the currency of the coun try on a gold basis and the equilib rium of the budcets has been re stored after many year* of financial confusion. He has not hesitated to plunge when he has seen that Rus sia could really afford to spend the money, and* one of the best Invest ments he ever made for the country was the purchase of the railroads when the country was by no means prosperous. In every case his in vestments have been justified by subsequent events. He appointed committees to Investigate the acute industrial and agricultural dep Tee s'on of Russia. gtJl of theee com mittees were made up of men .in fluenced by him and their reports might almost have been written by nihilists, so drastic were they in WILLIAMSTON, N. C., FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 22. 1905. RKAR ADMIRAL EVANS* VIEWS. Dfarinw tbf Battleship aa a Pro fltabic Divestment. "A battleship 1B tmr an orna ment. aa ao many people suppose R la always useful. But It la more uae ful out ot than In a light. Ra domi nant mission la to give peace a meaning and war a warning to the world. And because this is ao we of the United State* need more and bigger battleship*. "When I ear that a battleship la more useful, la a more profitable In vestment even In peace than In war, I mean that It la the greatest and aareat preventive of war that the centuries have aa yet brought fortfc," pursued Adjnlral Evans •lowly but vigorously.-"No one who carefully studies and duly ponders the question will raahly gainsay this." Admiral Evans made the startling declaration: "Had the United States . possessed, prior to the Spanish- American war, the navy that It pos sesses to-day we would never have had that war. Why? At that time our navy was an unknown quan tity at beat, and a comparatively ■•mall quantity—quantity and not quality—remember at the worst. Spain no doubt Joined with the rest of the world in underestimating us as a naval power. Hence she be lieved that ahe was easily our supe rior on the sea. Because she hap pened to be mistaken Is hardly any reason for ua to believe that some one elae, should we permit our navy to remain stationary In sis* and strength. Is going to make the same mistake In case ot war. "We are now In a most critical period of not only our own but the i history of the world. Everything Is i changing for better rather than for | worse, tat ua hope. War and Its I methods are changing Just as Is buslneaa and every branch of human activity. Bnt one thing will never change and that la human nature In a national sense." "We have within the past few years spread ourselves over a vast territory, engendering vaater re sponslbllltlea than we have htthertct had la our national history. Our navy, therefore, has to play the dnal role of protecting those pos session* in time of need, snd In time of peace of allently signifying to he world that such and such is a part , of the United Btatee and must be considered and respected. "Now, nations are no reapector* of nations unless the latter are pre pared to enforce respect. Therein : lies tbe chief value of a comprehen , alve naval force. Olve ua fifty bat- I tleshlps, with an appropriate com plement of crulaers, torpedo boats, j and other auzlllariea, and the chanoea of our beng provoked to break peace are one In a hundred. "Hut," pursued the Admiral earn oatly, "It takes time to build battle , ahlpa, a*d when we need them for ! war we need them badly. This was ' shown In the case of Russia. What i would Ruaala not have given for I the battleahlps of this squadron?" sweeping one hand toward.the u»n --i ater steel fortresses aligned to the north and south. "H was worth— Is worth—almoat It's weight In rubles to her. "And yot," quickly added Ad miral Evans, "there Is no advantage In having all the battleships In fhe world if the men behind the gun* are poor marksmeL. Russia has been supremely unfortunate In not bow to ahoot straight. Ja pan, conversely, has been fortun ate, but she owes her good fortune not to chance nor to any superior In telligence, but to practice, unre mitting, oftentimes monotonous, al ways careful and palnstsking tar get practice In all sorts of seas and weather. "As for torpedoes," he pursued. "It Is Impossible to Inflict as much damaga with a torpedo as with a ten or twelve-Inch projectile launched from a battleship; and for two rea sona, one being the greater difficulty of reaching the