Women as Well as Men Are Made Miserable by Kidney Trouble. Kidney trouble preyi upon the mind. dto- MKipi M lessens amo tion; beauty, vijor disappear when the ktd lllffiv'" nejrs are out °' order TBMHIff — Kidney trouble has become so prevalent ► V that It I- not uncommon XfVvifca A I for » child to be born amictod with weak kld- neys. If the child urtn ates too often, If the tulne ecakto the fleah or H, when the child raadMa an afe when It should be able to ooatrol the pasaage. it Is yet afflicted with bad watting, depend upon It. the cause of the difficulty Is kidney trouble, and the first Map should be towards the treatment of these Important organs.' This unpleasant trouble la due to a diseased condition of the kidaeya and bladder and not to a habit as moat people suppose. Women aa well as men are made mis arable with kidney and bladder trouble, and both need the aame great remedy. The mild and the Immediate effect of SwMap-Root is soon realized. It la sold by dru(flats, In fifty * eant and one dollar Uses.' You may have aample bottle by mall Ja ' free, also pamphlet tell- hm» at i>wHm Inf all about It, Including many of the thouaanda of testimonial letters received from sufferers cured. In writing Dr. Kilmer ll Co.. Blnfhamton. N. Y., be sure and mention this D*Dcr. x * Don't make any mistake, but remember the name, Swamp-Root. Dr. Kllmer'a 9wamp-Root, and the address, Blnfhamton, N. Y„ on every bottle. CRYSTAL Shaving Parlor W. T. RHODKS, Prop, Bank Building, Suiithwlck St. i; New and Up-to-Date F U K N I T IT It IS f The Best Barbers that can be ob tained. * Polite and courteous to all MOTTO': Kit '"We lead, others follow." \ KILL™* COuOh |AND CUR£ TH« LuNOtt j"™ Dr. King's S Gisf.o»sr/ | r»ON«I'WPTtON Price I HIM I OUbHS and oi)c i. \! do Vfc'C'-tS F is Trial, M (iUivkc-,. ( U.Li I a..' F THROAT ->nd T ,vn T?nr¥ | LBS, or MONKY MACK. TBI "•OSS" COTTON RBil ■■run, wmaw, mi TMB MURHAT tIMNIM MM Mm. Mm, C it Ba. >U NACniNIIT CO. -lumklt. «. O. HOLLI9YERB Hwl;y ltoai.ia!.t.TiC fogyotv K Bafj MaJltrttV *or Busy People PHnr* Golden Health and Renewed Vigor. A f.»i ConHtjpauon, - • Ki'tnev Trot this*. rlrplss, Korem-i, Impur I Hsi Utmmi.. Sluffirish Bowel*, Hnadat-h u.J iJnokarflr*. Mountain T*»a In tm\> fc-t form, J* r#at» u b«»*. (h'liuuiH mad* l»j I! »li iBTKR Dura OpHFAttT, Matlli»»»n, wis. GOLDEN NUGGETS FOR SAUOW.PEOPIF I I I fault, lie. ■ erory bottia. I **■ I "cTTalli^^^H [MIQiV|U^ Sold by S. R. Biggs. Backache is never known to those persons who take an occas sional dose of Pinetiles. The val ue of the resin from the Pine tret has long been recognized in the treatment of diseases of the blad der and kidneys. One dose of Pineules will give relief, and oqe bottle will cure. Sold by S. R. I TESSA'S THANKSGIVING. (Continued from first page.) . ■ i The ilrl'i face flushed as she b«A ded him m gay aaaent. And DlnoT How frlcbtened ha was when he found Tessa and the baby gone. Though half famlahed, ha had no heart to eat the food he had bought with his scanty wagaa. He rushed Into the street and through all the alleys and stairways and stores. Hut no Tesaa could be found. Finally, worn out and sick at heart, Dlno went back to the cold, dismal little room, threw himself on the bed, and cried bkterly until ha fell aaleep. The door opening wakened him. In an Instant Tessa's arms were about his neck, and she was pouring Into his bewildered eara the whole story. Wheu she stopped a moment for breath. Dr. Wlnthrop gently ex plained It all, and giving money to buy coal, promised that to-morrow be would uome'atfaln') Was there ever such a Thanksgiv ing Day as Tessa bad —or r,uch a din ner as that they ate with Dr. Wln throp and Miss Maxwell in the clean, new rooms made ready for them? How Dmo'a heart nearly burst with Joy when the doctor told him that. If he wished, he should be a gardener at the great Wlnthrop