THE ENTERPRISE. Fudat. December 1,1905. LOCAL NEWS —Hantera "galore" filled the woods and fields on Thanksgiving. The Inr «u clrmr, bat windy, bat the bovs bad sport. —Quite s nnmber of men and boys attended a shooting match at Bear* trap Mitt yeaterday. Some brought home trophies aad others ' 'chewed the rag." —Mr. S. J. Everett has purchas ed the law offices of Wheeler Mar tin on Main street. Mr. Martin will bnikl a larger and more com modious office. —Dr. Ben Halsey, of Roper, has been in town this week with the view of locating here. He is the son of Dr. Bob Halsey, so well re memhered aad beloved by the older residents of this section, and hss a lucrative practice in Washington County. Dr. W. H. Wakefield, of Char lotte, N. C., will be in Williams toa at the Hasaell House, on Wed aeaday Dec. 13th, for one day only. Eobcraonville on Thursday Dec. 14th. His practice is limited to Eve, Bar, Nose and Throat, and Fittiag Glasses. 11-24-31 —la another column we print a letter to Thb Entkrpeise fiom J Heary Johnson a colored preach er of Baptiat denomination. John soa speaks the truth in regard to his race and the existing coudi tions aad we take pleasure in pub lishing such a letter. It is indeed rafreshiag to read such a letter. The trouble is that this truth is realized by so few of either race. We know this man Johnson per soaally and be lives up to this ex pression of his ideas. —The Ladies' Aid Society of the Methodist church met with Mrs. Dr. Knight Monday sfternoon. November 27th, and elected the following officers for the coming year: Mrs. Ewell. President; Mrs. Blount, Vice President; Mrs. Car atarphen. Treasurer; Mrs. Arthur Terry, Secretary; The following committee wig appointed to bu> goods to work on at meetiugs, Mrs Dr. Knight, Mrs. Smith, Mrs Simpson, Miss Robertson. The next meeting will be at Mrs. Car starpben's next Monday afternoon at 3 o'clock. The object that the Ladies' are working for ia to im prove the parsonage. All those interested are invited to be present. Gamais-Hatton. At sevetubirty a. m. Wednes day at the home of the bride Mist Mary Bonner Hatton daughter ol Mr. John H. Hatton was married to Mr. George N. Gurganus. It was a simple home marriage and the young couple made one were speeded on a bridal tour to North era cities. Gurganus is a young bus iness man associated with his fsth er in the mercantile business. H« ia industrious, straightfoward and bright and ha« not only acCom plished some things but baa an en couraging futnre. Miss Hatton is an attractive frank domestic young lady and is thoroughly capable of making a loving wife and a happy home. Tub EmrKxraißß joins their friends in good wishes to the hap .pv couple. J *®BsfintwatdiC II I ■ WIU Wear a LMstlass R ■ When you hay ■ watch for your | Mmm lasist 00 having It put in a B 1 Wadsworth 1 I Watch Case I When ha la a* old at you, the I watch will b« ss good aa new. m Watch life depend* upon the ff Kaf*. Worts Wear longer if put H in a good case. Wadswotth Cases jj furnith complete protection to H worts against dnat and moisture. II Will not bead, dent nor wear thin H in a lifetime. Call and sen them. B HERBERT D. PEELE & CO TMM JBWBUtBf- DR. WILLIAM H. HARRELL. One of Martins' Most Highly Respected atlzen Laid To Rest Tuesday Morning. Dr. Wm. H. Harrell died Sun , 1,30 p. m. of pneumonia be ing taken with a chill on the pre ceeding Tuesday night. His health had been better than usual for the last few months and it was indeed an unlooked for turn in his condition when the public became aware of tbe seriousness of the sit uation, that pneumonia of a malig ' nant type bad developed. He had all the attention and relief that skilled physicisns, trained nurses and loving hands could give but > his end hsd come. Dr. Harrell had suffered with Brights disease for years snd last winter hid a slight case of pneumonia but other wise hsd been a stroug and vigor ous man. I Dr. Harrell leaves a wife aud three children Wm. H. Jr age 10 1 years, James Edwin named for his grandfather age 7 year-, and a lit tle girl Sarah Moore ag\e 10 months, two brothers Mess. S H. and Robert Harrell and a sister Miss Mittie Harrell. His wife was Miss Elizabeth Moore the daughter of the late J. E. Moore to whom he was married on January 29. 