THE ENTERPRISE. mUODIfIITnUMT WW m nmnnl raimn CO. —■T.MUI ■ WUltomwoo, a c. PUDIT SBPTKMBBH 24.1906. Our Schools. The schools of our county should be our pride, and to give them the power and influence they should have, we must give them local sup port, as that brings the school hnnv m the people of a community and increases their interest in them as nothing else can. Those states and counties have the best schools which have the fullest and freest local support. That state or com munity enjoys the best govern ment which most freely taxes itself for the support of its public schools. To establish and maintain schools for the fullest and best education of all our children is the only per manent cure for the disease of pov erty. It has been shown beyond a doubt that the productive power of ajteople is always in direct ratio to the quantity and quality of its edu cation. It is then our first duty to our children to fit them for all that is best in life. It is said that we are too poor to educate our chil dren. We reply that the way to get rich is to educate our people, so they may be able to apply laboi successfully to the development of our many resources. Ignorance is slavery of some kind, no matter where it is found. Then to get rid of this slavery and lessen crime the people should be educated Our public schools should be our very best schools as far as they go, for the great majority of our people must for ever look to them for the preparation of their children foi citizenship and for success in life. The public'schoolfe are to lay the foundation of our future welfare, therefore we mutt give them IOCHI support, j- Llki Fading Money Finding health is like finding money—so think those who are sick. When you have a cough, cold, sore throat, or chest irrita tion, better act promptly like W C. Barber, of Sandy Level, Va He says: "I had a terribU- cries' trouble, caused by smoke and coa dust on my lungs; but, after find ing no relief in other remedies, J was cured by Dr. King's Nev Discovery for Consu 111 puon Coughs and Colds " Greatest salt or any cough or lung medicine ii the world. AtS. R. Bigg's dni| store; 50c and >1.00; guaranteed Should Women Marry Drinking Men V The woman who stoops down nrn helps a uiau out of the gutter, aui endeavors to make a sobtr and c!-at man of him, is to be comniendei for her kindness, but the womai who marries a man addicted ti drink, with a view of reformini him, is to be pitied for the want o better judgement. In not one cast out of a hundred has a pure wifi been able to reform a drunken hu? band. Marrying a man addicted to th nse of liquors is about like put chasing a house on fiie, with ti fire department in reach. A wotna would far better go to the grave i poverty, a respected maiden lad\ than be pointed out as a drunkard wife. A maiden lady does ha\ chance in this world, but what ai the opportunities of the wife of » man who frequents the saloons ? Love is strong, but a womni should be strong enough not t permit her love for weak man t get the better of her judgemen: Marriage is honorable, aud it is t> desired, but a woman would b»t ter seek her own wtfy of gettiin through this world in single bits aedneas than to be tied to a mar who loves the wine cup. We would like to see the men saved from tha drunkand's grave, and we would like to see th: women save them, but the world cannot afford to have her women dragged to the the level of drunkards" wives in endeavoring to save men who have uo respect for themselves or anybody else. If men will per sist in the use of liquor, let them get along without wives.