mark with a torpedo and the other being the greater sheer, actual destruction wrought by the projectile hurled from a ten or twelve-Inch gun. "While alao a torpedo may blow a hole la the aide of a battleship It has yet to prove Its power to sink one whenever It strikes. In the much-siploited torpedo attack made by tbe Japanese at Port Arthur, aa entire squadron of torpedo boats only damaged three out of seven teen vessels, and the latter were again to action within less than ten weeks." Continuing, Admiral Evans be lieved that the United Stated owed It to Itself as aa International power to encourage the training of >O,OOO young men annually in the naval service. He believed no school coto paratls wltL the American men-of war In teaching discipline, courage, patrtotlam, and self-control. Having himself seen the United States Navy progress from sails to steam and from oak to steel, having seen Its guns evolve from crude muscle loaders to the present mighty agents of destruction with which the Maine and her seven com panion veaaels are equipped, it was with knowledge bred of experience that the bronxed veteran, crippled In | the bombardment of Port Plaher, and with on* shoulder crushed by a ' falling armored hatch, recommended I the floating fortress aa an Ideal American college. Feminine Observation. "Smart' men nowadays are disin clined to take their liquid refresh ment at a counter; th«y pilfer to (U down and shaL—The Queeo. ION liS EK Believes Genius Means Ca pacity For Hard Work A HARVARD GRADUATE Regarded as tbe Most Astato IMyto . mat Japan Has rindnid Strictly Adheres'to High Think ing and Simple living—lTspsu— a* • Pondnee* for America. As-Minister st Pekln. aa th* pilot of th* Japanese Craft of Btnt* In th* troubled water* of Corwa. Imme diately after the assaaalnatioa of th* Corean Queen, a* Minister to 8L Petersburg In Critical time* ante cedent to the present clash, as nego tiator of the English alliance and general clearer of the diplomatic chessboard preparatory to th* strug gle with Russia, whlfh he. more clearly than anybody els*, long saw was Inevitable—ln all then* great tasks of high diplomatic strategy the modest, self-effacing little Japan sue bookworm of tbe Harvard day* has developed * skill snd master ful force which have given him a i Jf baronkSura" place among the world's great dip lomats, New York Sun. But little over f> feet in statnr* and slight and apparently frail In proportion, he gave little promia* of future distinction or even of very long life when he left Cambridge In 1877 and started for Japnn byway of Europe. In Europe he remained a year, avlng the simple life and studying hard while hn wan there. H* went home to Japan, and the world did not open very brilliantly to him at the outset. Extrbnie modesty com bined with a very robust article of Independence was a handicap in th* beginning of his career. He had boen a government student sent out to America, lie knew he had done his duty; he knew that h* knew a good deal of law. particularly Inter national law. Baron Komurn's rise In tho world of statesmanship was no gradual process, unions the years of hard study In obscurity be counted a part of the process All he wanted waa the opportunity to show what waa in him, and the op; ortunity cam*. When he first Secretary of Legation to China the Minister waa called away, leaving Komura In charge, nnd he had hardly gone be fore the complications that led to the war with China cnine on awlftly. Through all these romplicatlona Ko mura conducted the Japan*** Inter ests with the skill of a past master in diplomacy. It was said of him that from the time the troubles be gan until he clotted the legation and went back to .litpan not a single er ror was made not a single thing left undone that ought to have been done, not a single thing done that ought not to have been done. Prom China he was sent to Co res, from Corca to Washington aa Minister, from Washington to St. Petersburg, from Ht. Petersburg to China during the Boxer trouble*, and then finally to the hlgheat seat In that Department of Foreign Af fairs where he had KO long plodded at rendering unlin|K»rtant foreign documents Into Japanese. For years Baron Komura had made a study of the Chines* East ern question. With the rare pa tience of hla race and bis own In defatigable persistence of research he had explored every ramification of It until he had an all