1 WITH ALAfIE BACK? tatmr Xntffc Makes Too MtacraMe. Almost ossrjbod* who rssds the nsws pspsrs is sure to knew of the wonderful ■ .1 i .by Dr. r _ Jrj i Kilmer's Swamp-Root, I li and bladder remedy. • ITKSI JB I''»th« great medl , ,»( jv "JB oal triumph of the nlns iyTt flnteenth century; dli- JtfgL 111 covered alter year* of u ■Hf, Willi scientific research by V HI Dr. Kilmer, ths emf (| ML- • nent kidney and blad ' der specialist, and U wonderfully successful in promptly curing lams book, kidney, bladder, uric acid trou bles and Bright'* Disease, which Is the worst form of kidney trouble. Dr. Klkner's Swamp-Root Is not rec ommended for everything but If you have kid ney, liver or bladder trouble It will be found |a*t the remedy you need. I thai been tested In so many ways, in hospital work, in private practice, among the helpleMtoo poor to pur chase relief end has proved so successful In every case that a special arrangement h»s been made by which all reader* of this paper who have not already tried It, may have a sample bottle sent free by mail, also a book telling more about Swamp-Root and how to find out If you have kidney or bladder trouble. When writing mention reading this generous offer In thla paper and f ft"" send your address Dr.KllmerACo.,E>in t -HnpOflfcliS| hamton. N. Y. The regular fifty cent and >«••) aramp-ftoot dollar sixes are sold by all good druggists. Don't make any mistake, but remembu ths nsme, Swamp-Root, Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, and the address, Binghamlon. N. Y„ on every bottle. CRYSTAL Shaving Parlor T. RHODIiS, Prop.; Bank Building,sJ3[Stnithwfck St. New and Up-to-Datu FURNITURE The Best Barbers that can l>e ob taitied. Polite and courteous to all. MOTTO ; ''We lead, others follow.'* KILL™. COUCH AM CURE THS LUNGS "" Dr. King's New Discovery /CONSUMPTION PRIES FOR I OUGHSand 50c t sl.o' M Free Trial. Bur«st and Quickest Cure for all THROAT aud LUNO XHOUiJ LBB, or MONEY BACK. mmmmmmmmmmmmrnmrntmrnmammmu THX "BOSS" COTTON PUSS I WUIT, HMMOT, Htf THS Musstv QIMMIH* MM OtBBKJ MACBINMT CO. Cslsabls, m. O. ———» MOLUS'i L* 3 Hocky Mountain Tea Huflgci A Bony MsHioine for Biny Ft»opls Criuft Ooldeu Health and Renewed Vttfor. \ *r*»oiflc for OoiiHtiiwirion. Inrtlrexdon. f«l wi»«t Kidney Trouble#. PlmpU**. Kevins, Imii i'. Branch. BmpgUih BOWHH, ;ml UaokacHn. If a Rooky Mountain T4a in t form, Bft c*nts A bo*. imute DBPQ COMPAKV, Mutismi, Wta. GOLDEN NUGGETS FOR SALLOW PEOP BEE'S Jit Laxative HONEY">TAIi An Improvement over all Cough, Lung and Bronchial Remedies. Cures Coughs, v Strengthens the Lungs an j Gently Moves the Bowels. Pleasant to ths taste and good alike for Young and Old. NIMHO IV Phnta Msdiciss 65., Chicsgs, 11. S. A. The most wonderful cure for piles is MarZan, put up in eol !..[>- sable tubes with uo?/.lc attached. It reaches the spot, sto|» pain in stantly, cures all kinds ot blind, bleeding, itching or protru ding piles. "Sold by All Dealers." Pineules contain the alternative and dinrtrti. properties found in the native pine. A certain cure for all liver, kidney and bladder diseases. A single dose of Pine ulea will relieve the worst case of hjctadKH. ow.igh., "Sold 1., 4 MS* AHABBTHKTIO. It Lasts Ninety Hlaitn sad Pit daces NIBIMMM Only. "Chlorohydrat* of Dimstbylamlao bansoylpentanol.' Such Is ths sws Inspiring title of the latast snsse thetlc. In order not to unduly alarm bis patients, Dr. Fourneau, Its French discoverer, has renamed It "Storalne." It la InJwUd Into the spinal fluid, and within Are minutes produces complete anaesthesia la ths body be low ths pont Of Injection. The pa tient, howsrsr, does not lose con sclousnsss. Its effects last for aa hour and a half, and ao unpleasant results bare yst been observed, though It