—Gospel Hamiltoa Item*. Hamilton, July 18 th., 1905. Hamilton high school opened with JOO pupils. Mrs. Will Gladstone has charge oi the music class which consists of aa pupils Mrs. Pate Griffin is visiting her mother in Scotland Neck. Mrs. +. B. Slade returned Thurs day. Wr welcome Mrs. Slade home again. Miss Ruth R. Matthews left Fri day for Grifton where she goes to teach in the graded school. Mrs. Arriugton Kitchin, of Scot land Neck, is visiting her mother. Mrs. Albright who has been very sick is improving. Sunday was a dull day in Ham ilton on account of the big meeting at Conoho. Miss Sallie Davenport left for Greenville Friday. Mrs. Irene Smith, of Williams ton, ia visiting her sister Mrs Dar den. Edgar Long left for Chapel Hill Tuesday. Mrs. Lou Laureuce is visiting Mrs. Touimy Laurence. Mian Sallie Salisbury is visiting Mrs. Walter Salisbury. The peo pie of Hamilton hate to give Miss Sallie up, she expects to make her home in Norfolk. Miss listelle Moore and Allie Laurence went to Oak City, Satur day. Captain Tillery gave an excur sion to the State Farm. Quite a number went and report a good time. ' THREE JURORS CURED Of Cholera Morbus with One Small Bottle of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. Mr. G. W. Fowler, of High tower, Ala., relates an experience le had while serving on a petit jury in a murder case at Kdwards ville, county seat of Clebourne •ounty, Alabama. He says: 'While there I ate some fresh meat tnd some souce meat and it gave lie cholera morbus in a very severe form. 1 was never more sick in uy life and Sent to the drug store or a certain cholera mixture, but the druggist sent me a bottle of Chamberlain's Colic, and Diar lioea Remedy instead, saying that le bad what I sent for, but that this medicine was so much better le would rather send it to me in the fix I was in. I took one dose if it and was better in" five min ites. The second, dose cured me utirelv. -Two fellow jurors were tffiicted in tlifc stale manner and >ne small bottle cured the three of is." For sale oy S. R. Biggs. Jamesvllle Items Jamesville, September 20th., 'OS. Mr. and Mrs. Kemp returned lioine Monday night from Wil uington. The protracted meeting at the ' «I. li. Church closed last Thurs day night with two additions. Mrs. E. B. Mizell and grand - laughter Kathleen Wallace return d home Thursday accompanied by lisses Louise Fowden and Daisy i Jones. 1 Mrs. K. L. Thompson has goue i j Baltimore to purchase her fall i uillinery. Mr. S. A. Kvans left Tuesday tor Norfolk where he has accepted a position. Mr. Walter Batcman, of Ply mouth is in town today. Mr. H. M. Burrass, of Williams t>n, was here Tuesday. Mrs. V. A. Tackson is visiting her sister at Mackeye's Ferry this >"eek. Or. U. S. Hassell and son Julian iiave returned from Baltimore with a pretty liue of fall goods. Mr. H. C. Jackson left for Nor t ilk Tuesday to purchase his fall stock. Messrs. S L. Wallace and Asa Roberson are attending court this week. A crowd of our young people went to Poplar's Chapel Monday night, to attend the protracted meeting. Miss Hattie Lou Ward, of Wil , liamston, is visitiug her uncle Dr. J. E. Smithwick this week. , The young people of our town I , greatly enjoyed a lawn party at . the home of Mr. Wallace, i Mrs. Delia Hamilton and Miss I Lad an i a Hardison were in town Tuesday. In Ym Eifigii Engaged people should remem ber, that, after marriage, many quarrels can be avoided, by keep ing their digestion in good condi tion with Electric Bitter*. S. A. Brown, of Bennettsville, S. C„ says: "For years, my wife suf fered intensely from dyspepsia, complicated with a torpid liver, until she lost her strength and vigor, and became a mere wreck ot her former self. Then she tried Electric Bitters, which helped her at once, and finally made her en tirely well. She is now strong and healthy." S. H. Biggs, druggist, sells and guarantees them, at 50c a bottle. Kansas is bragging about having no earthquakes. Carrie Nation has not been iu evidence there lately. Cam it Immili Indigestion nearlv always dis turlw the sleep more or less aud is often the cause of insomnia. Many cases have been permanently cured by Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets. For sale by S. R. B'ggti- Subscribe to Thk Ethkpisk. Attiekid By i Mob and beaten, in a labor riot, until covered with sores, a Chicago street car conductor applied Bucklen's Arnica Salve, and was soon sound and well. "I use it iu my family," writes G. I. Welch, of Tekonaha, Mich., "and find it perfet." Simp ly great for cuts and burns. Only 25c at S. R. Bigg's drug store. Before abusing the New Jersey women who marries a dozen men, it may be as well to remember that it is pretty hard to find a suitable husband among New Jersey men. Gkialirlili'i Cough Riaady Aids Nitiri Medicines that aid nature are al ways most