country place trp the river. And Tesaa and the baby ahould be with him, for there was a little cottage covered with roees where Teaaa could dream that she was back In Italy. "If lie wished!" Why, so the blessed Madonna guve him the dream of hla life. But why, after her first cry of Joy, did Tessa's eyes fill with tears. "Like you It not, Tessu, mlaT" naked Dlno anxiously. "It la all beautiful," she whis pered, "only—l would wish to near my dear lady.' ' Then the doctor laughed and Miss Clarice blushed like a sweet rose us he told them that last night she hud promised to live In the great house by the river; only she would not be Miss Clarice any longer, but the doc tor's wife. Dino'a face shone with Joy. "It is as the saints would have It," he cried. But Tessa's cup of delight was too full for words. She could only snatch up baby Tito and smother htm with klses. For was it not he that had brought her all the Joy of this wonderful Thanksgiving.— Ethel Spelr. Thanksgiving Party Game. A pretty game for very little guests Is the "Mulberry Tree." It Is a game of action, picturesque and having an accompanying rhyme for repetition. They can learn the verses in a few trials, for they ure not so long as most kindergarten songs. two children from the com pany and let them divide the others into two groups, each leader alter nately choosing a child, pne of the leaders represents the "mulberry tree" and the other "the hill." The tree stands near one end of the room and the hill quite at the other. The tree's children are all mulberries, and they stand about her In a circle, each with one hand touching the shoulder, l;hest or back, and the child ahead. The remaining band of children are "birds," and they stand in a"corner of the room at the end whore the trees and berries are. First the berries chant:-—• Oh, mulberry tree, so green, so green, May we taste of your berries sweet? i ' And the tree "Nay; I can't Spare one till summer Is done, 4 And they drop to the ground at my " feet." Whereupon the birds cry, warnlngly: "Then fall, pretty berries,.,for eat you we will. Here come birds—-wide open euch hill." . N And they rush forward, while the berries, releasing their hold from the tree, run toward the hill In the ef fort to touch her hand and get back to the tree before the birds catch them. As the chase begins all or only the tree and hill unite in crying:— "Away, little berries, over the hill And back to the mulberry tree." When all the "berries" have been caught they become "birds." Ab the catching progresses the prisoners .stand apart and wait for all of their side to be captured. In At The Finish. t 1 ________ Mr. Short—ls there any of that turkey left? Mrs Short—Nothing but the bill. No Tabloid Birds. "There are only three of us Is the I family," said the customer, "and a Ave-pound turkey for Thankagivlng would .be all we could poM}bly r,inaa ! a *®r "You'll have to take mi real tur key." lttlskly replied the dealer. "We dou't keep 'em In tabloid form."— Chicago Tribune. ILIII "I Tkiik Tki lirl" cried Hannah Plant, of Little Rock | Ark , "for the relief I got from | Bucklen's Arnica Salve. It curud triy fearful running sores, which nothing else would heal, and from which i had suffered for five years It is a marvelous healer for cuts, burns and wounds. Guaranteed by S R. Biggs druggist; 25c. WORLD'S OLDEST INDUSTRY. Manufacture e* Qun Flint*—Still Uaad In AfHae end Aela. Probably the oldest established buel-' naaa la the world la at Brandon, In Suf folk. where the maaufacture of *un flint* baa been oerrlad on aa the *uc ceeeor u> th* prehlatorlc manufacture of arrow heads from the same mate rial. It la aatlmated that for mora thee ten thousand yean flint working has been carrlad oa at that apot, the only chance made aince those early daya be ing la the Introduction of metal too lit for working the fllnta la place of the ■tone and horn of the average. Oun fllnta are atlll In nee In various parta of Aala and Africa, where the poaaeaalon of percuaalon oartrldgea la forbidden to the native*. The average weekly production la (till 1(0,000. though In the day* when the flint lock waa the universal arm aUlllona were turned out weekly, aince Brandon le noted aa producing the beet fllnta made. Oun fllnta are not the only product, however, for la Latin Bturope the "atrlke-a-llght" la atlll given th* pref erence over matche*, and of theae about twenty thouaand a week are manufac tured for the Italian and Bpaniah trade. During the Boer war 14,000 fllnta were laaued to (he Brltlah troop* and were found valuable In emergencies where the ordinary match would not have aerved. The strata of flint are in live layer* on Liugbeath Common, a mile aouth •aat of the village. Bach miner worka by hlmaelf, employing the aame meth od! aa were followed by the earlier workmen, the ground being uncovered In layer* or "atepa," that the dirt may be carried away without the uae of windla** and bucketa. The product la sold to the chippera, who work at th*lr home* In the village. In apite of the fact that each blow of the hammer la from a different angle and la atruck with various force, the workman Inatlnctlveiy guidea the cbiael nnd the flake* fall into the baskets In an almoat continuoua stream. They are shaped with a chlael-llke hammer on a block of Iron and are then packed Into barreia containing from 6,000 to 20,000 each. Child Marrlagea In India. More than 250,000 girl* In India, 5 years of age or lee*, were already mar ried when th* la*t cenaua waa tak*n, and of theae neceaaarlly many have become wldowa. Between 6 and 10 yeara the number of married glrla wa* well over 2,000,000, between 10 and 16 years It had rlaeu to nearly 7,000,000. Of course, to the glrla in the Drat two categories marriage meant nothing mor* than a contract entered into for them by others, long before tbey them aelvea were capable of undemanding It; many of them had been bound by engagements when they were still chil dren In arms; some bad even been be trothed before they were born. Moat of the widows of auch tender yeara become so before they know what widowhood means. It Is only aa they grow out of Infancy that they learn the aad life to which they are condemned, a life of misery which la inconceivable to people of western countries, yet la enforced by Hindoo cuatoma. It la a life of bardeblp. of unmerited ehame, of Irkaoine penances and of wearleome at tendance at religious functions. Though the English law In India would recognize the legality of a re marriage of these youthful widows, lu exorable custom forbids it and Its oc currente is rare. There were In India lu 1901 nearly 42H.000 widows under 15 years of age, of which nearly 20,000 were iesß than 5 years old. Measuring Eye Jumps. We know that an eye, at ordinary reading distance, takes In about one Inch of a line at a time, and that In reading a line or an s ordinary book the eye makes Ave or six (more or less, according to the length of the llus) dis tinct Jumps. But how many know what direction tie eye taker In making th*ae Jump*? And, as the movements era so very minute and rapid, bow har* tbey been studied? A very Ingenious means has been employed, aa follows; A beam of light la thrown upon th* cornea of the eye under examination, and this beam la reflected by tha cor nea on to a photographic plate. As the ey* move* In reading the reflected beam al*o move*, and upon developing the plat*, which la also kept moving, a alg sag line I* found. A study of such photographic tracing* sbowa that the eyea in turning back to pick up the next line have some difficulty lu so do ing. The longer the Una of print the great er the effort, and for this reason we may conclude that a narrow line la bet ter for an eye than a long one, and It the line be mflch wider than the ordi nary newspaper column there is great er effort involved.