1893. His people have been for gener ations residents of Martin County his father was clerk of the Super ior Court of the County and held a number of public positions. Dr. Harrell was a member of the County Board of Health and Coun ty physician, having held the lat ter position for sixteen years con tinuously regsrdless of party or politics. He was universally liked and beloved. That man or woman does not live who can say that Dr. Harrell ever mistreated them He was not a member of any church but was a member of the Masonic order of high standing being a great lover of masonry and having worked through a number of de grees That he was beloved by the | people of this county was attested by the number of people who , at tended his funeral ou Tuesday. Hi was buried with Misonic ceremony with a hundred or more present besides a great concourse of peo \ pie who followed the hearse to the ! Baptist Cemetery. Funeral sec. mon was preached by Rev Mr. Hassell at the home Here his home and grave were surrounded by people whom be had visited when sickness and death had Visit ed their homes or whose pains he had relieved and who respected him in that most serious and sacred re lations of family physician. It was one of the two largest attend ed funerals in the memory of now living here. He has made aplace in the life of this community that cannot be easily filled. The doctor knows our individual weaknesses and se crets which are sacred and solemn obligations. He comes to the home with terror and anxiety in liis heart but with the smile of confi dence that releives distress, he brings to your trouble God's great viles of healing. When death has claimed its own he soothes the pain and attords an easy passage. These are the offices of a physician, that Dr. Ha'rell met these demands ted fiiled these offices is attested to bf tbe fact that he died Sunday the moat beloved man in the coun ty and community. Notice. Having qualified c» Executrix upon the Batateof W. L. Stalling! deceased; No tice ia herctig given to all, pertont hold ing claims against Mid Estate to present them to the undersigned for payment on or before the first day of January 1907. or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persona indebted to said Estate are requested to make immediate payment. This aoth day of November 1905. Banna V. Stalling!, 12-1-61 Executrix. PERSONALS L,, Mess Statou and Liggett went to Suffolk Tuesday on Vu si 11 ess. Rev. E. E. Rose left Wednes day for Conference at Wilson. Mrs. W. T. IX-aus and mother, of Tarboro, were in town this wv«k. Miss Helen Moore returned to her home in Washington this week. James Legget, a student of Trin ity School, came ho'ne 'or Thanks giving. Miss Annve Peele is at home again from the Washington Hos pital. Miss Henrietta Pccle attended a dance In RobersouvtUe Tuesday night. - —l— and Mrs. A. T. Crawford and Mrs. W. J. H nlges went to Norfolk Wednesday. Mr. W. J. Hardison aud Mrs. W. H. Crawford spirit Thanks giviug in Rocky Mount. H. W. Stuhbs, Henry Tavlor, J. W. Watt-, aud J. R. Robersoi: witnessed the Carolina—Virginia game on Thursday. Miss Sallie Williams, of Wash ington, who attended the Gurga uus-Hatton marriage left for honit on Wednesday. Misses Kaie Dunn, Emily Neal, Sadie Stern, of Scotland Neck, ami Kuiily Hall, of Rockingham, art visiting Mrs. Johu D? Biggs 1 Drs. David and Joshua Tayloe, of Washington, B. K. Long, ol Hamilton' W T. Saunders, ol Everetts, and II I Cook, of Scot land Xeck, attended the funeral of Dr. Harrell on Tuesday. Liberal to Churches. Every church will be given a lib eralquauity of L. &M. paint. Call for it. 4 gallons Longman &' Martinez L. & M. Faint mixed with thrc gallons liuseed oil, wdl paint a house 'W. B Btrr, Charleston, W. V« writes: "Painted - PrankHtiburg Mock with L »V M stands out a though varnished. Wears aud covers like