has been tried for soms time In more than ona Paris-hospital. English doctors are reluctant to experiment with It "Once you hnrs Injected your 'Stovalne' Into ths spine," ssld a prominent V. R. C. 8. yesterday, "yon hars no mors control over It, but with gaseous anaesthetic It Is iionulble to stop the administra tion befors ths danger |>olnt Is reached. Ah the quantity needed of any anaesthetlo varies wltb the Indl vldusl patient, the Importance of this control may bs easily realised. "In addition, there Is always a danger of eeptlc poisoning in hypo dermic Injections, and In this form of Injection—lnto the spinal fluid— the consequences would bs most dangorous."—London Mall. Building up a flock of Fowls. Begin by killing every rooster on the place Then decide -upon soms breed which will best meet the re quirements snd purchase from a re liable breeder roosters of this breed petting one cock foi every fifteen or twenty hens In the flock. Then buy a setting of eggs of this be ing careful however to see thst these are unrelated to ths roosters purchased Set (liens egg" under a good mother ben and at ths end of a year kill or sail oft all the original rooster*, replacing them wltb those resulting from th« letting of egg*. At the end of ths second year kill or sell ths malea and repeat ths oper ation esch year, never keeping them more than one yeai and never buy ing a rooster related to ths hsns. Do not forget to kill or dispose of the pullets hatched from ths setting of purebred eggs, ss they are of course related to tno rooster* of the tame hatch and their retention would defeat the end sought. A* rapidly a* possible kill or sell off all ths original surub hen* and (hereafter always rilapose of the old er members of the flock. Value of an Kduratloii. The value of a thorough educa tion fitting a young man (or hi* life work la no longer a debatable question The recent report of the United Ktate* Bureau of Education shows that a boy with a common srhool education hat practically one chance id 9,000 of general recogni tion an si successful mau In lorae de partment of human endeavor and usefulness A high school educa tion Increase! his chance* of such success by about twenty-two time*, whlls a college education gives s voting mnn about ten time* the prob ability of success and advancement possessed by the high school grudu *t«, or rbout two hundred times the opportunity open to a boy with only a common school education. —Scien- tific American Nport In the Alps. Bwltierland la far from being the sportsman's paradise that It once was, but the best of what Is left can undoubtedly be procured In the Grl ■ons. There were Issued In the can ton last year 2,2 88 shooting licenses, and among the gnme bagged were 1,178 chamois, 172 buck, it stags, 1.837 moorfowl, 110 vultures, 5.501 hares and 4,634 rabbit*. Hlmlguu For l#ft Kjred Persons. A shotgun recently manufactured by a Connecticut Arm was a special order for a man who use* bla left eye to aim with, the right being alghtles* The atock and lower frame of the gun ware twlited ao that h* may shoot without discomfort. The gun Is the third made for this man In the la*t twenty-Ore years.—Ex change. At the Hub. A New Yorker was vliltlng In Boston. Seeing a parrot In a cage, ho asked: "Doe* Polly want a cracker?" "1 require no sustenance from yon whatever," replied the Back Bay bird, with hauteur.—Yonker* States man. Keep Cheese Covered. Always keep cheese well covered In a cheese dish, or It will become dry and taateleaa. If the cheese Is wrapped In a cloth moistened with vinegar It will , keep beautifully moist and lta flavor longer. Cleaning White Knantel. Wash It occasionally with warm water aud white castlle soap, dry It and apply a little whiting with a flannel cloth, slightly damped. When dy, wipe off the whiting and ;>oilsb w'th a soft cloth or ehamola. Threw Him Over. Gertrude— -What are you giving Hortense for m wedding presentT Babette-—Why, —l'm giving her the groom.