—Jewelers' Circular Weekly. What* Meat Instead of l*ef. Newfoundland ia developing a new induatry. In the form of selling whale meat In place of beef. One of the deal ers aaya that the new meat taste* more like venlaon than beef, and plana are already oelng made to ship some to Bugland. where It 1* expected that it will sell for at laaat IX cents a pound. Longest Submarine Tunnel. The longeet submarine tunnel In the world run* beneath the River Severn. Th* total length of It 1* four mile* aix hundred and twenty-four yards, and of Mile two and a quarter miles lie from forty-flve feet to one hunred feet below the estuary of th* river already named A Shark's Human Pr*y. On cutting open a shark. 16 f?et long, caught in the Bay of Naple*. some fish ermen the oth*r day found Inside the monster's stomach the body or a boy of I years who had been missing from his home for some days.—London Chronicle It is difficult to cure a cold or free yourself from the discomforts of a cold unless vou move the how els. Bee's Laxative Houey and Tar acts on the bowels and drives all cold out of the system For Croup, Wlioopinff-CoURh, Colds, nnd nil Lung and Bronchial affec tions, no remedy is equifl to the or iginal Laxative Honey and Tar. A Liquid Cold Cure. Sold by S. R»i Biggs RHEUMACIDE has cured thousands of cum of Rheumatism sftsr all thy doctors and all other mttfts had failed. Rheumacide cured John F. Eline and others, of Baltimore, after the famous specialists* Johns Hopkins Hospital, the greatest hospital In the world/had failed. Rheumaolde cured Austin Percelle, of Salem. Vs., and D. H. Olmsteed. the Norfolk. Va.. contractor, after they had apent larte sums on other remedies and the doctors had given up hope. Rheumacide cured Mrs. Mary Welborn, of High Point N. C, Ainoat. Miracia in TMa Case of rheumatism she had endured for to years. Rheumadde cured W. R. AIM • iwrad* ta tMf c«m. Hu«hes, of AtKins. Va.. after the most famous New York specialists> failed. BaMM.t CMC.I 9 c There is a reason why it cures: Rheumacide Is the latest discovery of modi. 'is • cal science, and while powerful enough to sweep all germs and poisons out S?*worVror,',ni*g of the blood, it operates by purely natural methods, does not injure the won* until m» ar«u and w«ra badiy most delicate stomach, and builds up the entire system. immm cures man* tlms over. Wa* treated by als different M MMM MMM MM phytic jans in McCo I. Dillon and Marion but MM JwMM^jMMjMM MM M M T M J tnt&rsmiX came to laa mo He tola W UfM W JJJJl??''"** awi«ir:aKis!r,aT f ,—i n 11 > i ■. * »'ia b«f° r « the first was u*ri up I beta a RlMMatliOMi cured. "fliat wan jpara aro am) mjr no »rmj»Joine of rheumatlim. SWEEPS ALL POISONS OUT OF THE BLOOD. JSTSS* if t r « in? imJ A r A purely v*(stabl* remedy that g*aa ri«ht to the eeet of the dieeeee end KMeeyTreeMe. iVMmomJe&n i*"** by ramovlne the eeuee. Your dru«l*t eelle end reoommende RhevmaaMa. Laorteea. bctan to take il l could walk a* mod ea any- Sample bottle and booklet free If you oend fl*e ooate for podKi to All ■!»»* TO? W* 119 Wu, j\mwiVKKX BOBBIH CHEMICAL COMPANY. ProorMora. Balttaoro. w— » Sold by S. R. B I DRAGGING I I down pains are a symptom of the most serious trouble which can I ■ attack a woman, viz; falling of th« womb. With this, generally, I I coma Irregular, painful, scanty or profuse periods, wasteful, weaken- H I Ing drains, dreadful backache, headache, nervousness, dizziness, Ini- I I lability, tired feeling. Inability to walk, loss oI appetite, color and I I beauty. The cure la 7 CARDUI I Woman's Relief I I that marvelous, curative extract, or natural essence, of herbs, which I I exerts such a wonderful strengthening influence on all female organs. I I Cardul relieves pain, regulates the mensem, stops drains and