THE ENTERPRISE. BT (B > 00. ■MMlMtttMOlictu WUlituMtoi *V m. C. M law Mail Mauct. ■ ' Fudai DscKUbki. i. .vi-o. Dr. Harrells Deam. I In Mother column we print a ■hart sketch of lJr Haireli, and oo body more than the wiitct appre rktw its failure to preseut the man as. be was. No man ever lived ic community who tvu v.. generally loved. The ooiuuiui;. has already realized its 1 extent, but there are wnit • it aeema the lO6S of bv.tKli. . others an endurance of man is perfect but few m r more for his kind than relieve j and restore to healtli bis t. nate brother. Dr. H.i • done as much of this as for the same time. He i i own way about things . one of his ways to m >. charge for his service* t> . and their families. He pay of those who were the less fortunate his free. He felt the kindm man kind and feeling it call to its assistance He % and considerate, he know garded the rights of otlu successful, but succ him more anxious to - . gloried in the pride an i c of his patrons, and pi. cine for the love of th. , and not the love of did not make a trade oi sion by demanding •!. suffering went direct!) His was a life of not highest calling of a in.t. Peanut Market. We believe there i i in lb* vtntement »t i.. Southerner in the ne. crop report for peanut i , the few days we| I the state'of affaus of i ing from high to a> ing with no demnti are tin ulators and ffty ut most of it. Nobo>'. large the crop i>« lators.'.the'fariners they are unable to any idea at all as to There are no mo rn this county than _ but more machine j ing used and const j. has gotten into the and in a great rush ■ ket has broken. If liable reports bv wis. could be gotten as to the crop farmcis w Then regardless of t! and farmers would thing of the size of th. the price would. Main; . . • basis. We do not believe the very niuch larger than and the present state rush. The speculate: t .. rush the price goes ii heavily and the pru This has been its hist it will be the same t! ulators were so atix; the rush that they peannts at the I season, paying a hij, they might get the • crop at a low rate. i tition to the govern port on the peanut ct is much feeling againt'.i report but what would c ' dition if there were ik> . port and we had to depend en t; reports oI the prices and for oar Uoroatiui' 'TI pie anke money out of pu ' | the price one way or the other it changes each day. ■ The great money is in-L .' tiilh craau- these when they can. j Thej are- prevented k government. | The peanut market is in the bands of speculators simply because tbey .uoue know the size of the crop. ilt is ty/T.- .ir interest to buy low, ~ -low the farmer know under the . I'seseat cucuiustancea whether to . hold t .r a higher price, or must he take what the buyers are willing Jto give? Growth of Banks. ' ' We call the attention of out ■aVie i-• the statements of the I aft iu County given in .-• t ijcins. Three years ago isseals of this Count} ..m io about 550,000 to day :is 11 $260,000. The best in cuA, irthe.gtoxvtb of the peo y section, financially, i.- - . ous condition of its .ii> . >_.ui any -county make a ,>i , sow of progress than these .? 1 ite, here within three assets tor this county * td over five fold —from ly to ,i . 1 bundled and siaty i ioi': 1 dollars. ; mk of Robersonvilleestab- VTr. John C Robertson )/ -. with a capital stock of ; a few thousand, depoe.- ■ to day with a $5,001 .. k and nearly f»rty six dollar assets while its 'i - i increased two fold and ■tiji the la-.t year. That » '. . mile is a- town id i i-iness on the advance if c-vi'leii-i in 111 these figures. - Mi. rtsoti, the- cashier, is a ■•ihgrt-ssive man and t Jus- batik ill the lead of uJii; rs and Merchant; s 1" husttK- s up to tilt 11l ..a'« nilif. aKth showing utarfv -ev» nty niut I- This isa remark - for a hank- uow only I I auk I*". * t uiigtrlic, coiiservalivi 1 . , 1 mm, and lie witl. .1 1 11 a K' ral tin t ton. Th . i n the first da> t "■ . at with >ls noocap id toda> its v assetsstatM, iy; 11 l % thous md Tin ic growth of,the Bant i otinty shows the. pact is moving I M