effectual. Chamberlain's Cough Remedy acts on this plan. It allays the cough, relieves the lungs, aids expectoration, opens the secretions, and aids nature in restoring the system to a healthy condition. Sold bv S. R. Biggs.' Mr. Shouts has engaged a press agent. Now the mosquitoes on the isthmus will have to grow a few inches to live up to the adver tisement. livery man owes it to himself and to his family to master a trade or profession. Read the display advertisement of the si* Morse Schools of Telegraphy, in this issue and learn how easily a voung man or lady mav learn telegraphy and be assured a position. Tokio finds the horrors of peace almost unendurable. A Rancdv Without i Pur "I find Chatnl)erlaiu's Stomach and Liver Tablets more beneficial than any other remedy I ever used for stomach trouble,'' says J. P. Klote, of Edina, Mo. Forauydis roder of the stomach, billiousuess or constipation, these Tablets are without a peer. For sale by S. R. Biggs. Perhaps the North will become more reconciled to Southern lyuch ings alter the action of the negro Baptist\ who declared in a State convention held ill Dallas Texas in favor of lynching negro assailants of white women. The most pleasaut and positive cure for indigestion, heartburn and all stomach troubles is Ring's Dys pepsia Tablets. They aid diges tion, tone and strengthen the stomach. "Sold by All Dealers." The Triadic Shaving Parlor OVER J. W. WATTS & CO. Sharp Razors, clean Towels and Good Work Guaranteed. Cleanliness Our MOTTO Thanking one and all for your past patronage, and hoping for a continuance of the same, I remain. Yours to serve, J. H. HYMAN, Prop. ■ • —. —A very large crowd gathered under the tent of the Frank E. Griswold Company to witness "Ten uights in a bar-room." Some of the characters were very good, others were (?), ANY YOUNG LADY who de sires work in her community with which to make some money to help defray her expenses at* College may inquire at this office. For young and old the best pill sold is Dr. Dade's Little Liver Pills. Never gripe, never fail to cleanse the system and tone the liver. "Sold by All Dealers." .i. ■. frnWrrowing Old And you know why, too. It's those gray hairs! Don't you know that Ayer's H«lr Vigor restores color to gray hair? Well, it does. And it never fails, either. It stops falling hair also, and keeps the scalp clean and healthy. Do not grow old too fasti "I ten nM H»tr Tl«or far imut to iowSw I!" 1 It Oregon. XI . „ > nwiHim /lue/s a,—l Wm. Dean Howells says hid "sympathies" are with Korea, if that will help any. PAINTING Any kind of painting done Staining and draining All Wort Guaranteed When in need of a Good Painter call on or addrens, Fred W. Manebe, 9-16-1-mo WilliauiHton, N. C. AN ARRAY OP BARGAINS IN STORE FOR .Jewlery Shoppers. Those contemplating buying jewelry, such as Elgin. Walt ham and other Watches, Diamond, Solid Gold and Silver Rings, Watch Fobs and Chains. Stick Fins Etc., will do well to inspect our stock . . . . . HERBERT D PEELE Tililkoii 31 THE JEWELER Wllllaastii, N. C. Littleton Pemale Gollege SPI..KNDID location. Health resort. boarding pu pils last year High grade of work. High standard of cul ture and social life. Conservatory advantages of Music. Ad vanced courses in Art and Elocution. Hot water heat. Electric lights and other modem improvements Remarkable health reco:d; only one death among pupil.* in 23 years. Close personal attention to the and socwl development of every pupil. High standard of scholarship. All pupils dress alike on all pub lic occasions. CHAK$ka vkkv low. 24th Annual Session will begin Sept. 13, 1905. For catalogue add.ess Rjiv. J. M. RHODES, A. M., j. 14.2 m 1 Prhsidknt, Littleton, N. C. Send us your Job PRINTING WILUAMSTON * GRADED SCHOOL NEXT SESSION BEGINS OCTOBUKR and, 1905 A full aud regular attendant* from the beginuiug is urgently requested. Pupils must present themselves the first day for exami nation and promotion. S. T. Lilks, St'tT. * J'rin. NOTICE. TO THE PUBLIC: We will start up our Cotton Giu at Wil liamston, N. C., Friday Sept. 22nd, 1905. Our ginning days will be on Tuesday and Friday, until cotton comes in more regular. Watch this add and it will keep you posted. Very