but pro phetic vision of problems far ahead which Were bound to come up oa th* aolutlon of which grave Issues hang. The Causes of Emigration. "There I* a double stream of •mi gration from ICngland," «aya a wri ter In the ixindon Graphic. "Our poor emigrate to tlie United tttates or the colonies to Improve their circumstances, but there are every year some thousand* of com paratively rich families among us that remove to the continent to live cheaply. This second stream Is grow ing In magnitude every year, for prices In England are continually In creasing- . It wan from the ranks of the 'moderately rich' that we used to get some of our oOlcers for the army; but the Hons of these 'emi grants now become acquainted with foreign languages and And bet' ter employment In commerce and often on the continent." * Novel Life Having Invention. A poor laboring man In Denmark has made a new invention In life saving. He Impregnates clothe* with a substance which will keep • ship wrecked person afloat - for several day! without losing Its property. A coat, a vest, a traveling rug—in fact, any piece of wearing apparel im pregnated with the stuff is enough to keep any one above water. The invention has been successfully Kirfaanga . 9kk. •*" * TREATIES OP A CENTURY. Europe's State System After tfce the Napoleonic Wars. R was in November, 1114. that th* famou* Committee of th* Bight Power*—Austria, England, PraaM, Prussia, Russia. Spain, Portugal /»d Sweden- met at Vienna Und*r the presidency of Prlnc* M*tt*r nlch to draw up a treaty wMoh waa to be henceforth the written law of Europe. Th* necessity for such a treaty waa pressing. Tfr* moment **emed propitious. In the lawlea* grasp of Napoleon Bonapart* Eu rope had become a conglomeration of stataa without fixed boundariee or acknowledged rights to poll teal ex istence. Th* old landmark* had been swept away, the balano* at power destroyed, a strong *tat* had become weak, weak state* had b*- com* strong. The armies of Rus sia won In occupation of Poland. Austrian troops held all of Italy **- oopt Naples, English and Bw*dl*h troops held Holland and Belgium. English and Portuguese troop* h*ld a large portion of Spain, the Prus sian troops held Saxony, the troop* of Wurtemberg and Uaden held th* Rhine provinces. At length th* hand which had wrought all thla confusion was believed to hava been effectually paralyted. The sooner the normal state of things could be restored the better. Such was th* train of Ideas which led up to th* Congress of Vienna. It was Poland that formed the first ■tumbling block In the way of con cord among the Powers. That un fortunate country had been torn Into three fragments In 1772 and divi ded between Austria, Oermany and Russls, the latter having the lion's •bar*. Russia waa now in martial possession of the entire country. It waa the ehlvalrlc dream of the Rus sian Emperor Alexander I. to repair the partition and to replace the Polea In their condition as a free and constitutional kingdom under Russian suseralnty. Hut all other Powers objected to the proposal. Their combined weight won. Pin ally a compromise WHH arrived at. It was agreed that a portion of the Duchy of Warsaw should be divided between Austria and Prussia, the remaining portion (save Cracow, which was to be s free city) receiv ing a constitution, and being united to the Russian crown as the king dom of Poland Thus the sanction of a ftreat European treaty waa given to a great European wrong. Two treaties of are famous In American history. The flrat made In 1808, ceded the province of Louisiana to this country. Th* sec ond, made 'between Hpaln and the Üblted States, after the war of 1898, coded to this country all Spanish possessions In the East and the West lndlea. Th* Spanish and American Com mlaatonera, five from euch country, met at Paris on October 1, 1H»8 The American Commissioners war* William R. Day. chairman; Sena tor Cushmnn Davis, Senator William P. Pry*, Whltelaw Hold and Sena tor Oeorge (Jray. Spain waa repre sented by Eugenlo Montero Rioa, chairman; Buenaventura d'Arbaxu sa. Jose de Onrnlca, Wenceslao Ra mlres de Villa Urrutia and Oeneral Rafael Cerrero. The Cuban question was the first to come up for consideration. The Spanish Commissioners contended that alnce there wax no Cuban State sovereignity over Cuba It must pass to the United Hinlrs and that the lat ter wan responsible fyr the Cuban debt