Gold. Don't pay $1 50 a gallon for lin seed oil, you do in ready-foi use paint. Buy oil fresh from the bnrrell ai 60 cents a gallon aud uux it will] L, & M. paint. It makes paint cost about $1 2 per gallon Sold by S. R. Biggv Gold Point Items. Gold Point. Nov. 27 'OS Mr. Fuller representing the Kim ball Organ Co. was in town today The house occupied by Mr It A. Cross caught 011 fire today, bui was soon discovered and ex tiny uished b"fore any serious loss oc cured. Our farmers are neatly dotii harvesting cotton and selling to for this season. Mr. Wood deputy revenue ageui was here today. • Our farmers complain that theii hogs continue to die With tin cholera. Uncle Jot; Guilford has one ol the most useful and intelligent dogs we ever saw he goes off will the cow ill the morning stays witi her all day aud then drives Ik 1 home at night. The livery stables being bull here by Mr J A Bryan are Heal ing completion. Mr. A C. Smith leff for Nor folk aud Portsmouth yesterdas where he has goue on business. Mr. J. L. Weaver is having 1 nice lot of staoies built for the con vemeiice of tile public. Mr. T. b. Stalls who has be 1 seriously ill for a few ia>s is in) proving. Hulidav Accidents. Holiday and huiittng seasons bring witu them accidents. - Tw accidents have been reported to u recently, Saturday some peaplt were det;r hunting in Griffuij* towi: ship, the deer and hounds wett coming near*a stand when a meui of the hunting party came near the stand raising his hand lo the mari oil the stand .as a signal to the mail t»u the sttud not to shoot fired into thinking it was the pa.esiiig deei. The mail 'was shot in tlu bowels, legs aud anus and hope* are that he will recover. On Saturday night the colored people on the farms of Mess. Bal lard and Everett'attended a "fair", in the neighborhood and on leav ing it the people going in one di rection we redivi led into two jwrt ier a short distance apart The party behind seemed to be having some disturbance when one of the (>arty in flout took a gun carried by another ran l»ack some distance and shot into the disturbance and killed one. There was a plenty of whiskey ia the crowd and when a gun and whiskey get togethei with a negro this is the result, wit ueasihcbanging here Dec. 16. The negro who did the shooting was put in jail Wednesday while his victim was buried Tuesday. A •j list Received for Holiday's a Ship ment of RUBBEL ! I CREGO For Fine 1 ] ' -•* i \ Creamery ButUtr ; In 1(> lb. Tubs. J! For prices call up. Ho. Supply Co. Williamston, N. C. 'phone 41. 500 CX Telegraphers L- _ NEEDED Annually, to fill the new positions em- | ltd by Railroad ami Telegraph Com p. j 1 nic*. We want (uvmu mkn ud Ufilu i of good liabiu, t.. LEARN TBLKCRA ( I'llV AND R. R ACCOUNTING We furuis 75 per cent, of the Opera j torn ami Station Agents in America. ■ >1 : j six schools are the largest exclusive Tele ' • graph School* in the world li»tablii.h 1 t Jo years and endorsed by all leading ka.l ' wa\ Official* We execute * fi,o Bond to every | deut to furnish bun or her a jKwiti 1 paying from to f»x> a month in States . east uf the Rocky Mountains, or fr • 1 #7S to #IOO in States west of the Ro*kt - I immediately uj»>n graduation. Students can miter at anv time. N. j vacations. For full particular neganhnx any of our Schools write direct to our executive office at Cincinnati, o. Cata , U»K"e free. [ The Morse School of TELEURAPHY. I Cincinnati. Ohio. Buffalo. N: V i Atlanta, (in. VcKarkana, Tex. Sau FrandlCo, V.-.I ! CU&port oi' riiK condition ok J. C Robertson, Banker t( N. C . • At the elope of Imsineat Nov yth. i UKHOUSICK* l,««n» and Discounts k * j OvcrJitUa ' »,Wv,; I furniture #n«t Hl*ture.» ~ y v t*. \ )lhfr Real h«tat«> Owuhl a , j I ,IMM fioro IMtlkt hikl lUnkrr-, ' t j vh«|t>iflAothtr 6mh Itjfcia 4- t * tli ToTAt, 1 fST- vf ; I.IAHIMTIKS Cattail Muck ..«"* vc ! Undivided Profit* ! Kill* pay*lit- fjp „ ria* Certtfi.aUaof Deposit Stllijcd tu Chtd( .rM ' C.