Respectfully, Williatnston Ginning & Milling Co. I Have a nice young Spanish Jack which I keep in Wil lianiston on second and fourth Saturday* of September atid Octo ber 1905. Will be in Jamesviltc on first and tMui Saturdays in said mouths. Will also be iu Williams tod daring all court week, Septem ber term. Will be glad to furnish his services to any one desiring same- Terms on iusnrauce plan $12.50. Yours to picas* MI£H o » The New York One Price Clothing and Dry Goods I STORE I The only store where you can get the latest styles of 1 up-to-date Wearables for Men Women jind Children £ at Money Saving Prices. It Stand the Reason! f BECAUSE : We are the LRA DKKtf. BECAUSE : We have our own Clothing Factory in New York Cttv md therefore se 1 our Men'* Boy's and CfillMfPu's Clothing direct from Manufacturer to - VV. an r. liwieby saving you the Middlemana Profit v w m BECAUSE; We have Hraiich Stores and are m ublftl 10 buy ail kind* of goods in large quantities and const-(jnenily hi lowest prices. ftrQKSJr* BECAUSE J We have iuciiilmth of our firm living . right in New York City and are supplying ua at short M/ZXmWL notice Willi tbe latent sty lea of gooda BECAUSE: We have One Price tonne and all Jfno fl k-xt option> whatever, all our goods Hie marked tilth plain figures Your child can buy from u* as easy as yourself, Get the Habit! Do Your T fading With HBMTmmmmb . " "Vours Respectfully, Macht Bros. &Rutenberg . ao %Z F voTWILLIAMSTON, N. C ton, W. Vk J Notice. Having qualified A* executor upon the Instate of Silas Andrews, deceased; Notice i* hereby given to all person*, holding claim* agaiua. Mui Estate to present them to inc undersigned for pa* un or licforethe 26th dav o( August 1906 or this notice will lie plead in Imr of theii recovery. All persona indebted to aaid Estate are requested to make immediate payment. This 26th day of August 1905. 8. Peel, 9-l-4t Executor. Administrator's Notice. Having qualified as administrator of Geo. W. Whitaker, deceased, late of Martin counth, N. C., this is to notify all persons having claims against the estate of said deceased to exhibit them to the undersignod on or before the first day of September 1906, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment This *9, Aug., 1905. ARON WHITAKKR, 9 l-6t Administrator. I DIVERSITY CQLLEtE OF MEDICINL n v?ro?nuL 0, Wimf t—HBTItTIT—ACT rlMwa I sl»n|iilii>i I*ll J 0a»j.1.». > , iilnfijjfc l»iitiHi>inM«*S—r—aWi»li i To Cure a Cold in One Day 1 FURNITURE FURNITURE Will be ready for your inspection on or about Friday September 15th. Two solid cvr loads Just from factory. If not the prettiest and slickest selection of up to now furniture ever shown in Martin County we will make you a present of the best suit we have. Gash or on Installment Easy Payment and Attractive Prices ... - Very truly, SIMPSON & BRO. The Secret of Good Coflee Bran the best housekeepers cannot make a good onp of coffee without good msteriaL Dirty, adulterated and queerly blended coffee, jinch u unscrupulous dealers shovel over their counter* won't da But take the pure, clean, natural flavored LION COFFEE, Ike leader d afl pekar Mdees the coffee that (or orer a quarter of a century has been daily welcomed in millions of homes—and .yon will inahs a drink flt for a king in this way i HOW TO MAKE GOOD COFFEE. tsIIOS COrrU,b«caaM to gat baatiaaalla 70a Mat aaatha beat fate. OrMjraar LION COFFKB ratkar Sm I'm "» taMaapoaafal to as* cap, apt «i a* for the pot." Flnt mil It with a llttl* oold mtar, cnmwh to cuka a SMtS aAa. aa4 whlta of an aa (tf act I* to ba oaad aa ■ aattlar), thaa f oUow en* «f the totlowh* nlaa: ae is TWO WAYS TO SI.I ILK COFTSZ. - *** - *• whiu * •» •» H««Si|malW M. MMMIL laataUaf acn. Aftat boSkaf a«a >adh af nil sslSa fatajjStat f ■l—taa, thaa aarr»Tkioath a efcsfrfc. (lioo-haad on ararr asflhass.) (Bsrs ttsss Mow heads far tJssMs pcaaat—.) SOLD BY GROCERS EVERYWHERE WOOLBQK BFIQB CO., TsU4a, OMs. DXNNIS S. BIGGS, C. D. CARSTARPHHN, PRANK F. PAGAN, President. Vice-President. Cashier. - The Farmers and Merchants Bank WILLI AMSTON, IN. C.I Capitol, - $15,000 I We respectfully solicit your accounts^ WE WILL GIVE YOU PROMPT SERVICE Brag

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