ini l'..nnl\ irnti t a little over one hun thirty thousand dollaif ber 2~th, one day Itefoix •it of The Farmers am. s itank. and of one htm i utie thousand same daj ltd -eighty -thousand the ie shows that the ol«* iUMKiI S - - - R. T. COBURN I * * . Overcoats, Clothing and Silks n whiv-i »c >.. in avt >i si from 20 to 33 1 > per Cfnt on. . . Only Ask You to Come and Look For Yourself. y the latest colors of Changeable Silks and ty thing that can be fouud in a frist-class tlry goods store in any city. fail to visit us before pur g elsewhere You will find it to your advantage. Hodges has just returned from 'u Miii Markets with the latest and up-to-date styles of linin Coats .adies* that lias been shown in litis season. .... he Skreemer Bhoe ■ rsonu shoe in town. All styles. Standard Price v. us a CM!! well if you are not thinking ot buying, we will ' to show you through. Yours to serxe, f\ K. HODGES & GO. bank has kept its pace at an in . crease of twenty-five per cent, and > the bnainesa of the new bank is ' that much added beyond the usual giowth to the business. These figures not only show the ' giowtb of the banks, but tbe 1 growth of tbe business done and money used in this community. ' Last year this time the Bank of Martin County showed an asset of about one hundred thousand dol lars, to day both banks taken to gether sliow an incrase of over double this amount from one hun > dren and oue, tbe amount now > reaches nearly two hundred and ten thousand dollars. Tbe Bank of Martin County ■.hows by a comparative statement that it* business has not been af fected by the growth of the Farm ers and Merchants. This is thi drst comparative statement made -ance tbe new bank was established. Mi. Godard and bis corps of di rectors have not been affected by competition and the town is getting the benefit of most excellent ser vice from both banks and the bank ing business is increased by two 1 fold. • Notice. We undersigned herewith give notice that we will apply to the Itoa'd of Commissioners for Mar tin County ou the first Monday in fanuary for license to sell spiritu ous liquors in Williamston for the year 1906 under the firm name of. Mizell and James. This Nov. 27th 1905. A. R. MIZKLL, 12-1-4! C. JAMES. Uvea make the noblest litera ture. Minister Tells Tbe Truth Personal Experience of Aged and Well-beloved Preacher. No other man iu the community is so well beloved or whose words have such weight as the minister, w ho has devoted his life to the ser vi e of mankind In Maryland .mt» of themost noted Meth«di«t ministers iu the State suffered sev eiely with rheumatism. He found 110 relief until a friend recommend «f KHKI MACIDK He was so delighted with the results that fot the l»enefit of other sufferers, as a duty to mankind, he tells his ex jierience the following letter: Reisterstown, Md., February 27th " I was takeu with inflaniatorv Rheumatism in my left hand and foot in the beginning of this win ter and suffered greatly. A gentle man in Baltimore who had tried RHKUMACIDK for Rheumatism" 1 ecom mended it to me. I secured three bottles aud took it in smaller loses thail prescribed, and jim now entirely cured. Csu use both hand and foot without the least incon venience. "Yours respectfully "J. R Whkki.KK, Pastor, Reisterstown M. K. Church Yovr druggist sells and reeotn mends RII HUM ACIDK. ~Ask Yotf/j Own Doctor If he tells you to take Ayer's Cherry Pectoral for your severe coufh or bronchial trouble, then take It. If he has anything better, then take that. But we know what he will say; for doctors have used this cough medicine over 00 yesrs. «! tan w—i Ifß-i Ch«rTT PvMil tor ss rftal tfenv .v 5s Cat Ar- ft-T-i bi the world lor all SMggga... - lut ITMiT. Alkur.Oraaaa. A MmU fg for.!???"- ■ JLI . .1. luurtnu flyers a?