aecured on the cußtoma of the Island. The American Commission era refiißcd to accept for their gov ernment the capacity of sovereignty over Cuba. representing that the war avowedly had not been waged for territorial aggrandizement, but for liberation and order. It waa not till October 27 that the Spanish Commissioners accepted the Cuban article*. The demands of the United States In regard to the Philippines and other Inlands In the East and West Indies were presented on Oc tober 31 Thoy Included the cession of the entire Philippine archipelago, as wall as Puerto Rico and Guam, the United States agreeing to reimburse Spain to the eitent of her pacific expenditures for permanent Im provements. To this Spain demurred on the ground, among others, that the capitulation of Manila on the day subsequent to the signing of the protocol of peace was void. She of fered to submit the question to arbi tration The United Btates refused to recede from Its position, and on November 21, announced Its final offer to pay 120,000,000 In a lump HID as compensation to Spain for •II Improvements. Tbe Commis sioner* further agreed' that tbe United State* would maintain In the Philippine* an open door to all na tlon*. a stipulation which carried with It the admittance of Spanlih ship* and Spanish merchandise on the same term* as those of the United States. Further, they agreed to the mutual relinquishment of all American and Spanish claims, either individual or national, for Indemnity that bad arisen since the opening of hostilities. November 28 waa named as the flnal day for the ac ceptance or rejection of these term*. On that date the terms were ac tepted by Spain. The treaty was Anally drawn up on December 10 and was ilgned the same evening It certainly doe* try a girl's nerve whan she braces herself to receive the shock of a proposal and the shock falls to materialise. It's a pity that ths averse* man Is saldont able to catch «p with his fntiir- ... .« >'u. ... kd ruoui EXACTS GKKAT TOLL. MM* MM There Htm Be— g.500,- 000 DMthL Thru million Ore hundred thou sand deaths Is tha terrible toll the plamia has exacted In India sine* 18M. During tha week of A>>rll 1 of this years tha terrible raer rd of plague mortality through tout India waa 67.702 deaths and 11,711 cases reported- Commenting on tbesa startling flgnrea. the Lancet says: "In 190S tha number of deaths from plague In India waa 863,000; In I*o4 It was 1.040.000. Of tha deaths more than 160.000 occurred In one province, and that province was the Punjaub. the one from which some of oar beat Indian soldiers are recruited. "The Punjaub la not a large prov ince. its actual population being about Z0.000,000. and yet the deatha In the Punjaub during 1904 from plague amounted to -over 260,000 In the course of twelve weeks only. "What would be thought, said or done In England If In the course of twelve weeka over 260,000 persons were swept off by one disease? Surely there would be aomethlug like a panic. "We think that the policy of con cealment—or the absence of policy that haa neceealtated concealment— haa gone on iong enough. "Three and a half millions of peo ple have died from plague In India alnce Hit. and the proposal to send out two bacteriologists to look Into the cauae of the tragedy strikes us as farcical." A Plan to Hants!) Fatigue. If «• are to believe an emi nent authority. Or. Wolfgaug Wel ehardt. of Berlin, baa made a very Important contribution To"'the sci ence of physiology. If the conclu alona diawn from experiments are •übatan'lated. fatigue and exha Uon wli: be « *hlng of the pant. To banlah «le«| Iness It will only be ue caaaarjr to drink an antitoxin. Henceforth auch a thing aa som uolent uollcemcn »tll be unknown. Women who are fond of talking will be able to. renew the flagging Inter eat of their victim* with an octa •lonal hypodermic Injection of the new all nulant Factory and ofllco employee will lead a strenuous life Indeed when the vigilant Inspector makes the rounda with a syringe full Of aerum.