—Detroit Pre* Press. Mother. Photographs of Mother never have been Idle when they were ta look natural, because she Meats to ken.—Atchison Qlobe. Pinesalve contains the antiseptic projK-rUcs of the native pine, ami is a sure cu'c sunburn tan, tetter, eczema and all other skin diseases. Heals a sore, cut or burn without a scar. "Sold by All Dealers." One dose of Pinettles taken at bedtime will entirely relieve the most obstinate case of l>ackache be fore morning. Pineules is a cei - tain cure for all kidney and blad der troubles. "Sold by All Deal cm." J ..\fV --v ,> pmopui or the PHUJimim. Their M*p**Rlun to live Bear the Cfcaat Ltee. Ia the Philippine* the denalty of population la sixty-aeran to the rquart mil*. Ia the United State* It to tweatr-ata to the square mile. The Inhabitant* of the Philippine* are aaually found oa or n«ar the coast except In the Island of Luion, where about half the people llv* In the two rich 'valley* la the Interior. Only ose-Mventh of the civilised popula tion live Inland, but th* wild people are confined a!moat entirely to the Interior. 11l tbe archipelago there are 11.- 400 barrio*, or »11 ages, with th* average population of (00 Inhabi tant*. rhe average *lse of the bar rio vary widely In different prov ince*. A number of adjacent bar rioe form a pueblo, or municipal unit, and tbua there la practically no rura' population. Three-flftha or the population live In village* of leae than 1,000 Inhabitant* and 4 per cent, la towna of over (.000. There are four town* with a popu lation exceeding 10,000 each and thirty-five with /a population ex ceeding 6,000. Manila ls tbe only Incorporated city In tb* Island* and Ita Inhabitants number tlS.ftlt- The Submarine Telephone. Oreat things are expected from ! the submarine telephone by officers jof th* United State* navy. The prln clples underlying it are very differ ent from thoee of wlreleaa teleg raphy. In the latter the telegraphic Impulses are transmitted through the air or ether by electricity. In the submarine telephone aound waves travel through water unaided by any 1 electrical force. Water, being deaaer than air, acta aa a better sound con ductor. It transmit* sound four and | a half tlmea as faat as air, 1,100 feet a aecond being the rata In tbe atmos phere, while In the water It I* 4,711 feet, or almost a mile a second. Sweet Skim Milk for Calvee Th* experience In the u*« of sweet ■klm milk from the oream aeparator. for feeding calve* and pig*, I* uni formly favorable. A farmer write* that h* haa been ualng It freah from the aeparator for over three yeara both In feeding o*lv*s and plga and haa found It most excellent. Por calve* h* mixes a little meal and middling* with th* milk, and for pigs Increases tbe meal somewhat, aud saya that both grow rapidly on such feeding. He warna against feeding milk that ha* aoured In the leaat and hlrnaelf feed* It aweet from the sepa rator. •a 5,000,000 a Year for Gambling- In a little volume of essays en titled "Betting and Oambllng," re cently published, some striking facts are given showing the rapid spread [ of gambling among all classes of the community. For Instance, In Ore and a half years eighty cases of suicide, St embeislements and I*l | bankruptcies appeared on the rec ! ords of the courts aa directly due to professional betting, while Sir Rob ert Olften'estimates that MR,000,- 000 goes Into the pockets «f th« bookmakers every year.