*»hiet"#ChN'k» oulitaiuli'ifi 5 4c , , TOTAI, .» f SUte of North Carolina I % t County p# Martin J IJ'C ftobwtaon. Cm hitr of tftt above ran rt IkAuk. do «K>lrtti>ily iwrar Uitt thr ilo«r Kite 'iHfiit ll tme tu the beat r INV ktx.wle.tßr »m! bcHef. J. C. Ri lIKKTHOW, C %hi* HWfS and lUhacribct} t» before me hi* «Uv of Nov nit* 8 I KOKS NuUvt r »b?k Notice to Tax Payer-. The town Taxes for the >e.i t 1905 is due and collectable All persons are liercl>y notified that 1 am ready to collect sum . You will please be ,»eadv to ysetiU when I call oil you, thereby st"- ing unnecessary worry and ex pense. Yours truly, J. JI. PAGII, 11-10-41 Town Tax Collector, NOTICE OF SALE.' Sale of Valuable Real Estate. ' NORTH CAROLINA i Superior Court j County i Ilefore the Co n } J. A. W) un v*. fxrlfc L and Lena II Wymi Hy virtueof an order of the S ip;u I Cotirt 111 tin above entitled siieciiil t>r. J ceedioK awl authority vested tu me | uiiiiTtishkmer 1 shall offer for sale t; tU» I .1 b l'ler at the court h >'isc door j !q WiliUmntoii Martin County on the 12tli day ol lief. itf .s -the second . ] •f the winter tei ill of the Supeiiot t'«- ««* f >1 «aid county. The loiluoi.ii„' described land* tc v. t: tying ami being iu Cross kutul; township Martin County adjoininK ll»« , land* of H. It" VV'ymj. H. ( V. Wvnri, 14 iljersMi ami of Dual Mobley dece.e i > and kni>wlt a« the »eor>;e Wyun ho ,» place coutiuuinx Oiie_ hun tied miic twenty-five acres more or t«M, Terms of *.:•!?, i H*h Tliis the nth lay of Nfreetuber 190 S J BARRETT, 11-1741 CMnmiwiotier. For Rent. • T.he store uowoccupie ' I. VV. K. Howard at i I a.'Sells, X il ls for rent for the year 1906, ani me wishing to rent same apply to ' me at HaSfcells, X. C. ; Very Respect. R. 11. SALSBURY. Notice. We, S. H. Clark and J. W. Cherry will petition on January i, 191)6, to the Honorable Board ot ' Commissioner* of Martin County \ for license lo retail spiritious liq- ( uors at Everetts, N. C., during , said year under the firm name of Clark & Cherry. ' , S. H. Clark . 1 (-34*4t J. W. Cherry. - : fe ," ''• . ' ' s: h t : I Big J - Beginning Saturday, November 25th, 1905. In Ladies' Dress Qoods, Silks, Ribbons, Velvets, Laces & etc. $1.25 Black and Colored Broadcloth now 90c. 54 indie* wide Broadcloth it) all the latest shades. Black, Brown. Blue, Green, Garnet Red north $i 2.s now for 9 c t'le yard. 50c Black and Colored Brilliantine 42 l-2c.. 44 inch imported BriUiauliue —black, brown, blue and green—excellent quality—rich lustre. Actual 50c. goods, 42 J4c. the yard. $1.50 Black Taffeta Silk $1.25. 36-inch Black Taffeta Silk, worth $i .50. now $1.25. and $1.25 quality for #I.OO, and the 90c. quality for 75c. the yard. We have a big as sortment of Silks for Suits and Shirt Waists, from 4jc. »o SI.OO the yard. $4.00 Skirts for $3.00. v 1- . re ii \v offering some of the liest bargains 111 '. 1 H s' b] ck and oxford gray skirts ever set. tre 4.00 skirts now f.voo and s2.soskirts not * r 00 and f\ 75 skirts for $1.25, Women's Fleeced Underwear, 25c. Heavily fleeced nbbed, crochet neck and front —r«nts t>> match 15c. each. BARGAINS IN HATS And Baby Caps. Come I . AND SEE US I to Please, Harrison Bros. & Co. 1 Williimistoii, . . . . North Carolina. I Christmas Presents at Factory Prices. I ' ! From factory to you is our meth od of The National Trading Co. They make one dollar do the woik of t*o. See what a little money »*til do on k oo l s direct from the factor > The Win. Rogers silver | ware? the liest goods made since ( i 547 they are guaranteed 25 years. The b aulifttl A rtinilul sterling j (■ litem. Tea spoons, set of six,! >yets. Soup spoons, set of six, . Table spoons,, set t»f six, >1 48. IX-sert forks, set of six, >1.13. Table fofki*}- set of six, si | \ DtaMtrl knncs tripple"~plttt id, set of six, $1.41. Table knives Uitiplc plated, set of six. #>l.4H. Cold meat fork in fancy box 63c. Berrv spoon iu fancy box 87c. Mutter knife 27c. Sugar spoon 22c. Jravy or . ream ladle in fancy box, 66c. Three piece child set, silk .ined box K(>c.. Rogers three piece c-atving 9 inch Spanish blade, jsi g,handle, sterling silver trimm led >2 63. A handsome black enaineld clock, gold trimmed, 1.2 1111. high 19 in. wide such as jewel lers sell for ,s/.00 our price $4.9.