— Scientific American. ChrslssU a I'ajliiK Crop. Tl« boy# nitty be interested to know that cheatnuta prove a very profitable crop. Experts claim that an orchard of cheatnuta will bring greater returna to the owner than an apple orchard of the same alste, us the nuta are retailed on the afreet corners at about six dollara a bnahel, while the Italian who sells roaated cheatnuta receives |>ay fur them at the rate of at lenat eight dollara n bushel. The tree la one of the moat rapid growers. sn.d lias been known to bear fruit at Ave yeara of ago St Nicholas. Work* lloth Ways. The Patient My greatest trouble la Insomnia, doctor. I can't get any sleep at all." Doctor Oh. that's easily reme died. Before retiring soak your feet In hot water." Patient— Rut I don't think the trouble la In my feet, doctor. It It seems to be In my head." Doctor—"Oh. well, soak your head." Her Deduction. She—Do you sing? He—Yes. Indeed; and my singing la very affecting. If I do say It my aelf. Why, only last Sunday I sung for the prisoners In the county lull and many of them actually -liod tears." She —Because they couldn't get •way no doubt" Tooth Stalners of Asia. The trade of tooth atalner, fol lowed In eastern Asia. Is as odd a calling as any. The natives prefer black teeth to the whiter kind, and the tooth atalner, with a little box of brushes and coloring matter, calls on his customers and stains their teeth. The process is not unlike that of blacking a boot, for a One polish la given to the teeth. The Electric Pan Cold. The reason the "electric-fan cold" is so often accompanied by sore throat Is accordlug to a doctor whose location brings him many auch esses, that the draught mads by the fan carrier so much dust with It "The fact la." aaya this author ity, "that the air stirred by the fan la not freah air, unleaa the fan la backed up against an open window. Shipbuilders Coining Here. Many British skilled shipbuilders, till recently employed In the Eng lish naval dockyards, are emigrating to the United States, where they hope to find employment In the ex pected expansion of the American aarjr. To Clean Chamois leather should be waahed la lukewarm auda and rinsed In clean suds of the same temperature. Sometimes It is rinsed In clean wa ter, which la a mistake, as It In variably feela hard when dry after this treatment The first bull light In Madrid af ter the repeal of the Sunday law was witnessed by 10,000 persons and 80,000 ■ more waited ouUide the rlu to prompt new a of the re- Nfe ADVERTISING Yam money back. —Judicious advertis ing is the kind that ptjn bark to yna the money yon invest. Space fa tikis paper assures ytm prompt returns . . WHOLE NO. 309 I Williamston Telephone Co. Office over Bank of Martin County, WILLIAMSTON, N. C. 1 Phone Chures Ntat|t> limitedj ">I 3 minutes; aln cfcaigs will MAD* tor loaasi HMI To Washingtoa 9$ f— " Greenville 13 », " Plymouth _ 15 " " Tarboro JJ " " Rocky Mount 35 " Scotland Neck ag 1 " James vi lie 15 % " Kader Lillev's 15 " J. G. StMloll ' 15 J J. L. Woolard tg " ' O. K. Cowing ft Co. 15 •• ' Parmele 15 •• " Roliersonville 15 •• " Kveretts 15 •« GoltlJPoint 15 •• Geo. P. McNaughton 15 " Hamilton ao " Por other points in Eastern Carolina see "Central " where a 'phone will be ound for use of non-suhacribcra. In Gase of Fire yon want to be protected. In case of death you want to yottr family some thing tojive on. In case of accident you want some thing to, live on besides Itorrowing. Let Us Come to Your Rescue We can insure you against loss from :.t Fire, Death and Accident. V; ' n U e can insure your Boiler, Plate Glass, Burg lary. We also can bond you for any office requir ing bond. 'None.tßat list Colonies Reoriseitel K. B. GRAWPORD INSURANCE AGENT. Godard Building" NOTICE! The Roanoke Cafe will be open for business Sat urday September 9th. *OS At the Southern Supply Co. OLD STORE Host attention will be given Lad ion and Children Walk in and get meals at ALL HOURS FOR WHITE PEOPLE ,ONLY Respectfully, [O. C. PRICE & CO. An".' 1 •••»" If it* * *ke« •» . n« fcn*t|»''kiy «*n«rtfilit onr optntoo fr».%' » invfi.i i>'M MpritbibljrMmlnbiA Cimm-nn tton* wtricUyc« H ildmtuil. lltMlk4)k on i'?' Ir.m, oM ifHlif '«w ■•«?•-*»*», ;• ? « flUMti thriu»'h & .»». iiwri •ptriai nwithoart tlwrmj, in lu« Scientific Jiiairic* „ A nlWlMMirlf IV-ntnlHi I ."•* -Ml At ion of mnf *-i fio. • urn.j *!*•-•« . P rc*r; four timittbv, #1 trckl t»r »»»*«*• - MUKN 4 Co*»*—»•fe V hnuicU Oft.-*. Ctt * WtchUiff# 1 ' ~ t V-' -J: to write fbr oar confidential letter before plying ior patent; it ma/ be worth »-ocej. We promptly obtain V. a. and Foreign PATENTS Me* the f>Ml legal ssrrles aad advice, aad our Shames srs moderate. Try us. SWIFT A CQ., Opp. U.S. PatMrt Oaee.Vaakiaghxi, O.C.

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