—New York World. •f A New Strawberry I lon. John Koopinan, a strawberry j grower of two miles west of Car j thage, hsi received 10,000 paraffined i pasteboard strawberry boxes, which be will use for his crop this year ln | stead of the usual wooden boxes. It Is claimed they are cheaper, tougher and will not absorb the stain froiu ! bruised berries. They thus took neater than the ordinary boxes and are Juat as sightly wheu usod the second time as when flrst usod.— Kansas -City Journal. Just Plain Jours. "Digging for gold, are youT" said the stranger, "That's what I am." "Any hopes of finding anyT" "Kf tbey wusn't d'ye think I'd be fool enough to keep dlggln'T" "You're smart, ain't yout" "No; I'm Jonea—plain Jones!"— Atlanta Constitution. Prudouc^ Dick Tate- Miss Short—lsabel— you hare been in my office tor two yaars now, and I have learned to love you better every day. Will yon be my wireT laabel Short—Oh! Mr. Tate, Is It fair to aak me to give up a steady poaitlon for an uncertainty T Brooklyn Ufa. Unpardonable. Mrs. Flip: "That new nslghbor Is a fearfully slipshod housekeeper." Mr. Flip: "How do you knowt" Mrs. Flip: "Why every single time 1 send over there to borrow something she'a always out of It!" —Detroit Free Press. Substitute for Cream. When unable to procure freah oream to serve with fruit, beat the >olks of two new laid eggs and strain them Into a pint of new mltk, with two amall lumpa of sugar. Put It on the stove and stir one way until it oecomes aa thick as cream Remove It instantly and cease Stir ling or It will turn to a custard. Borne Strange Wills. Thers Is a story of an American murderer who left |ISO by his will to Ms executioner. This tale' la now matched by one from Paris. A wine merchant of that city faoe to face with financial ruin planned suicide, but flrst set aside a dosen bottles of win* for the undertaker. 6ot Oft UHI| He may well think, lie has got off cheap, who, after having con tracted constipation or indigestion, is still able to perfectedly restore his health. Nothing will do this but Dr. King's New Life Pills. A quick, pleasant, and certain cure for headache constipation, etc. 25c at S. R. Bigg's drag store; guaran teed. Couldn't Otherwi**. Photographer—Kow, look fAwssnt, Hen peck—Pat mj wtf* la Ike mat ran and I will t No Race Suicide. jjff y\ •> ml > Pint Hen—Ton My he received a con gratulatory letter from tbe President 1 Hecond Hen—Ye*; yon see be « »h father of over 900 chicken*. Want of Confidence. little Girl (to Cerate, who I* waitin| for hi* h —lVn't touch anytliinf while I'm SUM, will yon, Mr. Jonu**-- Pnnrh. Nearly e iturd. Jack—l believe that Cbolly ia halt wit»cd Mamie—He's more than that —Pitto borg Dispatch. A Horrible Example. Mr*. Heupeck—Our son baa got tea mairied *ecretly. Mr. Hcnpeck—l thought I waa a hor rible enough example to deter him from such a fooliah step. A Difference. H>ax—l thonght that coat waa a four button cutaway. J«i—St* it waa, but one of the but ton* curae off. True as Preaching. "The sleep one geu before IS o'clock at iiirht d»>e* one the moat good," re nin' V* : the preacher. "1 guess yon're right Pareon," ob served the young man ; " I know pop saya the al«p he geu in church always mm mnndirt " I TOWARDS BRIGHT'S DISEASE Many people who are neglecting symptoms of kidney trouble, hoping "it will wear away/' an drifting towards Bright's Disease, which is kidney trouble in one of its worst forms. FOLEYSKIDNIYCURE stops irregularities, strengthens the urinary organs and builds up the worn-out tissues ■ ® of the kidneys so they will perform their functions properly. Healthy kidneys strain out I I ' the from the blood as it passes through them. Diseased kidneys do not, and H ■ the poisonous waste matter is carried by the circulation to every part of the body, fl I 1 / k iV causing dizziness, backache, stomach trouble, sluggish liver, irregular heart action, etc I I VVI If you have any signs of Kidney or Bladder Trouble commence taking FOLEY'S I I I KIDN EY CURE at once, as it will cure a slight disorder in a few days and prevent a I ■ faUl malady " 14 i# P' e * sant to take and benefits the whole system. H °w to rind Out. 8. B. Burluwa ToatMla* After Fear Tsars. I ■ «■ kidney* in C. B B.rhan. of Crli.le CtnUf, N. Y., writ*.: I ?