stlni- I I ulates the muscles to pull the womb up Into place. It is a safe and permanent cure for all female complaints. WRITE US A LETTER "I SUITER ID AWFUL PAIN lln strictest confidence, telling us all In my womb and ovules," v-rites Mrs. H I your troubles. We will send ftee «d- Naomi bake, i>t Webster Gi>>ves,Mo,, I I vie* (In plain sealed envelope). Ad- "and inv mens 's were very p.ntiful I I dress: Ladies' Advisory Dept., The and Irregular. Since takim: CarJui I H Chattanooga Medicine Co., ChatU- feel like a new woman, a;ki do not I I nooga, Tenn. sutler as I did." ■OF £ _ .j. IB «* 5L Dennli S. RilffiH, Fm &lre»s T. W. Tilghumn t ,eu. Mgr Am T.Crawford, Se» DENNIS SIMMONS LUMBER CO . ~ . . Manufacturers oi . Kiln Dried North Carolina Pine Lumber, > j* > J* • « m * OINNIS IIMMONI' BMAND CVPPEBS SHINQIf ORDERS AND CORRESPONDENCE SOLICITED WILUAMSTON. N. C. DRINQ L axa 'i ve Fruit Syrup WHm ■ ■ v uP Pleasant to take and does not gripe or nauaeato Cures Chronic Constipation* Stomach and Liver Trouble Stimulation Without Irritation. ORIHO Laxative Fruit Syrup is a new laxative syrup combined with the deli cious flavor of fruits, and ia very pleas ant to take. It will not gripe or sicken. It is much more pleasant and effective than Pills, Tablets and Saline Waters, as it does not derange the Stomach, or irritate the Kidneys, Liver or Bowels. Constipation. OHIHO Laxative Fruit Syrup will posi tively cure chronio constipation as it re atorea the natural action of the intestinal tract. Ordinary cathartics may give tem porary relief but the stomach is upset and the bowelaare irritated without any permanent benefit having been derived. ft II D Pll AD AIITCC Tahe ORINO Laxative Fruit Syrup and If you (JUH lIUAIfAH 11l EL are not satisfied your money will be refunded. Prepared only by POUY aOO n OWoai, IS. - . -p"' . SOLD AND RECOMMENDED BY - S. R. Biftfte. Williamston, IS. C. THE ENTERPRISE ..JOB DEPARTMENT.. All Kinds of Job Printing Done The Latest Ideas The Best Workmen jlr Bliy The Best Equipped Plant In Ei*tern North arolina Enables us to Turn Out the Best Work for the . . . LEAST MONEY . . . wtt-^-euw We Make a Speciaty of Commercial Printing No Order too Small No Order too Large No Job too Small No Job too Large . - ' * '• ~*- : m . - _~4. —— Letter Heads, Packet Heads, 'Bill Heads, Statements, ' f? N Envelopes, Circulars, Cata logue and Book Work. We are now preparing for Tobacco Warehouse work, send for prices and samples. The Enterprise Printing Company, Inc., . PUBLISERS - PRINTERS..- BINDERS Williamston, - North Carolina >■ The condition of the patient remains un changed. The Stomach, Liver and Bowels have not been stimulated and in a few daya a stronger purgative may have to be taken. This is why Pills and Aperient Waters never give permanent relief. Their violent action results in an unnat ural movement of the bowels and it is nec essary to keep taking them indefinitely. „ Why ORINO Is different. ORIHO Laxative Fm it syrup is the only preparation that really acts upon all 1 of the digestive organs. Other prepar ations act upon the lower bowel only and , do not touch the Liver. It can very read ' ily be seen that a preparation that doe« , not act upon all of the digestive organs ■ can not cure Chronic Constipation, Torpid i Liver, Indigestion, Soar Stomach, etc. For Biliousness and Sick Headache. Take Oun Laxative Fruit Syrup. It ■ sweetens the stomach, aids digestion and - acts as a gentle stimulanton the liver and . bowels without irritating these organs. Clears the Complexion. r Oano Laxative Fruit Syrup stimulate* 1 the liver and thoroughly cleanses the - system and clears the complexion of 1 pimples and blotches. It is the best lax . ative for women and ehildrea as it la i mild and pleasant, and does not gripe or 9 sicken. R.efuse substitutes.

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