-—. »p«» with w» * «W'l Ulla at badttma, Ju»t OM The Triadic Shaving Parlor OVER J. W. WATTS & CO. Sharp Razors, clean Towels ait(|.Good Work Guaranteed. Cleanliness Our MOTTO Thanking oue and all ,for your past patronage ami hoping for a continuance of the same, I remain. Yours to serve, J. H. MYMAN, Prop. U.l I CONDENSED REPORT OF Dank of Martin County AT WII.LIAMBTON, N. C. Novetnlnrr 27th, 1905. RESOURCKS LIABILITIES I.oaus & Discounts $ 95.030.68 Capital Stock $ 15,000.00 Bonds & Stocks 1,000.00 Surplu & I'nd'v. Profits 9,357 69 Furniture & Fixtures 1,800.00 Bills Pa> able 12,000 00 Cash & In Banks 33,HV> (m Dividends L'll|iid 15660 $ 130,937.30 DejK*it» 94,4 130J $ 130.937 We solicit your account whether large or smaHfWe will allow you in terest by social agreement. When we can serve you c ill on us. WHKKI.KK MARTIN J. G. STATON J, G GQDARD President Vice President Cashier 3end us your Job PRINTING , Once 'Bitten, Tbvice Shy. ■lump*. \|t==i Ouif r mAn geta bitlen hf'* tlvtyt ahy of the Nut. If yon'w been Hi lb the mutter ul clothe*. its 1% wiae itlf# to give • wide berth to the one who hit m! Try people with a rrpumiMi for nukit*," Hid keeping frtrnds. If vi* Have been disappointed in yonr garment* 'r\ t!». lniein«*UiMM>l Til urinii Co of New York. Chicago and f>nn Pranciaco. ap» |,lr the »«ui tot* «u-diiu md guaranteed action One *»it from them will make \ »n feet kindly towrtrdft all the world in jenetal, and put yon right In the KYB* Ol your Iruriid*. |.HiVt. you know, are everything. Me our urw p«t\ aw* Wint-f atmp'ea and lrl na take yonr in ea mure. XOt Ga«ranf#« to F/«OJ« 1 On our Immense Stock of Fall and Winter Clothing' we are making a re duction of 1G per cent. Come to see us, Friends to all, Anderson Crawford & Company A GUARANTEED OUR* FOR PILES Itching, Blind, Weeding or Protruding Pile«. Druggists refund uioney if PAZO OJNTMKN'T fails to ciw any case, no matter of how long standing, in 6to 14 day*. Pint application gives ease and rest. 50c. It your druggist hasn't it Send 50c in stamp* and it will be for wanted post-pant bv Paris Medicine Co., St Louis, 11-4 Iya « J The New YolironePricc Clothing and Dry Goods I I The Only Store in Town That Will 1 I Attract Your Attention. f The greatest gathering of Men's and Boy's Suits and Overcoats. Now is the time to bny them, winter in coming nnd the WTgP Winter Underwear — /If o ]4fl » Jill A splendid assortment of Men's Ladies' and Mis*-* iJ | |lh lEI cloeelv woven garments. [| L eI J *s| i' | ■Hf J Ladies' Skirts and Cloaks — ■ n 1 "J*? We have a big assortment of Skirts from 95c to fj.oo S K if « Also a big line of Ladies and Mi«sen Claoaks at right Come tfnd see for yourself. See whether the styles are not the smartest, tbe leather the finest, the work manship the best and the values the greatest. We are yours to please, I Macht Bros. & Rutenberg ■ I Clothing f actory in Wff I I AMCTAW V f Branch Stores: fieri- \ I New York ** ILLlAlilj 1 UIl, Jl« U ford, N. C., Manning- W 1 * ton, W. Va. J ,^r f To Cure a Cdhl in One Day SXI NOTICE! We most cr rdially invite all persons having accounts with us, to make a special visit to our store and settle same be- N ft? fore December Ist, 1905. Thanking you in advance for prompt adherence to above. Very truly, J. PAUL SIMPSON, Secretary. ' | BIG REDUCTION 111 Clothing Wright's Underwear VI Don't forget our com plete and up-to-date mSjjflff If UI line of Millinery and L J FpEflv Ladle's Fancy Dress , llr | n We guarantee to plc»s»- all, so come and give us a trial. Very Respectfully, G. D. Garstarphen & Go. REPORT OF THE CONDITION OF The Farmers and Merchants Bank AT WIUOAWTPON, N. c. At close of business Nov. >Btb, 1905. aaaovacKs uuunM liv»t Draft* jm> VmMM PrafMa |JMJ> l urn luiT ami nn«m i ««.j* IWmwl SdU ItdaaoaM i,Mji IHK Kn»n Bank ml Biakfn tuftp Tt"» CcrtiAcaUa rf Capaatt i,mU Ca*h oa Haad M* 6 -?' Depoells Seb)e*t »• Check mkh TOTAL. I *.«».» TOTAL, rW&M 1. Prank F Kana Colin of The Pram ft MtnHaau Ink a* »«linly am aar that Utt akov* ii trar to the toot of ay n4 MM. Fraak F. Pafaa, CmUh. Slat* of Notlh CaruUaa—Otmly o* Martta. fflfe " "JMjjLe Sworn 10 an) Mbactihed >wfuar aw, ikh. Hn «k 4a t of NxnaVi. A. D.. IM COKRKCT—ATTKST : Aaa. T CnaM Motarr Pa Mia. Ttaorta 8. Mm I C. B. Caralarptira V DItWTOn John D. atakpaoa )

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