°*® f bf wtttaf mU* for H hour. » .. Abwltte „ r ymn^ , ww . i M ■ I ■» bottle Of the aria* puicd Bpon arising;. If «nl Of *mm M«noy tmbk by taking Im Uu lw tattlM of I I s upon examination it i. cloudy or milky or k*. PoWy'o li M y Can. it Ktmiy ua,H AthkMniHteiMul I I I • brick-dust sediment or .malt particle. float P* 4 " •nil lyiaptosM or Ufa* jr Hmui Jln»»»nt lui ( U4to My tfcal I ■ | «boot in it, yoor kidney. >rt di. eased, and I ha*, now »»« a wwn mi «n» of thy jy»p»— th. few ■ Two Sim, BO Oooto awl SI.BO. SOU US RECOMMENDED IT -«BfIBHHSBHiV S. R. Williamston, IN. G. •TORIES ABOUT EAGLE*. Th* Eagle to Not Afraid to Tackle t Anything, No Mattar How Big- Some rear* ago Mr Charles Mor daunt wltaaseed la Scotland a strange battle b*twe*u aa eaglo and a stag, which completely dispel* lay theory that the ornithologist may put for ward aa to eagle* not attacking largo anlmala, aaya the Chicago Journal. The bird alngled out from a herd one particular buck, which It *ucceeded la drivl*g from the raat. It • truck the animal repeatedly with Ita powerful wing*, knocked ft down and finally killed It Baron Schreodor wltneaaed a at 111 ■ore remarkable epeetacle. An eagle' attacked a fawn which waa one of a herd In the highland*. The crlee of the i little one were anawered by Ita dam. I which aprang upon the aagle and ■truck It repeatedly with Ita fore- : feet Fawn, deer And oagle rolled headlong down • declivity, and the bird waa dislodged from Ita bold and the fawn reamed. But Sir Kenneth Mckenale knowa a more thrilling atory than either of there, for, according to report an eagle waa rent la twain during a battle in hia foreat of Gairloch. Fixing Ita talons In the quarter* of a roe. the bird waa daahed agalnat a tree, to a branch of which It endeavored to hold to atay the flight of Ita captive. The bird waa halved la an Inatant. Many traditlona are extant aa to eaglea having carried off and devour ed children. In the north of Biigland the legend la perpetuated by the name of many an Inn, the algn "The Eagle and the Child" being common. Th* moat recent caae bearing clone acutlny appear* to be one which occurred In South Africa. A Boer farmer, living on the veldt Jnat beyond Bnrberton, whom stock had been harried by eaglea, lay In ambush for the aerial robber*, and aaw one of them de scend and carry off the 5 year old child of one of hia Kaffir servant*, lie shot the bird, which, with tlie child atlll clutched In Ita grip, fell Into a thorn bu*h. The bird waa dead when picked up, but the babe waa lit-■ tie hurt. The eagle meaaured nine I feet from tip to tip of Ita wlnga. Other I stories are told to a similar end, but appear leaa credible than this one. Two eagles will stalk a covert In concert. While one conceal* hlmxelf the other beats about the bushes with a great acreamlng, driving out Ita quarry for the hidden eagle to'swoop down and make aa end of It. An even more Insldlou* method haa been ob served when an eagle, detecting a • sheep on the edge of a precipice, acreamlng ahilllngly, and with force ful beat of wing hurled It Into the valley below, where It could devour It at Ita leisure. There la good reaaon for believing, after pit, the ancient legend as to the manner 1a which Eachylua, the Greek poet, met hia death. It la said that an pagle dropped a turtle on his bald head. Algerian travelers are fami liar with the