}. j A man's watch, Elgin movement, silverean case $3 98. Man's watch Standard movement, silverear case, | .-2.49. Ladies or gent'emens' 14k «old filled hunting case, watch, j tine America 11 moveineiit, such jewelers sell for $12.00, our price •q yj. I.a lies 14k, 25 year gold chain hand engraved sl-75. A four piece silver tea set quadruple plale, gold lined hand engraved, a beauty, only £5.'13. lJuttc-r dish 10 mat h tea mlj. 1 .yj. Syrup cuj and *rav to match tea set $1.27. These prices are for goods deliv red at your Home. Compare them with any hou e in the country yon ■ •.ill liud *.hi 111 less than half, they ugt. W'w have been doing bit iu -s |y 1 ears and refer you toany 1 11 kin Rochester. Your money -ok if Y'lti ask it. Send your or ders to f .National Trading Co. Rochester, N. Y. Alfred Petford Cementing! Plastering! Brick-Mason! When in need of this class of work I will lie glad to hear fiom vou. Call ou or address tne at 6-2-6 m Williamstou, N. C. Pmesalve is the best salve for sores, burns, boils, tetter, eczema, skin diseases and piles. Sold by S. R. Biggs. Men's 50c. Underwear 40c. Good, warm underwear for the coldest weath er,, Fleece-lined shirts and drawers, 40c. in stead of 50c. • : —; : Blankets and Quilts. Our extra large fine wool blanket, red pink and blue border, the best blanket for the price, $2.50, 53 5° and $4 00 the pair. Men's and Ladies' Gloves. We have a large assortment of Men's and Ladies' kid gloves, yarn gloves and fleece lined gloves from 25c. to $1 00 a pair. - > See Our New Line of rugs, art squares carpet, floor oilcloth lenol ium beiore buying elsewhere. We have them very cheap. Ladies' and Children's Jackets. We have a large assortment of Ladies', Misses v and Children's Jackets in short and long, and have marked the prices way down. Come and see what good bargains we are giving- j. OYSTERS! OYSTERS! The Roanoke Cafe is still doing business at same stand, below the^Bank of Martin Co. Best attention given to Ladies' and Children ME A LS AT ALL HOURS FOR WHITE PEOPLE ONLY us order your Christmas oysters. 'Phone 31 - . « * • -r- Respect., 0. C. PRICE & CO. | The Roanoke Pressing Glub is now situated in the building occupied by the I . , Roanoke Cafe j 1 Work called for on Notice and delivered Whole suits cleaned tud pressed 50c 1 ! V Pants per pair...,. 25c ! 1 ( Coat and vest ...-. 35c j ! Coats each 25c ! .» Vests each 10c ' 1 fabiea' Utorh a *s»pecialtn ] Satisfaction I• ully Guaranteed on all Work Very Respectfully, : O.C.PRICE i; I Notice. We undersigned herewith give notice that we will apply to tiie Hoard of Commissioners for Martin County ou the first Monday in January for license to sell spiritu ous liquors in Rbbersouvillc for the vear 1906 under the firm name 'of Jauies & Keel. This Nov. 27th 1905- C. JAMES, 12 i- 4 t • J. C. KKKL. Notice. I shall sell for cash to the high est bidder, at tny home the 28th day of December 1905 my house hold and kitchen furniture, cattle and hogs, corn and fodder, farm ing implements, wagons and carts, bugKV and haruess and all other personal property. This Nov. 28th 1905. 12-i-2t LUKE ROBERSQN. Go to the honey bee, young lady consider her ways and keep sweet. Notice. On Thursday December 28th, * 1905, I shall sell at public sale to I lie highest bidder the following I property: 2 horses, hogs, farm im plements, consisting of carts, wagons, peanut planters, corn, fodtier; peanut vines and a part of my house-hold and kitchen furni ture. Terms of sale, cash. ia-i-4t R. H. LANIER. Notice. Having duly qualified as administrator of James W. Coburn deceased this is to request all persons indebted to said es tate to come foward and settle them at ouce and all persons to whom said estate is indebted will present their claims to the undersigned for payment on or before Nov. ao 1906 or this notice will be plead ed in bar of their recovery. V. R. Taylor, Adm, of James W. Coburn. 11-34-6 Never judge a woman's beauty by her make-up.