alght of eagle* carrying turtles and tortoises to a height and dropping the in upon rocks to break the creatures' sheila and render the fleah acceaallde. i 1 ■ , Pajamaa for "Jacklas." "I see that some wag of the Navy Department liaa played a joke on the nt'WKpnper men at that department." remarked a naval officer the other day, referring to the report that pajamaa are to be substituted for nightshirt* In the regulation uniform outfit of the American "Jacky." "The fact of the matter," aall he. "la that aailora don't wear nightshirt*, never have and no such article la known.to their kit. The only baals for the report was that a manufacturer of a cheap suit of pa Ja- j mas recently sent a lot of samples to the Navy Depar.ment In the hope that their neatness and beauty would ao appeal to the official! that the arti cle might tie adopted as an article Of naval uniform for which the manu fadurers In question would get the contract. It 1* now entirely optional with a sailor, just as It Is with an oM cer, what ha wears when In bed, oi whether he wears anything hut a blanket covering, hut as I said before, the sight of a sailor In a nightshirt aboard ship would lie so strange and uncanny that It might provoke mutiny. And to think of It Pajamas (or Jack , tars. Why, It would lie more danger ous than It #a* to wear a plug hat In the mining town* during the halcyon daya of the gold Argonaut* While 1 they are about It. why don't they aay that the sallora will be required to wear silver wrlat ttaga when they go ashore, like Harry I-ehr, at Newport? : Well, It makes me tired. That's all." ' 1 Now is. tbe time to subscribe for t Thk Kntkki'RlSK. THE ENTERP ..JOB DEPARTMENT.. All Kinds of Job Printing Done The Latest ideas The Best Workmen The Best Equipped Plant In Eastern North Carolina Enables us to Turn Out the Best Work for the ...LEAST MONEY . . . We Make a Speciaty of Commercial Printing M* ■ "■ §£ * " ~ No Order too Sntall No Order too Large ssr No Jab too Small No Job too Large L , Letter Heads, Packet Heads, Bill Heads, Statements, Envelopes, Circulars, Cata logue and Book Work. We are now preparing- for Tobacco Warehouse work, send for prices and samples. . Tbc Enterprise Printing Company, Inc., PUBLISERS - PRINTERS - BINDERS Williamston, - North Carolina Denni* 8. Bigx*. Pre». ft Trent T. W. Tilnhtnan Gen. Mjfr. AuT. Crawford, Set DENNIS SIMMONS LUMBER CO . , Manufacturers of . Kiln Dried 'North Carolina Pine Lumber, j* • • • • OKNNI* SIMMON*'BRAND .OYPRKa* *HINOLa L— - ORDERS AND CORRESPONDENCE SOLICITED WILLIAMSTON. N. C. RKPORT OK rllK CONDITION OF 1% * /» ■ n a n a Alfred Petford J. C. Robertson, Banker V, ' . « ROBHRSONV„.,.K. N. C.. Cementing! at the clone of hiuthira* Aug asth, 1905. kmovhckk Plastering! Loans and Discount* 9j3n.M4.73 Oventrafta M7H67 »r"rrj , . K ! , T' , • • v ' v " ft Brick-Masonr Other Real F.atate Owned 1,7*3 04 Due from Hanks and liaukera ',913 6H Checks aud other Cash Item* 9.634 p. TOT al, 14M«s» When in need of this class of uamutik* work I will be glftd tohcarfiom Capital Stock E 5,000 oa undividni pr>fi«« 44*.*> vou. Call on or address me at Bills payable 14,000.00 HohjM t„ chrck 6-a-6m Williamston, N. C. Cashier a Check# OulsiamlinK 79 fa TOTAI. I 41,413 )s _ _ _| State of North Carolina 888 WNO I HM County of Martiu | Qf_ £ I, J.C. Hobertaon, Ca.hl.r of the aho*e.uan.«d Comnounti Cm*" bank, do Mlrmnly ..cur that thr above atale . , . , W/ttoT~ nient is true to the beat of my knowlHgt and yUICll» Rclilblc RcglllfttOf b»!(«f. J. C. KnIiKKTSON, Caahirr. ftg! ,1 | Ti O L^^ r | Sworn and aubacribed to hrforr mr thla sin 1■ ti^M' 'li iV? *Vftitufl davof Sept.ioov si. ttoSM Notary Pablic Sr. LaFraaM, rkllaMfkia, ra.

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